Do you ever watch a show, read a comic, or view any Holla Forums related media and feel like you missed out when you see romance such as in pic related? Especially when the characters are young and high school or college aged? I often do as someone who still has get to kiss a girl and that is in his mid 20s. I’m sure some of you don’t feel that way because you either got to experience young love or just don’t care. But I often feel very alone in my experience with this. Where I feel depressed whenever I’m watching something I like and I see animated couples much younger than me, reminding me of everything I’ve missed out on.
Do you ever watch a show, read a comic...
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>>117462827Maybe if you didn’t watch dyke sjw shows by a confirmed pedophile you would get girls
>>117462839Looks are everything, Chad could openly admit to being a clopper and girls would still want him
Nope. The only thing I'm envious of is Spider-Man's ability to web swing.
>>117462827Ren & Stimpy.
>>117462862Garbage ship, they aren’t even friends
>>117462880It’s literally the best pairing possible for either
>>117462866I think you're over selling looks, You at least have to be not socially brain dead if you're good looking.
>>117462908Steven is happy with Connie, Spinel is happy the Diamonds, and neither of them have shown to need each other or even want to be friends.
>>117462827Nah, I've got my tulpas and my version of Cwcville to satisfy that need
>>117462866Game > looks
>>117462839>Maybe if you didn’t watch dyke sjw shows by a confirmed pedophile. That's ironic, because Sugar wants to cancel the Ren & Stimpy >>117462870 reboot for that same reason.
>>117462827Honestly most of the time in cartoons, kids do not behave like kids in the first place anyway, and their romances don’t function like childhood relationships. They’re often just adult romances shoved into smaller bodies. If the writers are drawing from experience and not recycling other pieces of fiction, they’re probably drawing more from their adult experiences.
>>117462931You’d be surprised
>>117462827>But I often feel very alone in my experience with this. Where I feel depressed whenever I’m watching something I like and I see animated couples much younger than me, reminding me of everything I’ve missed out on.Same.i basically wageslaved my entire teenage years and lost everything, so it was all for nothing. Now i can`t hold a conversation with any girls and i just kind of stopped caring.
>>117462962>he actually believes in “game”
>>117463063Nothing else can explain my success.
>>117462827>you missed out when you see romance such as in pic related? Especially when the characters are young and high school or college aged?That's more then half the people born between 1985-2002 And I don't why those generation are so restarted when it comes to finding the one and calling it a day, Steven didn't have brake-up after break-up
>>1174631141. You are severely underestimating your looks2. You’re just another beta bux who women settle for
>>117462942Halfway there, she got heart eyes for him.
>>117463122Some of us never find even one t. kissless virgin inching closer to his 30s
>>117462827Owl House and She-Ra makes me feel this way, even though there were no lesbians or bisexual girls that I know of back in my high school or college.
>>117463143Stevinel died the moment Steven started acting annoyed as fuck towards Spinel in Homeworld Bound and died even more when he and Connie both kissed each other happily. Unlike Spinel who kissed Steven without his consent, which only pissed him the fuck off. Literally their entire interactions are either Spinel being fucking psycho and trying to kill Steven for bullshit reasons, him pretending to feel bad for her and offer to help just so she could fix the mess she left and fuck off, or her simply annoying the fuck out of him. It makes no sense, there’s not even any chemistry. At least Steven has chemistry with Connie. Or if we are talking gems, with Peridot or Lapis. Spinel? Fuck no.
This is exactly why I ended up dropping Star Vs in the middle of season 4. Seeing Star have an ex boyfriend at only 14, and then Marco not only get his first girlfriend at 14 but also another love interest, while I’m just sitting there, in my early 20s, haven’t even kissed, held hands or been on a date, was too painful for me. Seeing younger people enjoy things I never did and probably never will hurt too much. Turns out dropping that show was a good idea based on how awful the last two seasons plus the finale was.
>>117462827>>117462990>>117463039>>117463126>>117463146Depends on upbringing too, I was raised catholic thought to not fornicate or waste mine or people's time in getting in relationships and the only Date to marry. I least expect it ran into my future wife in high school and we became friends and I married her a few years after college. Steven and Connie is the most realistic when it comes to young love tho Helga and Arnold can be kind of second place. What's unrealistic with young love is the loud house shipping.
