Spess Station 13: Spicy Station Edition

Spess Station 13: Spicy Station Edition
Running 100% stolen /vg/ code with no alterations yet.

The server is mediumRP and its up NOW


What mediumRP means in this case is that you're strongly encouraged to act within your character and strongly discouraged to act outside of it. That means no powergayman unless you're in a "locked in a room full of plasma with a hunter" situation.

Other than that, IC punishments for IC crimes within reasonable deviation.

Join faggots and get robusted!

Other urls found in this thread:





bump we got a round going

How many are playing?

6-7 currently.

6 and we're hoping the next round will be better It probably will be but

Goddamn it, why do everyone have to play at 00:00?

Serber's back in black, sorry about the shittily long restart times.

Oh boy, this is really happening
Get in here

Who's the moderators?

UncleBenis is a GameMaster
Benblu is a Host

bumpan, lets all relive the good ol' times

Also, is this server going to be "permanent" or is it just a one-time thing?

Dont curse it you nig

Are people going to play tomorrow, too?
Wish people would start a bit earlier though

I'll probably be hosting this on weekends, so expect pain and suffering then.

Join the game you faggots.

No thanks
Got to toolbox an ayy to the ground before I went down so I'm gonna call it a day




Just remember, players dont matter.

I got bored and made this.


I can't seem to connect. Is it still up?

Its dead for the night, wait till tomorrow.

Aight niggers the serber drops at 21 UTC again, get HYPE.

We gonna run /tg/ code today as a test to see what works better.

>Everyone always switches to /tg/code TGcode because its more familiar even though /vg/code is better

It's only a test, if it's too laggy we can always switch back.

TG isn't laggy(though the FPS difference is notable)
Thinking about it It won't be too bad since /tg/ is catching up steam, but whatever.

Okay, /tg/ fucked up massively for the host, so we're going to try Fallout13 next, unless people want to give a resounding NO to that.

NO nigga

/vg/ code

If I wanted to play Fallout I'd rather just play the games
However, I haven't tried this yet and it might be cool
Not sure

Story time!
The most disappointingly easy greentext ever.
So I started bombing everything and loosed the goose.

Pic unrelated

here's your NO

I'm going to join in with a final NEIN

okay, no fallout 13
just /vg/
currently figuring out how to jukebox currently



it's not the old build though if you've actually played on the outer pizza build


That's right. Zaers did return, and many didn't even see that happen. He was the main coder for Hatestation until he took a leave of absence, and when Koriath usurped him as the defacto head coder. Then we got gitgud's administrative mess with a side order of incompetence and a glass of tears for help with everyone.

It'd be cool if we could host Lifeweb, though. That'd be something I'd love to learn.

Good luck getting the code, but i'd enjoy seeing someone actually leak that so we don't have to deal with Randy's retarded donation system.

Server's up

Get in lads

I'm gonna join up and play a while but only to laugh my ass off when you guys find out how hard that simple rule is too enforce.
Ain't even gonna cause trouble, trouble will cause itself I'm sure.

Its not a rule per se.
Lets just say we reserve ourselves some liberty in dealing with someone who would be caught powergayman.
People powergame because they are bored with the normal game, so some added challenge might spice things up.

10 players this early, that's not bad considering

Been tried before, still lead to issues.
Mind you: I'm not against it. I'm all for it.
I'm just give you fair warning that when the Autism Lords start re-appearing, you'll find out it's not that easy to enforce such rules.

I'm going in, stuff's downloaidng.



This is giving me a headache.

a e s t h e t i c s

No for fucks sake

Try turning BYOND hardware acceleration off, I was having that issue and after doing that the lighting system didn't render any overlays at all

How do I do that, friendo?

Open the byond pager, click the gear icon, then go into preferences > games tab and uncheck enable hardware acceleration and then restart dreamseeker.
This might mess with some other graphical stuff, but try it just to see what happens

Yes but only if it involves kidnapping and fuzzy cuffs.
ERP is acceptable if it is high-stakes, that's been more or less the unspoken stance.

Thanks, friendo. it's all fine now


Kidnapping and cuffs, sure
However, if it devolves into full blown rape then the admins should turn the offending party into a farm animal or something

Fuck off >>>/zoo/


You're a square if you think rapist witchhunts aren't fun. People wonder why Lawyers don't get to do anything.
If it gets murder-y and the culprit is a loyal staffmember who isn't caught after awhile there should be consequences, I'd think. Not so much for roleplay.
Naturally, it's different if 'rape everything every round' becomes the norm. It wouldn't be the first time. Pre-emptively killing fun, though…

That also might be the cause of space being rendered as white tiles, so it seems you need to pick from white space or glossy lighting overlays


Seems like enabling edgehog fetishry, may as well throw in vore while you're at it.

d-did i do good

You earned those greens, son.

Also the two guys in the pods, well fucking played, I had a laughing fit all the way to centcomm

New round

oh yeah, forgot to mention

Serb owner. Get a better connection or stop downloading tranny porn. The ping is bad for us high ping players.

Is it true that I can limit FPS with Byond?

it's annoying that I have to reconnect to the server every round

Im getting 30ms from yurop m8

the ping is fine the server isn't though

New round

Seven players.

Fug and i can't play right now due to a chronic lack of MEME games. I'll see if i can join later.

it's down now till next week

Its going to get shutdown in less than 10 minutes since the serb host has to go sleep



i have never heard of anyone hosting ss13 fucking weekly
**jesus fuck no*

We've never tried a once-a-week Holla Forums server before, so i kind of think it's worth experimenting with.
Honestly, I would rather have 3-4 rounds with a population of 15+ once a week than a hundred rounds of 2-5 people every day.

I swear to fuck, the griefing niggers ruin this game.


Personally, I'd rather griefers than shitmins.
Griefers can at least be dealt with by the players.
In this instance, telling sec the guy's a retard and to scan the fucker.
Though, this being /vg/, probably wouldn't work. Unrobust little rookies all over that area.

I'm still alive if you need an altstation whenever, although I don't have /vg/ code right now.

Any sec who goes in and tasers people over unconfirmed accusations is a baddie anyhow.

That is where you tell the officer to scan the fucker with a health analizer on chem mode and ahelp the fucker for siccing the popo on you with false accussations. There is no excuse for the type of behavior that kind of player thrives in, they are only unrobust. Not funny, not clever, not skillful in their grief attempts, just unrobust.

It's kinda sad, this is the type of player most newfags evolve into first when they come in contact with the cancer that is hippie and are the same type of greyshirt abusers who drive the community they leech in to the fucking ground. You know, the type of faggot that makes good admins and good sec quit because they are more vocal (as in screaming on the radio) than reasonable, it's almost impossible to teach these fucks outside of out-griefing and bullying into summission, which is a no-go on most servers because admins are retarded and give them the benefit of doubt "they may just actually be retarded". No, actions like those are pruporsely and entirely deliberate.

Our servers are immune to these type of fucks because they either whine to death after getting robusted, adapt to the enviroment or quit playing.

Though, sometimes I do if it sounds like an immediate emergency. But, if I do, I arrest both belligerents until such a time as I can work it out.
Seriously, this is basic shit: Always interview both parties to find who was the aggressor, and who was the victim. Hell, most the time, you'll find that neither were in the right, and they're wasting your time. In which case, arrest them both for wasting your time.

