Red Sky Edition
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Red Sky Edition
We have an yesdev now, follow his example and post progress.
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Close enough.
What are some good places to publish free games?
I know of and gamejolt but I really don't know if people even check out games around there. For example, newgrounds is an excellent place to publish, people are encouraged to rate each other's submissions, good ones get on homepage and acceptable ones get on the game page. shitty ones are deleted. One time I posted a game there and it had over a thousand plays and nice comments with good feedback. The problem is, exporting html5 with gamemaker is a fucking chore, I don't really know other engines that export to html5, except Unity (it's not html5, but I think unity web is acceptable at newgrounds) and nope, won't use flash, it's fucking dead
And yes, I tried "releasing" a game on Holla Forums, but I was mostly ignored, still thankful for the few anons who bothered trying it out.
Why is UI programming infinitely more tedious and annoying than game programming?
IDK tbh. In web programming it's easy as fuck. In Java it's a fucking nightmare.
Red Sky keeps fucking with my resolution, sets it to something bigger than my monitor's max and as a result I can't play the game without a bigass monitor message saying "input out of range" thus blocking my game.
Even when I run it in compatibility mode, even when I lower the in-game resolution to 720p
I mean technically it's not UNplayable but…yeah.
Honestly Red Sky dev should have used a floppy disc instead of a compact disc. I'm 99% sure his reviews would have been way more popular.
I don't have any floppy disks, sorry. You're right.
In the readme there is a big list of all the resolutions that you can use with the game. Change "vid_mode" In config.cfg
Its nice that you put me in the OP. Right now im working on my next game engine, sigma 2.
This is what it looks like now, im working on getting vulkan to work, right now this is openGL rendering a triangle, but the game engine will support both openGL and vulkan rendering modes. I'm working on getting "hello triangle" working in vulkan at the moment.
Can't you just refactor your old code instead of starting everything from scratch?
all shitposting aside if you want exposure throw it on steam for free
doesn't it cost 100 dollarydoos to get greenlit on steam?
Have you ever read your code from a year ago? I was really not very good at programming when I started working on it and I can't stand to look at it now it's got so many mistakes I want to redo every part.
Just download my code and look at how messy it is
Posting on my phone so my Id is different
How the fuck did space games and simulators use so little RAM in the past? The floating camera trick where you keep the player still and move the universe around him won't work for multiplayer deathmatches.
All this because I wanted an excuse to make a toaster-friendly 6DOF space pirate shooter with non-linear level progression. I've thought of a solution that would tone down the space simulator aspects but it's ugly as fuck and I don't know if it would reduce memory usage enough to satisfy my autism.
Why doesn't that "trick" work? It's the standard way to do that kind of thing
Also if you don't mind you could elaborate on why the games use so much memory, what does the engine need to be capable of exactly?
Pay once, post forever.
Think it's possible to DMC style combat with tons of players? Or would it just turn into a gigantic clusterfuck.
so I'm making a simple tile-based roguelike. How do I into random level generation? I've looked up some stuff that's complicated, but I want something simple for testing until I take the time to look at it later. What's the simplest algorithm for level gen (assuming top-down, which just a floor and a wall)?
I'm really bad at math and programming. I must admit, I'm retarded. I spent 4 years trying to learn python.
Forget that, I need to do more research before ruling it out
They're open source remakes of Frontier: Elite II and the original Elite with fancier 3D renderers, Pioneer being the heavier of the two because you can seamlessly fly down to planets from space and land.
big detailed worlds take a lot of RAM, im sure you can optimize it, its just not easy…. really I dont know how these things are programmed but I cant imagine it would be too terribly hard to cut back on RAM usage, at least if I were doing it I can think of how it would be done, but im sure that there is some good enough reason for those games to use a lot. The trade-off here is that even though you use less ram, you probably will spend more time processing things… that's usually how it works. Im sure you can scale down your engine to use less than 100MB though.
A hello triangle program in openGL takes 12MB of memory on windows, so really 100MB is reasonable because its mostly your graphics API being sloppy with memory , at least that was the problem for me.
Since we're talking about RAM I just want to throw out the total RAM on a few Nintendo game consoles:
Nintendo Gamecube- 40MB
WiiU-2GB (1GB allocated to system functions)
3DS- 128MB
Unless you want to try and make a gigantic open-world title all by yourself (I wouldn't recommend it), or you don't care if you code is shitty (I wouldn't recommend this, either), 40-128MB ought to be more than you'll ever want or need in most amateur 3D games, unless you're using some super-hi-res textures.
It just doesn't take a lot of RAM for a nice-looking game.
Its true that you don't actually need a whole lot of RAM, but this requires you to optimize your code. Mentioned that other examples of the kind of game he wants to make use up lots of RAM even when they don't need it. I'm just pointing out that he should be able to optimize it down to 100MB. He wants to make a "gigantic open-world title" like you mentioned so it will probably take a little bit of planning. Some of the problems are API's being lazy, like when OpenGL doesent free memory exactly when you tell it too, which makes things more difficult.
i'm incredibly embarrased by how wasteful my last game's RAM usage is. For my next game ive decided to target a T41, which has 512MB in it, i don't expect to use more than 100MB, which is my goal
It really depends at what level of complexity of shit you have running in the background.
If it's a really simple game like a platformer, a brawler SSBs style game, or an old doom remake then that makes sense; i.e. one scene to deal with at a time of relatively small size, spanning a few NPCs at maximum with simple textures/mesh or sprite data.
However, if you have things like data processing (AI, proc gen, weather system, etc), and have an intrinsic requirement to saving said system's states; such as dozens to hundreds of NPCs then you have a high demand for memory.
This can also include things like high quality textures/normal maps/height maps/etc, and also having anything like terrain related data processing; such as procedurally generating/re-generating heightmaps (edits, destructibility), or the like you're going to be using at least a GB or two or more depending on said complexity.
Not to mentioning using something like a pooling scheme… which in essence is sacrificing ram, in exchange for using fewer CPU cycles due to re-using said pooled data.
For very simple games (such as the one's on gamecube, or other consoles you've mentioned) your assumption makes sense, but for more complex games that have a lot of data always being processed (iteratively, hence requiring state saving) you're going to be using a lot of memory.
I agree, older consoles and such have demonstrated this.
Although, when you get past just looks, it takes a lot of ram to make a mechanically deep game.
Ram usage is arguably negligible, to an extent (i.e. don't ignore it, but don't be obsessive about it) as all computers nowadays at least have 8GB or more of ram (anyone with archaic tech doesn't care about gaming on the pc anyways).
u one of those hipsters I keep hearing about?
I think one aspect you really should focus on is better collision detection. It was wonky as fuck in Red Sky. For the player you should consider some sort of CCD (continuous collision detection) algorithm. CCD is more expensive, so you shouldn't use it for everything. Then again, the player in your game didn't move nearly fast enough to make it a necessity. Discrete collision detection should suffice at the speeds you were moving at in your game, but your algorithm wasn't very good.
Usually you do discrete collision detection where you look at where the object is right now. If it intersects with something, you resolve the collision. This can cause "tunneling" where a small, fast object can pass through others, because your object is in front of the other in one "snapshot" and already completely passed it in the next. You don't have a situation where you have an ongoing intersection, thus you never resolve the collision.
When doing CCD you take all the important factors (last known position, velocity, torque, physical influences, etc.), calculate your object's trajectory and predict if there will be a collision. These calculations are a bit more involved, but more reliable. Engines like Unreal 4 and Unity allow you to enable CCD on a per-object basis.
I think the average "normal" person (in a math sense) would do currentdate > seedingdate + growtime, even though it gives the same result. You might have some logic-impairment, maybe some form of dyscalculia.
There's also sweeping DCD, where you just do one or a few extra checks between currentposition and nextposition. Can have some quirks as well at extremely high speeds (see that Mario 64 half A press shit), but should work great for normal player collision.
why not using something like an open source library for collision detection/physics?
Physx is open source, bullet is open source, and there's a few others out there too.
Isn't Physx now some sort of Jewvidia exclusive thing?
The only parts of physx exclusive to nvidia are the GPU physx sdks.
Everything else, like CPU physx, is for everyone. Which is what almost all games use anyways so it's not too big of a deal.
life is good except 99% of the time where i'm not doing math.
anyone else remembers that JULI STKE MAGA KEME?
My seminars are over, so I animated and scripted jumping attacks. Next should be animating & scripting charged attacks, which I will do as soon as animating starts being fun again.
Hello again everyone, MoM user here!
Here's the first of my analysis videos, of which I have 21 planned to do. I will be trying to upload one every week, every Saturday!
