CURRENT TASKS: PRIORITY TARGET: PUSH THE CON LEAKS >>>/gamergatehq/327075 - Spread the Trello leaks via the #HackHarassment hashtag 1. HIT VICE IN ITS WEAK SPOT FOR MASSIVE DAMAGE >>>/gamergatehq/319806 2. OPEASYONEHOURSALVO (Last updated November 29th, 2016) 3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ ] 4. Report Gamespot to the FTC - 5. isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: 6. OP DISNOD 2: REBOOT. The Blizzard staff email addresses were added for easy emails. >>>/gamergatehq/328644 7. Defend Free Speech! Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation: >>>/gamergatehq/329022 8. OP ESRBusted! Expose the ESRB for being against developers and consumers. >>>/gamergatehq/329225
• Use to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later; • Use to archive tweets before they are deleted; • Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags; • Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list:
• All Operations: • Operation Disrespectful Nod: (email advertisers); • Operation Shills in a Barrel: (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest); • Operation Baby Seal: (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines); • Operation Prime Rib: (stacks with above for x2 damage); • Operation DigDigDig: (find connections and corruption); • Operation Vulcan: (educate yourself on logical debating); • Operation UV: (contact the FTC about Gawker); • Operation Firefly: (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page); • An user's Guide to Twitter: (the basics).
Because we have to talk about something, otherwise it would be boring. And since rarely something happens lately we talk about a lot of random bullshit.
well, this user broke it
Christian Scott
No, that one did first because he posted right as I was going to
Carter Wood
are you trying to get the faggot of the year award again?
Ryan Hill
Does anybody care about the Kunkel awards? Will the SPJ give us another middle finger? What happened to John?
Because shitposting is fun, user. And happenings aren't a thing all the time.
Luis James
James Torres
Then perhaps you should stop making these threads all the time
Thomas Perry
Filter them if we bother you so much you pussy
Elijah Scott
Why would that be a solution for anything besides killing discussions on Holla Forumsgg?
Brody Morales
A month ago people were told to promote a few articles. Brad Glasgow's for example are a perfect choice I'd say. Until the votes start, pick whatever you feel WAS good examples of vidya journalism. Also, the SPJ didn't give a middle finger to anyone. People voted and that was the result. They don't care much for gamergate, or even perhaps gaming; they want to promote "good" journalism, and individual (and anecdotal) picks for it don't rely, to them, on anything but good writing. Regardless of the source. Namely, even buzzfeed could've been part of it had buzzfeed presented an actually good article on vidya.
Chase Wilson
it's not like those are good.
Ian Hughes
Reminder (updated) Contact the FTC about Patreon failing to abide by its own terms and conditions. CON members, despite being shown to harass and dox others are still able to hold patreon accounts. Contact Disney as well as Square Enix to inform them of Nyberg's piracy. Contact Boston PD and FBI to inform them of Brianna Wu's fraud (that of obtaining funds through deception). There is no proof of life for the existence of Brianna's twitter safe space provider. Because the crime crosses State lines, the FBI would also be a relevant authority to contact. Brianna Wu side quest : Contact the Boston PD about seeing video footage of Brianna riding without a license. A Kiwifarms background check shows that Brianna Wu does NOT hold a license. Even though Brianna may have used the footage from , it could also be claimed that it was Brianna that gave them the footoge to begin with. As anons are not rgw police, it would be prudent to let them discover the truth. Contact the IRS and California's Franchise Tax Board because of Feminist Frequency's expression of political views which is in direct violation of their charity status.
Henry Morgan
Christopher Morgan
Aiden Mitchell
Ryder Martinez
If we didn't exist, these people would have to invent us. Then again, they pretty much already did.
why not gamergate=4chan? Did someone tells normalfags that 4chan is cancer now?
Christian Carter
Wu is royally fucked if she doesn't keep exact track of where the money comes from and what it's being spent on, isn't she?
Brandon Phillips
you get a 2/10 for getting me to respond, you would have gotten at least a 4/10 if you used Low Tier "muh dick" God instead of DSP.
Angel Lopez
Why is there so much gay fanart of Touhou?
Nolan Anderson
Share this with mombot.
Ryder Nelson
Mods should delete the first 50-60 posts of every Gamergate thread once it reaches bump limit, because let's face it, they're nothing but stale pastas that no one reads anyway.
Give me (You)s if you agree.
Sebastian Clark
never EVER fap so much that you forget to eat for a day it's super gay
Asher Brown
I like it. It feels familiar.
James King
Have a (You)
Carter James
well I do have one of his matches too, but it comes in 5 parts so I rarely post it. USFIV was good. How many fighters are better than sf? How many are worse? Street Fighter is one of the better fighting games. I am not that much into fighters, but kof is better, I know that, but the list of games that are worse is basically endless. Mortal Kombat is worse, Injustice is worse Smash Bros, if you even can call it a fighter, is also worse.
Joseph White
The "gay fanart" isn't really the majority, it's just what you see here being posted.
Although, it's a lot more common because there are like no male characters in the Touhou universe, or rather, not that many depicted extensively or that really matter.
Adrian Johnson
On my 20+ years of online FPS play, both admining servers and scrimming, I've yet to see a girl playing. We had one on my outfit in Planetside 2 on the armor crew, but she didn't last long. Granted, it was mostly the Battlefields and Planetside 2. I'd put that number under 2% and that would be generous.
Ethan Jenkins
Right on cue
Joshua Collins
Worst dragon
Colton Green
Henry Allen
Sounds like a hipster.
Matthew Clark
Oliver Hall
Maidragon is AOTS and the ED is most catchy ED of the season as well.
Comments shitting on treehouse on the reuploaded video aren't nearly as highly rated as they should.
Nicholas Phillips
Then make sure you rate em high
David Hill
Austria is also cucked, but every once in a while they do the right thing. woman makes false rape claim and get's prison as a result of it.
Cameron Green
Cooper Garcia
Spoil that lewdness
Dominic Collins
It was okay, every SF before excluding SF1 was better though. The Remix mod for it made it a great game. On terms of modern fighters; a vast majority of japanese fighters. The only thing that keeps SF at the top is the player base of broken fanboys and capcom funneling money into the tourney scene; which SFV is proving isn't enough to keep the game afloat since they're rushing out MvCI. TvC was capcom's last great fighting game. But if you got back to the older SF titles, the list would be smaller. There is alot of broken older fighters that are worse but if you look at just more modern titles; You got MK and injustice right. MvC3 is also debatable but since the PC version is coming, fans might be able to fix the problems if it doesn't have denuvo.
Samuel Thompson
What anime is this?
Brandon Howard
Can you actually name some playable fighters?
Jason White
Maid Dragon
Ayden Allen
At this point anything getting called "creepy" that has nothing to do with sexualizing lolis needs to be immediately dismissed, most of all if it fucking involves big titted teenagers.
Connor Garcia
I have a feeling they're releasing the new FE games world wide so there won't be anymore torriental downpours if the game is released
Lincoln Allen
Looks like tiki and Ninian are no longer my dragon waifus
Aaron Green
It's a fun show.
Charles Wilson
Is the anime relatively new I've been seeing this art style in a lot of new animes
Now I wouldn't call them bad, I was listening to them when I was younger, but they were never good. Listen to Clint Eastwood for example, it sounds very unprofessional.
Blake Ramirez
The Opening isn't half bad either.
Benjamin Jones
It's only had two episodes. So yes, it's recent.
David Howard
Connor Kelly
Robert Stewart
I'll check it out though the main character is a girl right?
Joshua Wilson
That only proves that casual games are the least sexist because they're the only ones where womyn don't feel threathened. Come on user, don't you know you can't win?
Christian Hernandez
Blake Adams
Carter Baker
So the whole narrative of Females make up more/half the gaming market is now crumbling
Angel Reyes
Talk about a one-trick pony.
Asher White
malim me amici fellent qvam inimici irrvment
also why is one of you using a nigger version of twitter?
John Gray
Anthony Cooper
That sounds like absolute garbage and not like gorillaz style contemporary bad like superfast jellyfish. This is genuinely bad.
Justin Green
Out of the last few years; Decently active online scenes; King of Fighters XIV Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown (Japan time) Touhou Shinpiroku Urban Legend in Limbo (PS4 ver.) Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- Blazblue CentralFiction
Has good communities but you have to search for groups; Nitroplus Blasterz Under Night In-birth Arcana Heart 3 Love Max Melty Blood Steam ver. (netcode got fixed finally) Aquapazza Pokken
Juan Bell
It's youtube comments user. Also, did you just have a stroke or something ?..
Brandon Morales
The hacker known as 4chan and the terrorist isis group known as GamerGate join forces Run for yo lives tumbler
Owen Lewis
10/10 Hundred outta hundred Best anime Best anime
Sebastian Ortiz
I can't wait to see how he reacts when the Democratic establishment slaps his shit down for thinking about trying to primary out a congressman in one of their monopoly districts. Is he going to say the DNC is nothing but alt-right GamerGate shitlords sending fifty billion death threats?
Gabriel Phillips
Are you a girl?
Easton James
So not only is it a cheap attempt to cash in on the attention the election has had but it is also low-effort. I am surprised they even put their name on it considering the fact that they themselves aren't singing it and that it barely sounds like their music. They just took some black guy from the street and gave him a flashlight, projector and small room to record it in.
Ryan Baker
now that is embarrassing.
that's cheating, I already named kof. Also if I remember correctly the latest version is not released for pc yet. I haven't heard of the others, but do they even exist on PC?
Robert Powell
Important Shit, Dawn Of The Final Day Edition Focus; or the inauguration will go wrong (probably)!
Kill the real FakeNews- meme how No Comments = No Truth >>>/gamergatehq/329096
DisNod >>>/gamergatehq/328644 Rather clever idea by Chernovich. Show the advert next to the offending article- shame them on twitter or spice up your DisNod emails. I know we avoid giving articles clicks, but only one of us needs to do it and take the screencap and share it to others. Don't know why we never did it before. DisNod Wins Wars If progressiveness can't turn a profit, most will drop it. But, beware of being baited. Make them into Ghostbusters, not Force Awakens. Major DisNod Target: Cracked, for normalizing pedophilia >>>/gamergatehq/329240 Show advertisers next to them, and they'll run a mile.
South Korea is free- share their story >>>/gamergatehq/326174 Now is the time to push Korean BBQ, before a counter-narrative is created. South Korea was/is basically SJW completion. Show others as a black mirror to their own countries.
Satanic Pedos and Pizzagate. Because they're defended by/use SJWS. >>>/gamergatehq/328848
OP Highlight Reel >• Operation Shills in a Barrel: (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest); >• Operation Baby Seal: (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines); >• Operation Prime Rib: (stacks with above for x2 damage); >• Operation DigDigDig: (find connections and corruption); >• Operation UV: (contact the FTC about Gawker); >• Operation Firefly: (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page); >• Operation ESRBusted: >>>/gamergatehq/329225 Expose the ESRB for being against developers and consumers. Warning. This may assist in creating IARC- a global ESRB. Ending up with a greater evil is not an option.
Christopher Nguyen
Meant to say green screen, no idea why I said projector
Jaxson Perez
wtf user, stop posting this off topic trash. also, t_d right now.
Landon Flores
hi/v/emind much?
Josiah Rogers
I was gonna say I like it but that last bit with spongebob kinda ruined it… Nonetheless I find it very moving musically. It's very sweet and hopeful. Also you guys need to be able to deal with the fact many people will make art about how they don't like trump, he's a politician now for crying out loud, people not liking a politician doesn't make them cucked, it just makes them people who disagree
Leo Sanders
Jayden Watson
I can't wait to see how the DNC will try to spin this
Hell if they decide to endorse him I can't wait to see antiGamerGate ads in current year Even though its pretty much quiet now and the only ones who still mention GG are fems playing the victim card
Talk about taking the whole Russian hacker narrative into a whole new level
Asher Cook Looks like the sjweebs latched on the maid dragon anime.
