I feel like this show was one of the last truly normal cartoons before the Pendleton Ward/Rebecca Sugar/Alex Hirsch Era of modern cartoons kicked in.>No calarts/beanmouth shit>Thick outlines>Sports genre>Rock soundtrack>Genuinely feels like an early 2000s cartoon despite being made in 2011>Actual slapstick with characters getting hurt on a daily basis and it’s funny>Zero woke garbage
>>117409037It's better then it has any right to be, and is superior to Star Vs., Amphibia, and The Owl House by a long shot.
>>117409037That era is over don't burden yourself with its memory
>>117409037It is the only good thing Chris Savino worked on.
>>117409037Yeah, but does it have waifus?
>>117409037My only vivid memory of this show from when I was younger was the piano episode when he somehow manages to steer a piano going 60 mph down a hill by playing his practice piece perfectly
>>117409325Show em then.
>>117409357I remember everyone fapped to her
This wage slave was excellent
>>117409037>>>No calarts/beanmouth shit>>Thick outlines>>Sports genre>>Rock soundtrack>>Genuinely feels like an early 2000s cartoon despite being made in 2011>>Actual slapstick with characters getting hurt on a daily basis and it’s funny>>Zero woke garbageLiterally pic related and yet Holla Forums shits on this relentlessly
>>117409674>Zero woke garbagenah that's not true it has some woke shit in there. but not like sjw woke shit.
>>117409623>she will eventually turn into a thicc pear like her mom
>>117409674Wow, it’s almost as if Kick Buttowski was creator driven show and not a shitty shell of it’s former incarnation and it’s not a Sports show either.Besides, the TTG characters aren’t funny, they’re just annoying jackasses.
>>117409037Bland Disney garbage
>>117409674capeshit is never good
>>117409106Agreed, all I don't like is the cliche stupid fat character trait...
>>117409602Eso Brad
>>117409873I remember it being really popular in Mexico
>>117409850t. fatty
>>117409661>the /ss/ netori episodeShit's good
>>117409037>Pendleton Ward/Rebecca Sugar/Alex Hirsch
>tfw still call all energy drinks Cheetah Chug
I loved the shit out of this show. I should give it a rewatch.
>>117409873É o brad
>>117409037The teacher is an underrated waifu
>>117410122stop posting this gross bitch. she's fucking old
>>117410173And so is Eda.
>>117409106I'll give you Star Vs. and Owl House since those shows are garbage but the show sucks compared to Amphibia.
>>117410122>>117410173These 2 comments made my day. Thank you, anons
>>117409037Wait, people actually have love for this show? It looked nice but everything about it from the characters to the very concept itself is the most generic shit imaginable. I can understand a few stock characters in a show but literally every single one of them was a stock character.
>>117410173Why wouldn’t she be a waifu tho?
>>117410196Eda doesn't have Nixon jowels
>>117410492But she’s old douchebag
Kendall is for hugs and smooches
>>117409106Nah, Amphibia is a FAR superior improvement.
>>117410463Oh believe me, it was FAR from a masterpiece and there were A LOT of painfully generic character archetypes (bratty sister/bully brother/alpha bitch/fat comic relief etc) but it’s still kinda nice to appreciate a show that wasn’t a wacky magic fantasy land or boring slice of life cartoon.
>>117409176Wrong>Rocko's Modern Life>Early Ren and Stimpy>Early Dexter's Lab>Early PowerPuff Girls>Hey Arnold>Duckman>Samurai Jack>I am Weasel>Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends>My Life As A Teenage Robot>Flintstones On The Rocks
>>117411096>boring slice of life cartoon.Isn't it basically that with some outdated Xtreme stunts thing thrown in? Seriously, why does this show feel like it came from the mid 2000s?
>>117411177SoL would be some shit like craig of the creek or harvey beaks. This show was far from SoL
the virgin yeah Brad vs the Chad Eso Brad
>>117409037Reminder the creator stated he purposely adds shota and fetish shit to the show
>>117410122>>117410173I know she's your waifu but goddamn, those jowls.
>>117409873What a guy
>>117412604I think she was the first time I came across an artist who nuked their entire online collection of art. The 2nd being Simon. Always liked Galen's tiff art.
>>117409037It was the flash era
>>117414642Better, and also thanks for the laugh.
>>117414676He apparently had a short lived return on Tumblr about two years ago. His art is cute, but I hate when artists do this shit.
>>Holla Forums1
>>117409929Ya te tengo!
>>117414660There should've been a 30 minute episode about them
>>117409037Please tell me someone has a mega for this. I've been looking for one for ages.
>>117409176Chris Savino's incredibly flat angles aren't even present herewhy hasn't this or Foe Paws been referenced in TLH?
>No calartsthe fuck are you talking about? this is Calarts as fuck, geometric and simplistic.
>>117409037At least normal cartoons went out with a boom, Kick is one of the manliest protagonists
Mao mao been out
post shannon, the life guard not the gynoid