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>>117417599>BollywoodI really hope and pray Kamil wouldn't stoop that low
>>117417599Well this sounds like complete shit. They should have just doubled down on The Inhumans, pretend the show doesn't exist.In fact they should pretend all the shows don't exist (like they already do) and give us movies of Daredevil, Heroes for Hire, etc. Hell Luke would serve as a good Black Panther replacement
>Eternals cast member Kumail Nanjiani also revealed in the article that the Marvel film includes a Bollywood dance sequence with over 50 dancers in it.>"When I walked onto the set and saw a huge group of brown people who were going to be in a Marvel movie, I felt such gratitude towards Chloé for creating the situation," said Nanjiani, whose Eternals character, Kingo, is a Bollywood star in the film. "The scene was full of joy."
>>117417599reminder the gay character isnt even the chad blonde. its the black fat guy
>>117417599As much as I hate this, is there any chance that this is another GOTG situation, that everything has been thought out correctly and that it will be actually good?
>>117417868No. Nobody gives a fuck about the Eternals. The only thing they have going for them is the Celestials. Thanos doesn’t count, him being an Eternal is a retcon and he actually predates them.
>>117417599One good thing you can say about the pandemic's impact on the film industry is that Eternals got moved to the slot it deserved.It's way more of a February dump movie than fucking Christmas season.
>>117417599Look at all those ugly people. Ugly of all different races.
>>117417627His character is completely changed from a samurai actor to a Bollywood actor, unirnoically.
>>117418433I mean, the fact that no one gives a fuck about them is actually a strength. It means that the movie can afford to be its own thing more and not feel constrained by being accurate to the comics.I don't imagine anyone is going to argue that MCU civil war would have been BETTER if it was more like the comics version.
>>117417599this movie feels more and more like a fever dream the more I hear about it
>>117417693But Kumail is Pakistani not Indian?
>lol the Avengers are nobody's favorite!>lmfao people only give a shit about Spider-Man and the X-Men!>Who the fuck are the Guardians even?Motherfuckers, we've heard this before.
>>117420004But not even comic readers care about the Eternals.Not even KIRBYFAGS care about the Eternals!
>>117419603I'm sure it'll be fine. MCU's got the "it's fine" down to a precise science, I don't get people who get super excited or waiting for a blunder when it's all the same studio heavy shit.
>>117419865eh. they're brown. it's diversity! that's all that matters. don't let those alt right racist facts get in the way. love wins!
>>117420025I bought the first issue agoes ago. wonder what it is going for on ebay now.
>>117420025These are new movies, not those old comics.
>>117419865>implying wh*tes can tell the difference>or care
>>117420045I mean, the fact that Marvel has avoided any major missteps so far (they have had some meh movies, but not ones that mattered or which anyone remembers anymore) has built them some good cred. And the fact of the matter is, they already did Endgame. They crossed the finish line. They won. They are literally the ONLY cinematic universe to make it work on a large scale without massively shitting the bed.Anything they put out after this is just a victory lap. Bonus points. Beating their own record.
>>117417599good lord.... for letterboxd/film twitter this is going to be the greatest shit ever
>>117417693>"When I walked onto the set and saw a huge group of brown people who were going to be in a Marvel movie, I felt such gratitude towards Chloé for creating the situation," said Nanjiani,I bust out laughing at this. This is so absolutely cartoonish. Hollywood is so incredibly fucking racist, they make 4chan look like amateurs.
>>117420025>But not even comic readers care about the Eternals.The Guardians were niche as hell to comic readers, too. Nobody on here expected them to explode the way they did in the movies, and if you try to state otherwise you're a fucking liar.
>>117420121I would argue that all Thor movies are dogshit, but even then, yeah, they're all "meh it's fine" dogshit, it's incredible that they don't have any Justice Leagues or Origin Wolverines. Feige really deserves all the credit in the world, when you see other studios and producers trying to get the same formula going and all failing miserably, I can only imagine the nightmare of wrangling Hollywood talent to an almost Ford model of movie production.
