Will Amity kiss Luz by accident?
The Owl House
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>>116876894I hope not. That's bad writing.
Great to see that this owl shit effortlessly took over Steven Universe's spot as the most constantly spammed faggot shit on Holla Forums. I guess the entire SU fanbase immediately jumped ship to this trash.
>>116876894I wish, that would be cute
>>116877066Can confirm i'm a former SUfag.
>>116876894>Oops,I fell and my tongue kissed you for 5 minutes straight>Hahaha,such a silly mistake,I'm sure that Disney won't think that we are more than friends
>>116877478imagine a 20 minutes episode filled with a kiss scene during more than 30 seconds tho... That would be based af
>the best Korean She-ra fanartist is currently watching Owl House (twitter.com
>>116877581I wonder why koreans are so active when it comes to yuri ships. I still can't get over the ton of Elsanna korean fanart. It's great though, they truly add something to the fandom.
>>116876894>Lumity thread FUCKING YES, GOD YES OH SWEET JESUS YES
>>116877818that also mean we'll get the "dyke"-fags here, complaining about lesbians every two messages
Do we have any reason to believe that Amity is Dana's self-insert outside of the hair? That could be easily dismissed by her with 'Oh i just liked the hair so i gave it to a character'
>>116877893Let them be angry I want cute lesbians
>>116877947Fucking base
Reminder thar Mr and Mrs Blight have arranged for Amity to marry Boscha and will not tolerate their daughter getting LUZED
>>116877581>She's an incestfagWelp, I guess it's time for this dyke to neck herself.
>>116878067y-yes quite disgusting indeed... yes
Amity is for abuse
>>116877066I can confidently say that i look at Owl House the same way I looked at Steven Universe. They occupy the same area in my mind. It's definitely a direct replacement for me
>>116878106Why do people think Amity is abused? If anything she's the one dishing the abuse out.
>>116877066>samefag and create multiple threads about muh lesbians to create a narrative of obnoxious dyke fans>point to it in another thread>???>PROFIT!
>>116878124More like wanting Amity to be abused.
>>116878124have you not seen the library episode? It's obvious that her sister and brother bullies her. I'm guessing she's projecting all that hate on willow.
>>116877478A kiss doesn't have to lead to anything, user. Naruto famously did an "accidental gay kiss" scene back in the day and it was never acknowledged again. The most that came of it was Cartoon Network cutting the scene when they first aired the show.
>>116876894Yes.It will replicate the scene from episode 2 of Naruto perfectly
>>116877940...i see that top panel and the first scene I instantly latch onto is the love-love attack from G-Gundam
I feel like Amity started the show as one of the most interesting characters but the show immediately wasted everything unique about her by having her asshole nature get retconned away.
>>116878307>NarutoYou mean Boruto's dad
>>116878363she's still an asshole to other people, but not to Luz the lesbian
>>116878067I would commission something from her if only I could speak tae kwon do.
>>116878367No Naruto Jr.
>>116878372Have you seen the episode with the burning photographs? It basically retcons her entire attitude.
>>116878396I think by retcon you mean Character Development
lesbian unf
It's true
>>116878396That's the episode she's the biggest asshole in. The fact that everyone forgives her is disappointing, but I'm still holding hope that Luz will call her out at some point (cue all Amityfags getting mad at Luz).
>>116878418That episode is not character development. Character development would be if Amity's parents just talked bad about Willow, or made statements about weak witches etc and Amity cut Willow off because of thatBut Amity actually cuts Willow off for Willow's own good, if she hadn't her parents literally say they'll make sure Willow can't go to HexsideSo Amity's attitude towards Willow at the start of the series makes zero sense, she's stopped being friends with Willow but only because her parents have forced her to, so her going out of her way to be mean to Willow as opposed to just ignoring her is ridiculous. The series has basically tried to rewrite Amity as having done nothing wrong instead of giving her actual character development.
>>116878484I get what you're saying, but hanging out with asshole friends can change you.
>>116878463debatable since that's also the episode where it's revealed in spite of everything we saw previously that Amity only stopped being friends with Willow because her parents said they would stop her going to Hexsideobviously Amity shouldn't have been messing with Willow's memories but that episode basically makes Amity out to be the victim whereas previously she was much more interesting because she was actively reflecting the opinions of her world
>>116878515Dunno what's up with all this Amity talk when Lilith is best girl.
>>116876894yes, "by accident".we were supposed to have cartoons and instead we have faggotry
>>116877947this explains a fucking lotlike why Amity has borderline taken over the show
Honestly what would have been a superior explanation would have been for Willow to succeed at some spell that Amity couldn't do, causing Amity to cut her off out of insecurityAmity would double down on her studies as a result while Willow's would suffer as a result of this rejectionIt would even explain Amity's continued dislike of Willow afterwards - believing Willow's a slacker who doesn't live up to her potential
>>116878508>Amity only stopped being friends with Willow because her parents said they would stop her going to HexsideIf that was supposed to be the point, wouldn't Willow be like "I forgive you for everything Amity, thanks for being such a good friend uwu!". Instead Amity admits that she was "weak" and avoids confronting Willow, while Willow does not completely forgive her.However the problem with this episode that in the view of fanbase Amity *is* completely redeemed and did nothing wrong, and this reaction was completely predictable. Worse yet, Luz is also completely onboard with Amity and she is the protagonist. So despite the writers being aware that Amity should not be completely redeemed, she pretty much comes off that way because of Luz's reaction and the fandom being blind to any flaws in Amity's character.
>>116876894Not by accident
>>116878756the problem is that the episode:A. doesn't actually explain why Amity became a mean person in generalB. shows Amity specifically looking out for WillowHow could Amity have been non-weak in that situation? She had to cut Willow off or Willow would have gotten screwed over. If anything that move that she made was valuing Willow's own situation above Amity's own friendship with her.Amity did have flaws at first - she was haughty, arrogant, insecure and superior, but now she's basically just insecureBut instead of that episode cementing her change it's just raised the question of how she was so arrogant to begin with
>>116877066Which surprises me, because at least SU had some potential and interesting aspects. They where completely botched, but they where there. Owl House is so generic that I can’t see why people are so invested in this shit
>>116877947Anon, abused becoming abusers is one of the most common social concepts out there.
