Grand Strategy Games
As if someone gives a shit about dates. You lazy bastards.
Grand Strategy Games
As if someone gives a shit about dates. You lazy bastards.
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But that's the main reason I come to /gsg/.
January 19th
lel, this is somehow relevant enough to appear on Wikipedia or whereever those events are from?
Remember the 15, goy.
Playan Teutons. The Horde got as far as Mazovia. While I went through and past them to Qara, they took east Lithuania for me as well.
That's why you never expand into Poland with the TO. or just play with the in general, it's a shitty nation
It was kind of a big deal since Saddam ended up launching 42 Scud missiles into Israel in total and challenged Arab world leaders to make it 43
Muh 15 trillion
Does a Millennium Dawn type mod for HoI3 exist, and if so, is it good? I kind of really like the ideology trees of HoI4 and the idea of the formable nations and regions, but I fucking hate everything else about the game, literally an iOs title for your computer.
Is there a justification for this or is it just trash?
I assume it'S jsut shit. There is no reason why Jerusalem couldn't have a cardinal
Jerusalem is rightful Ottoman clay, naturally.
I wouldn't be surprised if Johan jacks off to the idea of Kebab Europe
Colonies, I assume.
Hahaha, Paradox are introducing citizen and population management into Stellaris but the ability to purge ayys will be a paid feature.
For a company that acts full SWEDEN YES, they don't seem to have issues with taking money from evil rightwingers.
In addition to the free species rights given to everyone in the Banks update, there is also a paid element, namely the special Purge and Slavery policies that allows you define in which manner your empire utilizes slavery and purging vis-a-vis specific species. The default options (Chattel Slavery and Extermination) are always available even without the expansion, and those without the expansion can also make use of Displacement via a policy, but the rest are only for expansion owners.
Ahahaha they gotta be taking the piss with this one (pic related)
It's because Stellaris doesn't have Johan and co. running it. They supposedly handed the project to some newbie while focusing the "veterans" on HoI4 (see where that got them, kek), and the newbies so far seem to be more concerned with making a game than with pushing an agenda.
As for the dev diary itself, I like it. It looks like it's moving further on the autistic scale. Only wish they focused on ADDING FUCKING MIDGAME CONTENT INSTEAD
Stellaris isn't a grand strategy game, so get the fuck out of here asshole
Neither is HoI or distant universe, faggot.
That's wrong. Both of those games are GS, in fact all games in the OP pic are GS.
HoI are wargames, not GSGs, and Distant Universe is 4X
Just play once trying to make the country as good as it can be for its people and then get to the mindset of other countries and roleplay.
Is there ever going to be a 70s-90s GS game based in the ME or am I going to have to make one myself?
Who the fuck cares?
Where ya been user?
Does anyone have sauce on the music in that second one?
u wot m8
Thanks M8
Bait so you wouldn't have to answer the question :^)
I do.
How were these slave mongrels considered a superpower again?
You could say the same thing about the British in the First and Third Anglo-Afghan wars
Because they faced superior agents highly trained in the art of Son Zoo gorilla warfare by Prescott Walker himself on his Texas ranch clearly.
I thought I would give EU4 1.19 another because for some reason I doubted myself, but fucking hell it's so bad what were they thinking? Why do you have to wait for an institution to get to 10% of your country THEN pay on top of that? It should be one or the other if they really want to keep the shitty mechanic.
I swear the Swedes are just Jews in deep disguise.
You have ~20 years to get Georgia's shit together before becoming kebab and persia's cumdumpster. What do?
Im in the same spot as you to be honest. I played the launch version and it was alright but somehow they made everything worse over time. I really tried to like the current version, assuming something just needed to "click" with me, but it never did. It's just a shit game now.
I don't really mind 1.17+all the dlc obviously goy just as an autistic map painter but seriously I can not stand institutions at all it is the worst mechanic they've ever added.
kill yourself and salt the earth
Remember when after RoM dropped, several anons here shilled institutions as the best thing ever?
I don't, actually, but I didn't follow EUIV closely at the time.
The concept could be made to work but of course Paradox chose the shittiest implementation possible.
Also that situation is fucked, even more than byzantium.
It's worse than techgroups, really.
It just feels like an artificial barrier you have to sink MP and ducats into, it's so fucking gamey, like why do I have to wait for every fucking peasant in my empire to embrace colonialism as the way forward? It makes no sense.
