Well, I've finally decided to finish DMC4 on DMD difficulty, and these little shits are a fucking nightmare. People often say this game is balanced around Nero's arm, but if I was playing with Dante right now, I'd use his many of his mid/long-range options to destroy their blades. It feels like that process is much slower with Nero's gun, plus it's boring running away to charge shots over and over.
Devil May Cry - new bread
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Oh God send help, I just got to playing as Dante in DMD difficulty and everything is kicking my ass. Please send tips on how not to be bad.
git gud
What enemies are you having most trouble with?
Stop playing shit games on artificial difficulty game modes?
Please understand the gravity of my situation
Blitz is ripping my ass apart as he often does but the common enemy that beats me the hardest are the frosts. With Nero I could just buster/lvl 3 charge shot all day but I can't find the moves that Dante has attacks to control them as easy, so instead I just end up getting ganged up on.
I usually dodge Blitz with jumping and Trickster. Try charging the shotgun and shoot it while in the air (the rate of fire is higher when you're jumping), and when you break its shields, go into Devil trigger and spam Lucifer. When Blitz is recharging, detonate the darts. Repeat the whole process until it's dead.
For Blitzes, try hitting them with Rebellion and royal guarding the shock. You'll tear through the shielded phase really fast. When it's vulnerable, 2 DT distorted Real Impacts can kill it without it going berserk. Both of these things are easier than they sound and once you get them down it's much easier than fighting conventionally.
I see many high-level players doing that strategy, but Blitzes tend to hop around like retards whenever they feel like it. That's why I avoid doing a Real Impact on those enemies.
Finally got to Credo and beat his ass, but I feel I could have done much better.
And some other clip with Lady I had from a while back: files.catbox.moe
I fucking love this game, I just wish I was always in the state of mind to play it.
So how DO you kill those chimera scarecrows/lizards without getting hit? The damage is basically nothing but ruins the whole flow by randomly damaging you.
I couldn't not get hit, unfortunately. I'd say your best bet is to rely on charged shots and the i-frames of the Devil Trigger. I think the Splitter attack (the one you descend with your sword in mid-air) has good range when the sword hits the floor, so you're less likely to get hit by the Chimera's blades, and when their shield breaks you should attempt a Streak on level 3 Exceed. Also, try to exploit the camera trick by facing a wall because enemies outside your field of view aren't as aggressive.
That's the wrong strategy to be going about the fight as Dante. You can either Omen the bastard with Pandora to instantly tear down his shielding or you can just use Lucifer, stick 15 blades in him, detonate them and shotgun him, and the shield will come straight off as well.
doing first run of Nero/Dante and I feel like Nero is too simple to play.
I'm getting worse style scores on him than other characters because I'm used to weapon switching.
Currently on Son of Sparda mode, so much easier than Legendary Dark Knight.
I've just gotten Yamato, if I later replay the main story will I still have it from the first levels?
Yes and you keep all your other weapons too
Just tried the Lucifer approach and it works a lot better than the RG gimmick so I guess I'll be doing that from now on. I did know about the Omen trick, I just tend to forget Pandora exists sometimes.
Why didn't you grab him at 1:58 when he was vulnerable?
>get to Vergil Nelo Angelo
I had the sinking feeling that my first win was pure dumbass luck, and I think this confirms it for me. I don't feel like I'm getting better at this game, I just feel like I'm bullshitting around long enough to not die. How do I actually git gud?
*Nero Angelo
Second encounter with him should be more or less the same, you're right, if you figured out his moveset in the first match you shouldn't really have any trouble. Use the environment to your advantage if he's harassing you a lot since there's some space to get away from him, and taunt anytime you know it's safe since Devil Trigger is one of the most consistent ways to deal a lot of damage, and you'll be required to do that to deal any damage to him on the higher difficulties anyway
What exactly does taunt do? I know it has a purpose, but I'm usually in full-on panic mode when I fight a boss, so I've never really experimented to see what it does.
It maintains your combo for a second but more importantly it builds up your Devil Trigger, and you get more the closer you are to an enemy when you taunt
When Nero Angelo does those five-hit combos you're pretty well safe to get in a taunt since he'll always complete the combo, and you can usually get one in between his projectile attacks too
That's the real Dante Must Die, everything else is babby-tier
Cool, thanks user.
Last post before I go to bed. I reached Dante's missions, and the shotgun was pretty effective in knocking back Frosts.
you dumb fuck
I've only played DMC1 and 2
Charge shot 3 will take out their plant piece, if not then smack them a few times until their plant piece turns dark and explodes with pus, then go in and sweep house before it revives, this is akin to the DMC3 bird shits that you'd shoot to stone before smashing them with your sword.