This first weeks video is the Shatter Shotty Analysis. Not the most exciting to go in depth into first, due to the simple nature of the shotgun, but maybe you will all find it Interesting. If any of you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Also, Congratulations Ameriburgers on MAGA!
Is this suppose to be funny?… since Its pretty funny
>Work may be going on strike soon due to department not being paid for three months
Well maybe I'll finally make up my mind what game I want to make then, with all that free time.
well gee, thanks
where'd my link go
Arino-san, why is your game stuttering so much?
The framerate seems fine. You're probably stumped by the hitstop when an attack hits, which is by design. A bit long compared to most fighting games, but that's sort of intentional to make the game easier to play. It should feel more natural when I get around to hit sfx, hitsparks, stronger screenshake, better animations, a combo counter and such.
It's JULT, not JULI.
Bet you think juice is the only thing to improve gamefeel, if you even know what that is.
If I had a grid of numbers, how would I be able to tell which number was directly below it? Could it be done with math or something? I thought I could tell which line a number was in by seeing if the current number was higher than the number that ended the line too. Would that work?
By this I mean could it be done with just that and not have to use any kind of engine or something
Yes. If every line has the same length n, then just add that length to get the number directly below your given number.
Oekaki for emphasis because I suspect you have brain problems.
What is your grid exactly (e.g. 2d array), and what information do you have available (e.g. current value's location)?
You really weren't kidding, huh?
Looks pretty fuckin' stylish, mate. I'd play it.
total = gridWidth * gridHeightbelow = currentNumber + gridWidthabove = currentNumber - gridWidthcurrentLine = currentNumber / gridWidthcurrentColumn = currentNumber % gridWidthx = currentColumny = currentLine
What if the numbers are not in order?
Mathf.clamp() is your friend
If it's an arbitrary grid of numbers you'd have to store the numbers in an array
they have indexes, don't they?
if they're completely random and we don't know what the indexes are, we can't do shit
my neighbor didn't want it anymore and he gave it to me, so its the lowest-spec computer that I have. My idea is that if it can run on that, it can run on basically anything released after that, so I should be fine.
yeah, my collision detection was really awful, i know… i'm really going to spend a lot of time getting it right. My goal is to have a thread that just works on collisions, so that I don't have the issues my last game had, which really was just because of my buggy code that I wrote a while ago.
I'll be posting my code on here a lot, since I don't see why not. I want to get a lot more things right this time.
Dang, I have been learning C for a while now and I don't yet quite get how to use arrays well. I guess I need to look more in to it.
I guess that's what it feels like when you're standing still, your neck stretches to the moon and your arms keep in perfect lockstep with your head to maintain the weapon in the HUD.
Also, 110 fov best fov.
Also, what happens if you're on the bottom row of the grid and you try to look for a number below? t. nodev
You'll probably get an array out of bounds error depending on the language. You'll have to decide what should happen in that case, and then handle such situation yourself.
You have the total number of cells so you can check to see if its greater than 31 before shoving it into an array index. If you dont youll get an OOB crash. Same with 0.
Now interestingly because the grid is stored linearly, if you're at 15 and you check right, you'll get index 16, wrapping around to the first cell of the next row. Its an amusing non fatal quirk but should be checked against too.
What I like to do in XNA is create a rectangle object sized at the grid dimensions then do an intersect to the regions I'm working with, then figure out the XY position of a cell and clamp or compare them against the rectangle bounds. For the most part it works fantastically but its very difficult for this to work across multiple grids
Use one continuous array that represents every row
C doesn't have array bounds checking.
physx is source-available, faggit.
The source may be available, but other than bullet physics (which is open-source), it's being distributed under a restrictive, non-OSI/FSF-approved license. Haven't yet looked at physx EULA, but I assume Nvidia will try to get into your pocket at some point; Whereas you can do with bullet whatever you want.
There's closed-source, source-available, open-source. There's also "free software" which is different from open-source somehow & Holla Forums will slap you if you get it wrong.
I see you have your main stat chosen
Store them in an array.
The difference is of philosophy, not in what licenses they accept (mostly)
Well to put it short, a "grid" array aka a 2D array is traditionally declared by two indexes: a[i][j], where i is the number of rows (vectors) and j is the number of columns (vector length).
Ex.: a[3][4]
Lets say you pick the number six, which is the element a[1][2]. You can locate the element "below" it, the number 10, by advancing one row: a[2][2].
But since all memory is linear and the array is one contiguous piece of memory, said array can also be represented as a vector; in this case, a[6] is the number 6 and to get the element below you advance j positions: a[6 +4] = a[10].
Open source means that the source code is available, but that doesn't automatically mean you can use it for whatever you want.
A free software license allows you to modify and re-distribute the code as you please.
I actually mentioned that initially, but decided that it was pretty obvious in addition to the terms being nearly the same in a colloquial manner (open source = source is available to the public); as you have2 at least look over their EULA before getting access.
it's not bad, just mention them in credits/etc (same as UE), and let them know if you're releasing a commercial product using physx.
If you don't do the above, then you're right about this part: "Nvidia will try to get into your pocket".
I don't care for the inevitable open source philosophy circle jerks, nor do I want to look up those acronyms, but the premise here remains the same; use their shit for free, but there are a few reasonable stipulations.
A list of open source 3d physics engines (all written in C++):
Bullet Physics
+ Open Source
+ Best Performance
+ Soft body simulation
+ GPU rigid body pipeline
- Bad/Incomplete C API (last I checked)
- Mediocre documentation (last i checked)
Newton Dynamics
+ Open Source
+ Most stable simulation
+ Complete C API
- Most expensive simulation
- Bad documentation
ODE (don't know too much about this one)
+ Open Source
+ Complete C API
+ Good documentation (I've heard)
That sounds like a really bad idea. A lot of people get motion sickness if the FOV isn't perfect.
That is an abysmal idea. But it's interesting, I'll give you that. Maybe make some other cosmetic unpleasantries take stats to make them go away.
Worth pointing out that a free software license doesn't automatically mean you can abstain from redistributing your code, either. Some have clauses that force you to release your own modifications and code should you choose to incorporate such things in your software.
Open-source as used by OSI and most developers admits the same kinds of restrictions as free software does. The main difference between "open-source" and "free software" is ideology. Source code with too many restrictions to be considered open-source is source-available
You know, I think the stat-based FOV could work but only as some sort of switchable skill or temporary powerup. That way it could still depend on stats and it could be optional. Having your FOV be permanently tied to your stats is fucking retartar after all.
Neat, i like the premise of the idea. As in, FoV being tied to some in-game mechanic.
It might be cool from a technical game design standpoint, but this reaks of a "WHAT WHERE THEY THINKING?" idea.
There's a pretty clear definition:
No. source available = source is available to the public.
Too late.
engineering or translating the PhysX SDK", there's also a restriction to certain platforms (which covers pretty much anything on PC, but not the newest console generation or any more obscure targets) worth mentioning. So yeah, not really great, but there's worse.
My code will probably be pretty bad because I have no experience with writing C++, but I'll use STL as little as possible and probably won't implement anything nearly as ambitious as Pioneer's seamless planet landings. What mostly worries me is the cost of keeping track of other ships on their trade routes and loading in their full models (think self-contained Quake-size levels floating in the void of space) complete with crew when the player gets really close.
Didn't know that, especially seeing that most plebs don't know about setting FOV at all. I used to play with a guy who wasn't good at Siege although he put hundreds of hours into it. I asked him what his FOV was and he didn't know it was 60. It's often clear when you spectate others- total lack of peripheral vision.
It's more likely that people get motion sickness when FOV is below some value (I imagine it being ~80-90 degrees).
Thanks on both statements. feedback is good
I see opinions are divided. I can tell you what I am thinking though.
I want this not to be much of a hindrance but something you'd simply have to put into consideration when building your character. Something you make a concious decision about.
The current base FOV for an unmodified mediocre 5 Observation character is 75, I might up that to 80. So if you want to have 90 FOV (standard upper limit for FOV sliders on PC) you don't have to put too many points into the stat.
I want there to be plenty of stats people will consider "dump stats", should they not think it fits their playstyle so it shouldn't be too costly.
The lowest you can go with the Observation stat is your basic brown and bloom shooter 60 degrees FOV, which I find abysmal but that many people willingly play with. I imagine there might be people who'd sacrifice this stat to put more points in Toughness for example, with full awareness what it entails.
