He was unironically the best character.
Infinity Train
>>117458319Ha-ha haha.No.
>>117458319I want to fuck him so bad
>>117458319Well, he is the most well written one this season.
>>117458319In book 3 exclusively? Because the entire casts in book 1 and 2 were more interesting to me.
>>117458319Should I watch this show or is it a waste of time?
>>117459262I don't know what you're into user. Cartoons are subjective.
>>117459338Wow, user! You're so smart!!
>>117458872 That's one of the reasons he takes the cake.
>>117458319He would have raped those kids and you know it
>>117458319and the hottest
>>117459395t. Samantha
>>117459362Nice passive aggressiveness. Did I say something that bothered you?
>>117458319he's probably my favorite character outside of Lake or Amelia
>>117459395t. teenage girls on twitterSeriously I've seen tons of emo fanart for Simon. So many girls are wet for this guy. It's like Snape from HP.
>>117459381>>would have.user, I hate to break this to you, but when we next see him his number has spread across his body and down the other arm. Something that took Amelia 30 years to do. He's already raped some. And wheeled a few that didn't stop struggling
>>117459517Because he's hot as fuck.
>>117458319Literally did nothing wrong.
>>117458319Deserved better
>>117458319do you guys think that when grace gets out of the train she will try to look for his parents to say whay happened to him?
>>117458319Yes, but actually no
>>117459612>Trying to kill your best friend and possible love interest isn't bad.Are you a meme?
>>117459692How does she blush?
>>117459689She carries a lot of guilt and will carry more if she gets off the train so I think she will. She will also fucking read his book already. >>117459647I want to go back in time and protect that smile.
>>117459748honeslty i felt quite sad becouse grace just straight up lost her best friend whom she been living together with for 8 years, also i hope she keeps one of his miniature soldiers to remenber him.
>>117459799I agree user. That ending was a tragedy all around for everyone. Still I was disappointed to see that there wasn't a memorial for him somewhere in the Mall Car. After having a funeral for Tuba (without a body) I was expecting something similar for Simon.
>>117458319Just because he's not sympathetic in any way despite what Grace would think just disqualify him from that race
>>117459799>>117459986>>117459550let's make this depressing:>Grace tried to set up a memorial and wanted to hold a funeral>The former Apex kids and train denizens hated Simon so much they trashed any memorial Grace tried to set up and she was the only one who mourns him>She tried to keep one of his plastic miniatures, but one by one they're getting stolen and destroyed too.
>>117459722Metal blood with metal inner tubes, we've been over this.
>>117460092Fuck, it hurts
>>117458319If you keep acting like an idiot, actual idiots are going to come here thinking they're in good company. Idiot.
>>117460092it hurts so much
>>117460092>tfw no one else on the train gives a shit about Simon's death besides Grace and Samantha>Grace saves whatever bits of Simon's belongings she can so she can give them to his mother>tfw Grace has to constantly be on guard otherwise Samantha will steal it and add to her collection
>>117458319I have yet to watch a single episode of IT. So tell, what’s so good about it?
>>117460233Imaginative world, fun mysteries, good characters, good balance of action and drama, genuine stakes, great synthwave soundtrack.
>>117460233>>117460279it's also one of those shows where it gets better and better by the season
>>117459262It is a very well made show with a lot to appreciate.
>>117460318Owen apparently has 5 more stories to tell. At least one must be the journey through the eyes of a denizen after its passenger has gotten his exit and another from the perspective of a grieving family member of a person on the train.
>>117460279>synth Fuck me im actually not a fan of any kind of synth
Why was he treated like shit and made irredeemable when Grace was responsible for everything he believed and did?
>>117460485Your loss.youtube.com
>>117460507becouse grace needed a biger reason to change. If the only reason was hazel them she be a massive hipocrit to all the other apex kids. but with simon's death she finaly sees that the apex way of life is literaly gonna destroy them.
>>117460507Uh because he literally tried to kill her twice?
>>117460564Yeah, okay, that works for me.
>>117460507Because he refused to change his obtuse way of thinking even when Grace herself admitted she was wrong and lied to him and that his views of the "truth" through her own biases was not equivalent to reality.
>>117460561Not really seeing how I don’t like it
>>117460443Well whatever he has in mind, the final story has to be stopping the damn train forever. It is a very poor method of therapy and already resulted in the death of one teenager.
>>117460507She isn't held accountable for her actions, like the wind blowing things over.>>117460586Do you think if L. Ron Hubbard said that Scientology was fake that Scientologists would have stopped believing in it? He basically did with his quote about making up a religion.It's basic psychology.
>>117460507simons death is extremely tragic but plotwise its catalyst for the end of the apex and the fact that grace can finaly see what she realy needs to do to be a better person(i still wish simon lived in the end tho)
>>117460507Grace has to live through knowing all she did was wrong, knowing that she was teaching others wrong, knowing that her actions harmed Hazel, knowing that her actions led to Simon's death, lost her cute daughterfu, lost her best friend and possibly husbando. She's a lesser version of Amelia right now, and I wouldn't be surprised if she became a little bitter like Amelia as well.
>>117459262Watch it.
>>117459647deserved dicking
>>117461017we need more of him
>>117461287Sauce me up user. You can't leave things like this with no sauce.
>>117459600*Because hes dangerous as fuck
>>117458872Why are Simonfags so based?
>>117458319Having 9S' VA helps a lot.
>>117460507>was he treated like shit and made irredeemablePeople need to understand that while narratively that may be true, in-universe it isn't, it doesn't matter who was to blame for the apex or whatever else, Grace decided to change, and she did, Simon didn't, and he suffered for it. It's not justice, it's just what happened.
>>117458319>He was unironically the best character.He was the main villain of Book 3. He hurt and kill denizens thinking that they're nothing. He never listened to reason and thinking that he was right. In the end, he got the death he deserved.
>>117460586He had less of a reason to change. He didn't have the bond with Hazel that made him see nulls in a different light, and his past experiences told him not to trust them. Plus Grace was a liar, hypocrite and proved that she couldn't be trusted, so he wouldn't have a reason to believe her.
>>117461662>He had less of a reason to changeGrace saves his life.
>>117461621your loss
>>117460233Decent wrighting for a kids show. I'd put it near the same vein as early Animorphs.
>>117460619That actually is the conclusion Dennis had in mind, with the final message being that you can't expect a magical train or miracle to come along and fix you, or teach you to live life to the fullest.He revealed this because the show's future doesn't look too bright
>>117459436He should've fucked her while he had the chance.
>>117461433God bless you user
>>117462103Practicing abstinence lowers your number
>>117458319He is good BECAUSE he went of the rails (figuratively, techically he wa throwing people on the rails to get wheeled) and died, he is a tragedy because his biggest flaw was buying into Graces bullshit when young and just doubling down on it over and over, and no matter how hard Grace is getting "redeemed" she will always have the fact her actions were the root cause of her best friends death.Though Simon did still have the ultimate responsibility for his unwillingness to change and recognize the Apex were in the wrong.