>>117463374I mean *taught*
>>117463374I never dated because girls wanted nothing to do with me and still do not. Not because I was held back by religion or super strict parents.
>>117463187That’s because he was going through some shit and didn’t want to cheat on Connie. It’s called loyalty and Spinel likes it
>>117463407i am out of the loop. why are artists not wanting ren and stimpy back?>>117463424same, my mom really tried to get me to find a church girl but most churches we went to were filled with old people. the ones filled with younger people were kind of a shitshow.
>>117463252>>117463182You guys sound like you are from Japan?I hear it's not too bing on love there
>>117463450>That’s because he was going through some shitYes but even then he still treated someone like Jasper way better than he did Spinel. Yeah he shattered her but only by accident. Steven seems to have a ton of respect for Jasper. Jasper, meanwhile, has never liked Steven and only started to gain respect for him when Steven went pink mode and bested her in combat. Spinel meanwhile seems to have gained a huge admiration for Steven following the film but Steven clearly has no respect for her.>didn’t want to cheat on ConnieThey were never even bf/gf until the final episode. It took the entire series for them to both kiss. They were both clearly into each other but never took the next step from best friends to lovers. So Steven would not have “cheated” on Connie as they were not dating at the time.
It's a lie. Teenage relationships are messy, and painful. Over time the bad memories erode away and you only remember the thrill of connecting with someone for the first time. But that doesn't mean the actual thing was ever idyllic. You haven't missed anything. The spectre of ideal young love is both something that was never possible to begin with.
>>117463476Nah, just old, I think. I was gay way back before it was cool to be.
>Get adult emotionally mature girlfriend>Roleplay young teenage lovers during sex>All the fun with none of the shit>Profit
>>117463562Teen love at the very least prepares you for adult relationships and teaches you what to do and what not to do. Imagine making it to 30 and not even kissing a girl. What woman is gonna want a guy at that age with absolutely zero experience? And not just in sex but I’m romantic relationships? Women do not want to be teachers for inexperienced guys. Maybe there’s an exception if he’s super hot and somehow stayed a virgin due to religious reasons or maybe trauma. But most of the time women have zero interest in teaching some average looking virgin loser.
>>117463556Because he’s going through some things and got really stressed out, and he does consider it cheating as he can’t even kiss another girl in his dreams without feeling bad.
>>117463640Steven would never even in a million years “cheat” on Connie with Spinel, though. Steven and Spinel aren’t even friends and it’s clear that Steven wasn’t exactly dying to go hang out with her after the film.
>>117463456>i am out of the loop. why are artists not wanting ren and stimpy back?Rumor has it Creator dated/fucked his 16 year old girlfriend back in the 90's and twitter is just waking up to it that's all. Oh and it was all legal in his state just for the record, so he's more of a pervert.>>117463456>the ones filled with younger people were kind of a shitshow.How? >>117463562and it's why Star vs was a shit show in season 4 >>117463594just plug in the loli and you are rich
>>117463630>Teen love at the very least prepares you for adult relationships and teaches you what to do and what not to do. Imagine making it to 30 and not even kissing a girl. What woman is gonna want a guy at that age with absolutely zero experience? And not just in sex but I’m romantic relationships? Women do not want to be teachers for inexperienced guys. Maybe there’s an exception if he’s super hot and somehow stayed a virgin due to religious reasons or maybe trauma. But most of the time women have zero interest in teaching some average looking virgin loser.But I don't want used pussy !
>>117463675Duh, it’s wrong to cheat, but Stevinel still works and the whole point of SUF was Steven having poor coping methods
>>117463679>Rumor has it Creator dated/fucked his 16 year old girlfriend back in the 90's and twitter is just waking up to it that's all. Oh and it was all legal in his state just for the record, so he's more of a pervert.i know some people might frown upon that kind of thing but it was legal is his state there`s nothing you can do.>the ones filled with younger people were kind of a shitshow.most of the time they would straight up just sing, dance, do a lot of contact stuff and it was kind of uncomfortable, they were usually also way too loud even during prayer, i couldn`t even listen to myself think.
