Post a game you genuinely like to play.
Others post smug anime faces and tell you why your vidya is trash
Post a game you genuinely like to play.
Others post smug anime faces and tell you why your vidya is trash
I'm having a ton of fun playing the original Shadow Warrior. Even better than Duke.
mount and blade with my own shitty mods
Frotting and cuddling
That's why you're suck and your M&B will never be good as vanilla.
literally any mod for m&b is an improvement over vanilla
I did my best
What's that?
y-you forgot your anime face!!
b-but anyway it's when you… y'know… touch t-tips…
I've never experienced that… how does it feel?
Crimsonland and Shantae & the Pirate's Curse.
Vanilla Minecraft public multiplayer
harder, sure, but better? nah
you're sending me a lot of mixed signals, user
I hope you at least make money off of making videos about it
Well… I tend to view these sorts of things in terms of intimacy - in terms of their representing a bond between you and someone special… as something special for someone special… viewing these sorts of things in terms of the raw mechanical actions invoked for them tends to have me become disinterested in them very quickly, but… shar
Goddamn, you are truly cute. I agree though. Can we become friends or something?
Jesus, I don't have any smug anime faces to properly comment on this faggotry. You are the cancer of the world.
World of Warships
I know, just fuck my shit up
Goddamnit people we're not even 20 posts in
where did she hurt you user?
i cant enjoy any game and if i play one it's just to kill time, i'm actually waiting for the day I die because i am eternally bored by everything that ever happens, I'm bored with life, what's fun about working 8 hours a day, coming back home and doing nothing
sage because fuck you
This is the point in life where you do normalfag shit and abuse their naivete. Go out, get some brewskis in you, tell the tallest of tales (all bullshit of course) and get in a fight/sack.
The world is your oyster and whatnot.
It's the good shit.
Not the "Modern Earthbound for mature gamers like me RPG" indie shit.
Spyro 2
These. Give me all you got you nigga.
This fucking game right here.
Uncharted 4 - most hated game on Holla Forums
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy
Quick sessions while watching youtube on a second monitor. Been a while since I found a larger game that's interesting.
I thought it was any game made by EA.
Only the nostalgiafags who started with it and never played M1 think it's 'great' and not just good (and the start of CA's long decline). The only thing it has going for it is the music.
It's just as bad as 3 but it has Obsidian and Avellone's name on it so the circlejerk praises it is incline.
It's piss easy compared to Crash 1, it indicates the beginning of the 'platformers for simpletons' era from which platforming as a genre never recovered.
Meme game.
yeah yeah I know. I still like it.
MoW Assault Squad 2
7,62 hard life
You're probably a poorfag too since you can't afford the latest of DLC wonderlands such as Fallout 4 or the newest edition of Skyrim!
I try to replay it every year.
Insurgency. Only game that I've stuck with and go back to when I drop other vidya.
posting my own smug just because.
Binding of Isaac Antibirth.
My heart.
This will be a hard one.
The most linear stealth game ever made, really it's not even a stealth game it's a puzzle game.
MoM > MoO > MoO2
do you actually enjoy that or are you trying to pass time 'til you die?
oh wow we're really missing out on such classics as "Dragon Tooty - Point and Shooty" and "Chao? Ciao!"
Marathon, baby
Wasn't Lightning forced as a protagonist in that one
Farming Simulator
How does Infinity compare to the first one? I hated the floaty controls and how the weapons don't feel nice to use.
pls respond
pretty much the same across the board. infinity is just more of durandal, which is the same as the first with a few new sprites.
If you've only played the first game, you should probably play the second game first in order to make some sense of the story and get used to some gameplay changes which are also present in Infinity
The second game does improve the gameplay and level design of the first by a large margin, and Infinity remains largely the same in that aspect aside from the addition of a SMG that can fire underwater. Infinity also features a bizarre-as-hell story which doesn't hold your hand at all, so opinions might vary on it, but I do like it.
Neat. I'll try the rest out.
God bless you user.
That's right.
This question hits a little close to home.
these two
You and I both know you're secretly not enjoying it that much.
It's pretty good. Haven't gotten this involved in a game in a while.
I help but think about that game whenever I'm fighting one of the Horsemen in BoI.
The only game in the series with no post game
Well if you like Darksiders and If your unaware you can do this with the Crossblade to make things more CUHRAYZEE.