Jace Taylor
We can use this.
Alexander Butler
The next 4 years are going to be nothing but disgustingly rich celebrities mugging cameras and saying "yo fuck trump am I right".
Aaron Gray
Touhou Shinpiroku Urban Legend in Limbo Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- Nitroplus Blasterz Under Night In-birth Arcana Heart 3 Love Max and Melty Blood are all on the PC.
Blazblue CentralFiction is getting a PC version eventually like KoF XIV but we just don't know when. Also there are 2hu netplay threads here that periodically get active if you want to play Urban Legend in Limbo and other 2hu fighters with anons.
Forgot to mention Blade Arcus from Shining: Battle Arena is also another great fighter that came out recently. The PC version is the only version with only and the publisher does community events for it periodically. Oh and Golden Fantasia Cross PC version is getting localized, the 360 version had a decent cult following but not sure if the steam version will catch any wind.
Carter Evans
Yeah, it's always funny seeing people try to say GG is dead when the professional victims won't let the ride end. Shit, more of Wesley's actor buddies are trying to get in on the "anti-harassment" act, like that one actress/activist who did a TED talk and mentioned that she heard about GamerGate while vacationing IN ASPEN! Like none of it has personally affected her, she just wants a piece of the pie because some hipster in a ski lodge sounded asshurt about it.
Levi Smith
Oh John, I wouldn't be so quick to point out other people's failures if I were you.
Jacob Gonzalez
So how will they react to iruru whose tits are bigger than her loli-body?
Wyatt Foster
I am not really into anime, you might as well ask me if I want to watch gay porn.
Brayden Stewart
More feminazi retardation? I'll smash it the instant I see it in my mentions.
Henry Moore
dubs checked Yeah, it was always flimsy to anyone who looked at that narrative closer. It's one thing to say there are females who plays vidyas, but their narrative doesn't stand scrutiny the moment it was pushed as it's 50%+ female in all the vidya genre. That shit is simply not true.
Brody Jenkins
I just think it sounds like shit. I don't hate it because it's different from my political view I like Rage against the machine despite them being open about their commie views in all their songs.
Matthew Reyes
Just think, theres a timeline somewhere where crooked won and flynt becomes president eventually
Wyatt Smith
To be fair Wu anita and Quinn made a lot of money from the "Help GG is oppressing me" narrative Do you have a webm or link to that TED talk?
Jaxon Miller
Then you're fine dear; I just see a few people going nuts over it because it's worried about Trump. The song itself even even has a very big hope message of how things CAN get better, in the end anyone waking up in the morning is a human being and deserves to be seen as such. It's more of a compelling prayer to the one in charge now than a "fuck you cunt go die".
Jordan Peterson
It's the timeline where everyone pleads with Russia to nuke the White House and embraces President Putin.
Evan Bailey
Wu really has no fucking clue about politics, let alone American politics. The two year terms are one of the major flaws of the House of Representatives, the terms are too short for anyone that doesn't have money up the ass from fuckhuge lobby groups to be able to compete. As soon as a representative gets into his position, he immediately has to start contacting private interest groups and plan his next campaign in order to ensure he gets re-elected. Making it two years more is bound to have a suitable enough effect for people to be capable of running on less money (meaning it is easier to get in without being corrupt) and for more people to start paying attention.
Jaxon Lopez
You have been visited by
Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”
Remember to always be a big guy
Samuel Baker
I'll put up with any art direction as long as the gameplay is fun. Like I still play SF EX2+ over other 3D SF games. The game looks like trash but the gameplay and combo possibilities make up for it.
Samuel James
A funny thing with the aGGros celebretards. Can anyone name their last work before they went on an aGGro or anti Trump crusade? Seems like many of them, example Judd, the last time I remember her in the public spotlight was when she was crusading against Sarah Palin (yeah Palin is an idiot, but Judd is a hollyweird limo liberal so she isn't any better) and iirc virtue signalling for BLM.
Hudson Wilson
I still can't believe he's directly and openly challenging the Democrats like this. As someone who's seen first-hand how fucked the system is in Dem-dominated areas, this is going to be a complete disaster. It's basically regurgitation of every single bullshit narrative from the past decade. Really says a lot that the comments and ratings are disabled.
I didn't even know who the fuck she was until someone said she had a guest spot in a TNG episode.
There is a chapter that could be seen as pro-feminist I guess? It will probably get animated in episode 5. I can see the feminist and SJW circles talking about it once it airs. There's also a lot of fanservice in later chapters so I wonder how are they gonna cope.
Jaxon Sanders
God bless him
Post some screen caps
Ian Perez
Blog post, feel free to bully. And so went my last afternoon as a neet. How's your day been? Tomorrows Trump day right? How likely is it that there'll be """"non-violent""" anti-fascist protest?
I think I read on /a/ that the studio doesn't do much lewd things, but I definitely want to see some oppai loli, having read the manga of course. Cool kyou is oppai heaven.
Adam Stewart
Being ok with women doesn't mean it has to be pro-feminist.
Robert Thomas
Jose Adams
Someone earlier in the thread linked to an archive of an anime feminist article about the show. The author was hardcore disappointed.
Christopher Watson
As long as he keeps to his qt doodles he's great but his attempts at anatomy are always pure QUALITY. >tfw chichichichi translation never ever
Carter Garcia
My guess is tumblr won't be able to deal with Lucoa and her obsession with getting shota dick.
Austin Allen
How about no?
Austin Sanders
She wasn't disappointed with the show as a whole, just one scene. She was impressed with Kobayashi's looks and job, being a female working in a male dominated environment and all, something that isn't really seen often in anime or anywhere really. She was just put off by the scene where she strips Tohru while drunk.
Benjamin Flores
This is generic shit. Not even "they used to be better" bad, but "this is just garbage that couldn't even land you a bar gig." Where did the magic go? I know plastic beach wasn't as good as the first two albums, but it was still decent.
I was personally more of a fan of 5/4.
That's just an incredibly generic manga cliche (though it admittedly is true of japan, to a degree).
What the fuck did he do to komori-san? That's all kinds of wacky.
Jason Davis
Sounds like bitching to me.
Jayden Turner
Well, that's what I mean : that one scene was enough to render her affection for the show bogus and secondary. All of a sudden a drunk girl getting her maid naked as a crazy joke was enough to trigger her, even though everything overall is cute, lighthearted and sweet.
Ryder Cruz
That's what happens when cool-kyou tries to do body proportions.
Ayden Bailey
Gorillaz has been SJW for a while now. Like really SJW. Massive feminist faggots. One is some U.N. representative for women.
Cool can't draw for shit to be honest, but his series have charm and the unintentionally crappy drawings sometimes makes the jokes funnier.
Logan Hughes
So, basically this is Tenchi Muyo with a female protagonist? Well, the idea of a female protag is damn cool, but too moe. Hell, at least make them look like adults. By the way, I was talking with a japanese "old time" hentai artist on twitter, and, in his words: "Japanese anime nerds have a very narrow range of interest." and "The anime culture now is a supplement for the social bottom layer."
Aiden Bell
Ayden Richardson
I knew I felt something really bad about that name.
Jaxson Ross
Mason Wood
Archive faggot
Jace Foster
I've got a feeling you're that fag from the other day bitching about how anime doesn't like cool or manly like it used to, but I'm going to reply anyway. Let's just make every character look the same, while we're at it. There's an illusion of such do to the utter state of disrepair the industry is in. I'm sure there's plenty of interests that aren't pursued because there isn't a suitable method to monetize it. Because they're the only people depraved enough to be willing to spend $100 on a DVD with two episodes on it. The business model is a fucking disgrace. I'm hoping more studios die so they have to look at what they're doing and realize it doesn't work.
James Phillips
Censored Gaming again on Utawarerumono's censorship It might be the spanking scene that was talked about last thread.
Wyatt Lopez
John Rivera
Nope, not that fag, but anime does not look cool anymore. And it is not very hard to see it: Looking at the classics, what recent material will stand the test o time? There are some very interesting series being released. and I think some stuff will be well remembered, but I don't expect anything "shaping generations". And the OSTs… At least those ladies are really getting a good amount of money from the fans.
Yeah, about that… These are all copycats, right?
Gabriel Stewart
I'll wait for the asshurt then leap viciously.
Jason Martinez
My dyke friend would have extremely joyful and lengthy conversations with you, user
Michael Parker
Someone needs to call Trump and tell him to come up with new ideas regarding his wall. The mexicans are already working on bypassing it.
Chase Hernandez
Well, I don't know how dykes see the world around them, so, I would not know what she would think.
But, going back on gaming, new video from NUCLEAR NEGRO
Adrian Diaz
So, Trump is getting into office today, right? should we expect something fun or interesting?
Isaiah Evans
Whining. Plenty of whining.
Ian King
Of course, check out the latest veritas videos
Asher Sullivan
He takes the oath of office tomorrow. Right now they're just celebrating and shit
Justin Nguyen
Not many shows shape generations. The last truly game changer was Evangelion and that was 2 decades ago, before that, maybe Urusei Yatsura in the early-80s?, none of those shows you posted shaped shit. Perhaps Kimi no na Wa is another anime that will re-shape the industry. It is already the highest grossing anime film in Japan, surpassing Spirited Away, and getting praise from all over the industry.
Juan Parker
I liked it…
Daniel Cruz
user, the pics were not of shows that shaped the industry, it was about the fact that said making adults look adults make them all look the same.
Lincoln Lewis
She loves oldie animé and would totally agree with you that new ones are too copypastes with cute girls. I linked her the pics you just shared and she drooled over the first ones.
Aaron Ramirez
Dylan Walker
When's the inauguration?
Hunter Turner
I'm going to assume that you're either blind for real or you just have nostalgia goggles on. Your "pre 2000's" art style is the same in principle with the "moe art style". It all depends on which studio is making the Anime but I can see the same patterns.
You'd probably cry with nostalgia goggles on if you would have been born during an art movement transition. I won't bother giving you examples myself, if you do look at Anime, you'd see that KyoAni does not look the same like White Fox for example. You should probably look at less popular studios instead of looking at the monthly releases of the same studios if you want to see diversity. I assume you're not that daft to ask artists with a specific style to change for you, right?
As for "shaping generations". You're in no need to be "shaped" anymore and you seem too jaded and tied to the past to even care. What does it even mean to "shape generations"? Because shit like Dragon Ball Z or Naruto was and still is popular and clearly is influencing generations, old and new.
Nolan Hernandez
Making adults look and behave like adults makes a show better.
Dominic Jenkins
The future is ruined
Eli Smith
There are still shows coming out with adults that look like adults. Maidragon is just not one of them, and why should it? It's a moe comedy.
Eli Cruz
And adults in moe art styles look all the same just like your "old art style" does. Principle is the same, it's just slight differences between studios.
Studios that release "moe" are the ones that release the most and the ones that are the most popular. You still have "old art styles" because not all studios do the same thing.
Transitions are so normal in every industry and this same illogical reaction to the "new" happens every time.
Jaxson Clark
Oh, Gansta.
How does it end? I had to drop it at episode 10 because the quality was so bad it hurted. It was specially disappointing because the first episode was delightful.
Levi Cruz
Asher Perez
Do you even watch modern anime or is this just some general feeling you have while wallowing in nostalgia?