>>117462153you mean you don't know what happens when a member of the Apex has his 14th birthday?
>Season 4, first five episodes drop>opens with young Simon waking up in a car, looks around>after some trouble, meets The Cat>framed in advertising as a story about who The Cat is, follows her more than Simon>we see The Cat and Simon adventuring>the adventures are really simple, easy adventures, mostly where Simon asks the cat about her life, and we get a LOT more lore on the cat, who seemingly gets flustered with odd questions>get to 'The Box Car', the Gohm appears, same as before, charges... and then The Cat returns, and takes her down, after some serious struggle>she injured herself fighting, so Simon struggles his way out of the car with her, and upon leaving the door, sees someone and begs for help>the camera turns... and it's Amelia and Tulip>'Oh Merde' says the catWhen a passenger dies, the computer simply rebuilds the original copy of the passenger, and places him back in the cars to try again. The Infinity Train is able to record your entire life on VHS, it's not just for number acquisition, it's an insurance policy to keep you on what you're supposed to do, and eventually work through stuff. Gohms, the barren outside, they're just projections of the tape car to keep you in the other cars. The Cat knows this, and was going to let the Gohm just eat Simon and try again, so this is basically her original plan several years late. We see that almost every car they've gone through has been specifically crafted by Samantha to do-over all the mistakes she made. Simon's going to go back to a world that is eight years older than him.And at first, Amelia and Tulip don't know who they're helping, so the cat can carefully keep up the lie for a while longer, and the rest of the season is how long she can hold up the ruse, get Simon home and get some personal closure.
>>117462466neat stuffdo you mean hazel, though?
>>117462557Yeah, meant Hazel. Sorry, brain fart.
>>117462466>And at first, Amelia and Tulip don't know who they're helping, so the cat can carefully keep up the lie for a while longer, and the rest of the season is how long she can hold up the ruse, get Simon home and get some personal closure.Obvious setup for them to run into Grace, who is the only person left to recognize kid Simon, to see his doppelgänger and freak the fuck out. Bonus, Grace dies on accident during the episode in the process of making amends to Simon. Kid Simon doesn't know who she was, but he waits for her because he doesn't want anyone else to be alone like he was.
>>117462061That is a weird thing to do with a fantasy angle like this after showing it working a few times.
>>117461476Didn't know that, It just makes him hotter.
>>117462685Still worked out for Steven Universe Future where even though the happy go lucky magic adventures saved the world and brought peace across the galaxy, they still decided to turn around and say letting children become soldiers is a bad thing because PTSD is a bitch.
>>117462790That show did it, but did it actually work out?
>>117459262It's pretty _fun
>>>117462660Well yeah, and Hazel goes full TURTLE QUEEN and tries to wheel him, so Grace has to try and talk her down."I hate you! I hate all of you! You took away Tuba, you destroy living people and you just get to leave, or even start over! Why couldn't Tuba start over? Why couldn't Bugle and her family and everyone these passengers hurt just start over?!?! WHY DO THEY GET TO JUST BE SORRY AND LEAVE?!?! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!"
>>117462701Trying to re-find it, but I first read it on the official subreddit
>>117459262It is good, don't go in expecting a Amphibia or The Owl House in spite of the "Tribe" nonsense, IT is much more focused on the character exploration and the psychology of said characters and DRAMA then Comedy and a entirely different style of show as a result.Not calling either of those shows bad or worse or better for the record, different shows do different things.
>>117462854>yfw Hazel goes full genocide against passengers, spreading the idea of hate throughout the train over her anguish over Simon and Grace getting away scot free
>>117463284>Book 4: Hazel and Amelia Purge the Passenger Index
>>117462479>If only you knew how bad things really are
>>117458319Feels like there was a lot of set up and care going into this guy's development that makes me really feel like they have more in store for him. His death was horrific but then the cockroach exploded in a weird way that makes me think his "data" was collected... possibly to be used to make a clone?Now I just wanna rewatch the early episodes and skip the parts where everything went to shit. Grace's memory sequence was kino, though.
>>117459395it's kind of wild how hot he was in his final getup. L
>>117463532You may be right. I think a passenger's story is over when they get off the train and this season no one has gotten off the train.
>>117463532Yea, I think something fishy is going to happen and we're gonna end up following young Simon if book 4 ever happens.
>>117462685I feel like it worked in SPITE of the train.
>>117459395>all this talk about Simon being hotI just want to hug Christoper Robin-era Simon. That's all.
>>117463666Hug, then fug.
I knew about Simon's numbers covering his entire body before finishing the season, but I didn't realize it was just murder that did the trick. Amelia didn't even have numbers getting that high, so whatever she did over the years wasn't worse than a single murder?
>>117462466>>117462660>>117462854Honestly hoping something like this will happen, but I don't think we're getting a new season...>>117458319He was entertaining. I liked how we got to see at least a dozen points where he could have turned around/done the right thing instead of being an ass, but he was still an ass. Some people can't be redeemed by magic train therapy. Deep down some people are just bad, instead of learning and growing from painful experiences they just turn them into a victim complex and use that justification to hurt others. Simon is one of those people.That said, I didn't buy Grace's redemption arc at all, she murdered countless Denizens and we never get to see her making up for that. Like really making up for it, not just fixing a couple broken paper cranes. That bothered me. Also Hazel's complete disappearance from the plot to make way for Grace's new arc was really frustrating. This season could have been paced a lot better. I still liked it, but damn it has problems, in a way the other two seasons never had. Wonder why that is. Rushed production, maybe?
>>117463752It's not just murder. It's murdering your best friend of 8 years whom you was thirsty for all the while forcing yourself to be delusional about several hard truths concerning the train because you don't want to ever leave the fantasy life you built around yourself. If anyone died due to Amelia, Amelia just never gave a shit about that person so the death doesn't affect her as much. It's not so with Simon.
>>117463752I always assumed Amelia's enormous number was more related to her crimes against the train itself than anything related to violence. She threw One-One out of the Conductor's room, reprogrammed the Steward to serve her, ripped apart reality in dozens of trains for her own purposes, and was literally trying to play God and construct a HUMAN BEING out of whatever reality-goo the Train uses to simulate universes inside the cars. Playing in God's domain got her the high number, not murder.>>117463917I think this user is on to something. If two people fight on top of the train over a resource and one pushes the other off, yes that's awful, but it's a lot different than what Simon did. Simon actually wheeled Grace AFTER she saved him, which shows what an absolutely unredeemable piece of shit he is. Imagine if someone saved your life and you shot them in the head two seconds later. How high would THAT number be? I'm guessing something like Simon's, because you betrayed a person who valued you over their own life in that moment when they saved you.
>>117463809Naw man, you're thinking of it in terms of punishment/reward. It's just about the tragedy. Simon never had a chance because Grace knew she was full of shit from the very beginning, even if she had repressed it. Simon was a believer through and through. He was as his faith made him, and Grace is a large part of that faith. He was dead inside from the moment she betrayed everything he ever believed.
