what do you think about this character i made
What do you think about this character i made
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>>117468989dont care
Kinda cute like the shirt
>>117468989That is an image. We don't know anything about the character.
user this is cute but posting it on 4chan is a terrible idea what
>>117468989HEY SHMORKY
>>117469036she's chill
I always liked the eyes being covered by hair trope. Really illustrates slacker/lazy right off the bat.
>>117468989where do you post your art anoni will follow you
>>117469128i'll create a twitter
>>117469169is really cute actuallyit is like your sona or an OC?
Is she a slacker?
>>117469169okay rad
>>117469293one of my OCs.>>117469334yeah
What's her daily life about?
looks purewhy in god's name would you post her here?
>>117468989boring and doesn't stand out well. There's tons of slacker designs out there in internet and many look similar to her.You're better off making a character that's not pandered to internet for points. But instead making a character that's true to what you like.t. artist
>>117469543There's already porn.
>>117468989way too damn similar to your other character. you're boring us here
>>117469675jesus fucking christ...so fucking based!!!
>>117469532probably hanging out, playing vidya, skateboarding, cool shit>>117469543because i can>>117469577but she is what i like.>>117469675the only thing they have in common is skateboarding.
ok i made a twittertwitter.com
>>117469791kill yourself
>>117468989here, i fixed it
>>117468989I want to have sex with it.
>>117468989I'd fuck her with my c(l)ock, if you know what I mean
>>117468989/ic/ is the art/critique/feedback board.
>>117470186>implying this board has mods who do anything about spamming threads
>>117468989Yiff in hell.
>>117470186i'm not asking what you think about my art, i'm asking what you think about my character design>>117470204seethe
>>117470215I want to see her butt facing the camera.
>>117468989maybe try turning the grey parts the shirt and socks more of a silver blue?it feels not quite colorful enough to be balanced.other than that I really can't think of anything to nitpick,. the beanie+ears makes forca solid silhouette and the overall design and body language gives a solid idea of their demeanor
I like her, her outfits really basic and kinda boring though. If anything, try dulling down the color of the pants. They're a bit much.
>>117470297Aaaaay!!!Post that on twitter and that'll get some followers. I'm finna get invested.
>>117470215And I'm telling you to go to the relevant place instead of reporting you for furry or having petty fun trolling your flammable ass.
would fuck draw more of her
>>117470215It's cute. Now put porn of her on your twitter.
>>117470341>>117470411how do i censor the tweet
>>117470520You don't =_=. I think a bot censors it for you. Might as well post the uncensored in this thread before it gets deleted.
>>117470542Double based
>>117470542Nice work :D I haven't seen a pose like that done well in years!
>>117468989Fox or dog?
>>117470581fennec fox
>>117470618you could.. you know..
>>117470852big floppa non stoppa....
>>117470886hell yes!
>>117470542>>117468989>>117469067god i love longs bangs covering the eyes>>117469169noooooooooooooooo
>>117468989Looks like a chill one
>>117468989fat, probably has a penis
>>117469169>>117468989Is that a Corgi? it's a corgi, isn't it?
>>117470347Nobody cares about /ic/ user.Nobody.
I'm starting to think forced characters like this are gay ops from discord trannies
>>117473001Have you considered you might be riddled with paranoia on the happenings of an image board?
>>117473001>forced>gayHow do you get any of that from a pic like that?
>>117468989I would breed with without pause.
>>117468989reminds me of:saltine crackersvanillaeggshell whiteflorescent lightingmilk & toast
>>117468989Like the hat with the hair color
>>117468989That's just Lammy and Parappa stuck together.
>>117473219Or, you know, their daughter.
>>117468989She's cute user!
>>117469675>>117469441both of yall need to be more actively posting, these character designs are great
>>117468989When will she meet Triba?
>>117469067>smoshI wanna go back
>>117468989>>117469067>>117469169>>117469441>>117469853MADE FOR LEWDING
>>117468989Cute. Reminds of a grungier/stoner Umjammer Lammy?
>>117468989Post her clock already
I remember when this exact thread was made 2 days ago and it 404d pretty quick.
>>117468989Take her socks off.
>>117474267Hopefully soon