ded thread.
Ded thread
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thank you
red red med shed ped
awh sweet I'll be cool enough for the both of us then
omoi wa mo shindieru
fuck off dusty
Now don't be like that
Where's the fun?
no bully Grim
Why do you hate me ;~;?
Noncanon gay blondes are no fun.
I'll post inside you faggot.
I remember this scene
who even is dad
you can still do better.
i am.... so glad you remember scenes from an anime you watched repeatedly
Some sadistic girls that read that manga.
roses are red. sugar is sweet. he boot too big for he got damn feet.
in the desert, you can't remember your name, for there aint no one for to give you no name
riiight... u mad?
roses are red
violets are blue
thread is ded
your sex life is too
I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain
roses are red, violets are blue Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
/tts he boot too big for he got damn feet
roses are red. sugar is sweet. he boot too big for he got damn feet.
tonight i shall make love to you
Only if you're coming with me.
I remember watching that so many times at some point.
Fuck I broke my damn bong
its still good :)
sama liek
lol... time to carve a potato
Sama silly.
Thank you Desu I am glad you can sympathise :(
It's all good I acutally can run this vape dry
but damn
thats like
the primitive ages
he is... somtimes
It's ok get some shoes so they aint too big for ur feets
⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
...i gave my one hitter tip away. this fuckig vape is good for nothing now.
he boot too big for he got damn feet.
Bad feel.
sup goggles
show me where the bad feel man touched you
wats wrong gogs?
you havea d ry herb vape or are you into that nicotine?
Hey Daggy.
The heart area.
Nothing, don't worry.
i thought we were talking about marijajuana... blaze it moar
ohhh... right in the feels
Mein negar
What is your vape like? :)
just like a mouth fedora
he boot too big for he got damn feet.
I need a better #RARE Jackson.
ok sec
what if i told you vaping wasnt cool...
sup niggers
You look like a baby.
mein vape
its just a prank bro
you can have it bro... pls take it!
vry smooth
welll i didnt have a fedora, so...
what are you implying
that he wants to swap underpants with you... obv.
im renting an aws server to search tripcodes, will search for 10-9 character long strings you want with a 15-10 dollar bounty on each respectively
Nighty night guys
that he boot to big for his goddamn feet
im good bro lol
in that case im throwing your tripcode into the mix stupid nigger im going to slay your ass
Please kill me.
ive got like 50, so... save yourself some cash, ill just post the code here lol
it costs like 10 cents to rent the server per hour
im literally not going to pay you to generate a tripcode...
is that all it takes? that's not bad
goin 2 sleep for real now
...i mean seriously
use merikens.
i like this better... its quaint
seems like a good idea, don't you want a fancy 10 character long trip? only 15 bucks.
yeah. thing is, I reserved the server for a year and payed the bulk up front so there were a lot of discounts involved.
Your trip game is weak
i could just let the explorer run for a couple hours and get a dozen or so good hits... im alll good here. let that thing run ill bet you crack mine in say 5 minutes or so... its whatevs
You clearly don't understand how this works at all.
meh... i care not
im not generating a 10 character long trip in 5 minutes at 55million/second
by entering the data and running the code til the trip appears on the list? no... no clue
Yes, but you're talking about running it for a few million years if I had to guess.
soooo... you already have it then.
2 hours... tops
It's a ten character code with how many possible entries? Brute forcing that is absurd.
what? im not the one talking about cracking shit or... threatening to crack shit if i dont buy a tripcode. i just dont care... see? no trip
so like... yea
oh calm your tits grim...
The only thing that can cool his tits is the cool sensation of ketchup.
cant even the barbeque...
Grom do asian kick sauce on nipple
mfw sleeping for 10 hours
it depends
whenever ketchup hits my nipple it turns into sriracha
on what dad, how long you run the code... i literally ran mine for 1 minute and it was there.... fifth entry. are you even trying nigga
you mean curry of course
you're running a search string of 4 characters with capitalization permutations
I'm literally voice chatting with the only person in the thread that doesn't have a dick.
4 characters, plain text
On my calculation, at 11M a sec with just normal letters, numbers and symbols it'd be 14000 years to go through all possible trips, so an average of 7000 years. With Japanese characters? Easily millions, if not more.
You fucked a 15 year old girl.
Don't even try to go down that path.
