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eva started that whole thing
hella posters fake filter me
where they like ignore but still talk about how they don't see me
lenko is kinda good at it
TP you need to stop being a little bitch. It is unbecoming.
mornin grim
oh was it the quotes?
i kept getting post errors
man Holla Forums is weird. hella people use quotes
in fact your think for spoiling is quotes
The absolute best.
People ignore you because they don't l;ike you. Get over it. Your princess is in another castle.
t fuckin p
why arent you recovering rn?
youre upsetting the natural order
yeah i love those fake filtererers
Nice meme, I understood the reference because I too am an epic gamer girl.
What's good
see above
im p sure youre generally just seen as a pest so i dont know where you got the idea that you can talk down to tp
Same as you most likely, just waking up and having some breakfast and coffee.
How's it going?
too hot for that shit
I'm getting my new MH game delivered today, hype hype
isnt it good to be in le exclusive club
just got up
i really should catch up on homestuck
grim do u like cave story?
do u like off by mortis ghost?
rin is fake filetering
maybe more
please update me about your life
Because I have a PhD
You should really
really get to know how someone acts
before sprouting bullshit, TP.
grim's life is hella interesting cause he's just coming out of the closet
it's cute
Fake filtering is just when you ignore posts right?
those italics tho
today is a day of rest in which I will partake in generously
I haven't even opened up cave story and wallace got me that for my bday
feel so bad lolll
never heard of the other one
well, I have morning wood
and yes, I did email ytt once
but the main thing that got me posted was kuus
this guy
why does ikt's profile picture use the image that one user oldfag posts?
no way it can be him
TP ought consider therapy. It might stop his emotional lashing out.
fake filtering is more in depth actually
it is the practice of making it known to said poster that you are filtering
but obviously still read their posts and passive aggressively respond to them
Perhaps it is coincidence?
Perhaps it is an Alice conspiraCY?
Had fun last night perhaps?
I figured.
Thats deep.
play both
they're short and awesome indie games in the same vein as undertale
also i think you'll be astonished by the number of ways in which undertale is creepy similar to off
Have you heard this one, by the way?
nah it can't be
fuck I dont wanna go over the posts again
what's your plan for the day rin
oh snap
I'm gonna be playing monster hunter all day tho
Poor TP.
All she wants is to be liked and loved and acknowledged. Rin, you beast. Why are you doing this to poor TP. You savage. He has rightsd you know. Filtering and fake filtering should be bannable.
do you have something you would like to talk about?
better than blogging, no?
that is the absolute worst fam
Man I ain't going outside right now.
But I've been enjoying outside because my garden is absolutely full of wild mint that I let go, like ten square feet altogether (It's a big garden). It's flowering so at all times of the day there's like hundreds of honey bees, bumblebees, flies, and God knows what else. It's fun to watch. Probably got the autism.
How much are we talking about?
sometimes you just need a hug
i have no clue what that is
doesnt sound like an "art game" which is all anyone should ever play
Most noteworthy-ish thing is probably playing more shitty korean MMO with Nin.
Beyond that I'll probably tidy the house up a bit since someone's out for the next couple days, apparently.
why would you care if rin is fake filtering you? it should make no difference in your posting experience?
nah it's ok to enjoy nature
I need to re-weed mine
fucking japanese knotweed man
a handful
it's fucking hilarious when it happens
not bad with the duet in it
Why cannot it be?
IKT has a big donger. Anything is possible.
Says the one blogging.
Perhaps TP-chan needs rin hugs. That would be really upsetting.
no no i like it
I always knew that all you needed was a chocolate daddy to make you happy.
oh okay cool
keep it real my man
The only issue with is the eurobeat sfx are really obnoxious and not subtle with her theme
but theres only so much you can do
so unfortunately wont make the musical favorites list
you gonna get hugged
he has small hands
his donger is averaged sized
yes hello
Sounds good.