Robert Peterson
Man, talk with moe lovers is really hard… So, since you are a little lying cunt who loves to put words in people's texts, let's talk. There is no nostalgia googles involved, you just have an industry that shits animes every fucking week, and just like games now, it is overpriced trash 90% of the time. Are games just as good now as they were in the 90's and early 2000's? Because the both industries are shitting stuff at an amazing rate that is just not healthy.
Frankly, you love stuff with lolis and moe, this is clear, and you are putting Dragon Ball Z and Naruto in the same plate. This right there shows how you know shit your knowledge of anime is. And it's clear you also hate the old stuff. By the way, those posters have material from the 95 until 2009. that's 14 years of animation in posters for you.
Jordan Gomez
WEll, it only got 12 episodes, then I believe it wasn't renewed for a second season because the manga was cancelled?
Jaxon Rodriguez
Luke Smith
The manga is still going, the studio who animated Gangsta went bankrupt 2 years ago.
Jeremiah Brown
Dragon ball Z and naruto are the same genre
Josiah Roberts
Oh… It's a shame. It had nice animation when they weren't being cheap asses.
What is going on in the manga? I couldn't deal with this anymore when it turned from cool gangster criminal Black Lagoon story, then story about supertrained crackbabies, then X-Men.
Samuel Flores
Why did this happen?
Jose Anderson
They all share a similar style, which is my point. You want everyone to adhere to your stylistic guidelines of how things should appear because you once watched stuff that looks different to what styles are common today. Yes, I'm well aware of the differences between them, but they all share commonalities, do they not? This is also true of "moe" whatever that means. You're making arbitrary distinction on what is cool and what isn't. 99% of any media is utterly forgotten, and what is remembered isn't indicative of overall quality. This is true of old anime as well. Still, with the sheer volume of throwaway content that, and the different nature of the industry and it's monetization as compared to previous eras, so I think it's hard to influence a generation, though this one is heavily influenced by early moe content because that's where the money was (and in some sense, still is, though things have changed somewhat and now dictates a different style), but more recently has been faced with throwaway garbage like SAO. There's a reason why everybody has/been doing the "Help, I'm trapped in a video game" thing these days. The Idol-genre also appears to be doing quite well, as you've noted. But I'm willing to step up to bat for a few pieces that utilize non-standard styling that will likely be regarded as classics (and in some cases, already are): Ping-Pong the Animation, The Tatami Galaxy, and Katanagatari. For the latter two, 7 years is reaching a bit if you want to talk about "modern", but they still receive high-praise for what they are (regardless of your personal opinion, you cannot deny the reception these shows have had) and I think they fit best with this era of content than the former. In your universe, these shows would lack all charm they have because you've revoked their artistic license.
Bentley Reyes
Genre being shit, right?
Ryder Baker
What's the deal with this robek world faggot being advertised here? I can't figure out the angle behind the site at all. Seems to be one of those people living behind a hundred layers of irony in everything they do.
Cooper Powell
I can't tell you what's going on, I haven't gotten that far.
Nathaniel Morales
Most of the time yea
Jackson Nguyen
Yeah, I can assume you're retarded at this point. Do I now?
It's the same thing you said. If anime does not look cool, ANYMORE that means it did BEFORE. Or are you saying that it looked cool a week before but this week it's suddenly all shit and moe? It's the same shit. You keep on saying that because you think it's not interesting and "everlasting", that means it's not good.
Like every industry in existence since almost forever? This isn't new behavior, you daft fuck. "Good" is not objective. These two are so unrelated it's not even funny. I have no idea what "shaping generations" means for you since it's a vague and retarded point, so I'm going to assume popularity and how much the material lasts popular. Yeah, that's why I watch old stuff. Holy shit, user. Please kill yourself.
Austin Hernandez
Whatever, it gives dosh to Holla Forums and nobody's gonna click on it so…
Jonathan Stewart
Hi Breitbart.
Jordan Ramirez
Kayden Ortiz
okay now, how often does Holla Forums, or in this case gg disagree when it comes to gaming?
Justin Nguyen
wew what a waste, if I knew I would have said something cool, like, idk… Val is gay or something like that.
Parker Johnson
This robek guy has a profile on gnu social, seems to be part of the same circle teridax is in. Also some kind of tranny.
It's supposed to be "exception" singular. The fact there are multiple exceptions already disproves your argument. Secondly, the big reason you notice this so much is because the Internet has made it possible to view all anime. Back in your so called golden age the reason all the shows you got were "good" is because only the best of the best actually got sent over. These days literally anything made is viewable to anyone anywhere in the world, the good and the shit. Guess what? Most things are shit. That was true back then too, you just didn't see almost any of the shit because it was impossible to.
Austin Adams
Make a new one, I memorized the ulr
Benjamin Martinez
fuck you
Samuel Butler
Adam Wright
Pretty sad. Shouldn't an artist have improved after all this time, rather than regressed?
Cameron Perez
Me too, user. Holla Forumsgg threads are the worst.
It's like that faggot can't accept that with time, shit changes. That old art style he or she loves so much had a predecessor that is now dead or not as used.
This with time will happen to moe too. Then probably idiots like him of the moe fandom instead will cry about too while he cries about the two transitions together, who knows?
Jacob Brown
Seems like a shitposter who think they're the internet's hunter s thompson. Whatever.
Austin Morgan
nice one old man
Josiah Morris
Something occurred to me
Michael Sanders
I don't know. That does sound a lot like Hunter S. Thompson
Caleb Garcia
Do…you have any examples of this? I've never heard of this happening.
Noah Campbell
fuckin' newfags
Kayden Fisher
Drakengard 3.
Come on now.
Jaxon Cook
Oh I didn't even realize they did that. I just thought it was forced dub and they left it at that.
Lucas Hill
These two Final Fantasy games.
Juan Hernandez
I just wanted a dystopian cyberpunk future
Juan Brooks
As said, this studio, Manglobe, went under. And it produced great stuff, like Ergo Proxy, Michiko to Hatchin and it also had Gangsta. Hell, they made Samurai Champloo too. But his is just not what the current fans in Japan really want in general it seems.
Yep.The first is a classic that became cancer. The other is a metastasis.
Dude, you really like to overreact. And you are the one that think the style you appreciate should not be criticized. Hell, the simple fact that I said there is an overload of moe made the thread go overboard. Look at this This guy is triggered hard. By the way, why people are keeping telling I said my taste was supreme? I said it is not cool. And, I don't think it really is. I've been watching some stuff, buying stuff. There is plenty of interesting things here and there, but this is an industry in overload mode now. The user was talking about DBZ being shit, and it is now, because they can't let the series rest. Another thing that shows how powerful this escaping this modern trend can be was the whole JoJo fandom exploding recently. The series managed to STAND out really well from not only because of the brand, but because it was so different visually, and was quite well made. Another very good example was One Punch Man. I think there is space for everything, and of course the companies will look for the money making trends. Right now I think monstergirls gained quite a bit of traction, and the moe stuff still have a huge power in the market. But I don't think this is a very good thing in the long term. To me, designs like the one from DragonMaidLebianGirl are the japanese version of things like Adventure Time and Steven Universe in the sense that it shows the lowest that those studios can do. Of course, it still much better than the studios around here are managing to pull out.
Ian Evans
You mean this? Requesting drawfags do a Vivian/Lilian (or White Korra) version.
Daniel Hernandez
Wait, now that you mention it, wasn't he the volunteer who turned out to be playing both sides and stoking drama? Like, he forgot to ip-hop while shitposting alongside mark in an earlier edition of this thread while rotten ralph was first being word-filtered. Stoked the drama, put on his trip and replied to himself, got called out and promptly left the vol team. Or am I remembering someone else?
Carson Roberts
Why white korra, brown is bretty gud too
John Cook
Talking about Erin, you fuck.
Samuel Garcia
I agree. And this scene is 100% absolutely fucking harmless.
Any feminazi I see complaining on Shitter is going to get verbally slapped.
Anthony Lopez
I know
Sebastian Rogers
Square has absolutely no excuse to be doing that. Smaller companies like Xseed I kind of get. The thing a lot of people don't realize is that you have to license a Japanese dub. It doesn't just come with a game. So what I company like Xseed does is they weigh which will cost less: licensing the Jap dub or hiring non-union English VAs to do it instead. This is why you almost never see dual audio for those games, because then they'd have to pay twice.
Companies like Square, though, are rich enough that it should be a matter of course. There's no excuse for that.
Jaxon Rodriguez
So what is something that "moved generations" to you? Literally no one said that. The issue is that you're making a comparison to the past when the past did the same thing the present is doing right now. That's still because of the above. It's actually also because now it's easier to pump out something average that looks decent. Technology matters, believe it or not. I literally pointed it out in the same post you claim I am "triggered in", learn to read. Like it always was. I'm the only one that mentioned it, I didn't say that. So thanks for proving my point further, I guess? It seems people will look at shit as long as it's deemed "good" by a big group. Did Jojo shape generations? Because then Naruto and DBZ did too. The industry is thriving, you're talking out of your ass. Based on nothing but your opinion. Ignoring the fact that everyone else is ok with it, hence the popularity of shit like Adventure Time.
Drop those nostalgia goggles already.
Levi Parker
I didn't know what you were talking about but your pic immediately made me think of that director of lonely, somber stories, The Place Promised in Our Early Days. Then I googled it and it turned out to be a completely different movie by the exact same guy. Seems like a bad sign when art from different movies blur like that.
Jacob Clark
user, are you sure you are in the right board? I heard about these levels of triggering on /a/ before, but it is the first time I see it first hand. It is indeed amazing what autism can achieve. Keep doing god's work user. And yeah, keep dreaming that what they are doing now is better. By the way, you are doing a huge disservice to your argument by putting DBZ and Naruto as if both have the same weight. You say you watch this stuff, don't commit this mistakes. And as you said, people will look at shit if it is said it's good by a big group, that explains moe and waifushittery lately. We agree on that.
Ryder Nelson
Well, some artists do have a style that can be easily recognized. Some more than others.
Jason Jackson
For anyone interested, HuniePop creator is asking whether to reveal a new character every month or save it all until the trailer for the new Hunie game.
I vote save so the asshurt goes off all at once and I can strike.
Nolan Phillips
I only know one artist by their exact style…
Blake Baker
Ah yes, latex and PAULDRONS
Grayson Jenkins
Assumptions are off now. I'm outright claiming you're retarded as a definite conclusion. You first claim that we can't take criticism, you're called out for saying dumb shit, but all you can do is claim "triggered" and "autism".
Is the new game still going to have the new art and no sex scenes?
Jason Peterson
For her
Nathan Smith
Don't forget the thick bush.
Ryder Brown
Are pauldrons those one things Vegeta had at the bottom of his original armor? Because I loved them and I think they add a kind of flavor to more sinister villains who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty.
Ethan Ramirez
Well yeah but it's not the art itself that gave it away, but the theme.
Tyler Martin
Honestly, I kind of wish they kept their characters secret. It's more exciting to see what the final cast looks like than just a one by one screenshot of a reveal.
And Reddit still spreads their propaganda saying that companies like EA would go bankrupt if they didn't sell dlc and microtransactions.
Angel Myers
Pokemon is the absolute worst with this hands down.
Remember those exciting days of seeing just good enough screenshots of Japanese magazines with kanji, exclamation marks and mysterious new faces along with some mons? That's all gone now and it feels kind of sad.
Kind of like the fucking industry in general. There's no more surprises or mysteries even from Japan.
Nathaniel Long
Pretty much. In some cases, I can see why some questions should be answered (Is the main character going to come back? Will he/she still sound the same?), but I feel like getting spoiled on who to expect in the journey reduces enjoyment. I think it really depends on the type of game since I've already been spoiled on some stuff and I want to see if they're true or the characters that get posted on 8ch that I have little to no knowledge about.