>>117463809Even better. When one or both of them leave the train, they get out thinking that it's been 8 years past the date they got on the train. Instead they find out it's 2020+ instead of 2010 or so. You realize that they got sucked in around the year 2000. You realize that when a person is refabricated by the train, they have no idea about the passage of time from before they died. You can legit die over and over without knowing it until you get off the train and discover 50 years has passed.
>>117458319no jeez hes such a whiny bitch
>>117463809If Hazel is Amelia's failed attempt at creating a daughter from a null, I figured that she's necessary for Amelia's redemption arc, which is probably what S4 will be.I figure we won't see Grace or the Apex again, which is why Hazel needed to be separated from her to fully end Grace's arc.
>>117463752Despite what most people on the train seem to think, the number probably isn’t like a counter of your crimes, otherwise it’d never go down because your personal redemption can’t undo the bad you’ve already done. It’s more like an assessment of your mental state. That is effected by your actions, so hurting people and feeling fucked up are things that usually overlap. But there are ways you can kill somebody and still be relatively sane about it. Simon though was driven to absolute madness, because he tried to destroy the last thing tethering him to his own humanity.
>>117463809I think what peeves me about Hazel is she was presented as a main stay.Lake Grace and Simon weren't on the poster in the previous seasons yet Hazel was
>>117464018>Amelia's enormous number was more related to her crimes against the train itselfI really do consider it a possibility that the train could be a bitch that will bend its own rules to give you a higher number just because you piss it off.
>>117464350Hazel is Amelia's attempt at recreating Alrick. Having a version of Alrick by her side will definitely help her move on.
>>117464500The AI will cheat you every chance it can.
>>117460586>>117460564if hitler said he was sorry would that make everything better?
>>117464500>I really do consider it a possibility that the train could be a bitch that will bend its own rules to give you a higher number just because you piss it off.Gotta remember that the number has nothing to do with "crimes", it's entirely based on bettering yourself as a person, the Apex don't get numbered because they fuck shit up specifically, they get numbered because doing what they do pushes them farther and farther away from the path of personal growth
best written? yes. best morally? no.
>>117465547>would that make everything better?It has 0 things to do with that, the train isn't about being a good person, it's about personal growth, it just so happens both often overlap.
>>117465646The numbers are more emotional distress or baggage. If Hitler ended up on the train, I think he'd have a high number, but not for murders or his political ambitions. It'd be over his father issues and probably regrets he had about the family member that commited suicide while living with him, or the deaths of the soldiers he'd lost at that point.
>>117465842>If Hitler ended up on the train, I think he'd have a high number, but not for murders or his political ambitions. It'd be over his father issues and probably regrets he had about the family member that commited suicide while living with him, or the deaths of the soldiers he'd lost at that point.Basically yeah, the whole apex thing seems to give people the wrong impression sometimes.
>>117465914Well Amelia wouldn't have been on the train at that point so One-One would have been giving him the infodump about numbers.
>>117466024I meant people watching the show lol
>>117462479The fucker attempted to kill his best friend, of course hes that bad. They must finger bang to Simon pushing them off a train.
>>117466139They self-insert instead as being the one to understand and fix him, usually through Grace but I've seen others. It's the same madness you see when someone says they want to fuck the Joker.
>Go in pretty blind to Infinity Train beyond the season posters>Think to myself "Damn I shouldn't have even looked at the posters - now I know that the redhead turns into a bald Mad Max badass in the second season">Get through half of S1 and none of the characters in the other season posters have even shown up yet>Realize that the bald girl from the S2 poster is just a case of sameface and each season will have a different set of leads>Get to episode seven and pic related shows up>Realize that some random train doppelganger of the S1 MC with metal skin is going to be the MC of the second seasonThis show fucking rocks.
>>117466426But is the Jokers penis as white as the rest of him?
>>117466139Timestamp for that comment was before eps 9 and 10 were released. I just find it hilarious how wrong it turned out to beHad no idea how full anime villain he was going to go in the end, but Simon sure damn did that magnificent bastard
>>117466429>>Realize that some random train doppelganger of the S1 MC with metal skin is going to be the MC of the second seasonThis show fucking rocks.I know right??
>>117465914Simon's number didn't go up because of what he did, it's because of what he felt about it deep down.
>>117466677I want Simon to cum in my face
>>117466426>fix himSo they really like being pushed off a train
>>117466803That's the point user. He even stops crying when he sees Grace saved by the deus ex machina.
>>117466872So if someone felt no sense of regret in killing someone, they could do it and their number wouldn't change. Interesting.
>>117464567yeah, just ask SNK lol
>adore season 3>the two biggest fanbases are obnoxious SIMON DID NOTHING WRONG incels and obnoxious GRACE DID NOTHING WRONG retardsjesus christ, its like everyone just ignores Grace and Tuba to damage control these two deeply flawed, deeply toxic individuals who clearly did shitloads wrong.
>>117467035>So if someone felt no sense of regret in killing someone, they could do it and their number wouldn't changeDepends on the problem the train is trying to fix, it's based entirely on the trains concept of "personal growth". If you killing some random dude somehow, against all odds, doesn't push you into a direction opposite to the personal growth the train is trying to foster, yeah, the number wont change. The train is judge jury and executioner.
>>117459517He's got that tragic "I can save him" vibe that quirky teenage girls love.
>>117459986I totally expected the ending to go full montage and show a funeral for Simon and the Apex repairing some of the damage they had done. I think its clear that Simon's death is a tragedy for Grace and something that the whole group wanted to avoid, so its at least not like they retconned Simon to represent all the evils of the Apex and that without him they're all happy and great.
>>117466429>Mad MaxWell, nothing describes MT better than "shiny and chrome"
>>117460507Grace was a shitter UP THROUGH EPISODE 9, it takes Hazel telling her to fuck off and leaving that forces her to truly reflect. She tried to play it so that she would lie to Hazel and Simon and keep things working, but she ended up losing literally everyone. Her beliefs on everything were thrown in her face and she got exposed as a massive hypocrite, and it was only by facing herself in that tape could she deal with it.People who say Grace got off easy are crazy
>>117461660The main villain of book 3 is the train, unless kidnapping kids is okay.
>>117467052>just ask SNKI dropped it after the rumbling started. What happened now?
>>117467222Her situation is basically the same as Amelia in a way really, both did a bunch of fucked up shit, lost basically all they worked for in the last few years, and now have to deal with the consequences of their bad choices. But despite all that, at least they're atoning.
>>117463809>there is no alternate version of Season 3 where Simon stays to talk to the cat and chill out with her for 10 minutes>there is no alternate version of Season 3 where Simon and Grace fuck in the jungle car>there is no alternate version of Season 3 where Simon just fucking listens to Grace about not wheeling TubaJust imagine. Well, actually it would have been a shitshow since the moment Hazel arrived at the Apex all hell would have broken loose. This whole season was a fucking powderkeg waiting to go off.
