So, basically, is DC Comics done?
So, basically, is DC Comics done?
I hate her
>>116873692i'm an outsider, but seeing women pisses me off so i would like to know more
>>116873692People who openly antagonize their readership need to be fired. I don't read comics but it's no wonder why sales are plummeting.
>>116873826Whale #1 that attempted to get an editor doing his job cancelled and Whale #2 that only got hired due to nepotism.
>>116873692Any good comics from these two, as in, actually good?
>>116873692God willing.
>>116873692Anybody openly acknowledging their goal is to fuck up the field they are hired to work in would be shitcanned in every field but the creative ones.
>>116873692>spread proto-SJW lies women in refrigerators bullshit when women getting killed in comics still rare compared to men >Ignores black men killing children more common tripe than female characters being created to be killed >literal makes female characters to be killed nearly all her runs Fact Gail Simone deserves more hate than Dan sloth, frank miller, and Tom king.Name one writer her did more damage to comics.
>>116873692>when you get drunk at Comic-Con
>>116873859Pretty much all of Kelly Sue's work is great.
>>116873692Does Gail Simone think being a cunt on twitter will make memories of guys turning her down for prom go away?
>>116873859Gail Simone is crazy but she puts out some good stuff. Just don't read her Brightest Day era Birds of Prey or Batgirl.
>>116873926>Name one writer her did more damage to comicsBrian Michael Bendis, Tom King, Scott Snyder, Jason Aaron, Jonathan Hickman
>>116873926She's the one who had her team stripped and feel up Diana off-screen isn't she. Never made that connection before.
>>116873692Is this really something to brag about at a time when the entire industry is on the verge of collapse?
>>116873692DeConnick bears an unsettling resemblance to Veronica Avluv
>>116873926Azzarello killed the entire Black Label line with the controversy about the Batdick. This is what happens when writers get too much freedom from "corporate interference" - they lack even an ounce of restraint from their worst tendencies
>>116873973>Brian Michael Bendis, Tom King, Scott Snyder, Jason Aaron, Jonathan HickmanBesides Brian micheal bendis snd Tom king. The rest are small fry or Holla Forums triggered Scott Snyder popular
Could be worse. Gail over-characterizes but she sometimes does story right.No evidence given as I don't read comics because I have sex.
>>116874026King's biggest book was Batman, Hickman has had big runs on F4, Avengers and X-Men in the last decade. He isn't small fry by any means.
>>116874019>Azzarello killed the entire Black Label line with the controversy about the Batdick. Jeph Loeb still worse. He killed both the ultimate universe and the DCEU.
>>116874055I hate DeConnick but I would gladly fuck her gaping anus, because she reminds me of Veronica Avluv
>>116874047Fantastic Four is like Wonder Woman. A book people still pretend sales well or popular. Last time fantastic tour was popular was during evil reed Richard in the ultimate universe
>>116873850It's so strange that comics and sometimes animation seem to be the industries where I actively see this happen with no ill consequences. Thankfully it's not like Simone is swimming in work so antagonizing readers/customers definitely isn't getting her more jobs. I hate too that if anyone confronts them on it they hide by saying "duh this is my personal twitter, I can say whatever I want", while technically true, you also use it to promote work so maybe show a little respect for fans?
>>116874084Hickman wrote that. He's the one who reinvented Ultimate Reed as the Maker. The Secret Wars event that rebooted the entire Marvel universe was his brainchild as well.
>>116874084>Names F4, Avengers, and X-Men>Fixates on F4 to claim Hickman is small fryPathetic
>>116873692Gail Simone Picture screams I have gas problems
>>116873931Tried to give both her series an honest read but they're so painfully average. Nothing I'd feel mad wasting a few bucks on but nothing I'd recommend to someone wanting to check out the character. Not surprising that the writers for the movie said the comics gave them nothing to go off of.
>>116874107>The Secret Wars event that rebooted the entire Marvel universe was his brainchild as well.That reboot was like new 52 without any good stuff. I don’t know why journalists and linkara give it a free pass. At least people remember new 52 for better or worse
>>116873692Seriously, when did Gail Simone go from being the woman who wrote Birds of Prey to a complete twitter nut?
>>116874176I assume she had a tight editor in the 90's/early 2000's and as she got more famous editorial control was relaxed.
>>116874176When she started using Twitter, just like everybody else who uses Twitter a lot
>>116874084You know that sales are public figures and you don't have to sound like a gibbering retard.
>>116873722Vagina has been known to scare little boys like you.
>>116873973You sort of have a case with Bendis as his influence really damaged the image of a lot of characters and he went to have even broader reach, but Hickman, really? What did he "ruin" exactly? Dumbass.And hey I don't like Aaron either, but despite writing a wide gamut of characters, the only one he actually influenced was fucking Thor of all people. Not exactly important. And King is pretty much Donny Cates tier of influence, just a massive influence with a very predictable schtick that somehow still has fans despite being so mediocre, and have done some damage that, eventually, will be brushed aside.>>116874054>Jeph LoebFinally an actual answer. Dude ruined what could have been an outstanding TV career with his skimming bullshit.
>>116874224Pretty sure theirs have teeth
>>116874106Comics and animation, at their core, are meant to appeal to children and younger people. Unfortunately, that's resulted in a lot of immature writers and artists who've never grown up.
>>116873692>>116874205>>116874223>Childless >Overweigh>Alcoholic >spends her days trying to cancel writers and artists on twitter Friendly reminder to all Holla Forums degenerates Gail Simone is what Lindsay ellis will look like in 15 years >
>>116874292Yeah but Lindsey is smarter.
