Last thread hit bump limit. Who takes this?also zuko vs todoroki I guess
Death Battle
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>>116861346Xavier breaks the universe by simply existing
Good matchups for it? Quick rundown for the uninitiated:>Can survive on Death Mountain, where the air is so hot wooden equipment spontaneously combusts (~1112°F) and electronics malfunction>Can survive in the Gerudo Desert, which has highs of 111°F and lows of 21°F, and everything in between (both extremes are enough to harm Link without specialized armor or elixirs)>Can fall into and swim in molten lava (~1700°F) without being harmed>Can breathe fire>Can camouflage itself into the environment>Skilled with a variety of weapons, such as the Strengthened Lizal Bow, the Lizal Tri-Boomerang, the Forked Lizal Spear, and the Stone Smasher>Equipped with Fire Arrows, which can set the vicinity of where they hit on fire>Is a capable fighter bare-handed and can use all the abilities of a normal Lizalfos, including attacking with its tail, spitting out bursts of water, and using its long tongue as a weapon>Unpredictable fighting pattern, can jump around with ease and utilize a variety of attacks>Never sleeps according to the Hyrule Compendium>Much faster than Link on foot>However, has a significant weakness to elemental ice attacks, and will die in one hit if struck by any ice weapons (eg: Ice Arrows, Frostspear, etc.)
>>116861539>can survive in temperatures of 21°F and up>instantly dies if it touches ice (32°F)Hmmm...
>>116861346Xavier completely annihilates the universe by simply being. Rick doesn't have any options for actually taking him out.
>>116861908Being fair, Hyrulean ice is frigid enough to freeze people and objects into solid blocks if they touch it. It's basically magic.Hell, pretty certain jumping into it in BOTW without protection instantly kills you.
>>116861346It should be Bobobo
>>116861346Xavier would actually win, but the Deathbattle would end with Rick winning because he's Rick because the salt levels from Rick and Morty fans if he lost would make Gokufags seem reasonable by comparison.
>>116862514That would be an even bigger stomp, either way you slice it.
>>116862107>>116862504>ANOTHER namefagfor fuck's sake
>>116862975Just filter or hide me, my guy. Not that hard, given that's what the function is for.
>>116863142Whatever you say my guy. Getting mad over it is really kinda pointless, especially when you have options to alleviate the issue.
Could you make a good fight for him without knowing how fast or strong he is at his peak?All we know is he’s much faster and stronger than the gems
>>116861346Rick would try abusing portals to find a dimension he can actually win in, only to discover it's the same Xavier in each one.
>>116863217People keep throwing him against Deku, a character who we likewise don't know the full capabilities or limits of. Personally, I think his displayed feats and scaling to the Gems are more than enough to find good matches for him. He's pretty strong from what we know.
>>116863258As they are now Steven destroys himHe has better speed, strength, durability, and he’s more versatile with his plant armies and trapping in bubbles
>>116863297I don't actually know who that is. I don't use VSBW.>>116863313You seem really invested in replying to any post I make, user. Kinda sad.
>>116863345Pretty much. Steven has way too many advantages with his current loadout for him vs Deku to be anything other than a stomp in his favor.It was mildly debatable pre superspeed at least.
>>116861346While Xavier is considered a reality warper and thus a very powerful entity, Xavier would most likely end up defeating himself in the fight.
>>116863391Death Battle bloodlusts everyone does it not? Seems like that might make the fact that Xavier often fucks himself over irrelevant.
>>116863258I guess it could be entertaining to watch, though I might wait a couple of years on it or so
>>116863467Yeah, Deku developing his new quirks more might change the overall outcome. Shigaraki already got a major powerboost after all.
>>116863467>>116863501The problem isn’t Deku, it’s StevenWe’ll never know how strong or fast he is since the show’s over and he never had any good feats in his pink form
>>116863573He shattered Jasper, which is pretty impressive.
>>116863573Pink form should at the very least be much stronger than his normal self, who managed to lift the Injector whilst heavily weakened and tank the explosion when it was destroyed. Also being capable of stomping and shattering Jasper.
>>116863573We know his barriers are something Jasper can’t muscle through. Considering how Garnet cleaved a mountain just fighting a Corrupted Larimar, I would say it’s a good measure he’s pretty strong.
>>116862107>>116863021>Numbers GuyWhy are you called this? Do you actually do calculations or stats on the characters?
>>116863815Actually, yes. I just don't often try to go full Spacebattles or VSBW autism and try to analyze things down to the size of asingle pixel to determine whether or not a feat qualifies or something. I just tell it like it is.Pic related for instance has people saying it's anywhere from the low megatons to high exatons in terms of power, but it's probably around 10 or so exatons if we actually had to attach a number to it.
>>116863390>>116863465>>116863467>>116863501Deku should fight Gon Freecs.
>>116864400Gon has that Nen rule thing Going on how it wastes non-Nen users
>>116864452Not only that but if his hulk form is allowed then he just wastes Deku regardless of what he does
>>116863258But I don't think is the sameWe have seen Deku fight at his limit with all he got,of course he is going to keep getting stronger but in every arc we can see his topSteven on the other didn't have a fight where he need to go full,when fighting Jasper he only got a little serious and ended up rigth there,we havent seen what he can do
>>116864400Gon absolutely trashes Deku. Like, I don't think there's any scenario where Deku can even hope to survive.>>116864499Fair point.
Post fights you guys want to see:>Billy Butcher (The Boys) vs Stain (MHA)>Marco Rossi (Metal Slug) vs Bill Rizer (Contra)>Marshall Law (Marshall Law comics) vs Garou (OPM)>Rick Taylor (Splatterhouse) vs Solomon Grundy>Simon Belmont vs Sir Arthur>Jason Voorhees vs Pyramid Head>Alucard (Castlevania) vs D (Vampire Hunter D)>Magneto vs Accelerator>Jill Valentine (RE) vs Regina (Dino Crisis)>Vash the Stampede (Trigun) vs Brandon Heat (GunGrave)>Agent 47 vs The Spy (TF2)>Deku (MHA) vs Gon Freecs (Hunter X Hunter)>Kazuma Kiryu (Yakuza series) vs Kingpin (Marvel comics)>>116861346>using Rick Sanchez everNo.>>116864814>Gon absolutely trashes Deku. Like, I don't think there's any scenario where Deku can even hope to survive.We will have to wait until MHA ends then. Btw, what's your view on Butcher vs Stain?
>>116864913But Nen pretty much takes down anyone who doesn’t have defensive Nen, which Deku doesn’t have
>>116864913>Btw, what's your view on Butcher vs Stain?Stain has speed, precision and probably raw skill over Butcher. His quirk is also uniquely suited towards killing him.If Butcher can get the element of surprise over on Stain, he MIGHT be able to pull out a win but it's unlikely. Stain makes a point of killing faster and more powerful fighters simply through pure skill.
>>116864992I think the edge to Butcher is that the guy fights super dirty and willing to go to extra lengths to fuck over his opponent than Stain as far as I can tell.
>>116865071Yeah, that might do it. For all that he went off the fucking deep end after becoming Stain, Stendhal still possesses a twisted sense of honor that he adheres to even when fighting. He doesn't really factor in dirty shameless tactics in a fight since he expects every hero he fights to use the same basic strategy.
>>116861346They both have things to counter each other
>>116864913Give me an entire seven minutes of Bugs Bunny fucking with someone edgy and seriousI don’t care who wins at the end
>>116865374Not really. Barry’s way faster. Even Quicksilver could beat 009
>>116862975>>116863021Gentle reminder that it's only against the rules to impersonate mods. If someone uses a name with no tripcode, you can use that name all you like. Not against the rules.