That pic looks absolutely majestic.
what's up though
preaching to the choir
why is this a thing
k will do
I've had some success putting down newspaper between plants to keep weeds from growing. It's about as good as mulch. Cheaper and easier, too.
yay anime!
This is causing me uneeded distress. What is it... Trigger day?
Have you had anything to compare said dongerhands to? If not science needs to be done.
you see
the main issue is I feel it is too late in the season to plant
but idunno much about gardening
I tended to a garden of poisonous plants once
it was edgy but the flowers were gorgeous
You tell me. All is chillsville on my end.
we need a comparision pic
Fair enough.
I usually really like A-One's works, but I can agree the samples don't really work too well with her theme.
I'm enjoying yours.
why do you still talk to him? is it ironic? he thinks you like him
it makes your other e-relationships confusing
are you being ironic with all of them?
Shibayan Records -> 💯
whats the act in homestuck that starts with rose finally entering her game world?
I like letting thistles grow really tall because it's yellow finches' favorite food. But we have neighbors that live behind us now, and apparently they won't let me grow tall spiky weeds.
Oh well.
get out
never watched homestuck but i lurked enough to realize it is not a good web series and is literal cancer
I remember going on a really huge Demetori stint way back.
I wonder if I saved any of that...
We need someone who is trusted IKT confidént to wrangle a picture... of say... them holding a can... thus an accurate deduction can be made.
it is the gayest shit ever lol
i dig it tho
kinda want to know tho
yeah not missing anything
kinda like pokemon
God i can't remember. Its been so long.
I'm glad you realize this.
I started it way back when. I was still a babby with no tastes and it somehow still managed to bore the shit out of me moderately quickly.
But a lot of people liked it, and I can respect something that can make a community that large, even if you couldn't pay me to be part of it.
fuck that shit
neighbors have a bramble that creeps over the fence sometimes
I hate that fucking shit
I feel bad
I know I shouldn't
but it just happens
fuck that guy tho
ranko is my favorite vocalist
because she gets so guttural
is that weird
Grim's secret is he hot glues his Samus figure thrice daily.
That's all you get from me, Grim.
well no
it's not like pokemon
but yeah if you don't think you'd like it you probably wouldnt if you tried
oh scoots you missed it
we had a pretty based tinychat last night with like scanner who was beyond wasted
boo, shitfox, bard
hi squashie c:
buttfox wa sin there?
was he camming?
fuck of squash
aw damn i know it's three or four.. i think maybe
thanks anyway
Ikt? You aren't a fan? Why?
That is something.
Imma go get laundry and freshen up
see you guys in a bit
and rin
I'll see you especially
But the finches, man.
No I know, I take it down. But it is cool how much birds like thistle.
I'm just happy that it finally ended, i'm free from that hell of a webcomic.
god damn dog fuckers
you have awful taste in posters buddy
seeya round
that's not enough reason to appreciate a show
that is mlp friendship is magic all over again
hi love
yeah he cammed lol
What will people say?
lates potates
is it seriously done??????? 0.0
It better not be.
'cause I definitely get that.
She also has a nice voice.
See you, Grimmu~
oh he's leaving
here is a like to your twitter feed
just wish they'd use trips so they're filterable
i cant believe it
grim should just like turn off the phone sometimes
he would be way more interesting
But they don't to remain a pain in the ass, since the dawn of fuckin' times
I think Homestuck was actually a meme before mlp.
I didn't like mlp, but I liked the pony threads. So I guess I just kinda think something good can come out of almost anything.
who the fuck is dad anyways
have we figured this out yet
dude i actually liked the show
but then i was like wait a minute i need to stop
You did good, son. You did real good.
okay first of all homestuck ismt a tv show it's a webcomic
second of all homestuck isnt marketed to 8-year-old girls
Homefag is marketed at ultrahomos.
Just as disgusting.
I know Homestuck isn't a show.
I forgot to correct TP.
I read it all the way up to the part where the asian girl died and then got bored. That was a long time ago.