>>116874259>Dude ruined what could have been an outstanding TV career with his skimming bullshit.>Killed the ultimate universe >killed marvel Netflix >Killed doomsday clock original ending >Killed DCEU Am I missing one?
>>116874313>>116874054Wait, how did Loeb kill the DCEU?
>>116873692Yeah. And the world is better for it.
>>116874313>>Killed doomsday clock original endingWhat does Loeb have to do with that?
>>116873692No they will still be putting out comics and they will still have the same shitty writers doing the same queer shit, it's just going to be hugely scaled back now. Pamphlet funnies are basically dead
>>116874298>Yeah but Lindsey is smarter.You do know soon as Lindsay Ellis has a child she will probably become Sarah plain 2.0 right? Half the hot conservative women archetypes start off being like abortion loving Lindsay Ellis.
>>116874313He was also behind Marvel TV in general, so it wasn't just Netflix but also Inhumans, Runaways, Cloak & Dagger, and ironically enough, the only show of his that made the cut was Agents of SHIELD, the one a lot of you chucklefucks didn't have faith on.But yeah his most outstanding failure was killing Marvel Netflix with his nonsense, and now his upcoming show (Helstrom) embarrassed the Marvel media so badly that that it doesn't even have the logo.
>>116874323>Wait, how did Loeb kill the DCEU?He the guy that killed ben aflec Batman and hired josh whedon. He the one that got WB to ditch the synder cut.
>>116874335He pushed for more 5G foreshadowing and integration.
>>116874313Marvel Netflix would had died regardless since Disney wanted everything under their umbrella.
Gail tried to be like her fat buddy EVS and made a YouTube channel but completely failed at it
>>116874370Are you confusing Loeb with Johns? Cause I don't think Loeb would've been allowed to work on anything DC while he was overseeing Marvel TV. Or did Loeb tell Johns "Hey you know what you should do, get Whedon to fix Justice League"?
>>116874433>Are you confusing Loeb with Johns?Pretty sure he is but I don’t blame him. They pretty the same writer and person.
>>116874370That was definitely Geoff Johns. Loeb works for Marvel, or worked, since he was supposed to retire this year.>>116874392... And I'm pretty sure that was Didio. You guys need to focus.
>>116874313Marvel Netflix was dead the second Disney execs started preparing for the launch of Disney+. Why would they pay another streaming service to screen their content when they could do it themselves?
>>116874189>I assume she had a tight editor in the 90's/the early 2000sSpeaking of which is there any way to look up the old early 90s to 2000s message board? I remember a big rumor back then was Gail Simone smells bad. Ether she has poor personal hygiene or farting a lot while she works. We use to see Janitors post on the boards talking both spoilers and rumors. The big one was a janitor had to clean Gail Simone office chairs because it was stained and stinky.
>>116874224That's just pathetic.
>>116873970She gave us this panel. I still hate her as a person, but as a writer, she had her moments.
>>116873692red is the tackiest lipstick color
>>116874292>Friendly reminder to all Holla Forums degenerates Gail Simone is what Lindsay ellis will look like in 15 years >in 15 yearsThat optimistic, huh?
>it's an evs dab post
>>116873970>Just don't read her Brightest Day era Birds of Prey or Batgirl.Or her Domino. Or her Plastic Man. Or her other literally who books she published outside the big 2, which subsequently went out of business.
>>116873973While you are right, those writers only become male feminist cucks because of women like her.Remove the feminist aspect form it and at worst they just go on and write forgettable and bland stories instead of completely ruining docents of characters.
>>116874026Dc metal is happening right now
>>116874106>It's so strange that comics and sometimes animation seem to be the industries where I actively see this happen with no ill consequences.because children aka majority of baby show consumers don't care what some crazy feminist writes on twitter.the point is moot however because they still enjoy Peppa Pig and Paw Patrol more, and authors of those shows don't partake in internet slapfights with nerds
>>116875823Domino's fine and Plastic Man is fun.
>>116874106Hi zack what was it like hiding in that harem when you got your platoon killed due to incomputance
>>116875760didn't he cry to get her to work with him?
>>116874019>DC Black Label14 out of the 23 books released so far are Batman related. I thought they said this was going to be Elseworlds and Vertigo-like books!
>>116876213>14 out of the 23 books released so far are Batman related
>>116875823>Plastic ManHaha, I remember being psyched that Plas got a new comic. The last one had him shirtless fighting Raz and killed Billy Batson(? someone) unrelatedly in the opening page to announce "a major DC character will die in this issue". It managed to poke fun at everything while still having stakes and being fun to read. Gail shouldn't have gotten that. It's not her style.
>>116873692>ACKkkkstuslly comicsgate wasn't right it's because of X,Y,Z reasons>Non SJWified Manga outsells you in every key demographic even with mangakas hitting the streets and clapping butt cheeks
>>116876021um, ok?
>>116875641I always thought this was a jab at Bruce Timm's Bruce/Barbara ship because Golden Age Killer Moth was just anti-Batman before Prometheus was created.
>>116873692But literally Gail Simone was emphatizing yesterday, what's wrong with this woman?inb4 everything
>>116876296>>Non SJWified Manga outsells you in every key demographic even with mangakas hitting the streets and clapping butt cheeksStop lying Holla Forums
Gail's Wonder Woman/ Conan was good, She knows how to write Conan way better than Aaron.
>>116873692>if you don't like my politics DON'T BUY MY BOOKokay
>>116873973Are you still mad at Aaron over Whor?
