Starting with a very strong upcoming entry.
Pretentious games
It might look like shit, but what if it ends up being good?
It looks so retarded, I'm interested. Looks like the next Tale of Tales project.
This count, going off of the shit the "professional" "journalists" have spewed?
There's a PC videogame store platform with ACTUAL quality control?
I swear to keep seeing garbage after garbage of recently greenlight titles in main page of the Steam store.
Never rely on anyone else to find vidya for you, search for what you want yourself then pirate it to see it it's good before paying a cent.
If everyone did this the industry would be fixed in under 5 years.
It fails even at what it sets out to do.
It's not nice to lie.
In journospeak that just means its a lolsorandum underfail clone
Skyrim is still a bestseller.
I think by "Hybrid" they're actually including it with the next word, making their shitty review (shilling?) of it as not just a mixture of Killer 7 and Earthbound, but Hybrid Heaven as well.
I find it disgusting and sad that Kikuta has his name tied to that YIIK shit. I guess work is work though.
Wasn't that the one where the game dev blamed racism for it not selling well? Or was it just gamers in general?
>A pretentious game that possibly parodies pretentious elites
We are going full circle
The negress and her cuckboi delivered some fine salt.
If memory serves they went on a huge "Fuck all of you gamers" rant and were quitting the industry forever, only for them to have announced working on some new "game" a while back. Not sure if it was over "racism" or just people rightfully ripping into their shitty non-game.
user, stop being such a shitlord, they were clearly speaking in jest.
Their indie movie flopped so they're crawling back into games. At least that's what I remember hearing.
What's the "choice to self-censor" ? Quitting games ?
they wanted to say "gamers fucking suck" every minute but decided not to for the purposes of getting shekels. (I guess they figured that maid simulators were really going to take off.)
she's not very smart, so it's hard to understand what she's saying.
I fucking love that game. Johnny is the best.
Just like the good old days
Only fucking newfags that only played PC games via Steam can't appreciate shovelware and all the rough gems, experimentation and drama that comes along with it.
I don't see them flopping any less this time around either.
Hell, they're the pretentious faggots that marked shit like Catch 22 and The Art of War as "problematic" literature that needed to be burned. I hope they fuck up again and get driven further into debt.
I guess they realized their twitter chimpout wasn't gonna do them any favors (after a whole week of it) and decided to quit the internet forever. Sadly they forgot that we're in the habit of archiving everything.
Female and a nigger. It's a killer combo.
Talk about back-peddling damage control.
If you get a massive negative shitty reaction to the thing you create perhaps going online to bitch at your collective audience about how shitty they all are isn't gonna help profits much.
How much are these "games" actually worth?
It's actually Wild ARMs 2 + Paper Mario + shit.
How do you manage to not be furiously at these faggots when they appropriate games you liked and should never be compared to this hipster trash?
I wouldn't say pretentious. Its an unique experience. It was alright, nothing to write home about.
Try Steamworld Heist or Infested Planet
Already playing Steamworld heist. I'll check out infested planet.
I feel like there have been some, but I can't think of any off the top of my head at the moment.
Do they not understand that hipster is an insult?
Why did dual techs go out of style?
Too much work putting in multiple animations per character I guess
I really can't help but notice that they spammed reflective surfaces fucking everywhere, just to remind the player "LOOK, YOU'RE PLAYING A WALKING SIMULATOR AS A STRONG, INDEPENDENT BLACK WOMYN!" And they wonder why it didn't fucking sell.
As I recall, they spent a decent amount of money on a PR consultant (who may or may not have been Leigh Alexander) and even made a point to keep their employees from starting shit on social media.. Only problem is that it backfired because journos didn't smell any juicy clickbait to exploit for their own gain on behalf of their shitty negro maid simulator.
Y'know the same shit happened when Yume Nikki got popular right? And the same weebs who obsessed over that shitty game got older and are now making Undertale clones.
It doesn't help that all those reflective surfaces in the "game" reduce framerate to a crawl, because they couldn't/didn't optimise their game.
People seemed to like Recettear, why not take it another step forward?
More like as a faggot.
Heavy Rain
How can you say that user when scenes like this exist?
Let me guess, it's going to be bitching about Putin and the Russian gay laws?
pretentiousness implies that there was a meaning behind anything aside from "shoot guns and read poorly translated dialogue"
Which stream is this from?
They are begging and sucking dick at indiegogo for free money to make a new "game" now
You tricked me, I thought you linked this.
Let me shorten that up:
Somehow I'm not sure if hipsters consider that an insult. A while back I was at a store and came across two of those faggots looking for a particular game to buy. Overheard one of them saying he wasn't even interested in playing it, but just the"hipster credit" he'd get for owning it. Granted, I try to not be around hipsters much, but it strikes me that maybe they've tried to "own" the term, the way cuckservatives this past election tried to wear the "cuck" insult as a badge of honor after people online rightly called them on their shit.
There's nothing to understand! Just execute orders!
I feel bad for future anons
The Witness.
that nigger really loves to laugh
They didn't make back any money, so they blamed the boogeyman like everyone else did like in Gamergate.
I hate this meme
That shit firewatch game. They even tried to pad it out to just squeak by the 2 and a half hour mark to beat it so no one could refund it after realizing how shit it was.