>>117463713When you fail to get girls in your teens and in college, the best you’ll get is post wall women. You will be beta bux. She is settling for you because you can provide. She will never do the shit she did with Chads when she was in her prime youth years in high school/college. Blowjobs? Anal? Sorry, she “tried it once but didn’t like it”. But in reality tried all sorts of kinky shit with Chads while ignoring guys like you when you were both young. You’ll rarely have sex, and when you do it’ll be uninspired starfish sex where she’s not into it. You will not even make her cum. She isn’t attracted to you. Hope you at the very least have a decent sized penis.She will resent you for not being the Chad she wanted commitment from so badly. She will cheat on you. Divorce you, take your kids and half your money. I hope you’re okay with single mothers. She needs someone to step up and help raise Chad’s bastard spawn.
>>117463630I was like that but all I told her was I'm not in for bullshit I'm 100% real and only gonna give myself once I find a real relationship. Why get all emotional when you know it's not going to last or you did it just to get experience, then all you are going to do is drag baggage into someone else life, hell no.
It hurts. I had one kiss when I was 13 and one make-out when I was 15, but that was a girl who lived far away that I only saw on those occasions, so I never really got to expeience true teen love.
>>117463750>Stevinel still works>the two never established any sort of friendly relationship following the movie like Steven did with Peridot or Lapis>their only interactions in Future were either Steven being annoyed with her or Spinel being totally obvious to Steven’s obvious mental breakdown>they never even had any dialogue with one another in IAMM >not to mention that Spinel has the potential to be a very scary, violent and abusive BPD kind of girlfriend Besides, there’s not even any evidence that Spinel was even dying to get to know Steven more. She seemed totally happy with the Diamonds. The ship doesn’t work. It’s just a crack ship that was popular only because of broken people wanting Steven to “save” someone broken like Spinel because that is what they want in life. It was only popular because no one knew if or when they’d ever interact with one another again after the film. They only saw it as a ship with “potential.” And then it died in the series finale.
>>117463846>I had one kiss when I was 13 and one make-out when I was 15I’m 24 years old and never even kissed a girl. At least you not only had your first kiss at 13, but you also made out with someone at 15. Totally normal. But make it to 24 without that experience? Something is very wrong.
>>117463843I’m never gonna find a relationship. Hell I have a very hard time making friends. I honestly plan on committing suicide once my parents pass, because once they’re gone, I’ll have no one left that cares. I’m not gonna make it into my 40s. I might not even make it into my 30s.
>>117463814>When you fail to get girls in your teens and in college, the best you’ll get is post wall women. You will be beta bux. She is settling for you because you can provide.I know I see a lot of people who work in my office like that. and they are all having babies seconds after the weeding and devoivering 5 years later all to do it again by 40, that shit is sad. >>117463814sounds like projection, this happen to you?>>117463949>But make it to 24 without that experience? Something is very wrong.You are not used up, and people also forget living environment and how hot you are, women who pick at you forget that big time, find a fat bitch and you're get luck.
>>117464000>sounds like projection, this happen to you?No but I often fear it happening to me some day.> You are not used up, and people also forget living environment and how hot you are, women who pick at you forget that big time, find a fat bitch and you're get luck.There is absolutely nothing admirable about being an older male virgin and not by choice. It just shows that you’re unwanted by the opposite sex and are overall, a failure. It’s totally different than simply waiting for the right girl despite having many opportunities to lose it, without paying for it. No woman wants a man no other women want.
>>117463986Wow and gen Y kept saying "I'm young I have my whole life to get married and have boyfriends and girlfriends.
>>117463916Didn’t die, stronger than ever
>>117464071Go on TikTok and watch all these super attractive zoomers. All these guys are tall, handsome and popular kids. Zoomers are even taller than previous generations. Barron Trump is only 15 and is already taller than his 6’3 father. That kid is never gonna struggle with women for his entire life.
>>117464083>stronger than ever>despite zero evidence of Steven even liking Spinel as an acquaintance at the very least>despite Connie and Steven kissing at the end and pretty much knowing they’re gonna be husband and wife some day I’d like whatever drugs you’re on
>>117464066>No woman wants a man no other women want.But that doesn't have to know you don't know other women, you have poor marketing and most women are not into looks first you have to has a game in your mouth! I've too many talking about "he's hot but he's got no brains" and word of advice Cute or hansome is more boyfriend/husband road.
>>117464120Yah, but the zoomers are not as dumb as the gen y was farting around with love, thinking they'd keep there looks forever.
>>117464120But that's only a small present of boys not most, so you are telling me only 10% is going to end up with a girlfriend.
