Somebody tried to make a 3x3 thread yesterday that didn’t take, May as well try again. Rate and Rec.
Somebody tried to make a 3x3 thread yesterday that didn’t take, May as well try again. Rate and Rec
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>>116882194What is the top left? I searched around but can’t find anything. Also is it sin to say I actually prefer Lemire’s Animal Man to Morrisson’s? Have you tried Gideon Falls yet?
>>116882465>What is the top left?Marshal Law. Lemire's run is a bit padded out but still good. Already read through Gideon Falls but I may have to catch up.
There are so many more things I could have put on here.
>>116882086I've read some of everything you posted but conan and six gun, but i cant imagine six gun gorilla being shit, it looks pimp. I go back and forth on busiek. Here's my list, hopefully it's got a few you haven't read and will check outSo as far as ratings go 7/7, great list.
>>116883250>>116882086Oops forgot pic>>116882194What is next to shakara,Off of your list i like scud, love animal man and moon knight, and I've tried authority. I guess I'll check out marshall law after i get to that point in miracleman
>>116883291Button Man. What's that next to Cankor?
>>116883520It's Head Lopper, what's button man about
>>116883781>Harry Exton, an ex-soldier, is a "Button Man", a hired killer pitted against others in an underground sport. Each works for a mysterious "Voice", a rich man of unknown identity.
Great taste OP.
Pretty basic stuff, would love to hear some recs.Also loved but could not fit here:AnnihilationCopraDaredevil (Miller)Gotham CentralGreen Lantern Corps (Gibbons, Tomasi)Hawkeye (Fraction)MiraclemanPlanetaryS.H.I.E.L.D. (Hickman)Secret Six (Simone)The New Frontier
>>116884423My list is the one with brat pack, for reference, glad to see ronin pop up. I honestly like it as much or maybe more than dark knight. I know he was cribbing moebius and lone wolf but it genuinely feels so experimental to me, easily miller's most underrated work. Everyone knows it's where tartokovsky got the idea for samurai jack, but even the androids and the hover bikes show up in the durge episodes of his clone wars series. Great stuff on every page
>>116884724try Copra by michel fiffe, it's a nice companion piece to x-statix, hardcore violence in a cartoonier style, ans important characters actually without falling too heavily into capeshit ruts
>>116884724>Fury>Secret SixNice. I'd recLemire's Animal Man. Not meta like Morrison but more horror/gore focused.The Authority (I'd advise reading until Millar's run starts)Bane: Conquest
>>116884927Yeah, I already read it and it was really damn good. Just could not fit it in the 3x3. I think that I will read Headlopper, found it in some other user's 3x3 and looked it up, looks very promising. Maybe I should also read Ostrander's Suicide Squad based on my love for Copra, Secret Six and Taylor's current Suicide Squad ongoing. But thanks anyway
>>116884960Thanks! I've been keeping Lemire's Animal Man on my hard drive for a long time now, but I want to read the whole Animal Man post Morrison first because creative teams look very promising, especially Milligan. I also want to get into some WildStorm books because Joe Casey's Wildcats looks like a very well made action comics, maybe I can squeeze in some Authority after I finish that
Genuinely wish I was as invested in comics as most of you guys are.
threw one together, I'd like to hear your opinions on it because rarely hear praise for some of these series
>>116882086Based, Good, LameGood, Based, blehBased, Based, whatever
>>116885181outcast is seriously one of the 9 best comics you've read?
>>116884887I agree 100% about it being Miller's most underrated work, something about the colouring in particular puts above any of his other books art-wise for me. The prologue makes me wish he had given manga a try.
>>116884423>>116885181>Watchmen and Kick-Ass in the same slotsBrother??
Cheating because its too hard to just do 9
>>116885390Probably used the same image but put the others over the original
>>116882086>>116882876>>116884423>>116884724>>116885414If you can't think of nine comics without repeating writers, you need to read more comics.
>>116885414Preposterously good taste, I'd recommend 100 Bullets.
>>116885479Who's your favourite comics writer/creative team?