William Perez
Noah Phillips
No user, I called you autist and triggered, no one else.
Talking about her, I think this is the creator, right?
Josiah Nelson
That's what happens when you have wide-spread internet and social media access. Elite dangerous got ayys last week and within half a day of the first one encountering them everyone who was slightly interested had seen a video of the full encounter event.
Kevin Wood
You missed the recent one, just a decade old, which came out in the suspect years where everything changed (2006-2007). No one talks about this now, but I assert that this was the ground zero that allowed LN faggotry and moeblobbery in anime in general to reach mainstream acceptance. This is the show that shaped the SJWeeb generation.
This pretentious postmodernist show, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yûutsu.
Blake Nelson
Well that's rather a constant aspect of growing old, isn't it? Either there's nothing new to discover, or what you discover doesn't thrill you anymore.
Nolan Rogers
I'll still get the games and enjoy them, but that added mystery of "who will be my next party member and what will they be like?" is mostly gone now.
It makes me a bit sad.
Christopher Sanders
And thanks to widespread information getting spoiled over a leak kills the whole hype even if the devs do keep things a secret.
Michael Young
You claimed the other person is overreacting. Don't lie now.
Isekai also shaped this new generation.
Levi Thomas
No, I can still get hyped and blown away by news I wasn't expecting, like Morrie of all characters being in the remake for DQVIII before I found out how shit the soundtrack was apparently redone.
Oliver Wilson
They hate it. They think it has too much fanservice and that haruhi is a rapist. You don't seem to realize that SJWeebs hate anything that could give a straight white male a boner.
Aiden White
The only good thing about that cartoon was the mecha fights
Carson Garcia
I think you and the others should avoid any news about the games you want to play unless it's gameplay related or really matters to you.
Titles usually tell you if you're going to get spoiled or not.
Elijah Green
I'm not lying. I might have marked the wrong person though. And by shaped you mean two or three memes? I follow a good amount of japanese artists on twitter and pixiv, and the thing they are drawing like crazy this days is Fate GO. That thing is everywhere.
Cameron Sanchez
Which is why I don't immediately assume censorship apologists are automatically cucked.
If they have to apologize, they know there's been a wrong that has to justified if possible. Honestly, I think they're just too internet stupid or even just ignorant to know better. When there's a retard, you'll know by the attitude.
Caleb Phillips
I-I think I'll go play some Senran Kagura…
Jose Bennett
But that's the exact problem. You basically have to watch things like the directs for Pokemon nowadays just to see how much content there actually is.
Luke Kelly
You didn't, you claimed overreaction on someone properly explaining why you are wrong and did not further answer his point while repeating yourself.
This discussion is going into deranged territory. You've even put those two together. I've already seen why moe is supposedly a problem but LNs now? Please guys.
Or you can just wait and not buy on release?
Isaac Ross
And you don't seem to realize what the definition of a hipster is. Which is what SJWs are of any stripe.
Jaxon Jenkins
Christopher Hill
Replied to the wrong post with the second, fam.
Benjamin Hall
hipsters have been around since the '50s
Cameron Barnes
What do you mean?
James Davis
What? They get asshurt about attractive women because it makes the retards insecure in some way most likely to do with personal standards or feelings of inferiority, not because they're popular.
Tyler Harris
You meant the second reply of for
Leo Campbell
Oh, I didn't see the difference in ID. Yeah.
You're the faggot, not the other user.
Benjamin Allen
What's this about?
Jackson Campbell
thread theme
Lucas Mitchell
I…don't really get it. Back in the days you're talking about, the days where jrpgs and Pokemon and such had surprises, you basically went in blind because there was almost no coverage. You usually had no idea what you were getting.
It seems to me the dichotomy is "not knowing the quality but keeping the surprise vs knowing the quality but being spoiled." If you want to go back to the old way just…don't watch the directs. You didn't get a magic spoiler-free document back in those days telling you just what you want to know.
What do hispters have to do with this? Other than I think there are a few nostalgiafags in this thread?
SJWeebs don't like Haruhi. Regular weebs like Haruhi. You know? The kind that keep figs and hotglue them. SJWeebs and weebs are two distinct things. SJWeebs are "How do you do fellow kids?" tier "women" (like the kind that invaded gaming and other geek pastimes in 2007) and thirsty Goon betas who turned traitor i nthe hopes of getting tainted pussy. Regular weebs still exist and keep the market afloat. SJWeebs don't buy anything.
Carter Jenkins
Well user, you can feel right, if it will calm you down.
To be honest user, I just need to risk a bit more. Go to a genre you usually would not play, or try something from a generation you never touched. Like, many people didn't enjoyed the Xbox back in the day, but you can grab the console and try some crazy stuff like Phantom Dust, Otogi, Crimson Skies, Raze's Hell… Or some of the many arcade stuff there were never released on consoles. There is still too much to see, and one of the most entertaining things to me, is when I get an older title I never played and can recognized how something that it made first was used in a later game.
Elijah Green
Because in Japan Type-Moon works, like Touhou, are "safe" franchises to freely make fanart of without getting into legal or financial trouble. Unlike committee-designed franchises (like say Kancolle which is regulated by Kodansha and their online army of interns) that had specific rules (generally unwritten but understood that any derivative works that damage the brand will invite legal action by the owners) on their copyrights.
Jeremiah Thompson
Speaking of anime did the miles faggot get fired from crunchyroll? I guess the western industry isn't doing as good as he said it was if they lost 90% of their staff.
Charles Perez
Search your feelings, /a/non, you know this to be true.
Alexander Sanders
user, that's the wrong ID. I'm not the one that said anything about surprises.
It's ok, user. You can accept being wrong when proven wrong, it's especially easier when you're an user.
Justin Robinson
Yeah yeah, I'm more curious of why "LNfaggotry" is a thing for you though.
I actually hope the western "anime" industry does die off, to be fair.
Lincoln Evans
So it's true you're a faggot?
William Rogers
- "This thing is unpopular, so it's superior than mainstream crap!" - "I was a fan of this thing before it got popular!" - "This thing is now popular, so it sucks!"
Sound familiar?
Ethan Bell
I know, I wasn't. But I know. And It is OK to overreact too.
Well, once again, indies that know how to be indies managed to get a hold of the market.
Benjamin Gomez
This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.
Adam Cox
Why are you so homophobic? Can't face the truth?
Ian James
You were, we just went through this once already, user. As for the rest:
Christopher Edwards
Yes? I know there are hispters in this thread. I mean what do hispters have to do with SJWeebs and Harui?
Luis Baker
Can't be a homophobe if I'm fine with gays, but only defend 2D lesbians.
Dominic Nelson
Christopher Green
It's true what they say, smiles get some bad things out of minds.
Nolan Bennett
John Taylor
I took it user. I answered. You didn't accept my arguments, you didn't accept mine. This is how a conversation might go sometimes.
Owen Rogers
How was your day, user?
Jackson Lewis
T-Thanks Namasensei…
Christopher Harris
Wanted to say I didn't accepted yours and you didn't accepted mine.
Oliver Jackson
Nicholas Howard
I don't know. I remember when I was a kid, reading vidya magazines and seeing games for Neo Geo, DOS and other exotic sounding platforms, and feeling like there was this whole world out there, full of wonders to be discovered. Each rental store had some titles the rest didn't, and you kept visiting new ones to find more. In some way, this scarcity made vidya more personally valuable. Now I can have information about almost anything with a single Google search, but I don't like a single thing I find.
Adrian Rogers
That was an Arc-V joke.
Jacob Adams
You should have used a taser, user.
Juan Sullivan
Not accepting facts is idiotic. Claiming I should accept non-facts is idiotic.
Jacob Murphy
I love that the Wu insanity train continues on.
The past 2 threads have had an uptick in shitposting and it's obnoxious tbh
Anyone familiar with GameXplain? Go to their recent Fire Emblem videos to see some true whiteknighting faggotry.
Wasn't the reason why 50/50 statistic appeared was because they included mobile shit? And that Mothers are usually the one who buys games for their kids?
Andrew Wood
It really hurts by the way.
James Scott
Yeah, I'm familiar. Is it any shit about sexualization?
Angel Turner
Not just mobile. They also counted facebook shit as vidya.
Dominic Bailey
You are a gift that keeps on giving user. Never change. Here is a gift for you in pic related: 100% true moe waifu monstergirl anime. Quite modern!
user, information is too easy nowadays, I agree, but now we can have some neat thing you couldn't. like, you can ask a direct question to a developer, even from Japan, and get an answer. You can also come to forums like these to shitpost and have some conversations, like the ones I had with that know-all animu user. There is good fun to be had.
Nathaniel Johnson
There was plenty of bullshit like 50% of people playing games are female before mobile gaming was this big. Its the females and males are equal angle that started this bullshit percentage
Levi Johnson
I've seen this video about the subject, might have something new for you.
David Myers
Even if the internet has it's fair share of downsides like spoilers killing hype (I don't mind much anyway), I'm at least thankful for that part where you can interact with developers! Or if I wanted to play or watch something I missed out on years ago, I can get that right away!
William Jones
I hate you and this picture so much.
Carson Ramirez
This is going to be long-winded, and I apologize, but do you know what their actual problem was? They also made a lot of not-so-great stuff and were bleeding money because of it. Manglobe was horribly managed. Samurai Champloo and Ergo Proxy were released well over 10 years ago, and they, as well as Michiko and Hatchin were also original content. That matters. In the years leading up to their bankruptcy after the release of Michiko and Hatchin, Manglobe's only original project was Samurai Flamenco, which ended up dead in the water. Because the only content they were regularly producing was contracted by third-party licensees, they weren't getting much in the way of royalties out of the shows they produced, and they found themselves sinking deeper in debt. There was a lack of risk-taking with original content after a single unsuccessful venture even when they knew full well that bankruptcy was inevitable. It's not that Japanese fans didn't care for what they doing. Manga sales went up noticeably after their adaptations aired and the anime themselves didn't sell all that poorly, either. They just weren't getting any money from it. You generally can't survive on adaptations alone. It was an organizational problem with the industry, which I have cited earlier as the cause for much of today's climate. No. I'm fine with criticism of any art styles. You were just nostaligiafagging and people called you out because they don't believe rigid stylistic guidelines to be the determinant of quality. None of the examples I had provided of "modern classics" were moe nor traditional styles. I don't think something has to look old to look cool, that's all. DBZ was always kinda bad, as Dragon Ball became a trainwreck long before Akira handed the reins over to Toei. Pre-and-early-DBZ arcs though? It was great and I can't deny that. I'm not going to comment on JoJo's popularity because I don't feel like opening that can of worms and this post is already too long, but One Punch Man's anime is relatively generic in appearance and looks like shit compared to the manga adaptation that Murata has been doing. I think it's popularity can be explained by the fact that the comedy itself is interesting (not unlike the source, which is quite ugly), but that's not the point here and it doesn't really involve any argument I'm personally trying to make. I'm glad we're in agreement. I like shows that look all sorts of ways, and I care more about how well the animation is done than the style it's in. If you said all old anime is ugly and looks the same, I would gladly have had a similar conversation with you from the opposite perspective.
Use a comb and scissors if you intend to trim it down, this way you have little to no danger of cutting yourself and won't get ingrown hairs, at worst you'll be a bit itchy for a few days from the ends of the cut hairs. If you really wanted to be silky smooth you probably need to wax the hair off, though I've never done this myself.
Caleb Johnson
Wait, they're offering $40K/year for a shitposting expert who stays up all night? I didn't know you could get paid to be an average imageboard user.