I'm all for changing the westernization process, but institutions don't change it, they remove it and replace it with something so much worse. But I mean really westernization is fucking terrible. Usually if I'm playing with anything with like a 50% tech group penalty I literally won't even bother westernizing because it's not worth the hassle
What a fag
nice israeli meme
Muhammed, your people do fuck goats. Every stereotype is a stereotype for a reason.
Stop lying to yourself and face the reality. Be happy it's just goats – you could be known for fiddling with kids like T*rks are
I don't want to defend kebabs, but there is literally nothing wrong with fiddling kids.
Thanks for pointing it out, Tabarestan had a wrongly placed capital; same with Gazikumukh.
Actually you have ~120 months after 1488 to get your shit together (unless kebab fucks you up first) before Ismail I Safavid conquers Shirvan, Eastern Armenia (only 3 provinces) and Azerbaijan.
Shit's gonna be an event a-la Rise of the Timurids: A HUGE Safavid revolt and cores in the aforementioned areas if they're not under control of the player, except for Azerbaijan; if you own Azerbaijan, you're gonna have to deal with the revolt too (don't worry if you're a Georgian principality, the event's not gonna force you to attack the ottomans or force-vassalize you like it happened IRL), after ~12 months of revolts, controlled territories shall be ceded to Persia. They also get permanent claims/cores all over Persia and a lil' boost to help them along.
Georgian Principalities also get a simple decision to restore the Kingdom of Georgia, with all the prestige and modifiers it entails, as well as obtaining the kingdom rank.
:^) false quote
Pretty historical tbh, the congo had one of the highest adoption rates of Christianity and it was denied a cardinal
Sure :^)
Saddam was shit though.
Please, tell me more
Don't encourage him.
Man that pic really pisses me off. Just look at how much he knows Libya will only get worse without him. All he wanted to do was make Libya not a shit hole and he gets overthrown by a bunch of radical goat fuckers because he didn't like the US or the kikes.
It was just a decadence revolt.
Kaddafi did nothing wrong. The entire "Arabian spring" was nothing but a foreign (read: USA) attempt to puppetise middle eastern countries, and only achieved pushing all of Middle East further towards radical islam and sparking the rapefugee crisis.
Does evicting kikes give decadence?
Yea, a decadence revolt fought by radicals from all over the Muslim world so mostly not even Libyans who were funded by the west because the west hated him. You have to be stupid to believe what happened in Libya is any different than what's happening in Syria.
Can Muslims even do that? I dont recall seeing the option but I rarely play Muds.
I think so, but I haven't played without mods for a long time. The jews in CK2 are a like an international cabal hellbent on fucking up everyone who doesn't allow them around.
Abrahamic religions, not even once.
If they didn't do it, Paradox would need to admit that jews are entirely replaceable by your native population without anything of worth lost.
I kind of like the institution idea in principle, as a way to slow down tech for large empires with their development spread out. But Paradox Interactive did a half-arsed job of it like always. What the fuck does it even mean to throw a thousand golden shekels into, say, colonialism?
You build large re-education centres where you ship all those illiterate peasants who don't even know what's happening behind the borders of their village, and tell them that colonialism is good. That leads to your nation being better at science
As a long time CKII autist I tried EUIV and I'm incredibly disappointed. It all seems so contrived and you have about 1/3rd of the things to do. It's more like playing Civ with 50 minutes between each turn. I find myself actively trying to pass the time while the game is running, because one thing happens every 40 minutes and there doesn't seem to be all that much planning to be done.
What am I don't wrong?
EU4 nations are either incredibly boring or incredibly infuriating, who are you playing as?
I make terrible decisions so I've played as the Teutonic Order, and the Shawnee.
American savages are, hands down, the most boring nations in the game
playing EU4
Funded by the West.
I was hoping that wasn't true.
Also what's a grand strategy game where you can actually use tactics? Is HoI3 like this or is it more of the same biggest force wins unless the game decides the NPC force should win?
That's the whole point of the genre. To have no tactics in combat and just roam enemy with bigger number that has high morale. Or else its not grand strategy anymore, if you have to care about combat.
HoI3 is a wargame. Combat in EU3 is definitely better than CK2.
I think it's time for me to be done with this game and done with EU4.
If you want to pla EU4, then get version 1.17 and VeF with user's edits. It's the best mod for it and the only way to make EU4 somewhat enjoyable (you can give MEIOU a spin, but it's not as good, in my opinion)
attack kebab now - AI is awful with all things naval, and they'll never send a big enough force to threaten you.