>>116885496Ive sat on 100 bullets for a while now. Dig Risso's art but Azarello has never written anything I really dig (I kinda liked Luthor but that'd be it).
>>116885479Well, that’s why I came here - to ask for recs. Not sure what the problem is
>>116885567Joe Casey
>>116885600You didn't like Dr. 13? that's the only one of his I liked but I really liked it.
>>116882086A man of culture I see.
>>116882086Nice taste OP, for real
>>116885677Never read it. Ill check it out. I didnt like Joker, Spaceman, Moonshine, or their Batman collabs.
>>116882086Eyyyyy i’m surprised somebody made one of these, i’m always making them. I need more non marvel or dc stuff, I am currently reading Miller’s DD
>>116885479>if you like two comics by the same creator, you must not read as much as I do. Hurr durr.Fuck off, superfan.
>>116886003Coda is pretty cool
>>116882086I'm reading through New X-Men right now but I would love some recommendations, maybe some more self contained stuff or things from outside of the big two
>>116886162Ive never really read New Avengers, Hickman left a bad taste in my mouth when I read FF.
>>116886231Avoid his Avengers and Secret Wars from as far as you can.
>>116886003I recommend you stop being a phoneposter>>116886162>HickmanI recommend America
>>116886345You try having a broken laptop dumbass.
>>116882136>young liarsmy nigga
>>116886162Try Garth Ennis's Punisher MAX run, it's the farthest thing from capeshit you can get.
>>116886231I really enjoyed new avengers, but it unfortunately gets a little bogged down by forcing you to read avengers which wasn't nearly as good alongside it if you want the full story. Secret wars was alright if you aren't bothered by doom wank. If you didn't like FF though then you probably wouldn't like new avengers since its allot of the same characters.
>>116886482I actually like Doom so Doom wank doesn’t sound bad, also, does anybody know any good monkey related comics?
>>116886482>HickmanI enjoyed all of it.
My complete hand-to-god favorite comics. Pretty normie shit for Holla Forums, but I can only live my truthThere are easily 15+ other books I'd also rate 10/10 though... I'll make another for the lesser-known god-tier stuff>inb4 muh vertigo
>>116886552Check out Judge Dredd Nobody Apes the Law and, The Humans
>>116886552six gun gorilla
>>116885181That Moon Knight run is a waste of good artwork and Kill la Kill is really weak, even for Brubaker
>>116886618Here's another 3x3 for all you cool cats and kittens. This one has some less well-known, though no less incredible, comics. I would recommend any of these books to anybody on this board.
>>116885181>WatchmenA classic, only contrarians disagree with its greatness>The FewHave not read this one, but it's on the list now>PreacherAnother stone-cold classic. I genuinely don't get the hate it gets on Holla Forums. >Maximum DinobotsBasically perfect in concept alone, but I haven't read it>OutcastThis one I actually don't really like. Kirkman doesn't seem to be able to conjure up the same wild momentum propelling the long-term narrative he does so well on TWD and Invincible. I gave up after the first year or so...just wasn't doing it for me. Art is great though.>Moon Knight by LemireA decent run, although of all the attempts to revive MK in the new millennium, I like this second-least (only Bendis scores lower). Huston's run was bonkers edgelord shit and I loved it, Ellis had some cool ideas with the multiple personas, and Lemire...did more of that stuff. To be honest the "superhero but CRAZY" angle was beginning to wear thin with me by the time this launched. But again, not awful. Lemire's still a beast.>Kill or Be KilledBrubaker/Phillips joints are always solid, and this one is no exception. It has the gritty "what if [comics trope] were actually tried in real life" energy of something like Ennis's Red Team, but with its own spin. Definitely a good read. However, Sleeper remains my fav from this team.>Kick-AssFuck the haters, I love this book. Millar is almost like Quentin Tarantino or something, in that you know the tone going in, you recognize the dialogue when you hear it, and for some reason a lot of people enjoy publicly announcing how much they hated the latest iteration of the creator's well-defined aesthetic. For my money this is one of the last great Millar titles before he started softening up and catering super hard to film and TV (I know this one was in development before it even finished coming out, but to me it didn't FEEL like a soulless movie pitch the way his current stuff does).>SlotsHaven't read it. Will check it out.