>>116864992>If Butcher can get the element of surprise over on Stain, he MIGHT be able to pull out a win but it's unlikely.That's literally one of Butcher's best feats considering that he often fights dirty (like attacking his enemies in the groin, throwing sand/broken glass in their eyes, attacking his opponents while they drop their guard during a talk, or holding a grenade against their faces until it blows up).His speed is kinda hard to tell because he has dodged lasers from Stormfront and Homelander, but like everyone says, it's not really wise to compare them to irl laser speed. He has dodged bullets once in Herogasm #6, but the scene itself isn't good enough evidence.His strength is superior to Stain's cause he can pretty much do almost anything that the other "Boys" can do like tear up the humans body to pieces and tear apart steel.
>>116865493True but Stain can cut clear through shit like Todoroki’s ice
Is this a good feat? I don’t understand cloud
>>116865604Finn dies first while Mao Mao and Jack duke it our only for Jack to come out on top.
>>116865500That's also true, but Butcher has plenty of weapons he could use to keep Stain at bay. He has:>Crowbar>Grenades(M67 and Gas)>Lighter>C4>Serbu BFG-50A Sniper Rifle (it's from the TV series mostly, but he has used it in the comics once)>RPG-7
>>116865604If Finn still has the grass sword he probably has a chance, but most likely he and Mao Mao both get killed by Jack.
>>116865604Jack>Mao Mao>Finn
>>116865604Armed with their respective swords:Jack>>>> Mao Mao > FinnUnarmed:Finn> Jack > Mao Mao
>>116864913Jenny Wakeman (My Life as a Teenage Robot) vs. Blossom (Powerpuff Girls)
>>116861346Rick would have to use every parallel dimension Rick to fight Xavier, and Xavier would still win, specially if he's trying to help.
>>116866272Pretty certain Blossom outspeeds Jenny by a frankly hilarious degree, even if Jenny might have a better weapon arsenal.
>>116865546Clouds are just really fucking big, okay
>>116866257Nah Jack also wins unarmed
>>116865604What feats does Finn have anyway?
>>116866272The thing is that Jenny on paper should be able to come out on top since she's practically tailor made to take on superpowerful threats, but she's hard nerfed by having the brain of a teenage girl. Blossom acts more mature and level-headed than Jenny does more often than not. Jenny would be outpaced and likely pulling her punches a bit out of having misgivings with fighting a child, and Blossom bashes her into an ever-expanding crater until she shuts off.
>>116866602Jenny doesn’t really have the feats to counter Blossom’s power
>>116866633>Jenny did Santa's job of delivering gifts to every home on Earth in 80 seconds.>Can travel halfway across the planet, travel back because she forgot something, than travel halfway again before a guy has time to hit the ground.>No-sells having a building thrown on her.>Takes "relaxing" baths in vats of acid.>A metal-melting bug can only scratch her paint job.>Flies up the thrusters of a missile in flight and detonates it from the inside without being scratched.It's just that Jenny doesn't have as much a commitment to heroics as Blossom and constantly undersells herself.
>>116865604Either way Finn's fucked. Jack takes this though
>>116867326Finn wrestles giants for fun. He’s got strength pinned down compared to the other two and he can sure take a beating
>>116861346I want them to do this just so Rick and Morty fans can have another freak out
The Green Hornet VS Punisher.
>>116867388Jack is a master martial artist. He'd knock Finn on his ass before he realized what was going on.
my dick vs your asshole
>>116868210Finn’s a tough fucker. Even when his leg bones are busted, he can run
>>116868291Those were casted for months and not only that they were busted by a deer. Jack can jump good and by extension can likely kick good too. Jack could just knock the kid out.
>>116868384Deer are crazy. It’s like you never saw Are We There Yet?
>>116865604What feats does Finn have?
Cetrion vs KorraJax vs TJ ComboKotal Kahn vs OgreGeras vs that time guy from WakfuNoob Saibot vs JagoKung Lao vs CerebellaKitana vs Chun LiBasically let's get more MK in there, it's what the whole thing is based on.
>>116865604If Mao Mao gets to use his Cobbler form he takes it easy
>>116868614Finn's strength can be pretty inconsistent. Sometimes he is lifting up a giant tentacle monster thing and other times he has trouble lifting up other stuff. Sometimes he is wrecking monsters and another he gets punked by a deer or things far less impressive. His main chance is if he had Grass Hax Sword which could do a bunch of funky shit but even then Jack is just far too skilled and fast.
>>116868643What does that do?
>>116868614High level wizard (lost all his powers when his robe got burned off)Swordsman capable of effortlessly carving his face in things mid flight (lost this ability when he lost the grass sword, it turned into an evil version of him)Has a nigh-invulnerable shape-shifting companion (companions are generally excluded from Death Battle)Can sing in autotune whenever he likesComplete immunity to finding a stable romantic partner
This has been on my radar for awhile.
>>116861346Rick and morty has so much fans, the bias will result in the Rick's victory
>>116868643That form grants him a pretty hefty increase, after all. But I'm not sure he'd have it available to him in a battle.
>>116869001Depends how they do Tifa's calculations or change em
>>116869192yeah, it is a retardedly situational powerup, and I don't think he could pull it off in the fight. Maybe he would learn about Finn's dad and he would somehow make it work, but I seriously doubt itAlso, if we let him use it then I'm sure Finn and Jack would get to use other situational abilities as well
>>116869001Tifa can't even beat Yang, she's no match for a real shonen character.
>>116869001This depends entirely on whether or not we scale Tifa to the ridiculous FF powerlevel stuff. Under normal circumstances, I'd be inclined to give Sakura the win since she starts to scale and display skills on par with some of the upper ends of her verse.
>>116869289>Taking that shill match result seriously.Even their reasoning favored Tifa. They had to make shit up for Yang.>So Tifa can apparently punch with the force of Nuke>While we don't know the limits of aura umm...Yang could maybe do the same? Yang wins! Go watch the new RWBY season!
>>116865546It's decent. The clouds clear too quickly to get a real estimation on how much power would be behind the blow without a frame by frame analysis, but just judging by how far they spread out from the point of impact alone it was no simple blow.
>>116869365>the FFag seetheI wouldn't have guessed that Holla Forums could produce soibois as fragile as Bencels, but I guess waifufaggotry does up the ante a bit.
>>116869500Let's be real. The FF7 matches tended to be pretty shitty regardless of result>Cloud gets fucked over getting purposely nerfed to his starter gear while going up against composite Link who was allowed all his gear across multiple games>Tifa gets fucked by RWBY season shilling and making stuff up for Yang>They gave Sephiroth a pity win against Vergil because Dante beat Bayo. They had to act like supernova illusion would work and had to make up stats for Sephiroth like how he is suddenly a mountain buster because Zack sliced down a steel door with a strength stat of 20 and Sephiroth's strength stat is 99 so that clearly means he can break mountains! Meanwhile Dante who is canonically way worse with Yamato than Vergil is cut down a giant magical obelisk from miles away.FF7 seems pretty cursed with bullshittery going on in Death Battle
is there any Holla Forums character who could beat him?
>>116870167Clouds have a mass, so moving large amounts of them at very high speeds does indeed require large sums of energy. But that's often not what happens in these scenarios. It's more like a dispersal of the vapor droplets that make up a cloud, causing them to disperse below visibility. This makes estimating the power of said feats difficult, because any calc based on physical movement of the clouds is rendered invalid if it's simply vapor dispersal.If you take the movement of the cloud as being literal however, you get something easily in excess of transsonic or even supersonic force as surrounding air rushes in to fill the resultant vacuum. And I've seen calcs that put such displays in comparison with the overall power yields of nukes, which would put them in the megaton range of destructive potential.
Could Wei Shen vs Kazuma Kiryū be an interesting match up?
>>116861346Why are most fights between anime characters and superheroes? Give me more battles like Sam vs Snake where the fighters are from mostly grounded franchises and they have to actually use skills and tactics
>>116870475might actually have a chance>>116870615no way, batman would get cucked
>>116870432Cool feat for the Gems I guess
>>116861346>reality warper>portals and gadgetsFuckall thatRick will win in a regular fistfight after making xavier taste the painsimply because the plot demands Xavier to get beat up by anyone and everyone
Who'd win this?
>>116861346>Well Mr. Science. Your mumbo jumbo can explain everything... but can it explain... What doth life?
