Did women get sick of men?
Did women get sick of men?
>>117467541Daily reminder lesbian Jackie is not canon and just due to her being under the Blood Moon and that she still likes boys
Men got sick of cartoons and opened the gates for more women to make shit.
>>117467541It doesn't really matter what women want. I'm am artist, I can draw myself or a self insert cucking as many women as I want. The problem in my opinion is forsaught purity. I was a really big fan of Eizouken when it first came out for the girls but, when a black and a non-binary came on I turned off the show and stopped supporting it. We need more white waifus who don't associate with negros.
>>117467541>>117467661>>117468020>>117468206Lesbians are not women but monsters
>>117468206Men will say shit like this and then wonder why women are sick of them
>>117468235You are not a woman, dyke. Never compare yourself to a woman ever again.
>>117468235It filters out the women you don't like when you're honest.
>>117468272Dykes are not women
>>117467661Oh my god...
>>117467541No its just dumb shit liberals that rule the cartoon industry
>>117468331It's not them user, it's the moneybags that tolerate them. Smh
>dykes are not womenHoly shit Holla Forumspe
>>117467541Women have never honestly liked men beyond necessity, this isn't exactly a secret. It's just how we evolved.
>>117467541Most lesbians are just the experimenting kind and will return to dick the second the clock feels like its ticking and they need someone to anchor their life to instead of another woman who expects their partner to do everything.
>>117468376Women like guys with big dicks and big brains like me.
Most new blood creators are millennials around 30-35 years of age. They’ve so deeply internalized the idea that romance is a crutch which devalues female agency that they can’t bring themselves to feature a male love interest in their art therap- oops I mean “professional cartoon” lest is detract from their self self insert. Yet they still desperately want to live out the fantasy of a fulfilling adolescent romance that they choose the lesbo route which also has the added brownie points if looking progressive.
>>117468376Lesbian =/= womanThey are no better than swines, at least you can eat the swine
>straight women don't even find men physically attractiveif men didn't have money most women would dyke it out
>>117468499Why do you keep posting this moron ?I already told you this image only proves that lesbians watch more porn than real women
>>117467541If you have an attractive enough body and you're not mean to lesbian's they'll want your dick.
>>117468499Wow, not only are you wrong you're also lazy. What more would I expect from a twatter user.
>>117468528>Not mean to lesbiansThen what's the POINT!!!
I legitimately wonder how this trend will affect a generation of kids’ perception of relationships. Because see while this sort of thing is seen as irregular to adults, it’s now firmly the norm in the eyes of children who have fewer preconceptions about the world. I remember being a kid and making a lot of assumptions about what school and life had in store based on what tv always told me. I know that’s a bad habit, but it happens to lots of kids, and you gotta think a generation of boys will go through childhood and adolescence thinking that every girl they meet is just one female friendship away from being gay. That’s gonna fuck with a lot of kids.
>>117468499I don't care what degenerates do.
>>117467541Well, from personal experience, I do see more women who are bisexual increasingly reading threads like the women-hating ones online and choosing to date other chicks instead, and straight women just choosing not to date or hook up. It gives an impression that all men hate all women and people just don't want to interact with people who hate them any more than they need to, and then as little as possible. So yes I think that social media and the internet are making young girls and young women avoid men more just because of all the hating women talk. There's also just the fact that fewer people want or have kids now and everyone is expected to have a career. So if the family and partnership thing can be filled by another woman, sure, that seems more attractive when all men hate all women (being the impression social media gives).Also, this thread is off-topic, not really Holla Forums. If you're asking why so many lesbians in animation, partly so many artist writers and creators are lgbt, paartly brownie points and lesbians are "safe" brownie points, partially pandering to all the lgbt consumers who are money in the bank for all companies now, does that answer your question?
>>117468601Homosexuals are not women. A real woman loves men.
>>117468613I mean no. Lots of straight women avoid men. They just won't fate. They'll do other shit with their social time instead, like hang out with other women, do artsy crap, volunteer. If men hate women, they won't want to be around them. And those men will be happy that women avoid them because they hate women, right? They want to be avoided.Fucking around with you partly, but not totally, and the uncomfortable fact is a fuckton of people are some kinda bisexual, way more than used to want to admit it. But now for the youngest the stigma's going away.
>women are more aroused by erotic images of women than menmalebros we got to cocky...
>>117468665Fuck date not fate obviously. I mean people are demotivated to date or hookup if they're just going to be hated and get shit. Social media and online shit have fucked up everything.
>>117468206>black non-binaryThey're called brown tomboys dumbass.
>>117468581Kids are way too busy watching peppa pig and Jake Paul's horny ass to care about a bunch of cartoons. Thot twitch streamers are more of a influence on kids these days because lol money. I constantly hear kids at the schools I go to talk about conspiracy theories and owning libtards(which are usually their teachers.) Most of the uncivilised world rejects this popaganda so I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Kids are just going to be more tolerant but, are smart enough to know gays live problematic lifestyles. Doesn't mean we should let our guards down tho.
>>117468704That's a man user. I think you should make like Luz, and say bi, bi, bi to your heterosexuality.
