the Kingdom Hearts series is coming to Disney +.What will it fit? How will it be animated? Will it always be directed and written by Nomura? Will it be "reworked" by the new woked and twittered propaganda like other recent Disney animated series like Owl House?And / co / mblr will watch it or not?
Kingdom Hearts Thread
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>>117447097>directed and written by Nomura?God I hope not. If they let him write the series it'll end up being one giant cringe compilation
>>117447097>kingdom hearts series is coming to disney+Give me an official source for this claim, and not just "some very trustworthy guy on twitter said so"
>>117447097The artstyle is the same as KH3, meaning it will be animated on Unreal Engine 4. The writing is by Disney, but Nomura is a consultant. Also the first few episodes are produced by Square, to help Disney animators with the engine, but the rest of the episodes are by Disney.I'm pretty sure it will be a retelling of the first game, but some things changed so they can reveal its from a paralel dimension canon to the games because Nomura hates working on stuff that is non-canon.
If it's 2d animated i will actually get disney+ just to check it out, ngl
>>117447097Oh great more shitty side-material that's going to get shoehorned into the series bloated storyline.Continuing the series past KH2 was a mistake, BBS ruined the lore, and KH3 completely killed the series beyond repair.
>>117447871You mean BBS rounded out the lore and did proper world-building, while KH3 perfectly ended an arc and kickstarted a promising new one?
>>117447097It'll likely just be a retelling of the Ux mobile game considering how lore heavy that game is and barely anyone plays it.
>>117447902>You mean BBS rounded out the lore and did proper world-building,The whole point of the series is "naive kid visits worlds based on kids movies (Along with Pirates of the Caribbean and Tron) with Mickey Mouse's buddies fighting bad guys and the forces of evil". Turning it into fucking Star Wars makes it too convoluted>KH3 perfectly ended an arc and kickstarted a promising new one?More like ended an arc in an insulting way and kickstarted an already awful-looking new one
>>117447939>in an insulting wayAnd what way is that?
>>117447939is it true that disney wanted squenix to cut all the final fantasy stuff so they can use KH without paying royalties for using cloud and stuff?
>>117447968They're referenced in both the main game and appear in the DLC so obviously not.
>>117447953>Villain recieves zero comeuppance despite being set up as worse than Hitler since 2010 and more insulting is that we’re supposed to find it touching.>All the dead throwaway characters who had no reason to come back are now permanent additions to the overcrowded main cast.> Sora gets shat on for no reason other to set up the next games.
>>117448009>Villain recieves zero comeuppance despite being set up as worse than Hitler since 2010 and more insulting is that we’re supposed to find it touching.He dies, everyone including his gay best friend Eraqus confront him about accepting his fate. > Sora gets shat on for no reason other to set up the next games.The entire game sets up Sora sacrificing himself and how dangerous it is to to use the Power of Waking
>>117447939>"naive kid visits worlds based on kids movies (Along with Pirates of the Caribbean and Tron) with Mickey Mouse's buddies fighting bad guys and the forces of evil"You can only do this for 1-2 games before it becomes boring. Besides, it's not that convoluted, if you play everything. Which is basicall 2 games on PS4 now, the Story So Far, and 3.
How many times will the word "Darkness" be said per episode.
>>117448053>The entire game sets up Sora sacrificing himself and how dangerous it is to to use the Power of WakingWhich is pointless since you have to be a complete idiot to think even for a second that he's never coming back.The whole ending was just a forced and mean-spirited "fuck you buy the next game".
>>117447939To be honest the Disney worlds were really only relevant to the plot in the first game even by 2 they were 90% filler.I guess they had a bit of importance in Terra's story in BBS too since its all basically "everyone bamboozles this guliable idiot into using DARKNESS"
>>117448009>>117448076Also the return of Xion and certain organization members were being set-up well before 3.>>117448127The whole next saga is going to be about trying bring Sora back to his original worldline so evidently isn't pointless>An Oath to Return
Make it a slice of life show where all the versions of Xehanort live together and have to put up with each other. Sometimes we visit Sora and his house of versions of himself too.