A lot of people try to convert insults as badges of honor, but going as far as using it as a marketing blurb is something else entirely.
Maybe they assumed that hipster numales were the audience being targeted from the get-go? I mean, the game is subtitled as "A Postmodern RPG" and the protagonist is a standard plaid flannel - problem glasses hipster. Pretty clear who the devs were hoping would buy it.
What the hell do hipsters even call themselves if that word term is actually insulting to them? Retroists or some other variant of cancer?
Sadly I have to wonder how many modern "journos" have ever played Wild Arms 2.
Yo, can i play wild arms 2 if ive only played half of 1 and cant be bothered to play it again from the beginning?
Fuck you and restart from scratch, scrub.
Its so fucking long though. Can i just skip to 2? Is 2 a direct seqel?
This one. Actual part where he plays Sunset starts at around 1:24:10
DmC is pretty pretentious with it's ripoff of They Live Brand of political commentary.
You can tell Tameem thinks his writing is some hot shit when Ninja theroy's motto is to "elevate the games experience into one that can rival film and literature."
But the games messages end up being
One of the parts that really insulted my intelligence is when Donte enters the Slurm factory he reads off the walls out loud "Obesity, Stupidity, Drink Virility." as if Ninja Theroy thinks the player is too fucking stupid to piece that together themselves.
Everything DmC trys to say pales in compassion to this how powerful this one image from They Live is.
Considering Tameem considers a character who kicks a (iirc) slave in the face and off a wall as "badass", I don't think we have to wonder about his writing ability. Shithead can't even understand the plot of DMC games. Devils do bad stuff, cocky stylish half-devil stops them with aid of hot sidekick.
Analogue: A Hate Story by that christine love abomination
kind of sad because I thought digital was pretty cool when I played it so long ago that I got it on a cover disc
Wild Arms are all stand-alone in story, though I have my own thoughts that WA3 is a distant sequel to WA1. The later ones do tend to do call backs to the earlier ones though, which are nice for series fans to catch, and WA5 goes full force with it being an anniversary game and all. I'd recommend going back to Wild Arms 1 anyhow so you can appreciate what WA2 improved on; plus it's not like WA1 is bad.
Wild Arms 1 is not long. My first play through was 25, maybe 30 hours. Wild Arms 2 is like 60+ hours, and even with WA3's ingame clock being borked, I'd swear I put in at least 80 hours into that one without even doing all the optional content.
You can thank the devs watching Die Hard 2 for that ass scene by William Sadler.
Doesn't help that they had the (((media))) shilling for DmC to an insane degree, trying to compare it to the works of Shakespeare. At the very least, DmC had some value in the sheer amount of OC and bonding between anons in mockery of that shitshow. Best part is that the journoshills still haven't gotten over how DmC is so despised.
It's really something when vid related is better at telling the games story then the actually game it's self.
When a mod that makes your game into a Mexican soap opera comes off as more entertaining than the base game, you've got a problem.
I miss DmC hate threads. Those were a lot of fun. While Mighty Number 2 was another game Holla Forums could band together in hate and mockery of, that was a bit too much of a slow burner in comparison.
They're trying to say it's a hipster version of combined with those other games.
if they hate it why are they in my hobby
Because it's cool. They're literally faggy hangers-on who will fuck off to whatever comes next when given an opportunity.
I just really wish the fucking media would try to pull a Heroin Chic again and get these fuckers addicted to hallucinogenics by telling them it's the most real video game.
Because there was a new place to try to push their agenda and try to make some money on the side?
….So why don't we do it?
To make you suffer.
I would love to hear how you plan on doing this, then.
Man, there was nonstop hatred for DmC for ages after it hit. Every time it started to die down, the dev would start talking shit or a journalist would write an article about how entitled gamers killed DMC out of spite. It was great.
Yeah. I keep hoping that maybe one of the journokikes will shit out another "DmC was unfairly killed" article once again this year, like it's some sort of tradition, and then maybe we can have reason for another good ol' Fuck You thread.
Sometimes all it takes is a bit of press, good or bad, for there to be reason to finally warrant a thread about something again.
I would love that, just for old time's sake. Especially if it was from one of the journos who complained about Blade Wolf being too hard in MGR. Literally my first game in the genre, and I had no problems. That's as someone who always gets his ass kicked in fighting games and beat 'em ups because I really like to play aggressively.
Considering how it was getting kvetching articles as late as Current Year -1, I'd say it's got a good shot of one again this year that could prompt it; all it needs is someone willing to trawl the shitshow sites and archive/screencap it when it hits so anons can have a laugh about DmC again.
Shame that a lot of the games I'd like to discuss there's no reason to make threads for anymore.
Don't know how true it is, but that first picture reminded me taht athte supposedly took Vergil's fedora out in the definitive edition.
Now why would they do that?
Apparently the devs didn't like it. Maybe Tameem tried to force it.
Anything made in Twine.
Yeah They did remove the fadora.
Seriously, a stylish action game set in Mexico with a Weird Western setting based on Mexican mythology where you play as a pistolero in an over-the-top soap story would be the greatest thing ever, especially with music like this
Someone link Kamiya this album and idea now that he's not currently working on anything
All Metal Gear Games, made by a film director wannabe/garbage dev and a kike lover