>>116874521Why isn't Daredevil season 4 ever going to be released on Disney+ then.
comic artists, journos, and media love sjw stuff too much. whats the difference between old trends and the modern sjw/woke movement is sjw shit isnt really a trend. its brainwashing. so it wont stop
>>116873692Now I don't claim to be smart, but perhaps flaunting a power position when on a raft floating about on a metaphorical ocean, isn't such a good idea when your employer is drowning.
>>116873692>comics are dyingmakes sense
>>116877530are comics still racist?
>>116874224how do people like you unironically exist. youre a caricature
>>116873692Based Gail living in Holla Forums's head rent free just by existing.
>>116877070And she-hulk and shitting in Odin and shitting on Thor himself and shitting on people -in his comics- that dare say he's a hack.The dudes never written anything worthwhile and only newfags who claim to want Norse shit but don't read simonsons post-marvel Thor think Aaron is even a decent writer.
>>116879425Based Simone sperging out on Twitter and giving Holla Forums someone to laugh at.
>>116873692The upshot is I'll still be healthy and alive when Gail dies of the stress her morbid obesity puts on her organs. When she dies I will laugh.KSD looks like she has so much dried semen crust in her nose, dried by cocaine and xanies, that she'll be too brain damaged to speak let alone write.All is good in the world, the moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice.
>>116873692>AccidentallyThis implies blackmailing people and using scumbags like Ellis to get you jobs is accidental. These two women were complicit the whole way. They're self-serving, horrible, egotistical people that don't care if some teenagers were being fondled as long as they could make enough to buy their vain "beauty" products and try to look like anything but pigs with lipstick.
>>116879612Absolutely savage.
>>116877144Tbf she was baited by someone else posting that picture and speaking about her. Someone she'd only see posts from if she were on a burner and name searching but still.
>>116873987This desu
>>116873692god, I hope so.if disney buy them we can have Batman and Spider man teaming up to fight Thanos in Apocolyps
>>116874345>Ellis>not aborting a babyPick one and only one
>let women into the club>club gets destroyedWhen will people learn?
>>116873692Not sure how she became a flagship creator, I've found her work solid but unspectacular every time I encounter it, but Simone is fine. DeConnick's work is actively bad. Frequently incoherent, heavy-handed, poorly edited, etc.
>>116873926Jason Aaron, Scott Snyder, Brian Bendis, arguably Geoff Johns, Matt Fraction, Donny Cates...
>>116874019>Azzarello killed the entire Black Label line with the controversy about the BatdickHoly shit, how is it controversial to show a dick in one panel on a supposedly mature label? There wasnt a problem until pearl clutchers blew it out of proportion
>>116874143this. for all their talk, both of them are extremely average writers, and if the fanbase weren't so easily triggered, resulting in a lot of buzz around them, then they'd probably just be plugging away on low/mid-tier books in relative obscurity.
>>116873692if this means scabs like her and quinn and king are all fired, it makes me joyful. I can't wait for quinn to accuse one of the editorial of raping her in response
>>116874019>controversy about the BatdickWhy are Americans like this>>116874224Do those women write with their vagina?Because that would be a hell of a trick
>>116877070I will never not be>>116880278>a dick in one panelAdmittedly it was two panels.
>>116874224>Muh holeOkay fuckmeat, if that's all you have to offer then just admit it
>>116880278I think the Batdick just exposed how superficial the "maturity" of the Black Label line was - DC writers and editors were gushing about their heavy themes and gritty settings, but Azzarello's contribution to that in the very early days of the line was a prominent example of gratuitous nudity, which is what 13-year-old boys think maturity is. Fundamentally it just established that it's foolish to expect any actual maturity from these people.
>>116880278black label was pretty good. Last knight on earth was peek snyder and capullo
I keep forgetting millennials are still emotional children.
> Andy Khouri firesMay the sins of Comics Alliance and Veritigo haunt you to the grave you talentless fuck.
>>116874114Kate Beton literally has gas problems
>>116880397>sinsRunning a based comic site is a sin? Kek.
DC will never recover. Just give up. These Karens/SJWs will never ever never ever leave until the industry totally falls apart.
>>116880630Killing it was.
I don't really get the hatred for SimoneDomino was good, as was Secret SixShe mostly just shitposts on twitter about Godzilla's taint
>>116880759>I don't really get the hatred for SimoneShe is a wyman writing comic books. Right-wings consider it "too political".
>>116880759>>116880799Kill yourself. This is like saying the only people who hate EVS are women.
>>116880901Then explain what is it that you comicgators find so bad about Simone, if it has nothing to do with her being a "WYMAN".
>>116880759>Domino was goodDomino was an exercise in every single Marvel female capeshit trope under the sun.>unsexy women ("b-but user they showed domino in her underwear!" It was granny panties and domino is a sticc in this book. I honestly felt disgusted looking at it)>girl power>sisterhood>quirky, self-aware, unfunny humor>no stakes>Deadpool appearsThe narration was obnoxious as was the art. It felt like the book was just spinning its wheels to get the job done.
>>116880362It just exposed retards for the children that they are. To throw a bitchfit over a little nudity? Jesus...
>>116879370Not sure about comics but japs definitely are.
>>116876031No, but she cried sexism to get back on Batgirl.
>>116880799>Right-wingsjust because we are not communists doesn't mean we are right wingers. Hatred of SJWs is not a political philosophy.
>>116881086There's not a single comicsgator that isn't also a rabid MAGA-wearing Trump supporter.
Right-win.....Niggerfaggot.Niggerfaggot. Niggerfagot. You're a niggerfaggot, get the f out, this ain't Reddit cunt! This tweet is from 2019 by the way. This is 18 months ago.Simone smells bad, of course she does. Also, yes, manga outsells comics, swallow it.Salvation? How there is gonna be salvation if everybody believes they're doing the work of GOD by being a SJW? DC is doomed, so is Mahvel baby.