>>116878923Fuck off with your general thread faggotry. 7 threads out of 150 is nothing.
>>116877818hated Luz's. .. attire... in that episodewear a suit, wear a pretty dress or wear I guess an office lady suit? but don't try to mash them all together it just looked like shite
>>116876894If Jesus didn't exist in that word is not a sin to be lesbian,but Luz is from ours,so she is going to burn in hellAside from that cute couple
>>116879181Don't bully her. She's special.
I don't have an eye for character design, but is just me or do they all look like shit
>>116878923>no you can't just say we should have generals again!>we need a single show to have dozens of threads!
>>116878124>>116878106Because Amity is for abuse. She's that high achiever who hides her pain behind her accomplishments. And much like Korra her accomplishments and prestige is all she has. Which is why it's so fun to see her get broken down and hurt.
>>116879270Eda is pretty good bordering on excellent, King is okay, Luz depends on outfit, Willow and Gus are generic, Amity is cool on the borderline of generic
>>116878896>Walking into a kiss with eyes closedImpressive to say the least
>>116879361It's Thursday.
>>116879270It's just you, Luz is the sexiest 14 year old in western animation.
>>116876894Here’s a thought, what if the Blights don’t disapprove of Amity and Luz’s relationship, but instead don’t see Luz as a person but rather an accessory >don’t worry Amity, we’ll be picking your girlfriend’s dress for her, don’t want her to make us look bad in front of the guests >remember Amity, your date has to look cute and fluffy, like a purse dog. When she’s cute, pretty, and very clearly in love with you, it makes you look nice and approachable
>>116878067keep seething
>>116879575I can't wait for the episode where Amity tells her parents she's dating a brown person.
>>116878756Anon they looked to be at most 7.
>>116879636I would think the elf and human divide would be more worrying than that. It would be like finding out your daughter is dating a dog. Whether the dog is a Rottweiler or a great dane is kind of secondary to the fact she's dating a dog.
Who wins?
>>116879361Cute girls from cartoons and anime smoking weed gives me strength.
>>116879705I think the bigger question is who gave Luz an ass and Anne tits?
>>116879705As of right now Anne murders her. She's a skilled swordsman who can move so fast she looks like a blur and beat a giant monster bigger than a house with just her pure strength and skill while Luz has to depend on leading monsters into traps.
>>116879705Anne has sword training and super strength Luz has magic paperAnne def the winner
>>116877066SU was pretty based
>>116879705>Luz ass vs Boobchuy
>>116879315>that fanficD-Do girls really have periods that bad?
>>116880012>Fanfic???You have my attention, go on
>>116880044Bless you - Evilsnotbag
>>116880012you talking about the Lunar Eclipse AU ? Did you read it? is it great?
>>116879671The problem is Amity's behavior now, not when she was 7. She was a bitch to Willow, she was a bitch to Luz and she was a bitch to King (in the Covention episode stepping on his cupcake for no reason), all completely unprovoked. Just because she had a sad backstory shouldn't give her a pass.I mean say what you want about She-ra, it never shyed from showing that Catra is a shitty person, despite the fact that she was heavily abused as a child. Catra gets called out at least by Adora, Scorpia, Double Trouble with each of them saying that she is responsible for being shitty person and not Shadow Weaver or whatever. Meanwhile Amity gets to blame her behavior on her parents, despite receiving nowhere near as much abuse as Catra did. In fact Amity is extremely privileged in comparison to her fellow students, seing how she has Lilith as her mentor and on track to join Emperor's coven, no doubt thanks to her family's connections.
>>116880201It's a real period pieceThe fans clearly ovary-acted
>>116879713If you have anymore, post them, friend.
>>116880280pretty sure it doesn't talk only about that
>>116880203I'd say the problem is that the episode that should have explained why she was such a bitch doesn't address that at allI'm not saying excuse it, I'm saying we got an episode that was basically going to explain her entire backstory and why she was a bitch instead it's just made it convoluted and not really explained anythingthat being said Amity's issue with Luz is actually legitimate, Luz helped Willow cheat on her studies. >no doubt thanks to her family's connectionsthis part though I disagree with, Amity is easily one of the most skilled people in the series, she's probably on track because she's one of the best students
>>116876894Is this worth it? What would I be in for
>>116880307I'm kidding around, it's actually a great fic. Very well written and in character
Once again, posting for late comers and ill actually have some more material out once I find the right song and I finally catch up on Amphibia.youtu.be
>>116876894This show has a serious SU effect going on. Around the time of the hiatus the threads were dead and everyone agreed the show sucked. Then they start hinting at gay shit and other twitterfag bait and suddenly the threads are alive again (and concurrently, all other threads on Holla Forums occasionally deal with the spillage of newfags shilling sjw shit and using words like "chud"). Artificial fanbase.
>>116880383>Spice in my brewOh my...
>>116880356Was the part 8 the last one, or do you think there are still chapters in the work? I want to read everything at once.
>>116880395>everyone agreed the show suckedStill pushing that narrative, huh? You think if you say it enough it'll become true?
>>116880433please don't respond to this guy
>>116880383Guess the Star finale didn't kill you, huh?
>>116880355Just don't trust any of the show's promises and you'll be good
>>116880012No, mostly exaggerating at most parts, since your a man does that period stuff bothered you ? Just curious its kinda gross even for me
Why does Amity have more protagonist qualities than Luz
>>116880651Because she is author's self-insert/pet.
>>116880651Such as?
