Other urls found in this thread:
You are literally male.
Not before I send some heathens to hell in the name of our lord.
Where did you find my arrest vid?
Dies dramatically*
in that case i can comfortably go to sleep knowing that chances are he'll probably kill himself in a few years time.
I'm inclined to agree.
FFTA Viera are best Viera.
You're a dude.
On hormones.
*earns it*
Agrias is great.
it's all over the internets
very very funny joke i actually lol'd. we'll see in 3-4 years when you realized how fucked you are in the head.
very hetero male balancing out the gay in this thread. Ty based sama.
what a cutie
Wait. Not trying to be rude, so are you saying that you were born looking like a male but with female genitals?
I really need to play the original Tactics
i like veira
dad, pls
I vaguely remember you having a beard. What happened with that?
How about a wikipedia article? Is that biased?
I look in between with a bit of both, genital wise.
Just get a PS emulator and play it.
I don't think it was ever ported.
To Steam or VC that is.
There's the shitty PSP remake/port that adds a bunch of stuff.
Okay bit more confused.
So you have sexual characteristics of both sexes in that area?
So like do you have a penis with parts of a vagina, or a vagina with parts from the penis and balls? I'm just confused.
ty bae
boss didne like it... shaved it off
Just keep telling yourself you have some sorta medical condition, when in reality, you're just a fairy ass faggot that probably won't amount to much during the span of their pathetic leech-esque existence. i think it's important for me to tell you to rope yourself, for the well being of you and everyone around you. Your parents are ashamed, your peers are ashamed, and your entire extended family is ashamed.
lets see a little more
smiles... would you mind also
writing "olev" on a sheet of paper with the current date and time and taking a pic of you with it?
for science...
Penis and with a recent ultrasound discovered a partially developed uterus and ovaries. Which explains the periods and shit. Don't ask.
That's pretty shitty. Beards are pretty rad.
Damn you're fun.
what makes you think youre getting more you dirty furbag?
guaranteed fulfillment of your self esteem
truthfully it got pretty out of control. i went mountain man with it
I bet you're also diagnosed with depression/anxiety and take tons of pills for that too? Yeah okay. Fucking ultra tumblr in here rn. sipping tea, giggling at the thought of you swinging from the rafters
but i dont need that...
okay have fun without it faggot
Nope. I'm pretty happy right now. You can imagine whatever you want.
very smooth head
bitches loved the beard...
no soup for you!
shaved it myself like a big boy dad
Tsuchi told me to make everyone think I'm Barry Manilow, so I need to get him to do it.
I'm trying to convince my bf to regrow his beard, but he refuses.
wax it smooth
i will make a soup from your entrails. your blood will be the broth
so... thats a no then. im not above begging for my supper
leave him!
just bic bald okay... i tried nair once and it didnt end well
come at me bro
I dont want to leave him though. I'll convince him yet. He still needs to cut off the old rings he has stuck on his fingers as well.
I'm kinda dumbfounded honestly.
in or on
nevermind all that, its not important right now
He has blood in his pee pee and that's totally what a period is, right?
Just a little pink in your tink?
post hairy balls.
Yeah. I don't get the blood but I get the cramps and mood swings that come with it. It's fucking miserable.
Read the above. I love how you kiddos think you know my medical history.
like... fingernail piercing?
dont back away pussy
is he fucking deluded or what fam
No. he has 2 old mood rings on his fingers that he cant get off because they've been on there forever and his hands are too big now. He needs to cut them off or grind them off.
i will ALWAYS go with the third option...
oh... lol
the firestation will do it for free
His head is so far up his own ass he's found Narnia.
Yeah. I'm trying to get him to do something but he is deadset on grinding it off, which scares me.
are you consenting or what
I feel like the safety of the thread is dropping.
I know about that, but I was thinking about the bleeding part specifically.
So like do you know your cycle of when you "normally" get your periods. Like I know I tend to hover towards the end of the month.
Nope. That wasn't you with a timestamp.
Yeah. I know a general timeframe. It's usually around the 10th or 11th of each month.
no means no lol
you can dance if you want to... leave your friends behind
you're just begging for it in that outfit
because your friends dont dance
and if they dont dance
well theyre no friends of mine
Using Fernando as an av makes me want to be your friend. Can we be friends?
we fren nao
new fernando vid out today
Timestamps gives people a sense of security that I never want to give anyone.
I quite enjoy some of the funny things I'm called.
Oh that's pretty specific. Did it come around already?