>>116881129>rreeeee, only right wing nazi Trump
>>116880920I'm not CG. I'd have thought you could tell when I said EVS was no different than these useless cunts.
>>116880609Don't hate on Kate Beaton.
>>116880799>>116880920Just stop you insufferable faggot. Spend a week away from the computer. You aren't thwarting anything or anyone.
>>116881364This. that's my waifu.
>>116881129I am not fond of them, but that is a lie. Why are you lying on a trap farming website?
>>116881266>>116881267>>116881339>>116881363>>116881385>the STATE of casualgatorsI dunno what I expected. Surely people that are willing to spend thousands of dollars on Jawbreakers couldn't possibly be mentally well.
>>116881474So are you trolling or legitimately mentally ill? Take a lexapro or 20 and fuck off.
>>116881501Why would I be trolling?It's absolutely true that casualgators spend thousands of dollars on Jawbreakers.It's also true that casualgators are all aboard the Trump train.
>>116881546So, are you mentally ill? No wonder you became sjw, this movement is just a bunch of freaks who come together to convince themselves that they are not nature's mistakes. But the truth cannot be hidden and the mentally ill is the mistake of nature that must be isolated from society.
>>116881546What will you do when all that's left to read is Jawbreakers? Will you actually have sex for once?
>>116881615>So, are you mentally ill?I have never spent thousands of dollars on Jawbreakers.
>>116881629That doesn't mean you're not crazy. But persecuting a person for having different political beliefs is a clear sign of madness. And this is the only thing that sjw do - persecute people.
>>116881797>But persecuting a person for having different political beliefs is a clear sign of madnessWho am I persecuting, my dude?I said that paying thousands of dollars for Jawbreakers is the stuff of retards and that all those people are without a doubt MAGA-wearing Trump supporters. You know I am right.
>>116881949>Who am I persecuting, my dude?>It's absolutely true that casualgators spend thousands of dollars on Jawbreakers.Now you will say that they do not bother you. They don't bother you so much that you can't keep quiet about it.
>>116873859Kelly Sue DeConnick wrote a very decent Image title Pretty Deadly with Emma Rios. Many would argue that it was carried by Emma's art, but I still would recommend it. Almost every other comics by her was either decent or mediocre but you can always give a try to her Captain Marvel, Bitch Planet or Avengers Assemble, some people like it.Gail Simone is great, she has written Secret Six, which is a great dark comedy/action series with a lot of heart and great moments for some of DC's less knows villains. Her Birds of Prey was pretty good too, but I have not read all of it, so it is hard for me to recommend it, but I remember it having a decent line-up of artists. She also wrote Batgirl and Firestorm during New 52, but I never read either of them. I would argue that she is a very talented writer
>>116882076>Now you will say that they do not bother you.You guys absolutely bother me. I could do without your constant "REEEEEEEE WYMAN AND BLACK PEOPLE" or your cocksucking of talentless hacks like your boy Zack.However, I have not persecuted you in any way. The two things I said are right.Casualgators do spend thousands of dollars on Jawbreakers and Cyberfrog. Casualgators are all, without exception, Trump supporters. Are you offended about being a Trump supporter?
>>116882277>Casualgators are all, without exception, Trump supporters.Thats not true.
>>116882277Congratulations - you are a crazy fanatic who can not hold when someone has an opinion different from you. You are the same shit as the Nazis, just the ideology is different, but you have the same core.
>>116876296>>Non SJWified Manga outsells you in every key demographic even with mangakas hitting the streets and clapping butt cheeksI wouldn't describe Act-Age as redpilled. It's selling out because there probably won't be future reprintings, given the EPIC FUCKUP committed by its writer, so there's both a fan boom and a speculator boom. If anything, it was closer to the SJW side of the scale than not. Non-sexualized teen girls. No fan service or romance. Asides about how even talented Asian actors have limited opportunities in Hollywood. Etc.
>>116882335>Thats not true.Name one casualgate figure that isn't a Trump supporter.>>116882349I'm a nazi because I don't feel like paying $2000 for Jawbreakers?
I have no idea who this is and I barely read comics but it's a disgusting practice.
>>116882507No you're a nazi who hates white people and men. Don't even try to discuss that OP, tell me one SJW who don't thinks like that, you don't.
>>116882507You said "casualgators" meaning rando supporters.of which there are many lefties.
>>116882391>the EPIC FUCKUP committed by its writer,Explain
>>116876335She just likes inserting fetish stuff when she can.
>>116873926>I have a comic signed by both Gail and Slott.Did I create a book of the damned?
>>116882507You are a Nazi because you hate people just because they bought Jawbreakers and you portray them all the same. And as a Nazi you do not know reality
>>116880308To be fair, who are the excellent comics writers these days? I can't think of a single one with any real exposure.
>>116882507Reeee, black comicsgaters, wait a second, look loke someone just shit
>>116882674Dude got caught on video riding his bicycle around, molesting multiple middle school girls. The girls went to the cops. The cops found the CCTV footage. The writer confessed to everything.Inside a week, Act-Age went from a burgeoning hit for Weekly Shonen Jump to just being obliterated. WSJ cancelled the publication of Act-Age's next volume. Upcoming stage play? Cancelled. Unannounced anime adaptation in early pre-production? Cancelled. Even the last chapter wasn't translated into English on Viz's website.Dude was living the dream and then fucked it up to ass-grab a few middle schoolers.
>>116879370Don't see what the jap's issue is. There is plenty of manga where oriental characters are drawn like the one on the left. And the right screenshot is the epitome of QUALITY so why would you even defend it.
