White people can't handle spicy food

Ummmm….try again sweety!

where does this meme even fucking come from
buy a random curry from anywhere in england, it'll have like five bottles of paprika in it

White peoples food has a variety of flavors so its doesn't need to be drowned in hot sauce to be edible. Since white people don't eat hot shit with everything they are more delicate to extremely hot food.

Yes the entire point is white peoples food not brown peoples spicy food.


Sounds like bullshit to me, when I visited Europe there was spicy shit offered at almost every restaurant I went to.
I went to France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy, and Spain if that makes any difference.

curry is hugely popular among whites in england

high iq detected

There is a difference between spicy and hot as hell.

Just because its popular in England doesn't make it a white person food

moving the goalposts

what's the difference exactly? 99% of people anywhere don't eat "hot as hell". And depending on your tolerance for heat a jalapeño can be "hot as hell" to you and not spicy at all to someone else. fucking faggot.

fucking guy's an idiot. The hottest hot sauce companies in America like Blaire's mega death and Mad Dog are made by white people. Not to mention the hottest pepper in the world, the Carolina Reaper was grown by whites.
He's just a moron that thinks 'brown people' drown their food in "hot as hell" sauce because it would otherwise have no flavor.