DMD stops kicking your ass when you get crazy.
see above
Which encounter? You can do a good chunk of damage by getting pulled inside and fighting the enemies in there, and his pattern is pretty predictable. Use Ifrit if he's really giving you trouble
First one. I typically start off the fight by getting pulled in and fighting Phantom, then just wail on Nightmare for the rest of the fight with E&B, then going DT and slashing the core on his ass. I was using Ifrit at first, but I switched to Alastor after that didn't seem to be working. My main problem is that once I turn the lights back on, the camera takes it's sweet time adjusting back on the boss, and it's in that little period that I usually run into an attack or two.
are you me?
I hated Nightmare, worst boss in the series.
It's why I'll never go back and replay #1
His little turrets should be easy enough to dodge by just walking sideways while locked on as long as you can predict the camera changes, and even if you can't it should let you keep moving in the same direction if you keep holding the analog stick. The only attack I find tricky to dodge are the projectiles he fires when you attack his back orb, which is one reason why I recommended Ifrit, I think Rolling Blaze is the best way to counter it
Nightmare's great, especially the persistent state of the orbs between the three encounters, it punishes you long-term for taking the easy way out the first time, DMC1 has a great well-rounded boss roster
I was watching some gameplay of DMC4 without Turbo and I'm like "What is this Max Payne everything in bullet time."
Speaking of Max Payne there's a pretty cool Dante mod for Max Payne 2.
This was the best Youtube video I could find.
Maybe I'll make some webms when I get around to trying it out.
This looks like shit, stop shitting up the DMC thread with non-dmc shit.
At first they're not bad, all you really have to do is keep firing with E&B. They get harder one the orb is cracked, but all it takes to dodge them is a simple roll. My main problem is just the timing on those rolls. I can dodge them fine at first, but once the boss is one clean rush away from dying, I end up choking and time the rolls too early. It might not be so bad if I could actually see where they're coming from.
It's exhausting having to do the whole fight over and over again because I keep fucking up at the last second, and it's even worse when I have to reload my save and start from the coliseum again seriously, fuck those Plasmas. This shit is so infuriating and mind-numbing, that I'm almost considering giving up. I've just been too damn stressed lately and games like these really aren't helping.
Gilgamesh - > Full house and royal guard the shock, repeat.
You can destroy a Blitz's shield in 3 seconds if you master it and never need to touch the ground, then just do a distorted real impact and its dead.
Juggle into the air with shredder, learn to jump cancel and destroy that fucker without ever letting it land.
Learn to switch and follow up quickly with trickster if it jumps away.
Is this recorded on the PC version using the style switcher mod? It looks like he's using swordmaster and trickster at the same time
Pretty sure it is.
Man I hope they bring back wall running and enemy surfing maybe if DMC 4 was finished you would have actually been able to enemy surf with the Red queen like how Nero does that one Cutscene.
No that's just Agni and Rudra's Nomal Air attack and Trickster over and over.
Not at 0:23 it isn't, that's Crossed Swords
You don't need Swordmaster to do Crossed Swords.
that room is a fucking nightmare.
Been playing SoS mode with Nero and it was hell.
Harder than LDK with Virgil who I just did all sorts of crazy summoned sword shit to fuck them up
If there was one thing I could take from DmC and put it in the original universe, Just for Shits and Giggles. It would be the Vegilmobile.
This thing is fucking hilarious. It has a V on the Grill and a blue V on the stereo.
Could you imagine the Real Vergil Driving this.
Dante: Vergil why do you have a car?
Vergil: You have drive a motorcycle, Lady drives a motorcycle, Trish drives a motorcycle, Nero's sword is a fucking motorcycle. Bayonetta drives a motorcycle, Jeanne drives a motorcycle, Raiden and Sam drive the same motorcycle.
Screw you guys i'm driving a car.
Well I just found out the DMC3 Style switcher mod is actually installable for me now. I didn't notice it was already at version 3.0 but Version 1.0 would always Crash my Game. now it finally works.
Fought Vergil 1 on Normal to try it out.
The gameplays isn't that Great but i'm really rusty at DMC3.
I can't remember if the HUD used to switch to show the style also, that's neat
Always wanted to go back to DMC3 on PC to try out style-switching but I was a little hesitant given how many times I'd have to replay it to get every style up to Lv 3. Not like it's that big of a deal, I marathoned the whole game last evening, but still
You could always just download a save file with all the Styles at Lv 3 already.
I wanted to play DMC3 on PC but got lazy once it required CE and one other piece of software to fix its issues.
I should have been the one to bump this thread Dark Soul with LIGHT!