I will stubbornly hold to this idea but I am fully open to:
1. Allowing modification of statistics up to some experience level for tweaking
2. Informing the player at every possible point what lowering/increasing a stat will lead to
3. Lowering FOV when it's too high (fish-eye) for you
Not to mention that the Observation stat will have other effects on your character, one of which (the F-stop value) is included in the prototype (vid related).
People told me
And probably because I want most of the gameplay elements to be influenced by stats, other such comments will appear.
Perhaps some will hate it off the bat, but the idea is to have the player fiddle with the stats until they got THEIR OWN perfect, enjoyable mix of gameplay elements within reasonable limits.
If you guys want to check out the prototype meaning: unoptimized and often clunky features for yourself, I have this build to share:
Ultimately, pre-optimization is the root of all evil.
Get your stuff working first, then worry about optimizing it.
That probably means getting your game working with Quake-sized levels, then working on a setup that will allow you to travel between these different levels in at least somewhat-seamless manner.
Or maybe you could also have a prototype of traveling through outer space and landing on very simple "ships" before you start trying to load full Quake-sized levels into that space.
There's a number of ways of solving this problem- pre-loading vs. streaming the Quake-sized worlds (depending on their size, "streaming", or loading parts of the world in real time while the game is still playing, as opposed to having loading zones, may be the only option) into RAM and VRAM (with desktop PCs, you'll generally be working with discrete GPUs that have their own separate set of RAM)…
If streaming, using billboards or simplified versions of models when a ship/level/world is far away (For example, Wind Waker, a GCN title working with 40MB RAM, uses billboards for islands when they are far away, then loads/streams in the entire island as you approach it), etc…
But none of this may matter much if the Quake-sized levels aren't any fun by themselves, or the mechanics of traveling through space aren't any fun. Get each of those down, then work on putting two-and-two together.
Maybe you could have the stat as the "upper limit" to the FoV.
So, the player can adjust their FoV, say from 60 to "upper limit".
Also, the player could set their "preferred FoV" (or just have the default, no preference) in a setting, and the FoV will stay that way without any jarring adjustments (if they have enough stats, else, as close as it can get).
As the jarring FoV changes admittedly made me a bit queasy. I think you'd be able to solve that with a slow fade from one FoV to another, and not be so sudden.
I still like it though, and it could add some really interesting dynamics to pvp, or even AI if it's taken into account w/some perception system.
My dungeon crawler has a FOV of 75 I believe, to make everything perfectly square. However, depending on your race it would change by +/- 2.5, enough to make a tiny difference if you look for it. Theres other minor differences too such as color and camera height. One race with have a compound eyes overlay
In my experience, long time players of the game I'm cloning use the automap to navigate anyways
I am planning to use a simplified version of the Dark Project system as described here, so it will be important for AI companions and enemies
That's a great idea actually
that should be easily implemented, it is a lerp after all. Perhaps easing the player into the set fov would be the way to go.
neat, I love little touches like that.
Adds a lot of character.
I look forward to it
Irrlicht can already load .bsp maps or large models using an octree, the issue is moving through outer space without having floating point precision issues (which is where double floats or the floating origin trick comes into play). I plan on billboarding very distant ships and celestial objects like stars and planets, replacing the ships with very low-poly models and ultimately streaming in the full levels once the player gets close enough.
I really hope that you know your matrices before attempting to do that, otherwise you're going to end up doing some stupid shit.
Could you explain what exactly this trick is? having objects have a global position, but things be rendered relative to the player using local positions or something?
This discussion of FoV, combined with a friend being drunk, inspired me to improve the drinking system for space pirate adventures.
Every drink increases your FoV a little bit more. Vid related is after ten bottles.
I'm just trying to warn a potential pic related about the dangers of adding every coord and rotation manually all the time, as opposed to just placing an extra transform or two in the pipeline.
pretty good.
Thanks for the neat idea buddy.
haha, you'll see.
This is some awesome deus-ex level shit. Love it.
this makes me more ceratin that this should remain the "mediocre" fov for my game. And I adore the idea of changing the FOV for different races. As said before, such details add a lot of unique flavour to a game. and why I will adamantly stay with my statbased fov idea
Whaddya think?
Over the course of this video:
FOV changes from
75 to 100 to 55.
Obs stat changes from
5 to 10 to 1
Subtle enough?
not really a new idea, very well done though
That's hilarious.
That's not what I meant, he'll see soon enough.
Total biscuit would slap you with his collapsed colon.
Shame your source port doesn't give direct access to OpenAL at least, I assume it's using OpenAL or you could probably do stupid shit like slowing down the audio as you get more intoxicated.
Drinking more and more should make it harder and harder to see what the fuck is going on, but should give you hilarious autoaim.
Honestly, there are two ways to do UI. You can either do UI the right way, or the half-assed way.
Right way:
Half-assed way:
>mouse clicked at 10 < X < 20 and 20 < Y < 40?
>mouse clicked at 10 < X < 20 and 60 < Y < 80?
It really depends on how much UI you want in your game.
I know TB's fetish for fov sliders…
I will implement the setting for an optional "desired fov", that should make some sort of compromise…
Another vid with same FOV change. It's more visible now but still I hope that is's subtle enough
I just happened to run across this, so I thought I might point it out.
SRPG Studio, developed by Shouzou Kaga, the original creator of Fire Emblem.
Windows-only, Japanese-only.
But might be of interest to some of you.
I do want some kind of gameplay benefit when you get more and more smashed, considering the sheer amount of disadvantages it gives you. It wobbles your view back and forth, exaggerates the view-tilting, whitens out your screen, and increases FoV to uncomfortable levels. That's a lot of issues, especially considering how much it hinders your aim.
I was thinking stacking speed buff + damage resistance + more melee damage with each successive bottle. Players might not be able to shoot as well, but they'll be able to whip in and out and sword people harder.
With a broken bottle, perhaps?
just some ideas
expanding on the previous point
So, what happens if your game features a young, naked girl? Late night anime gets away with it all the time, it seems like there ought to be some method of going about this and surviving.
Some Questions.
How young does the model look? I'm not asking age in the lore, this is about the actual appearance.
How widely do you want to be able to distribute this game?
Is this your magical realm?
How young exactly?
I like my girls about 12 years old and with peaky, yet small breast
I think the character appears to be around the age 14-17.
Looks older than Young Link, looks older than Splatoon Inklings. Still looks under 18.
I'm primarily looking to just get this released on PC, in which case I can just opt for self-publishing and give rating bureaus the middle finger, but it would be nice to port to consoles later… MOTHER/Earthbound got away with some nudity, N64 Zelda features some crazy Great Faries…But then again, this is current_year+2, I wouldn't be surprised if the same stuff fetches you a M-rating and boycott from Australia nowadays, along with Polygon and Kotaku pointing fingers at your game for misogyny for the rest of eternity.
Also, I have no idea what a "magical realm" is, and I'm guessing it's a good thing I don't.
This comic is the origin of the term.
You should spend some time on /tg/. It's fun and we have cookies.
I see. (Actually, a lot of the game mechanics of tabletop RPGs really interest me, they give a lot of food for thought in video game design.)
Posting pics related…It seems to me like if this game can get by with an E or T rating (with the exception of Australia, CERO gave it an all-ages rating I think but can't find image), and late-night anime can get by with shower and onsen scenes all the time, I ought to be able to get by somehow…
If your wondering if it's illegal, it's not a federal crime in the US. The Supreme Court decision Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition it was decided that pornography of minors made without using actual minors falls under free speech and to make it illegal would infringe on the constitution. But it almost was a federal crime and there are still lots of people out there who wish it was. Just please keep in mind that you are walking on some very thin ice here.
If you are in the UK, however, well,
Pay attention to the line "Six years ago he was prosecuted for having “Tomb Raider-style” computer-generated pictures of fictional children".
If you're self publishing, so long as you live in a place where it isn't illegal, you make absolutely nothing sexually suggestive, and you only care about reaching an extremely small niche audience who would be OK with that kind of thing, then the biggest problem you have to worry about is your hosting service pulling the rug out from under you Because I'm guessing you don't have a server in your basement. This would be a case where you need to actually read the terms and services of the company you go with.
Also in the examples you bring up, you're only looking at cases where people succeeded and Earthbound didn't even succeed completely because it was censored went it was localized. If you only look at people who were able to get away with it you will develop a warped idea of where the line actually is. Basically what Japan can get away with is not a good metric for what you can get away with.
Thanks for your response, very well written I think.
Part of the reason I look at what Japan can get away with is because I'm 200% fluent in Japanese, and I could very well ignore the English-speaking world and just sell the game in Japan.