>>116880395coz most of the people who wanna talk about lore are overshadowed by shipping fags, assuming TOH has given us enough material to discuss lore with, which it does not yet at the moment
>>116880651She doesn't, Luz is a typical happy-go-lucky clueless protag, while Amity is a heroine who is tsundere towards MC (though she's full dere at this point).
I hope we get more Eda focused episodes soon.
Are you ready for best boy to debut on the 22nd?I'm fully prepared for disappointment if he jobs to an autistic 14 year old
>>116880932He's going to put an anti-gay spell on luz
Amity will turn Luz into her little pet slave.
>>116880932I hope he destroys the school and kills everyone there.
>>116880932Here's something I just thought of. Do we know anything about Luz' dad?
>>116877066As someone who likes Star vs and Amphibia I can say the Owl House while occupying the same space as SU, is infinitely better as a show in my opinion. There was something about SU that turned me away in a way that's not happening with TOH.
>>116881391Was it the shitty MC?
>>116877066pretty much this, in 3 years some other WOKE garbage will replace this show too
>>116881391Can you specify? I dislike both TOH and SU but for completely different reasons.Do you like it because it’s less intense than SU with less mature themes and therefore more comfy?
>>116880203Amity is about 15 or 16, right? Hardly the height of maturity. You seem to think the show has given her a complete pass on her behavior before, as if she didn't apologize to Willow or show remorse for her actions. I don't know why you want Amity to be called out for being mean, since it's not like it never happened. People can change and redeem themselves, and the fandom can think whatever it likes. God knows plenty of fandoms are far more forgiving of even worse characters.
>>116880203>Catra gets called out at least by Adora, Scorpia, Double Trouble with each of them saying that she is responsible for being shitty personYeah, but in the last season all of that is thrown away and Catra is forgiven for everything, so that was all for nothing. You’re right that Amity being a bitch contradicts the later episodes but at the very least Amity never did anything that horrible to make her redemption feel out of place. She was a mean kid that turned good, children change behavior all the time. Amity never kidnapped anyone, never tortured King, never tried to destroy the world out of spite and hasn’t manipulated anyone. She was a bully to Willow but not even the same way the other mean girls where. Catra is ten times worse than Amity due to her crimes being awful, but they are all forgiven directly because of her trauma. Don’t act like She-ra is better than this.
>>116881645are we really comparing a war criminal to a high school student?
>>116878424Not really, but that's cute.
pic related
>>116881828This applies to everything
>>116881828Not gays my friend. Lesbians. Noone wants to see sweaty hairy men kiss.
>>116876894I started watching for the bisexuals and I'm disappointed that I'm not liking Lumity because I think Amity can do WAY better than Luz.
>>116881912Luz is just a pet for Amity. A little sextoy who can be happy to bring her mistress food. Amity loves Luz and Luz will get her cuddles in the night but Amity wants a harem of obedient little pet/slaves.
>>116881094Don't even say it.
>>116881892speak for yourself
>>116878756>However the problem with this episode that in the view of fanbase Amity *is* completely redeemed and did nothing wrongI don't think anyone is saying that.
>>116882049>a human>never mentioned>Luz mom knows about Boiling IslesIts her fucking dad.
>>116882100Unfortunately, some people are saying that.
>>116880932Is that the emperor?
>>116882154it's obvious that Amity still did things wrong because she's mean to Willow at the series openingbut I think that episode has made Amity's previous actions a lot less bad in a "unsatisfying retcon" kind of wayI still think Zuko's the only redemption arc I'm 100% on board with from a cartoon
>>116882151please no, I beg you
>>116882154You're right -- I shouldn't broad brush the whole fanbase. I'll still say /most people/ are not saying that. We know that she's got a nice side, but even in this last episode we see that she can still be a bitch to people who aren't Luz.
>>116882192who isn't a dick to Hootie
I can't decide. Should I put lumity in my fanfic to make all the readers happy, or put Luz x king in it to make myself happy?
>>116882234I didn't mean Hootie. I wasn't even thinking about Hootie.Hootie never counts.
Is there a mega link? I'm going to assume Didney+ only has some of the show and doesn't update regularly
>>116882251who was Amity a dick to in the grom episode then? her siblings?
Hooty is a better character than King.Prove me wrong.
>>116882272She bumped into Luz and spat acid before she realized it was her. She then referred to her friends as little more than "et. al".She bitch.
>>116882282he does make me laugh more
>>116881476>>116881588I dont like musical shows. Especially the type of music that was splattered all over SU. Certain types of music grate my ears and make me change the channel immediately. Like if theres a bumper on Nick or CN or Disney that involves any sort of singing or God forbid RAPPING that's done by a cartoon character, I change the channel. One example is that Big City Sneeds has a karaoke bumper where the little girl raps, and I changed the channel because just.....no. I felt the same way whenever steven or pearl or connie or whoever's sang. Didnt help that the music was that adventure time inspired, minimalist, hippie shit
Blightcest story>fanfiction.net
>>116878124You'd be surprised how the cycle of abuse works user. The abused often become the abusers, even if will being abused themselves. It's a very vicious cycle sometimes.
>>116882493Finally someone who thinks SU songs are unlistenable. They are so twee I want to puke. I also hate Phineas and Ferb songs. The horse show had really good songs though.
>>116882282It's an odd situation of a character trying to be annoying being funny, and a character trying to be funny being annoying.
>>116882538MLP had the best songs
>>116882244wow, this got outdated fast
>>116882282Hooty is the best character. True to modern cartoon writing, I also suspect Hooty is going to be a much more significant figure than he initially appears. Maybe he's the one that cursed Eda or something. Or he used to be an imperial enforcer monster. That house had legs for a reason, probably.