>>116872622Not familiar with SCP man's feats but Flug made an Evil Omnitrix with evil aliens from other media, can time travel, a super saiyan serum and some other stuff
Zuko should get crushed right? Even though they think Avatar characters are as fast as quicksilver
>>116872675Bright Autisticly smart, nothing truly out of reach from him.
>>116872622If we are discussing normal Dr. Bright, not the retarded cartoon character the fandom thinks he is, then it would be rather mundane. Who can shoot each other the fastest?
>>116873005What if it's the turbo autist bright?
>>116873032Like I said, if we are talking about the damn zany "lol random" Bright then he likely is to win since that version of Bright is such a fucking Mary Sue that does shit no Foundation personnel would do or get away with.
>>116872622I admire your restraint in not picking the Ukulele Man instead but he's basically a regular guy with instant kill move that requires him to get real close. I don't see that happening unless he possess 76 or 682
>>116873057To be fair that list is a joke article. The real mary sue would be the old Doctor Light or Clef
>>116873157>To be fair that list is a joke article.I am fully aware of that but sadly that is not the only article on the site that depicts that version Bright. The author almost deleted the lost because he felt it permanently damaged the image of the character into a cartoon when in reality he was a pretty sad character whose family is filled with tragedy, and has a desire to finally die.Yes, the other doctors at the times had awful writing. I am so glad some have took to depicting Clef as just a middle aged man tired of all the crazy shit around him. No stupid gimmick or anything. Of course there is the occasional regression but mostly drifted away from it, sorta. The fandom doesn't cling to the bullshit like they do Bright.
>>116873114>UkuleleI had to google who that was before realizing you were talking about Clef.
>>116873270My personal favorite is the one about the abandoned penitentiary when he has to clean up after a newbie's mistake and kills himself doing it. But yeah even though the lolfoundation days were fun for bit it really got insane when people started churning out shit like Duke till Dawn>>116873277I don't blame you I don't think he's been called that for many years
>>116870088Bueno Excelente.
>>116864452Even Superman?
>>116873420>My personal favorite is the one about the abandoned penitentiary when he has to clean up after a newbie's mistakeYou just read my mind, user. If I recall, that story was called All They Want is the Blood or something. Good read and one of the best versions of Clef.Anyway, if people want SCP characters in a death battle, here is a perfect one.Agent Max Lombardi vs Brock Samson from Venture Bros. That I can see happening.
>>116873496>Agent Max Lombardiwho?
>>116866257Jack would win unarmed too. The guy is a way more skilled and experience hand to hand martial artist with far superior strength feats to Finn.
>>116873687I thought it was the guy who managed to earn 76's respect but he was just a blank box.Apparently this is the guy
>>116873687The guy that stars in the articles linked by this user >>116873766
>>116872622Bright doesnt really have direct combat feats of note. If he can get his amulet on Flug, then he probably wins, but otherwise he's a mostly ordinary dude.I am of course assuming we're using base Bright and not Death of the Authors Bright, who kill off the entirety of Cartoon Network's network heads and executives and staff before the match begins.
>>116873005Which version of Bright diddles children? That one loses
>>116873940I mean Cartoon Network is part of BHO's web of influence so even that might not work
>>116874172It is, in-universe. But they're still reliant on Cartoon Network to broadcast BHO and they need its approval in order to run. If it suddenly ended up dropping dead (which DOTA Bright is fully capable of causing) then they'd be kinda fucked.
>>116873940>Death of the Authors BrightExplain.
How would this go?
>>116874209BHO has also shown to pull meta fuckery so they could feasibly stop DOTA Bright. They killed the Powerpuff Girl's narrator for example
>>116874234Unless we count Kingdom Hearts Oogie then Oogie is kinda easy to deal with. All she'd have to do is cut him and she wins. Other Mother seems like a counter to him.
>>116874234Only way this goes okay for Boogie if its in his Casino base where he has all his lotto shit, otherwise all she needs to do is poke him with a needle, pull out a thread and he's dead
>>116864913Fight I want to see>Giorno vs Joker>Hellboy vs Alucard>Billy Butcher vs Stain>Postal Dude vs Not Important>Gorr vs Goku Black>Master Xehanort vs. Darth Sidious>Red-Hood vs Winter Soldier>RoboCop vs Judge Dredd>Cole MacGrath VS Alex Mercer>Sōsuke Aizen vs. Madara Uchiha>Adam Jensen vs Motoko Kusanagi>Star Butterfly vs Steven Universe>Noel Vermillion vs Aigis>Ruby Rose VS Maka Chan>Izuku Midoriya vs Gon Freecss>Hiccup and Toothless vs Hiro and Baymax>Atrocitus vs Red Hulk>Little Mac vs Ippo>Han Solo vs Captain Kirk>Raiden VS 2B
>>116873940I was reading a summary of DOTA Bright and isn't this the plot of a deadpool comic
>>116874217Version of Bright (or more accurately, versions since there's multiple) that go out and start mass-omnicide of the SWANN entities (real world authors of fiction) in a mad rage over being turned into bastardized caricatures thanks to shit like the
>>116874293I mean, probably? Fiction in general uses a lot of the same tropes or ideas.
>>116873940Base Bright for sure. No bullshit meta crap.
DOTA Bright VS Dread Pool when?
>>116874375Then safe to say Bright loses. He's literally just a guy.>>116874383Marvel has shot its own cosmology and characters to shit so badly that you could no doubt argue for lower on the totem pole wiping the floor with it.
This match up reminds me of when I would have battles with my toys when I was a kid. Have green army men vs rubber bugs. Shit like that. I had a ton of fun in my youth.Anyway, who would when here? Both are equally matched. If Chip had his gang of toys or given time to build stuff, he could easily defeat Buzz. What are your thoughts?
>>116874490I’m pretty sure Chip is made of actual metal
>>116874490Did Small Soldiers do poorly? I'd love a sequel/remake. I love shit like when they repurpose household objects into war machines. I want that but more.
>>116873483There's a chance it could waste superman or have him be extremely weak. If they're using aura to kill then Supes may lose an arm or legs like some of the people at Battle Tower. If they attack him with hatsu, though, they're fucked after Supes recovers, and has his nen activated.
>>116872719Pretty much. I thought creating lighting would be the equilizer this fight, but apparently Zuko never figured that shit out, just how to redirect it.Zuko got his swords and his martial arts but thats not gonna make up the difference in sheer power.
>>116874514He has a thin metal endoskeleton but overall he is just hard plastic and wires. Buzz is almost the same.>>116874541I think it did ok but did not make as much as the studio hoped. I think they were hoping for a franchise. The ending hinted at a sequel (development hell and was planned to be darker), and they made a game.A remake/reboot was in production by Fox under the name Toymageddon that would be set in a toy factory or something. Was cancelled by Disney when they purchased Fox.
>>116874280>>Little Mac vs IppoSeems onesided since Mac can canonically defeat Mike Tyson.>>Ruby Rose VS Maka ChanIf you mean Maka from Soul Eater I don't see her winning in a fair fight because it's kinda unfair to have Soul with her since he's actually more powerful than her individually
They should do another KH one they haven't done so since Sora killed Pitt.
>>116874636>Seems onesided since Mac can canonically defeat Mike Tyson.Canonically, Mike Tyson can't even beat Glass
>>116874280Ippo literally can't cope with any fight apart from PUNCH HARDER BLOOD AND GUTS MORE OXYGEN and Kamogawa shouting at him from the sidelines will only encourage him to continue blocking fists with his face, while Little Mac actually improves over time. Ippo can't win shit.
>>116873157One of the few people I know who can talk about SCP hates the Ouroboros Cycle more than anything from the proper lolfoundation era. It doesn't provoke the same reflexive hate from me, but I kind of see where he's coming from.
>>116864913Power Girl vs Eighth WonderAkame vs Blake BelladonnaNanael vs Aqua from KonosubaBelldandy vs PalutenaHomura Akemi vs Kurumi
>>116875439The Ouroboros Cycle really isn't that good. I don't exactly hate it myself, but it tries way too hard to paint the Foundation as being "lul pure evil." Same for Apotheosis.