Homestuck was enjoyed by most of the ponifags I had the misfortune to cross path with, gave enough reason to stay the fuck away from it forever
That stuff must be heavily autistic
The fanbase is still pretty horrible though.
i dont know what ur talkin about but yeah it's easy to get bored and drop it
really want to finish
i was a prime target for the movement. i happen to like feel good cartoons
i wasn't talking about homestuck
i would never watch that bullshit
Furfags were raped by heavy dalek spams back in the days, good times
it's awful, everything about it is awful.
the fandom is awful, the webcomic is awful, and the creators are awful.
well yeah
unfortunate so many autists love to latch on to it :\
Pretty sure he was talking about the part where you said
got me
i watch way worse shows
just like those shows were cancer
And also
It's a webcomic. That's what we're saying.
who is dad again?
i bet test could rock an edgy homestuck avatar
Had a hunch
furfags seem to like it too
it's a mystery
you can't watch webcomics?
thank god i don't know about this absolute autistic show for dregs
do it test
i was just wondering
He's a dad obviously.
Well thankfully we don't have worry about them since they aren't of out concern.
Do you still have the original dangerous kitten pack?
yep. it's all useless now, though.
something tells me that he is not in fact a dad
probably some teenage alicefag
yeah true
of course most fans of the gayest webcomic of all time would be drawn to the gayest website of all time
That's was a great cyber
Buffs incoming.
Fan the hammer still not going to be useful again.
I choose my avatars because I identify with them. I'd have to read Homestuck. Which would likely be lethal.
confirmed alicefag
Fuckin' shame, yes
Everything I dug up is, and as far as I know nothing of it is modernized
Mostly because of the captchas but still
No fun allowed. rokits should be still good tho, no?
it's nbd
and it's actually finished so you dont have to follow it anymore after youre done
You are an ass
it's kinda nice how like only fucking jack is from hungary
I don't know who that is though. Well i've heard about them but i don't know whats so bad about Alice.
Its not that gay.
animu booty.
user sama
jack spicer
new user guy that isnt bern
what is going on here???
alice is actually pretty nice
he's a straight up psycho though
homestuck is the gayest thing ive ever experienced
Why ew?
Yeah, but it'll probably take a lot of work to take down any modern server using it.
whos jack
don't worry sci the alice scene is dying so they have to come here
it is a natural progression
Sabs, want a chippie?
Guess the patriotic nigras are done too? Are the SL trolls still around?
I don't think Jack's gonna respond.
Have a (you).
i mean it took me like 20 minutes to get a reply from dag
on a weekend
Those are crisps mate
cybering is retarded
it kills your brain cells
i probably read that some place i dont remember so it must be true
Good morning everyone
this is jack
he is super gay and mean but also super kawaii
Do they still come here and by that i mean not under anonymous posting.
There must exist something more gay.
Can you blame me?
Hello Shiro.
yeah, actually. pretty sure a youtuber that fucks with sl cucks
not at all
even gay porn isnt as gay as homestuck
most of them user
I looove doing it though
Hail lord Satan
yeah and thats retarded fuck u
otherwise whats up?
a l u m i n u m
How's it going?
What a cunt
How did somebody who was around when pedobear was still funny ended up here?
nothing, just cleaning up the cum
fuck i should have never started this album
so good though
yeah yeah w/e dude
you should read homestuck
Come on, this isn't even gay.
I see, how were they psycho?
You should be used to it by now. I love this stuff.
Going pretty well, what about you?
I didn't expect a reply. I just thought I'd make a terrible joke. I haven't met my quota this week. Thanks though!
What kinda chippie?
As a Canadian.
It really doesn't matter, don't get your knickers in a twist.
[. . .]
like i said
I-I'm not wearing any x~x
i've been pretty close friends with a poster from this community for like 4 years now. never posted much until now. got way too much time on my hands.