>>117468690Erotic images of men are men in business suits standing next to a fancy car, men in uniform (despite this year), cowboys, etc.
>>117468706>I constantly hear kids at the schools I go to talk about conspiracy theoriesBo no, that's not normal, either. Gen Z and down is politically like Millenials so more "Libertarian" than past generations, that's all. They're not the fucking crazy SJW types always "triggered" by everything but they're no offended by gay shit and they don't have a prob with experimenting, and they're not all talking about the NWO and Lizard People, either, outside of jokes and memes, That's just fucking you. They don't use the word "libtards" either. They care about their own social circle and the sports they play and getting into college not endless political circlejerking bullshit of whatever fucking stripe.
>>117468235>MenBro, they said "non-binary".
>>117467541Getting with a man is honestly the stupidest idea. Opens you up to so many risks and men have all sorts of disgusting traits that they're not taught to deal with. Being with another woman is just objectively the better option.
>>117468761Do you have kids?
Most men are ugly according to women. Why are they so evil bros?
>>117468499so this is why lesbianism makes men seethe
>>117467661>cutiesenjoy your ban
>>117468795Have you ever had a man cook for you and give you a massage after a long day? That shits the tits.
Malebros be careful with your finances. You might find your wife becoming sexually fluid once the bank account runs empty.
>>117468808Attraction to men is the opposite of women. You're not in it for the way they look, you're in it for how they treat you, act and how they smell and take care of themselves. An attractive woman you make excuses for, a good man you keep.
>>117468797Yes and I worked with them. Kids under 18 who have an issue with lgbt are in a minority and mostly don't even understand why there used to be a problem, but they also don't talk about gay shit and gay rights all the time. They care about their friends and clubs and for some their grades and what they wanna do, not this other crap.
>>117468808Women don't have any kind of mental wiring that tells them what's supposed to be attractive, it literally shifts depending on the environment. Women found men dressing really stupid attractive in the 18th century. Women found men being effeminate and painted attractive in the 17th century. Women don't find most men attractive because the factors that make a man stand out became dramatically more scarce once women started having the entire male population as an available choice. The standards rose because the pool of possible mates enlarged. Those factors are, much like they were in the past, not really physical anyway, but hierarchical. Women want men who can provide for them, who are socially, economically, physically and even intellectually dominant, they want to "date up" no matter how high their own standing is, that's why career women always fail, the men above them don't want them, they want the younger, more fertile and more amicable female.
>>117468863Sounds like the Trump generation is pretty based.
>>117468257>>117468272>>117468309You are the living embodiment of this meme. The sad thing is you're not even uncommon.So you're not even special in your shittiness.
It's always funny to see men ask "why is this the way it is?" when their behavior and the things they believe show the exact reason it is what they is. Men are seriously messed up and it's genuinely not their fault it's just how they were raised. If (some) men can't get laid after enough time they literally go insane and turn into murderers or basement dwellers who won't even look at a women and only insult them from the safety of their rooms. It's sad. I wish there was better for you guys. I wish they taught you how to deal with your shit.
>>117468499Why the fuck would anyone care that women dyke it out, though? Let them be happy and help the economy with fancy dyke weddings and rainbow captalism crap. Who honestly cares who women date and fuck?
>>117468855>>117468866open the floodgates for Holla Forumspe
>>117468821A woman can do that though?
>>117468913So what you're saying is I'm normal, amd you're the outlier?
>>117468887Those kids grew up with Obama, friend
>>117468937I'm not that dude but having a problem with gay people is Boomer as fuck, Boomer.
>>117468922I don't want incel uprising to kill us all.
>>117468930Is this the new Love "Trumps" Hate? Something that's supposed to insult but, actually sounds supportive of the other side?
>>117467541Nah. They just have shit taste.
>>117468913Women are children?>>117468955Or you could learn something about sexual ethics and other basic philosophy while you're at it. Literally Plato's Cave, feeling around in the dark for why traditional views exist.
I don't get it. Why do straight women love yuri made by greasy old otakus?
>>117468915It's pretty fucked how women simply can do no wrong anymore, nothing is ever their fault, it's always something or someone else. Women as a whole are simply perfect with no bad qualities they as a gender should improve on like men should. It's just bizarre to me.
>>117468952Even Trump kids are fine with LGBT and are of the opinion he doesn't have an issue with it either which is probably true.Shit I'm trying to say something on-topic. It makes people feel good to do something "progressive" in their show. And people don't have a problem with it anymore. It's safe as fuck in the US to do this. That explains the cartoons. End of story. Can we kill this thread now please?
>>117468955Who brought up gay people? We're talking about women.
>>117468988finally, everything is right with the world
>>117467541i wouldn't blame them, we're pretty gross.
>>117469007Bra, seriously. Stop posting words. Ever heard of tldr?
>>117469007Look at gay porn and traps and shit, that'll show them. Date other dudes.
>>117469007all I take from this is women like anal as much as men.
>>117469011Not yet, humanity is still around. That needs fixing.