Aiden Peterson
what the fuck is that picture
Adam Scott
hoo boy, that a gouvernment contractor
Jacob Gutierrez
Some comment threads trying to defend Fates, comments defending the localization and treehouse. It's pretty bad how they all came out of the woodwork after the FE direct and worse the the examples posted above.
Bejewled is a facebook game right? I think that's when they really started to push the meme.
Evan Green
I see your points user, but, the simple fact that when I criticized that styled made people call me nostalgiafag, as you are doing right now, shows that you people are not open to criticism as much as you like to criticize.
Jonathan Wood
Holy fuck Nintendo actually did one good thing with the switch.
Aiden Kelly
Shit is literally on every possible platform. Second only to doom and tetris in terms of ports.
Camden Hughes
Not enough to counteract the sea of shit the rest of the console is.
Isaac Myers
Ryder Cruz
What's the highest voted anti censorship comment?
Jaxon Long
Now, I wonder if they would plan to use it mostly on 4chan/reddit or a more specific forum.
Ethan Williams
I wouldn't really say a facebook game since Bejeweled has been around since 2001 but yeah, it's a popular casual game.
Zachary Lopez
That's great for people.
Paying for online after all this time is still unacceptable.
Lincoln White
Reggie can go fuck himself.
Brandon Gray
Well, on the Wii U you could not change the country of your account when it was settled. And while it is region free, I wonder if companies will be able to lock content by themselves. Remember that the PS3 did had a few region locked games. I think P4A was one of them.
Ethan Bennett
Well since the world has become so DLC infested, they say cause you can't buy shit from other countries with murica currency.
Aaron Allen
Blame Sony. Or rather, blame the moutbreathers who accepted PS Plus and gladly forked over their dosh for it. Once they set that precedent it was over.
Thomas Scott
Wasn't that more on Atlus since it was cheaper for the Japanese audience to import the American release than to buy their own region?
Noah Hernandez
XBL predates PS+ by a good LONG ass while.
Lincoln Torres
Maybe it's popularity blew up on Facebook at one point, I remember a lot of articles about it.
So far none, most is just hype for the FE milking.
Levi Lopez
Xbox Live was first.
Henry Taylor
That's what I said. While the console was region free, game companies could freely lock games even on PS3. I can see this happening on the Switch too.
Blake Smith
Oh yeah, it's still not enough to get me to buy the thing. But I'm really fucking surprised that they're actually letting you have access to all the eshops, there seriously has to be some secret jewing to go along with it like with Sony's multiple region store access where you can't use foreign credit cards or pay pal on the jap store.
Angel Scott
Yes it was. But PS3 was free. Nintendo was free too. Xbox was the odd man out. Sony doing it and people accepting it was the tipping point that meant it was "okay" to do.
Grayson Cox
Anything to blame Sony
Jeremiah Long
That's the spirit.
Anthony Carter
No, they just did the right thing, after consecutively doing the wrong thing. They probably only did it because they didn't see the need to region lock anything when everyone has to pay for online now.
I remember when we first heard the 360 was going to have paid online. I predicted way back then that the 360 will be successful because its XBOX and casuals love gloating about how much money they burned in a bonfire. Then Sony will see that Microsoft got away with taking people's money for online services, and they'll do the same thing. Then, when no one expects it, Nintendo will do the exact same thing and still manage to be worse than the other two because Nintendo fucks everything up all the time now since the Wii (and arguably before that)
No one believed me back then about Nintendo doing this, because everyone still thought Nintendo was this lone, shining diamond in a sea of shit. But here we fucking are. Nintendo's failures and future buttfuckings are too predictable. I'm surprised it took this long for people to realize where this was all headed.
Now I'm just smug as fuck because everyone's hopes and dreams are dead just as I thought they would be
the 360 being the success that it was was what made the other companies think they could do the same thing and it was okay. Sony and Nintendo just followed in Microsoft's footsteps
Dominic Nguyen
You know nothing about the industry, or shows that are airing at present, yet claim to be knowledgeable in these subjects and falsely attribute many perceived wrongs to external factors, when much of the "issue" with the industry is the fault of the industry itself. You have yet to address prior responses to your claim that modern shows are all garbage and none will be remembered to be anything of value when compared to the "classics". All you have done is proven your ability to deflect when challenged, and have considered every rebuttal a failure to accept criticism, whatever that even means, considering I do not nor never will work in the industry. You didn't "criticize a style." You said, and I quote There's no sense in backpedaling, because it's textbook nostalgiafaggotry.
Jack Rivera
MS making money hand over fist was the signal that it was "ok" to do
Jordan Edwards
They were the trend setter this generation. That's pretty much unarguable. Nintendo sees the other two companies do it, they think "why can't we?"
That definitely had a role in it, true. However, because of the Xbone's bungled luanch, Sony basically had a blank check to do what they wanted. They could have kept free online. At least limited free online for MP and had the plus service do something else. The didn't. They saw an opportunity to make money and they jumped on it.
Gavin Ward
Now if only the internet service providers of today would stop being such kikes and remove data caps or upgrade their horribly outdated technology…I want to play some online party games that don't run like ass.
Matthew Russell
Just checked for myself andown it mostly hype and then there's this faggot.
Brody Martin
Except that's wrong, the trendsetters where the ones that first started with pay to play MMOs and it just escalated from there, companies realized you could make people pay to play online despite already paying for their internet connection.
MS was simply the one that capitalized on that with XBL, thing is that Nintendo hasn't shown anything to prove their online is worth paying for, not saying the other companies do either but Nintendo's online has always been trash, you're talking about a console where you need to buy an ethernet adapter to not have to play online and all voice communication and apparently matchmaking will be done via a smartphone app.
At least XBL and Sony do that in-game.
Adam Morris
Wrestlemania's running wild tonight.
Michael Barnes
Except MMOs are a service separated from your ISP, whereas XBL isn't. XBL is simply a way to get money for nothing at all. They offer nothing that the PC doesn't do it for free.
Xavier Perry
Well, The last frontier for paid online are PCs now. With all three consoles doing it ATM, I wonder how long until Gabe decide he needs to buy another small country, or something like that.
Here we go again. user, I know you like your animes, and I like mines. I know you thing is nostalgia, and not that recent animes are more trash than anything else, but c'mon, this is clearly something that is an opinion. You think anime is still cool. I don't. You said why you think it is cool, I said why I don't think the same. What do you want?
Christopher Rodriguez
I expect Paid Mods to make a return.
Angel Barnes
There is always a battle to fight user. The net is the new wild west, but just like the old, the people with the big wallets want to control everything. I my country, some smaller ISP started to make the big guys have trouble. Today even a small city can have at least two smaller ISPs to compete with one of the big guys.
Jordan Collins
Is it normal to not have facial hair or armpit hair at age of 25 as a male?
Cooper Moore
Well, You can bet people will buy.
Leo Gray
Isaac James
It's all genetics. Well, genetics and autoimmune disease.
Liam Cox
are you a cute trap? It is rather rare Just be happy you don't have to shave everyday or groom your beard
Sebastian Miller
I'm probably being naive here because I'm trying to keep my head up, but I can't imagine paid mods ever working out so well. That's not even going into pirating the mods themselves.
Adrian Smith
But I wanted to be a manly man
Benjamin Jones
Yes. In fact it's also heredity. I knew a woman who grew zero body hair. Her ethnic background comes from a tribe on a island in the south pacific not far from Austraila.
Jonathan Howard
It clearly won't work out in the long run, but that won't stop "innovators" from trying to wring every shekel out of you if it looks like a risk-free opportunity from their point of view.
Brody Price
All right then, Fujoshits can't complain if the guys don't show their chests or if little boys aren't bathing. You want to be equal with less fanservice? You're gonna get the same treatment the opposite side gets.
Dominic Butler
Don't forget they'll have an obligation to keep the mods updated to the latest version of the game, and to ensure it's not taxing trashy console hardware beyond nominal.
Christian Morris
It could be worse. I have excessive fat on my stomach, mons pubis and inner thighs that won't go away no matter how much weight I lose. Got this from my father. "No such thing as localized fat", /fit/ says. "Lose total weight and you'll lose fat from your whole body", /fit/ says.
Benjamin Morales
Also be thankfull that you don't facial and body hair is not nice. It looks messy and is irritates the skin if it's like wirewool. I personally would love to have my facial hair and a large chunk of my bodyhair permenantly removed. I'd rather have good skin than scruffy hair.
Joseph Johnson
Depends upon your genetics, more common for some races than others.
On another note any update of what the fuck is going on with crunchyroll?
Dylan Butler
Just work out and get yuge. Chicks will hang on your dick like monkeys in a tree.
Cooper Jackson
Not really. If you're in good shape it definitely creates more openings, sure, but social skills and confidence are even more important than physical fitness.
Gavin Walker
I'd probably go get that checked out just to be sure.
You probably haven't lost enough. Some weight is harder to lose, and you have to really slim down for it to go away.
You're doing something wrong. My facial and body-hair is more or less a non-issue, though admittedly, I keep things well-managed.
They're probably just trying to boost profits, and there's no sense holding on their engineering team if they aren't fixing anything. Add in their recent partnership with Funimation and there's definitely some stuff going on behind the scenes. Honestly, I think they've got enough of a subscriber base that it'd be hard to not make money, but they do a lot of frivolous spending, like flying cosplayers out to cons and the like. Maybe that will come to an end as well. Though it'd be best if they died. They've likely done the industry more harm than good.
Bentley Cox
post pics
Gavin James
Nah, it'd be just genetical. My mum also does not have any body hairs.
Bentley Lee
I became like 15 pounds underweight and it didn't make a dent on my gut. It must be my penance for having gotten fat once in the first place.
Brandon Lewis
I envy you.
Carter Brooks
Binding of Isaac devs have done this twice.
Owen Williams
While I do think it would have been better if they never existed I do not have faith in fansubbing making a comeback so I don't share this opinion.
Andrew Gonzalez
The men in my family start to growing facial hair at 27, I must say that is a weird case user.
Jeremiah Collins
No it's just a result of getting older. Having good skin also helps as in not being sensitive. I have a 0.5 trim on the side of my head and the coarseness of it is far softer than what's on my face which is about as rough as glasspaper.
You don't necessarily need fansubs. (Though I think we'd see an increase in their availability) The industry has begun to acknowledged the western market, and would further attempt to serve it. A middle man cuts into their own revenue. Daisuki would definitely see a lot more traffic, and I'd expect some other studios would probably set up their own streaming services as well.
Samuel Adams
Nice try.
Joseph Davis
I'm also worried about this, there's still a language gap and I'm concerned about it going the way that video games are going right now with "culturalization". Crunchyroll was by no means perfect but we could get far worse(like more of the shit with Prison School). I already feel like 90% of the video games that I should like these days have already been ruined by localization practices, the thought of the same thing happening with anime is pretty worrying since as pathetic as it might be anime, video games, and books(which have also become heavily pozzed) are my only real leisure activities.
Aiden Brown
This is a good and a bad thing, as it removes the insulation between the west and the east, i.e. sjweebs The day that a nip publisher announces they hired a diversity consultant is the day I end marche's gay life
Mason James
that is really shitty
Robert Ross
inb4 Evagelion remake with nigger Shinji
Jason Hill
Is there any source on that?
Gavin Morgan
Jaxon Cox
I really, really want this guy to be Cable in the Deadpool sequel.
Elijah White
You have to keep it up and not only that, you have to actually work your core stomach muscles instead of packing weights. It's not hard, it just takes a while. Same situation and by actually having a balanced workout and eating right, I lost it.
Charles Campbell
I see this as a bad thing we have faggots like miles who would abuse their position. Was isn't anifem's goal to connect with content creators give them "criticism". Things are only going to get worse from here I rather the western anime industry die then watch the cancer infect anime.