Technically its neither confirmed nor denied that Bro is gay. Andrew said himself.
Just waking up actually
Kinda still tired
they'll say I'm a faggot
but Rin gives top tier attention
sabrina would be my favourite poster if she didn't think it was her fucking duty to save helpless posters like luka and amy
total smh
You love booty? What about tits?
Baked or fried?
lol it's a real board
yo FUCK what hussie says my man
hes just feeding the autists
She hasn't saved me...
You're my favorite poster.
he had a mustache
nobody took caps?
yes read it
you will read it right?
yeah it's the homestuck board here
Seems familiar
And nothing going on any on the chans worth paying attention to
Heard habbo raids are popular these days again tho
Yeh, but don't tell nobody.
I know how that feels, you just need some time and some coffee probably.
Love em even more.
I don't know about that.
donno i didn't boo had his fucking cool af dog
I don't like reading...I like cybering
Sabs why aren't you here cuddling with me?
and neither do i!!!!!!
What about vagina?
You sleep on your sofa every night?
i really do love you
just don't get why you waste time with people who are obvious just using you for replies and would probably do better not being alive
skinny nigga
barfk barfk, etc
bc i already got the joke
i feel like you could really get into homestuck
Nah no coffee yet
I might go work out once my bran turns on
I'm not joking, I really like cybering
eh. newfags ruined it, as they ruin everything.
yeah i know now quit fuckin with me
I wouldn't say the vagina looks pretty, its just folds of flapping skin.
Fair enough.
lol yeah
i like pits
you're lewd
isn't she a little young for your taste?
bigger doggos are generally more chill
What did you expect?
Any plans for today?
nothx not buying
listen to coil
dead prez was pretty on point but i feel like i may be on a list by listening to them
At least they kept the traditional nigro character
that's racist
Now you wanna cuddle? This is why I sneak out after you fall asleep.
I guess I could try being mean to people for week. See how that goes. Change it up some, you know? Like when a sitcom introduces a cute new kid to boost ratings. Only this kid's like that little bastard in Problem Child.
Yes, i should be packing for a summer course i'll be going to do the next two weeks instead of just sitting here.
you being mean for a week would be great
i don't think you could handle the replies though
prove me wrong
When do you have to leave for it?
I expected an honest and modest person... not a pervert... we can't be friends anymore
A coil?
I should give you my tripcode and let you post for me.
i met a chill af 3 legged chihuahua
probably my favourite dog
Atleast i'm honest about being a pervert.
the band coil
check em out
one whole Chihuahua
eh that's hella effort. i only ever use my public one
but sure
what is your trip
just like really chill
Naww at my friends house
We all got drunk and crashed here
143 lbs master race
I want to marry you tbh
Sabs is almost 52 tbh
I don't like perverts though, we can't be friends anymore
They sound silly
lol no
Still plenty of time to do it
Well there's your problem.
Y'gotta get a proper pair of knickers on, there, mate.
Which is better?
You're going to ruin your friend's sofa lol
soto is pretty based how he got a trap bj while on like acid coke and molly
how did you even get it up
He didn't because he's lying about the whole thing
It's just a silly name for a baaand
I thought you already knew this.
Also isn't cybering just as perverted?
Yeah probably, but i'm really good at procrasting.
when i'm high that is the last thing i am thinking about
but again mexicans are bred to breed like rabbits
no actually that is you
Pump yo brakes, homie. I'm still just thinkin' about it.
Baked because I almost typed bakas and that's fun.
uh no
"archgoat" is a silly name for a band
"coil" is a fucking badass band name
It's not allowed anymore
The thing is only 2 weeks long tho?
What all are you going to do out there?
Cybering is innocent
Stop mistaking me for your worthless mother
you old, girl.
Lots and lots of physical activities.
That depends on what kind.
Sabrina is old as fuck. Jeez. Talk about used parts.
