Can we get a thread going for redesigns that actually improve the character?
Can we get a thread going for redesigns that actually improve the character?
I can't with this shit anymore, I just ducking can't. I'm too fucking old for this coomer shit.
>>116890740the future is now old man
>>116890740Yeah there's a lot of quacks on this board
>>116890740There's a pill for that
>>116890740Yeeeep>>116890578Objectively shit taste OP.
>>116890740the world is for coomers now old man
>>116890578I dont know why but I like it when costumes are mixed with casual clothes
>>116890578You first, OP.
>>116890740>Oh my God is that a TITTY! Ugh...I literally can't even right now
>>116890578Improve =/= Make you coom.
>>116890628It's insane how much adding just a couple lines makes these characters way more attractive
>>116890578what the fuck OP
>>116891140>Oh my God this character doesnt have TITTY! Ugh...I literally can't even right now
>>116890856>>116890875Honestly these aren't bad, does the artist have one for Guy?
>>116890846>Thicc eyebrows>Thiccer thighs>"Breed me, vato" expression
>>116891626Maybe soon.
>>116891066I do too.
>>116890740>I just ducking can't>I'm too fucking old for this coomer shit.>ducking >I'm too fucking old >coomer >too old By the way speak and conduct yourself i can tell you're not too old, you probably have the gays or erectile dysfunction, i also think it looks fucking stupid but i won't cry about it like a little girl
>>116890578Just getting rid of the jacket would've been enough
>>116891749Sounds like you're crying like a little girl to me. You will always find something to complain about. That is who you are.
>>116891907By the flacid reply you just give me im guessing i was right about the erectile dysfunction then, good luck with that user
>>116891066Same here user. Miles has the best spidey outfit and it isn't even close. The casual/costume combo, the color scheme, and his artsy personality expressed through the style makes it top notch.
>>116891606said no one
>>116892136That's just Mister Terrific. Be more creative.
>>116890578The puffs are better than generic braids.
>>116891066Based, also the scuffed starting outfits like this and Rilleys suit have a certain charm to them
>>116890856I get that it's supposed to look like a flight suit, but why would Hal conjure up a costume with pockets. What's he carrying in there, extra constructs?
>>116890578>>116892136What's wrong with the original design?
>>116892434Said OP*
>>116891066>>116892644Putting hoods on characters known primarily for flipping around is some dumbass shit.
>>116892681who fucking cares
>>116892693Nothing at all.
>>116890628Make the nose normal, and give her a non-balding hairline, and we've got a winner.
>>116890856WTF, I had an idea for a Justice League reboot if I ever became a comic writer, and my idea for Green Lantern's redesign was to make him look more like Reiji Arisu... I even intended him to wear sun glasses... am I looking into another dimension right now or something?
>>116892681Things that his power ring can't replicate, like medication, glasses that don't add a green tint to everything, and snacks for the long FTL space flights.
>>116892895And here I thought you couldn't go stupider than the 4 boob window.
>>116890740>tfw me toI've been jerkin off literally every day for 20 years and I think I'm just fuckin done.Or at the least I'm done thinking of it as a fun way to spend my time. These days if I get caugh up edging for 2 hours I just get sad at the amount of time I used when I could have been doing something else.
>>116892730Who cares it looks cool
>>116892874Whatever poor sap that got assigned to lineart in your hypothetical book would come to your house and bludgeon you to death for making them draw all these pointless belts, buckles and flaps a hundred times per issue on a strict timeline.
>>116892874Wow what an original concept, putting a pilot in a flight suit and aviators. You're such a visionary.
>>116892874sunglasses are lame, I would do a pilot helmet but I guess that's too Nova-ish
>>116890578How does this improve the character other than making it easier for you to coom?
>>116890578But her actual design is fucking kino, just give her bigger breasts or something you fucking coomer.
>>116892994Well, he wasn't a pilot in mine. In my version, the Green Lanterns are an organization of spies and secret agents who are born into service for life, without real names, and never meeting their higher ups or other Lanterns. The Lantern we follow would use the names of every main Green Lantern throughout the story. He was also going to be the catalyst that brings the Justice League together under orders from the organization in order to stop a cosmic-level threat. Due to the nature of the organization, there would've been questions of whether or not he was making everything up or not, then probably some big deal where we meet some other Lanterns.
>>116893285>the Green Lanterns are an organization of spies and secret agents who are born into service for life,what? wtf am i reading?