I also reside in the United States, where this sort of thing would be deemed to be protected free speech.
Honestly I don't think having characters running around naked is especially tasteful, nor am I a huge fan of the naked bath scenes so common in anime.
If I had some part of the game where this character isn't clothed, I'm not even sure what kind of scene that would be (maybe something like gif related, except as part of a transformation sequence? Magical girl game incoming???)
All in all, I'm really not worried about legality or not being able to sell my game in the UK or Australia, especially when there's some pretty basic additions that can be made to take something from completely naked to at least somewhat clothed to get green-lit by these countries.
I'm more just thinking and wondering out loud about how much flak I'll be in for if I dare to show a woman's body in current_year+2.
I can just sell my game to Japan- in terms of running a business, I might be able to really tank and survive a PR disaster where all the English-speaking news outlets trash my game and SJW armies relentlessly deride it, as long as the game is actually fun/well-made.
But I don't know, getting doxxed doesn't sound like fun…I really want my game to be as far away from politics as possible, one way of achieving that would to be to steer clear of any and all controversial material (although caving into SJWs seems almost worse than controversy to me)…
I'm just not sure what the best path is to take, and so here I am speaking out loud.
I've lost my momentum
Your dubs dictate you to.
Get back to work.
Don't give up!
I see. In that case the amount of flak you would get depends greatly on the context in which the model is used. In some cases like with GTA the controversy just acted as free advertising, and it worked because the people who ended up supporting it didn't care about the controversy, or even liked it. But that's with violence, not nude 17 year old 3d models. It probably would end up differently in this case.
As a general rule, the more you show of the nude model in game (surface area and time), the more detailed and realistic the model is, the more sexual the context the model is used in, and the more you draw attention to the nude model, the more flak you're going to get. Something like in the gif you provided or a Sailor Moon type transformation scene, where there aren't any visible genitals or nipples, would be fine and would only really offend those looking to be offended. The more similar it is to something that's already passed though the social gauntlet the better, because you have some precedent to point to when people disagree. But it has to be as tame or tamer. People won't let you use it as an example if it's the tiniest bit more raunchy. I think it goes without saying, but in the US the "18 year old" line is very important when searching for precedent that will convince people to leave you alone.
I wish you luck with making your game fun and however you end up using the model I hope you don't get too many people mad.
Write a list of some of the things that you need to do for your game, then pick one item from that list and break it into smaller tasks.
Complete at least one task.
Yeah, I should've mentioned that this model is devoid of nipples and detail for the genitals.
Great advice again.
Sexual context just isn't going to happen (the chances of a male character even making it into this game or not is looking slim at the moment).
One thing I notice is that people tend to not mind nudity nearly as much when something other than skin color is used (just like how in the Sailor Moon transformations, it uses rainbow colors).
Still, many anime use skin color and just guide attention away from the nudity using bloom effects, lighter colors, etc. (see gif).
Anyways, perhaps I'm not 100% certain what I'll do quite just yet, but I think your advice gave me enough food for thought that I ought to be able to figure something out if I sleep on the problem.
Thanks for the help!
Doesn't work when what you're doing effects the future framework of that part of your game.
definitely subtle enough
I know some people that can't comfortably play a game unless the FOV is at 100
this is bullshit standard upper limit is more like 110 though some games use vertical FOV which makes the numbers different.
Also IMO depth of field and bloom are always bad in any amount and not being able to turn them of would really piss me of
so overall i think tying graphical options to stats is just an awful idea i mean just terrible really I can't even really think of something worse
as an amateur game you really don't need to worry about pr disasters
Cause there is no way enough people will ever know your game exists to actually create any kind of real controversy, i know that sounds kinda harsh but it's the truth
and if that does happen i'd say you've made it and you'll probably get more sales than you ever would otherwise
If you had to choose, which one would you use for a horror game?
Audiopleb here, can you explain why implementing one makes the other ones shit? And if you mean 5.1 sounds bad on headphones why can't this be solved with an options menu?
I'm using fmod studio for audio in Unreal 4. You have to specify a speaker format (stereo, 5.1 or 7.1) for your project.
Suppose you let fmod work in 5.1 surround sound mode. If you use headphones to listen to it afterward, the audio has to be downmixed from six surround to two stereo channels. You have your 5.1 audio stream and need to convert it into a – more or less – equivalent stereo stream. Thankfully fmod does that for you. The ugly part is that the speakers aren't evenly spread out in those configurations. In a 5.1 setup you have three speakers in front of you. These are very close together on top of that. Then you have two additional speakers on both sides of and slightly behind you. What this means is that you have different amounts of information to work with depending on where the sounds came from.
When you try to reconstruct where a sound came from behind you, you have to do that with the two extra speakers which are neither close to your back, nor together. Turns out that this results in a huge blind spot behind the player, where all the sounds collapse into an indistinguishable "behind you".
I asked a friend and decided to settle for mixing in stereo. Most people on PC either use headphones, 2.0 or 2.1 systems and using headphones for a horror game is the recommended way to go anyway.
Who is that girl in OPs pic
I have been doodling some game concepts, and I wanna know, what are some good rock/punk/metal tracks for fighting bosses? They are based on the seven deadly sins
That's a man. Sigmadev to be exact.
i used to have long hair like him
but eventually it got so long, that i started looking bald near the top so i cut it off
long hair is a mistake, you look like a pansy, your hair is in your face when there's wind, and just getting it to grow that long is a pain
men should have either short to shoulder length hair
/vm/ here
just did this because I was bored out of my fucking mind.
First, a Smash trophy.
Next, a playable character.
looks good, well done
It looks real fucking good I've seen your work on Holla Forums already. Tbh it would be a excellent base for having a HD Player sprites for Moonman skullfuck 2.x mod, and speaking of that mod it could also use the Cloudman/Starman sprites as well that way even if it's just a head swap which is better than nuffin.
Is Hatred: Moonman Edition finally going to become a reality?
That would be breddy radical tbh.
triple dubs my man
It's quad dubs actually:
11 77 55 77
I really should get to play your mod someday, at least I still have the correct version of that shit game pirated I think because I need to check it first. Also I wanted to post this webum akshually but it was 2big4uploading so I choose that one instead oh well.
oh shit I just realized that.
Most of these don't sound very applicable (this is an FPS, not anything with stats like evade or crit or status effects), but the idea of drunkstealth is absolutely hilarious to me. I like it.
Problem glasses are on their way out, these days you need to be on the lookout for the return of no-fun-allowed mormons and such.
What you can get away with depends on a lot of things, including your location, the thickness of your wallet, how far in the game is said questionable content, and what's the probability of someone giving you free advertising over it.
I'm thinking about a sci-fi roguelike in which you can mutate yourself to have more/diferent limbs, and implant robotic parts. Some weapons would be restricted to a type of limb, to encourage the use of mutations. To make it more chalenging, there would be a humanity meter. If the player loses all humanity, it would morph into a monstrosity and lose the game. To counter that effect, there would be a syrum that would increase the percentage of humanity.
Sounds a hell of a lot like C:DDA, except that becoming an inhuman monstrosity in that game is generally not a bad idea.
Post a screen of the model, this is relevant to my interests.
Also, instead of magic, there would be a "hack reality". It would make use of an stat called inteligence, which would be multiplied by the percentage of humanity to give a de facto inteligence. If the player has high enough gear and defacto inteligence, he could preform more complex and powerful hax over reality, such as healing himself, casting fire, completely deleting something, making something explode.
The hacking would consume something, though I dont know what. I though about making the player consume electricity. What could it be?
fond memories
I was thinking of something more physical, like hunger, or some kind of metaphysical energy.
There could be a psychological energy, that gets drained when haxxing, and naturally replenishes after a certain amount of time. It could be artificially recharged with drugs.
How about draining the player's sanity or giving hacks a low chance of fucking up in really weird and often subtle ways?
What about permanent damage
Japan doesn't really have the no-fun-allowed mormons, seems like I ought to get by one way or another.
Up to this point, I've intentionally only posted progress that was either shitty and needed to be re-worked or was unremarkable (AKA easily forgettable) because I'm not sure getting my game associated with Holla Forums is a great idea.
I also think I should keep the character under wraps until I have copyright(s) filed, at the very least.
So at the very least, I don't think I can show you what I've got today.
I've been debating in my mind whether to eventually post actually decent-looking and/or memorable progress here, so let me take the debate out of my head and into this thread.
What say you all?
Have any yesdevs been traced back to Holla Forums and ridiculed for it?
I…can't really properly respond to this properly without actually putting my work out there for you all to judge for yourselves. And unfortunately I think that's probably going to have to wait for the time being.