>>116882538To be fair, very few shows have listenable songs. That's why I like Amphibia and owl house and star vs. These shows either have no music at all, and when they do it's short and listenable. Other bad examples of shows that have terrible singing and music are Teen Titans Go, certain adventure time parts, and phineas and ferb. It didnt help that for the last one they were in EVERY EPISODE
>>116882493>I dont like musical shows. Especially the type of music that was splattered all over SU>Didnt help that the music was that adventure time inspired, minimalist, hippie shityoutube.com
why do "people" keep talking about dead shows
>>116882682>That house had legs for a reason, probably.That reason being Eda and her house being a wholesale rip of Baba Yaga
>>116878372*luz the BISEXUAL, geez user get it right.
>>116882884Yes, I know it's a Baba Yaga reference. I'm talking about the in-universe reason for why the house has legs. It could be that the animation ritual gave it legs, but since we have a sample size of one really anything is possible.
>>116879575What if they see her as less than a person and more like a pet? Dog collar and all?
>>116883147Then my dick would explode.
>Diana gets RICED by nip witch with no magic heritage>Amity gets HUMANED by brown witch with no magic heritage excellent
>>116882806>>116883296Why, tho.
>>116883337the power of autism
>>116882682There's probably a limiter of sorts preventing Hooty from revealing its true form.
>>116878484Yeah this really got to me. Nothing was her fault, even her bitch friends, because it was all direct orders from her evil parents. Despite that, we saw her mocking and belittling Willow when they were alone. It is really poor writing.
>>116882244Anon, why not both? You're allready a degenetste so...
>>116878484Exactly. I feel like people forgot how Amity acted the first time we saw her.
>>116883627Because I hate lumity
>>116883627*degenerate damn it.
>>116882282everyone in the show hates hooty
>>116879193I guess she wanted to wear a dress at first but then saw Eda wearing a suit so went with both. Actually, that would have been a fun thing to put in the actual episode.
>>116883643Then listen to your heart, dummy.
>>116880203LMAO, maturity at 15 Woooow, please even as a young adult, people still have shit to grow out of, and she already said sorry for her actions in "understanding Willow" user stop playing Jesus, you've made mistakes in the past your self.
>>116882267It's not on Disney+ yet. You can watch it on Disney NOW, but that's different.
>>116883682you need to be 18 to post here
>>116880932Man, what if they made him Luz's father for no frickin reason?
>>116883671But if I add lumity to it, and tag my story as such my numbers will go up drastically
>>116880166>>116880012>>116880564From what lady friends have told me it's just cramps, being bitchy and the embarrassment of having a big red gob run out of your crotch. The pain is mostly from the uterus trying to squeeze that shit out which is basically practice for if it ever had to squeeze out a baby.Women who exercise regularly, eat healthy, and get sexed up fairly regularly generally have easier periods.
>>116883712Not sure what about his post you think made him sound underaged.
>>116883717It's obvious Luz's father is ____dead____
>>116881912>I started watching for the bisexualsPeople like you should be shot.
>>116883602It's cute seeing Emira and Viney paired together but what if Luz after starting to date Amity has an inexplicable intense wet dream of sleeping with Viney
>>116883632It's really annoying because I thought Amity was the most interesting school character early on (compared to the kind of meh nice friend Willow and the consistently annoying Gus) but she's basically taken over the entire show.
>>116883734starting with lmao in all caps, stretched out words, run-on sentence, and general autism.
Aren't we forgetting the incestous pairing of amitys siblings?
Shut up and post cute luzeses.
>>116883879The plural of Luz is actually Luzi.
How long before Luz’s lame friends get completely written out to focus entirely on Lumity? Next season latest?
>>116883879>Luz looks at Amity>She really focuses on her eyes.>Amity starts blushing and Luz looks at it with a magnifying glass>It's a new rune>It's a love spell
>>116883911>implying it hasn't already happened
>>116881892> Local poster wrong again
>>116877581>opened twitter and they seem really excitedWell, I did want to see more people get into the show. If Lumity's what it takes to do that, then I guess that's fine.>>116883911Keep Willow. Cut Gus. Add Viney. Show becomes 3x as good.
>>116878484I see this as Amity "becoming the mask". Last episode her first reactiong to bumping with Luz was insulting her before she notice who it was, so it's not like the show has forgotten how awful she is, is just that we only see things throught Luz point of view, I'm hopping they'll adress this at some point.
>>116883958and replace king with barkus
>>116883764-With cupid's arrow, cause they're just so cute!
>>116883983>not realising that they’ve obviously got big things planned for KingHe’s a great source of intrigue. King’s fully realised demon form will be a great moment in the show, I hope.
I think that Dana wants to have her cake and eat it too, fitting in the magic school plot and Amity's ex-rival redemption-cum-romance arc while still having the original premise. She probably wanted to stretch it out for a season or two, but the overall plan for the show isn't compatible with this so she's rushing it all and squeezing it into season 1 before something comes along and reinforces the original premise. But it comes across very poorly paced and written. Dana should have disciplined herself to have either the "magical school and the redeemed rival" plot or the "witch and her apprentice learn about the world and its magic and fight evil" plot, but she thought she could get away with both and also have wacky hijink filler episodes but there is absolutely no room for them. My guess is that Season One is the calm before the storm and Luz will be chased from the school and forced to go on the run with Eda and do some intense training to survive and expand her spellcasting.
>>116883830The writers figured out that too, user. Why complain about a great character getting screentime?
>>116884044I meanBelieve what you want to believe man, but the guy is a retard who wanted a burger king crown.
>>116883758I sure hope so.It's a cliche backstory, but I'd really appreciate if the story gave her something to explain for her endlessly positive and cheerful disposition.
>>116884084Oh, sure, he’s like that now, but for a story rooted in mystery, I think it’s a little naive to assume someone who’s hinted at being an all-powerful demon is just going to stay a moron forever.
>>116876894Do you guys think Amity is just Dana younger self insert? She confirm as bi and said she wanted to do a prom episode to make up of her past regrets not going to prom. She probably discover she’s bi ever since high school but never confessed to her crush. In her early adulthood, she might dated some women and men to fill that hole....WAIT IS ALEX IS THE MALE VERSION OF HER FIRST CRUSH!!!