The point of the genre is not to have crappy combat mechanics. That would be a terrible genre. The point is manage a large number of different interconnected aspects to achieve your goals. I would feel a rough sense of strategy in combat would be a basic tenant of the genre, especially since most of them are historical simulations and in history there are so many cases of an small force defeating a much longer force not always even through technology or strategy (see: Cossacks) but that's another point.
Millitary strategy is one of the major ways the course of history is changed. For a historical simulation to lack any semblance of it is very disappointing.
That's not to say every single battle should go into a battle ala Total War or Mount & Blade, (although that might be interesting) there should be some strategy beyond having the biggest army, which in many cases is entirely impossible, or moving your army to the best battlefield, which only adds negligible effects.
You are wrong. The idea is to have the entire combat abstracted. You are not the general in that battle - it's your job to pick the general and send him to battle, but it is he who will fight that battle, not you
This doesn't have to be true. Or, wouldn't have to be if the AI in these games weren't shit Combat can have more complex and realistic mechanics without giving the player direct control over the fight. The AI can be programmed to manage it.
Yet, having an army stacked with some of the greatest generals the world has ever seen very rarely seems to help when the enemy has a slight advantage in number, in my experience.
Also consider there are games in which the player character can become a general himself. Although I understand that adding a system like that only while the player was commanding could cause some balance problems.
There are also more methods of military strategy than spur of the moment battlefield orders.
You may have more fun with Vicky 2 or HoI 3 or one of the AGEOD games.
There is more strategy. Strategically choosing to play as the Ottomans because you automatically win every time.
God damn I hate Italy so much, fucking NIGGERS.
EU combat is brain dead. CK2 has a dozen different unit types, tactics, commanders with traits, actual proper mercenary companies and levied troops, and doesn't have EU's retarded frontage implementation.
HoI series >>> MotE > CK2 >>> EU:Rome > Victoria 2 >>> EU3/4
CK2's combat is garbage since any fucking pagan can pull 2k units out of their ass by just existing long enough to accumulate enough piety.
Also the threat system doesn't seem to effect the AI at fucking all since the Magyars can just fucking take over all of Eastern Europe and nobody attempts to stop them.
I fucking hate HoI4's peace conferences.
And I would like to know who's the nigger responsible for not allowing Germany to take Alsace-Lorraine. Goddamn it my border autism can't handle it.
The game isn't even that bad. Has a few kinks to the AI but that's fixable with time. But Jesus Christ the fucking peace conferences. There's a lack of events and releasable nations to the east and the fucking Alsace shit to the west is vile.
Wait, what? What prevents them from taking it?
That has nothing to do with combat, is only vs. a very specific enemy, and the units are complete shit that you should easily beat if you are competent.
Meanwhile in EU4 any random enemy province can spawn a 20k stack of rebels that have better morale than your army does.
Every time I tried to do this, if I took the earlier decision to form Vichy France, no French province can be touched in the peace conferences, and Vichy France just takes everything.
Yet CK2 still relies on "Is your stack bigger? You win, congrats."
It doesn't though. Tribal unit types suck ass, retinue can smash much larger flanks instantly, training good commanders makes huge differences. Maybe you just suck.
Tribes are bit odd, but in an average same culture fight the size still matters most.
Retinues are also a special case since the AI can't build the same OP stacks the player can.
You can still massively alter odds with good commanders. Have you ever taken Winter fighter and abused that? With that +20 martial you'll have +100% to all unit stats (and massive supply limit at winter). Just hang back, let them sit on your castles till winter, then you can destroy large stacks easily. Throw in some inspiring leaders or narrow flanks too.
I've heard that Winter Fighter was OP as hell, yea.
To be fair I haven't played CK2 in a while and am going by memory. Plus, as a count or duke you often don't have the ability to tweak retinues and commanders.
If you are a count fighting other similar level counts or dukes, you need to squeeze every bit of advantage, though. Still, I wish there was more ways to organize your hosts and that the AI was smart enough not to fall for the old "wait on mountains to be attacked" trick.
I have been told this but never noticed it in action.
If you're serious or even kind of serious about this I'd love to help in anyway I can, or just talk theory.
You must suck then. Cavalry flank == good isn't rocket science.
Usually I'm playing as the tribals, so I'm not sure how much that assertion applies.
Can't really fault the game if it accurately models tribe niggers needing overwhelming numbers to compensate for their shitness.
