Should Lena Dunham directed Batgirl?

Should she Holla Forums?

No, she should direct her smelly disfigured ass to the nearest oven.

Zach Snyder would be a better pick tbh

sure why not


A resounding Yes, it will be better than Ghostbusters reboot in the big flop department.

Pebble girl, nana nana nana nana PEBBLE GIRL. pebble girl. Pebble girl.

She should. When the movie ends up being a flop by virtue of it being DC shit, it will cause further divide once people start labelling as a failure from WHITE feminism and whatnot.

This is your mind on the_zionald. Kill yourself, chesscuck.

How many times can this fat retard fuck up before she doesn't have a following anymore?

Everyone who isn't a feminist hates her and she keeps running afoul of the feminists too. How does she still have an audience?

It's a jew, this is why its so messed up.

Different user here It would be funny to watch the train wreck I guess (similar to Disney star wars) but I don't think (((they))) would allow these films to keep failing even now I’m sure they are manipulating data to make movies seem more profitable/popular than they are. They have accelerated their propaganda to the point where we have man hating feminist, white hating nigger, & normal hating fag blockbusters some of which do well. Therefore this kind of saturation only helps them as there is no alternative to Hollywood currently when it comes to live action movies and normies will continue to watch movies and take their kids to see them. In 10 years assuming the west/US has not collapsed or had a much needed reorganization movies of today will be seen as racist,{input CY+3 buzzword here} and outdated because the pozz level will have increased exponentially.

she's supported by the establishment like Hillary is


Yeah, fuck it, why not?
Let's see how terrible shit can get.
Clearly nobody is going to attempt to improve anything so we might as well find out where the bottom of the barrel is.

She's not very smart.

Your mistake is that you believe there is a bottom.

No. She should star in it. Her superpower will be sitting on bad guys.

Why not, capeshit is already trash, tanking her """"""""""""career"""""""""""" would be advantageous.


Epic burn. XD

you realize if she directs it will die in trashfire
do you want that? ok let her do it