But I think my chances of 'making it' aren't looking bad right now.
A nice-looking player character model, a 3D engine written from scratch, ready for game prototyping…The next month of development is going to be putting the two together, which as I'm sure you can imagine is the fun part.
From there, it's a matter of making the 'toys' for the player to interact with, then the 'playground' the toys are strewn about in. Or maybe just a lot more character modeling if I decide to go for a potentially safer dev route. I can elaborate on this but this post is already getting long so I'll skip the details for the moment.
Sorry for being a massive faggot and not posting progress. I mean, I've posted progress. Even of this very character model, I posted the face model back around Novemember/December (which I re-worked until it looked nice), and a fail attempt at an ear (that I also redid) more recently. But I only posted it when it still looked shitty so I'd bet good money no one remembers it. Maybe some people will remember the ear since it was pretty recent.
today i have to work on the AI, jesus fuck
Dude I would take AI over what I'm doing right now anyday of the week. client-server network protocol
i've done that and it's not nearly as exhausting (at least for me)
I dislike it because it doesn't feel like game design. Plus javascript makes it obnoxious, since you need a fixed size array to send bytes over a websocket with. I don't want to even worry about the headaches of constantly resizing it and shit. The way I'm doing it now only has one drawback, that you can only send one type of "Special" input over the socket a frame (like giving orders to multiple units you control, editing shit, etc). I kinda worry about people spamming like 2-3 commands in half a second, and only one registering even though it's unlikely.
AFAIK there's no problem with known 8ch devs, the ones on Steam has done just as well as other no name devs have done. The only problem would be if you go full on Gamergate!!! in every single one of your interactions.
You know, I'm considering making an easter egg specifically for 8ch, because it is my home now. I wouldn't be as confident and happy as a dev as I would be if it weren't for the support of the bastards at 8ch. In fact, some of my best team mates ever I found in this very board, they have delivered more professionally than even some normalfag faggots I've hired.
Well maybe its because I'm making a lewd game, so I expect to be discriminated regardless, but that's liberating since it automatically narrows my audience to those I consider open minded enough to not faint when presented with my content.
what type of AI u going for?
Personally I find it really interesting, and pretty inspiring.
Here's my suggestion: Humanity is a percentage and signifies a combination of your physical/mental state plus how others perceive you. It is affected by both your actions against other characters in the game (help someone getting robbed, robbing someone, rescuing orphans, killing, stealing, romancing, causing suffering, profiting at the expense of others etc.) as well as body modifications. There are meds, actions and such that can temporarily influence your humanity, either positively or negatively. Here's the kicker. Having humanity drop to zero is not a loss condition. Instead, as your humanity goes negative, other humans become incrementally hostile and previous enemies become increasingly friendly as they begin recognizing you as their own. The effects become more extreme as you delve deeper into the negative percentages. So when you hit 0, no human will speak to you, but they won't attack on sight until you hit -20. At -25, monsters will be friendly, speak to you, trade and even join you. Essentially, it's mirror mode. Instead of being the hero, you are the villain. Also, there could be various groups who have a sweetspot of humanity where they react the friendliest to you. Commoners of the world won't appreciate some uptight faggot with 100+ humanity, white knights of justice and honor won't acknowledge anyone below 90, bandits will see a fellow in anyone around 10 and the biggest baddies of the universe will offer you a job at -80. The point is that from a gameplay perspective, humanity is not just a precious resource, it's a dynamic measure of the path you are taking through the game and you have the ability to influence it to adapt to the situation, but you have to plan ahead since you can't get it to change quickly.
Fuck, if you don't make this I might have to…
the odds of a screenshot connecting your game to Holla Forums are pretty much zero i would say
Also i think you are vastly overestimating the reputation Holla Forums has most people don't even know what it is and of those who do know most don't care
When you spend to much time on the internet it can start to seem like everyone is a hateful retard but i highly doubt a significant amount of people would condemn your game based purely on you posting on Holla Forums
and if that doesn't work you can always claim someone stole your assets or something.
You asked for this tbh
I hope this damn bridge tool can fix this issue, It's UV Mapped and shieet I just need to do texturing and animation then doing dem Decorates stuff. Oh damn I just realized I forget to unhide the Bridge inside it meh.
There's an implicit copyright for things that are considered intellectual property user (unless you specify, this is PUBLIC DOMAIN, otherwise, it's copyrighted).
This includes art (models, concept art, etc), and a lot of other shit too (i.e. intellectual property).
here's some pasta info:
So, there's only a "good reason" to file for copyright protection if you're sure your OC donut steel will be in fact stolen. Otherwise, the automatic copyright will work.
Not that I know of. We've also had successful devs visit us, and do they care? It seems not, they seem to be doing just fine, and here's more evidence to alleviate your worry… notch was a memer on 4chan's Holla Forums board, and nobody cared; he even had an obvious hello Holla Forums on his load screen randomly (best comparison I can think of for your scenario, but someone that every dev/gamer has at least heard of in vidya world).
Imo, it doesn't really matter that much, and furthermore most people dgaf; some may even buy your game because you browse this site.
Anyone who sees, "this dev browses Holla Forums" as a reason to not buy your game, and try to ridicule you; has some major psychological issues, and more than likely wasn't even looking to buy your game in the first place.
Diablo 2 even went so far as to have bit size flags for various skills and actions for networking to reduce bandwidth footprint. Granted this was the 00s with dial up but still.
No real choice. Javascript client, C webserver. I was thinking of making it a java web browser client, but I'd have to do all the openGL shit from scratch I did it twice in C before and it's going to take way too long for what I have in mind also I don't know how well websockets are in java
Yeah pretty much all my communications are done with bite flags or single bytes. The only thing is I'm doing RTS shit. So base building, moving multiple units, you can't do that with flags. You need to send over grid spaces, what building, which units, etc.
I might just learn the ways of the code monkeys after all
if you need to pay to learn c# you're destined to be a code monkey forever
I learned a lot from free tutorials. But this paid course is going over a lot of stuff those free tutorials never covered. And it's only $15, I get that much for an hour at my job, so it's not like it's some massive investment for me.
Actually javascript isn't required. I'm probably going to take a shot at webassembly even though it hasn't been released yet.
Why the fuck does Linerenderer increase its width in one direction? Any easy way to "center" it?
mess with the curve
Curve's only from 0 to max width. Don't see how I'd accomplish centering by tinkering with it.
Nevermind. Seems to be the billboarding of the line renderer that's messing things up somehow, making it seem off center.
What do you do with a drunken game dev
what do you do with a drunken game dev
what do you do with a drunken game dev
Earl-y in the morning?
fix the seams between the neck and head and then release the model!
Consider the berzerk pack in DOOM. Removes your weapons but your health and melee attacks are amazing.
Stick him at a desk 'til he gets productive,
Stick him at a desk 'til he gets productive,
Stick him at a desk 'til he gets productive,
Earl-y in the morning!
yes, it's case sensitive user, kek
Best to bookmark this:
Also, intellisense is nice, and don't use mono as an IDE (it sucks dick for various reasons); use visual studio w/the unity extension.
As visual studio, besides being more maintained, also has various community made extensions (like intellisense for cg/hlsl, i.e. the shader programming language used).
I used the lynda course for learning unity initially a couple years ago (got a free sub due to being in uni).
It helped a lot, for that "initial struggle", but honestly just messing with unity, meandering the docs, and building mini projects with specific small goals is where I learned the most functional knowledge.
What is this tutorial you speak of?
I might find it useful.
Welp, some progress I guess.
Also, all that info may be a bit overwhelming, so I thought I'd point out the most important ones that you'll be using most often… when u start:
The other ones are important for various reasons, but for someone just starting they're not too important; as you'll figure those out in due time for your specific needs (f.e. i frequently use OnRenderObject for my terrain rendering).
Is that a dropship or troop carrier?
Nigga you got some fantasies, it's a assault bridge tool so the player can create bridge.
That's an interesting lookin bridge…
Due to Skullfuck 3.0 collision limitation I can't add much more details so things like guard rails are not possible, there is for me only 2 values to play with which are height and radius and that's it no advanced shit like mesh based collision so the bridge has to look cubical in nature.
Pic related.
It makes way more sense now that I actually know what it is supposed to be.
These two blue things looked like glass canopies or something similar to me. Made me think they were some kind of troop carrier spaceship or so.
Oh so those 2 blue things confused you, well alright at least I get you too now. Also I wanted to post the bridge thing before but I forget it oh well.
Damn that turret looks real neato
What happened to speebot?