POST IT you peter puffin lesbian!
lol seent it
so do i win?
Is it any good? My internet speed has been trash lately.
Its somewhat specific. Its around midmonth usually and it started on the 10th this month. Maybe I should just keep track. And yeah, it's already passed this month, thank god.
with benefits...
it's kinda ok
nothing fresh
Oh shit. What kinda benefits?
Well fuck. Got my hopes up for nothing then.
rectal sex and cocaine.
Shit. Sounds like a party.
You won!
I refuse
Well you always have to expect wiggle room.
Sadly it doesn't set appointments.
ekstremely sliipy
Iwill go nap
It sucks really bad, but what're you gonna do?
i like to play but everytime we play you win...
needs moar housemusic
wish pls
But where would we get the house music?
i like video games
Who is the dude with the sunglasses in those videos?
here.. go beat on that house for the next 20 minutes without ever chaning your rhythm whilst i blow into this glass botte
Perfect. What will the name of our group be?
I like certain video games. I just cant get into them anymore like I used to.
you want to ava as him dont you?
...what do you do with your time then?
I play the games I like, listen to music, read, nap, go on walks. I'm kinda boring. Makes me wonder why my bf likes me.
Also perfect. We need to start booking gigs at local bars and shit.
Just was curious. He looks like a cleaned up version of him.
which games? :)
which is what smiles tells you when the cocksheath is removed...
we neeed stagenames
Lately it's been Hearthstone and Overwatch.
I wouldnt know what mine could be. Any ideas?
I don't even know what that means.
i like overwatch too !
What's your battletag? Mine is Trlizzy#1851 Maybe we could play sometime.
I sent you a request.
lance the feather
it suggested things
I'm going to bed. Gnight Luka, user-sama, and Smiles.
Isnt lance a boy's name though?
its ironic... bitches love irony.
anal virginity is like leftover pasta.
squishy and delicious but soon forgotten.
you negatively effect the games where you play your most played hero
You. I know you. It's been ages. How've you been?
hello user...
Oh, but you're user, user-sama. I'd be damned surprised if you remembered me, to be honest.
im listening...
Now let's not make it TOO obvious who I am.
I was simply told you posted here, and figured I hadn't talked to you in years. So I'd stop in, say hi, all that jazz!
ohhh yea hey there... guy
uuuuuhhh, fucking weirdo.
now kiss
oh you two...
It's really been too long man, how you been lately?
You don't know the half of it.
Not until after dinner.
why so sad ruka
ok, i give...
that narrows it down to like 20 posters... spill em
Hmm, you don't recognize the base image you gave me for an edit, the picture I posted before bears, or pancakes. Maybe I need to be more blunt... oh fuck it, it's not like I give a damn these days.
you little shit... is this jimmy?
its cool guise its just another
One and only yo.
*cues gurren lagaan soundtrack
dammit youhad me goin..
now that was just uncalled for...
Ha, your memories shot to shit man. I thought the owl would be a dead giveaway!
soooo... you just came to these parts to find ol sama?
whats the occasion?
tell me its not to get the old band back together...
nah, nothing of the sort. I have nothing to do with the old place anymore. As far as I'm aware, I don't even know anyone there.
It's pretty much that, came on over to see if it was actually you, and as I said, see what's good.
yep... its really I... lol
do you still have the old trip?
...sadly these are mostly newfags on this channel. kon kefka is here sometimes, as is freefree
and after"Ika" retired i just kinda float around ronin style. things change but nothing changes.
Went ahead and cropped a ton of images tonight, went through 500ish of the 1500 I have ready for cropping.
This folder is coming along decently.
After all that I'll go ahead and collect the fan images and gifs if I can find any.
Haha, I'm sure I have it SOMEWHERE. I've switched computers a few times, but I'm sure I've got it around still. I'll find it sometime later probably.
Eh, I expected as much. Assuming Kon was Konata? Not sure who Freefree is.
yea that one... and freeman was probably after your time come to think on it.
other than that Luka posts here as does TP (on weekends). theres a few others but frankly cant recall all who came on after.
I've got two global elite accounts that I straight on cheat on. X22 lifetime membership.
Luka? FM Luka?
And a TP, who was initialed TP?
It's been way too long man, I remember the main people I talked to, but that's it.
I can just go down to my friends house and get all my trips if I need to.
only a matter of time
I've had both accounts for 3 years.
not only that but the game costs 5 dollars to buy on sale, a vac ban, or even 20, isn't going to stop me.
I'm aware.