I want to play a strategy game where all of your units are custom-made, like golems, robots, or puppets.
Wasn't Impossible Creatures kind of like that? Ask in the RTS thread, I think they'd mentioned something like that a couple of months ago.
Undertale, overwatch, wow, gone home, battlefield one, sfv, and life is strange.
Low effort. Here, this is the best I can do for you.
I'd honestly be surprised if anyone can point more flaws about this game than I already have.
Thank you user I will cherish it forever.
Yep, thanks (((localizers)))
Finished it last week. Need to pick up the DLC and go through NG+ now.
OP's dubs thread.
I was going to point out all the ways BB shit the bed in terms of content and replayability, but I've already forgotten most of the damn thing, including the names of the insight and blood echoes items that are like 80% of all available loot.
But yeah, do get the DLC, it's bloodborne if it was properly finished.
Metal Slug X
Going out on a limb here, but does the NEO GEO have the best good to bad game ratio of any console?
Is these games being too expensive a negative?
Gee, what a fucking waste of time this was.
T-try me, f-faggots.
Balloon fight was better
This with all 4 games and firestorm over kaurava
Come at me negros
I like Viewtiful Joe. I get to go fast and punch things and look cool.
Her new sprite only appears when using items, so you only see her bandanna and jacket for a few frames. Fucking weak.
Meaningless buzzword. To this day I have never heard an explanation that went beyond "I can talk to my cool internet friends on discord about waifus!"
That's actually a good game, enjoy it!
As for me i'm playing [Your favorite game]
Everything clicks, gameplay either doesn't require much brainpower or works just right with your flavor of autism, visuals are pleasant, soundtrack may or may not be low tempo.
Nostalgia helps a lot.
Patrician taste, user!
So it's a simple, low effort game where the entertainment comes not from the gameplay itself but the presentation?
Söldner: Secret Wars
The Elder Scrolls Chapter II: Daggerfall
Contra: Hard Corps
NanaOn-Sha PS1/PS2 games
Goyim's Mod
bite and fite me
no, stop trying to push your own definition
Euro truck simulator 2 is a comfy game
Torchlight is a comfy game
Diablo 2 is a comfy game
Doom is a comfy game
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse is a comfy game
Super Metroid is a comfy game
Harvest Moon is a comfy game
Animal Crossing is a comfy game
Do you really need the word "comfortable" explained to you ?
So basically everything is comfy
Wow this somehow broke my unexisting expectations for this thread
Yes, because it has no application to non-physical objects i.e. software.
This. It's meaningless.
Pokemon Trading Card Game for gameboy color
Christ you two are autistic
ok I don't know what is "meme game". I'm inclined to think you just call any popular game that. You contrarian.
I'm sorry you don't know how to describe video games.
Why would you even think that ? Comfortable isn't tied to the physical properties of an object. It doesn't mean soft. It's anything that provides relaxation. It can't possibly be a buzzword when it is meant in the literal sense of the word. Next shit you'll say is that fast is a buzzword when applied to games.
Consider comfy games to be the opposite of thrilling games but still enjoyable.
That said, did give some ill-fitting examples.
I'm genuinely enjoying Raven's Cry right now.
did some1 say comfey?
Steel Empire is one of my favorite game and there's nothing anyone can do about it.
rainbow six siege because i'm a fool to put uplay on my computer
I too enjoy seeing a total of twelve faceless dudes duking it out in tetris graphics on a desolate wasteland in a game designed to shill for a board game, user
those animals do like to put their watermark on everything
try these on for size, cunts.
Have you considered using words with real meanings?
If we are to accept the "comfortable" has a meaning beyond what one may say of a well made couch than it needs a concrete definition.
"Fast" is not a buzzword because speed is easy to demonstrate and any moron can understand it. "Comfortable" however (when applied to a video game) has always been abstract at best and as demonstrated basically means whatever you think it does.
shitposting aside, havent played 6 yet how much did the localizers fucked up this time?
It's because you can't.
Probably because nobody cares enough to have played it.
user you aren't doing it right, you need a smug anime girl. Here take one of mine.
That's not smug enough.
It's a shit game
Here. I made a significantly smugger image.
Does Alice or Tamagoro draw the best sluts?
