Why are there no games where you play as these smart-ass fuckers?
Why are there no games where you play as these smart-ass fuckers?
Play Cold Steel, OP.
Why are crows so fuckin' rad?
Crows are the niggers of the sky
The BO of /tg/ goes by crow. Does that make /tg/ the niggers of Holla Forums? Because that would explain a lot of things really.
The only good crow
Also trips
Dang it
rerolling doesn't count anyway
They're both Corvus, and that's what matters.
I want to play as this fuger.
I like birdpeople races without wings, or the wings build into their arms and non-functional. I don't like it when all birdpeople have to be called Tengu, though.
I still remember some greentext story of some user winning the trust of some flock of crows and pitting them into a war against other crows he'd taught to hate him.
I don't like lizardpeople races with wings either, user. I don't like if they're called Tengu as well.
The Arakoa were cool.
Didn't Blizzard make them into some sort of bird jews in Warlords? I mean, they were always kind of greedy and a "neutral at best, hostile at worst" sort, but I heard something that they went full "let the chosen people fleece the goyim" in handling them since TBC.
Come on. They weren't depicted as greedy either.
It's amazing what a simple google search will find.
To be perfectly honest I got this game off a pirated games site so I knew of it beforehand I just haven't played it yet so I dunno if it's any good but not for nothin if you maybe like what you see then maybe you too can go get it as well no pressure or nothin you asked for games about crows and I gave you one so hopefully this scratches your blackbird gaming itch but if it's not your style that's ok, it doesn't look all that great to be perfectly honest but then again screenshots aren't everything maybe the game's actually really good but I dunno cause I never played it cause I was too busy playing real games like Infinite Warfare and Revolution 60 but maybe you'll play the game, come back and tell us real gamers how the fuck your crow gaming experience went again no pressure just if you wanna play a game as a crow
It's admittedly been a while since I remotely touched WoW (stopped playing in early Cataclysm) so I may not be remembering them right. And I'm not denying they weren't cool back in TBC either. I just seem to remember seeing some greentext an user that had played WoD wrote about how the AU Arakkoa seemed to be looking to usurp the goblins as WoW's kike-analogue race. Might dig around and see if I can find it, if I even saved it anyhow.
There's a game where you can play a three legged crow. Does that count? Hope you can into moonrunes
And this nigger has the gall to pretend being a bird lover.
Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow."
Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that.
As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.
If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens.
So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too.
Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't.
It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?
To be fair the older version of tengu were bird like as compared to the newer version which are yamabushi like.
Of course the oldest version of tengu was wolf like.
fuck off back to reddit
It was inevitable. Would you a pump-a-rum?
You guys said it yourself many times as have others:
'I only want to play as humans/humanoids because I relate to them :)"
You asked for it, you get it.
Jackdaw is also a member of the same genus (corvus) as well. Family is pretty broad but Genus is usually the umbrella we group things by. Otherwise we would have to go by individual species which isn't all that useful.
Don't bother replying. That guy is a massive faggot posting literal reddit copypasta.
Nice trips
honest question;
how do you tell the difference between a raven and a crow?
birds are gross
this thread is for the birds
smartest bird
You mean food?
You don't ever get to meet her in game, do you?
haven't played ds3 yet
no, it's just some drawfag's /monster/ version of the crows.
A raven is just a crow that is a bit bigger so plebs thought necessary to have a different term. Biologically speaking they're the same.
so are whites and blacks
Crows and ravens are fine.
Now seagulls. Those are the niggers of the sea.
Is that why i as a white person cannot receive bone marrow from a nignog and vice versa?
Because we are the same and race is a social construct?
no I was pointing out what you're getting at but for ravens and crows
Like all the crow trader NPCs, she never actually shows up.