One day.
yea its cool man, im just picking names out of a hat at this point...
so where have you been hiding?
deep beneath the earths crust where its still warm?
it's also only 10 dollars for me to change my phone number so I can indefinitely play with prime accounts regardless of how many times i get vac'd.
wowza, very kawaii
where do you get a phone number for $10? lol
I call my phone company, and ask them to change it. they add 10 dollars to my next bill and that's that.
Just kinda dropped off. Was doing my own shit for a few years. A lot of stuff happened that I can't really talk about publicly for reasons. Ended up hearing about this place, and that a few old people hung around it.
WELL FUCK ME I DON'T EVEN HAVE THIS PICTURE ANYMORE! In fact, I don't even remember when I took such a picture... was it around Christmas with the barmaid Santa one?
i dont have the xmas barmaid anymore either :/
just that one and the drill you got off amazon.
yea they bailed 4channel to avoid moderation and the banhammer... after a stint on 38 with they all seem to deny happening and im not supposed to talk about lol.
Doesn't that inconvenience you since your friends and family will need your new number?
And work and stuff
Tells you something about his level of social interaction lol
What about 38? I'm a damned mod there and I've not heard of anything involving it in a LOOOOONG time.
And lol, let's keep it that way. Those are things I'd rather keep buried. Still got that drill necklace by the way! Gold has long faded off though.
All of my friends have me on kik/line/steam/snapchat/instagram. Sorry to tell you, geezer, but kids nowadays don't text. I communicate with my boss on skype/email.
kill yourself irl ghostie
i like to bring it up from time to time to annoy people here... but yes. long dead. and the dead keep it.
i got my nephew one when I noticed him watching TTGL on netflix. he has a crush on yoko... imagine that
what about your family?
vry impressive reading comprehension
Kinda wanna fuck
they changed her age from 16 to 19 because there was so much porn of her.
GG blizzard
You'll have to tell me about it sometime mang, I'm curious.
Good man, make sure he never loses it! And kids first waifu, he'll be a fine young weeb. Just don't let his taste go to shit.
it's a pretty dope setup, i know.
i caught him trying to watch narutu... took the controller away and switched it to kill la kill... the cycle continues. good future weeb in the making there
More than kinda
Hey, man.
If you want to throw your money away to be a memelord, that's on you.
At least get a good chair, though. That's one of the most important things about a command center setup.
My own nephew is into anime, actually. I'll let them watch what they want to within reason. But I let them know their taste is shit if it's something I dislike.
is that a real bomb
I'm a real bomb
Kek. WaifuWatch
It would be a lot of fun putting her in her place while in bed. Putting up with her bratty attitude elsewhere could be a bit of a challenge though.
Bro, how big is your mercy folder?
Might be interested in it
Wow grim you really shouldn't be making comments like that in this socio political climate
Just 19 pictures, spent like 5 minutes on Sankaku.
im not sure hes ready for bebop yet tho... he has to make it through fist of the north star and macross first. these are the rites of passage.
and naruto is definitely shit taste
she is perfect
they don't know you have a phone, or just know not to contact you through it?
lol that seems weird af, if your parents/siblings need to contact you they have to wait until you get on facebook
what's the point of having a phone if they can't call you or whatever :p
he got a dxracer since i took took the pictures. biggest thing I've sperged on that's meme tier is a model M.
yes it's fissionable
So far, I think I've only heard Hetalia and Black Butler, both of which I expressed were shit taste. But they're young, I'll let them grow to realize why it was shit taste. They won't learn why if I just tell them it is.
Speaking of Macross, how you liking Delta?
Oh, who is this?
by this I mean the owner of that setup
do you know how the facebook messenger app works? pretty sure you can even call people on it now.
an irl friend
I should get going. long day tomorrow and its late
i literally havent seen any delta
Missin out mang, it's a good one. Anyways, hit me up on 38 sometime i guess. I'll check the Holla Forums boards from now on since the Holla Forums board was killed.
That $500 camera tho.
I think she would come around and then be really clingy ^^
what reason did you tell them for why you can only reply via facebook app instead of them just calling? lol....
this all seems silly
later jimmy
calling = contacting you through your phone number
6am is like my 6pm fuckign casual
bought it for 650 2 years ago.
I've had the pleasure of using one of those premium cameras for work.. I don't think I would ever pay more than $200 for one myself, though. Phone camera seems to do the job fine for me
Have a good one, posters.
I'm a god on her but it's too hard to carry if team is incompetent
It's like supporting in any other game.