>>117468866>Women found men dressing really stupid attractive in the 18th century. Women found men being effeminate and painted attractive in the 17th century.You realize women also dressed just as stupid, and it wasn't effeminate that's just an idea that only came about in modern times right?
>>117469045I don't like video games. They're expensive distractions.
>>117469055Yeah but women dressing stupid and girly has never changedYou can't compare the standards of beauty for males in say, Ming China with the Aztecs. They weren't female oriented at all, they just became attractive to them contextually.
>>117469052this, they've been a serious problem for several millennia now.
>>117469052If things keep going the way they are we'll be extinct within our lifetimes, so it all works out
Don't google "Neural correlates of sexual orientation in Heterosexual, Bisexual and Homosexual women". Trust me. Just don't.
This thread's topic seems dubious, but people are replying seriously and without irony. So it's not going anywhere and we're probably going to get more thread's like this.
>>117469032This but unironically. Artificial wombs will render women obsolete.Reminder that if everyone had the choice of what sex they wanted to be, they'd choose male every time.
>>117469100This is an average Owl House thread to be honest. You new?
>>117468975>sexual ethicsit sounds pretty ethical to let people be however they want and not sperg out if a woman wants to fuck another woman instead of you.
>>117469125t. brainlet who can't grasp rational thinking, just spazzing out in trendy ways.
>>117468988Tell me why you went off with that boo hoo shit feeling sorry for yourself when all I said was men have some shit they need to sort out and that's why women don't want to deal with them?
>>117469123No, I just avoid owl house thread's. Which is ironic since I largely enjoyed season 1.
>>117469122>women go their own way, lives their lives happy away from men>y-yeah well we didn't need you anywayevery time
>>117469147He's just saying maybe you need to take a long hard look at yourself before you mouth off to a man about his personal issues.
>>117469175You're literally advocating that, pot.
>>117469122>Reminder that if everyone had the choice of what sex they wanted to be, they'd choose male every time.But we do have that choice and that is demonstrably not the case? >Artificial wombs will render women obsolete.We are developing technology to turn any type of cell from the human body to a sperm cell or an egg cell. That means even lesbian couples can bear genetic children, and gay male couples can bear genetic children with artificial wombs. How does that make you feel?
>>117469175And they'll end up going extinct, while males prosper. As I said, no one would willingly choose to be a woman.
>>117469202>But we do have that choiceExplain
>>117467940Also dykes divorce more in real life, none of them last forever.
>>117469141Posting a picture of a statue doesn't make you sound smarter
>>117469221I think that user was referring to SRS.Not positive and don't want to put words in their mouth.
>>117469252>she doesn't post statueslol
>>117469147Because women also have their own things to sort out but refuse to acknowledge them and act like the world should cater to them alone? Men are fucked too, I wasn't denying that, but they admit to it.
>>117469219>they'll go extict because uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>117469191Funny you criticize a woman of "mouthing off" when she's responding to men who say lesbians aren't women.
>>117469273Because we got all the dicks and the babes crusty cunt.
>>117469219>As I said, no one would willingly choose to be a woman.I know for a fact you know that's not true and yet you continue to say it
>>117469202>But we do have that choice So you can change from XX to XY or vice versa? Otherwise it's not sex change.>that is demonstrably not the caseMost of the time it's a mental disorder that leads them down a path like that. Could also be the result of sexual abuse too.>That means even lesbian couples can bear genetic children, and gay male couples can bear genetic children with artificial wombsMakes me wonder how often both sets will choose male.
Why do women love men who look like girls? Do you have the answer Holla Forums?
>>117469329Cuz we got what girls don't got. Dicks and hips ready for thrustin'.
>>117469329personally it's because men these days don't style themselves well or wear nice tight clothes
>>117469329Inherent narcissism
>>117469175>women go their own way, lives their lives happy away from men>>117469122Okay unironically literally what's the problem with doing this.Men, go their own way and live happily apart from women.Women, go their own way happily and live their lives apart from men.And everybody is happy. Problem solved. Can this fucking off-topic thread get purged to the ground now? If you want to debate Japanese yuri vs. Western shows with girls in love do that otherwise this is /pol.
>>117469331Hey cutie, you come here often?
>>117468760Is there anything more wholesome than two buff dudes roughing each other up and then hugging it out?
>>117469363The sad thing is I don't want lesbian threads banned. It's the people "in" lesbian threads I want banned.
>>117468601thank you for trying to have a real conversation on here
>>117469363not that user but don't drag all men and all women into this horse shit argument...some of (most of) us are perfectly happy with banging each other of the opposite sex...and japanese yuri is shit anyway
TIL female pornartist love drawing sexy female bodies while men are relegated to faceless penises
>>117467541Have you SEEN the men here?
>>117468690this image makes me wanna kms
>>117469292Just saying maybe she needs to reign in her own kind before she starts shittalking the opposite sex.>inb4 same to you>>117469308And can you provide a case saying otherwise?>>117469415Female narcissism at its finest.
>>117469415That's fair considering the people reading this stuff.