Hey now, the German tribes were numerically inferior to the Romans and still fucked them quite bad at times.
They didn't do it by magically summoning 2000 dudes though.
Roman legions aren't really comparable to medieval shock cavalry, even if you think pilum and short sword are high end weapon systems with no equal in the pre-modern world.
NWO for Victoria 2.
This fucking AI
In V2, good generals help a lot.
V2's problem is that there's no mechanic like army tradition. Since generals are fully random and everyone will have dozens by the midgame, everyone has basically the same quality generals. The only impediment to having +5 or +6 generals fighting every battle is horrible it is to micro generals across the world with the horrible UI, and the AI is gimped by just throwing generals around randomly.
what do you mean by army tradition?
It's a mechanic in EU that determines the skill of the generals you can recruit.
Units get experience which affect dice rolls though. I'm surprised they didn't include that in EU4.
Is CK-II the only game where your king/queen etc have things like… portraits, attributes/traits etc?
Doesnt have to be in the depth of CK on those parts but what took away my will to play EU4 was the fact that my king was just a name with few stats to determine his effectiveness.
I'm not autistic enough to go 100% full-on spreadsheets.
What is some good GSG to play as a meme lord?
All infantry has to do when confronted with heavy cavalry is hold. No horse, or horseman, is insane enough to smash into an organized formation of infantrymen, they'll most likely simply turn around and wait for another opportunity.
You'll note that medieval shock cavalry stopped being so dominant with the rise of professional, disciplined infantry that didn't rout easily.
All of them
What else is there to Paradox games except map painting and memery?
Trump confirmed big guy, I can't wait to see the fire rise.
polite sage
Hoi and revolution under siege
aurora x4
Experience doesn't affect dice rolls, it's a multiplier to Tactics.
EU:Rome has that. It's like a slimmed down version of V2, EU, and CK2.
You can always play Darkest Hour and use Motorized Infantry/Airborn Cavalry to cut off the enemy's supplies and feel like a tactical genius.
CKII but with one of them fancy mods like after the end, play as the Trumplord of New York and make america (GREAT) again.
With air cavalry there's no need to encirle enemy divisions, you can just outrun them.
Does the mod feature a Holla Forums faction? Can you cleanse America of subhumans?
Not as fun though.
Also you can outrun everything with pure motorized, cheese as fuck.
AT doesn't make as much sense in V2 since it covers a shorter time span and, in its period, technology, fast adaptation to new technology, and mobilization is what won wars.
So if you want to kick ass in V2 the thing to do is tech up. And if you want a nation that can get army tech stuff faster then you take a tech school that allows faster army techs, like Military-Industrial Complex, Shukensen-Riekisen, Skoda Works, or Junkers, Heer, & Krupp.
No, but something like AT would make sense. Obviously some sides had better generals than others.
Yeah, but every V2 game ends up with everyone having the same tech and the same units because everyone gets way too much RP.
What is going on? Are Mamluks fielding a new superweapon? I am scared
THis is some Amigara Fault shit
"This is my Kabaa. It was amde for me."
You can script specific generals in Victoria 2; there's nothing stopping a modder from adding more historical ones. And some decisions like Von Moltke's reforms do help model the way some nations had better militaries.
That's more a matter of fine-tuning literacy and research rates / available techs, the system itself is fine.
They're like Joy mutants from LISA.
LISA CKII mod when?
But even a hard-coded "perfect" general is only a +6, while by the midgame everyone has 50 generals and probably at least a few +5s.
Great, and the game has been out for about 8 years yet no mod has fixed it. Though in modders' defence fixing it would probably gimp the AI to the point where the game became laughably easy.
I see Paradox wants to play Bethesda's game.
Fucks sake Germany the fuck are you waiting for.
To play a game that actually exists, obviously.
Anyone have a multi-player compatible version of HOI4 for mac?
I want to play with my brothers but to buy 3 copies is outrageously expensive.
Kill your brothers then yourself.
+3 is equivalent to chemical weapons. +5 generals are, for example, Albrecht von Roon aka "a big part of the reason Prussia stomps everyone's shit in early on." That's nothing to scoff at.
Because it's not a major issue.
Just finished the Brexit.
Great Britain's in Africa now, getting culturally enriched
how do you plan on annexing kiev?
It's countered by the enemy general. If you get a god +6 general then the enemy's +5 general just turns yours into a +1. Kind of pathetic.