The one in Demon's Souls does have an unused model though; it turns out she's not actually a crow to begin with
1. Ravens have more "fur" on there top beak
2. Ravens have a shinier black i believve.
3. There much bigger
4. They mind there own business and watch you before they come out.
5. They don't form packs like crows,
6. They mate for life and live for like 30 years.
Both crows and ravens are really smart, you can argue that ravens are smarter, but really there the same. Ravens live longer tho, crows live like 10 years max.
That's not kawaii at all.
Yeah, fuck seagulls.
That one probably picked a fight with the tentaclebro. Skyspic got what he deserved.
I'm talking about genus, not species, and even less race.
There isn't?
theres a lot of smart anons on here, user.
Next time dont be such a bitch
He's referring to
sentences out. You'd know that if you were a regular here.
ive been here since the exodus.
and ive autistically saved great threads that have been here since the beginning
It's copypasta from reddit.
You're like a 10 year gold medal champion of the Special Olympics. King of the retards.
believe it or not, Holla Forums used to not be a cesspool of nothing but porn and trap threads.
We did actual raids on there and had legitimate discussions. Back in the days of cyclical daily pedo and pony threads. Then >>>/hebe/ got nuked and the pedos completely took over.
Holla Forums changed board owners multiple times and became shit as a result. The current Holla Forums is a shell of its former glorious self
The porn and trap spam that is modern Holla Forums goes back long before Holla Forums, newfag
Post a mega link, i need a laugh
ill upload the original thread when that user on Holla Forums robbed that bank and made it in the news. if you ask me, this was during the pinnacle of Holla Forums's legacy
also I've always "archived" like this so you'll have to download the google chrome files and you'll have to have google chrome to see it
fuck meant for
here it is user. grab it while its hot, cuss mega says this shits gonna dissappear after a while
Would you a crow ear?
Do you prefer when they're called arakkoa? :^)
Lizards are fine too.
That's what I expected from this thread and you delivered.
Crows and ravens are cool, now pigeons are fucking useless. My cat caught one and he didn't even put up a fight. Just laid there flopping his wings and getting mauled to death.
Would you a crow?
Why do they say pump a rump? Surely the developers know what Rumpy Pumpy is.
You're god damn right I would.
of course, they are best birds
not with that attitude…
i thought all ravens had arab beards too
do you take recoloured papis?
I didn't want to muddle the thread, but I will a Papi. Papi a best.
Who is the artist of 1-4 and where can I find more
Almost 90 replies is way too late to see this.
Real crows only. Humaniggers get out.
HNNNGG that last one
Now this could have been good but no, you had to go and make it gay. Gayniggers get out.
That's pretty gay user.
Doesn't appear to be a proper link, just takes me to my folder.
I was honestly looking for that and was about to post it myself. This is a playable crow character you fucking secondaries.
that's only the first part of the link, we need the full length link please!
Newfag reddiot flaming faggot extraordinaire.
I'd like to think this is why WoW failed, but it has other reasons too.
Crows and Ravens are cool, but the true aryan member of the Corvidae family is the Magpie. Highest intelligence of the lot and self-aware to boot.
In other words, get the fuck out of here ravenfags, magpies are superior.
Ok so, I've been wondering. Is it crows or ravens that are associated with death? People seem to mix them up a lot.
I'm working on a game and wanted to use them as a leitmotif, but I'm not sure which is the 'correct' one. I want to make sure I get it right.
Mega link is broken
Will you fix the Mega link?
I was expecting some other kind of birds.
Tell us more about your game, user.
It's a western, that's all I can say so far. I don't have much to show for it.
blease answer my question
Just means the basis is japanese folklore for the birds.
Ravens are the neckbeards of the niggerbirds.
Have a picture of my birb, Edgar Allan Crow
is the bird alive?
Ravens are top tier.
Those aren't best birds.
Imagine a future in which humans die out and birds evolve to be the dominant species on earth, creating their own civilization.
Chrow actually. But everyone knows the true niggers of Holla Forums are Holla Forums
Aw shit, a bird thread.
Crows #1!
It sure would.
So disappointing to learn that a group isn't actually called a "murder."