Lincoln Price
By "keep it up" you mean even more underweight? Because I don't even know if I'll end up getting a gut again when I go back to normal weight.
Owen Davis
Sjweebs are pozzing up eromanga thanks to fakku. Imagine if comic kairakuten announces a diversity initiative thanks to their influence? Genderspecial queers of color in your lewd mangos from now on? Ze/zhir pronouns in futashit?
I'm sure that if this hellish reality comes to pass you would agree the only escape would be to kill ymarche.
Jace Brown
That was Funimation, a company based out of Fort Worth, Texas, who worked on a shitty dub, and the guy was likely fired for it. Localization is more or less the same problem. It's American firms handling it and getting in the way. If you have Japanese people in Japan overseeing what goes on, I don't think it will be a problem. Considering Anno went autistic over the Eva 3.33 dub and made Funimation do it again (which apparently took ages to get "right" - I've never listened to it and have no plan to), I think the industry would be okay.
Adrian Sanders
Yes, I was using Funi as an example of something worse than Crunchyroll.
Joshua Powell
What triggered Anno so bad? Did they add fucking memes? Or was it the fact that every young American female VA sounds the same these days?
Dominic Ward
Also I thought the western industry was doing poorly and was being held up weebs who buy merchandise and figure of there waifus.
Lucas Brown
I can gladly do that now
Dylan Thompson
I think he went to a screening and people laughed at the dub, could be rumor though.
Luis Reed
This thread is fun. >>>Holla Forums1258126
Ian Price
Well, yeah. But Japan keeps them in check when they need to. If they would sidestep their bullshit altogether, we'd be much better off.
No idea. Didn't see it in theaters, but I imagined it wasn't satisfactory for whatever reason. I know that his own team supplied the subtitle track and Funimation was instructed not to modify it in any way, in order to ensure intention and clarity were preserved. I'm just going to take a shot in the dark and say it was poor direction. There's no other way I could imagine it were taking so long unless every line got his approval.
You generally have to import figures, so I don't see how that would impact profits of western firms at all.
Grayson Ross
A quick Google shows that even normalfags were questioning the quality and accuracy of the dub 2 years ago. Apparently scenes where Misato was supposed to convey concern for shinji was replaced with her just being angry all the time.
Ryan Brown
It doesn't sound far off to be honest.
John Rodriguez
Nolan Ortiz
Randy I.M.H.A.P.P.Y
Jaxson Evans
Hah, what the shit. Gotta love clickbait headlines.
Brandon Bennett
Randy, your shitty $60 game has a lower playerbase than Evolve. You know, the game that 2K pulled the plug on to back Battleborn?
Blake Moore
Yeah, I get the feeling Gawker's going to make a cry article about how Nintendo blacklisted them real soon.
Jacob Reed
If you're that worried about anime, then just fucking tell me what Japanese I need to follow and retweet to make sure nothing bad happens, holy shit.
Robert Ward
Dunno mate, that's about the most honest article they have have written.
Brayden Lopez
Never forget
Wyatt Phillips
this is about as useless as internet petitions.
Xavier Lee
Bullshit, show the only real audiences and hammer it in as fucking bluntly and relentlessly as possible, so there won't be a mistake like with video games.
Show that feminazi shit isn't welcome and will only piss off their own actual markets.
Henry Rodriguez
What the fuck? That aside, this article is retarded, and the guy is circlejerking about populism because it 1080p works everywhere or some shit. 4K devices can output to non-4K TVs, and the Wii was undeniably held back by its hardware. I even recall Gizmodo (or maybe one of their other outlets) praising Dolphin because it could make WIi games look so much better.
Gavin Barnes
I have yet to meet a single person that owns a 4k tv
Carter Williams
Buy shit that hasn't been censored, avoid shit that has. If the market is telling them the opposite of what their consultants are, they will drop them fast.
Lucas Watson
Caleb Fisher
Bitch, Western women are the most mollycoddled and pandered to people in the goddamn world. Oppressed? Not even in your wildest dreams.
Ian Phillips
Just slander that kind of shit to no end.
Why can't mombot just fucking spread this sentiment even harder? Examples of retarded "gaijins" bitching about their media because of being so oversensitive and make them completely inhospitable towards it? Ready to bombard studios with death threats if they even consider caring about some literally who retard that isn't even in their fucking country?
Austin Brooks
I own a 4k monitor if that counts.
Dominic King
Saudi women have no idea what real oppression is, they've never had a man post in a hashtag and say something not nice about a march they're in.
Daniel Nguyen
Nobody would buy one if nothing supported it. Nothing supports it because nobody owns one and non-shitty tech is expensive. It doesn't matter than the Switch can't do 4K. What matters is that the competitors "can."
Cameron Bennett
Hahahahahahaha look at this dumb fuck. 60fps TV's have been affordable for decades, even in PAL regions as I had a 14" portable TV with scart in the late 90's. Why are these morons writing about video games again?
David Long
sounds about right
Cooper Jackson
do you know what this thread is dude?
Blake Richardson
An slow video, but it is an interesting analysis about the desensitization that some accuse games are capable of.
Cooper Sanders
Joshua Powell
I'm guessing that if Cranz ever addresses the fact that 60fps have been affordable for some time, that he'll try to fall back on how he lumped in 120fps TVs and say "But I was also including 120fps TVs in my statement about expensive TVs, meaning I'm still right about those TVs being expensive." I don't know the price of 120fps TVs, but I find it odd how he included 60fps TVs with 120fps TV given that there's a significant difference between refresh rates, and possibly prices. I think it would have made a little bit more sense to compare to something like a 90fps TV.
Kevin Thomas
Watch harmful opinion's video on it instead
Mason Brown
What the fuck do I have to do to get into contact and say "Don't tolerate any shit influence from those retarded gaijins in the west for a second"?
I want an actual official statement from the market saying to fuck off.
Logan White
nigger pls
Jordan Morris
Leo Brown
I will be fair about 120fps TVs, as true 120fps TVs are hard to come by (though there are plenty of TVs that refresh at 120hz and higher, very few will actually accept a signal greater than 60fps - they just interpolate), but still, TVs have run at 60fps for as long as we've had TVs.
Gavin Baker
I'll be honest. I didn't look at the thumbnail properly. I just saw the motorbike scene and thought you were trying to post wu's video in the thread. This wouldn't be an issue if you explained what link you were dumping rather than just posting it with no context
Austin Lewis
Nathan Bailey
Luis Ramirez They've finally figured out outsourcing your safe space is a bad idea
Joseph Parker
This is why gaming will be dead within the next two decades. Investors want money, and mobile is the most lucrative.
Kevin Foster
Is this b8?
Michael Anderson
How do I know you aren't shilling your 4 subscriber video in the thread? Why do I want to click the link you're posting?
Jacob Miller
Nathaniel Hill
nigger stop being a paranoid faggot & get adblock or something christ
Brayden Adams
Bloodborne was full of discovery for me.
Tyler Flores
You should just go back to wherever you came from. You're clearly not from around here
Nathan White
To be fair, all of John Wu's pictures are unflattering.
Lucas Martin
Id prefer just filtering you
Jackson Gutierrez
Mason Walker
REMOVE LEMBAS remove lembas you are worst elves. you are the elven slut you are the elven lewd. return to woods
Jack Allen
You didn't post anything before that. I doubt you'll post after unless you find another ebin youtube link.
no, you faggochino, you're supposed to eat a balanced meal (lay off the burgers, cut out the soda, fuck off with the sweets and stay the fuck away from pasta and buy a 1.50 can of meat and veggie soup from a goddamned supermarket) do a balanced workout like so:
Warmup: 20 minute run or 20 minutes on one of those bikes at the gym, avoid the stairmaster. 1 Leg exercise 1 Stomach Exercise 1 Arm Exercise
Main Exercise in order: 1 core exercise, you can do situps on a yoga ball if you don't have a spotter, more intensive then it sounds, do one straight set and two sets where you touch your left elbow to your right knee and vice versa 1 set with dumbells, start at the waist, pull up to your chest, lift up over head pull down to chest, rest at waist, and repeat, that's your rep. 1 pulldown bar, whatever you can handle 1 deadlift set, 50 pounds 1 plank set on a mat.
Do 4 times a week, 3 times on your first week, spend at least an hour or two doing the Main exercises and make sure you do them slowly, not quickly.
This is beginner shit before you start complaining. The only one you have to blame is yourself on this one.
Alternatively, get a job pushing carts at a grocery store or ANY physical job that makes you sweat and exert. You have no excuse, try harder. Genetics are a poor excuse, especially when you think fat is fucking genetic, you wallflower.
Jaxson Walker
And before I forget, the standard reps per set (in non lingo words, the amount of times you do something before you take a rest for a bit) is 15 reps, 3 sets. So you'll pull a bar over your head 15 times, then rest, then do those 15 reps 2 more times in that order.
The standard is 15 reps 3 sets and it's non-negotiable.
Adrian Smith
I'd gladly fug that juicy piece of meat so hard and ejaculate on it then eat it, medium rare
David Campbell
Stopped reading right there.
Caleb Barnes
The secret being SGG is a fat bald bearded guy
Luis Hernandez
I can't imagine that's possibly a better deal than prepping your own food. Also, that's probably the least balanced meal than you can buy, unless your definition of balance includes replacing the grain in your diet with salt.
Zachary Price
Bu.. but user they're delicious
I agree, I don't think canned foods are nutritiously blanced. Honeslty they are bad, not sugar drinks or fast food tier bad but it's awful.
Henry Lewis
Please just answer. Who the fuck do I have to work with?
Dylan Miller
It has loads of useless carbs, and almost no health benefit. Pasta is for the fat.
Austin Foster
what about rice noodles?
Connor Mitchell
I really like how Sernan Kagura lets me do infinite ground pounds. Haven't enjoyed that feeling in a while.
Wyatt Foster
Christopher Mitchell
>tfw birthday's tomorrow
Ian Bailey
You weren't kidding. These nips were allies to our cause, but stupid Twitter drama ran them off in 2015. Last signs of activity back in Oct 2016.
That said, we have seriously missed the boat on getting any games companies on declaring a fuck you to any sjws, here or abroad. Most did not want to engage in any side. Nips, especially, just did not care as it did not affect them.
Lucas Davis
Matthew Murphy
What material wealth do you wish for?
Brody Richardson
happy birthday for then, user. Your present is a Trump inauguration
Colton Butler There's also this guy, from Reddit. He's sympathetic to our cause and is helping retranslate Fates. He's just an average dude, though.
Jeremiah Cruz
Grains are fine for those physically active, and there's strong evidence they have been a part of the human diet for some 100,000 years, though it only took a majority role in the diet after the agricultural revolution. It's perfectly fine to consume pasta. It won't kill you or magically make you obese. That aside, what you eat and what your body will actually tolerate strongly depends on what your ancestors ate. If you live in a society that doesn't eat a lot of meat, and starts eating a lot of meat? You might have health issues. Same if your people consume very little grain and you substitute bread in for everything.
Are we sure they disappeared, and not that they just don't have much left to say? Industry is slow, change is hard, and a lot of what we've been doing is more indirect, with less media coverage.
Cernovich actually banned Pepe from an event. Even the_donald is mad apparently >>>Holla Forums8837902
Logan Johnson
Have yourself a webm. I could have sworn I posted my conversion six months ago.
Carson Cook
I know, I just want to reinforce that sentiment 1000 times over.
Leo Walker
Cernovich really went off the deep end awhile ago
Gavin Russell
It's not hard to make a jokes of the UN, there's plenty of things to make fun of them for.
Jose White
I dunno man, I'm not a nutritionist. I do like spicy food, though. If you can handle it, have fun.