See, the real trick is to punish them in clever ways. You just ban the guy, they don't learn. You take that fucker, turn him into a barely capable retard, change his gender, dress him in frilly clothes, and leave him out in the halls with the ID "Dickslutt", they might learn, they might not, either way it is funny.

every round they spawn in as a buttbot

Buttbots are best bots

this is my personal list of ideals which I'm going to sprite up whenever

anyone else have anything like this?

I still have my YR-style bioreactor idea lying around

YR-style bioreactor?

You set up a bunch of cryotube style containers around the bio-generator core, and generate energy from biomatter in the tubes.
The lower the health of the subject in the tube the more energy it generates, but if it dies no energy is generated.
The applications aside from generating energy are pretty obvious.

wake me up from this dream

I don't think that's a bad idea

A lot of people liked it when I introduced it first but nobody had the time to code that shit and Im I cant into coding myself.

I could sprite it for you



I will never tell, goyim.

P-please. I'll even check your dubs.

You can give it a go if you want but theres still the problem of coding it.

You have the power to find the source yourself.
stop being a newfag.

always the problem


Thank you user, you are a gentleman.

Shit taste, man.

Randy will never release the code, and the donations fuel his krokodile addiction.
Not even kidding, that's what 100% of the donations go to after servers costs (which are minimal).

Cropped ahegao is impossible to find.

Aren't most servers run on terminals acessible by Telnet? If someone could hack\crack into that one, the files would most likely be there, at least the ones needed to host the game. It's not like the IP is a secret anyway.
I've tried it once with Hydra, but I figure you'd need a better setup that whatever I have to actually bruteforce passwords.

CriBra weeps, bit by bit, into your reality, mortal!

I doubt any competent server admin is using telnet protocol to remotely access their server, as it's pretty insecure

Well, LifeWeb's server has the FTP port open at least, that much I managed to find out. It does need a user and a password, though, but that's something left for black\red hats.

Here's a full page from it. Be careful though, it gets pretty rough…


I prefer hands amputation.

An admin I know used to just give brain damage to that kind of players.
His reasoning was that "well, he's acting retarded so of course he has brain damage".
You'd be amazed at how many things you can't do while brain damaged and how funny you look to ghosts.
He'd rarely go for the prize with the clown mutation too.

Hostfag here, i can host again, providing people want me to.

do it faggot

okay faggot it's up

Slime model swap to lolis is 100% ideal and a good idea.


I would, but after I connect to the server, the music cuts out after a second or two and the game's windows become unresponsive.

You the guy with the out of date client?
because that's why.

u wut?

that'd do it, I suppose.




A model swap from 'ball of slime' to 'loli slime girl' is 100% ideal and a good idea.

you want all slimes to be slime girls?


Please do not do this.
Seriously, that'd be the gayest shit, mate. We've already got slimepeople, if you really want to act like a disgusting queerboy.
Slimes are qt enough as is.

well I still need to sprite up that one slime girl for a pet but whoever coding that shit needs to get back to me about shrinking it


SpaceMan 13 can be sweet sometimes



there's really not though

it's about the same bar clockcult

well, the main reason I like it is because you can set the fps to 45 so everything is smoother and doesn't make me want to throw up.
But there's also a ton of different items like rainbow slime potion, other wizard spells, etc.


Have you even entered the server? /vg/station is at 60 FPS.


Mods starting to enter halfcucks territory of carebear.


Makes me glad I decided to wait a bit before I played.

it's clearly the fucking CM server you shit tard

I've been tricked.
Sage for doublepost.

This is from the colonial marines server you mongoloid.

any news on doom station13?


it's not even a 100% uptime station, you can do better.

I keep wondering, haven't seen doombros in a few threads.

Serber down for night, must sleep


was fun

That was fun despite being /vg/, hope to see more games in the next few days if possible.

Consider hosting zaers' fork next time.

SS13 doomguy tends to not post a whole bunch, but trust me, he's been working on it and he's close to having a test server up relatively soon now with the avenue of Zandronum 3.0.

Are you Doom13 guy?

N-no, i'm t-totally not him, i swear!
But i've known the guy since he made a few posts back in 4/vr/ before the exodus, he's slow as fuck but since he wants to at least recreate some of the more difficult aspects of the game like atmos and chemistry before beta testing, it's been taking him longer than the usual. Nevermind several port changes and updates since then which he's had to adapt and upgrade to.


Will the server live tonight?

you missed it


it was really fun too

You almost had me there for a moment, buddy.

you're right, it was double fun

So since someone suggested using Zaers' build of /tg/station, i'd like some people's opinions on that.
Reply to this post with a simple yes or no, and we may have Zaers' build up for the next hosting.

Connection failed.

Thanks for the game i guess.

It's not up for now, but do answer the poll, i guess.

it seems to have less then nu/tg/ and /vg/ but with /vg/ it's at least "new" enough for some people so that we've got interest for abit

either way it doesn't matter till we can get some coders

reposting incase the mods are shitty

server's up if anyone wants to join.

I am more familiar with /tg/, though I never knew enough detail to know what's Zaers, but sure, why not.
My only regret is the lack of Vox. I like Vox. Space gypsie pirates are cool. Plus, they actually look properly alien, instead of the usual lazy 'just make an animal person', or worse 'just make a person but change the color' lot.

it's not out of laziness it's more the fact that they don't want to have to redo all the wearable objects in game to make them fit their new race

or the whole issue with plasmamens having a station with no atmosphere for them

Zaersbuild is the 8station build we used for a long time.
I'm not sure what state it's currently in, but it is almost definitely better than current /tg/.
In either case, I'm OK with /vg/ for awhile, too.

I can understand that. Still, it irks me. Some of them are okay, though, if you at least do it different enough. But when they're functionally identical to humans, it is dull.

I liked those shadow guys we had, for instance. Basically humanoid, but the light damage provided an interesting mechanic

Plasmamen are worse offenders as their ideal atmosphere is a fucking hazard to the whole station. Vox can at least keep a room full of CO2 and that's it, no massive flames or massive toxic spills.
And Vox have different clothing, Plasmamen fell like playing with a Golem since you always look the same with that suit.

those were kinda stupid "what if we had a playable antag race" T. deviantart

plus you'd get lynched for smashing lights and medical wouldn't know how to fix you up, like plasmamen

you're not wrong there, that and they're slow which means they're useless in combat too

stamina mechanic when?

Shadowling got fixed a bit later though.
Light levels go from 0 to 15 and they were binary. 7 or lower, they heal, 8 or higher and they die.
The code was changed so it was 5 or lower they heal, 10 or higher they die.
This allowed you to use small light sources like PDAs and candles around them. Plus, you don't even have to bash lights, there are switches all over the place to turn them off.
A shadowling bartender is the comfiest thing ever if you ever saw one.

Neat were the adapted Grey's since they had their own hivemind and kept shittalking about every dumb shit humans did on it. It was pretty nice to be out mining and hear from a fellow Grey "There goes the Assistant with a bear trap on his hand. And there goes the Officer" and then laughing with him at what happenes next.

True enough. What it should've done is had tinted hardsuits or some nonsense.
So that only your private areas are dark.

It's unmaintained and will stay that way, but still compiles

I think plasmamen were supposed to be abominations that arise rarely from victims of plasma fires.
Problem is, they require plasma in your lungs at a sufficient level to actually trigger, something that burns from the air really fast, so they never occur as an accident. (The few times I saw someone trying to become one, he had plasma for internals before torching himself in a plasma fire)

Instead, it should have been a proc that runs on dead bodies when they are exposed to fire and plasma, even if traceamounts. It only works for non-husked bodies and only has a chance to trigger so if you're husked by fire, it won't work.
This would make it both rare and also happen by accident, 10 people die in plasma fire, 2-3 rise as Plasmamen.