What?! Explain your heresy.
I can't help but imagine a Crow sitting in some tree near Olympus just screaming "CUCK!" whenever Apollo rolled by.
Admittedly it might as well be at this point. The vernacular threatens to overtake reality, but it's just a "flock," or a "parliament" if you want to be PC about it.
Well.. A Parliament of Crows does conjure mental images of crows wearing tiny powdered wigs, so I can live with that.
Then what image did Murder conjure up?
Hitchcock, I guess?
Leave my loneliness unbroken!—quit the bust above my door!
Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!”
Quoth the Raven “CUCK.”
The log scene from Event Horizon
But with Crows.
Ravens are literally just ugly crows dude.
Fucking casuals ruined tengu.
in a heart beat
Crows are related to death, cause they will eat anything.
Ravens symbolize good luck in greek mythology, probably from the case that ravens usualy mine there own shit, so when comes up too you, some shits going to go down.
This. It was borderline /cow/ material, the fag had a bunch of dummy accounts to upbutt himself as some sort of resident birdfag
Oh I remember that story, it pretty much shows how shit the reddit system is.
Exactly, namefaggotry is one of the greatest sins of the internet.
They're just taking back what was there's millions of years ago user.
Apollo certainly got pretty pathetic with girls but I'm pretty sure that's because he's secretely the greek god of autism.
Why didn't someone just toss the fucking kid into the water
>having friends that play starbound and use
I will never not be mad
sage for offtopic
They're one of the only animals capable of displacement, so that's pretty smart.
I should stop being a lazy and touch up the raws…
I like your style, user-kun.
>real crows/ravens spoonfeed me on difference between ravens and crows
>posts furry (inb4 stupid "it's not furry it's feathers" argument) art.
Too bad it's all gayfaggot stuff.
what a stupid bird
/furry/ was a mistake.
/furry/ is dead user
Also /furry/ was an older board than Holla Forums :^)
Raven is a bigger crow.
I know it's dead, and God bless for that.
Also I'm not able to verfify how old the board is as the index page only lists board dates for the first 50 boards.
order in the CAW CAW
It isnt dead. It's just called /fur/ now.
dub dubs prove it
It went down from being in the top 10 to the top 50, it sure as fuck bled a lot of users after the spam.
Underrated post.
It's dead Jim
So how do we rank pigeons in all this?
Maybe you would like something less carnivoruis like a elephant bird or moa?
If you sat on a moa's back would it be considered a "ride on moa?"
And speaking of Moa, here's the world's largest (Haast's) eagle that used to prey on them.
Ostrich riding is a thing.
It's just not very common because they're nowhere near as strong as horses are, so they can't carry much.
The fuck's Tengu?
Crows are smaller, is the biggest. They're also more commonly in groups. Also, far better than ravens in every way, much more intelligent, ravens are lazy shits who do nothing
But can you joust on them?.
I feel the need to comment that this is pretty much what Chocobo racing would be.
**also I've heard that you can only ride the females because they are the only ones who allow themselves to be 'mounted'"
I wold let her pump-a-rum my pickle-pee
Tokyo Jungle?
good bey
but you got a race of giant fursuits
two races of giant fursuits
bow down before blizzards might
It's a race of bird monks in jappo mythology. It crops up way to often in fantasy stuff which doesn't mention jappo mythology at all otherwise.
Moa's dead son.
Ask yourself, what is a flock of crows called?
A Night's Watch.
Get the fuck outta here you fucking nigger.
not a real crow
OP you have me genuinely curious. How many actual games have the protagonist as a smart ass? All I can think of are DMC and True crime LA
God Hand? :^)
Alpha protocol.
Any Spiderman game.
A flock. Duh
Crows don't seem all that smart to me. I've never seen them fuck any ass either.
Crows don't have dicks.
they have peckers
Dangerously unchecked quads 🤔🤔🤔
Oh I know, it's called a Prey 2