>>116886618you need enigma in your life my friend
>>116882876I feel ya. I have probably 30 comics I'd call 10/10. Let's see what ya got.>KamandiBased. Love this one.>Lee/Kirby FFAlso fantastic. If you don't like it, I genuinely think you might dislike fun.>AkiraI'm not an anime guy at all, but I loved it.>Ducktales by BarksHaven't read it, but the love it gets here convinces me I need to>Looks like Moebius...that the Incal?I haven't read the Incal in years, but it's amazing. Jodo for life.>NexusMy man. A massively underrated book.>Megg Mogg and OwlAw hell yeah. In the running for my favorite book of the last 10 years>Savage Sword of ConanAwesome. I gotta read more of this; everything I've read so far has been incredibly badass>Sweet ToothAnother modern classic.End verdict: good taste user
>>116885479>you picked the wrong favoritesShut the fuck up
>>116884724You might enjoy:InvincibleThe Ultimates by Millar and HitchThe Umbrella AcademyThe Bat-Epic by MorrisonJLA by MorrisonNew X-Men by MorrisonMarshal LawThe New Teen Titans by Wolfman/PerezUltimate Spider-Man by Bendis/BagleyFantastic Four by WaidThe Flash by WaidThe Flash by JohnsPunisher Max by Ennis Punisher Max by AaronSuperman: BirthrightNextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E.Copra (seconding that other user)Wonder Woman by PerezHope this helps!
Sure, I'll go for it.Notable exclusions>Hitman>Byrne Superman>Sandman: Overture>DC New Frontier>Before Watchmen: Ozymandias
>>116885180You can get into comics, user! Just start reading! Nobody here started at this level of passionate fandom. We just read books, enjoyed them, and looked for more like them until we found stuff we absolutely loved. Ignore the assholes and contrarians. Come on into the fandom! Water's fine!
>>116887772How is seven soldiers? Im contemplating about getting it
>>116887802I'd say it's top 16.
>>116885414Ooh yeah, you and me are on the same wavelength Holla Forumsmrade
>>116883291>Brat PackBased retard
>>116887802It's based as fuck. Honestly one of Morrison's very best. I'd strongly recommend getting it.
>>116887802I love it.
>>116885180if you'd like we can try and recommend you some comics based on your animation tastes
>>116887853Yeah I saw a good deal online for the first two volumes for 20 bucks.
>>116887772some questionable shit
>>116887815hell yeah my dude
>>116887928sorry fag, only thing that's questionable is your dads love love for you
>>116885600Azzarello is at his absolute peak in 100 Bullets. I'd give it a shot. His cape stuff never really worked for me, but 100 Bullets, Jonny Double, and Spaceman were all top notch, with 100B easily being the best. Maybe Risso just actives Azz's writing abilities like the Manchurian candidate, I don't know.
>>116886003I feel like you'd dig Invincible
>>116887938Did you get that filthy mouth from your mom? Do you at least swallow like her?
>>116887982I heard the MC is just Peter Parker with superman powers
>>116887819Not a veitch fan? I love him. He signed and sent me one of his self-published anthology books
Sorry, only fingers here. Sorta like your Mom fingering my butthole and making me fall in love with her. We went on holiday to Greece, it was spectacular. The skies were beautiful and the people kind. I'd never seen your Mother smile like that. She was so happy. Her smile faded when she realised she had to go back to you guys, but I made sure to whiten her teeth with a big ol' splooge before you guys gave her a big kiss.
>>116886162Some smaller, self-contained stuff I dig:>Seaguy (Bright, loopy silver age hijinks with a sinister orwellian edge) >Roche Limit (excellent sci-fi, only 3 volumes)>Ballistic (absolute bonkers bananas sci-fi freakout that's also funny)>Global Frequency (self-contained X-files meets William Gibson tales set in a shared universe)>Dry Spell (violent, gorgeous sci-fi cape book that literally no one seems to know about, yet is completely awesome)
>>116888074Of course, meant for >>116888026Writing that made me want a comic version of Roman Holiday or Breakfast at Tiffany's. Anyone got a rec for it?