>>116882620>of which there are many lefties.Can you find me one?>>116882717>You are a Nazi because you hate people just because they bought Jawbreakers and you portray them all the same.I don't hate you guys. But you gotta be retarded to pay thousands of dollars for this shit.This is not hatred speaking. It's just how it is.
>>116882846>Can you find me one?MeClownFish TVI think Nerdrotic is an oldschool liberal.CG has plenty of supporters that do not identify as CG
>>116873908>non-creative fields wouldn't be interested in creative directionsI'm not disagreeing with the sentiment, but what a poor argument.
>>116882846>I don't hate you guys.Yes you are, Nazi, its your nature, it is your nature to hate. The whole sjw movement is built on hatred and hatred is the core of the movement. And every activist from this movement has nothing in his heart but hatred because he is not taught anything but hatred.
>>116882880>MeYou are a Biden/Berniebro that actually thinks that comic books have too many gay/black/women in it?
>>116873692KDS is over 50 years old. The two queen Bee whisper network leaders who destroyed marvel and DC
>>116882880Just some guy is black and bi. And the sjw Nazis call him the traitor to his race.
>>116873974Page screens? I want to see Diana stripped
>>116874067She is over 50 and has gray pubes and a granny vag
>>116882974I do not hate you. I just lament that people like you can be so bothered by shit like "gay characters" or "black characters" that you feel the you need to give a lot of money to untalented people just so they can write gay-free, black-free stories.
>>116874189She gets editors who challenge her fired by playing the crybully and weaponizing her twitter mob and whisper network contacts.
>>116882830If there’s any good news to come from it, the support from Shueisha and Japanese fans towards the female artist is rather encouraging. In fact, there’s quite a lot manga authors who are women and are extremely successful, yet American comics have all sorts of colorful and retarded takes on female authors in comics.
>>116874298She made a documentary about her abortion
>>116874544Can confirm. I tabled near her st a comic con 6 years ago. She smells like stank vag, sweat and BO. Seriously, fix your hygiene you fat hamplanet. Simone's stench is offensive harassment.
>>116874345>You do know soon as Lindsay Ellis has a childUh....
>>116876021That really happened? Sauce?
>>116883081>I do not hate you.Wow, the Nazi cannot accept the truth that the truth is different from what the Fuhrer told him. The fact that you can see your own hatred in your posts only further shows what the blind fanatic you are.
>>116882985>You are a Biden/Berniebroeh I can't be fucked to care about this election.All I care about is whether or not the Dems get control of the Senate and keep control of the House.>that actually thinks that comic books have too many gay/black/women in it?I read Manga with traps in them so that shit don't bother me, the problem is that western pros suck at storytelling and inject their own views on "social justice" infect the stories.i.e. I want escapism, politics are ok if they fit the universe/theme but don't force the story to go one way to lecture me because you think it will force me to adopt you ideology and if you make previously sexy characters into ugly looking men don't get upset when I shit on you for it.
>>116883255Modern comics are cult of woke propaganda indoctrination lectures more than they are fun and entertaining stories. Mangos focus on telling entertaining stories instead of preaching cult of work politics. That is why they succeed while woke capeshit made by radical partisan ideologue diversity hires fails.
>>116883421*Mangas, but mangos are good too
I grew up on DC and Marvel, but as I became a teenager I branched out to indy comics, Epic, Vertigo, etc. I still love my old capeshit, but over the past few years gatekeepers like Gail, that clown she's with in OP and yes, male gatekeepers like Andy Koury, Tom King and Dan Slott have driven me away from modern capeshit because they are simply terrible human beings. I'm not prepared to give my hard earned money to someone who actively tells the fans of properties they don't even own that we are all awful ists, isms and Nazis and don't deserve to buy their work.It might help if any of these terrible, terrible human beings were actually good at their jobs: telling stories. They want to be social activists, then go be social activists. You're job is to tell a story. Almost none of these people have the basic skills to tell a campfire story for a six year old, much less an engaging story for an adult. Many fans suck up their pride and buy shit anyway, seemingly unaware that there are other things they can spend their money on:>Indy comics by actual talented people who don't make capeshit ans who aren't terrible people>Manga>European comics>Back issues of the tens of thousands of comics they have never read before. >Pulp novels>Other prose books Dump the modern DC and Marvel bilge and buy something else. If they want your money, THEY will change. You are free to go about and open your wallet elsewhere.
>>116875952They were awful even before going cuck mode>>116874259>but Hickman, really? What did he "ruin" exactly? Dumbass.You don't keep up with X-Men news huh
>>116883485>keep up with X-Men newsAbout how Hickman is saving the franchise?
>>116873973>Brian Michael Bendis,Hey speaking of Bendis, remember when EVS used to be a regular on Bendis' board?
>>116883515Hickman turned them all in to gay segregationist racist supremacist plants. How exactly has he 'saved' xmen?
>>116873926>frank millerThe fuck did Frank do? He's one of the greats.
>>116883577>>116883485You're an absolute idiot if you think the X-Men books are bad now after Guggenheim's run.
>>116883577By making them interesting for once.
>>116873692DC comics lost 600 employees.....thats not good.tweets like this just make you lament
>>116873926>>Ignores black men killing children more common tripe than female characters being created to be killedhuh?
>>116883109I hope you're right.
>>116882830That's nuts. I can't imagine what would posses a guy to ruin his career in such a way.>>116883665A cartel execution video is interesting but I'm not going to pay to see one.
>>116883778She’ll get work. She has more artistic talent than most people working for the Big 2 these days.