>117448192>The whole next saga is going to be about trying bring Sora back to his original worldline so evidently isn't pointlessMore like Sora anti-climatically comes back due to dues ex machina to start KH4.
>>117447097As long as Kairi isn't a fat black girl, I'm fine.
>>117448192Xions return wasn't surprising DDD pretty much bashed you in the head that she still existed in Soras heart but it wasn't explained very well. As for a lot of the rest of the organization it's less that it didn't make sense and more that honestly have the TRUE organization 13 just all be rehashes from the OG one just + versions of Xehanort was kinda boring Like why d
>>117448313She still had no reason at all to come back. Same with Lea.
>>117448053>He dies, everyone including his gay best friend Eraqus confront him about accepting his fate.its still bullshit that after like a decade of being the big bad villain they just suddenly go "oh no he had good intentions", fuck off Nomura
>>117447097As along as we get a Kari hotsprings episode
>>117448313ops posted that early any way why did Xehanort even want the brigade of people Who betrayed him in the first organization back. Surly he could of found other people with DARKNESS to shove his heart into.
>>117448386Which Kairi. og, blonde or Black haired and actually more Sora?
>>117448386>>117448425>inb4 she is blackwashed
Why did they design such a sexy doll for a boss battle?
>>117448355You know what really pisses me off? You have Riku who managed to get darkness’d in KH1 and did some bad shit but had to go through hell to redeem himself even to the risk of his existence. Even Iago felt awful for his actions and nearly died trying to earn his redemption.Meanwhile the “main” villain who caused most of the bad shit to happen in the series and “killed” the Sora’s girlfriend? He just gets a small scolding from the Sora and gets to fuck off to heaven or something with his stupid fuckbuddy he tried to kill while Sora gets cucked out of a happt ending saving his waifu despite yoy know he’scoming back
why do people take kingdom hearts' story so seriouslyit's fucking kindgom hearts just point and laugh at the bullshit like the rest of us
>>117448053>He dies, everyone including his gay best friend Eraqus confront him about accepting his fate.Xehanort wasn't beaten, he gave up. It makes it seem like he's still on top, has the most agency, and just chose to forfeit out of good graces.Even the Melody of Memory trailer says this. "Master Xehanort gave up the Keyblade" Not "He was defeated" or any variation of "he lost". And that removes a lot of the catharsis people wanted given all the heinous shit he pulled.
>>117448053>The entire game sets up Sora sacrificing himself and how dangerous it is to to use the Power of WakingNo, the entire game is faffing about until the final act when Sora had the mysterious power he was waiting the whole game to get all along and could've saved Aqua after Olympus with zero changes but vastly better pacing.Unless you're talking about DLC shit. I didn't bother with that.
>>117448501I want to fuck that doll
>>117447097My only request is that the manga writer that actually gave the characters personality is in charge.
>>117448745dude just turn off the brain lmao
Hopefully it's just an adaption of the first game with some references to the rest of the series. Have each world be one or two episodes and you'd have a full season. They could also try following the manga.
>>117447097Hell yeah I'll watch itThen redpill the KH tourists here to watch Legend of the Three Caballeros
>>117448962They should really just adapt based on the manga. I would take a season of manga days with Roxas dicking around woth the Org in Disney worlds and Xemnas being the King of Pranks
>>117448907By that logic if Hitler surrendered and then got to live as a normal person it would be a-okay
>>117448907>Xehanort wasn't beatenYes, he was. Sora had beaten back his plans time after time. DDD and Kh3 were supposed to be his final plan, with all contingencies covered, but even then, the protags overcame him. He literally had no where else to run, even his time fuckery failed.
>>117448274>anti-climaticallyA whole spin-off game will revolve around that.Also the story only starts with Sora coming back, it will be about MoM.
>>117450570>A whole spin-off game will revolve around that.Which already looks like complete garbage.