>>116884072Because they very quickly made her much less interesting and the episodes that focused the most on her were more interested in giving her excuses for her prior behaviour rather than advancing her character arc meaningfully.
>>116884254She had exactly the same hairstyle and colour of Amity at one point and her drawn portrait looked exactly like Amity, albeit older. Plus, Luz is based on (and named after) her roommate who also works on the show. I suspect this is all an elaborate confession and Hirsch will be put on suicide watch by season three.
>>116884328Hilarious if true, but did they have to waste a shitton of money to do that
>>116883863Patrician detected. All this Vinera stuff is getting in the way of the show's objective best ship.
>>116884366>implying the twins don't know how to share
>>116884328>Hirsch in Suicide watchNah I can’t see Alex having a breakdown or tantrums over if he and Dana breakup.There’s one thread a user who is friends with animators in the industry found Hirsch in Tinder and fucking other chicks. Remember that one Instagram story he was at a party touching a Asian chick ass. But that happened after Dana posted a lot of mental breakdown drawings of little girls carrying a boar’s head and herself getting her heart pierced.
>Angry aggressive lesbian noise.
Why does show with such good characters has to have such shit writing?I would gladly take the opposite (i.e. Amphibia)
>>116884072Are you implying that Amity is a good character? She is the most pushed down the throats and pandered as a writers' pet which is why she is so popular among plebs.
>>116884638She was initially the most interesting of the school lot but that pretty much vanished immediately when she moved away from being a rival to a friend.
>>116884671>muh generic animu rivalNah
>>116884671You can wank on Boscha if you like bullies that much. She is going to have her own episode this week.
>>116877947The hair thing is funny since Dana said it was the other way around and she dyed her own hair because she liked it on Amity, back when the character was originally revealed in a charity stream. Considering she only had it for a while and she changes her look semi-often anyway, the idea that she designed Amity as a self-insert never really made much sense to me.
>>116884738>Boscha also winds up being lesbian for Luz
>>116884777If I ever design a character on a show I will give him a huge dick and say it's a self insert.
>>116883904I bet they have orgies all the time
>>116884798He already posted it. >>116880383
>>116884914Whoops. Until next thread.
>>116883337rude frogs
>>116884946Or you could just not spam it
>>116884472> I totally know about Hirsch, my dad works at Disney
>>116884472[citation needed]
>>116876894Maybe this show has more to it than lesbians, and maybe it doesn’t, but it doesn’t change the fact that all you people TALK about is lesbians. I wouldn’t say I outright hate this show, but I HATE these threads. You people make me sick. Just the way you fucking talk, you talk like you don’t belong here. Seeing these threads is actually proof that this show has nothing going for it other than twitter pandering. Otherwise you’d be talking about something other than shipping, but you don’t.I almost never drop shows after I pick them up, but Owl House may very well be just my 2nd in the past 5 years (after Final Space)THIS SHOW IS FUCKING GARBAGE
>>116883835That can be anybody, you even have faggots here calling everyone pedos for watching this show.
>>116885004>>116885057This the only sources I can find >>11682434boards.fireden.net
>>116881828>>116883296Don't you think that this yada yada pairing characters/creator's relation is just a medium to get more views or ratings that anything else?
>>116884254I don't get this self-insert argument. Even if Amity is based on her own experiences as a bi girl who had a crush on a girl in high school it isn't like Amity is literally her. Creators incorporate aspects of their life and past into their characters all the time. LOTR was heavily inspired by JRT's experiences in WW1. Anne's Thai background in Amphibia is because Matt Braly is Thai and her mother is even voiced by his own mother. Character's like Catra and Hordak in She-Ra reflect Noelle's own struggles growing up in a hyper religious household. Writers have put a part of themselves into their work forever. I don't get why nowadays if a character is inspired by the writer's experiences in life it's suddenly a cringe self-insert.
>>116883602From the thumbnail I thought it's Emira and Edric, needless to say I was very disappointed.
Human King soon.
>>116885732Technically, it already happened.
>>116885732Will Luz fall in love with him, or reject him?Remember, she doesn’t know Amity likes her yet
>>116879949Based Dean user-poster
>>116879949TL;DR version please?
>>116885612>I was very disappointedSame, I almost feel bad for the guy. >Get stood up on Grom>your own sister is dating another chick
>>116884730that is more interesting than Willow and Gus who are dull as ditchwater. I thought it was going to be Amity + Lilith versus Luz + Eda like it was in the duel episode.
>>116885923every tumblr/twitterfag thinks that SU is a about "YAAAH QWEEN SLAY!!! FUCK HETERO DUUUDES", but in reality it's more about "lesbians really sucks as role models and caretakers, also a civilization made entirely out of women is basically Oceania from 1984. Plus dads>moms"
>>116885539Yeah, writing characters in a vacuum without (accidentally) reflecting your own life, personality and experiences is a nearly impossible task. Even if you set out to do that consciously, elements of your personality inevitably seep in. Good creators realize this and use it to their advantage rather than try to avoid it. Giving different characters different parts of your life experience and mixing those parts in with new, imaginative stuff is a surprisingly effective way to make original and interesting characters.
>>116885539There's a big difference in using your life experience to write better, and outright self-wank obvious inserted characters whose only purpose is fantasy fulfillment. That being said I don't think Amity is that egregious of a self-insert.
>Creepy Luzyoutube.com
>>116885928They never met each other in canon. It's almost like this ship is only invented to not ship Emira with her own brother despite it being the most natural pairing.
>>116876894There seriously isn't anything else of value in this show huh? All you auitists talk about is if these two boring ass caricatures are gonna kiss.
any1 got mega for s1e16?
>>116882244I like Lumity but I think King x Luz is way too interesting, maybe you can do both!
>>116886532>King x Luz is way too interestingHow? There's nothing there unless you're a furry fetishist.
>>116877933>>116877944That "art" is vile.
