The Absolute State of Holla Forums

There was just a thread here about how shitty Holla Forums is but can we talk about Holla Forums too?

II'm not sure how this is different from people with SJW mentality. Is Holla Forums truly our only hope? Also what are some movies on this subject?



I think you are lost, the leather club is two blocks down.

What's up with all those deleted posts?

Only certain subreddits are what give the site a bad rep. There are things I can talk about on Reddit that I wouldn't be able about as extensively on an imageboard, like gardening or cars for example. While I may detest the rest of the site, some people on there are genuinely helpful.

It's not worth talking about how shit Holla Forums is tbh. Everyone knows that Holla Forums is complete trash and one of the worst boards both here and on cuckchan.

*to talk about

the state of Holla Forums with threads like these