>>117464159It is. Look at the fanbase
>>117464289Stevinel is not nearly as popular in the fandom as a whole compared to Connverse. In fact, most of the mainstream fandom save for Holla Forums and a few people on Tumblr and Twitter actually hate Stevinel. They think it’s pedophilia. Or they think Spinel is toxic.
>>117464384Not really
>>117464384Youtube acts this way too
>>117464409Then you don’t live in reality. Connie and Steven is at the very least the second most popular ship in the fandom behind Peridot and Lapis. Stevinel is niche compared to Connverse. It being a Steven x Gem ship alone is enough for it to attract hate. Even then, Spinel isn’t as popular of a character as Connie is. She was really popular after the film and then regained some momentum in Homeworld Bound, but was pretty much forgotten following the episode. Holla Forums might hate Connie for being boring or whatever but Connie is a really well liked character in the rest of the fandom.
>>117464489I think it was funny when most written Connie off as nothing to steven, not look at her.
>>117462827It makes me cringe because it. makes me remember that I was a sad, lonely teenager. I’ve only ever been interested in one person, and we would talk every day for hours and she’d always hint that we were more than friends(especially since we only really talked to each other). Then when I actually got the balls to ask her, she wasn’t interested. It completely turned me off from love
>>117464599Everyone thought they’d split based on leaks but in reality they only ended up finally together as boyfriend and girlfriend. The fact that Connie didn’t straight up reject Steven’s marriage proposal and said that they could do that when they’re older pretty much killed those theories. And the fact that she continued to stay supportive of him following that.
>>117464613You miss read
>>117464755I have not turned to drugs yet, I'm getting there though
>>117464851>>117464613>>117464203>>117464120>>117464066>>117463986>>117463949>>117463814Confidence is the one irresistible trait you must have if you want to attract women. And women can tell right away whether or not you're confident just by looking at your body language
>>117464489Not really. She’s divisive and if not that, an afterthought >>117464599>>117464696Meh. Doesn’t mean anything. Connverse is terrible anyway
>>117464992Women find confidence from an unattractive man to be laughable or creepy. These men are either arrogant to them or total creeps. They like confidence from Chads. And Chads are confident from a lifetime of people liking him.
>>117465048I wouldn’t call her divisive. Spinel was really well received after the movie premiered but I agree that she became an afterthought. Since she didn’t really do anything in the final episodes and showed up super late.
>>117465055every pick-up artist is not hot yet they keep winning, you are seeing things to much from a man's point of view, believe me women are not looking at your dick first. You've been watching to manny hiphop videos
>>117465460>every pick-up artist is not hot yet they keep winningNo, the attractive ones simply scam clueless simps out of thousands of dollars by promoting their bullshit “game” as though some fat neckbeard or some manlet Pajeet can make a woman’s panties wet like a Chad. Ugly PUAs just end up getting arrested lmao
>>117465520You know you could just google what makes a man attractive to women, see what real women are saying fix your self then just wallow in self pity
>>117465776What makes a man attractive to women:Tall, over six feetDefined cheekbones, masculine jawline Hunter eyes Not balding Lean and muscular Masculine Women care about looks most, followed by money and status. All women want Chads. 80% of women only find 20% of men attractive and it’s probably even worse than that ever since that OKCupid study was posted years ago.
>>117464992Confidence is something I lack, however there's a more serious underlying issue I've yet to figure out
>>117465829okay so ask your self how did that other 80 % find someone
>>117465829Got my wife by being nice and kind and I'm only 5'8, I'm gonna say these are a class case of >>117465829 Internet women looking for 10's but not 10's these self or trying to copy the shit out of some C level movie. And most of the time in real life it doesn't even play out like that, most find someone in the workforce or through mutual friends and no they are not 10's at all. Any woman looking for that is a red flag same goes for men too.
>>117465920A. Women often settle for men they aren’t attracted to that much so they can be provided for, especially when they reach their late 20s. B. Women will often be a side bitch to a top 20% man, even if she is dating another guy. Chads are dating and fucking multiple women at once. Again, many of these women are already in relationships so it’s not like they’re all single.
>>117462827I had my cringey high-school romance I'm good
>>11746604340% of couples now meet online. Things like Tinder are becoming the norm. Less and less people, especially college aged ones, are getting together via social circle. And even then, Tinder truly shows whether or not you are physically attractive to women.
>>117466081Fuck you.