>>116886777i think finding how they would get to mate can lead to cool stories
>>116886797>>116886824>>116886975How long are you going to keep spamming threads with this
>>116880932What if he's actually Eda's son?
>>116885989Okay now I support the death of the author
>>116887050I see now a lot of cartoons are putting queer symbolism and metaphors that it now became the issue of the death of the author...
>>116879548Hate him or not he's right. Tomboy tummies people.
New user watching here: does King have an actual crush on Luz?
Gus is made for bullying
>>116886824The irony.
What lewd to draw of Luz?Im not touching Amity
>>116886387>All you auitists talk about is if these two boring ass caricatures are gonna kiss.Holla Forums is vagina infested board
>>116887555don't know but it should feature her fishnets
>>116887555Luz with only her cute purple shorts on, corssing her hands on her chest and shouting at user
>>116887615Her fishnets?
Anyone have the photo of baby luz edited with 9/11?
>>116885808luz already loves king since ep 1
Gus is voiced by some faggot kid from Ravens home, another Disney sitcom. He's an implant
>>116887906Eda was selling fishnet stocking as shed human skin and they were said to have been stolen from Luz
>>116888690really when was the stolen from Luz bit said? Did Eda say that, I dont remember that.
Here's the drawing i made for that user's 8 bit cover of the opening. Feel free to use it if you're still around!
>>116876894This show had something going for it but its pretty clear its gonna be about lesbo shipping for the rest of its run
>>116888756would anons play an owl house rpg? you just gave me an idea
>>116888842>deletedi forgot, we are only allowed to spam fanart from tumblr and twitter, you aren't allowed to talk about fanfics
>>116888756Wow, it's perfect.soundcloud.com
>>116888726Right after. It was mentioned that Eda was stealing the stuff from Luz's closet.>>116888756Still doing more?
>>116888835The Boiling Isles would make a great setting for an intrigue campaign.
>>116888835Definitely, especially if you could use Luz's glyphs in situations outside of combat, like using her ice glyph to climb stuff or her light glyph to light up a cave.
>>116888991Not really. I'm on the verge of making an Instagram/Twitter account where i can post my art, but i haven't decided on a name yet. I'll hit you up once i finally decide.>>116888992Yes! I can do maybe one or two requests tonight.
Meet Dana's college roommate Luz, she works on the show as a storyboard revisionist and Dana says she inspired both the character and the name Luz
>>116889239If anyone explicitly based a character after me I'd feel so awkward
>>116889143>Yes! I can do maybe one or two requests tonightYou're really pumping these out.How about a QT sexy Willow?
>>116887470>New user watching here: does King have an actual crush on Luz?I see it more like a sapient dog bonding with their human master. Though if King really is a powerful demon whose powers were sealed then maybe it could be like a lite version of Alucard and Integra from "Hellsing."
>>116887191>You may only activate this effect of "Death of the Author" once per turn.What's the point? If it's banished it isn't in the Graveyard anymore anyway.
>>116889239>cartoon Luz has a comically large upper lip>real life Luz doesn't have an upper lip at allIs Dana taking the piss?
>>116882244both. put lumity in your fanfic to make all the readers happy; but have Amity get cucked by King.
>>116889370Wasn't Steven based and named after Sucrose's brother? Kinda weird desu but it doesn't seem that uncommon.>>116889424>You're really pumping these out.I am, aren't i? I've always been interested in drawing but had a terrible gaming addiction, so recently i just deleted all my games to focus only on what actually mattered to me. It's doing wonders to my productivity.I'll give sexy Willow a try, but that might be a bit of a strech for my current skill level. If it ends up like complete garbage i'll give you a qt one instead.
>>116888726>really when was the stolen from Luz bit said? Did Eda say that, I dont remember that.King told Luz that she should guard or keep on eye on her closet since Eda was taking stuff that Luz had.
>>116884562I make that sound a lot.
Luz is CUTE
Do you think Amity's parents will change or will they remain static in their cold, callous disposition towards Amity? What would you prefer?
>>116884869Oh fuck yeah
>>116888926>having funWhere do you think we are?
>>116889239Ok now this is just really fucking creepy
>>116889239Looks like Luz's mom
>>116888231Was looking for this too
>>116890429i wouldnt even call them cold and callous, you make it sound like willow was sort of savoir for her or something, obviously they have standards, i'd expect their standards to stickfor all we know, one of them is the head of one of the tracks, same bascha or gus's sisters parents
>>116890652They told their daughter to cut ties with her close friend due to public image and threatened to use their family's influence and power to keep said friend from attending a specific school. That's pretty fucked up.
How much should we expect the finale to change things? We see Lilith at the Owl House, if she knows where it is that's...kinda a big deal. You have to take her out at that point, or hope she flips sides.
>>116890949well what exactly did willow encourage amity to do when they were friends? get in trouble AND get caught while they were doing it, while also rubbing off her lack of affinity for magic, atleast the type amity does have an affinity forpoor, poor willow dindu nuffin though i suppose
>>116890956Or pick up the house and move it. There's also the issue of time as Luz's camp time is only three months and people have been saying stuck about weeks passing by among episodes so her time is doubtless short.
They cute.
>>116891145Crocs...of fucking course.
"I'm sorry for what I'm about to do Amity, but you tempt me so..."
>>116891145That Luz really reminds me of an 80s anime guy. Not sure who, though.
>>116891321What's going on here
>>116891522She's stealing her lifeforce I think?
>>116879315>her accomplishments and prestige is all she hasAside from our relationships with other people that's all anyone anywhere has.
>>116891349>>116891349Maybe this?
>>116891145So is the artist still being cruzified on twitter?
>>116891607Good memories count.
>>116891825what did they do?
>>116891885Use the wrong brown.
>>116887572That's why its so nice!
>>116891145>>116891349Makes me think Banagher Links.
>>116891953While I have my tablet out, who is the one most likely to say this: Luz, Eda or King?