Boss rankings? This thread needs something new to talk about
Griffon > Nero Angelo > Phantom > Mundus > Nightmare
Vergil > Agni & Rudra > Cerberus > Nevan > Beowulf > Lady > Gigapede > Heart of Leviathan > Geryon the Timesteed > Doppelganger > Jester > Arkham
Credo > Dante > Echidna > Agnus > Bael / Dagon > Berial > Sanctus > The Savior
Allot of people say that The Savior is a bad boss. I get why people don't like it. It's more of a platforming thing then an real boss, But I have too much fun Royal guarding it's attacks. I hope to get good enough block the mega beam attack.
you can royal guard the beam?
yep Royal Guard can block anything and everything
it's why it's my favorite style.
I mostly see that clip of someone one-shotting it with distorted real impact, but I just can't get into it. I don't particularly care for fights like that (like Jublieus in Bayo 1) but even then Jublieus had more interesting stuff going on than The Savior does
Griffon = Nero Angelo > Nightmare > Phantom > Mundus
All of them are good but Mundus is the closest to tedious.
Vergil > Agni & Rudra > Beowulf > Geryon > Cerberus = Nevan > Lady >>> Doppelganger > Jester > Gigapede = Leviathan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arkham
Geryon is a glitchy piece of shit but at least you can have fun abusing his AI. Cerberus is highly unpredictable and takes way too long unless you spam Aerial Cross. There's no reason to ever get hit by Nevan other than getting impatient and walking into her attacks. Jester is parry practice. Gigapede is an exercise in whether you can predict and deflect the purple orb attack and there's nothing else to it.
Dante > Credo > Echidna = Agnus > Belial = Bael > The Savior > Sanctus
Sanctus is just dull and there's not much you can do to mitigate it. At least you can rape The Savior really hard if you know what you're doing.
Man I just can not get over how good DMC3's PC port is.
Some things that happened when I was trying Style Switcher.
I'm not a huge fan of Mundus myself but after learning all of his patterns for the higher difficulties I have to give him the edge over Nightmare, even though I do like Nightmare too. I'd also say that shooting section prior to the fight is one of the only good shooting sections Kamiya's ever made
Really? I thought he telegraphed his attacks pretty well and they were always an appropriate response to whatever attack you do
I honestly don't remember too many bugs on the PC version besides having to deal with all of the audio file shit, although I did only play that version once
That's fair to say. It's more that I feel like I have to stay up in his face since he's so hard to stun on higher difficulties and at that range it can be really annoying to avoid a lot of his shit. Sky Star works but I don't always want to use Trickster.
Those are all Style Switcher bugs. The texture alphaing got fucked up in the most recent version; the levitating is due to a bug where you could move during some cutscenes so now you're completely physics locked during them instead; and the calves in orbit thing is I don't fucking know besides hysterical.
Yeah your probably right about some of them being style switcher bugs. before I was able to jump off the tram while it was moving and fall.
I think the flying legs was because I finished Jester with a dive kick so the game still thinks Dante's legs are in the air.
>finally beat Nightmare's first battle
Here's a lesson anons, don't be a bitch and never give up.
holy fucking shit.
Looking forward to smashing Savior again.
Beowulf uppercut+DT distortion fucked him up before, assuming Real Impact with the same works also
I know you're going to fight him again. I'm sorry. I really am. You will be able to do it.
You better get your ass ready for Nightmare 2 and 3
that's NuHalo
Yeah, I know about battles 2 and 3. Whatever, if I beat him once, I can beat him two more times. One question about the cores though. I didn't break either of them the first time around. On round 2, am I gonna punch one of them and have it crack five seconds into the fight?
I dunno, I played DMC1 over 5 years ago, only thing I remember is that Nightmare 3 is an absolute fucking bitch.
Might, it's pretty hard not to do it unless you're really, really careful in each fight. The core status resets to what it was at the beginning of the fight when you get pulled into Nightmare for the repeat boss fights, so try to do that exactly half-way through just to be safe
Strange, I don't really like Dante in 4 with all the options he has but I enjoyed myself a bit too much. Fuck is there any way to get style switching on a modded PS2?
So MikeKob started a podcast with discussions about action games with other experienced players. I definitely recommend checking it out.
This nerd with Trish, how?
At least Trish is ineffectual
Beaten SoS in DMC4SE, now time for DMD.
wish me luck
Trish and Dante play similarly enough that you can generally use the same tactics, just pretend you're locked to Swordmaster.
When she's in devil trigger she can attack him without needing to shoot
Just get some motivation
>Vergil Nelo NERO Angelo appears for the third time
honestly I say learn to beat him as your second nature, at least that way in the final Nightmare fight you can get a huge chunk of his health off by killing him again
>you'll never be called a nerd sexually