>>116884980yeah i recommended copra, and headlopper was in my 3x3, great stuff, it's like if Adventure Time was a mignola-verse book. If you read Copra maybe check out some of chuck forsman's action comics. I haven't read the stuff they made into netflix shows but i thought revenger was cool
>>116888046I can see the similarity, but he's more of a good-natured everyman archetype. I didn't ever feel like, "aw man, this is just a lazy composite of existing IPs." It sort of uses that familiarity to get the reader comfortable, but it goes in some VERY different directions from what you'd get in either a Spidey or Superman comic. It's a good book, man!
>>116882194>Marshal Law>SCUDNice.
>>116887924I'd take that deal if I didn't already have it
>>116888102Cringe, take your meds, schizo. Up the butt, just the way you like it.
>>116888146So he is like Wally West in the everyman way? Im not saying thats a bad thing, Wally West is my favorite comic character of all time, I like how he is a guy who is pretty normal but in a world filled with gods and aliens, he saves the world with them but is a father at the same time.
>>116885335another thing i love about miller's work is you can always see the seeds for the next thing being set up in the last oneThe derelict new york setting shows up in dark knight and the tunnel freaks turn into the mutants, and casey later evolves into martha Washington, the robot limbs on the Ronin are reused for garrett in elektra assassin but elektra herself is a psychic ninja like the ronin, and the humor of garret constantly losing his limbs is a recurring slapstick element in sin city, which also reuses marv getting blood in his eyes mid-fight and being unable to see like how batman blinds the mutant leader in the mudpit. Miller would have been great at manga, but i kinda consider sin city his manga series, i guess it doesn't exactly fit what you're looking for because only Hell and Back has lynn varley's color
>>116888420Yeah, that's the right ballpark. He's an everyman in a world of crazy characters and wild adventures. If you liked Geoff Johns's run on Wally's Flash, I think you'd like Invincible
>>116888462I might try it, I am sticking to my backlog but I can fit in another comic
>>116888513I'm telling you user, you won't regret it. Invincible is one of my favorite cape books of all time.
>>116888055That's tight, user.>Veitch squad post up
>>116888542>>116888513Agreed, Invincible got me through some of the most bullshit parts of high school, i didn't love it quite as much after the hundred-something issue mark but i felt like the ending stuck the landing
>>116885714All these books are great user. 9 for 9 from me.
>>116888640I lost interest at some point during the everyone is covered in blood all the time period.
>>116888640Agreed. The peak was probably around the Viltrumite War arc, but it remained pretty solid until the ending, which was strong
>>116886552Skyape is pretty fun
>>116882136You cheated, but I'll allow it because your taste is impossibly based
>>116888634i love veitch so much, when i was visiting my mom i was showing her the book he sent me for free, but i hadn't seen the signature yet, and i almost started crying when i actually found that it said 'gift: rick'. I read 'The One' when i found it in a bin in single issues, but my love for veitch really started when i was listening to cartoonist kayfabe. Ed Piskor described how Rick used to melt crayons onto bristol board to experiment with coloring, which fascinated me cause i used to do something similar as a kid. My mom even found me this bratpack sign for my birthday
>>116889051That is awesome. Damn awesome.
>>116882086Everything on this 3x3 is great except for Invincible which is gutter trash only salvaged by Ottley's art
>>116886917Lurk more
>>116889192Don't be a dick, user. This is a thread for recs
>>116887085None of these are obscure newfriend
>>116889086Yeah, as soon as i move into my new place im gonna separate part of my library out, devoted to his stuff. I've got two tatoos right now, the copra skull and dr blasphemy censor/symbol
>>116887755>Superman: BirthrightAwful. Stop pushing this meme.
>>116889263I didn't say they were obscure. I said they were less well-known than the first 3x3 I made, which they are. Why do so many people on here insist on acting like Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons?
>>116889282Post a pic if you feel like it...I'd love to scope your ink
>>116889288>A different opinion>REEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>116888542>these are the manchildren we have to deal with
>>116889307Could you at least pretend you aren't a tourist who doesn't fit in? Holla Forums doesn't need to change to cater to outsiders.