>>117463532I honestly viewed it more like a tick popping when it sucked too much blood. Simon's got his tape, that's his backup. Why would a ghom be needed to "digitize" him?
>>117467153>>Grace and the kids start by cleaning up the mall cart>>some kids removes their Apex mark>>one of them picks up Simon's novel, looks around and hides in its jacket>>they find his room where he had his figurines and shit>>decide not to disturb it>>show glimpes of simon's funeral>>either they go their separate ways or stick with Grace IDKgreat, now im sad about this AGAIN
>>117466429>going into IT threads before you watched itAnon no, experiencing S2 and S3 blind were fucking incredible. Shit, I knew I was in for a treat just listening to the Season 2 opening music.
>>117467353>Why would a ghom be needed to "digitize" him?Because bodies are not stored in the tape car, and the train needs current DNA to successfully restore the body. Then it downloads the tape into the brain.
>>117467279my bad, i meant the videogame company SNK whose known for bosses with AI that abuse mechanics and gameplay systems (See, Rugal in his KOF98' appareance), not the manga/anime about titans
>>117463284>Book 4: Hazel and Amelia Purge the Passenger Index
>>117467282>Her situation is basically the same as Amelia in a way reallyNot really. If you were to compare Grace's situation to Amelia, then Amelia would have been the one to purchase the faulty bike that killed Alrick.
>>117459986 I mean we literally only saw the direct aftermath the same day with what happened and I feel like they had to do that intentionally because Grace can't really get "closure" on most things she's done other than release the kids from her control. She still probably has to realize how many sentient things that are just like Hazel and Tuba she's killed...it barely has hit her. She even tried to save Simon to the very end so it's not like she thought he was any worse than her.
>>117466429>ywn experience the 'oh shit' feeling of a character from what seemed like a random filler episode becoming the main MC of the second seasonApex and probably Amelia are just too obvious. Unless they blueball us and make something like Roy the next MC
>>117468068Amelia distracted Alrick from visiting his doctor with all the sex they were having.
>>117467071I ship them both and think they're a very tragic pair of friends/would-be lovers, and the showrunners even call Simon sympathetic (even if "hateable") and obviously love him, which they have said. They never frame Grace as an angel compared to him or anything. Likely Simon and Hazel will just be her lifelong regrets, along with the many she's wheeled and how she was basically abusing kids.
>>117460092For the wages of sin is death
>>117468126I honestly expected it to follow the Apex kids or a new arrival, not the cunts who lead it. That was a pretty ballsy move.Personally I hope Amelia is not the main character, she's too cool and I feel like having too much of her might diminish that. I imagine a situation where Hazel is separated from her could be possible.
>>117468161>They never frame Grace as an angel compared to him or anything."He didn't get the idea to wheel denizens on his own!"I don't know why people act like the show acts like Grace dindu nuffin. Grace TELLS HERSELF she is responsible and her number goes down.
>>117468213Exactly. And she had the tools more to make her numbers go down by accepting reality and that responsibility because of her more guarded and independent nature. Simon had none of them because he never really recovered from Samantha abandoning him and basically never being sorry over it, and that's without us even knowing what happened to him before that abandonment. He wasn't equipped to have the girl he was pretty much in love with and idealized and trusted so much suddenly seem like she was doing the same, even if it wasn't that.
>>117468267The irony is that Simon gave grace the tools to help her face her issues byA) wheeling Tuba and forcing Grace out of her "teehee I can please everyone" fantasy, ultimately driving Hazel away from GraceB) trapping her in her memory forcing her to confront her issues, and also conveniently incel-smashing the glass containing the robots that would help get her out of said memory.Simon should have learned his lesson from the fucking tape. Yes, Grace lied to him. But rather than going "Why did this person who cares about me lie to me", Simon went "Why did this person lie to me, she must not care about me."Nigger did not reflect AT ALL on why Grace would lie about Hazel being a denizen. She should have asked him straight up if he would be fine wheeling Hazel. We all know the answer he would give, and that sums the whole thing up.
>>117458872So many people say that yet no rule34
>>117460092Bullshit, at least some of the Apex kids cried over him too. They'd probably still mourn him.
>>117468379You're not looking hard enough >>117462103. Search twitter.
>>117468341Nothing to add I'm just shocked you have reading comprehension and are on this site, but yeah, basically this. Grace, even after being kicked off the train by him and left in her memories, still had such obligation to Simon out of both love and a sense of responsibility for him that her instinct was to rush toward a ghom sucking his soul out. Unfortunately his skin began melting off which made her stop in shock. But he really made her face herself and yeah, threw her out of her bullshitting ability to try and please everyone and dodge accountability. What Grace did to Hazel probably hurt Hazel on an even deeper level and damaged her more than the trauma of loss, since it fucked up her sense of trust.
>>117468379scroll back up
>>117464450She still made an appearance in every episode besides the first unlike the other protag sneak peaks and was more important to the current book than Lake, Grace and Simon
>>117468496Yeah its pretty clear that Grace did not want to lose Simon at all, her immediate reaction was to save him and the very first line we have from her is expressing remorse at what happened.> What Grace did to Hazel probably hurt Hazel on an even deeper level and damaged her more than the trauma of loss, since it fucked up her sense of trust.I can't remember the specific line but Hazel saying "Simon and Grace weren't caretakers either" was ice cold. The whole group dynamic without Tuba present was uncomfortably close to an abusive family dynamic where the child is encouraged to lie or keep secrets to prevent violence. Season 3 has its issues and I think its messier than season 2, but its so ambitious that I can't help but respect it a bit more.
>>117468191Yeah I also don't want her to be the protag because it would probably mean the end of her story in Book 4 which just feels too anticlimactic and early
>>117468191I want it to be Hazel somehow, but yeah I like Amelia mysterious
>>117458872>>117459395>>117459517>tfw look like Simon in real life>dress up as Char for Halloween every year and farm complimentsMy genes are finally paying off, thanks mom
>>117469062You gonna rock his normal hoodie look or his anime villain look next month?
>>117469879Anime villain because I haven't gotten a haircut in over half a year
So like, you know how this series is all but guaranteed at some point to have people wondering about and trying to communicate with the train? Probably in some sort of BPRD style crew?I've got the perfect name:Trainspotters
>>117470292What if there's a character who only got on the train because they wanted to see it and go on it and they get a weird number like Jesse's when he wanted to go back on for Lake
>>117460598So... You like it?
>>117462466why is Tulip back on the train. it(s the one thing that doesn't add up.
>>117462573Make more sense.
What have YOU learned from the train?Simon taught us that sometimes, you just have to admit that you're wrong. Also that you can't let the pain from your past control your future.