Secondly, they shouldn't combust with oxygen at all. Instead, they should suck up plasma from the environment into their bloodstream that's composed entirely out of non-renewal liquid plasma (we can have custom blood for species, did you knew?)
So a cut for plasmamen that results in them bleeding is both a plasmaspill for the crew but also very dangerous for him as he can't produce "blood" on his own.

However, when lit on fire, instead he would consume his internal plasma and heat the environment around him, not spread plasma everywhere. Stopping this wouldn't just involve extinguishing him, you'd need to cool him down too.

So what you'd have instead was a crew menber that could dress up normally like everyone else, has immunity to fire and plasma\toxins but bleeding is now a greater weakness for him and he's a potential firehazard for everyone else if he's not carefull.

Optionally, enough plasma in his bloodstream and he actually explodes

I was talking shadowlings, but yeah.
Becoming a plasaman was pretty tough.
Rest of post sounds perfectly fine, though.

Only problem was greys were loved by shitters for the metagaming aspect.

and then they were taken out

I foresee something like that needing lighting to be changed quite abit

the combustion with oxygen aspect is what's making plasmamens not worth it

That doesn't make any sense. You can metagame with Skype, Discord, Teamspeak, Steam, etc. Why would you use a means of communication that doesn't work if you die IC and can be monitored by admins?
Besides, their inability to talk normally (except by headpats) reduced their ability to spam the radio, something shitters can never go without.

I don't think they were taken out, though. Just that their vision was never fixed to be properly night vision and there were problems with putting and removing sunglasses reseting your vision to normal.

I remenber reading the code back then and finding out just how fucking hacky the whole thing was and how it was broken for pretty much anyone but a Wizard using his Orb.

yeah since anyone can make a PR

Also, their combustion with oxygen and the necessity of a suit is sure faggy and terrible (while Vox can do with just a mask and a tank).

But it doesn't help that they never generate at all unless some very specific circunstances happen that pretty much force you to do it on purpose.

Also, I still consider it stupid to call them a race. Much like Zombies and Skeletons, Plasmamen are just humans in another form, but humans to the core.

Lizards are an actual race, they have different biology, come from a different planet and have their own culture.
Shadowlings and Grey's could also be their own culture but there never was much fluff about them.

it's a problem with the DNA code being so fucking limited to monkeys and humans and maybe liggers

lore stuffs, we need someone dedicated to write up lore shit

They liked greys for easily working together, and having a half-baked excuse to not be suspected of metagaming.

Honestly, the main issue with Greys is that they are not exclusive. If the hivemind of 2 or 3 greys can only barely communicate with the rest of the crew, some issues are greatly reduced. As far as 'I'm being murdered at'
there are ways to mitigate the ability to communicate and therefore isolate when people are using internal communication to alert about danger or external, ooc communication.
Admins still have logs of the chat if they care to use them.
The concept of a Grey with no hivemind is fun, too, since you're essentially playing "travelbuddy". You pick a hopeless goy out, befriend him, and use him as a liaison and partner you can communicate with basically anywhere. It's fun and some nice flavor for people used to just doing their department to death and going braindead/blowing things up.


Sorry about spawning nar-sie during a traitor round, i admit it may have been a bit much.
Sorry again.



The server is still up with people on it, by the way.
it should be

yes yes it is

As a quick reference, it's still up if americans are wanting to join.

Serbian is now down for night.

Missed this:
Yes, if only because it's hilarious to see some of the more prudish fags' reactions.
that and secborg assistant rape is my fetish. can't help it. I've actually fapped before to nothing more than a pair of assistants patting my chassis, banging various harmless things against my shell. Not that I seek out this treatment, of course. Honest.

Every server just bans you automatically if you rape someone. Nox was the only server I knew where the admins would do funny things instead of issuing bans for that.



Would you let the HoS(Female) ravage you, a new Assistant to make you a good boy?


I'd like to ask why exactly do people keep posting shit like this. It doesn't prove the admins from that particular server are shitty (although a bit no fun allowed), it only proves the guy doing the swastikas is a sperg.

This whole "tactical defense" or "it's an hindu symbol" is a shitty excuse nobody will believe and you know that very well but still go ahead, just because you can then screencap the whole exchange and go "look at these fags that get triggered over swastikas!"
This is no different than kids breaking shit and blaming it on the cat, or trying to explain to their parents why they draw the living room walls with crayon.

It's childish and done strictly so you can be offended at something. Ever saw someone going down the street licking the walls and spitting at anyone that looks at him with disgust? That's what people like these look like.

Also, on the topic of ERP, the answer is rather simple actually.
It depends on the playerbase and environment.

Just about any game can support ERP, I'd imagine, even Monopoly (especially Monopoly) but only if everyone's okay with it and finds it fun.
It can be a part of the game and even tie in to the gameplay or it might be entirely up to the players and the Me verb.
But it's never gonna be acceptable in a server where the majority simply isn't comfortable with it and it's never gonna be weird on a server where the majority likes it.

So basically, "it's fun with friends", the argument.

it's making a fuss over trivial things, he's not being flippant because he's being an ass, he's being flippant because this kinda thing isn't worth the attention the admin is giving it

it's just doing some stupid shit which is pretty harmless because it's a video game and it's supposed to be fun and ss13 is the kinda video game where you make your own fun

it's not to get people offended, it's people looking to be offended getting off on it and validating having their admin roles tbh

the issue isn't with ERP, it's what ERP brings with it. however that's not much of a issue so long as it's not overwhelming the current population

t. cm admin
pic related is you

I think you're projecting onto the admins what the player is actually thinking.
Why would it be fun to draw swastikas all over the place? Because it riles people up. The player itself is the one to offend someone and getting off on it and then claiming it's completely blown out of proportion when it's just a PM chat with a person.
If the discussion degenerated into OOC, you'd have a point but as it stands, it's a sperg trying to offend the admins or other players, looking for a reaction from them and then complaining when he actually got it.

It's the same mentality as a girl going with a miniskirt and wallet in hand to a ghetto and then complaining that she was raped and robbed.
And in that case, at least there were laws broken so you can at least fault the niggers, but in this case there's no rule that allows players to behave like asshats and forces everyone else to just deal with it.

Whatever happened to judging things on their own merit, handling things on a case-by-case and everything related?
Why is it so prevalent this mentality where you generalize the bad aspects of some players, atribute them to a scapegoat and then cast it out as a solution, instead of handling the players individually, kicking out those that raise problems and letting the other cool dudes to stay?

When did generalizations became aceptable arguments to judge people?

because it's a silly thing to do and it's fun to do silly things and spessmens is a silly game for silly people but there's alot of admins who don't realize this and go off on little things based on emotional reasoning

why are you again applying real life examples to spessmens? it's the fun of griefing without the griefing sure but that's the point though it does not ruin the round for anyone something like that

that's long since gone on this site as autistic faggots prejudge, hold grudges and reinforce their simple views all over here

I'm with you all on this though

When did generalizations became aceptable arguments to judge people?

with anonymity


It's silly but it will upset normalfags. He knew that and still went ahead with it, or he didn't knew but either way he's a sperg.
I'm sure we can agree that you talk and act in an Holla Forums server in a very different way than you'd do in any other server because the playerbase is fundamentally different, just like you don't talk IRL the same way you do on a chan.
Failing to understand this, especially if it's on purpose, is retarded and the mark of the autist.