She probably never had a boyfriend so yeah, clingy.
It's pretty good i guess. works for taking pics of me for my tumblr lookbooks
there's nothing more frustrating. you just can't win 1 v 6.
Where ya going?
I usually just switch the second I realize my team is bad. I'm not dealing with it.
:( slow thread
Hey Ika, I heard you wanted to speak with me?
Yeah look at this video
no one is more frustrating to play with a bad team as mercy is. I'm the same way. and then of course there's always some joker on the team, usually the one who refuses to turn around and protect you every time you're getting attacked, who says "your heals were shit anyway"
I could strangle anyone who does that.
lmao, I've seen that little white pomeranian before in another vid actually.
whoops, forgot my frog, I'm not accustomed to posting anymore
I've tried out the new stuff in ptr and zen is now a pretty damn viable support option with the near instant speed discord and harmony orb and an extra 50 shield. it's amazing how much more durable he is now.
and the double speed during his ult is just nuts. you can rescue just about anyone with it.
it also heals more.
Going for a jog, bbl
This is why I don't drink Brown ale anymore. It unlocks my savage.
Suh dudes.
i know these feelz! :)
Later Ika, stay safe.
Sleep is death.
Today i painted a cep and it toon ages
now I art like spain
wowza very artsy
you're so nice
stop changing your name bloodchan
fuck yes Friday
Payday nigga~
Pffft fuck that. Get paid every Thursday
My direct deposit doesn't hit till friday at 2:00am D:
I just get checks since I live right next to a bank
time to order pizza.
the only solution for this hangover
*cheek kissu*
have i missed any memes while away?
Well was the trap at least somewhat attractive?
And I apologize for your loss.
I thought he was pretty cute, mostly cause he was cosplaying as mai waifu
I was also coked out of my mind, 2 molly caps, half a blunt, and a couple of shots of tequila in
So Im pretty sure I was fucked up
Like I literally told all my irl friends I was gonna get my dick sucked by this trap and ditched em
oops forgot pic
Traps be dope
Eh, not too bad. Good on you I suppose.
I see it's deader than everer
Did you cuck soto?
I think Soto's the only one in this thread who knows that feel.
I almost respect him for it.
Pizza time woo woo woo
It was pretty great
But like Rin said I inadvertently cucked one of my other traps friends
Apparently that trap was in a relationship with my other trap friend and I told Isla everything and he was like wait dont you mean my gf?
I was like H-Haha jk
But that nigga knew I wasnt jking
Did you cuck ghostie too? lmao
giant snake
birthday cake large FRIES
In your defense, that's not really cucking, that's just his 'gf' being a cheating slut. Cucking would imply he knew about it and allowed it to happen.
You ain't Bard, gtfo
But Ikarous is my original name :/
I would like to donate some cummies to Megumin.
You're not kanra, le evacuate these premises
RIP 5evr Kanra.
God help him wherever he is now.
Well I didnt know they were going out
nigga lives in georgia
What are the fucking odds dude
Id give her the explosion if u know what I mean
Oh good, I'll make an Akame folder very soon
May he never post ponies in here again.
Sounds like it ain't your problem at all, my dude
Where's Au... She's cuter.
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She's dead
You're not kanra, le evacuate these premises
Thank God
Hey Malts, sleep well?
You are not Blood-chan
please meme text
Tell her to get on steam, I'm bored.
I will not.
It's okay. I'm here for you.
Don't....I'm Hitler
me atm irl
Meme text?
Nah, she's busy being dead
How are yew Scoots?
Why are you so useless.
I almost wish.
Don't make fun of our public transit system!
I'm only useful to my master
why are you dying? and i'm kay atm
Public transit system:MOOSE
I thought it was zamboneys
How are you?
Your master ain't even real nigga.
i became the boozeahol
what u up 2?
Only when it's too cold for the public meese to run.
One goose, two geese.
One moose, two meese.
One shoop, two sheep.
One loop, two leep?
I'm kay~
Kanra is real, I talk to him on the phone every now and then
Ohmigosh scoots... stop drinking... and I'm getting ready for a walk... I'm still tryna find work
-turns into a little Mexican girl-
Why not both?
Thats good i suppose. What have you been up to?
i miss sheepy
I love going through leep on roller coasters.
I miss Primm too.
A lot...
You on right me on left : (
oh shit fam who'd ytou cuck?
mornin sunshine
Hey sleepy gurl
Honestly, I don't think I've really come to terms.
I usually just try to avoid thinking about it.