>>117460092>The former Apex kids and train denizens hated Simon so muchThe Mall kids adored simon until he asked them to wheel grace. There's literally no basis other than trash writting for them to turn on him in the 5 minutes before his death.More interestingly they're kids with new intel on how to get off the train, they're selfish and want to do their own things and no longer care about anything else. Grace not doing anything is typical because she's a fucking sociopathic bitch.As for the denizens? They'd spit on Grace just as quickly as the spat on Simon.
>>117460507There are females in the writing staff and the showrunner hates himself.
>>117467222>People who say Grace got off easy are crazyOr maybe they aren't retarded? She's alive and everyone considers her their saviour and she lost most of her number already over basically nothing.What happened to her that was so bad? She lost a SINGLE person she cared about? Simon was betrayed by everyone he ever loved - every single one of them.
>>117471444>There's literally no basis other than trash writting for them to turn on him in the 5 minutes before his death.Except they don't, really. I don't know where you are getting that from.Basically, they don't understand why Simon kick out Grace after he saved his life. They behave like kids whose Mommy and Daddy are fighting. They just want them to get a long again.
>>117460507People are responsible of their own action "I was following orders" isn't a justification. But the main difference is that Grace recognised she was wrong. Simon refused to.
>>117460507Because his biggest flaw was being unable to take personal responsibility. If this was Steven Universe, I'm sure someone would have come along, shared a good cry with him, and sang something upbeat. He would have been happy to have a savior.But this is Infinity Train. You pull your own shit together.
>>117471491Exactly so when you say>the former Apex kids [...] hated Simon [enough not to have a funeral]It seems baseless.
>>117471513I didn't say that, though.
>>117471522Learn to read a thread then
>>117471522>>117460092>Grace tried to set up a memorial and wanted to hold a funeral>>The former Apex kids and train denizens hated Simon so much they trashed any memorial Grace tried to set up
>>117471530I did. I was reacting to >There's literally no basis other than trash writting for them to turn on him in the 5 minutes before his death.>5 minutes before his death.>beforeI was replying that the kids didn't really turn against Simon before his death. It simply made sense for them to not understand why Simon kicked Grace out.
>>117465582Yeah but “good person” and “bad person” are subjective terms, and with the train acting as judge, it could just be personally determining “a good person is someone who does what I want. A good person never harms the train specifically.”
>femcels and soibois trying to shove his character deep into obscurity but since it's mostly Grace's fault, Simon has a big fan base in ITYup, they never should have offed him.
>>117471604>>femcels and soibois trying to shove his character deep into obscurityNo one is trying to do that.
>>117460226>Grace gets off the train and somehow tracks down Simon's parents>Turns out they had child in his absence and named their second son Simon>This was the kind of home situation the train "rescued" Simon from
>>117471604>but since it's mostly Grace's fault, Simon has a big fan base in ITSimon has a big fan base because he is a tragic character who had several opportunities at redemption.And Simon is just as Guilty as Grace, The difference is he refused to admit he was wrong.
>>117471641>>Turns out they had child in his absence and named their second son SimonI know there actually some occurrence of parents doing this in real life, but it's still a really fucked up things to do.
>>117471622Shhh, you'll ruin their rising underdog fantasy.
>>117462103Eww interracial
>>117460507>>117460279>genuine stakesOnly if you are a White Male™. Otherwise you can do the exact same things and still get saved by the deus ex paper cranes when you get chucked into the wheel. Simon died for the crime of being the irredeemable race and gender.
Simon did in fact do a shitload wrong, but a shitload of it is Grace's fault. He would have been better off if he didn't meet her, his fate was sealed the second he did. Simon didn't deserve anything Grace didn't have happen to her. Thanks for the great scenes, Simon, meh to Grace.
>>117471704>. Otherwise you can do the exact same things and still get savedLike it has been said many times, the difference between Grace and Simon is that Grace recognised what she was doing was wrong. Simon refused to requestion themselves.Also, Simon died not because of some poetic justice, but because the Train is a dangerous place to live on and he kicked out the one person who might have helped him fight off the Ghom
>>117471649Salvadore Dali was actually his parents’ second Salvadore, and he would think about that a lot.
>>117460092Knowing how much Owen is a bitch about his past and apparently made Simon about it, wouldn't be surprised if he tried to shove it further down everyone's throats how bad it was.
>>117471725see>>117471730Also, you have to stop the double standard of "Simon was following Grace's orders" and Simon directly disobeying Grace's order. Killing Tuba was his own decision, Not Grace's one.Simon's fate was not sealed before he kicked Grace out. Several time he had a chance to change his way. he willingly rejected it each time.
>>117471744>Killing Tuba was his own decision, Not Grace's one.To impress Grace.
>>117471739That's not how shoving down a throat is.
>>117471744Part of it maybe to impress Grace but it was 100% because of the lifestyle that Grace led him on.
>>117471789You mean the lifestyle they created together. Simon was the one who wrote up Apex protocol.
>>117471730>Thank you for correcting my mansplaining m'lady, it was my privilege.You would have to be blind and retarded not to see that there was a double standard applied to simon and grace by the writers. Not much chance of redemption if god himself is going to shoehorn you into getting killed for woke points.
>>117471823>>Thank you for correcting my mansplaining m'lady, it was my privilege.Not what was going on at all.>You would have to be blind and retarded not to see that there was a double standard applied to simon and grace by the writers.You have to be deluded to think that there is. characters developing differently and following different pathes has always bee a thing.Simon, just as Grace, has been given several chance. Simon rejected them all.
>>117471353If ive learned anything from experience as a hentai lurker and looking for senpai favite male porn, the morally ambigious/or less sexually interested pretty boy will never get as much straight porn as the typical average joe self insert or badass wish fufillment characters becauae men dont like characters they feel jealous of in real life when girls show attraction to the former in looks and edgy attitude.Unless said pretty boy is set up as a main lead who has typical masculine traits males relate to and acts like a man child surrogate, or is just plain a main protag that gets girls and is alpha in everything compared to other male cast.Unforunately simon is neither of these things. Pretty boys that arent created with the intention of projecting how badass and self insertable they are towards fans dont get that far in hentai because most male characters who get parodied the most of certain characters is due to their popularity from their series and how fans want to be like them or root for them to get laid. And overemotional edgy pretty boys are low in the list.
>>117471823>Not much chance of redemption if god himself is going to shoehorn you into getting killed for woke points.Jesus Christ, that's not what is going on at all.
>>117471823do you approach shows with the goal of getting offended
>>117471823I kind of feel like part of the problem is that when Grace gets a chance to reflect on her actions it’s an entire scene or like half an episode that elaborates why she should change, but with Simon it’s basically always somebody just telling him “Simon, you’re wrong.”, so obviously he doesn’t act on something so flimsy.The big exception to this is him bonding with Tuba in that episode, which is definitely the best example of showing how far he’d fallen, but the other chances he had to change were pretty weak.They really laid it on too thickly in the end with turning him into a cackling despot, it was pretty silly.