>>117468855>tfw ive been working out so women think im attractive and its all for nothing
>>117468601I feel like this goes for both sexes. Everyone's shitting on each other 24/7 on social media over the stupidest shit and all of these smoothbrain takes are so easily accessible for everyone on the planet to see. It's obviously going to affect people and it's nothing but negative.
>>117469368im a man
>>117469455Hey, what do you want? A car that runs, or a car that "looks good" and runs. Keep it up user!
>>117469477unzips dick
>>117469363>Can this fucking off-topic thread get purged to the ground now?People are replying and seriously discussing the thread. People want this kind of off topic thread, or they wouldn't participate in the discussion. These threads exist and will continue to be made because that's what the users want.Holla Forums has the moderation it deserves.
>>117469099>Neural correlates of sexual orientation in Heterosexual, Bisexual and Homosexual women
Every day I wonder if maybe the dude that made Cerebus had a point about the male light and female void or whatever it was
>Men have to be 6'3". Work out. Have 1 million dollars in the bank account just to get a first date.>Women just need alcohol to get laid with other women
"Christian" teachings cucked men out of being able to smash ass with the bros and now all they can do is scream and cry about lesbians on 4chan
>>117469329im a man and i love men who look like girls
>>117469509/co/ also wants to discuss little girl butts but, mods put a stop to that. I always say Owl House threads should go to /trash/
>>117467541More like the women making these can't get men.
>>117468601>It gives an impression that all men hate all women and people just don't want to interact with people who hate them any more than they need to, and then as little as possible.This all the way home
I genuinely encourage all women to enter lesbian relationships. Because reality hits like a rock and it's always funny
>>117468601>complain about trend>it's always the man's faultYou're not getting any pussy-points because of this, pal.
>>117469538Honestly surprised to hear that the mods did something about that, but I think that's because advertisers probably complained.
>>117468404Liars like you are why we have to die so young.
>>117467541No. The animation industry is just filled with a lot of far left liberals, SJWs, and queers, and there's obvious overlap between those three. Men are proud simps and cucks, and cant say anything anyway against the man-hating lesbos and wanna-be-lesbo Bi dykes pushing their man-hate agenda.This is because lonely dykes and other female queers are often artist types, and they of course push other artist-type girls to be this way, which they're happy to conform to because even hetero artsy women are far left liberals who have begun to hate men.It's tragic, but it's no where near as normal and widespread outside of extreme liberal communities as you'd be led to believe. Women still love men, and man-haters still seethe at the idea. You can really see that seethe drip out in a lot of these lesbo pairings too - Mako being made out to be the bad guy, Finn being made to be a cuck, etc.
>incels have to compete with Chad AND other women
I hate bitch-ass threads like these.
>>117468581>and you gotta think a generation of boys will go through childhood and adolescence thinking that every girl they meet is just one female friendship away from being gay. That’s gonna fuck with a lot of kids.No because most people are bi not gay and kids today will know that if a girl gets with another girl it doesn't mean they're worthless or whatever you're imagining here. Plus even if they are gay they'll see that as fine and there are more straight or bi women out there to get. No boys should be taught that they are entitled to women and they should get mad or sad that a single woman doesn't want them or a lot of women are gay and don't want them.
>>117469551>>117468601>Women are always the victims
>>117469455If you genuinely believe that then you've already lost long ago. Don't let some idiot's pseudoscience on 4chan ruin your self esteem.
>>117469621you can hide threads user
>>117469477That makes it even sadder, sweetie.
>>117467541I don't even recognize all these shows. Who are the chick with the mickey mouse ears and the one with the green hair?
>>117468855This is the post has the highest concentration of bullshit I have ever seen in my life. Women care orders of magnitude about appearance than men do plus "financial stability" AKA being rich. Men are also more varying in what they consider attractive: they will fawn over lithe jailbait, hamplanets, bimbos, even conventionally ugly but charming girls. Compare that to women who almost universally like Chad Thundercock or maybe pretty boy Brad.Men also care more about personality, sorry to tell you. The whole "Men only want us as sex objects!" is projection.
>>117469630It's sad you fail to see how you keep crying that only makes it obvious how big your victim complex is. You see everything a woman says as her blaming men and that's pitiful.
>>117468499>bisexual women are attracted to men but straight women aren'tSomething here is wrong.>>117468519This is very likely the case. Below lesbian searches however there's a high search incidence of "pussy eating" which is likely where the straight women are at. Strange, all anecdotal reports and articles I've seen suggest that straight women prefer really violent porn.
>>117469202>But we do have that choiceMutilation if the genitals into a crude fascimile and being doped to the gills in growth hormones isn't a real choice user.
>>117469585>far left liberalsImpossible
>>117469684>You see everything a woman says as her blaming men and that's pitiful.That is literally what's happening. It's not even some subtle thing. Are you delusional?
>>117469674If you unironically use names like Chad and Brad in your strawman you already lost.
>>117469684The post I replied to literally did that though, you fucking idiot
Reminder that these are the kinds of pwople you're talking with.
>>117469674>Compare that to women who almost universally like Chad Thundercock or maybe pretty boy Brad.I wish you guys had female friends so you could learn this isn't true at all.
>>117469737We know, why do you think we're being so mean?