>>116893250>all the edits look tacky as shitNever let Holla Forums design characters.
>>116893285Everything you just said has nothing to do with Green Lantern. Stop using other people's IP to color your fanfiction.
>>116893320I thought it was a cool idea for an alternate take on the Lanterns. Plus it would add a lot of mystery surrounding the Rings and where they come from.
>>116893401Not like I'm a writer at DC, and I should've mentioned the Ring/Lantern powers would be the same in function.
>>1168932507 with her normal hair would be the best for me
>>116893250OP is correct, 10 is easily the best.
>>116890578this sucks coomer retard
>>116893250For me, it's 14.
>>116893413it's absolutely terrible, that was the most autistic thing concept i have ever read on Holla Forums, quit writing and delete your wattpad account
>>116893285>in my version, the Green Lanterns are schizophrenicsWhy, though? Why not come up with your own organization and name for it?
>>116890856>>116890875>Notorious sex addict Hal in loose jumpsuit >Straight laced marine in a thin layer of paintTheyre okay designs but not for the characters
>>116890578>>116892136>>1168932507 with the larger breast or 10 with white or black pants would be best.Love the underboob but hate the bikini bottoms.
>>116893527Ah yes, so much more autistic than an organization of Space Cops who get inducted when one of their rings flies onto the finger of a literal who.
>>116893575>pilot in a pilot suit>engineer in a practical no-frills suithmmmmmmmmmmmmmm big thinking
>>116893569Fair point, if I just changed the powers this could 100% be its own thing. I just came up with this concept for how I'd do a Justice League reboot.
>>116890740You guys are so fucking easy.
>>116893667John is an Architect
>>116894699point stands
>>116890740and so the coomer becomes the boomer
>>116890578Left's hair, and Right's costume. The afro-puffs and tits go well together.
>>116892895Why does she only have tanlines on her ass?
>>116891066It's a good look for characters who are suppose to be rookies or ultra street-level.
>>116892681pocket sand
>> she Mr. Terrific and Powergirl's daughter from the future or something?
>>116890578She needs an alternate identity, now that the real Power Girl is back post-doomsday clock. If you want to bother with Tanya at all.
>>116890578Keep right’s body with left’s hair.>>116890628Good, needs fangs.>>116890846Needs bigger breasts and armpit stubble, also, tune down the eyebrows.>>116890856Not bad>>116890875>>116891066Eh>>116892136Terrible>>116892644Bad>>116892895Based>>1168932501 through 5, and 8, 9, and 10 are all great. Rest range from decent to subpar.
>>116891066It hits that Superman in a phone booth itch, I think, with the idea that they just pull on the mask, unzip their jacket, and they're a hero, not a glasses wearing reporter or whatever.
>>116892895At that point just have her be nude
>>116896319but how would everyone know she's part of the fantastic four?
>>116890578keep the pants so the design leads eyes to the tummy and underboob
>>116890578I have no idea who this is.
>>116895684it's part of the costume's gimmickthe artist can draw whatever tanlines they want depending on what they want to show Susan was wearing previously
>>1168932507 with 9's hair
>>116890578bigger boobs are fine. but the underboob and bikini bottom is just coomer tier. Make it a leotard by connection the top and bottom half and i'll say its better than original
>>116896526>boring leotard #6402pass
>>116892136>making a black character urban chic/blaxploitationOkay this is actually cringe and done by a white dude.
>>116896001They have no connection
>>116891066This was fucking retarded, I'd understand if some dumb tumblr kids drew uninspired hoodie costume fanart of their Spidersona or whatever, but having it front and center of an official movie was embarrassing.
>>116896365Have her partially invisible around the breasts and groin, so she could be wearing a bikini, she could be completely nude, and nobody knows for sure.
>>116891066I like it too, but I always wonder how he sticks on walls with shoes on.
>>116892136The brass are stupid, and the boots look weird.
>>116890578...Who's that BLACKED slut?
>>116897161Powergirl, since around 2015
>>116897161When New 52 started, Peej and Helena got stuck on Earth 0, and started a company to find their research to find a way back home.This girl, I forget her name, was the daughter of one of the employees.Something scientific exploded and she got superpowers, size changing and super strength, I think, and Peej left a note telling her to call herself Power Girl.Since then, I think she was on the Teen Titans for a while and completely obscure since.
>>116896247No sir I don't like it.