It's also not very original anymore, swastikas are the new pentagrams

But it's supposed to be the oposite! Since there's no tangible entity behind a post\behaviour\idea, you'd judge it for it solely.
A shitpost is a shitpost regardless of who said it and a player ERPing like a faggot is a faggot, not because he's ERPing but because he genuinely is behaving like a faggot.

The change from internet forums to a chan is not going very smooth, I see.


We still haven't touched the topic of reverse-vore, calm down.



so? getting upset doesn't entitle anyone to anything

you've a point there and I've no real retort to it so you're correct on that

on paper sure but in practice faggots with agendas use it to blur lines and effect perspectives

just look at

he's not addressing your points what so ever and is merely doing his best to make you out as something you're not

found the irl sperg


I like your reddit spacing my friend.
Its also quite literally harmless fun. it in no way detracts from the game and the admin chose to attack him over brownie point reasons rather than it not being "roleplay appropriate." This is coming from the same server in which a group of my friends all played as a "paraplegic squadron" together without a ban for "muh bad RP"

Projection. and once again he drew a swastika with alien weeds. He didn't choose to do something like gun down his fellow black marines and scream WHITE POWER, this is far less serious and you have chosen to lash out at it.

I've noticed that on CM it all depends on how many tendies did the admins eat that day.
I once roleplayed as Ben 'One Man Klan" Garrison, and didn't get much trouble for it.
The admin even made a small event for us to build a wall, was pretty fun imo, even if cringeworthy looking back, I suck at roleplaying.

It's called paragraphs and with you faggots it's either "muh redditspacing" or "muh walls of text", there's no pleasing you so here's another one.

I'm not discussing what potential harm can come from the swastika or if it is or not retarded to be triggered this easily (it is).
What I'm talking about is someone joining a server with a particular playerbase and acting in a way he knows very well won't be accepted specifically because he knows the reaction he's gonna get.
If you don't know what projection is, maybe you should read up on the term before using it, though.

Come to think of it, it's no different than killbaiting players but it's rather banbaiting, I suppose.

That's actually funny by normalfag standards, of course it's going to be accepted. And to be honest, it's far more original than yet another swastika.
Even SJW's draw swastikas these days, with shit no less.

Just a hunch here but the admin probably doesn't know who Ben Garrison is.

what are you even arguing about in the first place


two sentences does not make a paragraph

Rules can be shit.

Top result for slc97 is roblox and he's a bay2.0 reject
who has a 'moderator skillset' and said this in the interview
His actual colonial marines thread is shit and the public one was denied, he's been around since August at the latest though. Still new as fuck.
His response to the mom question in that thread,

Northcote4 also uses a persistent ID. Because of course.
He plays on fucking lifeweb so I don't know where he gets off, but granted also Paradise, one of the only stations with an even more judaistic ruleset than Gitgud's.
so unless there's a shitload of log omitted in that screenshot posted earlier he isn't nearly as lax as he said he would be. He's also new as fuck, starting staff in December.

rules aren't absolute and there are such a thing as bad ones

I don't usually go on this line, but look at that fellow's posts. You'll notice there's something wrong with it. Something that doesn't belong.

leddit spacing. An especially prevalent case, at that.
Don't bother replying to idiots what clearly ain't even from here.

There's a level of retardation here that I've not seen in quite a while. Not only is 's spacing perfectly acceptable, you've chosen to completely ignore the guy who's actually doing the fucking thing here. A guy who literally spaces every single sentence.

I swear, all these newfags who keep trying to fit in these days with 'muh reddittext', not having a damn clue what that shit is, are starting to piss me off. Same shit with the nazi stuff. Even Holla Forums ain't this insufferable about this jazz. Your attempts to fit in by being an edgy dumbass only serve to make you look autistic as all hell. Can't you fuckers stop with your retardation, and go back to whatever cancerous forum you came from?

Not that you're necessarily wrong, there can indeed be shitty rules in place. But when those happen, you don't stick around and break them just because or to prove a point.
You move somewhere and leave the shitty rules in the shitty server with the shitty admins.

I'm not sensititive to leddit spacing because that's a shitty meme made by people that also aren't from here and was blown out of proportion to the point that it's just another buzzword.
But his posting style is very low effort indeed.

I'm usually the same way, since it isn't usually used in the right way. See above, for that. But when it is especially prevalent in a case like that, it's just painfully obvious.

Anyway, here's some paper BBCode I've made for some wonderful little forums.
[center] [b] [large] CRIME AND PUNISHMENT [/b] [/large] [/center][hr][list] [*] Charges Issued: [field] [*] Evidence against defendant: [field] [*] Arresting officer: [field] [*] Defendant: [field] [*] Further Information: [field] [/list] [hr][small] Officer signature: [field] [br] Superior signature: [field] [br] Defendant signature: [field] [br] Lawyer signature: [field] [br]
[center] [large] Cargo Requisition Form [/center][/large] [hr]Reason for Request: [field] [br] [br] Item Requested: [field] [br] [br]Requested by: [field][br][br]Department Head Approval [If Needed]: [field] [br][hr][small] Signature of Requestee: [field] [br] Signature of Cargo Tech: [field] [/small]
[large] [center] [b] DETECTIVE REQUEST [/b][/center] [/large] [br] [hr][b] CRIMESCENE LOCATION:[/b] [field] [br][br][b] REPORTED BY: [/b] [field] [br][br][b] INITIAL INVESTIGATION BY: [/b] [field] [br][br][b] ITEMS NEED SCANNED: [/b] [field] [br][hr][i] Officer Signature: [/i] [field]

[center] [b] [large] INCIDENT REPORT FORM [/b] [/center] [/large][hr][list] [*] Incident location: [field] [*] Party aflicted: [field] [*] Reported by: [field] [*] Rough Description of Incident: [field] [*] Officer investigating: [field] [/list][hr] [small] Officer signature: [field] [/small]
[large] [center] MINING REPORT FORM [/large] [/center] [hr][list] [*] Iron: [field] [*] Plasma: [field] [*] Glass: [field] [*] Uranium: [field] [*] Diamond: [field] [*] Silver: [field] [*] Gold: [field] [*] Other: [field] [/list] [hr] [small] Signature of Miner: [field] [/small]
[center] [large] Resource Requisition Form[/center] [/large] [hr]Reason for Request: [field] [br] [br] Item(s) Requested: [field] [br] [br] Number Requested: [field] [br] [hr] [small] Signature of Requestee: [field] [br] Signature of Cargo Tech: [field] [/small]

Good admins ignore shitty rules and understand what the game is and is for. The shitty admins show up and ruin the fun, yeah. It's the reason I've had to leave servers like /tg/Sibyl, where even if I wasn't punished personally, the looming rules mitigated fun and saw anyone who created fun taken off to gulag- when the shit staff were on.
Those screenshots weren't posted because they were unexpected or "unreasonable", but to highlight the absurdity of the rule or the trivial nature of the staff member at hand.
That was why I responded to the user who said it wasn't trivial because it's "the first rule"- something being a rule does not make it important, enforcing it and agreeing upon it does. Peaceable rebellion and piss-taking is a natural consequence of shit rules, and we get to laugh at the retards who enforce them. Or argue if the ban was valid or something, apparently.