>>116889256Fine. >Hey, Wait..>Wildcats v2>Bakuman>Metropolis>DV8>kirby's FF>One More Summer>Savage Dragon>Kaijumax
>>116887772>Actually listing Before Watchmen shitYou started reading comics after 2012 didn't you?
>>116889376a) I can't even tell if you're joking or not. You are indistinguishable from a parody of an insular asshole. If I am being memed, well played.b) I've been on Holla Forums since 2013. I just try not to be a raging asshole to everyone; sorry if that feels like "outsider" behavior. This is a rec thread. I'm recommending comics I like.Come on user, let's not fight. We both like comics. Be easy.
>>116889421>Savage DragonBased
>>116889514You're coming to a comic book thread and asking why people act like comic book readers. No, nobody has any obligation to be kinder to newfaggots. Back in the day it was understood that the newfag's job was to be silent and lurk until they're not newfags anymore.
>>116889548>BasedBased patrician that isn't swayed by bad word of mouth
>>116889595People shit on Savage Dragon? I only hear praise for it.
>>116889614Oh yeah. When the sexual phase started it became a hobby to laugh at it and repost the panel where a supervillain attacks with her menstruation.
>>116888864Yeah i stuck it out just to see how it ended. I get why it probably got a little boring during viltrumite war, but personally i did find i really interesting that mark and co had to go through hell issue after issue until half the cast was left, and even then Mark still got bodied by conquest when people were trying to heal. Compare that to the average event comic that usually has no effect on the characters' involved main books outside of one or two special issues. It really felt like they were getting dunked on because most superheroes couldn't stand up to one evil superman,m uch less his whole species out for blod
>>116889703>Waid Flash>7 Soldiers>Elektra Lives Again>OG OMAC>From Hell>Stray BulletsTerrific taste user
>>116889703Absolutely based, haven't read from hell yet or elektra lives again but i almost put elektra assassin on my list
>>116889649Yeah Holla Forums thrives on forming opinions based on out of context panels.
>>116889448I'm not some petty little faggot that puts Watchmen on a pedastle. Continue to seethe, while I enjoy Darwyn Cooke.
>>116889740thanks user>>116889803From Hell is absolute tits, it is miles upon miles better than Watchmen.Lives Again and Assassin are 2 very different things, both wonderful. Elektra Assassin is Frank writing glorious fanfic about his own character, Lives Again is the true final chapter of his DD run (I love Born Again, but I read it as separate from my main Miller DD headcanon). And it has the best staircase in all of comics.
>>116890225>the best staircase in all of comicsThe absolute TRUTH
>>116890252And Matt's bathtub is pretty dope too, now that I think of it.
>>116889703When should I read Elektra lives again? Im still four issues into Miller’s run
>>116889854You didn't answer my question. I'll take that as a yes.
>>116882086This was the most true 3 x 3 I could make. Had to exclude a lot of stuff, but these are my favorites.
>>116890383At least you're following his advice and continuing to seethe
>>116890400I know nothing of manga, but all your western comic picks are dope
>>116890381My suggestion would be: - main run- Love and War- Elektra Lives Again- Born Again- Elektra: Assassin (can be read as a prequel or sequel but imo it "fits" better here, at least thematically)Man Without Fear doesn't count, it was a movie pitch turned into a miniseries, it doesn't really match up with the rest of the run.
>>116890400Did you order Seeds and Stems, user? It dropped yesterday.
>>116890424Manga are just japanese comics, same art form. Definitely worth exploring, and there are some seminal works you'd be remiss to not look into.You at least really, really ought to read Devilman. It's an incredibly important, historical work in the medium that pushed the boundaries of what was acceptable in it's industry. It can be a bit juvenile at times but it still holds up remarkably well for a 50 year old comic >>116890504Ordered it from Fantagraphics ages ago, can't wait. I really wanna see what the little pill bottle comic is.