>>116891825He deleted his account, sadly. I remember I even favorited this pic before he took it down and didn't see anything wrong with it. I hope he's okay.
>>116889424Sorry user, i couldn't do the sexy one. Have this cutie instead.I'll work on my proportions so i can actually deliver some proper full body stuff next time.
Google images results for Owl House ships:>Owl House Luz X AmityA shit ton of pics>Luz X KingA couple pics>Luz X WillowExactly 1 pic>Luz X Gus0 picsDamn, poor Gus
>>116892211A happy Willow's a good Willow
>>116892513>0 Luz x GusBoschlow is peak crack yet has way more, interesting.
>>116892083>>116892104>google a reference>autofill suggests "king x reader fanfic"Are there sexy human King designs out there on the internet?
>>116883602i see a lot of art for this, and fics, will it be made canon?
So we know the human thing is going to be used to allude to homophobia, and I doubt they'll explicitly talk about it. But the reason Luz is so oblivious, despite showing interest in romance/guys before, is because she comes from the human world where hetero is still the norm, right? She just isn't used to seeing girls as a possibilityMaybe they'll kind of hint at it when Amity's parents don't approve>"Is it because I'm..">"A human? Yeah."
>>116892632Probably not still best couple though
>>116892654This show would have major balls if it actually directly brought u homophobiait aint but I would like it if it did.tackling that in animation in regards to lesbians would be interesting.
>>116892654Like I said a couple of threads ago, I think that it sort of makes more sense for a family focused on image to the point a weak witch isn't a worthy friend to value a potential spouse who is unique like Luz. Having a member of the family who is both human and knows a special method of magic would likely be able to be paraded around as a status symbol like some rare foreign animal a noble family was gifted.
I feel bad for calling it boring before, now that I'm really watching it I find it really charming
>>116892970Anon why were you calling something boring before even watching it.
>>116886368We all know Emira/Boscha is the alpha ship anyways.
>>116893143Boscha is for Willow.
god i hope this thread is still alive
>>116893192How long till Amity empties her balls and bladder into Luz?
>>116887007Until you let it sink in.
>>116893192Based and kingpilled.
>>116893192god i hope you keep being creativeTruly, a genius king.
>>116892654>So we know the human thing is going to be used to allude to homophobia,It's just classism. The same way it worked with Willow. They don't want their daughter associating with lesser beings.
>>116893559What if they actually DID address the homosexuality side of it, like a complete swerve to our expectations?
>>116893778That would take a lot of courage and i'm not yet sure if this show has any.
>>116886368>We couldn't protect their smile
So we're all in agreement, this show is ruined now, right?Had potential, but it's just over. no more discussion, we'll all pretend we weren't excited for it. buried right in the ground like Korra and Summer Camp Island.
>>116893960No it's better than Korra because Amity has a personality, actual character growth, isn't irrelevant to the story 95% of the time and we know Lumity is coming well in advanced.
>>116892654>So we know the human thing is going to be used to allude to homophobiaI think that's reaching; because of the grom epsiode you got people saying that Luz was sent to camp to due to her sexuality and to fix it when we know Luz got sent because she was an autistic shit.
>>116893960that's a no for me, good buddy
>>116893960Yep. Show's ruined and you never have to come to these threads again. Bye.
>>116893960The show is frustrating when it doesn't take advantage of it's setting and characters, but it's still good for what it is.
>>116893834Im not sure if ANY show for kids has that courage yet.
>>116893960Does it matter? Everyone complained that the show was all style over substance. The shipping stuff is pretty much the only thing that's going to keep people interested.
>>116893960Rent free.
What is it about twincest?
>>116894368They're too hot to date anyone else.
>>116893960I want the amphibiafag to leave.
>>116894368were they even in the grom episode?
>>116894427I was just thinking whoever stood them up must've been really stupid or have massive balls
>>116894483For like a split second
>>116894484They each got stood up by an illusion the other twin made.
>>116894483They set up the illusions for Luz to combat outside of the Owl House.
>>116885539You can see how differently Amphibia and TOH treats their characters. One is fair to everyone and another cares only about one character. Dana can't write anything good not only because of lack of skill but also because of moral inferiority. She is a bitch and whitewashing bitchness is the only think she can do. She doesn't see people as equal to her and she writes her story the same way. She just can't stop praising herself.
Do owlfags spam Amphibia threads so they come here to retaliate, or are frogfags just mad about the ratings?
>>116894900A year ago Amphibia won a poll or something and they haven't shut up since
>>116893960> Summer Camp IslandIt's much better than TOH.
Is there a mega for all episodes so far?
So... we're gonna see her again right bros?
>>116895158We can only hope
>>116894900to be fair there's not much to talk about with how much filler the show has. Everyone's just waiting for Sasha and Marcy episodes.
>>116895181>to be fair there's not much to talk about with how much filler the show has. Everyone's just waiting for Sasha and Marcy episodes.yes, as opposed to the riviting owl house episodes where the only thing people talk about after they air is how cute Amity was in it
I find this show boring but there's one thing I've been thinking about. Eda has been acting very motherly ever since the first episode, she clearly wants people around despite her cold exterior. That's like her whole thing and the reason why people like her. So what are the chances that given her age she had a husband and a son that either died or left her/she left them? Have Belos be related to that. It could make some things more interesting and make the whole curse thing more tragic. There's also that ring she keeps wearing all the time. At first, I thought her jewelry represented her nature as a thief, but most of the stuff she steals from the human world is useless junk. So maybe they hold some emotional meaning to her? I don't remember if she ditched those things off in some episodes, so maybe they are nothing.I don't know, just some thoughts. The show doesn't have much to talk about anyways besides Lumity, so I figured I might as well mention this.
>>116895206shitposters gonna shitpost, doesn't matter how good the show is. Also doesn't change the fact that at least half of Amphibia's episodes are skippable fluff. Owl House has what, one filler episode? Once upon a swap?