I did WHAT?
seems like id try and get my moneys worth out of it, js
I though you said the age of consent is 15 there and that you've gone that low.
you forgot to calculate symbols and capitalization permutations. it'll take forever, that's the joke.
try and hack visa or paypal dad.... since you got that awesome sever time
do something more useful than "mufuccboi"
or hey get a trip thats !satansexy69
It is, and no. I've never fucked anyone who were more than two years younger than me. No idea where you got that from.
or any derivative of the year you were born plus your REAL NAME add 69... seems to be a thing
No, I didn't. It'll take an average of 7000 years for a standard ten character English keyboard password. Again, if you add Japanese characters, you're talking many orders of magnitude larger.
i'll be backtesting a bitcoin hft bot on it that i've been working on for a year+
what're you on about
What if he's born in 69?
thx for the breakdown fam, was making a meme.
your mom lol
then he should avoid it and use xxx_bunny86
You're not very good at it.
the underscore is critical...
there... it just feels right
well i got you and your quadrilateral functions all hot and bothered
Someone I've never met self-advertising as a fucc boi? It happens.
it's a meme you fucking aspie
You aren't too bright, are you?
well if it wasnt a meme... now it is
the good ole i rented a server and ill sell you a tripcode meme... lol what a classic
wherein lies your problem here, my dude
jk guise i was only trolling
look at mai new meme guise... its le rusefais
I critizice your lack of ability to make a joke, then make a equally bad joke in return. You don't realize my acknowledgement and then become angry/frustrated as you believe I still haven't caught on.
now heres something i can get... behind
i thought it was a good funny
he might be
ass...uming a few things
are these directed at me
shirley not
yea i got no puns for that
is this directed at me
what... dont be mad. itll be just fine
going... nite fellas for the road
now it's just me and you ;)
Hey it's me insomnia
go to bed insomnia
why are you doing this to me
*Breaks his vow of leaving for a bit*
idunno, bored!
I can see what youa re doing
Is it really winter right now for you?
-wakes up-
My PSU blew a capacitor so most of my games are too taxing on it to play. So I'm just here for a bit to kill the early morning boredom.
-throws up all over you- BLEGHHH
yes, i'm frozen
You know what else you could kill with the boredom?
Pray tell.
Also I've been drinking.
I am sending warm vibes my friend
what are you drinking
-goes to clean herself-
Orange cream ale.
It's pussy shit, and the taste is god awful at first, but it's something at least.
Room mates blew through my Mike's.
And I'll smother you in cuddles or some gay shit.
ur bd rite
You didnt like my gift?
No. Not last I checked.
I love bitch drinks
They are the best drinks
They go down easy and get hella smashed
It tastes like piss and citrus though.
Also check my sweet dig.
why don't you use the "name" functionality
mattress on floor 10/10
only way to sleep
-goes to clean the cum-
-didn't know that was a gift and already washed it away-
I don't know.
Why put quotes around name?
I tend to just sleep on the floor most nights. It just feels colder.
Every day, my nigga.
Where you at now?
you hated it didnt you
I gotta work from 4 t0 11 tonight
I'm high as fuck and cant sleep
I learned how to play the spongebob end theme on guitar
Damn, son. Might try taking something for that. Friend offered me some of his shit 'cause I'm only getting 4 hours a night at best.
I didn't know it had an actual song at the end. How long you been playing G-tar?
Hell yeah Its really really really fun to play too
About 6 years now
can i show you my ggeetar .//.
leme c dat shit
T-thanks .//.
That's actually a very pretty guitar.
Anyhow I'm off to play Overwatch.
Later, Bard~
Thank you very much I take alot of pride in it
It's a 1980 Kazuo Yairi Dy-85
It has a beautiful 3 piece back with quilted Sapele and Brazilian Rosewood
Spruce Top'd of course
I traded away my Larrivee for it but it was definately worth it
I am a weeb and having a japanese made guitar really gets me
Did you build your computer yourself :3
See you Big Booty
you're not fit to be the bard of deez nutz
Best OP of '15 go
There is a few every year worth to watch
2016 is looking good
Whoever told me Re:Zero would be fun is a fucking liar I'm in tears rn
Whoever told me Re:Zero would be fun is a fucking liar I'm in tears rn
I'm incapable of hatred
I am incapable of hatred
learn how not to double post noobs
Whoever told me Re:Zero would be fun is a fucking liar I'm in tears rn
I am incapable of hatred
Does it hurt? Are you in pain?
Tell me about your suffering
It's only gonna get worse, trust me
I'd spoil the whole series for you but I'll be a nice guy and let you slowly suffer every week
I wasn't ready for the LN fam
It's only gonna get worse, trust me
I'd spoil the whole series for you but I'll be a nice guy and let you slowly suffer every week
I wasn't ready for the LN fam
you made a mistake, everyone hates you now
thats the goal
thread is dead
Gonna sleep
die die die
Sleep is death.
waking is death.
thread is death
jack is death
zeds dead baby
izaya plays reaper a lot
reaper is death
only because im good at channeling my edginess into additional power.
Good morning, how was death?
death was lovely. being awake is less so.
how's the head? you drank quite a lot last night. some bad influence kept encouraging you for some reason.
As edgy as Reaper is, he is legit fun.
Watching people QQ as you get POTG because you ulted 4 people is also great.
Existence is death.
when you're doing well with him he's one of the most satisfying characters in the game.
also true.
Well at least death was nice.
Slight headache, but not too bad. Had I not eaten those tendies I'd be in for a rough time.
