The show isn't selling me on the relationship between these two. She's belittles him, insults him, sits back while he gets mauled and abused, and is just generally an obnoxious cunt to him. I think him not ratting her out to Captain Blacklady was supposed to be a heartwarming moment meant to show how much he respects her, but it completely falls flat, especially since Captain Blacklady forgetting his name and snubbing him for credit is completely contrived in order to stack the deck. They needed a veteran of Futurama to pull off the Star Trek comedy thing, not fucking Reddit and Memey. The only jokes those guys know is "characters yell their dialogue really fast" and "Ha ha. Jerry sure sucks, amirite? Let's laugh at him being humiliated".
The show isn't selling me on the relationship between these two. She's belittles him, insults him...
Other urls found in this thread:
On and I KNOW CBS has bots crawling around here to lavish the show with praise, so I full expect it.
>>116883449>"Ha ha. Jerry sure sucks, amirite? Let's laugh at him being humiliated".But he doesn't suck. He's best boy.
>Ohh! Take off your pants
>>116883488He’s so cute
>>116883488Of course he doesn't suck, but the writers hate him. He's their outlet for Jerry-style abuse.It's also infuriating that Mariner turns out to be right about the spider having him. That's pure Reddit and Memey.
The spider having milk rather.
rick and morty but more blantant propaganda
>>116884678How do you know that wasn't a femanon?
>>116884754there are no girls on Holla Forums.Only horny betamales and y/u/rifag trannies who fantasize about being 10 year old girls
>Mariner convinces Boimer to do something heroic that helps some innocent aliens, but it's clear this will be the end of his career>they go to a bar and get drunk, Mariner joking around how badass they were and how they saved the day, not understanding why he's so quiet >finally he snaps, tells her that's he's finished and his dreams went up in flames, she snaps back stating he's better off staying with her on lower decks, they don't need to be high ranked>but he shoots her down by stating he's done and will be dishonorably discharged because unlike her he doesn't have a daddy admiral that protects him from consequences and always wards of problems of her own doing>she gets pissed off saying she didn't ask for it and they start arguing, cursing at each other and finally pushing>one push too many makes Boimer snaps and smacks her across the face with a loud slap>a moment of silence passes, both of them shocked, Mariner touches her cheek and caress her face before a fury takes over and she start punching him and now they're in regular fistfight >Mariner is a badass, trained and fast, but apparently she's the type of drunk that gets noodle arms after a few shots>Boimer on the other hand turns out to be an angry drunk, and with adrenaline buzzing he quickly gains advantage>he mounts Mariner, raining punches down as she protects her face with her forearms, unable to counter attack>and then, in a drunken fury, he starts ripping her clothes off
>>116885080>lacks politicsThat's a bad thing?
>>116884678>>116883588>>116883488I mean... its true tho
>>116885091What about the dykes tho?
>>116883449>sits back while he gets mauled and abusedThat was because she knew they'd need the slime to counteract a potential zombie plague.
>>116886304>no political messaging>Star TrekYou get to pick 1 and only 1.
>>116883488ensign cuck, first class
>>116887349Hell, half the episodes were seeded in current politics and policy
>>116883556>>116883488How long before Mariner or someone else drunkenly forces themselves on him?
>>116887761I look forward to their stuck on the holodeck episode where we see the kind of girl he is into and its just her.
>black girl is a quirky whitish characterStop please just fucking stop, you are doing it horribly wrong.
>>116887803>Boimler's girlfriend shows up>she's just a hotter, more successful version of Mariner
>>116887446Boimler is NOT for cucking. He is for teasing at worst
>>116883449Cartoon characters always have relationships like that where they are over the top. Besides, they aren’t really “friends” until the end of the episode
>>116887474But it was also good user, and the key word in your statement was “half” it didn’t spend 10 hours poorly telling you it’s opinions as it shits all over itself
>>116883449You'd totally colonize that ass though don't lie
>>116887761OHHHHH. Now I know why Im so hooked on these two. Thanks alot Holla Forums
I'm excited to see the white guy get with the black girl. I'm watching the original series atm.
>>116886206Go on
>>116883449>to show how much he respects herAre you autistic? Purple hair boy clearly hated Mariner but begrudgingly didn't rat her out because he was just beginning to see the good side of her.
Any Mega on the next few episodes?
>>116883449It's just one episode, man. At least let them release a few more before coming to conclusions.
>>116889804Episodes get released weekly. Patience.
>>116887761VERY soon.
>>116883449>I think him not ratting her out to Captain Blacklady was supposed to be a heartwarming moment meant to show how much he respects her, but it completely falls flat, especially since Captain Blacklady forgetting his name and snubbing him for credit is completely contrived in order to stack the deck.I mean from where I stood it looked pretty clearly like captain bitchtits just fucked up with the "actually reward the spy" part of what she wanted done.
>>116888404 WTF, Kim Possible lips....REALLY?
>>116886206You can't just leave things off there, you goddamn cocktease.
>>116890826It's an inbetween
>>116887349Back in the 60s, they had real social issues, not manufactured ones to justify a shows existence.