>>116875923>AquaShe dies no matter who she fights.
>>116863391Objectively correct post kek
>>116864913>Akiza Inziski (Yugioh) vs Sabrina (Pokemon)>Roll Battle Royale (Capcom)>Ann Takamaki (Persona 5) vs Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4)>Ryouna (Senran Kagura) vs Darkness (Konosuba)>Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty) vs Dr. Doofensmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)>Kurenai (Naruto) vs Lust (Full Metal Alchemist)>Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts) vs Dark Pit (Kid Icarus)>Jenny Wakemen (My Life as a Teenage Robot) vs Nono (Diebuster)>Rean (Trails of Cold Steel) vs Kirito (Sword Art Online)
>>116876355Depends. Are we using scaling from Curse of the Moon 2 and Zangetsu *literally* slicing the Moon in half in Luna Secare?
>>116876539as i havent played CotM2, id say yes. Did he really slice the moon literally in half?
Which giant robot would chicks dig more?
>>116865396Bugs vs Popeye. Or Saitama.
>>116876562>as i havent played CotM2, id say yes.Oh, boy. Then Soma is fucked. That feat puts literally everything seen in Castlevania (outside of questionable scaling to Chaos) to shame.>Did he really slice the moon literally in half?Yes. In multiplayer mode, he slices it into quarters. Unfortunately it doesn't look like there's a pic anywhere I can find, so have the screen immediately before he does so whislt cutting Sariel in half.
>>116876697The one with ALL the missiles obviously
>>116874718Mac has gone toe to toe with DK so I think he’s shit on Ippo.
>>116876697Ideally, you have Coop fight a super serial mecha protag (Heero is a good choice) and Titan fights GODO MARSSSSSS.>>116874490Are you scared?We're all scared.You'll have to be crazy not to be scared.>>116873496>>116873766Brock needs to fight Norman from Mighty Max. Both are bodyguard meatshields for kids who pal around with a little nerd friend.
>>116876717To be fair, the inside of the moon was a castle there and Zangetsu had a special sword.
>>116861346Working on Bucky vs Robin as a companion to Winter Soldier vs Red Hood.So far I'm leaning to Jason just because Buck pre Winter Soldier...just didn't do much. He had a few good moments but like in Invaders he's just a tag along.
>>116861539Pretty crazy you got all a thing for a Composite Darknut?
>>116869500Yeah Tifa isn't that strong. If you want a strong FF protagonist that could potentially work as a combatant compared to other characters that typically fall in the category it's inThe Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy XIV.
>>116869500People freaked out over Galaxia and she isn't even one of the top waifus in her series.
So who could fight a Composite version of Dragon Quest's Slime or a composite Metal Slime?
>>116878764Composite goomba.
>>116861346I want TinTin VS Spirou to happpen but I do not want to join anymore forums and doubt it will get picked as it is usually American or Anime characters!
>>116879473Can Spirou actually fight? I thought he was just a perv. You want euro comics, you're better off pushing for Asterix & Obelix.
>>116879519That is a really lame way of putting it. Guess you have only seen the comics where Spirou is a little kid.Asterix should either be Asterix VS Popeye, or Asterix VS Superman VS Goku.
>>116879569To be fair, the ones where he's a kid are the only ones that are posted here, and the only ones posted tend to be of a sexual nature. Blame your fellow fans for misrepresenting the character.
>>116878764I dunno about composite, but there a sub-series with a Slime main character?That one could fight Bandana Dee.
>>116879519Yes he can. Though Tintin would still kick his ass. Tintin has beaten bears in hth.>>116879569>Asterix vs SupermanThere was a comic where Superman met not-Asterix.
>>116879686Well there's Rocket but DQ Heroes Rocket Slime which afaik is nowhere close to Kirby power levels.
>>116874602Plus Zuko sucks in icy places
Didn’t Todoroki explode the air by quickly switching temperatures to create a huge explosion?
>>116880660Just icing on the cake if he did. He really only needs to spam giant glaciers to win.
>>116879765Yeah, doubt Kirby is gonna eat a loss at this point.
>>116877269Megas vs Titan is more fitting >Western mechs >thin guy, thin girl, fat guy (or robot) robot>Goverment still owns the idea>Screwed over by the network due to toy sales
>>116880796Toph will win. Don't you know she can control gold?
>>116880824Also doesn't Terra usually wear a metal chestplate or something?
>>116880858I was being sarcastic.
>>116880796If it was cartoon only, it would be closer but as Death Battle uses main versions, not looking too good for it happening
>>116880796Toph blitzes
>>116880804Nah, I'm with the tripfag on this one. I want to see Heero Yuy get humiliated by a Jersey slacker who found a giant robot in a scrapyard.
Is this a joke? Only way Rickle would have a chance is >>116862565
>>116880997He understands.
>>116869001RPG characters don't really count for power level stuff because they're always designed to beat bosses in the game no matter what. Like Cloud and his friends couldn't really beat god Seph, but since he's the final boss that's moot and you beat him to win the game.
>>116881087Or maybe the final bosses aren't all they're cracked up to be.
>>116880939>>116880750He’s also partially immune to fire
>>116861539If you scale his durability to two-handed weapons and remote bombs (from shattering ore deposits), he's probably around wall or small building level.If someone did a calc, that'd be based. And redpilled.
X GONNA GIVE IT TO YA!In all seriousness, pic related would be an interesting battle. Mr. X got wrecked by William Burken so Big Daddy has a good chance of beating him.
>>116881062Well, Heero or Kira Yamato. One of them would be great. Fucking boy band era of Gundam.
>>116881184Just a Mr. X? A generic bouncer should be able to kill a generic tyrant. That drill is going to eviscerate him.
>>116880997>>116881062>>116881241Whats the point of the debate if you just want a fight where Coop wins and just want him to humiliate an anime character?
>>116881087This, but also with open world games to an extent.You can beat Alduin naked with just your fists. Does it contradict canon? No, because technically there's nothing saying you can't. Are you supposed to? Obviously not. Should you scale the naked barehanded Dragonborn to Alduin? Fuck no.
>>116881293It's not the humiliation, its the contrast.
>>116881322Did he not already contrast to the Titan? Just look at him and Lance
>>116881293>>116881351Speaking honestly, yeah I want Coop to humiliate an anime character. But also, the Manus just can't really stand up to Megas. That thing is bullshit, with firepower and speed easily dwarfing what Manus usually shows and hax such as teleporting the internal workings of an enemy giant robot. You sort of need boy band era Gundam to fight it at all, if I remember the calcs from Zechs vs Tommy and Amuro vs Optimus right.
>>116881428Your "win streak" is literally just based on bad research. You should be in the Oxygen Club right now.
>>116881477Keep in mind, a lot of Megas’ better victories are based off Coop getting lucky. I honestly don’t remember Megas even being planet busting.
>>116881498Aang does beat Ed tho
>>116881498Little tip. When ever someone does “NONONONONONO “X”BROS” it means they’re probably making fun of X rather than actually be a fan of it.
>>116881519I know. I was being facetious.
>>116881551Poor job
>>116861346From where the fuck is Xavier?
>>116881511yeah, should've been Aang vs pic related
>>116881600Aren’t Kamen Riders known for being BS?
>>116866272>who winspp
>>116881611Some of them, not all of them. The more powerful ones off the top of my head are Zi-O, Decade, Build, Ex-Aid and Gaim. Probably Wizard too
>>116881504Yeah, Megas busted a planet.Episode 6. Was a contrivance, but he did it.
>>116881582Xavier: Renegade Angel
>>116881643What were the circumstances of this contrivance?
>>116881647What the actual fuck did I just saw.Thanks, btw.