The only bad influence was you trying to waterboard me towards the end
I just wanted you to drink enough water that you wouldn't have a hangover! is that so wrong?
Pain is love.
Death is life.
if you don't kill at least 6 people every time you ult with every ult, including mercy's, then you should probably just uninstall the game right now.
No, you're lovely, thank you. Better than people who'd encourage alcohol poisoning!
Spoken like a true sub.
everything is pain and death.
stop saying crazy things like that. you aren't even drunk.
but yeah, alcohol poisoning is not the best. still, you should drink with me a little later. gotta do it early on sunday because work on monday.
Brb, uninstalling Overwatch.
I mean, maybe a masochist.
Everything is love and life.
How do you get cum out of your hair
no. bad rin. no positivity allowed. it's too early for that shit.
post the webm of someone in a shitty reaper cosplay spinning aroundwith a hot topic bag
I don't have it.
I've only spoken pure truths, seeing as I'm not drunk.
Sure, just let me know when you plan on starting. I've got some scotch left over.
Hey nothing wrong with that, I'll allow it.
More cum
Ew sticky
I like it.
And Izaya speaks troof, you're lovely.
I think, if I am one, it's only slight.
excellent. I know it's pointless by now, but I'll wait a little while at least so I'm not starting at 6:30 in the morning.
lies and slander. too early for that too.
Why would I lie to you?
god damnit
I can think of a few reasons.
It's not worth it to lie to someone over the internet.
I wouldn't even stand to gain anything if I could.
I thought you were a huge sub for Tokai though
Sounds good. I'm down for whenever. We can play some overwatch drunk if you'd like as well a little later.
no ones lying, u lil shit
saying things while posting her isn't going to work. cuteness sways me even less than tears.
drunk overwatch is great. I have an actual excuse for my sub 25% accuracy with every hero when I'm drunk.
fuck HP
We're both switches, m8y.
You say that.
But you know it's working.
it really isn't. but don't let that stop you. you have a lot of her.
none of the fucking listed wifi drivers work on this machine
I've yet to play it drunk. Sub 25% accuracy is pretty common for me though, unless I'm playing reaper, hard to miss with his handcannons.
Ugh, I have to go back to work starting next monday again
work is death
Almost enough to make it worth putting them in their own folder, actually.
who would have guessed. cute posting for the cute poster.
This right here.
It's what's happening right now.
No need to remind me. Can't wait to get back into those 10-12 hour normal workdays.
that's the scene. go cap it.
don't let the man keep you down, man.
What suffering? I'm always happy
S-shut the fuck up you fucking bitch
That's why you don't get prebuilts.
Hard to do that when the man is the one paying you. I'll allow it as long as I get free time.
Why are you here bloodchan
think of it as you stealing money from the man. find ways to avoid doing your best work at all costs. that'll show them.
its a god damned laptop, and its not me who bought the damn thing
I'm here to see you
a match made in heaven.
But everyone comes to me for stuff, or at least they did. Hopefully that'll change since I've been gone for 2 weeks and they had to find new ways. I kinda like my job.
Why do you always lie just to break my heart.
Rude, what about us?
Are we compatible too?
Why are you using laptops anyway
Just strap a PC to your back.
Simple, I'm a girl
you should have done a subpar job from the start. that way people don't think you know how to do stuff. that's what I do.
I'm not compatible with anyone.
bottom answer applies to both of you.
can i touch you
I don't even remember which season it's in, so I'd have to watch all 36 episodes again.
I might do that anyway, actually.
I think we're very compatible
Are you an IEEE standard?
its got an atheros chip in it, but no drivers listed are for atheros hardware
I'm pretty sure it's season 2, but I don't remember either. no one said this job would be easy, rin. go find me smug.
well your judgement is off.
a what now?
That actually made me laugh. Good job.
How am I supposed to learn from that and make fat stacks then?
Wow... I doubt it.
I'll skip the first 6 layers and get straight to the physical with her ;^)
Why are you looking at HP anyway, just get the drivers from Atheros themselves.
You just want to steal my Popura.
Maybe I'll just cap Mahiru instead.
learning things is stupid. making lots of money only creates more problems. I'm paraphrasing a black friend there.
r u a haker
fucking where?
Me and Blood-chan?
It's funny because it's true
I haven't saved more than one of your fuwafuwa yet. I don't care who you cap, just make sure to get some smug for me.
What's the module?
Hey, if I make tons of money that means I have less work to do in the future! Seems like a reasonable trade off.
I wish. I'm no where near that smart yet.
atheros ar9565
that's the exact trap they want you to fall into.
Got it.
Save none of the smug.
Why do you want to be alone?
Why aren't we compatible?
qt I thought you were IT wiz :c
i am, except when shit makes no sense, like everything involving windows drivers does
no rin. this is the opposite of what I said.
what exactly makes you think we're compatible?
that was another great cyber session
where the fuck did you find that?
Who came first?
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I did a thing.