I mean dunno mate I went to the Colonial Marines server a bit of a time ago and there were people throwing Menorahs around and quoting Adolf Hitler.
Yeah that whole ordeal looks funny but

You sound like you are trying awful hard to fit in by telling other people to fit in better.
This sounds so innocent, just reading the whole rest of the post from there and your style in previous posts. Welcome to Holla Forums friend.


Aight faggots, today its Murderboner Games on the menu.
Hosting the CM leak coderbase for your pleasure.
This event's temporary so whenever we do it once or host multiple rounds is a matter of consensus.

Oh shit what
Nigga count me in.

CM is very much high pop mashing up against eachother but if an alium makes it on the Sulaco things will get fun

Apparently the server is hosting hunter games mode which is basically FFA with guns, every man for himself on who can be the most robust.


Who are you quoting?


Remenber to turn Respawn on!

I mean, you're never gonna get those 10$ back from lowtax so that explains why you couldn't purchase your 4chan pass. But both of those are on you, no need to be a salty nigger that thinks he fits in by correcting random anonymous faggots online.

Thats actually my mistake but what can I say you're both doing it.

Funny how you stopped your style of spacing for this post exclusively. Peer pressure really does work even on a mongolian slab etching subforum it seems.

Real men post OLD ss13 shitposts. Try harder redditmememan.

Can't find my "the truth" folder


Why are you trying so hard :^)))

So, I've always wanted to learn atmos. How does one start?
Most I ever knew how to do was filter toxins, panic siphon, and set pressure to stupid levels. But that's all done through the boring air alarm way.
I want to learn the pipes.

Honestly. Learn to set it up optimally then experiment with a private loop. Then learn to make atmos maxcaps. Then and only then should try the fun that is making a pipe explode.

Learn the art of flooding supercooled CO2

Well, there's the fun way and there's the efficient way.

The fun way is, you hop into a server and start making all kinds of devices, set up pipe networks re-adapt Atmos for your tests and see what happens. The more people there are playing with you, the higher the science score you get.

The efficient way is to do it in closed loops you create yourself, preferably in rooms you create yourself, preferably in a server you created yourself. You're really gonna learn a lot with practice provided you have the theory already done, which is a requirement.

If you want to learn anything about it, either read on the wiki or ask around. Most of it is not really that hard to explain.
But if you're actually autistic about that stuff, download the code and go read on your own. That will actually teach you everything about it.

This is going to sound fucking stupid, but seriously just stand in atmos and look at the pipes. Everything is nicely labeled for you.
The station atmos system isn't really complicated, but the intricacies of atmos kind of are.

That's what everyone says, yeah. Though. my few attempts have not really done that role justice.
I'll probably go with what said, most likely involving building my own separate station room to fuck around with pressurization until I know how shit works.

/vg/'s back up on the server, should load reasonably quickly.

CM deathmatch is pretty fun. We'll have to do that again some time.

/ss13g/ tier fags.
Props to the last fag who won on CM against me, i should have found some glasses.

It actually nearly fucked me over. See, I always hit R to throw things, but grenades automatically do that for you. Meaning, I toggled it to non-throwing.
I had a live grenade in my hand about to go off. Would've completely screwed me over.

Usually you'll be fine because eyes are hard to hit for most guns.

Flashbang, son.
Though, if you don't have ears too, it won't do anything.

serber started going haywire and had to be put down gracefully

we're looking into what the fuck caused it

Is it dead?





Server up now, should HOPEFULLY not nuke itself this time

oshid time 4 robust

You know, you're kind of proving his point, here. I mean, don't get me wrong, that's vaguely funny and all, but it's also rather hideously low quality that screams 'underage'.

Most normalfags get triggered by things like that. That's been the norm for a very long time, and most folk understand it. You shouldn't act surprised when you join a server run by non-chan people, regardless of game, shout "NIGGERS", and get banned for it. That's par the course.
This guy clearly isn't some burn-whitey SJW type, given his "muh Irish" load, so it's pretty painfully obviously a matter of normalfaggotry

It wasn't even a long ban, either. Like, damn son, if you're going to whine about it, shouldn't you at least be getting a perma? This is just trivial.


Okay that made me laugh. Good work mate

Fuck off newbie


Some people seem to be legit autists. As in, they spend so long in chans and similar communities they believe this to be the norm.
And when they go to any other place that doesn't work the same way, not only they can't adapt to it, they'll even demand the right to not adapt and that you should just accept them.
You know, like actual autists. Or feminists

Also, just in case nobody figured it out, that's just the drama faggot that, without a username or personality to slander and generate drama off, is trying to make do with whatever he can do. I recommend not accepting his autism and just not dealing with it. :^)

BTW, hostman, have you settled in a codebase? I considered the idea of making a change in the code that changes the names from the WHO command into "Anonymous#5" and from ADMINWHO command into "Admin#3".
This would be mostly cosmetic, CKeys would still be in the game but they'd only be visible by the admins (since otherwise you wouldn't be able to ban people)

I feel like this change could solve a lot of the cancer that usually happens in SS13, cutting down on the drama fagotry that happens when names fly around instead of arguments, especially if the number after Anonymous is random every round.
However, of course, this doesn't make any sense to even start coding if you keep changing codebase. When you settle for one, say so in the thread.

it's not the drama faggot

this is the drama faggot


Oh, hey, I remember seeing that idea. Definitely do it, user, quite worthwhile.
At the moment, we seem to have settled for /vg/.

Incidentally, if it isn't already, fucking force random names.

This change can probably be implemented if and when we get a larger playerbase, as about 10 players doesn't make a significant need for anonymous names.

God i hope not, i actually want to play old /tg/ in our codebase.

no, do it as soon as the coder can

why not both?

If you can explain why there's a significant need for it when about 10 people play, sure, i can do that.

Personally, I'm pretty happy with it. I hate medical, but it does give you more to do, and most everything else is pretty okay. No major complains, beyond medical.

it's a change that which these ten people agree on being a good idea I would say and the sooner the regulars get used to it the easier new players will too

I'll see what i can do, then.

Take another crack at that line, mate.
Don't make sense.


That's the exact same line.

"These ten regulars like it, so it should be the standard. HOP TO IT!"


Seems you missed the mark, mate. Let's start again:
What is the change?
What ten people? I haven't seen anyone else agree with your idea yet, so clearly it isn't the players.
Why would using two separate codebases make it easier to learn for new players?
Why would how quickly the 'regulars' get used to it effect new players?

But we only have ten regulars, and I don't see anyone else agreeing with this illiterate chuckleshit.

make ckey anonymous, you should read the thread and follow the context

last time this idea, that isn't mine, came up it was universally agreed to be good

that's a different matter all together that which isn't the topic right now although if you believe that is what I said then you're under the wrong impressions

because the regs will be able to teach new players sooner

The idea is pretty stupid imo, all the drama comes from people who say their ckeys in the thread(koriath, gitgud, kyron, etc)

See, now, that's why you properly explain this shit, mate. I thought you were talking the rather stupid idea that we should use, somehow, both the /vg/ and /tg/ code.
If this 'make everyone anonymous' thing is the subject, though, why would it have an impact on new or regular players? I mean, we're just talkin' making everyone in the OOC anonymous, outside of round IDs. This ain't going to change no mechanics, here. I certainly don't see how it is supposed to be something that, as you put it, the regulars are going to teach new players. It's pretty damn straight forward.