>>116890516To be completely embarrassingly honest, I can't get over reading the pages right to left. I don't dispute the importance of manga or anything, and I 100% agree with you that they're just a kind of comics. I really need to just get over myself and dive in
>>116890495Not that user, but I'm also looking for a guide to Miller's DD stuff. Thanks!
>>116890558You do - your brain will figure things out very quickly after a few pages, and if you're reading something that is good the art will draw your eye where it's supposed to go as well
>>116890558I'm gonna out myself as an old by saying I'm pretty new to manga but I've enjoyed and would rec One Punch Man (Empowered without the T&A), Pluto (think Watchmen but for Astro Boy), My Brother's Husband (newish one about a normal Japanese dad dealing with his dead brother's Canadian husband moving in), Skull-face bookseller Honda-san (super funny slice-of-life absurdity) and, of course, Akira. Just ordered Phoenix and 2nd volume of 20th Century Boys from the library.
>>116890668Thanks user!
>>116890580Happy to help! Enjoy! Oh, and read the first post-Miller issue by Alan Brennert/Klaus Janson, it's a really good one.
>>116882086This could literally be my 3x3. Absolutely great taste on all counts OP
>>116890620Nayrt, my brain ain’t worked out shit. I just keep going back the wrong way. I’ve just given up on it.
>>116882136Two can play at this game, tough guy. I also have one for favorites 101-200, and about another 20 of yours are on that one. We have too many in common.
>>116891030God DAMN you have almost my whole bookshelf on there. Patrician Taste
>>116887795Thanks for the words of encouragement user.>>116887914Sorry if I haven’t responded yet, I’ve been busy with work as of late, but sure, recommend me some good comics to read. Especially since I’m a big fan of books like Hellboy and the rest of Mignola’s work.
>>116891046Eat a dick, it's been running for 30+ years, constantly reinvents itself, and shows an artist's growth and development in real-time. It's got some weak points and parts but it's incredibly solid overall, and when it transitioned to a monthly became truly something special.If it's good enough for the god damn Louvre, it's good enough for a 3x3
>>116891046>thing is popular>"person posting about it must be one of the hated youths" fuck off with this gatekeeping bullshit user
>>116890668>Empowered without the T&AI'm not sure what that would even be. It feels like saying "Fast & Furious but without the dumb blockbuster parts."I have heard good things about it though. I'll give it a try
>>116885479That's not how this works.>>116890225>From Hell is absolute tits, it is miles upon miles better than Watchmen.I don't know about "miles"; they're both in my top ten.
>>116891155>thing is popularWhat does that have to do with him being underage??
>>116891643I think the idea is that with youth being a driver of culture, someone liking a popular thing must themselves be a child...or something
>>116891970>>116891643>30 year old thing, major influence on many things, prolific, in art museums>zoom zoom funny pose meme anime zoomsThat's my understanding
>>116891222lol fair. It's a high-energy superhero satire about various social-climbers within the "superhero A-list/B-list, etc" but the MC is a deadpan guy who barely makes any effort instead of an insecure bondage girl>>116891580I love Watchmen too but From Hell has better characters and has aged better. Watchmen is a Cold War book, through and through, but From Hell is an angry book about class warfare, which is sadly timeless.
>>116892053sounds about right
>>116891030I'll post my regular grids. I'm currently reading Roy Thomas' Conan, and it's looking good. Wasn't enjoying it at first, but it's starting to click.
>>116889854>pedestalAlso, your Before Watchmen pick wasn't by Cooke.
>>116892918Savage Sword is great, the color series is Almost as good, but RT had a tendency to drag things out sometimes.
>>116884960>Bane: ConquestMy nigga.
>>116885414Goddamn based taste
>>116884724>DaytripperFuck yeah
>>116885180Top middle?
>>116886917Top right is Bakuman.
>>116884724>>116895445>>116895452>DaytripperI thought it was alright. It's definitely a must-read, but I didn't fall in love with it.
>>116886618>>116887085I didn't enjoy The Invisibles and The Filth as much after reading Luther Arkwright, which I love. I still like them, just not as much. Bits and pieces of it are also Transmetropolitan, Sandman, and Preacher, and a lot of other Brit comics. Luther Arkwright was pretty life-changing for me.