>>116881693because fuck DB for not doing Kamen Rider yet. I want to fucking see Lord Drakkon get destroyed by Ohma Zi-O
>>116881643Didn't he also torch a halo ring planet in another episode
>>116881670Fired an EMP torpedo that had been converted into a fridge full of rock pops and soda into the mouth of a planet-sized monster that ate radio waves. The rock pop and soda reaction caused the monster to explode.
>>116881811Oh yeah. he did that too. That fire would probably calculated as something crazy by death battle. He also has that sonic attack that may have caused the destruction of that space station that looked like High charity.
Haha these threads are still fucking trash I see. Was there at least any funny fallout from DBZfags getting another win?
>>116863465They consider characterization for the most part (one of the very minor things left elevating DB over your typical vs battle wiki circlejerk), and characters have lost in the past because of it (cough cough Gen I Starscream)Xavier would be fine with killing but he'd still be Xavier.
>>116882212Not particularly tough Beerus vs Galaxia was certainly game changing
>>116882285>Beerus vs Galaxia was certainly game changingHow so?
>>116882318Depending on dimensions and how big a piece of media’s universe is compared to the scale of the observable universe. A universe busting feat Nate get multipliers. Liam Swan estimated the DC Universe to be over 10 times greater than our observable universe, and that’s without dimensions
>>116882375I recall DCfags were already using that logic to shitpost, so I doubt this changes that much. That aside it seems kind of silly to me to try to determine a universe's size based off so little data, especially when the DBZ universes themselves seem relatively small if we take Beerus' estimate on the number of sentient life sustaining planets as fact.
>>116882318DBZ's "universe" is worth an Ultraguy, or 9 universes. We haven't gotten an official ruling on what a DC "universe" is worth, but based on comments Swan's made it is at least 10 universes before factoring alternate dimensions and planes of reality and whatnot.
>>116882474It kind of does. If HFIL and Snakeway now count as universes, god only knows what the alternate realities DC wizards walk through count as.
>>116882480This sounds so fucking stupid. I might actually have to watch this episode to get an idea of where this is coming from.
>>116882480Does Marvel have anything that makes it really big? You know regarding 616?
>>116882548I think Seth The Programmer came up with it
>>116882575There are 9 realms in Asgard. make of that what you will.
>>116882375Seeing as most DC and Marvel characters of that caliber jump to timeline level the amount of space in the universe doesn't really matter.
>>116882594The guy that got destroyed by Ben vs Hal?
>>116882575Asgard and the Dark Dimension are both definitely within 616. The meat dimension and the flesh dimension might be.
>>116877274It being a castle would give it more mass to slice through, not less.
>>116882788**punch dimension
>>116882837>Nobody likes this character>Shit shit shit quickly make her more powerfulComics in a nutshell.
>>116861346Rick ruthlessly slaughters Xavier in a number of highly technological ways but Xavier continues to babble on about how Rick only seeks to destroy him because he knows in his mind's mind that Xavier is truly smarter and better than him. Rick eventually gets bored and walks away.
>>116881643>>116881811>>116881929Don’t forget when he busted out of the Infinity Zone, a dimension that crushes you to the size of an atom
Now that his most requested is taken, who should Roy Chadstang fight?
>>116883881I saw some people say Fire Emblem Roy
>>116883979Fire Emblem in general is incredibly vague in regards to powerscaling, I'm not a huge fan of using it for this type of excercise. Also Royfags fucking love exaggerating how strong he is by misinterpreting how magic functions. I've even seen people go as far as to say that the binding blade strikes with enough force to ignite the air around it (rather than, say, just being a sword imbued with fire magic as is clearly the case). And that's low ball as far as the stupidity goes.
>>116866809Don’t forget that she has enough firepower to blow up an asteroid large enough to destroy earth.
Someone explain to me how this motherfucker is a multi-solar system buster.Explain to me how this lanky bastard is stronger than Perfect Cell, Thor, and the Silver Surfer.I just don't follow.
>>116884812Vs battle wiki is run by retards
>>116876005tbf Aqua can dunk on undeads and anyone weak to water
>>116884812Mario Party minigames and being able to beat Rosalina at tennis.I'm actually serious, that's their reason.
Speaking of Fire Emblem, Lady Rhea would actually be a really good candidate for a fight. Unlike most FE characters, we actually have answers to a number of key questions thanks to cutscenes.>How much destructive force she's capable of outputting >How durable she isand, probably most importantly >The limitations of her durabilityFigure out how much force an Agarthan dubstep missile outputs and you can probably figure out how much Rhea is capable of tanking. Works out nicely too because DB is severely lacking in dragon matches, and Rhea could be a good match for any number of middle weight dragons.
>>116885235The problem is people aren't gonna ask for Rhea to fight anybody.If anyone from TH gets a fight, it'll be Byleth, Edelgard or Dimitri.
>>116885332Sure, sure, just throwing the idea out there.
>>116884812Sometimes I wonder if Mariofags are the most autistic vs battle fags.
>>116885357Honestly, FE doesn't seem that popular in vs debating stuff.Must be lack of (power) wank material.
>>116885421All vs fags are equally autistic and deserving of contempt.
Pic related vs doctor fate or The Spectre.
the shows are compleatly different, no idea why people compare them so much.
>>116885478>De-evolution spellGG
>>116885514>Void God AzathothGG
>>116885442Niche community and a lack of real rivals, I'd say. There's plenty of retarded power wank, just nobody to really fight that makes sense. Probably why FE Lord Battle Royal is one of the most popular requests.
>>116885513Xavier rose in popularity at the height of the R&M craze specifically because it felt like the antithesis of what R&M stands for.
>>116884812If you ask me using mario party minigames as feats is a lot less bullshit than a ton of characters’ featsLook at sub-relativistic Marco Diaz, subsonic Heavy Weapons Guy, and all pokemon being relativistic+
>>116885478>Thinking you can beat a DC character now under new universe rules.10X a universe just from physical size user.
>>116885580Honestly, I think the biggest issue is that Mario as a universe just lacks the consistency that makes for a good target of powerwanking debates. It seems to function off to on logic at times and that's even discounting things of tenuous canonicity such as the party games (as dirty a term as """"Mario canon"""" feels)
>>116885580>sub-relativistic Marco DiazYeah someone needs to downgrade that, like really it makes no sense.
>>116885643>Laughs in Swan
>>116885533Outside of Royfags and 'Ike killed a god!' shit I don't see much FE power wank.Asura's Wrath seems even more niche, but Asura has a decent vsfag fanbase.
>>116885643>10x the size of the observable universeIt's actually pretty damn possible that the DC universe is microscopic compared to our universe.
Kind of surprised they haven't been used yetWhat would be a good matchup?
>>116885750Possible only in that the full extend of the irl universe is unknown and by any conceivable technology unknowable.
>>116885580>>116885697Also, everyone and their mother, including Toffee becomes universal due to Omnitraxus Prime, said to be a living space time continuum, constantly jobbing. Even Globgor, who is just a monster that never quite seemed like he could destroy a universe
>>116885726That's different, Asura is popular specifically because he's "le strongest vidya character."I can guarantee you that more people know him as the really strong guy than there exist people that actually played his game.He's a clear benchmark, so people like bringing him up.
>>116885643Yeah and Rimuru is tens of thousands of times timeline level. So that mean he's at least 10,000*∞ stronger then that
>>116885750>>116885701>>116885778You want to know what would be the ultimate DC power move if Swan wants to do it?Argue each DC universe is infinite.Argument goes like this.The Pre-Crisis multiverse is infinite.Each multiverse occupies the same "space" only vibrating at different frequencies.Crisis happens. There's only one vibration now, but its still in the same infinite space.52 happens. Then Convergence. Then Multiversity. The multiverse is more or less restored via outgrowths of Earth-0.Each current universe would thus have infinite space.>>116885756Groo
Hot take. Once you get past "universe destroying", everything else stops holding any real meaning.What the fuck does it even mean to destroy a timeline. How do you even measure that in, say, universes destroyed? If I destroy a thousand universes at once am I stronger or weaker than the timeline buster? How many timelines do I have to consume at once to match an omniverse buster? And is omniverse busting stronger or weaker than unconditional omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence? Does it even matter?