It's totally a major issue when Austrian tech is just as good as French or German tech in WW1.
But that's how it should be
No, because it makes it impossible to represent the difference in countries with quality generals vs. those without, because every country ends up with tons of quality generals.
I'm don't intend to annex any more vassals in this game. I like to feed me some minions from time to time.
Although I guess I could just share Lithuania between me and my vassals if I really wanted to…
Most countries managed to have good generals. Not excellent ones, but good ones.
I guess you could argue that they probably had a +4 or +5 officer *somewhere* in their military, but they were never given significant generalship commands and their performance was shit throughout the time period. This is very important and not represented properly in V2.
Looks like Poland ceded Danzig. Which means it will likelynot get attacked and it's gonna be a while before the Germans attack the soviets
Yeah, no shit, two great generals go at each other then they should cancel out!
That tends not to happen unless it's a human Austria.
So, HoI4. Gonna go for a Trotsky-led USSR, try to win the Spanish civil war, get in an early war with Turkey, and try to flip Finland and Sweden to communism via boosting popularity from the beginning. Avoid war with the Germans for as long as possible, maybe eat the middle east.
Should I build civilian factories at all, or just military in order to build up my forces for the inevitable war? Maybe lend-lease to China to (hopefully) prevent Japan steamrolling through they way they have in every HoI4 game I've personally played.
Should I annex Turkey for their (shitty) industry, or puppet them? I couple probably make better use of their manufacturing base, and I don't see myself being strapped for manpower and needing to drain Turkey's. On the other hand, I like puppets. Puppets fuck my shit up.
Is it possible to get a communist Romania? I've tried a couple of times, but they always just go fascist seemingly overnight if I push my claims on Bessarabia. Is this a result of pushing that claim, or unrelated?
Should I just try to play Austria in Vicky 2 instead?
Yes, and every nation on earth shouldn't get automatic great generals just from existing.
It either happens or it ends up close.
Fuck you Scotland, this is what you get for suddenly getting liberty desire out the ass, I annex you.
Also, France got beaten up so badly by Austria that they became 'revolutionary'
And finally, fucking Georgia (who rival'd me) sabotaged my reputation so hard, it almost sparked a world war
You NEED to remove, pronto.
nvm it's 1820
i got an achievement
Been playing Vic2 Ultimate for nostalgia sake, and it keeps crashing on a specific date in January, 1616. I seem to remember that the fix was deleting a specific bugged event. Any help?
I've been watching isorrows play Heart of Iron 4. It looks hilariously bad. Is it really a joke to win wars? Like so easy anyone can?
Yea, the achievement is "Most cancerous screenshot in /gsg/".
Is that comic sans?
Those Tartars won't remove themselves. The alternative is to let some random country do it.
But there were also advisors and cooperation. DH represents this with blueprints, Victoria ignores it.
Damned Angloblobs.
Interesting how Spain barely conquered anything on the European continent.
this is the most aggressive mumu I've ever seen in my games.
because usually in my games AI controlled irish minors don't really expand outside their de jure borders
Sometimes the AI gets lucky with marriages.
How did france inherit that, even tho' I have controlled inheritance? also, I've never seen byzantium been trashed that badly
man this has been entertaining campaign
now he formed kingdom of Ireland. Never seen ai do that before. kinda cool
They do all the time. I see Ireland more often than England.
I guess it depends on start date then? because I've only played from 1066 start date, and in that ireland is mostly static, apart from mumu, that conquears that one province south of him that is part of his de jure area, and dublin, that often inherits that province south of him.
Problem solved.
I personally don't believe that we will ever reach space colonization with kikes, religion and capitalism slowing us down. So have fun with your earth painting simulators, they are the most realistic.
What did he mean by this?
Ya blew it, Shilldawg.
Screenshot it.
So I was warring sweden with press all claims. during the war I fabricated an additional claim and when I peaced out, I got that one too. I didn't know that was possible, because I always assumed that it only counted claims that you have before starting the war. pretty cool.
Coloured wasteland is a shit option
tho' now I realise that that is de jure sweden, and it seems sweden has free inheritance. damn swedes
Mamluks are stepping up their game.
Are you frustrated?
Imagine this horror charging against the crusading armies
Where can I find a torrent for Vic 2?
Read the thread.
it was the soviet vietnam, russian were not stoped because of the afghans but because of their political inestability during the war
Nice trips.
aaaand seljuks imploded. Holy sweet mother of bordergore. Also, fatimids conquered the kingdom of jerusalem
Update, here's the line that's fucking it.