>>117469739I do, they all love abusive assholes or want to be with one. They love aggression and assertiveness, also love being insulted and berated.>>117469752Just reminding the pussy-whipped males itt what they're defending
>>117469737There is no shortage of anons willing to call the one on the right hot.
>>117469775>I do, they all love abusive assholes or want to be with oneNo wonder they're friends with you. Maybe you have a chance.
>>117469802Considering they don't talk to me that much anymore, guess I'm notPlus I've already got a boyfriend, so there's that
>>117469860>I've already got a boyfriendThen what the fuck are you complaining about
>>117469889I wasn't? I was calling that user's bluff about not having female friends, but of course the both of you take it as bitching and thirsting. Typical This is probably part of why I ended up bi, leaning heavily towards gay shit
>>117469961At least you'll be happy unlike the other hopeless fools in here.
>>117469985I'm counting on it, thanks for having faith in me
>>117467541the reason women love woman is because at the beginning of time woman were stuck in the cave/tribe/village due to always being pregnant and having to take care of the kids, while the men went out and killed animals for meat. The woman took care of literaly everything at home like cooking/cleaning/sewing/teaching/gardening/etc all while the men were out getting covered in the blood of their kill and occasionally their enemies.Woman learned compassion through the nurturing and caring of lifeMen learned how to use muscle to overpower and bully their way through life while thinking of nothing but themselves and destroying everything in their pathrinse and repeat that for literally all of time in the history books where men pillage and plunder, rape and kill, steal and destroy their way through life, all while fostering a massive and very hidden an untaught history of both men and woman being unfathomably GAY.in Greek lore theres literally a whole island called LESBOSLoki is literally genderfluidtheres even a god called HERMAPHRODITE who was originally both Hermes and Aphrodite who love eachother so much that they fused together.People be gay, my dudes
>>117470067Do you mind? This thread had a happy ending. Go to the new lesbian thread on page 2.
>>117470081actually im a self aware MAN who actually makes an effort to be likeable, unlike the rest of you
>>117467541all women get sick of men, but later in life, that's why so many middle age women start developing homosexual tendencies later in life
>>117470096you sounded insufferable, no wonder you had to try, but you sounds like a failure.
>>117470067It's also why women are retarded, men didn't breed with women based on their intelligence outside of a handful of cultures. If a woman was stupid, she could survive and breed off a intelligent man, but not the reverse.
>>117470604You realize that would make everyone stupider not just women right
>>117470721No, because by that logic men and women would be physically similar, except that isn't the case since a men's physical ability played a huge role in whether he would breed or not
>>117470764This guys ancesotors preferred stupid women.
>>117467541>We Bare Bearsa 3 seconds scene triggers you so much?No wonder woman are sick of men like you
you're all retards arguing with tranny "women"
>>117470810Nothing has changed
>>117469533>"Christian" teachings cucked menI know lgbtard are some of the most retarded being in history but don't be mentally illgoogle.com
>>117468235This. I hate not being able to say shit back because this type of retard exists making men look fucking awful
>>117470067>Men learned how to use muscle to overpower and bully their way through life while thinking of nothing but themselves and destroying everything in their pathAnon, I know being an lgbtard requires you to be the most retarded being in the world bu at least google before posting retardation. Look at this list and tell me how many are wymyn.en.m.wikipedia.org
>>117470849How many of the “femanons” here are actually mtf trannies? I’d say at least half
You know the dykes in this thread are seething beyond compare, ugly, repulsive, rejected, overweight, ect ect.Truth hurts I guess, next time you start a bait thread actually bring something to the table outside of your insecurities. Anyways, you're late for your suicide so I won't keep you any longer.
>>117467661>tfw one show makes the USA #1 in artistic freedom. I wanted us to one day surpass the French in lewds but no like this. . .
How is this comics
>>117471350Cringe lesbotard
>>117467541The elite are trying to teach Western kids to adhere to non-reproductive sexual identities so we have to import more third worlders to keep our economy afloat.
>>117468601this is peak incel posting. ive never seen something quite so out of touch
>>117468820>when society becomes so degenerate that 4chan is the first to ban shows revolving around child pornography
>>117471579That's a fun narrative but really it was that Holla Forums's mods know any post about Cuties will be full of cunnyposting. They had to ban Cuties pics because 4chan is more degenerate than anywhere else, not less.
>>117470067>Muh women in the kitchen made them lesbos>When its just basic feminine hypergamy where they satisfy their desires irregardless of trust & morality>Muh female compassion when most women hate kids and see them as a detriment to themselves.>Not knowing that women can be just as cruel, violent, rapey, etc for their own greed.>Often moreso than men because they dehumanize others faster than men as a coping mechanism to show they're a perpetual victim.>Sappho & her many lesbians were bored rich bitches often manipulating everyone for their desires of wealth, power, and sex more often than men, especially during wartime.>Loki, the shapeshifting liar/trickster who used feminity as a weapon to murder people and ruin civilizations is your genderfluid icon.user all you've proven is that gays are just immoral hedonists and chronic backstabbers.
>>117471608Go back.