>>116885829>Blah blah "turn null" gives me infinite energyStrange and Fate would find that adorably cute.
>>116885901I heard someone once say Beerus was timeline level and that destroying a timeline meant you destroy a universe in both the past and future. But that doesn’t seem like something you can do without time powers
>>116885756>Kind of surprised they haven't been used yet>Lack of really good sprites or models>Death Battle has a massive bias for capeshit, anime, and vidya, with the occasional 90's to early 00's cartoon.It's not that shocking.
>>116885901This so much. This so, so goddamn much.Nothing good is going to come from Death Battle deciding to scale universes. Watch it culminate into the absolute bullshit I pointed out here: >>116885900
>>116885931>>116885829>MUH TIMELINESIf I go to vs battle wiki, am I going to find Bill and Ted at multiverse level?
>>116885931That's why this is so silly, we've long since left the realm of measurable feats and have entered a realm of pure wank and opinion spouting.Honestly, I'm a little afraid of getting Galactus vs Unicron now.
>>116883955hasn't Levi suffered enough?
>>116885900Oh fuck.They're actually going to do this, aren't they?
>>116885934there are the videogames which have great 2D models and both characters are easily recognizable in 2Dguess it's the bias thing, because especially Obelix could make for a fun opponent as he has a ton of crazy feats
Still waiting on my proper army vs army match where the military forces actually matter and it's not all just decided by one single character.
>>116885976There was a time when I would have looked forward to Galactus vs Unicron. Now I'm kind of dreading it.You want to know what the biggest loss the Ultraguy Ruling on universes has caused?Big fights between cosmic characters aren't going to actually be about the characters, what they do, and how they fight. It's going to be about who comes from the biggest setting.Welcome to setting battle, brought to you by Ultraguy.
>>116886048Before that, I want to see a squad vs squad fight. Something like three predators vs three Klingons.
>>116886054>When the tripfag has a point
>>116886054>>116886098The biggest mistake death battle ever made was blacklisting Otto instead of promoting him. He wouldn't have let this universe crap get so out of hand.
>>116886048I would like to see Tyranid vs Zerg. Would be cool.
>>116886151not really, Tyranids have such stupidly inflated numbers they win always
>>116885975>Bill and Ted at multiverse levelThey don't have profiles so no, also if there was it would probably be environment damage anyway
>>116886170But I don't care who wins. I just want to see them render the space bug army clash.
>>116886075I wonder if there's a squad of super soldiers that'd be a good match for Reach's NOBLE Team.>>116886151Always kind of hoped for Zerg vs Flood myself, there are a lot of really good hiveminds out there that they could use for a match. And that's not even getting into stuff like Borg, Daleks, Cybermen, etc
>>116886131No. I dig the show and I dig vs battles, but I would rather have bamboo slivers pushed under my nails than spend more than a minute talking to Ben, Chad, and Swan. I do not care for them as people.
>>116886205Delta-One, Gears of War.
>>116886242>Delta-OneI don't know enough about GoW lore to know if they scale well to Spartans, but I like the Xbox franchise vs Xbox franchise angle.
Who could Malcolm fight without being completely outclassed?Assuming peak resources, of course. The Cocoon, Sheila, 21, the Fluttering Horde and the Pupae Twins, all that good stuff.
Monkey paw wish: season 8 doesn’t contain any big 2 or shonen characters.What’s that worst that can happen?
>>116886550Zoomer fights. Sans vs Steven Universe
>>116886550A season that contained no big two, flavor of the month anime, shonen from the 90's on, and nothing stronger than a mountain buster, could unironically be DB kino.>>116886585Please no.
>>116885478Rimuru murders the Spectre unless you pull off really fucking skeevy scaling to Nabu. It's 50/50 between him and Nabu with recent JLD feats.
>>116886585I would prefer Batman vs. Steven Universe.
>>116886675You wouldn't want to see the meltdown if Steven won?
>>116885901>>116885947>>116886054Size of the setting can indeed matter in an actual debate, but it depends on how they do it. And if they don't bother to factor in scale of feats and abilities alongside it, then it becomes basically pointless.Setting size only truly matters in situations where it is synonymous with the actual power of the characters. And that's not really a thing outside of extremely niche fiction.
>>116886195they just get the Text To Speech guys to do it akin to their Gate fight
>>116886713Batman's already died twice.
>>116886605That season would also get no fucking views and flop harder than anything theyve done before
>>116886954And each time he does is more fun to watch his fans bitch>>116886968Machamp vs Goro was pretty great and got good views
>>116886713Steven would win easily though. Batman's just a normal guy at the end of the day, he'd realistically lose to any speedblitz baring bullshit and bad writing. That's like asking for Indiana Jones vs Juggernaut, except that at least has the connection of both being connected to archaeology.
>>116886991Yeah, Death Battle removes plot armor, Batman stuck to his basic equipment and preptimeless isn’t really hard to beat
>>116886968They can do literally anything and it'll probably hit a million views. Death Battle's fan base is too stupid and too bloodthirsty to every turn away from it at this point.Plus realistically they've tapped western comics pretty fucking dry as far as truly iconic match-ups go. Hell, they've used Wonder Woman and Batman three times each, and Ms. Marvel and Thor twice already.
>>116886985Machamp is pretty well past simply mountain busting just going by the Pokedex entries, being fair though.
>>116885756>>116885934They will never do something outside USA and Japan.
>>116887222I mean if you really want to be technical most of Scrooge's feats are from the European comic.
>>116862107 Can you elaborate please? I've NEVER watch the full Xavier series...or much to that matter.
>>116861539I don't have an answer. Actually, maybe Magmar? They're both volcano-dwelling fire-breathing lizard monsters from Nintendo games.This is a convenient post for me to bounce off of, though. I've been looking into Link (BOTW) vs Steve (Minecraft) and Link takes it, but it's not a stomp. Tell me if my reasoning is retarded or brilliant, /dbg/.>assume both BOTW lightning and MC lightning are comparable to real lightning>assume through the transitive property that BOTW lightning and MC lightning are comparable to each other>lightning strikes in MC do 2.5 hearts of damage unarmored>lightning strikes in BOTW do 14.5 hearts of damage unarmored>therefore, every 5.8 hearts in BOTW is equal to 1 heart in Minecraft>a Savage Lynel Crusher's damage in Minecraft hearts would be (78 ÷ 4 HP per heart ÷ 5.8 BOTW hearts per MC heart), or just 3.36 MC hearts unarmored>meanwhile, a Netherite Sword with sharp V does 5.5 hearts and would be (5.5 MC hearts × 5.8 BOTW hearts per MC heart), or 31.9 BOTW hearts (instakill territory when unarmored), not accounting for fire aspect damage>now you may be wondering just how the fuck is Link going to even touch Steve with prot IV Netherite Armor and a shield>he's going to steal them>getting hit with a Shock Arrow or electric elemental weapon makes you drop whatever's in your hands and immobilizes you for a few seconds, allowing Link to drop his weaker gear in favor of Steve's>if the timeframe doesn't seem like it'll be enough, Stasis+ is an option>from then on out, it's just cucking Steve out of whatever he's holding and stealing it, parrying attacks with the superior Minecraft shield as well as using Daruk's Protection, and spamming Ancient Arrows for max damage output>however it's not impossible for Steve to win ether, seeing the enormous gap in attacking power between him and Link, just that Link will win more often than not
>>116887270I'll admit I was incredibly worried when you first mentioned lightning there.
>>116887269There is an entire episode where Xavier reasons that since every cigarette someone smokes takes 17 minutes off your life and every piece of bacon you consume takes 9 minutes off your life, smoking and eating bacon really quickly would allow you to go back in time. It works.It gets even weirder from there.
>>116886550We get fights with home stuck, fnaf, undertail and some other garbage.
>>116888207Honestly wouldn't mind FNaF vs another horror franchise or something Homestuck. At least it's not a literal who anime or another shitty cape wanking contest
>>116888266Freddy Vs Jason when?
