Why is it in everything she is in they make her out to be some sort of 10/10 hyper-sexual succubus

Why is it in everything she is in they make her out to be some sort of 10/10 hyper-sexual succubus.

fucking look at her

She has a lot of forehead

and jaw, and shoulders, and ears…

meant for

obvious tranny

Only seen her in Mad Men. Pretty much was portrayed as an average stronk wymyn that rode the cock carousel and getting a new boyfriend every year. Funny enough, Christina Hendricks' character Joan was the sexualized one but she Peggyended up being the bigger slut and Joan was practically wife material. Too bad her husband was a dick.

Cringe everytime

I unironically find her to be kind of hot, honestly. Feels bad, man.


Is this nigger serious or am I being 4D memed?


What nigger-tier behaviour.

This dumbass Commie mother fucker is actually serious.

i know right?

that deer should be ashamed of acting that way.

Assuming he's not fucking around:

So youve been called out from multiple people huh?

What the fuck man

Fuck her

Does anyone have a webm of that commie faggot getting butthurt at other commies then having a rare moment of self awareness calling all comminusts weak and admitting a single christian militia could wipe out all commies in the US?

Remove the lipstick and this is me.

gotta do something when there's a fucking horse in your car

your pretty congrats

So Matt Damon finally got his sex changed.

personally im gonna keep the penis

i just like being a girl with a cock

and like guys like that too 😎