>>117466063Their Lust expectations are too high as most realize they aren't that hot, to begin with there self and they want kids and time waits for no one and most of these older men are getting younger women so that's what you are seeing
>>117466193Because Chad won’t commit to some 5/10 or lower who’s frauding with makeup. The other issue is that unattractive women, obese women, can at the very least have sex with men much more attractive than them. And date men more fit than them. I see a lot of couples my age where the girl will be a landwhale while her boyfriend will be skinny or be fit. He might not be Chad tier but he’s clearly out of her league. Why would ugly women go with their looksmatch when their options are better?
>>117466130it all goes to what part of us you are on, most women complain the men are shit on tinder, you do better on eharmony>>117466278No it's what the guy went for, like i said above, find a fat bitch and you'd do better. Show that you care and you pretty much have her, you find a Beyonce looking chick and you'll be a simp the rest of your life.
>>117462827that went away after I had sex a few times
>>117466430No one uses eHarmony except for boomers and it’s not like those women aren’t getting their inboxes flooded.>No it's what the guy went for, like i said above, find a fat bitch and you'd do better. Show that you care and you pretty much have her, you find a Beyonce looking chick and you'll be a simp the rest of your life.You are so bluepilled it hurts. Women feel even more entitled to hot men than men feel for hot women. Fat women don’t want no fat man. Fat women want talk, ripped Chads just like any non gay woman wants.
>>117466494From an older virgin, from the bottom of my heart: fuck you. Fuck your bragging.
Age plays in effect but >>117466510If any man wants to appear attractive in my eyes, he will support, protect, and defend the weak and vulnerable. He will be a man of integrity, a man who gives selflessly, who cares more for others than for himself. He is brave and loyal and honest. Neatness is nice also, but I won’t insist on that.-quoraEmpathy for others, kindness, generosity, selflessness, and passion.When I say passion, I don't mean romantic or sexual. I mean like a hobby. I love when a guy is super nerdy about something and spends time on it learning and engaging.For example, one fella I dated back in collage was super passionate about weather. He loved to watch the weather channel, find pictures of and study unique cloud formations, track storms etc. To this day, even 10 years later, I still find it seriously adorable/sexy.-reddit
Steven Did'nt have to worry about most of this shit, why do you all want sex with muilble women why can you just do what Steven did and get married why are you using slut apps and porn shops wondering why bitch's don't want you. They say Steven is for little kids but I say you all need Steven. becase you all looking like Timmy Turner
>>117466774Women say this shit all the time then do the opposite IRL lol LOOKSAREALL THAT MATTER>>117466868Retard
>>117466900You haven't been around women have you, they come with a million different personality's they are all not the same, I'm a 6 and I got a girlfriend when was your last relationship.You sound like nice guy trope.
>>117466530>>117466510>>117466900Your talking about lust driven women, I went back to college at 28 and found my wife there, sure I was on edge but with a little more talking about me things fit into place, I think the problem with most guys on this site is they are too sex-driven and girls smell that out fast and one major comment even she made to me, I wasn't rushing the fucking and didn't do that until we both graduated, found a apartment and etc. You boys need to do what Steven did, find a non-sexual hobby and talk about that to a lady, also find someone close to your reg places you like to go/hang out then just running up to strangers thinking that are going to get wet for you.
>>117467437>when was your last relationshipliterally never
>>117465776women usually don't even understand whats attractive to them, and I say that as a guy who has no trouble getting women.
>>117467437>Your a nice guy if you think women are usually full of shit and say shit to not look like a basic bitchPeople like you are the ones that enable women to be shitty and don't give young men actually advice on how to be attractive to women.
>>117463182Being any flavor of gay is incredibly easy, you motherfuckers are ready to fuck at a drop of a hat and don't need the bullshit courting rituals that men and women need. You are an absolute failure if you can't find a partner as a fag/dyke.
>>117466152If it makes you feel better I'm a Virginia who only got 1 date in 7 years of college
>>117468942>I'm a VirginiaYou're the whole fucking state of Virginia? Ok, I have so many questions. Like, why did you allow niggers to topple Jefferson Davis Memorial in Richmond?
>>117468412that's only gay men and that's because men of any sexuality are ready to fuck anything at anytime
>>117469599i dunno why do you allow far-right meme domestic terrorist groups to try and sell weapons to hamas? your country is retarded in general and bin laden was right about everything, all he had to do was topple a pair of buildings and you kill yourselves over it.
