There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's the Nintendo Card.
Nintendo Switch: $300
What casual puzzle and waggle games? Everyone here is just going to pick up Zelda at most unless they're still falling for the motion control meme.
FTFY, my friend!
Stop OP, this is Nintentoddler central, your thread will get sagebombed.
Double cancer, dubs.
You have everything you need to play singleplayer out of the gate as well as 2 player in the only "casual waggle game" announced thus far.
I sure hope you guys don't do this
At last, you finally see why consoles are total and utter shit. This is not a problem exclusive to Nintendo.
I love indianapolis games!
Did you forget? Skyrim on switch for $60!
Yfw when nintencucks
bomberman and 1 2 switch
Worse than weebcucks. smdh
theres nothing, system offers NOTHING
Fucking Nintendrones, when will they learn?
LOL, they're fucking done, top kek.
forgot image
About what you'd expect for a new console. Still too much.
Controller prices are getting out of control.
No idea what games you're talking about.
I still haven't bought anything from the Wii U, PS4 and Xbone era. Those systems have gone their entire lives and there are only like 2, maybe 3 games between them I'd want to play.
I pity them really.
Not having Boringlands SJW edition?
I'd count that as a plus.
Nintendo Switch: £180 to £200, cheaper used
Pro Controller: £40, cheaper used
Casual puzzle game: £10 to £20, cheaper used
Casual wagglan: £10 to £20, cheaper used
More vidya actually worth buying: Priceless when it gets hacked, still cheaper if it doesn't
Buying any console at launch is stupid, and I'm disappointed there are people here who actually preordered the thing. I can't think of an example where buying a console at launch had any advantage. Just look at the 3DS, that thing was shit until they gave it a price cut and it got games to justify it.
Uh if anything this is a sign that they are the most aware company out right now. Are you trying to get people to buy the Switch? Cus it just worked on me.
That image is so fucking retarded. Whites were not the first people to conquer land from other peoples. Nor will they be the last. The same fucking idiots who made that pic probably support a One China policy too, nevermind the poor Taiwanese who lost their sovereignty or those poor Tibetans. People need to get the fuck over "MUH STOLEN INJUN LAND!" People came, people saw, people conquered, it fucking happens, Native Americans aren't exceptional, and they should've defended their land as legitimate but never did.
stone age europeans were also the first to settle in the americas according to archaeological evidence, which makes it doubly stupid.
Pre-orders are already selling out at multiple outlets, you fucking retards. The Switch is going to be a success right out the gate.
Not having a shitty game made a studio of talentless hacks? I don't see how nintendo is done.
There are some things not worth spending money on, for everything else there's industry crash when
Soooo…. you don't want to pretend milking a cow in your living room?
when will nintencucks learn