>>117471905>>117471871>Jesus Christ, that's not what is going on at all.When the writers strip a character of realistic interactions and motivations it really is. You know because it's totally realistic to save someone who just tried to kill you three different times in the span of 10 minutes. Just like it's totally realistic for a character to try killing them yet again after being saved by the character they just tried to repeatedly murder. But not before asking "why" however. Because a character who was on an unchangeable murderous rampage would definitely bother to ask why, and it totally wasn't the writers trying to milk out even more artificial drama before offering up the dastardly white male for sacrifice.
>>117467430Something is up with the ghoms but if they're for rebooting passengers why are they so aggressive? They tried to kill Tulip as soon as she arrived.
>>117471823Kinda based, there’s no way they’d be able to get away with the black woman dying and the white man living. Not in this age.
>>117472074>When the writers strip a character of realistic interactions and motivations it really is.good thing that's not hwat happens in the show, then.>You know because it's totally realistic to save someone who just tried to kill you three different times in the span of 10 minutesIt does when he is the closest thing to a family you have.
>>117459262It’s pretty darned good and each season is just the length of a short movie
>>117472074>Just like it's totally realistic for a character to try killing them yet again after being saved by the character they just tried to repeatedly murderThat Grace saved him would have meant that she hadn't actually betrayed him, meaning that he was in the wrong. He couldn't accept that.
>>117459262Season 1 sucks2 & 3 are a lot better
>>1174721491 is the weakest but I wouldn't say it sucks.
>>117472199Book One has the most standard storytelling. Solid, not bad by any means, but Book Two and Three really blow it out of the water.
>>117472199The pacing throughout it was horrible and One-One is annoying as fuck.Saying it sucks might be harsh but it’s decidedly below average compared to most cartoons. It was very style over substance, like the show wanted to let everyone know how dark and mature it was without having the writing to back it up, luckily S2 and 3 are a lot better in that regard
>>117472145If that was the case he would've immediately jumped to trying to kill her again instead of pausing to ask why first
>>117472338>Saying it sucks might be harsh but it’s decidedly below average compared to most cartoonslmao nah I disagree
>>117472339Not really. It make sense he was trying to get his ideas back together first.
>>117472338One-One is beautiful user
why is jesslake so good?
>Book 2 is the shipping discussion bait book>Book 3 is the morality discussion bait bookWhat would Book 4 be?
>>117472588>Why is Book 4 basically the worst an retroactively ruin every books set before?
>>117471905>>117471871>>117471913>>117472133>>117472145You are forgetting this is a show that had a drag queen scene and one-one making comments on how women get paid less in HollywoodThe female animators were also posting giddily on Twitter about how they were happy they got to animate Simon's death. The women who work on the show obviously hate him, double obvious on how brutal they made his death. Has there been one good white male character yet? No? It's woke as fuck and even my hyper liberal San Francisco sister made a comment on it.
>>117473098>Has there been one good white male character yet?Alrick.
>>117473098>You are forgetting this is a show that had a drag queen scene and one-one making comments on how women get paid less in Hollywood> It's woke as fuck and even my hyper liberal San Francisco sister made a comment on it.Showcasing/supporting non-white/non-male doesn't mean hating white male.> posting giddily on Twitter about how they were happy they got to animate Simon's death.Stop the self-victimisation, please. and they were saying how they almost fell soryy for him. Not to mention, the show clearly establish how Grace still trully caared about him. They wouldn't have done that if they wanted people to hate the character.>Has there been one good white male character yet?Atticus is coded as a noble white king.also, Alrick.
>>117473167Both those scenes and quotes were awkward as fick, they seemed really forced in and random like the writers intentionally said "We need to show how woke we are" I'm a lesbian so I'm not self victimizing lol I'm just aware of reality that there is definitely a sorta creepy hate boner for white males and masculinity. Even having her propose to Alrick instead of him doing it seemed so awkward, like they were shoving how progressive they are. It all seemed like major pandering. If they felt sorry for him they wouldn't have given him a totally random gruesome death, the most gruesome death theres been on the show. Almost feels like backtracking because they noticed too late how popular he is with the fandom.
>>117473276>Both those scenes and quotes were awkward as fickNot really.>I'm just aware of reality that there is definitely a sorta creepy hate boner for white males and masculinity. Not here, Set your awareness device back, it's definitely not set right.>like they were shoving how progressive they are. It was a way to establish how Amelia take bsuiness into her hand and just does not wait for things to happen. It establish her character as pro-active and knowing what she want.>If they felt sorry for him they wouldn't have given him a totally random gruesome deathIt wasn't random.>Almost feels like backtracking because they noticed too late how popular he is with the fandom.Bruh, all of the 10 episodes were made before they were put on HBOmax.
Feel like there could be some good edit potential, there.
>>117473418The right thing to do is direct the track to the one person and then lay down on it yourself.
>>117473276>I'm a lesbianTits or GTFO
>>117471641Needs kidnapping when she sees that they're fucking up Simon 2.0 similar to the way they caused the initial problem in the original Simon.
>>117473418One person alone: SimonFiver persons: Five NullsPerson at the lever: Grace
>>117471739>Owen is a bitch about his pastWhat even is Owen's past? That he was a stupid bitchy teenager? That's all teenagers really.
What I would like to know is who had the AUDACITY to decide which persons had "problems" they needed to fix and bring them on the train.
>>117473606This still remains to be known.
>all these people saying sympathizing with Simon>saying Grace manipulated him>not understanding they both made up their little rules and "truths" >not understanding they went down separate paths when confronted with the truthFuck, I'm glad this show exists. It has really helped in showing what kind of people frequent this website. Bunch of psychopaths.
>>117473719Fuck off void.
>>117473606Some wibbly wobbly train algorithm is my guess
>>117473719Recognizing what the show was doing =/= it did it wellPeople can criticise how a story was told without rejecting it entirely
>>117473719I think of Grace and Simon as what happens when people go to rehab. They tell you not to make close friends or relationships because you're in rehab for your sake and 99.999999% of the time the other person will derail you because they're toxic as fuck just like you. Just like Grace and Simon when one person makes an effort to get better and the other does not is when the relationship starts breaking down. They are fine otherwise when they're contributing to each other's destruction, and the person who doesn't want to change always causes tries to derail the person who does.
>>117473276What? The writers were loud and proud about loving Simon the entire book, even posting his storyboards the night of the last episode's release with how it pained them or how they want to be able to kill off more villains that they "deeply love" and so on. They post ship art and Team Rocket style art of Grace and Simon. Majority of kids are afraid of Simon and resent him and most people hate him but sympathize with him, as it should be. A few horny teenagers who draw bad fanart of him and tag it on tumblr and twitter and 4chan really are not the way to say he's absolutely beloved and popular and the fan favorite. He flat out isn't. >>117471760She said no, and when he pushed her jokingly and thought she was flirting, she very seriously and sternly said no and stomped off about it. What was Grace supposed to do, beat the shit out of him at that moment?>>117471470Grace betrayed him by believing all of the same things he believed up until the middle of the season--what? Or do you mean her lying to keep a kid from being wheeled that she got attached to. She already says she doesn't regret that and Simon is very blinded by his pain of abandonment issues that he can't see that was not an unforgivable betrayal. He betrayed her way worse after twice and she still tried to save him each time.The kids numbers only start changing when Grace tells them she is not their savior anymore. They can only be free when they stop idealizing her, so no, she is not their savior. The apex didn't betray Simon and Grace loved him until the end, she wasn't giving him that cold aloof no regrets type of deal Samantha was giving him.