>>117471832Where is it that you think I'm from?
>>117471608This.Cuties is a show that condemns sexual exportation of children.Everywhere else we can expect people to either watch the show in agreement that pedo bad, or miss the message and condemn the show in suspicion that it promotes pedophilia.Only on 4chan will people watch the show and unironically masturbate to the children in it.
I think I got tired of boys in middle school when one grabbed my leg to pull me into the swimming pool. It didn’t work. I haven’t given them another chance since.
>>117472423Unfortunately, more than just on 4chan there are people looking for signs of pedo rings in the liberal entertainment industry while ignoring the actual sex trafficking rings being busted in conservative circles. They want to justify a pedo cult narrative because voting against that is more tasteful than engaging about their anti-liberal ideas. Everyone rightfully hates pedos so if you can just make it about that, there's much less you need to talk about.
>>117472625>liberal entertainment industry while ignoring the actual sex trafficking rings being busted in conservative circlesWhy do retarded libtarda aways like to project and and post non factual retardation? For fuck sake none of them are able to refute the links I've posted.
>>117472478Did you fall and knock all the heterosexuality out of your head?
>>117467541Yes, and men are sick of women. Seperate the genders for good.
>>117472934Yes, separate bad gays and straights from good gays and straights. Either fuck or get fucked incel.
>>117472901Maybe, haha. There was a lot of blood.
>>117467541its just pathetic escapism for white roasties. they have a fucking huge hetero sexual frustration about men but are too jealousy and egoistic and white to express it in an honest way, and end up in a total lesbo bubble.
>>117472754I'm not denying the existence of Asian gang child sex trafficking, I'm saying it's funny that Trump campaign people like Tim Nolan and Ralph Shortey can be found guilty of child sex trafficking but those fly under the radar of those trying to save children from the rich and powerful.
>>117468499>Popular With WomenThis shit right here. Most women just follow trends and what other women are doing, while men actually know what exactly they as a person want.>>117468499>Transgender>Tfw men are more progressive than the ‘progressive’ other gender>>117468499>More male stimuli in bisexual womenI can’t believe I’m saying this, but those women who claim to be bisexual yet show little to no interest in women’s might actually be telling the truth in a way.
>>117468601"boohoo men hate women"Bullshit, if anything men became even more understanding in the last decades, bisluts are just horny, so when they cant get a proper men they go and fuck each other, and dykes are just full mental illness
>>117468206>Thread is about lesbos>Talks about race for no reasonPol plz, at least stay on topic
>>117468795Then explain to me why lesbian couples are the most abusive ones and why the absolute majority of couples are straight, even in cultures that are homo friendly
>>117471473>Holla Forums - Comics & Cartoons
>>117468795>tfw im a man
>>117473427>"it's not about hating women">proceeds to hate women
>>117469575>>117469630>>117469684That's the thing, dude, I actually posted that, and I blamed social media and everyone (men and women and whateverthefuck people want to say they're between) sharing their shitty feelings and yeah really hateful with the world constantly. The same thing happens the other way. Social media. Fucking weird you jumped to it being about blaming men.
>>117467541It goes both ways, we're growing sick of each other. Genders are meant to be segregated and with clear roles. This has been the case for 99.9% of human tribes and civilizations throughout history.
>>117473846This. I don't mind men in small doses. It's being forced to live together that's the problem.
>>117473806>Are women sick of men?>so "YES">omg why do you think I meant men
>>117473846>>117473993What are your thoughts on gender-segregated train cars?
>>117470604>>117470067This shit is really due to not knowing anything about anthropology and band socieitis which was a big group without "Big Man" leaders (that came after, closest thing to in charge was just everyone who managed to survive to old age, think most extended family groups) and just a pretty egalitarian big family that shared resources equally and practiced communal child care, so everybody had to do the work and help each other. Women also kept gathering and hunting small animals (think traps and fishing, also gross but people ate insects and bird eggs for protein) while they were pregnant and even after they had kids. First they'd carry the kids around with them right after they were born in a pouch or cradle board and then later the kids would help them gather. Yes there was time that had to be spent at base making and doing shit and working but everybody transplants leave it to beaver nuclear families onto the past. Since resources were pooled it's not like having an especially good hunter as mate got you more food you shared it equally among the children of your big family group, and the earliest hunting was endurance hunting, so a big group of people outwalks an animals over a long span of time basically, that endurance was our big hunting feat. Not so much one guy's spectacular efforts (although there would be one runner guy at the very end) most of the day was "keep walking until the animal's exhausted and everyone looks for tracking shit."
memes are exaggerated truths
>>117474017Great idea if they were actually enforced. Instead, they let men slip onto the women's cars. Maybe in that case, they should be able to beat the shit out of him without prosecution.
>>117474017Tranny ones too?
So even women have it easier getting with other women. Life is fucking exhausting.
>>117474174They can fold themselves up in the overhead luggage compartments.
>>117467541Only Lesbians didThough Noelle did gave us two Hetero couples
>>117474021Guess only that time period counts and the last couple thousand don't
>>117467541Guys, should i just take the Gaypill to have a chance of finding someone?