>>117464468I see plenty of terrible AMVs and comic subs
>>117469647If your a dyke, there's significantly less hoops to jump through to get a relationship compared to a man. If your a rugmuncher that's lonely, you either live in an incredibly conservative area or your not trying at all.
>>117464738Well, yeah. I was a sad 16 year old who’d never had strong feelings for someone like that. I kind of assumed she liked me back because she always would say she loved me, as well as getting jealous over anyone who wanted to date me. Also, I used to joke about us being like a married couple, and one day she told me that I didn’t have to joke about it because we could actually be. I don’t think about it often at this point, but back then it was a huge blow for me.
>>117462827No. Because actual children don't do this.
>>117465920They didn't. They aren't. Millennials are the least sex-having generation.A large percentage of this generation will die alone, either because of real or imagined psychological problems.
>>117467682>find a non-sexual hobby and talk about that to a ladyExcept you forget that nobody here is a normie. If anyone here is genuinely passionate about something, they will autistically cling to it, and have expectations of others to already know all that garbage, because trying to describe for example, 40k or homestuck lore from the very beginning in a light-hearted convo is just simply not going to work.You need to talk about normie things. Which needs you to have normie tastes. And the anons here are the exact opposite. Their imagination is strong enough to get a kick out of things that don't fucking exist beyond text or figurines or pictures. And those worlds are infinitely more interesting than anything out there...>ind someone close to your reg places you like to go/hang out...which is why so many people decide to do it from the safety of the online world. Where you can't be judged, or only as much as you upload yourself unto it. But unlike the real world you control how much others will see/know of you.There was always a stigma regarding nerds, but in recent times, this has become much worse. Nerds and shut-ins are now labeled 'crazy', 'unstable', 'unhinged', basically put in the same box as incels and mass shooters.
>>117469599>You're the whole fucking state of Virginia?damn. nigga do be large tho
>>117463562That's what happens when you have sex before marriage.
>>117463949Maybe you're very intorvert/absorbed into nerdy stuff. If your too poor, it's reasonale to not look for a wife when you wouldn't be able to support her.
>>117462869godspeed based user
>>117462955dude you are literally 1 step away from being a namefagmay as well go all in ay
>>117462827Not really, because actual teenage relationships are fun while you're in them but typically weaksauce in hindsight.That's most short-term relationships, though.OP, you wouldn't have saved the world and had the high-adrenaline thrills you think you would have in high school/college. You'd have boring real life shit to deal with but also company, mostly.
>>117463562I don't know why teenagers are so fucking stupid to think their relationship will last. Why don't they set a time limit for their relationship. 1 or 2 weeks and it's over. That sounds like a good idea, right?
>>117471315Right, if anything our problem is having too many and too esoteric hobbies. We don't go repelling or waterskiing or backpacking in Asia, we draw fan art of children's cartoons and code fan games, and we don't have "reg places" where we like to hang out.>>117467682This "boy" is 37 years old and also just went back to college, and you don't know what you're talking about. You were able to find a wife because you're normal. You were never in the demographic for this thread in the first place.
>>117471674shame, if you were like ten or fifteen years younger then making fan art for cartoons and programming fan games would score well with nerdy chicks in that age range
>>117471674>and we don't have "reg places" where we like to hang out.Just this. Or discord with rampant pedophilia. Or twitter with needless lgbtdrama/social retardery. Or just about any other forum. I guess there's plenty of furry forums, and all the other echo chambers...Yeah I guess it really just comes down to laziness and/or being scared. Online dating is sketchy, even if you share similar sickfuck interests. But then, did you really want a relationship at all? If you're so lazy/scared that you can't force yourself to put in effort not even for that... then what did you want in the first place?Maybe you don't even want to do anything. At all. Maybe you're hopeless because you deemed yourself to be, in which case noone can help you. You'll just rot away, because frankly, you couldn't give two shits either way.
>>117462827Yes, but I'm also self aware enough to know that approximately 99.99999% of under-18 love is stupid bullshit that doesn't last so I don't really care honestly.