You don't understand music like I do
Oh never mind, it was too hardcore for you anyway
just like give me a two day warning when you're going full mean
jesus bc you are a nice motherfucker
A girl never tells
I'm the nicest person I know
gotta respect niggas resorting to yo mamma
yeah youre right
ignorance is bliss as they say
but i'll never have access to thtt again
you should enjoy it
my mom tho what the h
That sounds pretty fun :3c
Even if you said no I wouldn't stop
Are you sure about that?
It was last time i was there. Hopefully i won't get sick like i did last time so i had to leave a week before.
shiro do you actually believe bc is an underage girl?
cause if you do that is illegal how many dick pics you send to him
was kinda giving you the benefit of a doubt that you were just being ironic
afrternoon, scanner
lol i forgot that dead prez is fucking vegan
When I was a girl, this whoooooole board was Ol' Man Laughlin's cabbage farm.
I need to grow a menacing beard like Evil Spock first.
I've been dead the whole time.
'cause they're fried... I hope you don't mind...
he has even claimed to have proof lmao
fucking shitfox cammed last night
he had an impressive beard
he's full of shit
they should both be banned tbh
It better be worth it.
Yeah getting sick is never any fun
Do you want some dick pics too TP
Hi hi Scanner
you say that about everyone
How be you? Going to make noodles and need something to watch.
even if everyone knows that bc is not underage
when he claims to be and fucking cybers shiro in thread
that should count as CP bullshit
i would ban that
I just wanted to distract you, and keep you from leaving.
See ya.
Hey Shiro.
Checking my microphone, last night was a blur. @_@
up for mobas
♪What's this life fooor?♫
But I guess I can overlook it for you.
Damn. I push really hard, but I can't seem to sprout one. Think he'd give me some pointers?
u should "watch" homestuck
Is it any good? Never really read it.
How are you doing today?
New microphone or did you mess up yours last night?
Nah think I might grab some food right now
what about your under beard erin
I made them with a lot of care, and attention.
So they should be really really good.
Alright, I suppose, but it's still early to tell.
FF is being a butt.
Anyone else getting server errors?
Also alchemist pls
Necrophilia has always been my most secret fetish.
OR Could it be that Sabrina is actually an A.I.?
damn i didn't mean to summon the fake erin
WELP, now I know what to do after watching Louis CK
Was paranoid about my voice levels, fixed it now.
yeah it's good i guess
but actually watch it's such a beautiful day
Top kek
Chrome posting is subhuman
go back to sleep
Hmmm about the same actually
Half tempted to just crawl back into bed
I'm thinking about getting a yeti mind
Current one is so old and low quality
everyone who's watched to catch a predator knows you can't do that to people who claim to be underage even if they aren't
Mere peach fuzz.
Homemade? This changes everything!
Don't make me come over there.
Ahhh, I think I'll stick with Loius CK for now, then play hacknet.
*pets the user*
ew wtf
you actually can pen people for trying to fuck underage people regardless of whether the person they were trying to fuck was actually underage
It's too late for that, for me.
I think.
I told you!
They're love chippies!
Searched it up, they look amazing.
Lmfao, What a catch, donnie
So, what OS do you run?
also hey hey, apologies for the rumbum'ness the other night
tust is this thing on
gee whiz i sure hope nobody gets van'd
it's called tsundere ya newfag
not your underarms
your hipster vagina
FINALLY. FF posting is suoerior
Nope. Cuddling makes sleep always possible
Need to save money tho
I can't handle tsun so well,
I'm dumb like that.
Dumb n' boisterious.
well then it's a good thing i was lying
Not for me.
just saying shiro
the amount of in thread trying to fuck bc could actually cost you jail time
i mean we all know he is not a girl or 17
but you sure seem to want to end up in jail
What game are you currently hooked on?
Isn't it a little early to be this drunk TP? :/
shots fired
continuation of last night
my point is valid
he could be arrested today if someone made a call
No he couldn't
You're the only one going on about it
Stop making shit up you crazed old man
u gotta ask
is possible underage e-puss really worth it to them?