What’s with the roach dog things?What lesson do you learn from getting your flesh ripped from your skeleton?Like, I get that maybe they recognized Simon was a lost cause but it’s not the first time they’ve attacked people. What part do roaming death monsters play in a train whose purpose is self betterment? How does the threat of a random, violent death further the train’s service to passengers?
>>117474223>What lesson do you learn from getting your flesh ripped from your skeleton?I don't think they are meant to be part of what the train is supposed to do. I also wouldn't link The ghom attacking to the high numbers. We saw the ghom attack Tulip when she was Low. We also Saw Atticus-Ghom attacking the Steward instead of Amelia.
>>117474223>How does the threat of a random, violent death further the train’s service to passengers?It doesn't. The train is a dangerous place that looks at the "greater good" rather than what's actually good. There is no consideration for people.
>>117473418The right thing to do is to bend Simon over
>>117471353>not clicking the other image of Simon dicking down Graceyou can barely tell that one is futa. It was pretty hot ngl
>>117460092>>117460226>>117462466>>117462660The children of the train will tell stories of Simon for generations to come.His tale will be the stuff of Apex Legends
>>117473719It's the opposite, people who hate simon and think he deserved a cruel death are the psychopaths It shows deep empathy and a hard life to sympathize with him>Dropped off on a death train as a fucking 10 year old >No instruction, completely alone >Some cat pretends to care about you and guide you>Ditches you to die the first chance it gets >Recruited by a rebel girl that just wants attention, becoming your only friend>Makes shit up like high numbers meaning your good at the train just to feed her ego >Feeds his paranoia constantly telling him that adults and nulls cant be trusted>8 years later starts acting weird, wont tell you anything or explain things >Obviously withdrawing and keeping secrets>Tells you that were gonna ditch a null, wheel it like you've seen her do dozens of times but she gets mad wtf >Try to talk to the conductor, someone shes instilled in your head as being akin to god >No you cant trust adults >Nvm shes telling the truth lol>Find out she lied about everything and just made it up>She saves you but when you ask why she responds idunnoHow was he not supposed to be a confused bundle of angst? People like to conveniently forget that Grace had more help, getting trapped in her tape helped her and she got explanations to things. Simon didn't have anyone trying to help him, just fill his head with confusion.
>>117475072Fuckin Carlos...
>>117475102ironically it was Simon trapping Grace in her tape that saved Grace. the only way he could have been saved is if she could reverse uno and see his memories
>>117475232Grace didn't care about Simon at all, he was just a loyal soldier and when she changed her mind on everything she didn't even bother to have a conversation with him.
>>117475102>People like to conveniently forget that Grace had more helpSimon received the same help as Grace. He got to watch Grace memories too and reject what they were saying. he got one last chance given, by being rescued by her friend, proving she still care, but he reject that. Grace didn't.
>>117475340>Grace didn't care about Simon at allThat's absolutely false.
>>117459600>Because he's hot as fuckI didn’t expected all the fangirls, like I expected some people defending him at most but never “this”
>>117460507>Why was he treated like shit and made irredeemableHe was given enough sympathy and we saw his backstory so were able to understand where he comes from and his actions. Narratively he was treated very well and his dead portrayed as a tragedy, he was a legit the treating villain, his dead was shown to affect grace, and he has relationships outside of graces such as Samantha and Tuba, he was very well Developer and it’s him everyone talks about and has a following of fan base.I wouldn’t say he was treated like shit He was tragic villain who was let to be a villain while still being compelling and suffering a tragic fate, with how /Co complains about forced redemptions, I thought they’d like this narrative,
>>117475593>Simon received the same help as Grace.Not really. There was a lot of screentime spent on Grace going through a lot of experiential shit to outline her changes.Simon mostly got people telling him he was wrong.
>>117460624>She isn't held accountable for her actionsGrace lost her best fiends, lost Tuba and grace, was told in her face and laughed at over being wrong this whole time, gets mind raped and we see her mental breakdown on it’s full glory, and is actively trying to make amends at the end, while still not being able to get off the train, is anyone for got scot free to easy it was Amelia
>>117475870We said, my Indian friend.Seriously, you make good points, but there is no need for double-spacing. And also, rereading yourself might help.
>>117475914>Simon mostly got people telling him he was wrong.His time spent with Tuba, discovering Amelia was the conductor, being told the truth about the purpose of the numbers, Seeing Grace memories, getting his life saved. All those were as much help as Grace received.
>>117461287There is already porn of him?
>>117461433So, there is such a thing as a Futa car.
>>117476046Welp that would explain... certain things with Lake no seriously what is the thing with futas fanarts and fanfics?
>>117473098>a drag queen sceneWhen?
>>117476221mirror genitals
People say what they want about Book 1, this was one of the most touching moment.I am actually glad things turned out for the better, because I love Atticus so much.
>>117475102Translation:BAD BOYS MAKE ME SO WET
>>117472149>Season 1 sucksHold my train.Now see here user, just because you're genetically incapable of taste....>>117459262Season 1 is solid, and some would call it masterful. Season 2 is equally solid, if not better but in a very different way.I wasn't moved as much by season 3 but it's not bad.
>>117476262I just hope a train doesn't appear right now in front of me
Ending seemed rushed
>>117473719Go back to making book 2-better-tier seasons, Owen, and stop crying about killing your past.
>Chads and fangirls being on the same idea for SimonIt's rare, but when it happens it is extremely great.
>>117476573Every IT ending is rushed. It's practically a thing you must expect out of Infinity Train by now except season 2 ending.
>>117472094Ghoms are a stand in for things that ruin people who regress as an individual, An easy example is drugs or a life of crime but there are all sorts of things in that that just drain a person like love.The ghom self-destructing after succing people to death probably symbolizes the actual self-destruction of a character more than their death, Hell even Atticus turning into a gohm could represent the risk that comes with caring for someone.With that in mind it makes sense why ghoms attack everyone and why people succumb to them at different rates in relation to the robustness of their character/number.
>>117476981All of season 1 felt rushedI like season 3 the most but 2 stuck the landing better
>>117475719it's interesting... the fangirls either hate and shit on Simon or find him hot even tho he did some really stupid shit.
