Any of these any good?
Suda 51 games
the characters and story is the only reason you continue suffering through suda51's games
Those are the worst of his games.
Killer 7
No More Heroes 1&2
Let it Die
Just played No more heroes and what I was first told was play killer 7, I've got it downloaded ready but want to know if I should get any others first.
Next time try to explain why people may not like the games if they ask about them.
This is the only Suda game that i have enjoyed, its a masterpiece but not for everyone. If you are looking for something like NMH you will be dissapointed.
that's a puzzle game, right?
OP I thought Shadows of the Damned was pretty fun. Gameplay is fairly simple but no jank, it's well polished.
I like Killer is Dank and all of it's flair and Mondo's badassey, but it doesn't have the same overall charm like NMH nor does it have the punch in its story like Killer7.
Lollipop Chainsaw was humorous, but it wasn't that special.
I've yet to try Shadows of the Damned.
because they're bad
I have, played, and beaten Killer and Lolipop.
They're fun but don't expect anything very deep.
I would say out of the two, Killer is definitely the superior game.
Yeah, the puzzles are pretty hard so it's not for everyone.
Only played NMH and Im sure NMH3 will be great, it was always a fun franchise and the best executed on the Wii.
I love Killer is Dead but I dont think most people are into that nonsense
I played it on the PS3 which for the most part outside of fixes to pace and added bosses was the same where instead of the wiimote it's the playstation brand Vibrator, something about the swing left to execute left was just chill and I liked it.
The playstation vibrator is shit, though, it's way too different from the Wii mote and how it works. Doing shit on the wii was fucking fast and frantic, while it was too slow with the PS3 vibrator. They lose calibration too fast. Dunno if it¡s a problem with the ones I have, but it's impossible to have an "steady aim" with them either, so playing THotD Overkill was a pain compared to the Wii version too.
All in all, the best motion controls were for the Wii, Kinnect and this piece of shit don't work as good.
I played it on 360 (import) which just used regular controls and it really showed how shallow the combat was.
It disconnected during the final boss and it paused when she was in the middle of the instant kill
Was this anything like the starwars kinect game?
Because it is. The fun comes from the motion controls.
Dunno, not even sure if NMH was compatible for Kinect. If it is, maybe it's better than the PS3 vibrators.
The only thing kinect was good for was the hacks, but NO games ever did anything with it. It's just a normalfag device for lazy ass movie watchers.
Shut up slut!
Explain. I never had a Kinect myself.
Shadows and lollipop are literally the best suda games in fun measure
Shadows is definitely worth playing, aiming is a bit weird at first but you get used to it. Has one pain in the ass section you'll know when you encounter it but even with that it's a funny bizarre ride.
It's your go to hipster developer. Wanna be special snowflake? Praise suda's games.
Never mind that gameplay in all of them is shit.
I liked Liberation Maiden. It was stupidly short, but what was there was fun. The protag also had a great ass.
The only hipster here is you.
is liberation maiden heavy on touch controls?
If I remember correctly, aiming was done via touch controls.
I've been eyeing it for awhile but I'm really sick of bullshit control schemes
I liked it and all but it's not worth full price and it's painfully short with bosses being the highlight of the game. Most of the time anyway, the stages could've been better if there wasn't such slow shit shoved in them like the combine in the country stage. If you like score attacking you'll love it until you realize there's a few go to moves to rack up high scores. It could've used a boss rush as well but so do many other games I like.
I think that the game lacked polish and was clearly released on an unfinished state, the repetitive combat really didn't help but i agree that the boss battles were fun.
Playable sisters, with unlockable costumes as well, and a few more stages with less slogs would've been great. The bosses that stood out for me was the first one that weaponized profanities and the one badass who just refused to die.
killer is dead is short and sweet
Killer is Dead's combat is similar enough to No More Heroes that your skills transfer I liked it.
People need to look at Grasshopper games' fucking credits. Suda hasn't really made a game as director in fucking years. He's mostly writing some smaller stuff on the side and helps as creative producer. He hasn't really done jack since NMH 1 and it really shows in it's sequel and the games coming after it.
People think all those games are 'crazy japanese shit', but since NMH Grasshoppers output has been very safe and commercialized. I still enjoy 'em though.