>>117448009Out of the Keyblade Knights, only Terra is capable of wounding Eraqus and Xehanort. It's to the point that Terra's Heartless and Nobody with Xehanort's mind are hard to beat without strategy.Master Xehanort merely had high magic while Vanitas had speed and strength
>>117450570The problem with KH after 2 is the lack of body language and expressions. Xemnas felt like the final boss because he treats Sora and Riku as a worthy adversary before fighting to the death, then let his minions go after him. He keeps Aqua company engaging in small talk and acts as a friend to Roxas. The Heart is just trivial.
>>117448331>Same with LeaAnon you know why he came back and the reason was fujo bucks.
>>117448656He died anyway, what did you want them to do? Double kill him?
>>117450909Anything the slightest cathartic. Even getting anti-climatically sent to prison like in a modern Disney movie would be satisfying enough.
>>117448656Ansem Seeker of Darkness had to show Riku tough love to accept his powers. With Sora and Aqua, he had to be the dad of the group and discipline them.
>>117451016Terra should have been playable in KHIII.The best way to beat BBS is to stack up on high level commands and act like an autistic AI to beat Xehanort.
>>117450909I would not have listen to plot fags and just kept the models at KH2 and kept Sora, Riku, and Kairi at their Designs. Button Mashing and Reaction Commands are the best way to fuck up a Nort.
>>117447097Square were supposed to be making it so it'd probably be faithful to the game.
What would a Nickelodeon version of Kingdom Hearts be likeWhat RPG would they even crossover with
>>117450335>Sora had beaten back his plans time after time.You really want to play that card? Okay let's look at how the other KH boss defeats play out>AnsemTurns into a spaceship, Sora beats him up, Vaporized by fake Kingdom Hearts>MarluxiaTurns into a spaceship, Sora beats him up, he dies screaming as he dissolves into flower petals and darkness.>Xemnas Turns into a spaceship, Sora and Riku beat him up. Shot through the heart by Sora's keyblade, dissolves into a bunch of torns and darkness>XionDies in Roxas' arms, getting blown the fuck out so badly that everyone forgets she even exists>Armored Ventus NightmareShatters into a billion pieces>Master Xehanort in KH3Lays down his weapon, has a heartfelt confession with his best friend, then turns into motes of light as he ascends to the heavens with his best friend, and then gets a flashback to remind everyone how he used to be a bishonen.Are you honestly going to tell me you don't see how the framing of MH's defeat is structured? It's set up to frame him as sympathetic, more similar to Xion's than any of his other big bad forms. This is the guy responsible for nearly every bad thing in the franchise and he was given the waifu treatment. Are you really gonna sit there and claim tone and presentation don't matter?
>>117451016>Anything the slightest cathartic. Even getting anti-climatically sent to prison like in a modern Disney movie would be satisfying enough.What's your definition of "modern"? Because Facilier got it way harder than Xehanort did.
>>117451696It already exists, it's called Nicktoons Unite. All they have to do is change some things and we get Nickelodeon KH with a mix of Marvel Ultimate Alliance. As for what RPG they would crossover with, my guess would probably be Digimon Cyber Sleuth. It has a mostly light hearted tone with sudden tone shifts into darkness and horror.
>>117451980>Nicktoons Unite.Yes but that's not like Kingdom Hearts now is it
>>117451931Xehanort got the Roxas treatment.
>>117452015This user >>117451696 asked what would a Nick version of KH would be like and I gave my answer. Nicktoons Unite is the closest thing Nick has to KH, as I said it only needs a few tweaks to story and gameplay style in order to be Kingdom Hearts. Is that clear enough for you?
>>117448925All the Disney worlds either are sacrifices of love which is what sora did in the end
>>117452280You didn't actually deny that Sora could've just saved Aqua after Olympus though.
>>117452454He didn't have a way in. Only mickey did
I'm dropping it if cgi
>>117447871KH2 ruined the lore when it made Ansem into Xehanort's Heartless.
>>117451412So bad then?
>>117453252The pilot episode is reportedly being made with unreal engine
>>117453315So bad it's good.
>>117453378Interesting. Think it will be a retelling of 1 or something else?If it is the former I want Billy Zane Ansem SoD back damn it!
>>117447097I hope the cartoon goes in chronological order instead of the order the games were released.