>>117420155go suck dicks somewhere else
>>117420203I'd call Captain Marvel an Origins Wolverine.It only got the numbers it did by learning hard on grrl power and telling everyone that it was totally essential to watch before Endgame.
>>117420167GotG was a cult hit series with moderate sales but super active fans, like Secret Six or Superior Foes. Very different from the Eternals, I have all of Kirby cape stuff and couldn't give less of a shit about the Eternals, Gaiman had a series and no one gave a shit about the Eternals, it's incredible how they just can't get over in any way shape or form. Though I'm sure the movie will be fine and do fine.
>>117417697Yep and that pissed a lot of fujos because they wanted Ikaris to be gay.
>>117420167>The Guardians were niche as hell to comic readers, too. Nobody on here expected them to explode the way they did in the moviesGuardians have several hooks thanks to Gunn. Aside from the talking racoon and talking tree that appeal to children, you also have the classic rock hook for the boomers. All in all it was a Saturday morning cartoon show in live action form. Eternals is something else. It's post-woke MCU. Now we're getting odentity politics up the ass (literally) along with a bizarre display of Bollywood for whatever reason. Feige is overstepping on this one.
>>117420316the MCU is currently in it's "fuck it, let's just try everything and see what happens" phase
>>117417599Good thats so kirby
>>117417599The costumes look pretty bad but could've been worse i guess. I hope the manga influence is regarding the fights, marvel fails miserably when it comes to fights of super powerful beings, and the bollywood dance could be like a party so i wont shit on it yet
>>117419865Bollywood has Pakistani actors.
>>117417599>s-surely, this time we'll make an X-Men killer...!Disney, you have the rights to the X-Men. The Inhuman push was embarrassing and this is somehow shaping up to be worse. Just stop.
>>117417697Disney is selling Eternal as a gay romance and at the same time is hiding Salma Hayek in a Star Trek costume
>>117420463The MCU bent over nearly 20 years worth of Fox's X-Men development and reamed it inside out with just the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Spider-Man tacked on at the last minute. Like >>117420203pointed out, Disney already won, the MCU doesn't *need* the X-Men, anything else is just icing on the cake at this point.
>>117417599What the fuck
>>117417868It could be another GotG or it could be Marvel's first failure, but IMO it's going to be another Captain Marvel which by that I mean a movie that makes a lot of money but it's also mediocre.>>117419603>I don't imagine anyone is going to argue that MCU civil war would have been BETTER if it was more like the comics version.No they won't, however Tony and Steve in the MCU did not have a strong friendship like Tony and Steve in the comics and Steve and Tony's friendship is kind of important to Civil War. And you know what it's not even Millar who incorporated it in his main storyline but Casualties of War and The Confessions and it's what people remember the most about the comic other than Spider-Man being unmasked and Cap's death (which also didn't happen in Millar's main story).I know 2 movies is not enough to compare to 50+ years of friendship but if Whedon had bothered to make Steve and Tony bond more and formed a solid friendship and minimized the fighting it would have made the Civil War movie better.
>>117420296if they wanted to scare fujos just pick a black guy. fujos cant stand black people. making them fat is just a way to make nobody like them.
>>117420025>Not even KIRBYFAGS care about the Eternals!Lol this is so true.
>>117418433>Nobody gives a fuck about the Eternals.This after Endgame a Squadron Supreme movie could fill the hole left by the Avengers
>>117420527Fuck, misquoted, meant to click on >>117420121
>>117420495what's the point of having salma if it won't show anything?
>>117420296Not just that it also pissed off those hotep brotha they hate when you make blakc guys gay..
>>117420614They should get Henry Cavill to play Hyperion.
>>117420705>>117420495Ayyyy Teresa!
>>117420167Guardians wasn't a surprise hit. I don't know why people keep thinking otherwise.