Official Suda51 game ranks are
Killer 7> Flower Sun and Rain> No More Heroes> The Silver Case> all the other shit
It also feels like no one has played 'Ranko Tsukigimes Longest Day' which is a short side croller game bundled with a a few anime shorts. It's pretty good if you can get it for cheap, cause it's insanely short.
Have you at least played The Silver Case?
I bought it twice and am waiting for the PS4 release. I really hope it sold enough so that they actually go forward and translate his older games.
Damn, i know that the Simpsons faggot was stupid but wow
Killer 7 is really good. I really liked how NMH felt like Suda 51 does Scott Pilgrim in a loose sense.
So that's why NMH2 is shit compared to one? Well, shit.
That's what you do if you want to support a game. It's retarded, though.
Killer 7 is great and one of my top 5 games of all time. Shadows of the Damned is solid, except for the side scrolling shooter parts and that fucking awful big boner section. Lollipop Chainsaw is fucking trash that's riding on the coattails of the still not dead zombie craze. Killer is Dead is a fairly shallow action game that has some style, but feels like Suda was going through the motions of being "that weird developer" instead of showing some inspiration. No More Heroes was a much needed game, seeing as the Wii had a serious dry spell and needed something "mature", but ultimately is shallow and not actually that interesting. No More Heroes 2 No More Heroes, but manages to take two steps back and only one step forward, and is worse than No More Heroes. That fucking Reaper Reaper song is cringe-worthy and not worth praising the game for. Michigan: Report From Hell was fun, but I can't get it to run at a decent frame rate on an emulator or a soft-modded PS2. I never played Silver Case or Flower, Sun, Rain. Black Knight Sword is alright. Let It Die is the best free to play game I have ever played, but is absolute trash otherwise. The combat is shallow and the game relies on you using mushroom abuse instead of using proper reaction, spatial awareness, pattern memorization, and everything else related to actually being good at a video game. Whatever else, I have no fucking clue.
I recommend playing Killer is Dead, No More Heroes 1&2, and Black Knight Sword on the cheap.
Shadows of the Damned is worth $20-$30
If you have a nogaemsstation4, Let It Die is worth trying for free.
Pretty much all 2D asses are great, so that's not really something great.
The three you posted most definitely are not. Shadows of the Damned is kind of entertaining for his camp value. Take 's suggestion and just play these 4 titles, if you start growing fond of the style then move on to Contact, FlowerSunAndRain and maybe the Silver Case (wouldn't know about either the wrassling game or the VNs because for the longest time they were untranslated).
The thing with grasshopper manufacturer is that they have perfected the way they can produce stylish shit but unless the game has some sort of hidden meaning to it (like how NMH mocks "pro gaymer" types and tries to be as punk as possible, or how FS&R shows you how pointless sidequests in games are) then you're most likely going to play the equivalent of poorly developed third party games from the PS1 era.
And like said, most of the games are not for everyone because they expect you to put up with a lot of archaic shit for a bigger payoff near the end. Literally No More Heroes tells you from the intro cutscene that it's not that kind of game and that "modern gamers don't have any patience".
Sort of, you're given an instruction manual - booklet at the beginning of the game and it contains all the solutions to all the puzzles in the form of brochure advertisements, but since all the puzzles are about context sensitive math or codes you need to skim through it all the goodamn time.
Also a word of advice, Killer7 and NMH1&2 should be played on GC and Wii with waggling controls for maximum fun, but there's also a PS3 version of NMH with added content, just in case you don't want to emulate it.
Nu Holla Forums in a nutshell.
I thought that was the whole point of playing vidya? Socjus doesn't make any good games anyhow.
I've resorted to playing it using Jewgle translator on my phone to translate the dialogue. I just take a pic and it gets translated. Not optimal, but it's the best I can get bar learning moon. I also found out this way that I can read hiragana better than I thought I could, but not by much.
Canonically speaking. Which games are part of the Kill the Past canon? Some people say the Twilight Syndrome are part of it, while others say that they aren't and only the side-game Moonlight Syndrome is relevant.
This is almost 5 years old, long before the VR memes were hitting mainstream.
Video games can be played for a lot of things. I do it for scapism. Fuck competitive and gameplay autists.
This might not be a Suda51 game, but Michigan - reporting from hell was fun.