Luis Fisher
The only canned anything that's good for you is ingredients that save you time. Like black beans, whole peeled tomatoes and certain veggies. If you're buying canned food as a meal then you're wasting money. Two 30oz can of black beans and 16oz bag of brown rice will set be back $3 and feed me lunch for about 8 days. A can of whole peeled tomatoes, an onion and a can of tomato paste will make you tomato soup for 4 days and will set you back 2.50. That stuff is way heather than canned or frozen meals and cooking your own food will make it easier to cut out the unhealthy stuff like pasta and junk food.
Jordan White
They actually did that one, its what the republicans are really asshurt over right now. US usually vetos that but Obama declined to do so to thumb his nose at Trump.
Brody Lopez
Well I've gone nuts with jalapenos, horseradish, habanero sauce, & wasabi so far. I'm sure there's plenty of other hot shit I've missed but I've got a big craving for 'em.
Grayson White
Eating a lot of spicy stuff actually has a consistent correllation with living longer for some reason.
That aside, eating spicy stuff consistently only messes you up if you don't normally do it; once you get used to it a lot of the problems people associate with eating it tend to go away.
Robert Davis
how's everyone celebrating Trump's inauguration?
Anthony Torres
Spicy foods, especially hot foods contains high Scoville are the main source of stomach and intestines cancer.
Jayden Bailey
I'm hoping there will be some livestreams of it with commentators I can watch. I think Rubin is doing one, but I want a more shitposty one.
How many hours from now is it? I have a feeling it will be overnight here in Australia.
William Jackson
12 hours
Evan Bailey
I buy peeled tomatoes all the time. Though it's to make sauces for pastas. Also, if you're buying brown rice, and have a walmart nearby, they sell 20lb bags for under $10. That's much better than buying a pound for $3 at a time.
Peppers are pretty high in nutritional content. They've also evolved to taste "bad" to scare animals away. I'd imagine people inclined to eat spicy food are also likely to eat other healthier foods, too.
Jordan Hall
Remember to collect as much salt as you can tomorrow on Donald Trump's inauguration. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.
Anthony Taylor
Justin Adams
The same way I celebrate everything. Jerking off and playing video games. I was gonna go pick some chips up from the convenience store but they're closed now.
Jim said he might be doing one, but I know some people are still pissed at him for bailing on GG.
Chase Watson
Beans are god-tier foods, health-wise.
High in most proteins, contain lots of antioxidants, don't have saturated fats or cholesterol. They're cheap as fuck too; a much better choice than instant noodles in the budget aisle.
If you can get some of the ones with the complete protein array like lentils, you could even hypothetically survive with them as your only source of protein.
Isaiah Roberts
Man, Blob really wants to make sure no one can top his "longest Twitter meltdown" record, doesn't he? He's blown way past Phil Fish and his sci-fi counterpart combined.
Sebastian Wright
I still like Jim's streams. Especially when he's commentating over a stream, like with the riots
Nolan Long
I go through a ridiculous amount of rice because I know about a dozen different ways to cook it based on my mood.
Me too, but they pretty much never happen. I don't really blame him for not wanting to stick around, and he's not constantly sperging out about it like certain other people do.
Meant to post this version. Will also post other games to make up for the mistake.
Isaiah Morris
I'm pretty sure 2hu is too difficult for many SJWs to be interested though.
Logan Hall
Darn. The possibility is still there though!
Hudson Murphy
Who else voted for Freedom here?
Gavin Gray
I get the feeling a lot of them are like Undertale fans, where they "like" it, and look at fanart and watch videos and listen to the music and cosplay, but have never played it.
Asher Lopez
Not really feminist, bosses thend to treat underlings like crap sometimes, its not even japan exclusive.
they wanted to yuri
That better be the pc non nisa localized 2hu
Every 5 or so years there is a prevelent mold for manga and anime. Its not a new thing, go look 90s even 80s, there are so many different mangas that look similar to lum its hilarious.
you reminded me that the oppai loli will not be in the anime, probably.
Nathaniel Gutierrez
NISA didn't touch ZUN's game, just the fan-games in particular. Collector's thing looks awful
Adrian Moore
Nisa hasn't localized any of the 2hu fighters, none of the 2hu fighters have been localized.
Joseph Morales
Huh, Steven Cuckbert is interviewing his old character on The Late Show
Cameron Garcia
In other words… fucking posers
Gavin Phillips
The term I usually see used is "secondaries", but same difference. People who talk about how much they love a game but don't play games.
Robert Gonzalez
Leo Young
Nah a pound of brown rice sets be back $1 and black beans get put on special at the grocery store across the street every other week down from $1.25 to 99¢ or if it a good week 78¢ for a 30oz can. Saves me a trip to walmart and from having to buy a container and looking for a place to store a 20lbs bag. Plus fucking walmart, they make you wait in line for 40 minutes just for basic shit.
I like Yuugi.
Noah Butler
Why did they choose a typeface that's so ugly?
Ethan Adams
Chris Chan if he was from a rich family, basically.
Liam Cruz
it sucks that my Twitter account was shut down 4 months back. But at least i could enjoy tasting the bags of salt tomorrow.
Carson Moore
I like some of the characters, but I don't claim to love the games. I just like the porn. I do like the genre as a whole, though.
Ethan Powell
Because they're NISA
Adam Butler
It's NISA. I could whip up a better logo than what they have.
Jose Peterson
Why the fuck would you redo it, then? Goddamn NISA.
Kayden Scott
I want to make lavu to an elf. T_T
Gabriel Thomas
I always have a thing for tall girls and muscle women. Its a shame the porn slant is not in her favor.
Carter Russell
I think I just like porn in general. I'm an addict.
Gabriel Sanchez
feels good mayne.jpg
Angel Kelly
Same, but I still feel very lonely. Only my wafus and 2d women makes me feel happy.
Luis Peterson
I'm usually pretty miserable. Have been for as long as I can remember.
Benjamin Edwards
Oh this gets better. Wait until you see how the PAL region handles the cover art
Ryan Martinez
I know that feeling. Especially cause it's hard to be with someone you trust now a days. 3d women will use you and you cannot trust em. I don't want to end up like my old man!
Evan Price
That layout is very, cluttered.
Cooper Fisher
At least the real games are beyond their grubby mitts.
Jayden Lopez
who is you on shitter?
Ryder Jones
My Twatter account was @SquirrelHound.
Aiden Jenkins
That's not the PAL version, that's the asian ver. The PAL version is the same as the US one
Eli Reed
I just can't really bring myself to open up to anyone. I lost my wife years ago and I've just been alone since. I've talked myself into thinking I like it this way, but there are times when it hits me full force that I want someone by my side again.
Oliver Martinez
Are you from reddit?
Nolan James
Oh… I just realized also that it neither of them feature Marisa, the Luigi of the franchise. They really fucked up on marketing 101
Least you where able to lose your virginity. I'm still a virgin T_T
Lincoln Thomas
you could just filter if it bothers you
Landon Ross
No. That kind of shit doesn't just have to be blindly accepted.
Gavin Williams
Then where the fuck are you from? It obviously isn't fullchan.
John Cox
Jeremiah Myers
Im just pointing this out
Liam Murphy
I'm the guy kelly & fuzztail sperged over in conjunction over FE cus they kept pushing boycotts
Oliver Lee
here, read this convenient guide to Holla Forums
Levi Wright
Did Holla Forums went through cataclystic tranaformation overnight or am I being baited?
Zachary Nguyen
lurk more faggot
Christian White
Robert Gray
I remember. So hows torrential downpour?
Jace King
You may calm down now
Bentley Cook
he's still posting. He just tried to hide his fuckup
John Price
Jonathan Parker
Why did I ever think something good would come out of the moderation team here
Cameron Hughes
Cmon, don't be shy, and don't feel ashamed or bullied, we just not used to with girly reddit posting and being vigilant over subverting trolls and shills. Just try to fit in and don't think about turning name or trip on. The only thing that triggers Holla Forums fagets is name and trip. Welcome new people, welcome to the deepest reach of the internet!
Owen Wood
Ok…please don't hurt me i get it. Don't harm me man!
Juan Cox
I feel like I've seen this typeface be used many many times in a Youtube thumbnail…
Carter Carter
do not post Australian 2hus
Robert Gomez
You need to go back too
Camden Turner
Nah, me trigger? Why would i be triggered….euhhhhhhh ^_^;
Bentley Gray
Do you lack pattern recognition?
Landon Nguyen
speaking of australia, this just happened i hope marche lives in melbourne
Oliver Murphy
Taking bets, muslim or not?
Gavin Bennett
Brandon Wright
I don't even need to read past that healine to know it was a muslim. Damn vehicles taking it upon themselve to kill. First the trucks now this.
Charles Ramirez
from what ive read and seen of the clip its a bogan
Camden Miller
I was going to say it was probably just a woman driver, but the picture specifies it was a man. The fact that the article is wording it so carefully ("car ploughs into" rather than "man ploughs into") tells me it's a minority of some sort, either way.
Nathaniel Torres
i don't know!!!!!
Jason Butler
why do you cling to life marche it's rude
John Lee
even driver ploughs into would work. They try to be way too neutral, to a robotic level, when it's the religion of peace.
Ryan Price
Zachary Morris
Shifting from Planes to Trucks to Mini vans.Boy the religion of piece sure is mobile.
Nathaniel Bailey
Julian Roberts
Oliver Diaz
You sound like a fucking predator.
Juan Martinez
Claim down man!
Samuel Perry
Landon Taylor
we got stuff coming needs time tho
Connor Ward
Why does he want to rape me. I learned my lesson.
Jace Ward
Brandon White
That you are still posting shows you haven't.
Joshua Smith
I live in Canada, and they usually just don't report it here if someone got culturally enriched.
Thomas Allen
Hun I raped things you'd never believe or dare imagine I will teach you a lesson so relax and hand your purity over me Now show me your pure unviolated boipussy so I can defile you
Gavin Ortiz
Run, faggot.
Jeremiah Hill
why do they always beg to get raped
Jace Thompson
Adrian Brooks
Because they're just like your waifu, Miranda, the great whore who begs to be get raped and sluts all over around
Aiden Nelson
I never did find source on that. I just want to know at this point for the sake of knowing. It bugs me when I don't know what porn is from.
Newfag, where are you? I miss you so much honey come back right now and give me more (You)s
Colton Evans
Alright, this is kinda starting to get me hard.
Hunter Richardson
I never left.
Ryan Ward
So how old are you? Where do you live? By the timing, do you live in Asia or Australia? Where ia your battlestation? What is your favorite platform? When did you have your first sex? Do you like thick or slim girl? Wouls you wanna come into my house and be my roommate? I can feed you and provide you a shelter. All you need to do is hand over your body to me. You will like it! I promise!
Easton Mitchell
Michael Bailey
or maybe nobody wants to pay for stuff Japanese can watch for free
Samuel Price
Okay I wouldn't pay for anime either but I wanted to inform everyone because this also happens in the west and nobody knows. They stream anime in TVs, for free. Just like they stream child cartoons for free in TVs. They also sell this product.
Yes, they sell things that were already sent for free. I don't know much about this business model because I don't really care about it but it just seems complementary to merchandise like toys or whatever else they're selling.
Jaxon Cook
Man it must suck to be a Fire Emblem fan, on top of watching a series you love get burned to the ground, you've not got dedicated goons in every thread making sure to defend treehouse and pull the "learn japanese" excuse.
Elijah Morgan
The worst part is that the direction it's taken has been at the expense of gameplay. The japs dumbed it all down to go full waifufag, and then the Americans say "No, no, no. Petting your wife is creepy. Bikinis are too lewd. Giving your kid a swimsuit is fucked up." and take it all out. So you get none of the waifu shit, and none of the gameplay.