>>116895356>skippable fluffSure, if you want to miss the whole point of growing to care about the family, the town and the world. The finale only works if you see the whole thing, just watching the “plot important episodes” misses the whole point.Owl house either rushes through everything way too fast or gives you breadcrumbs. Can’t say I’m a fan of the overabundance of tropes like shrinking episodes, body swaps, memory visit episode, sleepover episode, prom episode, etc. And for all the “plot progression”, characters are mostly the same. Eda has barely had any development, King is useless, Willow and Gus are generic friends, Luz learning magic hasn’t impacted her personality in any way and Lilith is still a villain. The only one who changed was Amity, and she did it in the worst way possible.Amphibia makes you care about the world through the “”filler”” and then hits you with the plot stuff. That’s why it’s good, because it’s proper set up and payoff, as opposed to doing whatever the fuck you want all the time like owl house
>>116894368I like to think they both made illusion 'dates' to trick each-other into going to Grom alone, and only found out on the night
>>116895356See, I really like both shows.But ToH has quite a few skippable episodes, which is not great considering it has the 22 minute runtime
>>116895158I hope so.
to who ever wanted this yesterday c:
>>116895158she will be totally forgotten and never mentioned again.
>>116895760That was me. Awesome job!
>>116895540I understand that you need time to flesh out the character relationships, but when you have 35ish episodes all about "wow Anne and the plantars are such good friends" it starts to get tedious and you run out of things to discuss. Not to mention some of these episodes are regressive when characters seem to forget the morals from previous episodes.I like Amphibia, but when all is said and done it's definitely getting an essential episodes.
I don't watch Amphibia because I'm just not into frogs
>>116895356This. I'm tired of the same people making blanket statements like >>116895540 and treating it like fact while ignoring any issues Amphibia has, some of which commits the same "offence" the Owl House gets accused of but gets treated like the holy grail. The idea that people can only enjoy one cartoon is stupid.
>>116895998Man, I need a good artist to get obsessed with comfy Blightcest like doublepines did for GF
>>116895998Authors inserted gay characters in TOH. Now it's time to go beyond that and include transsexuals. School janitor could be a perfect choice.
>>116895932Amphibia has it's share of problems too this season: Sprig is still underdeveloped for a co-lead and has no goals of his own; outside of the factory in ep. 2 no place the cast visited so far has plot impact or has changed the characters; seems like important stuff is going down with Sasha and Grimm but they're barely in the show; Annie the MC might have a special ability but it has not been expanded on since the premier.
>>116878515Patrician choice.
>>116879783>and Anne tits?Blame Korea
>>116876894>More lesbian shitIt's all so tiresome....
>ywn have Luz fart on your face
>>116876894Amity iis best girl.Judging by the sneak peeks for the final episodes, I only saw Luz, Lillith, Willow, Gus, Hooty, King and Belos. but I didn't see Eda and Amity in those, and those are the best girls along with Luz, how do you think these will be involved in the final episodes?>>116878106No.>>116894368It's hard to believe these two don't have anyone to dance, they are beautiful >>116877066I don't know, for now it's good because we only focus in one ship rather than triangles, I hope ship wars don't happen.
>>116892092>I hope he's okay.He's fine, but probably won't be returning to twitter anytime soon.
Another preview image for this week’s episode PREPARE TO BE BULLIED NERDS
>>116896888>won't be returning to twitterGood. It's a shithole mirroring the old Tumblr art police, but now with an even easier time harassing artists and bigger reach.
>>116892513Dana was probably very careful to make sure there weren't any good husbando candidates for Luz so it wouldn't get in the way of Lumity.
>>116896819Amity is shitty self- insert. Hopefully she won't get involved. Eda will be involved for sure. The main conflict is about her.
>>116896959based and boschapilled
>>116896959That's sick shit. I hope no one will fetishize how Boscha paints them.
>>116895273Judging by the bat baby episode, she's probably never even babysat a kid before much less had one.
I looked up the Ironcan guy and...
>>116896959>body writingmuh dick
>>116896959Damn, that's horrible.>>116896979>shitty self- insert.Nope.Amity has a deep conection with the emperor's coven, I think here is where she needs to decide help luz or be loyal to the emperor's coven, also I want to see Amity and Lillith interact more.>>116896975Yeah, I like it that way, just make the shipping one sided, also I like Luz and Amity.I don't know Willow x Gus will be a reality. I feel bad for Edric and Emira for not having couples.>>116897049At least she loved the idea of being mother, in the end sge hot sad about losing the babys.
>>116894493Mike Judge needs to get back into Holla Forums
>>116895158I won’t forgive butchering of “expelled” class. Why would you do that as a writer?
>>116894368How do you get stood up to prom/Grom? The person you're supposed to go doesn't show up at all just to avoid you? Seems overkill
>>116896975Definitely, even the most misogynistic macho shows of yore didn't have so few notable female characters as TOH has male ones
>>116896959>round earsAround elves, watch yourselves
>>116896959Gus is now Boscha's property. Good.
>>116897293Round ears is a weak insult against humans. I prefer it when elves call humans mayflies, it sounds way more dismissive.
>>116897325She likes em young
>>116897352Do witches in TOH live longer than humans? Will Amity far outlive Luz?
>>116897364Imagine seeing this pic without knowing Boscha has a third eye...
>>116897376Oh goddamnit I see it now
>>116879949interesting take; IMO it's largely about not giving a fuck what about gender stereotypes in general- doing whatever you want and loving whoever you want as long as you aren't hurting yourself or others.
>>116897293Fucking knive ears, only good for getting orc'd/gobb'd
>>116897373Not sure. We know that witches are way more durable.I feel like I remember Eda saying how old she was at some point...
>>116897582In episode 13, When he was draining by the basilisk, he said "it's only 300 years for retirement".
>>116897594That being Bump though it tells us very little. Other than they live a very long time.