I'm saying I wish I'd cuck'd someone like you.
And that I almost have a newfound respect for you.
is this la raza?
is that a feets?
so close yet so far
one of my many squads
My main weeaboo skwqd tho
It's n-not like I need to walk or anything >///<
What are you up to today?
I just feel too bad for the person who got cucked to really respect someone for that.
Besides that though, nice.
Nothing~ nice flag, faggot~
Such a thrill seeker~
hay, lover
i just woke up
im waiting for a minecraft server to be ready to play on in approx 14 hours
im really tired cus i had too many nightmares and couldnt sleep
im so fucking hype to play on this mc server
I may be a bit of an adrenaline junkie.
How the fuck do you think I feel?
Like I feel a tiny bit bad just cause I hung out (maybe took him out on a date) with Ghostie irl and he was pretty chill
now he fucking hates me
i wopuld';ve wanted to achieve the trap threesome tbh
I doubt thats gonna happen now that he blocked me off everything
u fkn wot m8
Thank you. See you soon.
To be honest, I think he's reacting a bit in the extreme.
I get being hurt, but you were pretty loaded when it happened, and I've been under the impression that you thought they'd broke up.
What's the server gimmick
and what you nightmare about?
Ghostie's cucked like multiple people tho
it's just karma dood
huh actually cool game
Holy fuck the more you think about it, the more hilarious it gets
M-multiculteralism is a good thing
g-give the benefits to the mudslimes
Its like, they serving themselves on a silver platter for the slaughter then act all surprised when it happens
What outrageous fascism, ja?
Did you finish it? Pacifist route, at least?
Well Ghostie isnt the most stable person out there
I seriously thought they were broken up since Skaabii told me something about him being in a wheelchair and some other stuff but then again I was coked out of my mind, so my attention span was pretty fucking short
Rin do I have you on steam i need to ask you something in private
who did he cuck lmao?
Can't remember but I am pretty sure that is a meme that is coming back to me
i dont think it's hilarious
yeah i did neutral and then went back for pacifist
i've stopped at the sans fight for now
Should've been glassed years ago.
Oh you're doing genocide now?
Kanra couldn't even beat genocide Undyne. Which, I mean, it was pretty tough. But Sans is worse by a country mile.
couldn't beat undyne? lol
i'm terrible at the game and i still got through it. i can only imagine kanra's level of skill.
I think he gave up fairly quickly. He was like "I don't wanna kill her, she's the coolest fish lesbian."
Modern Crusades when
it's not nice to make fun of retarded people
I can't stop laughing, and only partly because I'm edgy. Its the reasons and people acting all confused
Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority".
Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out.
Doubtful soon.
muslims had already conquered at least 1/3rd of the known world before the Crusades began
why the fuck u lyin?
ultra lame
did you feel bad going back to genocide after pacifism? cuz i kinda did
a little bit
desu senpai
I did.
But it's just a game.
games are weird
fake test pls leave
Lucky lucky I will die in heartland america due to a corn accident or perhaps trampled by cows long before i am impaled for religious reasons
Different meme
I am like 99 percent sure that Ghostie was a major slut for the past like 4 years and got around like the hoveround
Humanity needs to unfuck itself srsly
And with that I'm out
see ya jackky boy
like a lampshade
Imagine this. You can sit back, relax, turn on the telly, put your feet up. And the government will pay you for it without any of that tedious job-seeking and signing on business.
And I'm home
Why does this century keeps piling up capital mistakes one by one
Shut up you wagecuck fuck
you enjoy sweating for your tendies
lol wagecuck
i get to watch anime and get my tendies and get to talk to your girl
lol loser
she's such a fucking memer
The commies seriously used to imprison those who didn't work
Good times
Seriously tho, the west falling, big time.
Move to the east, move to glorious slavic places where honor still exists
I don't want to live on this planet anymore
If you had no stamps, jail time
And instead of this
a guaranteed basic income would give individuals the security to retrain or try out new business ideas
Then only those who have proof of having the same workplace for at least year should have that kind of money
As for the rest
I got a business idea lmao
its called smoke large wead lOL
cute pic
The Great Xue Fang (Lostalgia)
ayyyy lmao
Can I hire you to kill your president?
We don't have a president.
assassinate/kill obama isis muhammed IED dirty bomb?
Jack is a beta wage cuck
Snizz in the snatch
At least I'm still in the EU
Not happy about it tho
That shitty clown of a drama teacher
do it fgt
I don't understand
i dont have one
im canadian