So they just mutated Ghost Recon into Far Cry.
So they just mutated Ghost Recon into Far Cry
When will every Ubisoft game be a pointless open world game? I give them 2 years till Rayman Open World game, Anno Open World Game, Settlers Open World Game
could be… oh, fuck it. Ubisoft will manage to squander any promise it could have developed. A good large world tactical shooter will likely remain a rare beast.
Looks cool. I've never played a ghost recon but why 3rd person? Switching between behind the character to iron sights is pretty stupid.
It could be interesting since it looks like MGSV with co-op and set in beaner country instead of Africa and Afghanistan with actual pedestrians, but its easy to be skeptical with Ubisoft unless they give it to someone like the Rainbow Six Seige team, or at least a team that likes to make a fun game.
So its exactly the generic open world trash people here said it would be, ghost recon has been dead for a long time anyway.
Looks like bullshots
whats with the weird third person cover to cover action into first person shooting?
OG SOCOM games also had this. They're actually pretty okay for when you want better accuracy.
Man I miss Future Soldier already.
this game seems to be developed for consoles, why would you have first person shooting for a console game?
Yeah it's kinda silly
Looks pretty fun tbh.
Good. So tired of regenerating HP. I want realistic damage.
I wonder if it will be a copy/paste of reused assets like Farcry 4 was
No, not good, it means they don't give a shit about shot placement or at least abstracting realistic damage.
only works if the game is one bullet aganist you and one bullet against them, but it ends up playing like some kind of instagib modded gamemode that doesn't really work in a game of fast projectile / hitscan shootouts
and you dont give a shit about word placement
the good: reminds me of socom
the bad: everything else about it is by the number ubisoft open world, mark every enemy, climb a radio tower nonsense
whats their obsession with that?
Because people liked it in asscreed and far cry 3 but then they put it in every fucking game and wonder why people are sick of it.
So much this.
Wasn't ghost recon a tactical shooter at first? Why this dumb actiony shit?
CHeck em
Yes, a long time ago. Then it gradually turned into a generic third person shooter.
Because Ubishit.
Can't wait to climb more radio towers!
Its been far cry. The original video showed it as a coop far cry. The very first trailer was clearing outposts for god sake
just look at these guys
fuck off Holla Forums, i'm tired of you faggots ruining any video game discussion.
If you weren't a massive newfaggot you'd know that being wary of viral marketing isn't some Holla Forums thing.
le xd I can post mememes too!
This is cuckchan/v/ tier.
They've been around since fucking 2000.
I'm also bashing the game for becoming open world bullshit.
Why is this game so ugly? For an AAA release, it looks 5 years old.
Counter-downvote. Fuck off newfag.
That would actually be kind of interesting.
Think about every big open world game. What kind of settings do we got?
Thats pretty much it.
But there is no straight up "weird" fantasy games that are open world.
Imagine a full big open world of weird cartoon shit, like Rayman or Super Mario.
That would take a lot more effort to make instead of generic cities/jungles/forests/ruins/ect.
also fresh oc
I love games where I can 3D spot all my enemies.
That's what tom clancy wanted all his game to have
Open world side-scrolling platformer. Not too many of those, might be fun.
Which is worse, this, or Ghost Recon: Phantoms?
How was Advanced Warfighter anyways? Ghost recon 2 was the last I got into the series and I've been craving tacticool shit again.
It is not even out yet user
Who knows, this shit would be decent third person shooter.
For atmosphere it is the second worst Ghost Recon right before Phantom. Phantom was dangerously cheesy.
Phantom was also garbage. Whatever good it had going for it it was overshadowed by how it brought out the worst in F2P games.
I was Ubisoft to die.
UIDF please go.
All that technology and effort into creating vast freely traversible areas, vehicles, stealth systems, Squad AI…
And they make a whack-a-mole OTS console shooter for retards. I bet it has ridiculous system requirements too. This shit isn't ghost recon.
Have you faggots already forgotten how shit The Division was? Ubisoft is absolute trash.
Have you ever heard of shills?
Yes, I get paid to shit on Ubisoft :^)
What are you even on about now?
Also i forgot aswell but start saging the ubisoft shill thread.
My contract doesn't allow me to.
What the fuck? The protagonist is a white dude? Is he a faggot?
I would play that
Too bad it ended up just like Tom Clancy games and became some kind of COD shit
It never looked like anything else.
Reminder that the only good Ghost Recon was the first one (and its expansions), all the others were casual trash.
Watching the video now. I think I've realized something. Open world games are only really appealing if they're RPGs, or at least have a lot of RPG elements. The point of open world games is to allow and encourage player exploration. But if all you can ever discover by exploring is more enemies to fight, it becomes too samey, too one-note. In RPGs, you can find new settlements, hidden NPCs, new quests, cool loot, etc. In a game that's nothing but combat, all you can ever find are enemies and loot–and maybe "quests," but the entire idea of "quests" in a combat-only game is pretty thin, serving only as a thin context for the action.
The moment-to-moment gameplay in the video doesn't look like dogshit or anything. It just shouldn't be open world. Just give us big, separate levels, because that's effectively all they're going to be anyway.
