
Played the beta last two days and so far it seems like a better, less jewish form of Hearthstone. Anybody else playing?

You fuckers didn't learn anything.


I like Witcher 3 but I can't fucking stand Gwent. I do crack up at the sidequests where these medieval merchants are going apeshit over CCGs, though

Did you like the dice poker in the previous games more, then?

I hear this is different from the in-game gwent. Also that it's very much jewish pay-to-win crap.

It's trash.

It's like you don't want to learn.

It is, mainly in that you draw cards between rounds (two after first round, one after second) and the consequent rebalancing, and some new cards. It's very similar to, though

I don't think so. So far, I have a total of 4h 52m played, haven't spent a dime, and I'm wiping the floor with most of the idiots I'm matched against (granted, I haven't reached ranked mode yet). You buy 5 new cards for 100 ore – 4 of them are completely random, for the final you get three at least rare cards, one of which you may choose, so you usually end up with at least something valuable. You get ore through leveling (literally levels with EXP, gained by playing matches), daily rewards (gained by winning enough rounds), small rewards (15 ore for winning two rounds), and "good game" which means the dickhead on the other end contained his butthurt over losing and sent you a GG (for which you get either 5 ore or 5 scraps. You can craft specific cards with scrap). So, in summary, you get much higher income than in, for example, Hearthstone, can thus buy significantly more cards for the in-game currency, and since you get to make a pick with every batch you buy, you usually aren't left with utter trash.

That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if they changed this later on, as after less than 5 hours playing, I already have more than 25% of all the cards

Gwent's fucking sweet in the game and as the standalone version. I have a maybe decent Temerian deck relying on Promote and gold card drops. I use Nilfs in the main game though, but I don't have a lot of cards yet here.

Not him but both were shit. At least dice poker makes sense while Gwent doesn't fit the world at all. Who oversees the game? How are the cards distributed? Who decides what cards are legit and what aren't?

Also the game itself is meh at best with some cards being outright better than others without any downside. At least in most card games, cards with higher attack value either cost more to play or have some other downside but in Gwent there's never any reason to use card with atk of 4 over 5 ever.

You Holla Forumstards don't even know what your saying anymore, do you? You just repeat things you heard like fucking parrots.

Didn't the allies bombing supply trains kill all the Polish Jews though?

who even mentioned anything about Holla Forums except you


It's like if Hitler had tourettes.

I'm playing a monster deck – literally any adverse weather conditions actually play in my favour thanks to filling my deck with various immunities and troops that cast weather

That's true for the Witcher 3 version, but in the standalone, that's rarely the case. You can only have 4 golden cards and 6 siver cards in your deck, so you can't just fill your deck with the highest rated cards and be done with it. Usually, the weak cards have some sort of an ability that make it worth playing.

Example: Foglings. Every time you play fog, all of the foglings in your deck (even those you already played previous rounds) get put on the board and get buffed. So, if you have three of them in your deck, and have one fog in your hand, you can get three foglings of 2 strength. On those, you can then use a potion that will buff them all to 6 strength, thanks to them being the same card. On that, you can then cast a spell that doubles their power, and have three cards of 12 strength, which is power equal to three Geralts (which is a golden card you can only have once in your deck), all at the cost of 3 cards, with a fog effect on the board (reducing all non-immune archer units to 1 strength), and possible other buffed troops that were in the same row as foglings. None of the used cards is gold, and only the double power card is silver

It's called a joke you fucking nigger. Lighten up.

No it wasn't you fucking retard, every time it's been used so far it's been used as a descriptor.

Unless you're suggesting this thread being shitty is the joke, then haha you got me.

Yeah, it's used as a descriptor because calling a company/game a shekel grabbing Jewish shitfest is funny. Go to reddit if you don't like fun.

You better have nothing but spys,heroes and catapaults


I uninstalled it after a day. I lost like 9 out of 10 games because the other guy just had better cards. Not fun at all, maybe the matchmaking will get better when it's released

I'm winning 7 out of 10 fights, 5 hours after installing. Maybe you were just shit


Oh woops, I said something very antisemitic. Hopefully you won't leave and cry to reddit about it, would you?

reffer here

It's not that it's "antisemitic", your using your shitty Holla Forumsisms in retarded ways that don't make sense.

"Make this sandwich sure tastes jewish" or "man the weather right now is a little bit jewy" are the kind of shit you'd probably find acceptable.

are you surprised that people who want a strong government and dictator to control every aspect of their life aren't very bright?

checked, and that sounds like it would actually be interesting.
that's the only part I like about it. In Toussaint there's a guy who rented out this big-ass patio bar to run a Gwent tournament just so he could get someone to play his brother's OC donutsteel faction and show everybody up. It's like a fa/tg/guy with an inheritance.


I signed up for the beta ages ago but I didn't get in. Is it microtransaction heavy or something?

clearly the most balanced card game

you seem to be overthinking a lot of stuff instead of just enjoying the game

golly gee it's impossible in a medieval game for collectible card game to exist, so what

Holy fuck, just choke on my cock already, bitchy whore.

Not exactly a fascist, but I think that's communism you're spewing. Many cultures don't like jews like my Persian ass.

thats what you get for building shitty decks.

I really liked playing Gwent in Witcher 3, but I don't like it as a multiplayer game. It just feels too much like we're not playing against each other, we're just playing next to each other. I know there are weather effects and such, but it just doesn't click with me. Also, some cards are literally just upgraded versions of other cards, and since this is really just an advanced counting game, that's a huge advantage.

like what?

is this still in closed beta? cause i remember signing up but didnt recieved any notification…

check your spam.

Yes it completely breaks the immersion and I didn't do any of the Gwent related quests.

Just imagine that the Sorceresses distribute them to keep the middle class merchantry distracted. it was what I did.


Well I wouldn't mind some excuse reason for the cards to exist but I don't recall the game having any.