Sorry, but you're just straight up imagining a definition. Look up a dictionary, comfortable is not tied in any way to a physical element. Its literally just anything that brings comfort.
thats the purest of all animal-not pokemon type of type
Mercenaries Saga 2 & 3
they're very budget TRPGs on the 3DS and can get a bit tedious in and out of battle but they're very solid games and I've been enjoying them more than any recent release in the past year
Try me, bitch.
you're not even trying
This thread is the epitome of what is wrong with Holla Forums.
They cut out an entire segment featuring Django because Solar Boy Django. The worst part is they took that decision late on development since the Django PA is still in the code
Just fuck my ears up
*Because Solar Boy Django 3 never got outside of Japan
Are you too dumb or autistic to realize that that's the joke?
gee what are you 9?
Pic related for you.
You know what, I can't refute that, and considering the board's quality has been nosediving hard just today, you changed my mind.
I'm glad that we could understand each other.
Not reasons
I replay Secret of Evermore & Morrowind every few years.
I've got nothing to say. I love that game.
Ultrabeasts aren't considered Pokémon, they're Ultrabeasts.
Dragon's Dogma
Fallout: New Vegas
Divine Divinity
Dragon Quest VII
Final Fantasy XIV. I like the ps1 tier boss fights and the boss fight music is pretty dank and varied
Faggot here, the tranny I frot with has a rather small cockhead. I have enough extra foreskin to envelope her tip and rub it around mine while she oozes copious amounts of precum. It's like tracing around your cock with a very soft, wet fingertip.
That and all this gay junk.
Isn't that what we're all doing, user?
I even liked the fishing and farming bits.
I actually like Daiblo 3 because I am a casual who never has much time and so I play it sparsely.
I will accept your bullies with dignity!
My nigga
Dwarf Fortress.
only just got it but it's great so far.
Stage: Incurable
>actually good and best soundtrack ever
what a faggot
And this is different from any other thread how?
All I see is a blatant attempt to try to add smugs to your folder.
STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl with complete 2009 mod
World of Wacraft retail - only the first few months after each expansion
Shadow of the Colossus
Civilization V
Pokemon Red/Blue and X/Y
Dwarf Fortress
Gran Turismo 3/5/6
Disgaea 5
If you let my image choice trigger you, I will completely ignore your reply because you haven't been on the internet for more than a few years so your opinion is absolutely irrelevant.
I Might go back to playing team battles, or just playing classic mode for a while.
Fucking hell.
Gen 6 was absolute shit.
How about you get your own taste.
Binding of Isaac is one of the worst games that is a complete indie rehash of 50 games before it for people who don't know shit about games.
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Crash Bash
Super Mario 64
Final Fantasy Tactics
Burnout 3: Takedown
F-Zero GX
Custom Robo
Do your fucking worst.
Kinda boring, don't you think?
Try playing some games that haven't been featured on the Gamefaqs front page.
I have no regrets
I started playing this a few days ago, sorry about being late to the party guys. Gathering materials and slaughtering fictional animals is pretty damn comfy. Can wait to get to the bigger monsters later on!
Dragon ball Fusions
Yep this shit is genuinely fun. Though it is lacking in content. Still quite good for an early access game mind you.
Metroid Fusion
Sonic Advance 2
MX VS ATV Unleashed
Blitz: The League
Mario Power Tennis
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Puyo Puyo
Fite me
I'd rather not, I hear autism strength is something best not toyed with
>not exclusively playing picross and puzzle bobble
But I already know why it's trash. ;_;
1) amazing atmosphere
2) interesting world
3) incredible music
4) diverse cast with vastly varied abilities
5) grossly unbalanced in the best way possible
What's the difference between this thread and any other thread?
Fave games are (in no order)
Baldur's Gate (PC)
AssCreed 1
[Prototype] 2
KotOR 1
Castlevania II
Silent Hill 3
Mirror's Edge
Postal 2
Age of Empires II
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4
Half-Life 2
LA Noire
Asura's Wrath
Doom II
Yume Nikki
LSD Dream Emulator
Majora's Mask
Burnout Paradise
Heavy Bullets
Blood Dragon
Remember Me
Sly 3
Ultima 1-3
Armored Core For Answer
Deadly Premonition
K, now shit all over me, Holla Forums. Give me that cleveland steamer you're so famous for, right in my face.
Holla Forums please
Pick one.
Then I accept Holla Forums's approval of my patrician tastes, and will ascend to vidhalla.
oh, is this the shitpost training thread?