We live in golden age of comedy definitely.
Vape Nation is one of the greatest acts of comedy of the 21st century, and Scam Hyde is where he belongs, in the fucking trash with a dead career.
We live in golden age of comedy definitely.
Vape Nation is one of the greatest acts of comedy of the 21st century, and Scam Hyde is where he belongs, in the fucking trash with a dead career.
Is New York hell?
Well nothing says Jew York quite like dog piss.
He made me laugh with vape nation. He has complained many times over about youtube ad revenue and how little he gets for his channel size. Isn't that one of the main reasons behind him starting his podcast? So his career is definitely not where he wants it to be.
As someone not from the city would you mind telling me where dogs should be pissing?
Leave your shitworld country sometime and come to NYC. The city will change your life.
I'll have to pass, NYC itself is like a third world country. Ugly-ass skycrapers everywhere don't change that fact.
Isn't that that H1Z1 fag?
Isn't that your long lost father?
In your mouth
New York has nothing on a city like Hong Kong, which keeps it's traditional beginnings with things like the tram system but are forward looking with their high tech systems, Jew york on the other hand is being suffocated under it's own weight of Burgers who feel the need to drive every 10 metres, and the ones who do take public transport there piss and fight on it.