Damn still haven't gone to sleep?
Nah that's how things work
Also I'm only 14 please stop hitting of me
Or I'm going to backtrace you and call the cops
scoots are you still salty about that the only ponies who post here are the ponies no one likes comment?
i think you're rad. you grew on me
that damage control
Salty, greasy love.
Windows 95. And I'm going to log into Steam and find dick picks again, aren't I?
Ever see Rasputin's beard?
How is saying "SHots fired" being salty
you have been aggressive js
How could you lie to me, especially over the internet? ;w;
Shotas fired.
Well. Lets not get into this in thread... My pecker pic(s) need'nt become common knowledge, heh...
You are old, hot damn... The Milf of the operating world
If you had that kinda supply you wouldn't wanna lose it either
Can't you handle it? I thought you were a grew'd up boy.
No it was an attempt to show you how stupid you are being. Too drunk to realize it tho
posts fired
I'm not a nigger.
Your taste in music is bad :/
The world won't care when she dies
Stop what?
Yeah, why?
It's funny because I cybered almost everyone in >>>/lewd/ when I was pretending to be a 14-year-old
I cybered Boo twice and now he hates me lol
Shiro is fine, he lives in the land of Freedom.
Some guy in Scotland got arrested for 5 years for training a pug to get excited over the words 'Gas the Jews'
i have not
well recently
I come here to meme and be lecherous to Sabrina.
I guess, hypothetically I could understand.
jesus fine
I come with a video file of Weezer's new music video for Buddy Holly.
I can't run Quake, but I can run Doom.
rewatch the wemb and figure it out yourself~
Psh, nothing personnel kid.
Doom > Quake in every universe.
shiro should be arrested
not only for the pedophilia but also so i don't have to look at fucking tildas
don't get me wrong i like shiro
just being legal
Yeah... Rain and Magi are the only ones who didn't cyber with me...
you have to have magical powers to do it
whatever kid
maybe you'll understand someday
Been playing Mabi with Onii-sama.
All for you.
you cut me deep and i was like too tired to adequately blast back
I am top bully and meaner of the pony thread
Here you go buddy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Did you say you don't like looking at tildes.
Well, there is always time.
Get them drunk and dom them good.
Did we ever cyber?
I forget. @_@
Well, I gave up my wizardry long ago, and I want it back.
Vagoo is over-rated.
What class are you or what does your character do? I know nothing about the game
jesus calm down
no one will ban you cause beepop is also a pedo
and loves bc
js you should be banned for your obnoxious erp with a dude pretending to be an underage girl
My main walks into rooms and monsters die.
Especially when she goes Demi.
The one on the right is my main in Demi.
Wasted, like, five levels taking that picture.
Why not just ban everyone so we can have a somewhat more normal life?
Actually bebop says they are hella anti-pedo.
they hate ui
beepop is hella full of shit
you're onto something
TP baby if you want to erp and get some dick pics from me just let me know
I'll treat you real good~
So it's an aura based class?
Fuck that glow tho
Can't even tell if your character has clothes or is just super pale
how does that equate?
can you stop trying to fuck underage "girls" in thread?
A more simple solution haven't existed.
Because if it actually bothered you, you'd filter me
You just want to talk about my dick and erp. Go to sleep please
There aren't classes per se.
Any character can learn any skill to any (implemented) degree.
Demi is just a particular skill that gives me that white aura and misty glow.
When you use it, it uses the skill's training experience to activate it, which is how I wasted five levels or so doing that.
You get to explode, doing damage to anything around you, your hp, mp, and stamina regeneration all go up, and you resist stun.
It also allows you to use the Demi skills assigned with your support.
In two quest-lines I can change my support, which'll also get rid of that misty glow around her, for some black feathers falling around her.
i don't filter people
i haven't talked or seen your dick once
dude get a grip
i mean maybe we should see this dick that bc raves about so much
Back, having a fucking panic.