Does anyone know where I can find a torrent of XFORCE Maya 2016 or 2017? I've been looking for hours and I can't find anything I'm angry I hate those fucking private sites I hope they all die of hemorrhoids
Obligatory info… definitely upload the .exe to virustotal before u try it though.
nvm found it on rutracker
He hasn't posted progress in a while, which means either he's been making a WHOLE TON of progress, he's been doing a lot of busywork maintenance, or he died.
I hope not the latter; Speebot was one of my favorite projects here along with Ass Gynoid Cuts Up Robots, I loved seeing it update.
My paranoia comes less from time on the Internet and more from time in the real world.
But I'll admit I'm probably worrying too much, at least in regards to the game being connected to Holla Forums. (Some people are just here to play vidya, right? …Right???)
There's my problem.
I'd like to follow the recommendation to formally register, since I'm betting all-in on this project (probably much to the dismay of everyone in this thread), I don't feel like taking on additional risk on top of what's already a risky bet (not to mention the emotional investment in the project).
I don't think you can make major changes to a character design and have it fall under the same formal copyright application- you'd likely have to re-register it with them.
My character design/model isn't 100% finalized- it's far along enough that I can rig, animate, and stick it in the game engine now, but I'm planning to go back later and make further changes.
So…It seems like I can't formally register for copyright until the model/design is 100% done, and it seems at least recommended to not publish your work if you aren't ready to register the work for copyright within three months.
I mean, I know practically everyone in this thread just posts their work without issue. But at the same time, I think what I've seen people posting in this thread are mostly games like first-person shooters, Speebot, etc, none of which are really pushing IP as one of their big strengths.
At the very least, I think I'll definitely post all my work and not just my shitty/fail stuff here once I have copyright filed.
But even knowing that you 'automatically' get copyright without registering formally, I'm still very hesitant about posting my work without formally filing for copyright beforehand, especially because I'm basically betting my career and well-being on this project I know you all will say I'm stupid for not working a day job to keep the money coming in while I develop this game, but my health deteriorated so much from my work at Nintendo of America that I really had no choice but to take some time away from company work.
How I learned to program:
How java wants me to program:
AI in Unreal Engine can feel so esoteric sometimes. Not to mention how the "proper" way to do certain things has changed with engine updates making the old tutorials for it useless.
Oh man, it looks like you're putting all your eggs in one basket. Please don't.
Be prepared to walk away from any of your projects if shit hits the fan. If not, you will get depressed. I was always depressed and angry and envious, but once I learned to embrace criticism and that people will be faggots regardless, I have a more healthy attitude now. In fact, I'm thinking whether I should purposefully make shovelware to get on Jim Sterling's stream since it's always better to make a bad, memorable game rather than a mediocre game that nobody remembers.
Maybe it's the Nintendo culture getting to you (I mean they were the first to demand "secure locations" for devkits) – they're the DMCA gods for fucks sake.
What is there to file a formal copyright for? Evidently stolen or traced art will be unearthed by autistic fans of your game, and you'll always win by a landslide. Gameplay isn't copyrightable at all. You're overdoing this.
Indie darlings are the exception. You don't have journalists to fellate, so you are not part of this exception. Plan to make everything back in $10K, $20K tops. Anything more and you'll bankrupt yourself. Steam sales are not what they used to, and the days of $100,000 casual games are long gone.
That is terrible, don't do that.
Git gud nigger, half of those are great things almost every decent programming language has. Java is shit but not for any of the reasons you described.
Even though I'm drag-and-drop tier at programming, I get a new appreciation for even the most simple things people managed to implement. It took me a while just trying to figure out how to get level terrain to work in a scrolling shooter without fucking up the illusion that the player is constantly being pushed forward.
Okay, so if statements work like this:
x = 2; is a STATEMENT
Remember to always double check the axis your rotating around.
fuck I didn't mean to reply
What did you do?!
how do videogames make their own replay system?
like in age of empires 2, games can last from 1-3 hours, how the fug do they save everything?
Serialization, and exporting objects/variables to external data formats; which can be later retrieved from a save file (from your hdd, or a server) containing all the necessary files to restore said state.
You've probably heard of the formats XML, json, and SQL databases.
Those can all be used for saving data in a dev defined format, and there's also the option of just saving objects containing all your save state data to a stream of bytes (serialization); which can be de-serialized into your objects/data/byte code.
Depending on your needs, is the option you'll have available, but mostly it's preference for which one you'll be using.
Save inputs and the seed for the randomizer, then basically replaying for you.
What? No. There's no reason to pad up the data fo a replay with extra formatting.
Oh, that user literally means a "replay system".
Big difference compared to a "save system" (that's the context of my post).
My bad
Sounds quite complicated for a beginner such as me
You can use the replay system as the save system as well, just replay all of the inputs and start at that state
I suppose, but it's definitely not the traditional means of implementing a "save system", and will only really work (without error introduced into the final state) in certain circumstances where everything is deterministic.
F.e. if a game heavily utilizes physics, and doesn't have a physics engine that's deterministic, then over enough collisions there will be a lot of error introduced; which will not produce the same "saved" state (without some manual intervention in each and every case of physics interaction).
it's really not that crazy starcraft 2 uses this method
starcraft 2 doesn't have physics or random elements involved
Is unit collision and path finding not part of the physics? Genuinely asking
you have a rock on a hill
do you tell the rock where to go?
no, it rolls down because gravity
path finding+unit collision!=physics
Wheres the angry Ruskie?
retard here, gotta link to the course?
This the right one?
How do I find other people to do graphics & sound?
Is it viable to learn coding and the above 2, or is it just too much to learn if I want to release something before I'm old?
Welp it's done now, the only issue I have with this damn model is that the arms animation is fucked up and doesn't look the same as I did it in Blender.
Hi everyone, first time posting here, a friend of mine (who's sitting right in the OP picture) suggested posting my game demo here… So I will.
Here's Tomb of Friends. Check it out if you want, it's a minigame/puzzle based adventure where you make a shitton of friends.
Looks neat.
Gonna check it out tomorrow or so.
Pretty cute. I'll give it a try.
Ignore the retards who will scream "TUMBLRTALE 2" if you see the game mentioned outside this thread. I'm betting on that because of the art style and theme
If I were physically capable of doing much other than putting all my eggs in one basket, I'd do it.
I'm aware gameplay isn't copyrightable- It's just the character design I'm looking to copyright.
I'm definitely not looking to be a DMCA jerk like NOA fucking cancer- I'm simply being paranoid about losing copyright to something I ought to rightfully own the copyrights to. (A poor example since Miyamoto pretty blatantly took names and designs from other copyrighted works, but where would Nintendo be right now if they lost the rights to Link Peter Pan and Donkey King Kong?)
A well made 3D indie title, not to mention 3D titles in generally, are far more rare than 2D, and I'd at least like to hope that 3D (along with some other factors, such as good market access to Japan at launch) give me a decent shot at standing out amongst the pixelshit and achieving higher sales numbers than $10~20,000.
Steam is rumored to take up to 30% of sales, and has DRM, which no one likes. I would question whether that's really worth the 'market access', especially when I can take my game directly to Japan and get more of them interested through video content directed at them than a Steam release alone would ever do. And from the footage, I can direct them to whatever website I like- Steam or otherwise.
Sorry for not posting recently.
I've got a lot going on.
Glad you're still alive, and still working on the game. I'm looking forward to it!
How's the development on the lore coming along?
We talked about it in a thread ages ago, and I'm curious.
I remember you
Did you change the name you had planned months ago?
Lookin' good, mate.
To tired to think about how to make this look good. I'll be back later hopefully.
Good. I recall the conversation, but not what was discussed. More or less each temple is a story about a god and their worshipers, told through books and objects in the temple, but each story comes together to tell a greater story of what happened to the world.
Nope B). Still Aethyr. It grew on me a little though, because it shares the same spelling used in "Enochian Magic". Still whatever tho, too late to change.
end my suffering
What are you doing?
i made a vm
I had a feeling it'd be either that or some kind of emulator.
Just as a project or do you have any particular use for it?
no i just really hate myself
That's the spirit.
Thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate it! Have some futurefunk breadman.
But I didn't give you feedback, yet.
Well, there's your first impression from just glancing at a game's trailer and/or screenshots (which is pretty important if you want your game to sell at all), and then there's the full feedback from people who actually went and played the game.
Maybe he's drunk from the good first impressions he's getting and forgot about what comes next?
People praising your work sure is a great feel.
Clique members will never feel that feel, because they only get fake-praise and shit on by the rest.