[messagehandler.h:332]: 21 January, 1616: DECISIONOTHER_LOG
What do?
I know, pathetic right?
Not like America. They destroyed the Taliban and ISIS immediately and entirely when they wanted to.
Why would the USA destroy something they created? :^)
Why would we attack our allies in the War on Nations Selling Oil Outside Our Trade Cartel?
They're all cucks with gender studies degrees, why give them money?
Retards like him need to learn if they're feeling guilty that's their problem it has nothing to do with being white and his guilt is not ours to bare.
Fuck, this atill makes me mad. I think his father's death broke him but fuck him for being a weak piece of trash, backstabbing user supporters.
After forming Maya and reforming the Mayan religion on Extended Timeline, will there be anything to do? It's my first time playing Extended Timeline, will I be able to unlock anything like exploration ideas by 250-300 AD?
Werent there some ideas to colonize some areas before exploration?
Are ageod games any good? I tried playing Rise of Prussia, but didn't bother going all the way through it, its turn-based nature kind of turned me off back then.
I can't believe I'm this retarded. How do I use the magnet links. I've tried entering them alone and with the URL and I get an error saying 'unable to find', but I suspect its my being stupid not realizing what I need to do.
Pirate bay is blocked where I am.
I mean, yeah… but slowly watching colonists fill up Central America for 800 years doesn't make an engaging game.
Guess I should have played this one in vanilla.
Install Bitlord, then click the magnet.
The magnet links in the pastebin are not actual links.
Search the first link, the one to pirate bay. Then click the magnet link there.
How do I use Game DVR to record EU4? It keeps saying that there's nothing to record.
plz dont
Don't what?
He took the joy.
asks to join our
Military Alliance
Sounds about right.
Playing as England, the year is 1650. I've been focusing more time than I thought I would getting little trading ports and such in the mediterranean. Lucca, Crete, Istria, Malta, etc. It's the only real way to use up that infamy without spending all of my colonial points. As for colonization, should I focus on spreading into Canada? Or should I go east, colonizing SA, then India, then Australia?
You gotta help anons, is there a good modern-period GSG or modification for an existing GSG?
I'm already playing NWO for vicky 2, but the industrial age engine just can't support things like nukes, air campaigns and alike
Why does Scotland exist?
Darkest Hour's NWO. Putin Mod, oh wait… That is about it.
How's DH's NWO better than the standard one?
Also, isn't it the one ending in '92?
My daughter is inbred, and I have no idea why. All her stats are 0 thanks to that trait.
I'm so sorry to hear that, user. Must be hard on your wife as well.
Do you marry into the same dynasties every generation?
hmm, I might have. I tend to try to marry to whichever dynasties currently rule france, aquitane, hre, byzantium, hungary and jimena dynasty. I think my wife is from the dynasty ruling aquitane, and I've had several marriages between my dynasty and theirs
no wait, she was scottish. tho' I have few times there too
That has literally never happened. If two great generals go at it they don't just decide to ram their forces into eachother.
I didn't need to know he was a total faggot.
I didn't want to.
goddammit, I had more inbred children with her. well, at least I've divorced her now. unfaithful harlot. got a new wife, duchess of normandy. at one point caught her cheating with her vassal baron, so I had him assassinated. In other news, here's Christian realm of abyssinia attacking fractured muslims from below.
Why are the muds all so green, ugly and boring? Why would anyone want to play them?
>have fun
And for a few moments, I thought the >playing HoI4 meme was just a meme.
no clue, haven't really tried to play with them yet. so far I've only played with christian nations.
My ass is destroyed.
Hon hon hon hon.
i would've never have noticed that DH had a manual if not for the pastebin. I have this shit since 2015
New CK2 dev diary:
Just QoL stuff but it's appreciated.
Aren't children already born with a random name?
The next DLC seems cool, at least for modding. Not that I would ever buy it. But secret societies and occultism are really fun even in the limited capacity of current mods and the potential to put all the Jews in the same nefarious cabal sounds great.
I guess you get an option to reroll, instead having to come up with a new by yourself.
There's some hilarious outrage potential.
Imagine, finally we might get crypto-kikes that act on their true allegiance.