Sebastian Kelly
I somehow enjoy their suffering.
Is that bad?
Asher Roberts
Landon White
Is he stupid? I don't know if this is the point.
Isaac Lewis
Alexander Moore
I just thought it was funny.
Gavin Baker
Look what a blast from the past just did for a shitty new video.
Marche should be pleased.
Andrew Mitchell
Oh goodie, politics is definitely what I wanted instead of making games.
Noah Morris
Looks like someone needs to find a new team.
Gabriel Phillips
Make a really good game and shit all over the incorporation of political bullshit if you get an award.
The real joke here is the implication that the winners haven't already been selected.
Ethan Diaz
Archive everything.png If they were more honest it would've been named Globalist Game Jam.
Daniel Martinez
I Got a email from sindol last night
Noah Cruz
That's when user announces xir's recently discovered Jewish heritage and makes a Holocaust themed runner game.
Aiden Young
Miranda commission or galko commission?
Josiah Butler
Bro, way too much info ×_× I'm into thicc girl's!
Hudson Carter
On a physical disk in high quality and improved animation if they screwed up the TV one
Paying for streaming TV shows is cuckoldry. If you liked it, buy a BD
Brayden Anderson
I had a crack at trying to make a cover of that NISA Touhou game, which one do you like more?
Lincoln Allen
They're both equally pretty bad to be honest. The best 2hu covers are the ones from the official games or the official spin offs.
God fucking damnit So Toonami in France (but I'd assume in other places as well) censored quite a few parts of the three first episodes of dragon ball super Here are a few webms to show that garbage
Luke Cox
What's the new thread going to be? Can't believe the time for the Inauguration's finally coming in a few hours.
… did not mean to fucking quote that shaved butthole part… fuck's sake… In this webm, some old perv is paying to see naked girls.
Landon Nguyen
Is there any way that's actually enforced over there? Like how tons of people pirate anyway like it's no big deal?
Eli Rodriguez
Who knows. The whole ordeal is so fucking stupid.
Carson Sanders
Ayden James
Val you're a retard.
Benjamin Baker
In this one, an old perv wants to get some dosh to pay to see naked girls.
Charles Garcia
And in this last one, a kid wrecks some snake's shit. Could you guys check if this happens in other countries as well ?
Gavin Morales
Daniel Cooper
It's a joke you blatant retard. I swear to god you people were born without a brain.
Evan Wright
Yeah, sure it is.
Luke Moore
Get some better material then.
Adrian Cook
The name of the guy is fucking written in the subs. Both the japanese and french names. Am I being baited or are you literally this mentally challenged ?
Oliver Peterson
I don't know, you tell me.
Cameron Walker
He's not the one stupid enough to continue namefagging. I'm only replying because it's the dead of night/early morning over here and we're almost to 700.
Owen Harris
good to know there's still constants in this post modern world, such as "toonami is shit and people who depend on it to watch anime should be shot against a wall"
Ryder Cruz
Just a little bit of history : at the time Dragon Ball Z came out, basically only Japan and a few complete weeb weirdos watched anything from Japan. Thing is, that was the year where Club Dorothée, a kid's show that included little funny skits and numerous cartoons, mostly animé, came out. It received a MASSIVE following, allowing kids in France to find out about the dirty pleasures of animé before the rest of the world (obviously excluding Japan). The effect was so large that nowadays, France is literally the second biggest consumer of japanese media, after Japan itself.
The big start for everything was Dragon Ball. EVERYONE in France has seen Dragon Ball. That's how much everyone knows about this shit. Now user, tell me, how would anyone who lives in a weeb place like that NOT know about one of the most iconic characters in the fucking series ?
I didn't even know there was such a thing as toonami in France…
Hudson Scott
your history doesn't gel, Val. Consider Lupin III on Italy, or even, how could you forget, Albator le Corssaire?
William Gonzalez
So, looking for info on this murrica jester 2hu that some user keeps posting, I found out her power is to drive people insane and make them fight each other over trivial shit. Those nips might be on to something.
Xavier Anderson
I never watched Albator sadly… at the time the only moon I watched was dragon ball and that was pretty much it, maybe with a few rare things like Nikki Larson (Nicki ?.. Nicky ? Fuck, can't remember the spelling). My big sister loved Juliette je t'aime, learnt from a lesbo weeb friend that this was the "localized" version of Maison Ikkoku. Nuts. But anyway, I didn't watch this, it looked way too girly. I liked things like the powerpuff girls or cleo and chico a lot more. My otaku phase came a few years later. Lupin is fucking insanely good though.
Juan Gonzalez
Well sure, my point is, while DB and later Pokémon were booms, anime viewership was already established in Europe before that, even if not understood as "anime"- Heidi of the Alps, etc
Michael Brown
Yes, but it was still very niche, and most subs/dubs were fanwork or completely underpaid, hilariously unprofessional work. It wasn't really that "established" at all. It was something a few young adults watched secretly from their parents (since they didn't have friends to hide this from). It was the ULTIMATE otaku pleasure at the time, and was inhabited by just as much "normal" animé as it was hentai.
Elijah Wright
The pic on the right is Secret Gamer Girl, but the one on the left is not. "Sailor Bubba" is just some guy that cosplays for laffs.
Brayden Ortiz
Japan as a whole doesn't ridicule socjus shit yet. That needs to change.
Carter Nelson
Oh, wait, now that you mention it… there WERE a few animés that were made by both France and Japan at the same time, weren't there ?.. Yeah, you're right, I'd forgotten that lots of those were made specifically because some French weebs were already so madly in love with moons they did everything they could to finance some shows that would inevitably come to France/Europe as well. Also, what's this weird but cute show that comes from Finland again ? And that has a huge following in Japan ? Moomin ! That's right. Yeah, shit, animé history is tons of fun in Europe.
Noah Lopez
She took on the color scheme of the star spangled banner to spook the moon rabbits. Apparently the murrican moon landing didn't go so smoothly.
Oban Star Racers was pretty baller.
Hudson Powell
William Lewis
Maybe in France, but over here a lot of those shows were household names. And I'm not even counting cases like Calimero, Maya the Bee, Wickie der Viking, etc that are co-productions, I'm just saying stuff like 3000 Leagues in Search of Mother or Conan Future Boy or Grendizer/Goldorak/Goldrake. And if you want to go back further, you've Astro Boy, Gigantor, 8-Man, Speed Racer.
Ethan Harris
… shit, you're right. You know your shit user. I'd forgotten about things like caliméro and maya. Fuck, were they even nihonshit ? I would've never guessed… That's crazy. That's awesome !
Robert Lewis
Wyatt Roberts
At least it happened near the end of the thread. this time Ready to troll the shit out of the internet soon? The salt mines are about to open as they're no longer on the "right side of history".
Ayden Stewart
And still my country is full of butthurt leftists angry about Trump.
I've never known there were so many leftists in my country until Trump was elected. There is no fucking middle ground here.
Benjamin Young
Oh yeah! Today's the day! Protestors gotta act like a buncha losers though cause Abloo hoo, Trump the big racist sexist meanie won! So we're gonna cause property damage and make people pay for our temper tantrums!
Jace Hughes
FIRING UP OVEN READY AT 700 OR LAST ROW OF CATALOG title: WWF Wrestlefest Edition vid embed: Uploaded on Feb 6, 2008
Juan Rodriguez
What I don't understand is why people think they have the right of overrule the vote of other states and why other countries believe they have the right of messing with the politics of another nation?
I'm tired of my country's left asking the government to make a stand against Trump because "he is against human rights" or some bullshit.
Nathaniel Brown
I don't know, my brain stopped working when they said Oh this hurts Democracy, the people made a bad choice! So when it works for them, Democracy works. When it goes against them, Democracy is a broken system and should be replaced! I'm really skeptical of the liberals and conservatives ready to pull some shady shit under a Trump presidency like making drawings illegal
Caleb Foster
This doesn't make any sense. Other channels broadcast DBZ or Kai without cuts. The cuts themselves are fucking mild.
Camden Morgan
Gabriella? Those wannabe-commie feminists are defanged now that VP Lobredo's unmasked as the conniving Liberal bitch that she is. The Yellows need to be purged.
Anthony Lopez
I doubt it. Big investors may put all their money into mobile games, but smaller devs like the creators of Insurgency will still continue making pc games and in the end those guys make the best games anyway.
Thomas Jenkins
No, Spain.
Tyler Rogers
Ah. Everything's clear now, from what I know of the SJW scene over there from Kukuruyo's tweets/blogposts assuming this isn't you. From what I understand, the radicals over there probably won't go overboard if they don't want to be bitchslapped by the majority. In any case, godspeed.
Angel Lee
Yeah, it's weird as shit. There's no nipple or blood.
Andrew Perez
Don't know who that guy is to be honest, but yeah, they don't have enouth support to do shit, even if it could help the country.
The biggest problem here is that there is no balance in politics. We have the remains of the previous dictatorship who shield themselves in terms like 'democracy' and 'freedom' yet they are ultra right wing people who steal from the public treasure to make themselves and their friends rich and then we have a few pseudocommunist faggots who are there just to be silly.
Aiden Harris
user, I have already been doing 20min cardio and lifting 3 times a week for over a year.
Eli Kelly
Where's the baker, PAUL?!
Christian Johnson
Anthony Cook
Twitter's gonna be full of crybabies tonight! Hope anyone can make the most out of that day and get all the salt.
Easton Phillips
Can I be the baker, please, can I!?
Jackson Gonzalez
screencap everything and post it in these threads.
Ryan Reyes
No, you are retarded and could harm yourself. Now sit like a good potato and play videogames.
Nathan Davis
Adam Cooper
Not unless it includes Trump or Steven Armstrong. Make it so that we wouldn't know it's you. Or better yet, you don't make it all and remember to ease up/quit with the dopey Gildafagging.
Josiah Cox
Scroll up, patrick batman.
Easton Perry
You'll be next in line to be chopped, I swear.
Joshua Garcia
Is Twitter keeping anyone else from making new accounts right now?
Carson Richardson
Taking a nap. Hope I don't miss the Inauguration. Today will be a good day.
Mason Powell
No, swear TO ME!
Christopher Lopez
Hudson Edwards
Dereto, desu.
Xavier Gomez
delete bread!
Kayden Collins
Bodi's pool repair!
Gabriel Rodriguez
Amy Jo Johnson, AKA, the Pink Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season 1-3 playing a gameboy color between takes in 2000
Luke Price
Nolan Carter
Ok, and?
Owen Powell
checked I wonder what game she's playing.
Carson Brooks
Owen Jenkins
I just thought it was interesting. I've been watching the old power rangers on netflix and was googling a few of the actors. Rita in season 2 was hot. Best pic I can find
David Sullivan
Seeing so many white guild demostrations with white people being chained by black people I'm surprised no white supremacist group break in the event to free the white people and slap everyone arround for being fucking idiots.
Juan Martinez
Forgot to put "is a software engineer"
Noah Murphy
Can't wait to see how gag-inducing edgy she is in the reboot movie.
Robert Bailey
Not too familiar with Stephen Lynch but I hope he's ready for the insanity he's about to embark.
Juan Reyes
See ya next thread guys. Don't forget to saltmine Twitter and other places.
Anthony Reed
Cameron Mitchell
He's already a misogynist. He just doesn't know it yet.
Ayden Sullivan
I'm gonna laugh when the porn comes rolling in.
Also, fuck you, Squenix, for that blatant yuribait in the thumbnail.
Gavin Turner
I mean, it already looks halfway there. It's that fetishy latex bunny rabbit looking costume.