I was thanking you for kind comments… First impression counts as feedback I guess?
the art looks really shitty
is that captain - beyond music my dude
That looks familiar.
i love you
that huge ass hit box
this isn't right
not mine, i bought a domain name so i will make a website, i just havent been motivated enough to set it up yet
Billy hatcher + Undertale.
Whens that Space Farm video again?
woo hoo
Making a browser game in C
Are you using Emscripten? The c to javascript compiler?
It kinda sucks. Your filesize will always be measured in the kilobytes, even with -O3 and -profiling on. The main reason I decided to use it is you need to use emscripten to eventually compile to WebAssembly anyways, which I could easily port my game over when it comes out. I could also just as easily get my game out of the web browser since it's going to be in C instead of straight javascript. It's also suppose to be faster for a few reasons like forcing types with memory hacks and disabling the garbage collector in your file.
yo tetradev, at least, I'm pretty sure that's u
is the free software song royalty free?
advertise your premise and coding abilities.
Others like me will provide the graphics if the price is right.
How do I memegame?
RNG problems are solved by using the same seed. A physics simulation involving RNG will probably let you seed it too.
Wouldn't -O3 and -profiling increase program size? Especially since -O3 unrolls loops
Idk about that.
Submitted post early. I'm not using gcc or a typical C++ compiler. It's compiling C into Javascript, so I doubt it does anything like that.
Why not put Obs to 9-10 and be happy then? As you saw in the video, both DoF is gone and FOV is bearable. When designing this stat I had guys like you in mind. And you know- actual consequences of assigning a certain amount of ponits into a stat, without too much RNG bullshit.
It will have other gameplay related boons, such as better hearing of crouched/sneaking enemies at further ranges and things like Spies vs Mercs sound indicators (pic related). You'd be missing out on some features (whatever your dump stat is) but that's what multiple playthroughs are for. Again, my goal is to make a very customizable game- just not through option menus and arbitrary character classes but actual stats/skills the player chooses.
yeah but you would be forcing those people to play a certain way or at least put a bunch of points into that one stat
i mean why would those people do multiple playthroughs if they have to go all in on that stat just to make the game playable
It removes a large chunk of customization for anyone that wants to play with a decent FOV
I have a problem with my rigging, no matter if I use max weight value, the sleeve refuses to follow the joint accordingly, any ideas?
Is it weighted to another bone?
I can spawn a particle and sound effect on hit, and the enemy registers damage. However it cannot yet die.
the end of the sleeve is only weighted to the upper and lower arm.
I don't use Maya I don't know entirely what I'm looking at, sometimes I accidentally paint shit like the torso bones weights onto arms, and it's not entirely obvious this has happened until I see how it deforms, could be the topology causing it to bend awkwardly, but that doesn't really give a reason why it's so far off. Does the sleeve and arm meet perfectly in the rest position ? Is the shirts rotation/position/scale all to zero? I don't know if this is an issue in Maya but in blender if your scale or rotation is not zero sometimes shit will be whack.
The whole piece fits perfectly in bind pose, but now that you mention it, even though I deleted all history before binding the skin maybe I need to freeze all transforms and check some other joints, will post the results later.
10/10 horror game, will make many youtubers scream on facecam.
But I'm trying to make a 2fast4u action game.
I was just writing this:
And I came up with a few ideas that might present solutions to our problem (not implementing them yet but presenting them for discussion)
So I allow a FOV slider and let you to choose a comfortable value, should you decide to use it.
You choose 100. The stats you chose allow for 60. Now:
1.The accuracy of your weapon then decreases, the reticle remains the size you would have at 60 FOV (compare sizes in pic related)
2. There is some vignette applied at the edges of the screen, either blur or discoloration. See, this is the method I wouldn't want to use because either way it may look shitty and be annoying.
you gonna do limb slicing?
if so, i suggest you remodel the human early on
I'm going to be completely redoing the model sometime in the future because I really fucked up the rig.
mi game will be a great game in every field except the graphical one, i feel like i've been making just a prototype for the whole year, and it will take me half a year still to finish it
i have no hope, im just digging through a mountain with a spoon
holy shit will it run on a pentium 2
Honestly that was a very exclusive example, which doesn't go over the plethora of problems of using a replay system as a save system; nor did I mention it wasn't possible.
Notice that I mentioned a solution to the single problem I pointed out.
yup, pretty simple stuff, but if you use a float based seed be careful of the drift introduced via floating point error that arises due to different architectures.
Doesn't really apply here…
To make it simple to visualize: think of the butterfly effect.
Makes it really simple to understand how this wouldn't work if you certain volatile systems in play, and don't have every element in your game deterministic.
Good idea.
Let people have their cake and eat it too.
The flash sale is long over(Only had 3 hours left when I got to it) but if anyone thinks it might be worthwhile here's a link.
Sale is still on for me.
Should be £200 but now £15.
What do you think about adding a separate game mode for casuals and retards, so they can feel like empowered smartypants by following a quest marker and clicking buttons and soaking unholy amounts of hits before dying?
Meanwhile the "true" game mode is designed specifically to require thinking and strategy and meaningful choices and careful gameplay on the player's part.
So, difficulty settings? It's not like the only way to implement them is to turn enemies into bullet sponges (see: Hitman Blood Money).
i think it's the most honest way to present a game to both casual and hardcore audiences, i have thought of doing so myself
Huh. Maybe they extended it because of good sales numbers. Well, I'd recommend any complete beginners buy it if you got £15 to spare.
No. I'm talking about actually tweaking the game design, not changing integers.
That's what I thought. I want to make very compelling videogames for people like me who want to really care and get into it, but from what I've seen it's going to be difficult to get casuals (i.e. the vast majority of your sales) and potential media sources to "get" it, unless it's dumbed down and shit in comparison with what's actually possible.
Do it. If only because to make casuals feel bad that they suck such shit at video games.
Could you specify what you mean by "actually tweaking the game design" with an example?
For the most part removal and/or addition of things.
For example, I might not want to have a minimap or "quest markers" in the game at all, as in you're not meant to have it. BUT I would add it specifically for the casual mode, even if it compromises everything the game is about (i.e. paying attention to clues and details and investigating and solving mysteries yourself).
Important NPCs can be made immortal, and the consequences of your decisions could be minimized or removed entirely, for example if killing someone would anger another person, in casual mode it wouldn't.
If there's a skill level system, I could make the player be able to gain infinite skillpoints with relative ease, instead of having to make decisions.
I could add things into the world that guide the player in a foolproof way. To throw an example out of my hat, if there's a minefield, in normal mode you'd either find out about the mines from someone/something nearby, or notice the suspicious environment and/or explosion holes and deduct that it's probably not safe. In casual mode you'd have skull and crossbones signs all over that shit, and when you go to the building with the map to navigate it, you'd get some kind of item highlight shining through the halls to make sure you find it.
Oh and you wouldn't actually have to look at that minefield map or memorize anything from it in casual mode, because you'd get a highlighted path to follow.
I am still waiting for a strategy game where each difficulty has a visibly differently written A.I. and not just higher building speed and more money, or godlike abilities like seeing through fog of war, basically just making the NPC cheat more, the higher the difficulty is.
If your replay system works, so does your save system, simple as that. If something would make it non-deterministic it would break the replay system too.
I never said otherwise
Now you're just rephrasing what I've said.
It would seem like a lot of effort to do. If you call it "dumbfuck" mode that would be funny. Unfortunately that mode would be needed if you want your game to do well.
Eh, I don't think so. I'm not going to create a new game, just tweak things and add a few extra features so that the intended design is ruined in favor of accessibility.
As much as I would like to mock the people picking casual mode, in the interest of not making people use the wrong mode and then subsequently complaining because nobody will agree to being "casual" instead of "hardcore gamer" (especially the idiots the casual mode is for), I'd call the casual mode "player mode" and the normal mode "deep mode", and make player mode the one that's default or "recommended".
People who would enjoy the deep mode more are likely able to pick it on their own given a sufficient description, even if another mode is "recommended". Just gotta be careful with words, not using phrases like "the way it's meant to be played" because it would certainly attract nihilistic polygon journalist to pick it and calling it a bad game because they didn't have enough braincells to look around without being told to.
Wouldn't that be a good thing? Any publicity is good publicity, especially from the Polygon and the rest of the "Journalists", whenever they bitch about something it backfires.
Although I see what you're saying about people picking the wrong mode. Maybe list the differences in the difficulty menu so people can see what they're getting into.
Maybe something like Normal Mode/Simulation Mode?