>>116883705>DC comics lost 600 employees.....thats not good.DC lost 15 employees. WB lost 600.Learn how to read.
>>116873692once DC and Marvel fall then we can all celebrate by having a orgy.
>>116873692HAHAHAHAHAHAHA of couse DC is done but no worries there is plenty of manga and porn comics.
>>116883109> takes on female authors in comics.No, idiot, they deserve shit not because they are women, but because manipulative bitches who do not deserve a job. They are shit and you are shit, and together you do not give way to real talents, they shit who is hired because of the political quota. And you shit simp make it happen.
>>116883566If I remember correctly Bendis almost poached EVS to work at Marvel when his DC contract ran out,According to EVS Bendis stood up during a Marvel meeting and talked about all the stuff they where gonna do together, little did he know EVS got annoyed that Bendis wasn't returning his calls to hash out plans for a project so he resigned with DC for more work.>>116883705>>116884590Most of DC comics "employees" are contractors so we won't know who was let go until a year later when they aren't getting anymore DC work.
>>116873723the two of them are lesbians you know. I hate lesbians
Women should be bred, give birth and then executed after they served their purpose.
>>116885112wouldn't it make more sense for the male to be bred, fecund female and then executed while females rise the children?That's how it works for ants.
>>116873692Nope.Floppies from DC, particularly of B and C-D list characters, YEP.And floppies from other companies will eventually follow, as well as idiocy like EVENTS involving all sorts of issues plus the event crap, if they happen will likely be more contained.And the smaller companies that have been serving will also stop.However, you may see more print on demand comics like Indy Planet and other places, for those that still want to invest in floppies.
>>116873692>took over comicsIn which hallucination, exactly?
>>116873692Don't know how people can relate to people like this who clearly care more or only about the power play as opposed to contributing to the industry. They present themselves as sebody who would have made this about any industry if they believed they found some opportunity to squeeze in there. They could have been big people in the culinary arts despite only ever had made microwaved food. It doesn't matter. Engaging with content and content creators to make good content doesn't matter. They have the high chair. If the culinary thing gave them more social influence or a fatter paycheck, they'd ditch you in a heartbeat.
>>116883740Are we talking about real life now or comics still?
>>116879471>The dudes never written anything worthwhileNow now. While I agree his entire output the last half decade has been nothing but thrash, he did write Scalped and Ghost Rider's Zadkiel myth arc. And oh lord did I cut him a lot of slack on account of that Ghost Rider stint.
>>116873926Funny part is that Simone has friged female characters herself.
>>116873692So the wachovkis got into comics?
>>116873692KSD might actually be the single cringiest person to work in comics in the last 20 years. A 50 year old woman trying to look and act like an art hoe half her age who ruined Carol, has never written a good or interesting or entertaining story and only gets jobs because of her husband yet has an absurdly overinflated ego.At least Gail, as annoying as she can be, has written good stuff. The most you can say about KSD is that her Osborn mini is okay but forgettable.
What happened? I only heard WB fired like 800 people.
>>116886480either one?
>>116880317It’s certainly possible for the vagina to grip something as small as a pencil, but I don’t know about writing with it...
>>116873722>HerThose aren't trannies?
>>116874054Ultimate universe was complete shit already, only good thing from the Ultimate Universe were Millar's issues
>>116885024Are they lesbians with each other?
>>116887491If you leaned back so you could see what you’re doing, I think it would be possible
>>116882085Wait, was Sciver and Simone married?
>it's another "Holla Forumsomblr makes another dog dogwhistle thread so they can bitch about Holla Forums for the trillionth time" episode You fags will be crying about the nazi board until the day you die. And even then they still won't be deleted because they're the only major draw left to the site, whereas this shithole has done nothing but hemorrhage users for 10 years.I have never seen one group of nobodies cry this hard over a made-up boogeyman since niggers invented the "institutionalized racism" meme. It's fucking retarded. All of you are retarded.
>>116887768>Ctrl+F Holla Forums>2 results, one of which is your postDeceptive Framing indeed.
>>116873692I’m unironically going to vote Trump because of this.
>>116887930That's only a threat if you live in a battleground state.
You know what it feels like to do absolutely nothing to these bitches, but these stupid ugly whores keep fucking our shit up for no reason but to piss us off? SJWs have ruined games and comics and tv shows and movies. Fuck them and fuck SJWs. One vote for Trump coming up. These bitches deserve 4 more years of him.
>>116887720NoThey worked together at DC despite everyone warning him that she is a cunt.
>>116883583>frank miller>The fuck did Frank do? He's one of the greats.
>>116888618He said at everyone at DC told him to avoid working with her cuz she is a cunt.He didn't think much of it until the 2016 election when she sent a twitter mob after him for voting for drumpf.Ever since then she has been taking shots at him and his friends while pretending she doesn't care about them.
>>116888683Again, who is "everyone"? Because to me that just sounds like coping.
>>116888683>she sent a twitter mob after him for voting for drumpf.Why would you publicly admit to voting for Cheeto Hitler if you didn't want a twitter mob to harass you?
>>116888789>everyoneEVERYONE!!!He didn't name names but I think it might have been other artists or editors at DC who didn't like working with her.>>116888815He is a fat boomer who didn't expect SJWs to be that rabid.
>>116873692they can have it. comics are garbage, i think toilet paper should be more expensive than a comic book.
>>116888904And have any of those other supposed artists/editors spoken up about it in the years since?
>>116888954Some of the pros who joined Ethan and CG said she was a cunt too.But really all you gotta look at is how she acted when she got kicked off of batgirl.
>>116888954Well they probably still want their jobs
>>116873692Both these rotten cunts are why witches were burned at the stake in the past.
