I'm still mad Danny picked Sam over Valerie.Fuck that gothic bitch.
I'm still mad Danny picked Sam over Valerie.Fuck that gothic bitch
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>>117432714I mean it's been 13 years, have you attempted doing something else with your time?
>>117432967>Implying that just because OP made a DP thread means he only makes DP threads
>>117433157>Implying I'm talking about making DP threads
>>117433181>Technically you are
>As a kid I never cared about the romance in this show. Just wanted to see kick superhero action>Now I actually Danny with Valerie and really appreciate their story arc.Cowards! We could have had an interracial couple back then without the politics.
She was way better, I loved Valerie story arc, from a spoiled brat to a cool ghost hunter.
>>117432714I thought she was ugly and her fat, circle face didn't match her masked shape.
>>117432714He spent more time with sam
>>117432714Did she ever find out he was a ghost? I remember her hunting him but never what became of it.
>>117433232Blame Butch, Sam is his favorite character while Steve wanted a Valerie endgame
>>117433322And he spent more time with his mom, your point?
>>117433777The plot line was dropped and the entire world found out in the series finally
>>117433854hell yeah
>tfw we could've gotten a temporary status quo of Danny providing anti-ghost tech to Valerie as the tech support boyfriend
>>117432714I completely agree. Sam was a fucking bitch, he had far better chemistry with Valerie.
>>117432714>>117432714dark > dark
>>117434945is a adult game. cant recall the name. go to /aco/ and check the western thread there.
>>117434945>>117435156Amity Parkpatreon.com
Guys, guys.Why not a black goth girl?
>>117435238the thighs HAVE to be milky
>>117432714>Valerie liked Danny for who he was and wanted to be>Sam admitted she started liking Danny only after he became "different">This admission came after telling him she was no longer attracted to him because he chose to be humanSam was toxic and a manipulator.
>>117434468>>117434684Jaz was better
Anyone but Sam to be fair
>>117435238Valerie being goth is a good idea.
>>117432714Danny was such a fucking idiot. Who do you pick? The thick girl who’s super into you from the start, or the ugly goth vegetarian who started liking you because you’re a ghost guy? Even in simple terms of attractiveness, Sam was so hideous. Literal triangle tits and no ass to speak of. Her face is almost identical to Danny’s. Has a good family, but defies them to be edgy, and for no other reason. Her stupid fucking hair.
>>117432967There's been a billion Avatar threads crying about Katara not getting with ZukoGo shit up one of those
>>117435204>updates sometime next week>new Desiree sceneyeah, I know what I'm doing next weekend
>>117432714Danny is like Holla Forums, his desire for a goth gf overrides all rational functions in his brain.
>>117435204Do i have to pay for this
>>117437539There's a download link in the 'About' section, click 'Read More'.
>>117436323Sam's the female protagonist, cartoon law mandates that Danny hook with her.
>>117433300> her fat, circle face didn't match her masked shape.Almost like it was made with somebody else in mind.
>>117439038If that's true, why were they so lazy that they didn't change the design?
>>117438744Yes because dating a spoiled rich girl is always the right move. He had more in common with Valerie then with Sam,even Bad Future Valerie still liked Danny.
>>117439038Or maybe they did it on purpose to mislead viewers
>>117439548We saw her put on the suit several times and her voice isn't exactly masked.
>>117439440How should I know?>>117439548>mislead viewersFor what purpose?
>>117439440They have to make episodes on time
>>117433839So butch was basically carried by his cowriters then.
>>117441140No, just Steve, he was the only one fired from the show, everyone else seem to just be yes men
>>117441330Steve was kinda the reason why the show was good. If you like it being serious and story driven at times it was cause of Steve. If you liked Valerie, her arc and her relationship with Danny it’s cause of Steve. The show went downhill when he left.
>>117432714Why? They were all pretty bland and badly written. Honestly Danny Phantom was a show where I couldnt care less who he ended up with because none of them were any good.
>>117442081And yet you came to this thread.
>>117433300>>117439038Future Valerie tho.
>>117443072Well, timeskips usually do have a way of making characters hotter.
Bad Future Danny and Valerie probably fucked
>>117433839>Sam is his favorite character while Steve wanted a Valerie endgameIs this true?
>>117432714It's really bad because Sam has repeatedly been shown to be an awful human being. Valerie was mean for like 2 episodes and has been nothing but a good friend to Danny since.
>>117443380>Bad Future Danny and Valerie probably fuckedHow so? She hates ghost
>>117443812Doubt it.
>>117439038But the boobs are pointy
>>117443852She still held a torch for Danny
>>117444020>Thinking the Jew is better
>>117439448>Yes because dating a spoiled rich girl is always the right move.Yes
>>117432714imagine wanting a non-white love interest. just because miscegenation is legal doesn't mean we should be teaching it to kids.
>>117444730>imagine wanting a non-white love interestsounds pretty good>miscegenation>>>Holla Forums
>>117432714>Wanting the fat nigger who wants to kill your alter-ego over the goth girl whose your best friend.You're gay
>>117432714>I'm still mad Danny picked Sam over Valerie.Danny is smart, is better to get laid with the rich jewish lady over the broke jogger. What is wrong with that?
>>117444352>>117444802Always my favourite.
>>117444111What did he mean by this?
How dare Danny choosing the girl who didn't try to kill him several times for being a ghost?
>>117432714You're not the only one who fees bad about his choice, if it makes you feel better.
>>117436209I wanna see time skip Jazz thats just as thicc as her mum.
>>117444872>goth girl whose your best friendBut that goth girl isn't good friend.
>>117432714Been a long while since I've seen danny boy, but from what I remember sam was a terrible person, it always felt like she only liked danny for being half ghost.
>>117432714He isn't a zoophile. Stick to non-sheboon partners, folks.
>>117447613Neither was Tucker. The guy never gets called on his shit even though he turned evil twice.
>>117443812>>117443917It is, Butch even said how much he likes Sam
>>117449223Precisely. They all suck.
>>117447253Sorry, closest thing is concept Jazz
>>117449793bonus Kim Possible-esque Jazz
>>117449793Fuck...the imagine of the left is Sam?
>>117438152Is this some sort of meme?Like that jap couple interview thing?
>>117450282>leftThat's probably an early vesrion of Maddie.
>>117447637>Stick to non-sheboon partners, folksOnes you go black you never come back, user.
>>117449223I don't remember the pharaoh episode, but I remember Danny not being upset at him for how things went down with Desiré
>MC chooses worst girl to end up withJust like in my animes!
>ITT "those grapes were sour anyway!"
>>117432714Valerie has like a 60%+ chance to give him an STD.
>>117451934post the full image, you coward.
>>117451351She looks even better in that outfit.
>>117451961Valerie doesn't really seem like hoodrat to me though.