I fucking hate visiting my family.
Everything is fucking effort here and I get constant shit.
Drunk TP telling people to get a grip
What a time to be alive folks
get a grip shiro
Yip yip. Hi, btw.
i simply asked you to please stop cybering someone who you claim to be underage in thread
is that hard?
it's nauseating
Let's all cyber said shota and wind up TP~~~
you realize bc totally friend zoned shiro, right?
I think your PC should be able to handle mabinogi heroes/vindictus
Should check it out on steam since it's F2P
Hahaha I never claimed anything. You should stop making stuff up TP
Just breathe
yes but public displays of fake pedophilia are still something i do not care to lurk
good enough for beepop
no dice fore me
hey grim
like shiro will be gone from thread completely in two weeks or something so don't worry brother
Win your match?
I'm gonna go take a shower.
My PC can handle a lot more than Vindictus.
I just don't want to play Vindictus if I don't have to.
Thanks Shiro, probably better advice than what my mum says.
'Shut the fuck up and calm down'
Yeah, and maybe we can just tell schizophrenics that their impossible notions aren't real and stop being schizo.
i forgot to type message
the new gamemmode is so fun
come to ny one day
will do i have friends there
What is that game?
Is it grindy?
Does it have a big map?
Now we'll never know what you wanted to say.
Dislike it that much?
Enjoy your shower
Nope here forever
What's the family gathering for?
Fuck I thought you were doing norms
mfw 1 butt from true greatness
someone invited me to a nexus siege
doing norms now
l i a r
she said butt and is a girl
auto reply
Well, dunno if I can make it for my mum's birthday; so came early.
Fucking hungover too.
Not really.
Kind of, yeah.
It's not worth playing, unless you can find your own fun with it.
It's just a guilty pleasure of mine that someone plays with me.
See you in a bit.
Because when it was still indev way back when, and they were first teasing it way back when.
It was more of an improved Mabinogi.
It isn't what I wanted, and games like it are dime a dozen, so it isn't very hard to find something better.
I will.
erin should fucking tune up skynet to just like reply to bloggers
How goes your weekend madam?
Ah fair enough
What exactly do you do in it?
Hmmm probably not forever because I will die someday
Who are you tho?
Oh god a hangover too? Not jealous of you at all
Feel better tho buddy
I ended up getting to content where I needed a guild to raid with in order to get further and quit
i don't get this self hating racism
take turns attacking and defending the nexus, basically
your summs are replaced with siege weapons that do all sorts of cool shit
like firin mega lasers to making mini baron minions
i dunno man
It was part of his plan all along.
you're not talking about he real world right?
It doesn't feel like a weekend because I took Wed-Fri off of my full-time job, and now I'm at my part-time. Feels all weird and stuff, Scoot.
Also, I learned first-hand how to get back into an overturned Kayak Thursday. Managed not to die. Allllriiiight.
How are you?
it's ok
sabrina kinda got me riled and i couldn't calm myself
new one for you.
Yeah, I'm also giving in to my base urges and buying Zero Escape.
Sorry. I'll say "posterior" from now on.
YEEZY is so fresh, they should call em FABREEZY
Crashing this coup!!!
Wait, did you have a near death experience :/ yikes that shit is harsh man! And having time off is nice... I had yesterday/today off and I have monday coming off. So I am pretty pelased about that.
OVERALL I am feeling pretty alright. A little anxious about work. We are all me and my staff team are at breaking point over some things I am not at liberty to share. Which is making the prospect of tomorrow's shift a little "urgh"
I started on a new audiobook today though, Psychology. So should be neat. The first few chapters sounds like something I already know from when I did my teaching/teacher training. We had to learn some basic psychology.
BUT I have scampis for noms so thats aite.
You haven't been ill have you?
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music is boring anyway
Yeah he was pretty bad...
I can't lead you on anymore
Nope :/
I'm protected
is pretty