Also, jesus fuck, if you're going to use punctuation and shit, at least use it right, man. Your posts are painful to read. Please, just retake 1st grade English.

Server's up, come enjoy glorious shitposting.

no usually people say shit in the thread about them and they usually say shit back

because considering that the amount of ARRP high schoolers with their deviantart tier character and also unrobustness which is of course sometimes brought here to mine and your with our servers usually salt up a storm and have a good autistic rage fit in the process of it all which however that is to say that yes indeed it is rather a moot thing

is my grammar good for you now daddy?


No, it is still absolutely disgusting, and I sincerely hope you are either high or drunk, because nobody should type like that.

Anyway, most those faggots get shanked right quickly. They don't need to learn how to be anonymous, regardless, since it is an automatic process in such a case.

I'm sure once you've learned what humor is you'll have a good laugh at how silly you're being

I want FYAD to leave

I think /vg/ needs some tweaks.

Be glad the invisible camera didn't have a lot of other powers. An invisible cyrokinesis guy is what I became.

I've noticed that VG is just a little bit broken in a lot of ways. But, at the same time, it ain't bad that way. It just takes longer to get used to.

Also, please, please, fix access.
This is getting gay.

I think the reason he survived that long was because bones breaking were turned off, and the combat seems to be balanced around it.

Serbian down for now, must play game.


That was a pretty fun round though, otherwise. Also, bolos are fun.


Serbian's back up, enjoy the syndicate hell.

I have a really bad habit of hitting myself with my own fireballs as wizard.

Everyone does. That's because Fireball is a shit spell.

is the serb down?

It typically goes down at night. Comes back on around noonish.

Seems some people don't very much like the idea they wont be able to see CKeys anymore, but they won't specify why that's a bad idea.
That alone should be enough reason to go ahead with it.

As for "why do it with 10 people?", the amount of players doesn't matter, the spirit of the idea and it's effects are equally valid for any playerbase size.
So if it's a good idea for 40 players, it's a good idea for 4 as well.
Furhtermore, it'd be a pretty unique feature in SS13 and truly a piece of Anonymous culture finnaly injected into the game, making whatever server runs it feel a lot more like a chan. You could possibly expect more people to join the game as well.

The fun thing is that you could even have static names for the characters with that change. When there's no CKey to attach to your characters, the player matters less than the character and a name becauses something aking to the clothing or skin color you choose: a tool for RP.
I'll hold fast to the idea that random names do not stop speshul snowflakes or metagamers (they have far more tools than just names for either of those)

Was that ever said? I like the idea of not being able to see CKeys so long as you have IDs or somesuch to distinguish between players.

I think what the guy meant by 'why do it with only 10 people' is, why waste the time when, at the moment, there's so few people it doesn't really make a difference.

Names should be randomized. Static names are shit. It doesn't stop metagamers, but it does lessen snowflakes, and most importantly, it stops metagrudgers.

You clearly don't know how coders work.
You do it for the sake of it, because it might be usefull and because it's a fun chalenge to write it. **It
's fun**

Snowflakes will resort to clothes and hairstyles instead, it really doesn't lessen them at all, especially considering how clothes are fairly more visible than names.

Why would you want to stop metagrudgers though? Wouldn't it be better to let them be shit once and ban them afterwards, instead of harboring a shitty player that would do it given the chance?
Once, I was killed by a player that believed me to be someone else, despite the random names on the server. Apparently, all it took for him to make that assumption was wearing the same costume the other player used to wear as well.

Seriously, the kind of people that do this are not gonna stop just because they can't recognize people by name. They'll keep their witchhunt in whatever way they can. Best to give them a chance to fuck up and casting them out afterwards.

So, then, are you going to code the thing? Or should we just leave it up to the coder to code when they feel like it?
After all, apparently they just do it for fun. Thus, they do what they want to do, right?

Clothing is not always guaranteed, and hairstyles aren't always shown thanks to equipment.
It's much harder to special snowflake, again, without a name. After all, if nobody can see your ultraviolet afro, not much point to it. If you need to wear an engineering hardsuit, not much point to always wearing a tuxedo.

Wouldn't it be better to stop the problem before it starts, and not have to ban players?
Besides, you assume the item is bannable. I might just remember David McBurgerfist being an asshole to me last round, and so refuse all his requests to cargo. What, you're going to ban someone for not giving the beakers you wanted?

Again, without names, it is much harder to metagrudge, much like it is to special snowflake. Sure, some asshole might think you're some other guy, but that's rather stupid of an argument to make you ask me. People can put on whatever clothing they want, after all. I'd say you have a rather exceptionally shit player there, who didn't actually think you were anyone, and was just being an ass.

Taking a look at the code right now. The verb is easy to modify, assigning a random number to everyone is as well. Checking for admin priviledge to avoid this is what I'm looking into right now.

Correct. Coders are not paid nor do they have any obligation or duty to implement specific features. They work on what they feel like, what seems fun or interesting.
It's a bit hard to sell the idea that coders should slave away for a playerbase that is indiferent at least and scornfull at worst and for no compensation either.

There are multiple vendors in the crew quarters for pretty much every kind of outfit, multiple pieces of unique articles spread throughout maintenance and even more can be ordered by Cargo. Anyone that wants to dress snazzy will know where to look and how to get them faster than everyone else.

I also mentioned hairstyles because it was the default Shitter Tag. You picked Green or Pink Afro for a vibrant color and wider hair to be recognized by other shitters as sharing the same mentality. Even when random bodies where a thing, they'd just use a mirror to pick that hairstyle and proceed to be shitters-in-crime.

Not gonna disagree with you there, but I'm asking if it's worth it. It's a very simple feature that doesn't prevent costume\hairstyle faggotry or even roleplaying the same shitty behaviour every round and all it does is deprive some players from picking ridiculous and hilarious names.

I'm not saying it's useless to stop special snowflakes, I'm arguing that it barely does anything to stop it and ends up upsetting regular players more than the shitters.
It's essentially like DRM.

Sure it would. If you could tell at a glance whose gonna metagrudge given the chance. Which you can't because we haven't coded psykers yet.

I'd jobban him, yes. If you refuse to do your job for no good reason, a jobban is the right thing to do.

What's the goal here, though? Do you want to stop meta grudging or do you want to cut the problem by the root and be done with it?
Shitty players will always find a way to be shit, there's no way to fix them. Today it's metagruding, tomorrow it's killbaiting, after that day it's griefing and afterwards it's being a metagamer and the next one validhunting.

You can't fix bad players. Period. And no amount of sacrifices and removed features to the codebase are ever gonna change that. That's what /tg/ does all the time and look at what they are today. Still have the same shitty players, still being shit in new and improved ways because they remove what could be used for fun just because a few dicks mis-used.

What you can do instead is stop this reverse-pandering to badplayers, give them all the tools they need to royally fuck up and then ban them when they do so. This ways everyone gets to enjoy those features if they feel like it and every bad player is solved in a very permanent way.

tl;dr Removing static names because some players mis-use them makes as much sense as removing bombs because some people grief with them.

Just lost half of this shit thanks to a little crash, so bear with me if it gets a tad short on some marks.

I really doubt the guy'd care if you just handed him the code, then. The lot was mostly about not wanting to put more on the coder's plate, when it seemed minor at best.
Give it to him for free, I'd wager he'd put it in.

As I have already said, sometimes you can't wear that shit. No point in wearing a suit if you've got to have something covering it. Likewise for hair. It isn't going to be anywhere near as effective.