>>116873692I have no idea who they are but both of their hair is seriously fried
>>116873692I hate ducklips.
>>116873692Dc was always shit, so it's not like anything of value is loss.
>>116883583>The fuck did Frank do? He's one of the greats.He written holy terror. The book admits Al-Qaeda and the Taliban hate gays. Admitting middle eastern terrorists are Motivated by Islam is a hate crime in the same industry that gives preacher awards. As much as it triggers Holla Forumsmblr. preacher would be considered hate speech if it was about Islam. Hell the Fixer declare war on Islamic terrorism after he witness Muslims stoning a lesbian to death.
>>116888447It said a lot about frank miller that comic book industry considered him rightwing when The dark knight returns were far more anti-Ronald Reagan than Watchmen. Sin city borderline proto-Chaz propaganda. Then again people were calling Alan Moore conservative because defunding police was portrayed as dumb in watchmen.
>>116891277Sin city was also openly anti-Catholicism and Irish. Yet the industry gave awards for writing sin city. Than later call him racist for shitting in Islam the same way as Catholicism.
>>116873970I'll take her Batgirl over the Burnside Batgirl that brought Babs back to being more/less a bubbly early 20s college girl personality that still tried to feel dramatic but failing.
>>116883740>Barracuda black man who has a long history of murdering children including a newborn baby>Black manta kills Aquaman infant son as well other kid sidekicks There literally more evidence of black villains killing kids in mainstream comics than female characters being created just to be killed being commonplace. Woman in refrigerators one of the biggest lies in the industry.
>>116887768Deep down Holla Forums knows politics killing the comic book industry.
>>116873692Last I heard. Warner Brother's said if Gen 5 isn't successful, then the comics division actually is finished
Bros, is DC Comics dead?
>>116891468Almost. There's not much left to do.
>>116873692You are now remembering Gail Simone's hilarious meltdown when BOP flopped.LINDAAAAAAA
>>116891755A Birds of Prey movie would have been fun. What the fuck were they all thinking?
>>116891450I'm not sure I believe this if nothing else because I'd think that WB would use super veiled language that would come down to "we'll see".
All they had to do was leave us alone and create good stories :-(
>>116891423/co/mblr just hates knowing they are the wrong side of history.
>>116892427>>116892376If the language of writers and animators any indicator. AT&T wants WB to tone down the politics. If this is true. You will see more Hollywood people calling WB bigots and racists.
>>116892682If they actually tone down the politics and just stick with good stories, and maybe hire artists that don't shy away from the "male gaze", it could make me a buyer again.
>>116892682That’s been a rumor this also going on in Disney behind the scenes. Seeing people who work for Disney calling them homophobic bigots around the same time.
>>116882753Grant Morrison.
>>116891323Both are equally shit in different ways.
>>116892796>>116892794People forget Hollywood went from being anti-American, Anti-masculinity and anti-Ronald Reagan to being patriotic and pro masculinity overnight because hippie shit wasn’t selling.
>>116891323You know I forgot about that Burnside Batgirl thing. I remember the year it started people were trying to hype it up but it never reached the kind of popularity Spider-Gwen got. Then like two controversies happened (the variant cover and something about a villain).
>>116873856almost everybody gets hired due to nepotism what do you think networking is
>>116874292>what Lindsay ellis will look like in 15 yearsLindsay is married for now but will have bigger tits
>>116892682>If this is true. You will see more Hollywood people calling WB bigots and racists.Until they start getting blacklisted.
>>116892861Babs is due for a revamp anyway. I vote for maturing her a little and having her take the girls under her wing. Better her than Bruce, all things considered. And it would center her to have that kind of responsiblity.
>>116892975Right now, they aren't working. Box office take is near ZERO thanks to covid, and it's been proven that the SJW shit isn't profitable. They can't start off on the same foot, else they'll be even more in the shit thanks to the losses they're taking this year. We're going to see a hard demographic shift, and some major shits.
>>116883077even hotter
>>116873692>me watching Holla Forums melt down because some women posted a funny tweetYou DC fags deserve everything you get.
>>116892976Babs is also worth more in a wheelchair than not, in 2020.
>>116893206The tweet was made last year in February.People are posting it now because DC just got gutted.
>>116893206Sure, Gail, sure.
>>116893013I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a return to musclebound stars and action movies like in the 80s and 90s.
>>116873692>sorry we accidentally took over comics and the sales are proof
>>116893543>action movies like in the 80s and 90s.They tried bringing those back but they all starred scrawny female stars.
>>116892376>you're not popular on social media >so you're NOTHING!Gail Simone is a cunt.
>>116893013What really scares Hollywood beyond losing money is the radical left they encourage could and did turn on them. you see it in the Hollywood BLM riots and the CNN building being attacked. They are already attacking Biden and his ex-cop running mate. They will stick around with or without Trump. Hollywood got away with so much shit because they are the propaganda wing of the democrat party. If the party goes too far left. Hollywood free ride is over.
>>116891277>Then again people were calling Alan Moore conservative because defunding police was portrayed as dumb in watchmen.Life imitates art as always...
>>116891397how many black villains exist for this to even be a trope
>>116893625We already seeing anti-woke job hiring sites. Even corporate America beginning to become concern with SJW shit not selling.
>>116879612Jesus, somebody call the burn unit!
>>116874224See this is why I say this is the worst board
>>116873850I don't see why. Comic fans are fucking idiots and deserve to be mocked.
Why would you say that
>>116874224I'm old enough to be your father; happily married and the father of a 19-year-old lesbian doing a bio degree at a good research school. We're as politically liberal in our voting habits as it gets. Women don't bother me, self-righteous idiots do. I remember when your kind called themselves the Moral Majority in the 1980s and you don't fool me now, either.
