"Asian" level themes
I have just the thing
This song makes me horny.
Let's rock, baby.
You didn't say what kind of Asian.
Have some Thailand.
I suppose maybe it might be cheating to use games that take place directly in Asia for half the games, but whatever.
Boss battle track rather than "level" but might as well post it.
I suppose it at least fits better with his Neo-Astaroth form better than normal Astaroth due to the posing, but it's still kind of bizarre.
Well, first off, the problem is that your playing a cancerous JRPG. Those games have confusing and nebulous terminologies and no respect for logically harmonizing major aspects of any character (I.e. a mild-mannered stuttering scientist who is a coward in cutscenes but lugs around a big Gatling gun in promotional art but in the game those weapons are actually the worst weapons to give him because strength is his primary stat so he's better off lunging at enemies with a big knife like Rambo in battles and has a shitty hair metal ballad for his theme song).
I'm so sorry.
Are you talking about a party member or a bit character? The only old men in shadow hearts that I remember are Gepetto, who uses a doll that contains the soul of his deceased daughter to fight.
Shadow hearts does get a bit crazy, like "a man who can steal the souls of unholy monsters protects a girl from a demon channeling Roger Bacon because the voices in his head won't stop pestering him about it" crazy, but shadow hearts is consistant about it's characters.
Yuri, the aforementioned Russian/Japanese demon man, is a perverted motherfucker who fights with claw weapons which ties into his powers being all monstery
Alice is an religious exorcist and beats enemies over the head with a bible while screaming in terror
etc etc.
The more wacky characters that DO do that, like Frank in the 3rd game (a wacky ass white brazilian ninja who dresses in Yoshimitsu-level ninja pajamas and just sticks random shit like road signs on handles to use as weapons) or that gay wrestler vampire motherfucker who just bashes peoples heads in with logs and miniature buildings, they're just comic relief with no real effect on the plot.
And honestly, what you're talking about is clashing character weapon/personality difference, JRPGs are FOND as fuck giving people weapons that suit their nature. There's very few that do what you said they do.
Give an actual example instead of generalizing, you ignorant idiot. Otherwise your opinions are unfounded and you simply have shit taste.
pom pom pom pom pom
Time for a bit of Muramasa music, I think.
Actually, having thought some more, it makes more sense:
>Nicolai as a character is Eurasian.
>That boss theme is actually Astaroth's own rather than his.
>in the fight with normal Astaroth that theme seems strange, but Nicolai has Astaroth bound into submission with his ego (ala Yuri with Amon); essentially Nicolai is controlling Astaroth's power and form to his own liking, and merely borrowing the theme.
>Fight with Neo-Astaroth happens after Nicolai gets the shit tortured out of him and his ego shatters, resulting in Astaroth controlling him and able to both use its full strength and do what it wants to; Neo-Astaroth ties into the song much better because his natural stance in a floating Buddha (lotus?) position, tying in better with the song.
So what happened with the sand on unaporpiate places line
Few people know about Goemon, fewer still know this game exists. Go play it.
I think some user sifted through the English text script for that desert and couldn't find anything of the sort.
Wow, those are really characters in a shadow hearts game? They sound absolutely compelling. Please tell me there's a plucky kid with a boomerang and verbal tic that makes him say "Meeyan" at the end of every sentence because that would totally make me cum in my pants.
You're a bit damaged in the head aren't ya, m8?
da best
ITT: Racist music
What games even do this?
I came here to make sure this had been posted.
When that song starts is when the game goes from being amazing to okay-ish. Also Hong Kong was easily the worst map layout of any of them.
There isnt enough YOOOOO~OOH in this thread
Holy shit, this makes me want to replay it. msu hack when
Best faction theme in Paraworld, imho
I hate classical japan levels but this theme is fucking amazing.
Most satisfying boss fight in the entire game
you came to the wrong prefecture, bakayaro