>>116888207I'd actually love to see Sans vs Saitama, personally.Homestuck is far too pozzed though.
>>116888298As funny as that sounds, the fundamental issue with Undertale is that the monsters literally come from a universe where monsters built to lose to humans. Keep in mind a fairly normal (if not determined) child is capable of committing monster genocide just because they hate them hard enough, which includes killing Sans.
>>116886550Absolute worst case, they become indistinguishable from Rewind Rumble in terms of match selection. A whole season with the likes of Bieber vs Black in terms of match quality.
>>116888291Clarissa's Dad vs William AftonNot in an actual battle to the death, just competing for the title of "Worst Dad in the Multiverse".
Who has the edge here? Also what are some other thematically appropriate matches.
>>116886550A Zavok episode where he wins.
>>116887421 Sooo....I should watch it while high then?
>>116886550Ben and Chad die in a horrific car crash. ScrewAttack hires the head admins of VSBW to take over.
>>116888819Wouldn't be that different from now tbqh. Ben and Chad have been phoning it in for years.
>>116886054Ok, I can be dense at times but can you explain what exactly is wrong with that? What is the problem of going by the size of the universe in a series? Is it not the same when two characters can destroy planets but one destroyed Earth and another destroy Jupiter? The Earth in Toriko is the size of Neptune so of course their characters could beat somebody who could destroy our Earth. Different series have different scales.
>>116888819So Dimension tiering everywhere
>>116888853Because no universe in real life or in fiction is actually given a concrete, hard number for size.Under Ultraguy rules, any generic Hell is now the size of the observable universe. And if that Hell is divided into smaller realms, each of those realms is also the size of the observable universe.Ultraguy rules conflate convolution with size. And like I said earlier, you take this to its logical conclusion and you'll end up with >>116885900I'm a DCfag and I will groan if a DC character wins off this.
>>116888853>>116888925Note also the way it's applied.>Bulma and friends travel to Namek in rocket whose speeds would mean the DBZ universe is teeny tiny? DENIED! >Dragon Ball has HFIL? IT IS THE SIZE OF THE OBSERVABLE UNIVERSE GOKUSAMA TAKE THIS EXTRA +1 TO YOUR POWER STACK
>>116888997How big should Hell be anyway?
>>116889083See >>116889082Ultraguy really let his Dragon Ball bias out with this episode.
>>116889083It's a lake of blood ruled over by two oni guys. It's probably really small since Dragon Ball has like, 23 inhabited planets. If all the evil people that ever existed end up there, you still would have a realm that's cosmically negligible to the size of the observable universe.>>116889099Does Ultraguy have a bias? I'm kind of thinking he does after the absolute clownshoes that was making dragon ball's universe 9 times observable.
>>116889157>It's a lake of blood ruled over by two oni guys. It's probably really small since Dragon Ball has like, 23 inhabited planets. If all the evil people that ever existed end up there, you still would have a realm that's cosmically negligible to the size of the observable universe.This is why Otto is the best researcher and why Ultracuck sucks weeb cock.
>>116889083Well presumably it hould be big enough to hold all the souls of the world (Earth or the universe depending on the setting).
>>116889157I thought Frieza was in a flowery place
>>116889083Well the only time we see hell outside of filler Is when Frieza is in that little cocoon thing, all it really had in it was that tree and the stuffed animal parade.
>>116889179Are you telling me they used the non canon DB hell for this?
>>116889179>man sucking cock accuses another man of sucking cockYou cannot make this shit up
>>116889187It's the souls of twenty something planets. That's NOTHING compared to the size of a fucking universe.You could have it be the size of a galaxy. An entire fucking galaxy. It would be like an atom compared to the universe.
>>116889212Maybe it’s like personal Hells for everyone?
>>116889245Fuck off Ultracuck. HURR DRAGON BALL'S ENMA REALM IS A UNIVERSE HURRRR It is a goddamn building. But of please continue defending Ultrafag because he gave your favorite shonen a handjob.
>>116889281You could play it by Mormon rules and make it so that everyone has their own planet. It's still vastly, hilariously smaller than the observable universe.
>>116889255I was talking more generally.As for the whole 28 planets, it's only about planets that have civilizations on them. Plus I'm not sure if random wild animals are considered to have souls in Dragon Ball, through I'm leaning yes.
>>116888549Afton never raped his kids as far as we know. And he actually cared for Elizabeth, even going as far as to tell her to stay away from his killbots specifically in case she might end up approaching them. He's much better than Clarissa's Dad.>>116888783Probably.>>116889083Depends on the setting we're talking about. Dragonball Hell might not be that large overall, but the 23 planets thing was always retarded to begin with. Pretty certain both Xenoverse and Heroes ignore it.
>>116889283Thank god the enma and other shit are universes now. That means we can count everything in DC's Wildstorm Multiverse for Superman's universe based feats if GvS3 ever happens.
>>116889353Even Otto doesn't want this and he probably sleeps with a stuffed Superman.
>>116887421But that was SAND MADNESS, and probably didnt happen.
>>116889330Do animals go to hell?
>Wow Capecuck is making some decent poi...>oh wait no he's just bitching about Dragon Ball. Again.Should have known better. Darn.
>>116889380I'm just fine with it since power level wise, I don't give too much of a shit for stuff like Marvel, DC, DBZ, etc since I'm not really into them.
>>116889415>He defends THIS BUILDING IS A UNIVERSEPut your trip on Ultrafaggot.
>>116889399Well, was that dog killed in the Buu saga resurrected by Shenron?
This is one match up I wish the actual writers would work onFighting would be boring, I want to hear the match of wits, language, and philosophies
>>116889388I mean, the finale implies that the ENTIRE series probably didn't happen and it was just Xavier very vividly hallucinating after staring at an inkblot test so the entire thing is questionable at best.>>116889415I personally think there are better settings to bitch about. Dragon Ball bitching is overdone at this point.
>>116889353Wildstorm has the 19,000 something dimensional snowflake multiverse. New Frontier had its own multiverse. The ABC Earth (Tom Strong) has its own multiverse. There is precedent to flew universe size, but dear God I hope they don't.
>>116889482It's probably workable if there are characters who scale to the size of the cosmology. They probably *shouldn't* unless they're tossing one of the Endless at someone, but still. There's some justification.
>>116889517All you need is someone, like Green Lantern, who has done something universe level to open the door to being many times universal off the same feat.
>>116889619I still worry about them ever coming across Willworld.
>>116889619Which is why they shouldn't. Hal's been taken out by less, most Lanterns have even. He's usually not running at a consistent level where we can posit he scales absolutely to the size of say, whole multiverses and it would be pretty insane to say that he does.
>>116889680>Complaining about Hal being dropped by less>When Goku the Blue got dropped by a laser>B-But he w-wasn't ready...And that's the excuse used for why Hal jobs.
>>116889680This came out today.Hal dies, then the very next page he comes back as Specter Hal.Do you have any idea how broken Hal Jordan is? Any idea at all?
>>116889725Every new issue confirms more and more that Hal Jordan deserved to beat Alien X.
Do you think they'll eventually feed Silver to Trunks?
>>116889725I'm beginning to think Morrison wants to cement Hal's victory over Ben.
>>116889946The final boss is going to be anti-matter Robby Reed who uses the H Dial to turn into anti-matter Nebula Man.
>>116889709I don't care about Dragon Ball power tiers, so I don't really know why your comparison is relevant to me.>>116889725Like a lot of things in DC, consistency is an issue. This happens now, but then we have the entire League getting slapped by Perpetua and BWL. It's kind of a shitshow.
>>116885726FE has some pretty insane stuff, but it's never really brought up because there's nothing to really use as a beating stick between it and some other franchise or setting.
>>116865604Grass sword or not makes a huge difference for Finn.
>>116890238What’s so great about it?
>>116890238Assume each character is at their strongest form excluding temporary powerups
>>116885332Better yet, 3-way FFA between the houses.