I just think it's funny that all the women who always whine about how women are portrayed for their looks, are also the ones with bright colored hair and three layers of lipstick. I mean, shit, the makeup industry - an industry built on the idea that women need it to look appealing - would be in serious trouble, if not dead, in today's climate. Except all the complainers happily gobble up their products. Go figure.
>>116894251Doesn’t Tom Hardy only have a career because he one the few muscular men in Hollywood outside of capeshit?
>>116894939>Tom HardyWhat's your shithole or are you faceblind
>>116873692Why do women have to ruin everything that men enjoy?
>>116895004To be fair, they ruined everything women enjoyed first.
>>116894416Your daughter is a lesbian?That’s funny and sad at the same time.
>>116887979Modern democracy. Let it all burn.
>>116888447based Frank Miller is like 108 years old and still can trigger retards
>>116874469No they're fucking not. Did you ever even read a single one of either's comic?
>>116874054How does Loeb have any connections to DCEU?The dude was a Marvel TV producer.
Do not blame women for the fall of comics, you might as well blame water for being wet.Blame the simps that allowed their bullshit to go so far. They enable feminist bullshit to spread like cancer. Simps are the root cause of all of society's problems.Death to simps.
>>116873692Right is Gail Simone, but who's the left?
>>116895674water's not wet, it makes things wet
>>116895779Kelly Sue DeConnick
>>116875760This dude looks like such a faggot
>>116895819He is. He always has rainbows on his twitter and there are rumours about him sucking off guys at pizza places
>>116882232“Carol falls down all the time, but she always gets back up — we say that about Captain America as well, but Captain America gets back up because it’s the right thing to do. "Carol gets back up because ‘Fuck you.’" — Kelly Sue DeConnick This quote has always annoyed me. Why does she act like Carol is some groundbreaking character?
>>116882833>There is plenty of manga where oriental characters are drawn like the one on the left.Like?>And the right screenshot is the epitome of QUALITY so why would you even defend it.You're a fucking retard
>>116881046I mean user gave a completely legitimate reason for why it was retarded but ok
>>116881008Jesus, you can literally smell the rank incel fumes from this post.
>>116894416>Women don't bother meThen why are you replying to him? If women don't bother you, then >>116874224 obviously doesn't apply to you. Holy fuck, don't be so fucking thin-skinned and don't be such a cretin to go around calling people "your kind."
>>116881616>What will you do when all that's left to read is Jawbreakers?I don't live in make belief worlds.
>>116883882>That's nuts. I can't imagine what would posses a guy to ruin his career in such a way.pedophiles and criminals in general are stupid and cocky enough to think they'll never get caught doing something
>>116884866what the fuck are you saying you ESL retard
>>116873692Didn't that bitch lose her shit when BOP came out?
>>116882833its that funny anime thing that most normalfags don't fully grasp is that despite usually having more western features, unless otherwise stated the character is 100% Japanesethis includes most brown skinned characters
>>116884866>but because manipulative bitches who do not deserve a jobYet you can't really argue why they don't deserve a job without launching into baseless innuendo and character attacks.
>>116882833>There is plenty of manga where oriental characters are drawn like the one on the left.Only web comcis that are made by westerners look like that shit.
>>116895812If only breast cancer was contageous.
>>116896417She did. Bitch has mental
>>116896417>Didn't that bitch lose her shit when BOP came out?No, She lost her shit when BOP was projected to flop and Sonic the Hedgehog was projected to demolish it at the box office stealing any chance for BOP to recover.
>>116873692DC Comics will be fine, it's just the Covid.
who are those ugly cunts?
>>116873692>>116873926snyder , king , bendis deserve more hate >but they are grills lmao Holla Forums
>>116897360no wonder they chose a career in which to remain hidden, those looks (and unfortunately their skills) weren't going to get em anywhere.
>>116897372Hard to say. Which has tried to keep new people out of the industry more?
>>116874084Hickman is actually good. AND HOW DARE YOU FORGET THE FUTURE FOUNDATION!!!!
>>116897360Those are the famous Wachowski Siblings who directed the Matrix trilogy back when they used to be men.
>>116875983You don't know that user...
>>116897401Here's the thing though comics are mostly a mans world and Snyder writes silly shit teenage boys eat up. King writes low iq shit for low Iq males with added 'depression' for the loser guy in his basement. And bendis just writes stuff for kids who don't care about keeping up with cannon but want to learn how to read lots of meaningless text (which prepares them for uni)Gail on the other hand wants all white males to die.
>>116897451>Wachowski SiblingsYou mean the wachowski brothers?
>>116873692this is the kinda tweet thank makes me thank my lucky starts i dont give a shit about comics any more,
>>116897507The last comic I bought not including reprints/Omni's etc was 2016s Prophet Earth Wars.I don't feel I've missed much.My last major 2 comic was probably lemire's animal man.
>>116883566>Gold Ring>HappinessIs that shit for real?
>>116897550i had save money for my wifes visa and decided to cancel my entire pull list, like 70 comics, then carona time happened, i haven't really missed them, i still buy manga tho
>>116897505>You mean the wachowski brothers?If only.
>>116897642>Wife's visaLad if sh loved you shed pay it herself.I'd she cant afford to then she is gonna come here, demand a baby then leave you.
>>116897657she was helping but it is fucking expensive my dude
>>116897597We won't know the full details til issue 10, but the gold lantern bullshit is definitely real. And did you guess that a Bendis original character would be black? Well you guessed fuckin right