>>116887761Gross.Have you ever smelled a black person? They are really stinky.
>>116892185it really seems like she is into him. I hope it not just her just being nice. I am only interested in the show because of the potential relationship.
>>116887349The vast majority of episodes had no political messaging and multiple of the very best episodes had them disregarding petty political messages in favor of a grander vision. Everything current Star Trek is stewing in was something Q used to routinely mock and Picard used to blast past without sparing a thought. Rather than progressing as storytellers to tackle bigger, harder, more important philosophical issues, it devolved into the barebones basic stupid shit people on twitter hope makes them sound a little smarter than they are.Picard should not have been dwelling in which rich white guy owns what furinture, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence.
>>116892239Yes, they did smell pretty bad but they were also morbidly obese
>>116887761So it's just Nagotoro in the Star Trek universe? If so, it might be kino.
>>116892275Nice input. Thanks CBS employee.
>>116885080>lacks agendaThank god for that.
>>116892125 It was supposed to be a joke user..
>>116892390I wish I was paid to shill. It pretty shitty star trek show and it should have just been a parody of it. A better show would been an hour long cozy show done straight with some light comedy.
>>116887761The cursor makes her look like she has a fang.
>>116892436Trekkies are apparently too good to take a joke.
>>116890826She's biting her lip. This is the moment where she switches her internal opinion of him being a snobby asshole to potential mate. He done flipped her switch.
>>116885080Ironically lacking politics is a super political message with the current political climate.
>>116892664Star trek always had liberal politics, it just wasn't run by extreme left nutcases who believe the means justify the end.
>>116892436Well, you missed that time.
>>116892331This>>116892760And this.Star trek had its political episodes but they weren't ludicrous and allowed a lot of breathing room for both sides.When not doing that, they had a lot more twilight zone esque episodes. High concept sci fi experiences. Trapped in alternate realities, trapped in machine of am ancient civilization for what feels like years but was only 20 minutes. De-evolution sicknesses. Even basic shit, like father and son relationships, like worf and his son, or riker and his dad.Faggot leftist saw Star Trek to use it for their political megaphone like all other god damn shows amd fucked up all the more wholesome shit.Fuck this cartoon. I'd hope they could turn this around, because it's still a show in its infancy, but so god damn many shows have been butchered to hell over the last 7 years by sjws and retarded millenial writers that my complaint is not the first pointing out the bullshit, that turning this show around likely wont happen.
>>116883588He needs to be molested more.Based spider.
>>116892239>>116892332You guys suck
>>116893087Sorry man
>>116883449>I think him not ratting her out to Captain Blacklady was supposed to be a heartwarming moment meant to show how much he respects her, but it completely falls flat, especially since Captain Blacklady forgetting his name and snubbing him for credit is completely contrived in order to stack the deckI didn't think it was too bad. The captain disrespecting him was to show that he was not being respected even as a spy and that this probably wasn't the right way to advance his career. This of course refers to the saying that you can't impress people who already don't like you.To wit, he admits that he agrees with her intentions as being good for Starfleet if not for her being loud and hyperactive.
>>116887761>>116890365/aco/'s gonna be buzzing making stuff out of these.
>>116883449>Not sold on something after only one episode.Gee, I wonder why?As much as people on here are complaining. The amount of threads complaining about such a nothing burger of a cartoon show really does show that people here need something to point at and label as evidence of the fall of civilisation.
>>116894686That's not even the best instance of sexual craving the cartoon's given
>>116894755Pattern recognition is a bitch. I wish I was like you. An idiot.
>>116887761>>116890365>GIMME THAT VIRGIN DICK, SHY BOY
>>116892275None, just being niceWay too nice
>>116894789>Seeing things that aren't thereOkay, buddy. Next you'll tell me that white guys were the folks being oppressed all along and this cartoon proves it.
There's a 100% chance this guy is evil and will betray everyone.
>>116888213Jon was such a faggot. You got a hot, horny brown cougar, offering you both free beer and sex. How do you fuck that up?
>>116896050There's a 100% chance he'll fuck Mariner.
>>116896050I can see him as starting out as the golden boy with a bright future, but a series of mishaps slowly crushes his spirit, and then the season finale will be him finally snapping and trying kill the whole crew.
>>116886206Fuckn user, you made me more invested in the resolution, not even the fucking show...
>>116888213>>116896083>mfw that opportunity came up for me and I didn't pass it up
Has the new episode came out yet?
>>116896822Already up on torrents.
>>116896829My mom's high school friend keep hitting on me through Windows Messenger back when that was still a thing. She teased a lot so I finally told her I wasn't interested if she was just going to tease so she set us up at a Holiday Inn where we fucked like otters. Then she bought me a Galaxy Note 2 for my bday. Was like 10 years ago.
>>116885080This is such bullshit though. I don't understand how you can read this show as apolitical when the whole thing is about a schism between the political and working classes.
>>116897321Hell, you can read more politics in the first episode of Lower Decks than you can in the first episode of Discovery.