>>116890256Grass sword was basically a spidey-sense sword that reacted for you. It was OP
>>116890256It's greatest feat was probably dealing actually noticeable damage to Orgalorg, who breaks worlds.
>>116889283We're not defending Ultraguy, we're calling you out for being a schizophrenic dog.
>>116889082But they didn't say that's the size of the universe that's just one building in the afterlife>>116888925Not every Dimension is the size of the universe, only if the series says it's about the size it should count, the Hyperbolic Time Chamber is said to be the size of Earth, the map for the Dragon ball universe says the moral universe is like our own, and I don't see why having 23 planets with life would make it smaller if one, that seemed to get retcon in the Moro Arc where everybody says there's countless planets with life and two, we only know of one planet with life in our universe and it isn't small
>>116890065I do sometimes legitimately wonder if Morrison is aware of Death Battle, and if so how far he's willing to go to shitpost. It would be incredible if that happens and the final blow is a giant boot.
>>116890324Orgalorg isn’t exactly untouchable. The Earth’s gravity was the reason he was deformed into a penguin shape
>>116890340Yeah, pretty certain the Moro arc retroactively addresses this issue by stating that there are/were countless worlds filled with life until Moro started his rampage.>>116890350That only happened after Grob Gob Glob Grod smacked his shit. Not really fair to him.
>>116890389How literal do you think he is with his breaker of worlds comment?
>>116890340We're never seen anything contradicting that Enma realm is literally just a check-in building. Snake Way is outside it, Kai realm is above it, and below it is HFIL. Cope all you like Dragon Cuck, it has as much validity to being as large as the observable universe as any one of Dr.Strange's pocket dimensions.
>>116890389Well Moro seemed to think there was more life in the universe than the last time he saw it.Through he presumably doesn't care how sentient the residents of those worlds are.
>>116888783Get out.
Who would be a good thematic match for the Soldier? Maybe someone extremely patriotic towards a different country?
>>116889157>It's a lake of blood ruled over by two oni guysFiller from the anime, Goku doesn't go to hell in manga. The only time we see hell in the manga is when Goku visits Frieza in his own hell with the tree, flowers and all that happy crap. Talking crap about other people's research when you don't do your own, you're not as smart as you think you are.>>116889179I can see why somebody was talking about dogs in the other threads before
I really ant to see Captain Olimar form Pikmin in one of these. Anyone know who would be a good matchup for him?
>>116890605Hi Madokafag!
>>116890605They use the anime, filler and all, over the manga. It's why Roshi didn't get ultra instinct.
>>116890444Given we see him smashing a few like bottles in his introductory episode? I'd say pretty literal.
>>116890617The Knight from Hollow Knight.
>>116884011never seen >>116883881 so who would win?
>>116890617Hollow Knight vs hundreds of Pikmin
>>116890785Roy torches her face. His works more like a more precise combustion man. She'd be fucked hard unless she can get lucky and mess up his glove.
>>116890617The guy from Katamari.>>116890766>>116890807The Knight is actually pretty damn big, just judging by the environmental design. Probably person sized even.
>>116890582The nazi from JoJo.
>>116890729I saw him throwing a rock at a village. You mean that?
>>116890582The most obvious one would be Soldier vs. Pharah, but I have seen people talk about Soldier vs Bill Overbeck or Soldier vs Sarge
>>116890886It's difficult to tell if it was just meant to be a *really* big (it's literally almost as large as that entire village) rock or some kind of representation of him actually smashing worlds as the narration claims. We could probably make some extrapolation based off his size compared to the cliffs, the village and even the rock itself if we wanted to make a guess of how fucking huge it was and the strength required, but it would likely be wonky.There's really no reason to doubt that he is an actual world breaker, though. Beings that would be inferior to Orgalorg going by what we know are basically world destroyers themselves, and we know that mere traces of GOLB's breath were enough to completely vaporize an entire chunk of Ooo in the Mushroom War.
>>116890484Well we're showing multiple different planets with life throughout the arc, Moro was allowed to rampage through the universe for months and he still had plenty of life to eat and there was a side chapter showing Frieza noticing that but he didn't get involved because there was plenty of life in the universe to do business with, so he doesn't even have to touch where Moro was
>>116890631Who? I watched that show years ago
>>116890997Sensing some wank. I mean, this is sounding less like a planet buster and more like a guy who kills everybody on a planet. He can’t even handle Earth’s gravity.
>>116891049As I said, it's wonky. You could do it, probably but it would be weird and more than a little on the wank side of things. Adventure Time is weird with scale, which remains consistent up until the end.>He can’t even handle Earth’s gravity.We're not sure how he would've dealt with the gravity on his own, actually. He gets KO'd by a peer opponent when he gets knocked down there and has no means to stop himself before he gets smashed into the form of Gunther.
>>116891112It’s been like a shitload of years since then for him to heal from any injuries
>>116891138And for most of that, he's basically been a coma patient. Even if he wanted to leave, he couldnt because he was trapped in his own body as Gunther.
>>116891273Even coma patients don’t have their bodies deform to gravity. It’s just wank.
>>116891317>Even coma patients don’t have their bodies deform to gravity.Real life coma patients maybe. In case you've forgotten, AT takes place in a setting where literal concepts walk around and can be punched in the face, participate in rock battles, or any number of other things. You can LITERALLY second die as a ghost if you aren't careful. And more.There's no baseline for anything in the setting because it's gonzo high-fantasy on extra drugs.
>>116891381Yeah, and that’s why saying the Grass Sword hurting Orgalorg counts as an actual feat is dumb
>>116891412It does count as a feat. We just aren't sure how good of one it is, since we can't exactly prove or disprove the notion that Orgalorg can actually smash worlds.
>>116891457It doesn’t because even if he could, which I doubt, it wouldn’t even automatically translate into durability since the only basis we have for it is him getting smushed by Earth’s gravity
Who's a good matchup for this guy?
>>116891486It's hard to judge anything's durability in AT. A (admittedly physically fit) human boy like Finn can floor the Cosmic Owl, a sentient cosmic abstraction, with a punch. Death and Life are physically manifested forces you can beat up or threaten for money. Even Hunson Abadeer is subject to a lot of this, despite being an incredibly powerful eldritch abomination. Prismo, in the running for the strongest thing in the setting, is a dream that will literally cease to exist if whoever is dreaming him is ever woken up or worse, killed. Etc.Hell, even GOLB can be stunned by singing harmonized music. So, it's almost impossible to apply traditional durability to any of these things. They're too nebulous.
>>116891785Then don’t use it for a fucking feat when it’s meaningless
>>116891830No need to get so hostile. You're taking this stuff way too seriously, my guy.
>>116889836Probably not.
>>116891658Spinal, Killer Instinct.
>>116892253Binky is stronger
>>116889725Wait so is Parallax canon or not, like from the impression that time he met Parallax him it seemed it didn't happen but since he's implying this happened before. Also I'm happy Hal's dead again, he was better that way.
>>116889709>When Goku the Blue got dropped by a laserYou know that's not canon right.
>>116893135Oh it did. Somehow.
>>116893135Parallax still happened. Though I don't blame you for being confused.
Who could even hope to take him on
>>116890582Sarge from RvB
>>116865604while jack is probably more skilled in combat than mao mao, i think mao mao is overall stronger and has a lot more abilities he can fall back on.
>>116895134Like what?
>>116895140he can mimic anyone voice and is a master of disguise. and jack falls for disguises like every single time. He also is more cartoony thank jack, dude flies by twirling his sword and team rocket launches monsters into the sky.
>>116863391shakashuri breakdown says otherwise
>>116889725What’s this from?
>>116895793Morrison’s Green Lantern: Season Two
>>116864913>>using Rick Sanchez ever>NoBased
>>116864913There is no scenario. A Nen user against a non-Nen user doesn’t work
>>116863217I always thought him vs Star Butterfly or Finn would be fun
>>116865500Stain did that with a katana, even freaking Twice in the forest did slash right through Todorokis ice, and that with a bloody sharpened measuring band.