>>117466900You as well as they are overselling it looking at movies all day, most people are married by 40, “What are women attracted to? Good health and interest. In short, women are interested in men that seem interested in them. Looking ‘easy’ isn’t sexy, reciprocating her interest is.”but a few things I haven't seen areAsian men with white womenAsian anything with Mexican'sBlack women with Asian menBlack women with Mexican menBlack men with Asian men (gay)Black Women with Asian Women (Les)
>>117472418Most of the time it was built on lust and once that fades out there's nothing there, I've been friends with my wife since she was 15 and we both didn't hang out for lustful reasons we built something as friends first then other things began to kick in like thinking alike, etc.In terms of Steven and Connie, it was more organic than being built on sex, hook-up's and being random, both are young so that building a connection with no pressure of being a thing or expecting anything to come from it was the key and there was no baggage of an ex there. Even Helga, look at her reasons to being obsessed with Arnolnd "he simply was nice to her
>>117471496Don't worry, my tulpas are pretty much finished so you probably won't be seeing me again (well actually you will, I'll just be posting anonymously)
>tfw look like a femboy>but i'm straighti'm fucking doomed Holla Forums
>>117464384>most of the mainstream fandom save for Holla Forums and a few people on Tumblr and Twitter actually hate Stevinel.They hate it because it stands against Connverse who they have been shipping together unopposed for five seasons. The only ones who support Stevinel are those who don't enjoy Connie as a character and see her as bland for Steven. And even then, they hardly bother to speak out anymore because they will automatically receive backlash from seething Connversefags who shouldn't really be concerned about their ship not being the canon ship. Anyways, there is still plenty of Stevinel artwork being made months after Future ended, which is surprising to me.
>>117473682Are you kidding me? Girls go crazy for feminine boys
>>117474144weeb girls that like bishounen and stuff seem to rarely reflect it in their irl tastes. i'm also 5'6
>>117474158Just call yourself "smol" or something faggy like that and people will jump on you
>>117474158Girls go crazy for feminine boys, have't you seen your teen idols Justin Bieber was very feminine looking to the point they said he looked like a lesbain, and BST look feminine as well and that's only help put them on the front.
>>117462827>as someone who still has get to kiss a girl and that is in his mid 20s>not even wizard agePersevere youngling, the arcane power that is your due will assuage the anguish of your heart but not by much
>>117474612Why did everyone hate that kid?
>>117475688>He looked too soft unlike Jonas Brothers>He was short 5'5>His voice was a way too high for a 16-year-old>Most girls were under his spell >Puberty did'nt take his voive away to some dgree he's 26 now and still sounds like a teen
>>117475688Because it was popular to do so. Then later on he became an actual insufferable cunt but ironically enough the massive hate fad was actually dying by then.
The reason incels fail at life is they're ill. What you need isn't surgery, it's therapy. Being on incel forums distorted your vision of reality much like susceptible teenagers who find Holla Forums's troll venting to be a honest depiction of real life.
>>117474612sure but there's a limit to how fem they look
>>117477482are you saying you look like a transvestite ?
>>117477614no, but i get mistaken as a girl constantly
>>117477722how old are you?, gotta work out a plan
>>117462827Girls in cartoons are sweetgirls in real life are awfulI have a high admiration for people who can put up with a woman's bullshit, but that will never be me. I have never seen the appeal of having a girlfriend. It's like putting yourself in prison.
>>117462827As a gay, when I see stuff like Love Simon yes. I wish I could have had a cute gay romance before university but nobody else was gay. At least I didn't get homophobic attacks, people didn't care enough.
>>117479340what do people get out of a relationship nowadays?
>>117462827Every time I watch porn user
>>117474158>5'6IktfThe amount of times i've gotten called buddy like they're talking to a 14 year old when im 19 kills me
>>117479525There's no meaningful difference between 14 and 19 buddy
>>117479403>>117479698Go look at your Disney and Pixar films, it's mainly having someone be there for you.God, I see why your generation is fucked
>>117462827>TFW i havent been on a date in 5 yearsIm so utterly lonely, i dont even have high standards for girls i just dont know where to meet people. I went to a con in february where i had fun talking to people but ever since this damn pandemic ive been even more alone and i think about suicide on a near daily basis
>>117479760>5 yearsthat`s cute user.
>>117479730>God, I see why your generation is fucked up.i am 28
>>117479040short and look kinda girly body-wise>>117477790early 20's
>>117479730>having someone be there for youEver heard of loving friends, siblings, relatives and parents? Girlfriends serve no purpose other than sex and you have to pay for it (with their line of currency) every time.