I don't think it gives any major roleplay boost whatsoever. In fact, most every time I've seen it, it's only seemed to me to hurt things.
Especially when you add in the namefags.
Seeing "Assman McNiggers" for the 70th time is not funny. It may well be 'ridiculous', but I don't see that as an inherently good thing. If you are really so desperate for some funny name, play a clown or mime. That's what they're for.

Way to completely misinterpretation what I am saying.
I'm saying, isn't it better to stop the ability to metagrudge in the first place, where it holds no major repercussions to player experience, than to ban people for something that is vague, hard to prove, and often not even intended.

Well, thank god you aren't an admin, I guess. I'd rather avoid such rulecuckery.

See above, for this. I am very glad you are not in charge of the server, given this attitude.
Not everyone who does something a little shitty here and there is going to be max-capping bombs just because they can no longer get mad at some fuck who screwed them over last round.

Not everyone is bad players, and you can fix the ones that are. Again, thank god you are not in charge. You've, again, shown an attitude that is rather harmful to stations. Namefaggotry is not a 'feature' I consider valuable in any way shape or form. Comparing to nu-/tg/ is a rather idiotic thing, too. Especially when you're alsoadvocating removing a so-called 'feature'. No OOC names, right?
The same argument could be applied to you, mate.

Well, if you're gonna generalize namefags with the rotten examples, of course it sounds bad.
But having 2 players agreeing before the round to name themselves Beavis and Butthead and seeing their antics was pretty funny. Fire Safety, Annie and etc are nice as well.
Again, I'll use the bomb example because it's still accurate: just because a few people mis-use a feature, that's no good reason to remove it, but rather to remove said players.
Even better would be the option to "ban" static names individually so it's a priviledge you can lose if you're a fag with them, instead of applying it to everyone regardless of what they do with it.

I get what you're saying, but that's idealistic talk. You might as well ask "isn't it better to have a server with no unfunny griffers, 24/7 host time, no lag, features added daily, stable 40-50 playerbase of chill fun players?" and it's equally realistic.

Some players WILL be shit. I have no idea why this is a hard concept to understand or why it's so easy to assume bad intent on the part of the admins but not on the players.
And it's only "vague, hard to prove" because every single clear cut case of metagrudging is "patched" with the code so only very iffy situations happen.
If you had static names and someone meta-grudged, it would be clear as day. If you don't, it will still happen but now it's harder to prove that was what happened.

Oh sure, that's what a station needs. QMs that refuse to order things for people, Medics that go mix drinks in the bar and don't heal anyone, Engineers that grab metal and go build autism forts without even starting the singularity.
Nevermind even doing one of these things on purpose to fuck with another player because of what happened last round.
All of those things should be allowed or it's "rulecuckery".

Not everyone is a good player either and no, you can't fix bad players at all. They literally never learn because being shit is how they have fun. Fixing them would involve making the game unfun for them, good luck with that.

Uh, let's remove features because players abuse them. Let's remove the AI becase someone validhunts with them. Let's remove bombs because they are too destructive and don't cost TC.

See, this is the reason I'm glad you're not an admin either. The inability to understand that some people might find that feature funny and that it barely does anything negative that an admin can't put a stop to easily is retarded.

False equivalency. I'm speaking about adding a feature actually, anonymous names for everyone. You can't use your OOC name for anything other than shitflinging in the threads for drama or in some Discord channel. It serves even less purpose than IC names.
It's not the same thing at all as its a feature of BYOND itself, not SS13.

I like this idea, as well as making them unable to wear their snow flake customes or change their hair

snow flakes are fine so long as they're at least decent players but if we let them be a thing we also need a limit of how many people can snow flake otherwise it will indeed attract more snow flakers who may be borderline shitters

Fire Safety was a clown, and would thus be still able to take on that name.
Otherwise, it doesn't sound like much of an interesting case. Then again, I never saw the appeal of Beavis and Butthead. Still, seems like a rather low-yeild thing, in that case.

That's your rather shit opinion, as I've gone over in my last post.
As has already been explained to you, lack of names would make it much harder to metagrudge.

Some players will be shit. Not all players. I have no idea why this is a hard concept to understand or why it isw so easy to assume bad intent on the part of the players but not the admins.
"Patched" with code how?
The example I gave you with the QM, if he didn't explicitly state that it was because you were an ass to him before, how would you know it was a metagrudge thing?
Even with names, this is near impossible to prove. Really, now, this should be rather obvious, I would've thought.

Funny you mention it, because other than the engineer, none of those things are ban worthy on most servers I've played. Engineers, even then, are well allowed to fuck off the station for their little autismforts after setting the singu.
Regardless, you're looking at station wide issues, not individual issues.
Reluctant medical doctor who doesn't want to heal you isn't going to fuck over the round, and no good admin is going to ban that player when he treats everyone else just fine. After all, he's still doing his job.
Bit of a strawman that way, frankly.

You can. It's been done plenty of times. They do learn. Not every one, but plenty of them.

Another straw man. Woo.
If you're going to continue this shit, there's not much point in responding here. I've already explained this garbage in my last post. I'd encourage you to read for once in your pathetic life.

It does barely anything positive, and accounts for quite a lot of negative the admins cannot stop, despite your retardation.
But, then, you'd have people banned for not giving you beakers. So, your lack of sensibility regarding such is not surprising.

I'm also talking about adding a feature, actually. Anonymous names for everyone at round start.

I'll see if I can figure out how to code that too, then.
It'd be pretty funny to see someone that loves his namefaggotry unable to use it in the server when everyone else can do it.

That would be way harder to code and quite frankly, a real dick move. Like, at that point you're going out of your way to punish them.
The mirror is easy but an exception that has every possible "snowflake costume" especially defining what constitutes one, that would take too much autism to make.

Again, uh? You don't put any value on it, therefore nobody else should be allowed to do it. Really classy.

Then why treat everyone equally and remove static names from them all?

You remove anything they can use to metagrudge, forcing random names, random bodies. All it does is give them plausible deniability.

It's easier to prove than without them. A single player being harassed for consecutive rounds by the same player without IC explanation does stand out a lot. Especially when you ask for an explanation from the offender and he can give none.
The harder you make it to metagrudge, the harder it is to prove someone metagrudged. It's a double edged sword.
Except you're never gonna reach the utopia of nobody doing it but you can instead go the other way and let anyone do it, punishing them accordingly.
Texas gives guns to everyone and so far it's working better for them than no-gun-zones.

Examples please. I'll give you 2 really good ones for my part (even though it's anedotal evidence)
DanielHen was a shitter that always annoyed everyone else in the most boring and unfun way possible. He was warned several times to cut down on the autism but did not heeded the warnings.
He was at first banned for an hour. Came back immdiatly after, kept at it. and was banned for a day.
The second the ban was off, he joined the station and didn't even last the round before he got a 3 day ban.
3 days later, he comes on and manages to last 2-3 rounds before earning his week ban.
And this progressed to a month and finnaly a perma because he never. Ever. Learned.

Emilyinspace was schizophernic cunt that can't function properly due to crippling paranoia and being batshit insance.
She got several bans but always banevaded and even made alt accounts.
She even started monitoring the time admins weren't online to log in during those hours with a metafriend to shit on the server.
Never, ever, learned the lesson despite the multiple bans.

You can't claim everything that proves you wrong is a straw man, dude.

For you
In your head
someone's offended…
Jobbanned. Big difference.