Hard for me to say, but I imagine a positive review is better than a bad one. It might seem irrelevant to us what the likes of Polygon say since we get our game reviews from people who actually care about games, but someone who believes what Polygon says might base their decision (or even their entire opinion of the game) on that review.
Not a bad idea. I actually had a third option in mind; custom mode. It would allow you to pick exactly the changes you want, including things that might not be in any of the two main modes. It's not important for the question I had though.
Normal sounds a bit too much like "this is the way the game was designed" in my opinion. Many players might pick it because they want the "intended" experience on the first playthrough, even if they would prefer the deeper mode. Especially because special game modes tend to cause problems and imbalance with other things in most games, since it's not what the game was designed for.
Well, there's "hardcore" game settings, so just have the setting as "softcore", and put a message: "If you want to relax, and have a stress free experience after a day of wage slaving, this is the game mode for u". heh
That's exactly what I meant. Now, it's been a time since I played Blood Money, so there might be some inaccuracies in what I'm about to say.
You had a set of difficulty modes which did some of the number tweaking you mentioned, but it also toggled entire features. For example, on the easiest mode your minimap showed all enemies with their fields of view. Turn up the difficulty and the field of views disappeared. Turn it up again and the minimap only showed enemies that are within your field of view. Turn it up again and the game did no longer paused while you look at it (not sure about this one). Those difficulty settings also changed how often you could safe during a mission, if at all.
In the end it doesn't matter whether you call it "Casual and Real Gamer Mode" or "Easy and Hard Mode". These are just and the outcome is the same: One makes the game harder than the other.
Define "important". Is them dying considered a failure state in proper mode? If not and the game goes on regardless, you shouldn't make them immortal in casual mode in my opinion (similar to FNV). It's a sign of good game design. Immortal NPCs are the laziest way for a game designer to make sure the player does not kill certain NPCs, just like invisible walls are the laziest way for a level designer to ensure that the player does not go to certain places.
I think trying to make your game work for both, the hardcore gaming purists and the absolute-idiot-tier plebs at the same time is a bad idea. These are the two extremes on the gaming-skill spectrum. The vast majority of gamers are neither Holla Forums-autists nor Polygon employees, so you'll probably just end up alienating them.
What about making the game according to your vision and add a few options to make it somewhat more accessible/forgiving, but without going all out on making it idiot friendly?
Only if your game is worth a damn (and even then I'm not sure).
Still, I agree with the rest of your post. Getting shat on by Polygon does work in your favor. Hell, watch embed related. Nobody that matters (i.e. gamers) take Polygon seriously anymore.
You're overthinking that. Furi gave you a warning that you're not playing the game the way it's recommended when you turned down the difficulty. Polygon was upset. Nobody cared.
Personally, I totally intent to mock games journalists in my game, but in a more subtle way than calling easy mode "Games Journalist Mode". One thing I have planned out is an ARG (which are excellent at creating a community). Mine will be programming focused. The players can find various bits of code in the game. If they put them together properly and compile the application, it generates a key-code. That code can be used to unlock a certain door in the game which will give you access to a secret, non-mandatory area and extra story bits. The way I plan to implement it is by making the engine load that content once you type in the code. So if you were to try to go there with noclip, you'd only be greeted by a sign that tells you to "Stop trying to games-journalist your way through the ARG and do it properly!" or something like that.
A second thing I have in mind is adding a non-mandatory area that is really hard to reach and mock them there. That way I would make fun of them in a place they would never-ever get to.
Converting javascript to C+asm.js looks like it's going to be a nightmare. I honestly am partly doing this because I want to make a desktop client so my game is out of the browser, but I have to use javascript libraries like webgl and events and shit. These things require javascript classes. I think I'm boned either way.
decent idea though ill be honest i really don't like the mixing of fps and rpg in general i feel they don't really enhance each other like game play mechanics should.
From that games that have attempted this, and that I've played; I tend to agree.
I like to think of it not being done correctly yet, and that there's untapped potential there.
Well, if your aiming is RNG-based, this takes away the skill element associated with FPS. Bethesda Fallouts and Hellgate would be the worst offenders. Division-style DPS-based damage ain't fun either.
Deus Ex and System Shock are my main inspirations on the FPS/RPG mixing part and I believe thay they weren't only successful in mixing the genres but are best games of all time partially thanks to that.
I am trying to learn from the best while adding my own ideas to the mix. If I succeed, well - that will be for the players to judge.
Not to mention that most early tactical shooters (starting with Rainbow Six) also had RPG-lite elements in them.
Anyway, here is a thing I worked on today. Choosing your Lat/Lon is not in yet, but even at its current state, I just can't stop myself from sharing it…
reposting with fixed audio
From what I've seen you're going about it in a way that, I don't think I've seen done before, and are mining some of that "untapped potential".
Also, there's been some games that I sort of like how they do it ("I tend to agree"-my prev post).
As u mentioned, deus ex, it's a good example of it done right to a limited extent; although I haven't had to time to get to system shock on my backlog so I'm sure about that one.
I suspect my problem has something to do with the way the original mesh is rigged, for some reason the skeleton seems to be displaced to the front by a considerable distance, this could be a problem, this skeleton was made with Mixamo Auto Rigger and we have been working with it for a long time, the project is very far off and Mixamo has dropped support for Unreal Engine which means I can't just try to rig it from zero.
How much shit you think I will get if I tried to ask for some feedback/help for an RPG maker game
When it comes to design, not sure, RPGMaker games look like shit for people like me.
I am reading a fragment shader from a file and when I output the text for some reason it appends an 'ES' to the end. It does not do this for my vertex shader. I believe this is preventing my simple hello world opengl triangle from working. What is the issue?
ES stands for Enema Suggested
Perhaps you should follow its advice
Are you sure it is not a local traditional finngolian drink?
I used to make RPG Maker games (learning GM now), so I might take a look. Nothing wrong with RPG Maker if it does what you need.
You'd probably get some flak.
RPG Maker is pretty entry-tier and made a whole ton of shit.
Ultimately, though, an engine is an engine–what's more important is what you make. A lot of really fun/notable shit has been made with the engine; Yume Nikki is one of the biggest indie games everyone knows about.
Just finished Tomb Of Friends (or at least almost: 29 friends; cannot find the last one in Tomb Town). Here are some notes I took at random:
All in all I'd say that I liked it more than Red Sky, despite me not really being into 2d games all that much and really liking shooters. The problem with your friend's game is that he didn't really create a game, but an engine. Red sky is basically a collection of random hallways with enemies sprinkled all over them. I played it for quite a while and there was no concept. I have no problem with some simple run-gun-fun, but such a game has to have something going for it. Be it tight, polished mechanics, pleasing A E S T H E T I C S, good level design or an engaging story. Red Sky had none of those. Tomb Of Friends does have a cute concept and the execution isn't half bad. The visuals would be the most obvious weakness of it, but not the biggest one in my opinion. That would be the concept in and of itself.
That demo was really short, but even it was long enough for the gameplay to get old. I played it for an hour or so and now I'm legitimately tired. I think the only possible target audience for a game like this would be the casual/mobile crowd, because Tomb Of Friends is really just a collection of simple mini games.
Keep it up!
almost about to kill myself for having to unwrap this mess or just abandon it into the folder like many others
Don't you always use auto unwrap for that?
Can you post a wireframe screenshot? Some of the details on it look like they belong into the highpoly model though. (**Assuming this is the lowpoly one).
im trying to learn proper unwrapping again since its far easier to modify the texture in photoshop that way
it's the highpoly, 8,4k tris atm, don't want to go over 10k tris for final
not used to highpoly modelling so might be a bit ugly
The high poly is not for unwrapping, ever. Besides that, the polycount and the topology almost don't matter. When you make highpoly models, all you care about is that it looks good. The polycount is fine as long as it doesn't kill your tools/computer and the topology is fine as long as it doesn't produce lighting/shading artifacts.
already made a low poly version for unwrapping :^)
whats even the point of the remesh modifier?
Well, if you set it to "Blocks" mode, it's a "Make-Minecraft" modifier. :^)
meh good enough
too bad it doesn't work well, it ends up with holes everywhere
You could just try doing it manually.
Make a new object, keep the original visible, set verticles to snap to other verticles and reconstruct it in a more simple manner.
yeah, i know that, i was just wondering what the fuck is anyone supposed to do with the remesh modifier, it looks horrible and makes fuckhigh poly models
probably wont make a lower poly version of the Ruger, its only 7k tris fin could go down to like 5k i bet if i removed unseen faces and other stuff thats of no importance and it was a model 4fun
New thread time, faggots.