>>117467541*cough* Thirteen years *cough*
>>117474414nahprostitute > fat chick > going gay
>>117470067>men pillage and plunder, rape and kill, steal and destroy their way through lifeIf your tribe's men didn't, those of others would have, and you would have been on the receiving end of it all. You need men to survive, women are that weak. Had it been up to women humanity would be extinct by now lmaoyoutu.be
>>117468601>I do see more women who are bisexual increasingly reading threads like the women-hating ones online and choosing to date other chicks insteadSo the answer is female illiteracy.>It gives an impression that all men hate all women and people just don't want to interact with people who hate them any more than they need to, and then as little as possible.But women wearing T-shirts that say "kill all men" is fine.>So yes I think that social media and the internet are making young girls and young women avoid men more just because of all the hating women talk.But all the anti-men talk by feminists isn't having any effect.>There's also just the fact that fewer people want or have kids now and everyone is expected to have a career. Okay.>So if the family and partnership thing can be filled by another womanOnly if you don't want any children or already had children with a man.>Also, this thread is off-topic, not really Holla Forums.Whine harder.>If you're asking why so many lesbians in animation, partly so many artist writers and creators are lgbtWhy are so many now LGBT?>paartly brownie points and lesbians are "safe" brownie pointsWith whom? Not Christian groups.>partially pandering to all the lgbt consumers who are money in the bank for all companies nowHow? She-Ra was so unprofitable Mattel is only making dolls of the original.>does that answer your question?No as it contains numerous errors.
>>117467541I do kind of hate men desu. Growing up with four brothers is basically enough men for one lifetime
>>117469363Then the women's society collapses because they want men to do everything for them.
>>117474092>>117474080Nah, women are just puppies, big cute emotional balls of confusion and feeling. If you raise them right, give them good food and water, keep them well trained and disciplined, but also show love and affection, they’ll be great companions. Raise them poorly, keep them off the leash, they get in trouble or do things they shouldn’t. Drunk women want to use their lips to smooch things, you’ve got to be there to give them something to smooch that isn’t predatory feral dykes.Also make girls wear collars and leashes more, it’s hot.
>>117474990It isn't men's fault no one invited you to prom
>>117474021So why did those societies not eclipse patriarchal societies, if they’re so great?
>>117468866>men found slim, no-butt women attractive in the 80s>men find thicc women attractive nowwhat are you trying to say
>muh all women are lesbians and hate menOh yeah, then how come they keep taking my friends from me
>>117474990Are they older or younger than you?
>>117475103wait...this describes all humans though, wtf? i wasn't ready for that today
>>117475150Maybe you should join them. I mean, when was the last time you really gave mating press a try?
>>117469415Well women's romance novels focus more on the torso (abs) than the face.
>>117470153>Source: My ass
>>117470067>This fucking Radfem delusion/co/mblr is a gift to this site
>>117475125I got invited and went though. In high school I wasn't quite as jaded yet.>>117475164Three older, one younger.
>>117469415You sneaky fucker I see what you are doing
>>117475193I just miss my friendsI'll start my own family eventually too
>>117469585Your level of retardation is incredible.>the reason women love woman is because at the beginning of time woman were stuck in the cave/tribe/village due to always being pregnant and having to take care of the kidsAnd this made them lesbians how?>The woman took care of literaly everything at home like cooking/cleaning/sewing/teaching/gardening/etc all while the men were out getting covered in the blood of their kill and occasionally their enemies.And guess who was at a much higher risk of dying.>Men learned how to use muscle to overpower and bully their way through life while thinking of nothing but themselves Well except for the family they fed.>men pillage and plunder, rape and kill, steal and destroy their way through lifeBecause women lack the physical strength to do this.>all while fostering a massive and very hidden an untaught history of both men and woman being unfathomably GAY.Which has remained hidden even after homosexuality was decriminalised. Almost like it never existed.>in Greek lore theres literally a whole island called LESBOSThat's an actual island you tard.>Loki is literally genderfluidHe's a shapeshifter.>theres even a god called HERMAPHRODITE who was originally both Hermes and Aphrodite who love eachother so much that they fused together.That was their son you tard.
>>117470721Except for the fact that the stupid men didn't reproduce.
>>117469329Why do Japs draw themselves like that, when even their girly men look ugly and nothing like that?
>>117472423So they're sexualizing children to show why sexualizing children is bad.
>>117475502>far less qualifiedClearly this is from a pathetic "nice guy" perspective lol
>>117475545How are the poor decisions of women "Entitlement"?
>>117475590Because if any woman says "If only my boyfriend could be more like you" he's totally qualified.
>>117467541 Yes, they get tiered. but not because of this they will turn into lesbians, diversity is popular and lesbian is the safer option
>>117475103>Also make girls wear collars and leashes more, it’s hot.You could have just said that you have a BDSM fetish and ended it there.
>>117475656Women say stupid shit sometimes because they're human. They don't want a safe guy, and you're too safe.
>>117475708What the fuck is a 'safe' guy?
>>117475621A woman isn't more likely to get raped if she's dressed slutty. A rapist will rape no matter what.