You mean faggot generic names randomly picked from a list that often don't even make sense if you picked something other than human?
You mean a feature that makes everyone refer to each other by their job instead of their name? And thus creates confusion when there's multiple people doing the same job?

the simplest solution would be limiting them to their departments grey suit and hardsuit

serb up when

I never saw the appeal of Bevis and Butthead. I'm talking the show. I don't see why you'd want such low-quality antics from such a low-quality show.

Because most players don't care about their names, anyway. The vast majority of the time, names are used by snowflakes, people who want to be called "nigger" or some other such 12 year old humor, and metagamers.
Besides that, there's not much call for it. The clowns and mimes can name themselves, so the only example you had was Beavis and Butthead, which don't really endear me to it. For one thing, they don't seem like they'd be productive to the station as a whole. Add that with the rather low-brow stuff, it'd just be annoying.

Wow, you really are retarded.
Mate, I was talking how vague it was without such measures.
Fucking hell, man. I would've thought you'd be at least able to keep up with that. It's rather painfully obvious. You could at least try.

Sure, but it wouldn't happen much of any without them, and even then, I'd say the only case where action should be taken is extreme matters. Banning a player for not giving you beakers as QM is retarded, you ask me.
What, so you want players to hold their names over a large number of rounds? I thought you didn't like special snowflakes. People shouldn't keep their names over one round, much less two or three.
Another wonderful shit comparison. Being able to namefag to your heart's content is now the same as the right to bear arms!

I don't remember names, but since we're talking 'anedotal' it doesn't matter much anyway.
I remember a good few rounds as a sec officer, I had some assistant who'd break shit, and that's all he'd do. So, after brigging him for the second time at another round, I decided to talk to the fellow. Turns out he didn't really know how to do anything, and so was interacting with the world only way he knew how. Well, I deputized that little fellow, and made him into a fellow officer of the law. I taught him how to be robust, how to take down a perp, and how to remove cuffs. Didn't have an issue with that guy the next round.
Regardless: You miss the point.
Some people don't learn.
Some people do.
Only a shitter assumes that nobody, ever, learns.

You can't claim pulling bullshit comparisons out of your ass is "proving me wrong", you dicksucker.

A ban is a ban, you rulecuck dicksucker. This line of thinking is what ruined many a station.

The names for non-human races are already in place, you faggot. You get something like "Yikititkata" for the vox, of which is the only race we have active. Maybe if you weren't such a shitter, and actually played the game, you'd know this.
You mean you can't look at a guy and remember the fucking name, you queerboy?
You mean you have such a hard time seeing Fred Smithingtons, and just calling him Fred?
And do tell me how being able to name yourself is going to solve this. How is being able to name yourself Fred Smithingtons in the first place going to make it easier to remember Fred Smithingtons.

what the fuck are you two even arguing about anymore?

you both want anonymous ckeys, argument over

True. But I also want anonymous player names.
He does not.
Also, he wants to ban people who don't order him beakers as cargo.

Whatever, I see I've triggered you a bit too much.
You seem to be one of those over-idealistic "we can totally get along with minimal rules" that always assume the best out of everyone except any authority figure, who are always to be msitrusted.
You thinks you speak for the majority and that your feels are mottos everyone plays by, despite nothing but anedotal evidence to back your claims and petty insults when someone chalenges your position.

I won't argue more with you, talking with idealogues is retarded as you already built a scenario in your head about how things go and nobody can convince you otherwise.

I want to JOBBAN people that refuse to do their job because they are metagrudging.
Talk about making strawmans, dude.

We were talking about static names now. That other user says that you getting a nigger name or a combination of asian first name and german last name or even having a human name when playing as Vox is preferable to picking it yourself.
Because someone else could join the server and name himself "Pee Pee Poo Poo". Or they could use the same name more often than once.
You understand, right? It's for your own safety that you're gonna be called Pierrot Schneider, the Vox trader.

What did you have, you dicksucking faggot, other than anecdotal nonsense?
And, for the record, I went to namecalling mostly because I was rather insulted by your horribly nonsensical arguments. You decided that, because I want no names, I am the same as /tg/ who bans borgs because it's too hard for the syndies.
How else am I supposed to take that? It's clear, when you're pulling that shit, you aren't trying to make an argument here.

Isn't that the exact same for you? Your arguments to the contrary so far have just been "NUH-UH".

Says the strawman king. But, fair enough, it was for metagrudging. However, saying they refuse to do their job is inaccurate. They just refuse to take care of you. In this case, placing an order for beakers. Again, seems painfully trivial to ban over, not to mention next to impossible to actually prove. As I've already gone over.

Also, far as I can tell, you can't get a human name as a Vox. It always gives you some "Yikititikita" type stuffs.
I think you'd know this, had you played the game.

you can't tell me those are not just additional bitching points at this stage

this seems to me the low rp vs high rp debate

By all means. Welcome to Holla Forums.

I'm more of a mid-RP guy myself. That's why I like random names, or part of the reason anyway. More fluid roleplay. None of this page-long backstory garbage.
Of course, I also despise low RP nonsense, like some guy walking around named "Nigger Shitdick", and the like. Another reason to like random names, for me.

Fuck off spiderfag.

Afraid I don't know that meme.

so if the random names system was made alot more robust and if there was a limit on snow flakes, this would be a done deal right?

go die lizardfucker

If you couldn't have a name for more than one or two rounds, more or less?
Yeah, perfectly fine. Sounds good to me.

Don't bother with the outfit shit, though. Dressing up is fun, after all.

now we just need magic coders to magic the codes

Server when


serb up when
gonna ask again now

i-is host ded?

you killed him

oh fuck you found out

Rib in pepperoni server owner. You'll be sorely missed.

j-just clone him!

fuck, his ghost isn't coming back in the body



NO! we build!


we need a new thread, we're on page 13

Host transcended into a new plane of existence and is not due to return till at least monday.

the shuttle has been recalled

If the information is correct, we'd best wait for monday for new thread.



:g absorbing that feeling


w-we'll just pretend to be playing spess mens in the thread!

"a7c5f5 throws cream pie"
"813aca is hit by cream pie"

h-hah-ha.. it's just like it..



the spess man depression is here

You can go play FTL13 until the other host joins back.
There doesn't seem to be any admin online though.


nah, thanks

fuck off gitgud

Who is Gitgud, and why is he hated?

Owner of the server posted in .
Terrible admin, known for making terrible choices in codebases and bans/ignores people he simply doesn't like, like the playerbase he's trying to market towards.
Tends to put shitty people into mod positions that don't know how ss13 plays, they end up pushing all the buttons until they ruin the rounds, which in turn ends up with the few people that want to play to leave because they can't get anything done.

Constantly on denial mode whenever on to hate the thread or to cater to what people actually want to play. Shills his shitty server constantly and tries to appeal to/as authority since Hatestation was the popular station after pizza died, despite him being the cause on why Hatestation itself (and a few other alternative stations like Firestation) died TWICE, for that fact.

Thanks for the info. I appreciate it a lot.

I'd rather get ass cancer. Fuck gitgud and his faggoty crew.

Don't forget, he also, after switching to a shit codebase with barely anything in it that nobody wanted and ran like shit for everyone, actually fucking said "players don't matter".
And then proceeded to argue for it, for the next three threads.

This was also done when hatestation was already at some 15 players on a good day, if that, of whom at least 4 or 5 were gitgud's staff anyway. Following, the server completely died for a long while.