Shit you know for a fact won't last long. The Kree/Skrull Alliance under Hulkling's benevolent rule just can't last. Eventually writers will want to use the Kree and the Skrulls as bad guys and have them fight each other again.
ITT: Unsustainable status quo changes
>>117447120Batman be happy
>>117447120I like that it won't be because someone wants to use Hulking again.
>>117447120I'm not even mad about the Kree/skull peace speedbump, making Sequoia a mustache twirling genocidal supervillain is fucking garbage and I expected more subtlety.
>>117447120Superman will eventually go back to having his Clark Kent secret identity again. Either DC will have another reboot, or they'll pull a One More Day or something.
>>117447120Everything about Krakoa can't last.
>>117447898Very true. X-men either lose their home or burn it down. I'm expecting Inhumans to come back and start some war over the moon.
>>117447120Reminds me when they had the Inhumans ruled the Kree, and the books were making the Kree more sympathetic, only for Hickman to make Blackbolt KILL SOMEONE FOR ASKING WHY THE INHUMANS ARE LEAVING and then just make the Kree bad again....then theri planet blows up.
>>117447916>I'm expecting Inhumans to come back and start some war over the moon.please no. leave the inhumans alone.
>>117447144>mustache twirling genocidal supervillainhe's a genocidal supervillain, sure, but he's far from mustache twirling. Not!swordsman was the twirler
I know that lois is the ideal woman for him but i still liked this couple
>>117447956You have shit taste
>>117447120Nu-Marvel it's really a failed project
99% of all status quo changes.
>>11744712090% of any character deaths. The other 10% are those characters that nobody knows or cares about and was brought in to die. When Johnny Storm "died" everyone accurately predicted he'd come back in the anniversary issue.
>>117448057The only characters who stay dead are those whose deaths are part of another character's origin story: Ben Parker, Ho Yinsen, Dr. Erskine, the Waynes.
>>117448086And teen heroes. And minor mutant characters created by the previous writer. And every user has that one favorite character that had a few appearances before figuratively or sometimes literally being brought to the chopping block.
>>117447120I say let's make there factions . Majority of Skrill and kree are now together and peaceful. But there are still some planets which don't recognize these alliance and wants to takeover .
>>117448461That could work. The Alliance could exist, but some Skrulls and Kree unhappy with how things are going splinter off and reform the Kree and Skrull Empires, probably with the Supreme Intelligence back in charge of the Kree and some random Skrull noble for the Skrulls.
>>117447120And I thought that nothing could be worse than Civil War 2What a coincidence, Captain Marvel is a central figure in both
>>117447962No, they cute
>>117448594Why the fuck do you think that Empyre is worse than Civil War II? I can understand not liking it, but I can't fathom how you can think CWII is better.
>>117448650He's shitposting
>>117447120Mayor Fisk has lasted a surprisingly long time, but it can't last forever even if in-universe we'll never make it to the end of his term.
>>117448899It’ll happen eventually, just like how JJ’s tenture as mayor eventually ended.
>>117448899>>117449220He's a stand-in for Dolan "Two Scoops" Drumph, he'll stop being mayor when Blumphfthth stops being president.
>>117449434He has fucking nothing to do with Trump
>>117449452He's a rich New York businessman with a huge ego and criminal ties. From the left's point of view, he has everything to do with Trump.
>>117447919It's funny that hala has stayed blown up for so long because Royals and DoTI just had the kree living on the larger chunks
>>117449507He has fucking nothing to do with Trump, shut the fuck up
>>117449507I'm a lefty and have never made that connection, it seems you have though
>>117449533>>117449571He has a tower named after him in Spider-Man PS4 and it's in the same location as Trump's tower IRL.
>>117449652And that has nothing to do with the comics, what the actual fuck are you smoking to make you this stupid?
>>117448577There's the Plex Intelligence in charge of the Utopian Kree And warring Skrull splinter groups has been a thing for ages
>>117447120I just don't get it. Why make this guy a namesake of The Hulk when he's an alien, not a Gamma mutate?
>>117447169You might as well say everything Bendis did in Superman.
>>117449731Because the Young Avengers were originally supposed to be stand-ins for classic Avengers. Wiccan used to be a stand-in for Thor even though he had nothing to do with Thor and was actually the Scarlet Witch's son. Iron Lad had nothing to do with Iron Man, he was Teen Kang. Only Cassie Lang and Eli had anything to do with their legacy identity.
>>117449920>Because the Young Avengers were originally supposed to be stand-ins for classic Avengers.I could understand if it was stand-ins in terms of archetypes. But I can't see any similarity between Wiccan & Thor or Hulkling & Hulk (aside from the name).