This thing was around since Xena and Buffy. It’s just that instead of some shows having LGBTQ+TheAlphabet, now it’s all shows.Cartoons were still aimed at “kids” and didn’t touch it. That’s the big change though, now it’s “normal” for parents to tell their kids they can be gay.
>>117475716A guy who doesn't spend all his time screaming about women on the internet and reposting ancient reddit comics.
>>117467541A flock of lesbians got into cartoons and are rigorously, furiously working to get access to as many underaged tweens as possible.
>>117468206Well done child. Watch your virginity with all you have got.
>>117475758So they DON'T want a guy who doesn't spend all his time screaming about women on the internet? What?
>>117473456/a/ is out in force today.
>>117475690It doesn't how much Holla Forums keeps saying it, lesbians aren't the "safer" option. Quite the opposite, especially from a business perspective. Take in consideration how significantly more popular Yaoi is than Yuri and, outside western animation, most LGBT content in media are gay males.
>>117467541All of these pretty lesbians are created by either basedboys who couldn't get women anyway, or ugly, mentally unstable dykes. Lesbianism is a mental illness that left-wing nutjobs are trying to normalize in order to push through even more disgusting and mentally reprehensible behavior.
>>117475903Thanks for the bingo
>>117467541The best part of this is it's only white women and alien/monster girl. You may say>But user I see brown chicks.They're all spanish, or mediterranean, or some other mix of hispanic.White girl puss for other white girl puss.
>>117468795In other words, you're a 350 pound landwhale with a bowl-cut that no man would ever look at.
>>117467541Kike propaganda pushing this shit
>>117468808Not evil, just shallow and vapid. Most women don't have useful skills or the ability to look after themselves, so all they care about if finding somebody with money to take care of them.
>>117475853Men have a natural repulsion to seeing gay mess kiss much more than women do to females kissing. Plus men is majority audience. Idk how it is in the comic industry, but when I worked in games industry, I was directly told that gay male is too risky to primarily male audiences. And the game went with a lesbian couple instead.
>>117468933A woman will do that because she wants something from you. A man will do it because he genuinely cares.
>>117476060Did you work in Life is Strange?
>>117476083no, it was a AAA game on playstation.
>>117467541>hate on women all the time>get surprised when they get tired or your shit
>>117476066Are you one of those people that always goes "if a man does a shitty thing it's because he's a shitty person but if a woman does a shitty thing it's because she's a woman"
>>117468915"If only we were in charge of everything, forever, we'd finally break you into the workhorse daddies we can fuck we've always wanted." Piss off your shit stinks same as the rest of us.
>>117469219There are more and more troons who willingly chop their dick off to larp as women so...
>>117476118Fear Effect 2?
>>117476408Nah its a much newer game. Just trying to make the point that its still the mental state of the industry. You will only see gay male shit if its a custom MC, its an indie studio, or their lore isn't present in the game
>>117467661You know qts isn't actually framed like that
>>117475697I did though.
>>117475728>A woman isn't more likely to get raped if she's dressed slutty.Crime statistics say otherwise.
>>117468601My aunt in law is raising her daughter with her sister because my uncle was a dumbass who cheated on her. I know multiple households like this where female friends or siblings raise the kids together maybe this is the future.
>>117468795Men don’t wash their asses
>>117468808Outside of a small portions of men women have less consensus on what men are attractive. 80% of men will agree if a given girl is hot or not but women are more likely to have ‘types’ that they are strongly attracted to while lukewarm towards everything else. My friend and I are not into the same things at all. She likes chubby hairy Bear types and I think that’s really unattractive and she likewise wouldn’t date the men I do. I don’t think men are as discerning in that way.
>>117467541Literally EVERY SINGLE ONE is interracial/interspeciesIs this some weird racism fetishism thing? White girls like to replace penis with fetishizing nonwhite girls? Other white girls are too samey, don’t get them enough attention or woke points, is that it?
>>117468984There is good Yuri written by women and it’s cute! I like Hana and Hina After School.
The worst thing about these threads is when femanons think anybody gives a flying shit about their blogposts on what women really want like any of these dykes have ever been in a real relationship outside the internet
>>117469329I don’t think the pretty boy archetype is feminine necessarily, whether an anime boy or irl. It just correlates with youth and men interpret that as being feminine aesthetically while women just see a cute young guy.
>>117473229>2 guy of which disavowed by Trump>against fucking thousands of child grooming case the left defendsNever gonna make it
>>117477584I'm sure they do champ, I'm sure they do.
>>117479590What child grooming cases are the left defending? The whole #metoo thing was leftist and it fostered a larger awareness of grooming culture and a harsher reaction towards it. It's also funny that you're speaking vaguely of thousands of grooming cases when faced with real, proven, and sentenced child sex traffickers who work in government. One of them was sentenced for 20 years for sex trafficking 19 people. Pretty sweet deal for him, that's a little over a year per person that is likely to be reduced for good behavior.>disavowed by TrumpWhat did he say? The right pretends it didn't happen.
>>117475502>Reddit meme in 2020