This is a more open The Division, with spics instead of niggers and vehicles.
inb4 this shit will barely run over 30fps, even in a high end PC, while having all kinds of bugs and downgrades
>Squad commands consist of a grand total of four orders: advance, hold, regroup, and "open fire".
This is fucking shameful. I take it back, the moment-to-moment gameplay doesn't stack up.
You mean Banjo Kazooie?
wildlands is a bunch of big open levels connected by an open world :^)
The series was already dead as soon as they made GR2, but this is just insulting.
What a value! :^)
At 9:09, a guard obviously sees the player, yet nothing happens. Bravo, Ubi.
How ~creative~
It just keeps getting cringier.
We've passed a threshold here, now it's just funny.
Oh my God, the "open fire" command is literally just mark and execute, Conviction-style, except now it's your AI squad doing it. Why does Ubisoft hate the idea of people actually playing the game so much?
When basic gameplay interaction is a fabrication that you have to skirt around in your product, I have to wonder whether Ubi even knows what games are about.
All me
Sweet downvote, bro. Gotta make sure those mean old trolls don't shit on Ubisoft.
Ghost Recon hasn't had a proper sequel in its entire fucking history (assuming you don't count expansion packs as sequels).
Kinda looking forward to this. Don't buy this ridiculously scripted gameplay for one second, but Future Soldier was actually actually fun.
I mean, yeah, that's shit, too. I didn't play MGSV, though.
I'm unironically having fun with The Division. Granted I only played 7 hours so far but it's comfy as fuck, my dude.
If you say that shit again i'm the one who's getting comfy with his dick in your rectum
It looks good to me. I will wait for it to release before I make any judgments though.
I wonder if you can go all 3rd person mode or all 1st person mode, it would be nice if they included those and a combo mode.
The Division was wasted potential. I mean, with friends it wasn't that bad, but storyline wise, the game didn't make the transition that well. Take for instance the Cleaners. The guys were pryomanic street cleaners, taking the Draconian approach to handling a mass infection. Yet it was only 3 missions and suddenly you were already killing their boss. And that's what I mean by wasted potential, I'm saying it should have been 7 or 8 missions to fully clean up a group in the city.
The gameplay wasn't what I expected (or honestly thinking back to it, what it should have been) but it wasn't horrible by any means. I guess when you think of New York City getting fucked up, Diablo 3-esque TPS doesn't really come to mind.
They fixed a few things recently, but early on it suffered a lot of issues MMO's had and that was NOTHING TO FUCKING DO after you hit max level.
The only interesting thing I can remember wasn't even something that happened to me, apparently a friend of mine on one of the consoles (pretty sure an xbox) went into a max level mission and there were hundreds of people in the same mission at once. Apparently the game scaled to this in terms of health, so when someone ran in and started shooting everyone else did as well. Ended up being a few hours long, but the thought of a shitload of people trying to clear out a power plant is funny to me for some reason
That being said, it wasn't great by any means. It had some decent things that were taken out (the pvp area was fucked around so much there isn't much point to it now) and a lot of the updates to me were too little too late.
Wouldn't surprise me if this was more of the same honestly
I guess Tooie counts, but I was talking on a bigger scale.
How so? It looks like a standard modern day shooter with a boring open world. The enemy AI doesn't look particularly good, the shooting has been dumbed down for consoles, the dialogue is bad with subpar voice actors, I just don't see it. I'm not one who is quick to call people shills, but really, the game just looks boring and there doesn't seem like a lot of reasons to play it.
Because it's really shills, look at what says and some of the responses.
look, we get it. your a Holla Forums-tard who hates video games because theyre degenerate or whatever insane shit you came up with and you make it obvious you're the real "shill" because you actively try to shut down video games discussion on the video games board. Fuck off.
eh. It might end up being a nice distraction, I suppose, but it looks like a rehash of The Division with a different coat of paint. Why would you pay full price for what is effectively reused assets with the same fucking mechanics?
No, the game does look like shit. However, I think we should still talk about it.
Also, unironically talking about "gathering resources" is a great way to get me to stop paying attention to a game's trailer.
Why are you even here if you don't like video games?
Fuckoff Mandalore, any game us "fun" with friends
Those are all in previous ghost recon games faggot. Though it still looks like garbage.
Stealth and AI teammates were, and I have no problem with those mechanics–though I think they're clearly not executed well in the video. Weapon crafting I could do without, and it wasn't in the first couple GR games.
No shit. So, my point stands. Why the fuck would you pay money for something you've already seen dozens of times before? Iterations used to be about creating a product that would justify its existence with new and interesting features and mechanics, not just "here's another one of those things you liked with a shiny new coat of paint"
You said it looked like a rehash of the division, wihich it is not because all those things were done in ghost recon titles. Also there's nothing wrong with keeping a mechanic if it's good.
It does look like a rehash of The Division, and I never said that there's anything wrong with keeping a mechanic if it's good, I said that it's the same old shit with yet another new coat of paint and nothing new to justify itself. Reading comprehension; get some, you fucking retard.
looks and feels like a glorified mmo, also
This is already known. Info on this shitheap was leaked a while back with pics showing it from a playtester. It looked like it was trying to bank off of MGSV's success.
Oh yeah, I remember that thread.
Im gonna fuck off to /vr/