First Glimpse of Freedom Planet 2

So it seems galaxy trail released 2 of the 3 videos showing the gameplay.
It seems they are keeping it safe and adding some new shit to them.
Also, at the end of Jan they will release a Sample (whatever that means) for us to play.

Other urls found in this thread:

And here is the video showing Lilac.

This game looks fun and interesting so I can't wait for Holla Forums to find any number of baseless reasons to shit on it.

What else? Take your bets, folks. Could probably make a bingo card.

looks like a furfag game for fags

I never liked sonic.

I don't like Lilac's new design, but otherwise it looks good.

you know they fired the previous artist on the basis that he draw porn, when actually the pictures could not even be considered soft porn right?

Reminder that Carol is best grill

fuck off shill


Was this guy the furry artist who they hired to do a single promo poster thing?

Not saying you're wrong but I'd like to see some more information about that. Sounds interesting.

Shouldn't they try to actually finish up all the stuff they said they were doing for the first game first?

Looking forward to playing as Carol again.
Probably another demo or trial like the first game.



As of now they say the engine is fucking shit and is not working, so after finishing FP2, they will remake FP1 on it's engine and add the content there.
I don't think anything like that will happen though, stretch goals always fuck everything up, the gender bender mode from shovel knight also never saw the day of light and probably never will.
At this point, i think stretch goals should be banned from any project, they always fuck that up.

Any day i would replay Sonic 3 & Knucles instead of ever touching filthy fan knockoff with OC donut steel character, that is also being sold for real money.

Also Sonic Mania on the way, a far better game, you better support that with your money.

somebody post PHYSICS


Welp, Risparkstarnic the DragoHedgehog is back in session. I still think the sprites look too out of place. They're too big or something.

Might be me being spoiled by Sonic Mania though.

Something's not right about this game. I mean the previous one was a good start. And the music hasn't dropped in quality at all from what I'm hearing.

II know they're trying to portray these characters as older but everything looks uglier and disjointed. Like a really crappy sonic fangame. At least FP1 had good presentation with that SNES/Genesis style look it was going for.

I figured they'd build off of that for improved detail and refined animations. Nope. Hoping to high heaven this is just a playable alpha only to get a handle on the gameplay or something.

The only thing I've found so far is a thread in the game's forum telling people to stop posting porn and ecchi content on the site:

As for them being SJWs, I doubt it (Or they're one of the more level headed of the bunch). Scrolled through Strife's (Basically, the team leader) and Bennett's (Lilac's voice actor) Twitter feed dating back to election day, and all they've really posted is just random stuff, thanking the fans for their support, or showing off current projects. The most "offensive" thing I saw either of them posting was Bennett making a snide comment about how punk music will be on the rise over the next four years.

So, I'd say their cool in my book (Thus far). Now, what really irks me is the people who won't stop bitching about Trump winning (Like the people involved with MLP and Voltron). Those people (And media) I will drop my support for on the spot.

The first Freedom Planet was better then any of the actual 2d sonic games i've played.Maybe you should pirate it and give it a try rather then have a stick up your ass

Because people aren't allowed to voice their displeasure over a cannidate they disliked having won?

I member better knock offs on the genesis and they shilled like you to genesis customers.

I literally suggested you pirate it it you shitposting faggot

Your mental gymnastics need a little work.

Responding to this guy:

Post made me smile, cause it's true

At least we aren't getting people closing an arbitrary facet of the game and pretending it's a horrible sin of game design to not be perfect in that one aspect.

Looking forward to the game, will buy entirely based on devs not doing a second kickstarter for funding after the first game to encourage good behavior.


I didn't really see Strife as an SJW type. In the (now dead) boards where the majority of Sonic Worlds (the engine FP uses) games were being posted, he was pretty level headed.
Although, in that post you linked…
There's that word. Ugh.
I am mad about how they shafted Gashi-Gashi, too. It probably was due to external pressure, not Strife himself, but I think he might have gotten some of the kool-aid down his throat.

Previously he made some small game concepts using precursors of the FP variant of Sonic Worlds, such as 'Time Heroes', a platformer with shooting elements. But back then he only did freeware so it was more 'authentic' IMO. Now that he has a company, Galaxytrail, it's different - now he has to appeal to the masses, watch out for game ratings boards and all that. Getting money is nice, but being a business involves a lot of red tape and appeasement… And a consequence of that is drinking that very same kool-aid. Too bad.


I do recommend pirating first just to be sure, you don't want to regret this type of shit.

The new character design is shit. The first game had that old-school cartoony Sonic feel, but now it's just… cheap generic furry.

I hate the new artstyle. The backgrounds are too cluttered and the characters just look like generic furries without the appeal of the "chibi" form factor.

The voice acting and the story was atrocious in the first game but the gameplay was just right.

I felt like the first game was trying to mix Sonic with Rocket Knight Adventures and an autistic cringy story but ended up being an easy and repetitive mess with a hprrible soundtrack.