>>117448086Alternate universe counterparts too, even if they lasted for a while beforehand.Reminder that golden age Superman died in Infinite Crisis (in a completely nonsensical fashion too, since a Red Sun should only weaken him not remove his powers, since E2 Kryptonians had powers even in their home planet) and no one has bothered bringing him back in spite of him appearing several times since then in time travel stuff.>>117450010Wiccan initially dressed up as Thor and mostly used lightning for his magic.
>>117447120Show much you want to bet humans will seethe and fuck it up
>>117450033I doubt it, it'll come crashing down either due to infighting or due to another space Empire seething and fucking it up, like the Shi'ar. Or due to some Annihilation-level cosmic catastrophe.
Governer/president of Attilan Iso and the Inhuman monarchy being dissolved
>>117450010Wiccan used to call himself AsgardianHulkling is a strong guy, and he shapeshifted himself Green and relatively large. He just continued doing that afterwards, and when it turned out he was half-skrull it was a happy coincidence.The whole point of choosing the identities Iron Lad/Asgardian/Hulkling/Patriot was to get the attention of the real Avengers, because they would need help to fight Kang when he eventually came for them.Also they were unabashed fanboys
>>117450485I thought that was still a thing even going into Death of the Inhumans?
>>117448057>>117448086>>117448176The irony is, the only characters' whose deaths matters, are the ones that the publisher/writer/editor thinks nobody cares about enough to want back.
>>117447120Alfred being dead.
>>117447956Love how this pair can always trigger so many faggots.
>>117447956Garbage pairing that shits all over Diana's character, people who defend this shit literally dont read comics
>>117451159They read comics, just not Wonder Woman comics. These people literally dont understand what the problem is
>>117447120>The Kree/Skrull Alliance under Hulkling's benevolent rule just can't last. Eventually writers will want to use the Kree and the Skrulls as bad guys and have them fight each other again.Who cares?Let's just enjoy this while it lasts.
>>117450031>in a completely nonsensical fashion too, since a Red Sun should only weaken him not remove his powersIt wasn't the sun that killed him, it was flying through a red sun which did nothing for him, slamming into a planet, and then getting beaten to death by Prime. And that was after flying through space after everything he had already been through. At least you had Kingdom Come Superman in JSA afterwards.
>>117447133Why haven't you guys protected his smile ? WHY DO THEY KEEP HURTING HIM?
>>117450010>>117449920The marketing gimmick of the original Young Avengers series was to show four guys who looked like kid knockoffs of famous Avengers characters, and gradually reveal that none of them were actually following in the footsteps of those characters, but all had connections to some other, less famous character (Kang, Scarlet Witch, Mar-Vell, Isaiah Bradley). That's why the tagline was "They're not what you think."
>>117450980As soon as Death Metal is over I'm betting he'll be back. I'll be pissed if he isn't
>>117447133Sadly this, Bats can't stay happy.
>>117450485How often is New Attilan even brought up these days?
Wait, so Carol’s the new Ronan?Whose Not-Nova? He looks vaguely familiar.
>>117448057what about mar-vell
>>117451662Captain Glory, from Avengers: No Surrender.
>>117451662Carol is a Kree Accuser, but I don't think it'll last long after this event ends. She doesn't trust the hammerNot-Nova is Captain Glory. He was part of the Lethal Legion during Avengers No Surrender
>>117451728Wait, those things are sentient?Thanks for the heads up. Gonna wiki his ass.
>>117447120Alfred being dead
>>117451910The Universal Weapon has some sort of low level telepathic influence
Marvel shit the bed and cancelled this run so we'll never know how the Blaze King of Hell stuff ends unless that 2099 issue with Blaze ruling the Ghostworks is canon
>>117452262seeing how spider-man 2099 is still canon probably
>>117447120Ewing is in charge of cosmic Marvel. He'll make it last.
>>117452262Speaking of King Blaze, Mephisto getting thrown in prison was a big bag of nothing.
>>117451466>It wasn't the sun that killed him, it was flying through a red sun which did nothing for him, slamming into a planet, and then getting beaten to death by Prime.He died there because he was written as mostly powerless at that point.Modern Superman, the one who actually has no powers under a red sun, goes on to beat up Prime right after Prime punched E2 Superman until killing him.It's clear that the climax was written while completely forgetting that E2 Kryptonians are still a super powered race under a red sun, unlike the modern take of Superman.
>>117452273>spider-man 2099 is still canonSince when? Marvel futures are never "canon", they're always just possible futures, and sometimes they become impossible futures once events happen in the present that contradict said future.
>>117453066they did a mini 2099 reboot and the future got changed a bit
>>117447956whoops sorry wrong picture hahatotally had a brain fart with the text too don't know what I was thinking