>>117420599>fujos can't stand black peopleOnly if they are very ugly or can't be shipped with someone whiter than them. Finn/Poe is the second most popular gay ship from Star Wars.But the fags from Eternals are butt ugly and I don't think they will be popular with anyone except the wokest virtue signalers.
>>117420783D-list characters in a more straight sci-fi movie when sci-fi action wasn't really all that popular anymore, starring that guy from Parks and Rec, doesn't exactly sound like a winner on paper
>>117417599>bollywood-dance-sequenceI'll watch it 100 times if true.
>>117420575>if Whedon had bothered to make Steve and Tony bond more and formed a solid friendship and minimized the fighting it would have made the Civil War movie better.True, but you only have so much screentime to work with in a given movie. And if we have learned anything from other cinematic universe attempts, its that over-investing in scenes that don't matter in THIS movie but exist to set things up for FUTURE movies is the fastest way to lose an audience. People fucking hated watching trailers for other DC movies in the middle of BvS, or that The Mummy movie introducing a bunch of setting shit that was clearly just groundwork for movies that didn't exist yet.
>>117417647>They should have just doubled down on The Inhumans
>>117417599I can't wait until Feige's shitshow crashes and burns
>>117417697What a fucking stupid choice. The chad blonde should have been gay
>>117417868There is no scenario where this is good.
>>117421151>over-investing in scenes that don't matter in THIS movie but exist to set things up for FUTURE movies is the fastest way to lose an audience. I mean Civil War pretty much did that with Spider-Man, looking bad at that movie the Spider-Man scenes are so unimportant and just there for hype and didn't age good.That said independently of Civil War they should have gotten scenes where their friendship developed. Whedon spent time with Widow and Banner more than anyone and no one liked that shit. Hell that Crystal Dynamics Avengers game and one episode of EMH sold their friendship better than the MCU ever did and in less time.Like the tragic part was that Endgame we finally had some moments where they felt like friends but at that point it was too late, it's the last movie with both actors. Not to mention RDK and Chris Evans have crazy chemistry.
>>117421171Go whiff some terrigen farts mutie wanker.
>>117420614Jokes on you Hyperion is an Eternal
>>117421353> Not to mention RDK and Chris Evans have crazy chemistry.youtube.com
>>117421239>>117421366>inhumans entire box office in normal times$3.5M>new mutants opening weekend during a pandemic with zero marketing after being delayed for 2 years$7M
>>117420463Since when have they ever even hinted at trying to make Eternals to be "Mutant killers"? If anything, they're using this movie with all the Celestial stuff to setup human mutations and humanity's greater potential.
>>117420892thats true. just make it a black guy who fucks another black guy. if theres no white guy to self insert into, women will mald
>>117421446>implying disney is going to use that dumb earth x shit
>>117420495>>117420705Not like this....and you just know that there will be scenes of the men without their shirts, like they do in every marvel movir nowadays, and we'll get fucking nothing from the girls
>>117420296I will piss on fewjoe corpses.
>>117421471I mean, they even hinted at it way back in Ironman 3youtu.be
>>117421420Refresh my memory, when have Inhumans appeared in any movie? Also, Kamala will have her own series, so it's not like Inhumans won't be in the MCU, too.
>>117420931It was a highly anticipated movie the moment the masses saw Rocket and Groot. Not only had the first mention of an Infinity Gem and a Thanos appearance, it also had a better production value than all past marvel movies. and if it wasn't enough, it was marketed as ''Marvel's Star Wars but with actual relationships''vs Eternals A and B- lister actors advertised as a diversity-heavy movie to the point of making no sense. Also remember the Celestials concept art?
>>117421658The Inhumans TV show debuted in theaters.
>>117421171BasedFuck Inhumans and Eternals
>>117417599>>117419501If this is true I bet money on the "dance sequence"literally just being his character introduction as he is on set then they call cut and it transitions into the rest of the scene.