Now that I think about it, it could lead to true horror when your character's mother asks you to participate on your late secret bar mitzvah and you instantly gain Greedy and can't refuse.
scratch that, do the "hidden religion" thing that Geheimnisnacht has going on. There, you can secretly convert to chaos, as in your allegiance is documented only in some hidden flag, and you display your old religion like normal. Then you can one day shed the disguise and show yourself as a chaos-worshipper for all to see.
Jews should work this way as well – your councillor suddenly reveals himself as a jew and takes off with your entire treasury
how was this /tes/ mod for CK2 called?
Elder Kings.
Looks good that they are making the Conclave stuff more easy to figure out. It's a bit of a PITA at the moment shuffling people around constantly.
Also nice to see the auto-commander thing. I've had to make a mod to do it myself because it sucks so much constantly reassigning people to be commanders when they die of every disease possible.
Anyone else got a recommendation?
East vs West.
The HOI one?
What is the likelihood of this happening again in my current game?
Alright so I've added some nice stuff into the game:
An event for Safavid Persia: Between 1495 and 1510, the Safavids will break free from whatever country holds their clay (the areas of South Kurdistan and Azerbaijan and some provinces in Armenia), as long as these are being held by the AI; the safavids also vassalize Shirvan, but as long as it is being owned by the AI. Pic 1 is an example, Safavids come with a somewhat OP bonus which lasts for 50 years (titled Rise of the Safavids, 25% manpower bonus, recovery speed, landforcelimit; some morale and infantry, cavalry and artillery attack; decently balanced compared to the ludicrous bonuses t*rks get) in order to make the rising threat more fun. Also, Persia gets cores all over the Persian region, and permanent claims over the Khorasan area, Iraq Arabi and Basra, as well as normal claims over Armenia, Dulkadir, Erzurum and Al-Jazira.
On the other hand, if you happen to be playing Aq Qoyunlu or Kara Koyunlu, you will get an option to join Ismail's forces (completely ahistorical btw) and become Persia yourself, if not, the aforementioned provinces will be ceded to Persia and you'll take a stability and unrest malus to make it more believable.
Also, if you happen to be playing Tabarestan or Shirvan, the event won't trigger at all, based on the assumption that you are focused on becoming Persia yourself, I mean, what else are you gonna do with those shitholes anyways?
An event for the Mughals: Between 1520 and 1535, the Mughals will break free in the same manner as the Safavids; their provinces are Kabulistan and most of the provinces held by the Sultanate of Delhi.
If the player happens to be playing Delhi, Baluchistan, or Multan, you will be given the option to join Babur's antics and plunder India yourself, if not, the designated provinces will be ceded to the Mughals (along with a stability and unrest malus) and you'll have to get them back by force. If you happen to play as Khorasan or the Timurids, the event won't trigger, based on the assumption that you intend to properly form the Mughals.
The Mughals also get a country modifier similar to the Rise of the Safavids, in fact it's a copy of it. They also get permanent claims over the whole designated shitting subcontinent and the Ghor area of Afghanistan.
Another event is for both the Safavids and Mughals, and it consists in the defection of occupied provinces. Whenever PER or MUG go to war against a country holding some of their historical provinces (Persian region and the Khorasan area for the Safavids, Hindustan and West India regions for the Mughals), any enemy provinces the player or AI occupy have a chance of defecting with a malus of 50 autonomy. These events have a duration of ~45 years (Persia till 1551, Mughals till 1576). It might seem OP, but the chances are low for both the AI and the player, respectively 40 and 20 out of 100 chances to occur.
I've also updated the decision to unify Georgia with the new principalities and provinces added by the sub-mod, comes with lots of prestige and a 'Unified Georgia' country modifier which I haven't decided its bonuses nor duration.
Aside from aforementioned stuff, I've added new ruler modifiers for special dynasties (Bagratids, Safavids, Timurids, Komnenoi, Draculesti, Kastrioti), as well as several defensive province modifiers for the land routes of the Caucasus (Derbent pass, Gate of the Alans, Ubykhia) and along with all the new Caucasian provinces previously shown in the last thread.
What's left is implementation of the pre-Abrahamic (read Christian and Islamic) polytheistic faith of the Caucasus, which is shared between many of its cultures (Circassians, Chechens, Ossetians, Karachay-Balkars, Abkhazians and Georgians) and some minor bugtesting. Implementing the religion should be fairly easy, it's gonna have personal deity mechanics and an option for syncretism.
So shit should be ready for release in a few days
It's back and even better than before.
USA is so fucked
It happens, but I think it's to do with HPM or vickymod or whatever I had on when I took these.