>>117475981>His time spent with Tubawhat, one episode where they bonded and the other 4 where they hated each other? That's not nearly enough>being told the truth about the purpose of the numbersHe's heard that before, Grace convinced him it was a lie>Seeing Grace memoriesYeah, all the memories of her manipulating him. Lovely>discovering Amelia was the conductorThe back and forth of Grace telling him not to trust her only for then to say "yeah trust her" is what makes the whole thing understandable, if you fool someone like that then the truth becomes harder to understand>getting his life saved.You have a point there, but that was after all the shit Grace did to him so it was way too late.Again, Grace is responsible for so much of his suffering that the show painting him as a psychopath who had to be taken down makes the whole story weaker.
>>117476981>Every IT ending is rushedNot for Book 2. there, they handled the pacing perfectly.
>>117477234>what, one episode where they bonded and the other 4 where they hated each other?Where they grew to know each others.>He's heard that before, Grace convinced him it was a lieNo, he hadn't. Grace was the first time he was given an explanation for the number. Remember when Tulip met the cat? Samantha didn't knew its purpose either.>Yeah, all the memories of her manipulating him. LovelyNo, her memories of trying to protet Hazel. she only ever lied to him once, about Hazel and that's it.>The back and forth of Grace telling him not to trust her only for then to say "yeah trust her" is what makes the whole thing understandable, if you fool someone like that then the truth becomes harder to understandExcept he had all the evidence to make his own conclusion, and only chose to beleive what he wanted, despite what he saw.>You have a point there, but that was after all the shit Grace did to him That's the thing. Grace really did nothing to him. They were together surviving and that's it. Simon is the one who chose to believe she was messing with him and when saving his life was a clear sign that she wasn't, he rejected that notion.>Again, Grace is responsible for so much of his sufferingGrace is as much victim as Simon of being lost and not knowing what to do. Simon and Grace were given the same opportunity to realise their mistake, only Grace took it.
>>117461433>Finally! Grace and Simon porn.>It's fucking Futa
If Owen wrote Avatar would he have gruesomely killed off Azula at the end?
>>117461433I can work with this
>>117477400you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear every user complaining about it. glad it ruined your day
Mega link for this show?
>>117477504If she was a reminder of whatever he thought was toxic about himself when he was younger. Like, come on, people make mistakes, don't get pissy about it later on and instead embrace it like everyone else. He couldn't have been that bad.
>>117477586Well you can go fuck yourself with Grace's black dick.
>>117477504He probably would killed Ozai horribly after giving him a past similar to his own and would forgive azula taking away her powers in a rushed ending with a Deus ex machi->Owen Dennis and Michael Dante DiMartino are oppositeswho is the mirror version of who?
>>117477504>irl actually learns and grows to be a better person>decides not to extend that opportunity to your fictional younger selfI don't get it.
>>117477586>he doesn't like traditional, "A-am I hurting you?", holding hands, baby making sex between teensabsolute shit taste
>>117477775Maybe it's like a shield if someone attacks him with his past, you know how everyone is with taking screenshots of messages from 8 years ago of ideas they no longer really believe
>>117471371I agree with you. But what did Jessie taught you?
>>117477967always stand up for the ones you love and maybe you'll win a metal girlfriend
>>117468611>Silent Hillyoutu.be
So what happens when your entire body is covered in numbers and you need more space? Do they start covering the hair and eyes or do they just trail off your body?
>>117478050WoG says that the numbers will enter your mouth and start surrounding your organs.
>>117474258>The train is a dangerous place that looks at the "greater good" rather than what's actually good. There is no consideration for people.The extent to which the show will explore this idea (if it's even given a chance to continue) is what will make the show ultimately good or shit as a whole really. I know the last season had it's dark deconstructive moments, but it was an ultimately pro-train because everyone improves and gets lower numbers. Will the show end up hating its own premise?
>>117478028based apache boy conquering white pussy
>>117458319>Train that kidnaps people and puts them in actual life threatening danger for potentially YEARS as a means of rehabilitating them>Can actually make them WORSE than whatever potentially minor sadness brought them there>Invades their privacy and records their most traumatic moments in their life that others can watch>Guy was clearly on the spectrum>Didn't even get orientation because of the english twat>Moral of the story is somehow not to fight back against this murderous traumatizing literal kidnapping train from some kind of hell dimension populated by roach monsters.It is at a point its just Snowpiercer if it was made by some worthless hipster queer.
uh oh
>>117478215We're not talking about weak human flesh here user Jesse went straight for the chrome steak
>>117478282>Moral of the story is somehow not to fight back against this murderous traumatizing literal kidnapping trainThat's not the moral. the moral here is to accept you have been wrong.
>>117478419Who is AD?
>>117478130That's horrifying and boring
>>117478419Someone ask him what happened to One-One during after Book 3.
>>117478609Allan Dracula, the god deer
>>117478130>WoG saysSource?
>>117478670Oh, yeah.
>>117461660You can't still be a good *character* while still being a horrible *person*.
did we save the train?
>>117478282>Looks like somebody’s staying on the train until they learn to let fit of that unwarranted resentment.
>>117476350Hold the train you just gave me. ALL seasons have something wrong.In book 1 Tulip was acting like an bitch most of the season, she only changed because MT confronted her since One-One was a complete autistic and Atticus was just there.(fuck, even Hazel faced Grace faster)In book 2 at least Jesse and MT begin to confront each other in episodes 3 and 4 besides in season they focused on their friendship instead of the train and how they need each other, the flecks help to add emotion but how everything looks so damn awful it's irritating, it's like eating the most delicious dish in your life but it looks like shit you just can't stop it from affecting you.In book 3 Owen gets excited again and wants to tell a very big story for a season of less than 2 hours and ends up making everything feel rushed(as if the whole program wasn't already) giving Grace the perfect car to start opening up with Hazel and then the perfect car to meet the cat to JUST remind him that she didn't care about his death and return to the same thought that Tuba was going to leave Hazel too.And let's not start with companions, Atticus was a McGuffin, Alandracula too but at least they made him funny and the only denizen who is more than a comic relief is only in the middle of the season and let's not forget the deus ex papercraft birds.This show is great, it is very different from any other that is on the air and that gives it charm but it does not mean it does not have shortcomings and the best we can do is recognize each one so as not to end up fighting among ourselves about which book is better, I want to think that the tribe wars taught us something.
>>117464381That's been my line of thought, the numbers being a representation of how you are addressing your problems and reconciling with them.Amelia's number got that high because she stagnated in her obsession in getting her husband back and never moving on. Even now it still looks like she's still having trouble with that, and I wouldn't be surprised if she thinks "making amends" is her trying to buy a lower number by being a mechanic, instead of actually having to confront her problems.Simon's number skyrocketed like that because he fully embraced his darker, more destruction impulses, rejecting, often violently, anyone who disagreed with him.
>>117476310"I am a pacifist by nature, but a warrior by necessity."That line alone makes Atticus one of my favorite characters.
>>117480161He is a good man
>>117474079>She said noYeah, an hour after she said “stop having me decide everything for you”