What's this one all about? Do they have Afro-Americans as an accepted culture?
no idea tbh
Mormons are high all the damn time aren't they
What's the point of that?
The FSA seceded because they love the negro
It's basically a reverse ACW. Really bizarre scenario.
So apparently Johan let slip that they’re doing Vicky III. Hooray. $400 of DLC, unnecessary 3D features, and not 64-bit, so the slowdown by 1890 will still be so great as to make the game unplayable! Never mind that pops will probably be replaced with the mana feature…
They worship a space alien in hopes of one day being given their own planets to rule over as gods.
I'm not kidding, following the rules of his own planet's god is how the space alien got to be god here.
Mormonism is fucked up.
Fuck, wasn't the main programmer for the Vic2 POP system fired? At least that's what I heard, so maybe it will be replaced by mana.
Yes. That's why they never managed to come up with something as good as Pops again afterwards.
I also expect a buffed Ottoman Empire and a "Female Inventors" DLC :^)
if they do vicky 3 can they at least put in the roleplaying shit that CK2 did so well, I want to roleplay a racist old hunter in the Zulu lands who hunts niggers.
That would be amazing. Can I get this game please.
Would make absolutely no sense in the timeframe. Victoria II doesn't even have monarch names.
New Dev Diary for EUIV, although it's really kinda pointless. I don't see what this Ages mechanic is supposed to bring to the table.
Blob. Stronger kebab. DLC money. Things like that.
You guys should just convert to Islam so you can enjoy modern gsgs.
Paradox are just trying to reach new customer bases. It all makes sense now: The constant buffs to Kebab, the casualization…
They are pioneers in preparing for the demographic shift in the west. When video games with pictures of people are banned as haram, all the world will play map painting games.
I just don't see the point of this. All you achieve is to make the game a slideshow on older hardware.
They're so painfully sober they're basically on a 24/7 mescaline trip.
So do you know about those sensory-deprivation chambers where you lose the sense of everything, time included? Are they like that all the time to the point they can't get a grip on reality any longer?
♩♫ Joseph Smiiiiiiiiiith… ♩♫
More like back in the 1800s when there wasn't much to do besides drink and get STDs, a group of people decided to follow some guy's headcanon which meant not do those things and instead building Waco style compounds in the middle of the country. The same kind of mentality that Islam had really with no fun allowed, just less violent since it was confined to the US.
Modern day mormons are basically what Christianity was in the early to mid 1900s but with polygamy.
Gotta love how shit ends up after a few hundred years.
Is there any way to maximize my changes of imprisoning people, mainly the daughters and other such sluts of my enemy when i beat his sorry ass?
Also im going to play starting from Iceland and trying to Viking it up and conquer all my concubines from other nations(hence the prisoner question) and preferably from far away as possible.
Any tips how i should proceed? Just raid everyone up?
Correct, they both pull all sorts of clever strategies, which in aggregate means they cancel out in terms of which army has the advantage.
I think it is left to the dices to decide. Sometimes after sieging a muslim lord fortress you end up getting 10 or so prisoners due to their court being filled with family members.
Fucking HIP.
in order to stop this, Paradox would have to start taking ethnicity into account, and that's too wacist for them
I don't think becoming nomad ruler of Osel requires a certain race but completele insanity instead.
It just occured to me that I saw some playthroughs where Glitterhoof managed to hold lands. Is it possible to form a steppe horde with Glittershoof?
How does the combat in Victoria 2 work in comparison to the EU and HOI systems?
It is pretty much like EU.
Though i managed to put HIP up and looks like there's option to plot for kidnaps.
Sounds like it might come in handy!
Hmm, Mongols have appeared in the far east. Any tips for dealing with mongols? or should I just prepare the lube? Also, I have few years of regency, because my previous character decided to die comatose too early.
Join up and get your heirs to become steppe lords.
This is just getting silly at this point
That looks like a typical Finnish man. It's not that unusual for the Swedes to intermarry with them.
Feels bad.
Is Stellaris playable?
Is it with mods?
Soon you can pay money to enslave a spacefaring race and designate them livestock, for eating. Sadly, can't designate pleasure slaves, in the event you run into space elves. Only thirty shekels, my friend. For you, the best price.
The free update just has population controls, I think. So you can have other species in your empire without going full Sweden.
I'd hold off on trying to play until the Banks update drops, myself. Apart from that, I've heard it suffers from a lack of midgame content.