ITT: Characters who are considered hot in-universe, but are actually ugly looking

ITT: Characters who are considered hot in-universe, but are actually ugly looking

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you start

>>116859611She looks like a penis

>>116859611You could litera say that to all female characters in Sth Macfarlens shows.


Attached: Jackie_Lynn_Thomas.png (850x1040, 847.69K)


>>116859638Some are good looking like Bonnie, Donna, Jillian, Dr. Amanda Rebecca, many of Brian's girlfriends, Connie, Francine etc...

>>116859611Like Marge, Lois is supposed to have a generally quirky design (big triangular nose), while still being sexy when an episode needs it. I still find Family Guy's mom character far more attractive.

Attached: 1552348064435.png (3071x1080, 3.01M)

Every female in capeshit, but Silk Spectre especially looks like a man in a dress.

Attached: e4540dbf0f158599c6c0ec24d6787890.jpg (928x1280, 181.5K)

>>116859668ThisShe’s just too fat

>>116859712Well you’re not wrong but i stil think most look bad

>>116859757Nah, she is too skinny for being beautiful.

>>116859611That nasal rhode island voice is the most atrocious fucking thing in existence

>>116859812She sounded lovely back in Season 1: Perfect wife material

Attached: melons and hooters.png (1440x1080, 1.19M)


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Your waifu

>>116859870Back when FG had soul

>>116859999Don’t talk shit about my waifu like that

>>116861370Get better taste

>>116859611Fuck lois francine is the based mans choice


Attached: d7212e6f8fa6294b5985e18f85e877a9.jpg (933x666, 87.23K)

>>116859870I miss this show.

>>116859611>"What kind of God would give you a smoking hot mom like Lois but have you grow up looking like Peter?"

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Attached: df3a7f1d7ce4a3a90829be65e9794993.jpg (1080x1080, 123.35K)

>>116861855>there’s no god because you’re ugly

>>116859623Frosty post beast post

>>116861855>>116861926Abysmal episode, it ruined Brian big time and is often regarded as the start of nu-Family Guy

>>116861911>1080x1080No, she ugly, no ass, shit voice, gross vagina,

>>116861855Am I the only one who never found Meg ugly unless when they explicitly did gross-out humor centered around her? I honestly never understood why this became a part of her characterization in later seasons and, outside of the context of those jokes, I genuinely thought Meg was hot.

Attached: meg_griffin_swimsuit_by_kingdomdeath23_db046w2-fullview.jpg (1024x576, 61.74K)


>>116862054You just have shit taste.


Attached: PDVD_020.jpg (720x540, 74.97K)

>>116861968>full hdxFull hd what?Well to be fair, teen lois was better, and her giant nose is pretty off putting, and her cheeks/face is a bit too round and fat.So you might have a point.

Attached: d60jct9-f0acb46e-ad15-4a38-aa63-85450d66da09.png (1023x332, 371.03K)

>>116862054I kind of agree with you?

Attached: JI5p4Qm.jpg (1024x1024, 73.23K)

>>116859611That fucking nosealso this >>116859625

>>116859999holy shit you got quad 9s. but randy's wife is pretty hot in a modest way since she's the less crazy of the south park characters. the pixie cut is nice.


Attached: 1573193946563.gif (520x293, 2.98M)

>>116859638>implying Donna and Francine arent hotter than the sun

Attached: yourbendingit.jpg (640x480, 59.18K)

Attached: yourbendingit2.jpg (640x480, 81.62K)

>>116862179>teen lois was better >her giant nose is pretty off putting >her cheeks/face is a bit too round and fat Good Lord, Holla Forums has some of the worst taste imaginable. Big pointy noses make for some of the most adorable waifus, and Lois's big cheeks and popping lipstick only add more appeal.

Attached: Bird is the Word.jpg (1656x1242, 225.31K)

>>116862054She's ugly because she wears glasses

>>116859735She really does

>>116862752>>116862774This scene gave me so many erections when I was younger.

>>116862054i need a nerdy gf

>>116863116Same. Family Guy was very generous with its fan service over the years.

Attached: Lois jiggle.gif (215x226, 196.14K)


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>>116861370You really gonna argue with the Quads of Truth?

>>116859712>DonnaAnon, I...

Attached: False Advertising.png (1206x669, 361.01K)

>>116863540>>116862843meant to reply to this

>>116863540>this stick girl (pearl) is attractivePlease, don't

Attached: 6a00d83451c28269e20147e297cd9f970b-400wi.jpg (400x400, 8.72K)

>>116859712For me, it's Tricia Takanawa.

>>116861855Did Brian mistake Meg for Chris?

>>116863768Buddy, I love thicc curvy Amazonian titans as much as the next guy—Rose Quartz is perfect—but you gotta admit that Pearl is genuinely beautiful. There's some beauty to be found in the ballerina types.

Attached: Joe the Johnston.jpg (1113x1920, 368.53K)

>>116859870The early seasons feel like a hallucination sometimes, it's an entirely different show

>>116862054The "Nice/reasonably attractive character is made out to be a scumbag/lovecraftian horror by the cast" is one of the most laziest applications of mean-spirited humor. I get that the joke is that it's absurd that someone so nonoffensive and undeserving is bullied so much but other than it making normal people sympathetic to them instead of laughing at their pain, it provides a black hole of comedy with its utter repetitiveness in the same way that fart humor grates on peoples' nerves.

>>116859999The numbers don’t lie

>>116864719Hehe... you said "fart"

>>116859611I never ever got the hype. There are countless sexier characters on both Foster's AND PPG. Having Frankie be a likable and relatable main character isn't enough to make me find her attractive enough for mountains upon mountains of r34. People must've been reeeally desperate to coom back in the late 2000s.

Attached: Frankie Foster.jpg (1111x719, 162K)

>>116863540Who drew this?

Attached: SpongeBoner.png (1067x800, 1.25M)

>>116865789>that shirt P-Powerpuff Girls??

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>>116867050oh cool


>>116867050never saw it until now.


>>116867389wow ur slow


>>116863540>>116866156... well??

Attached: Lucia.png (1297x719, 560.92K)

>>116862054finding meg attractive is a sign of autismseriously a lot of autismos really like her

Attached: SchuComic10P40.jpg (819x1050, 159.81K)

>>116859625Oh my god I thought I was the only one who saw it

>>116859611They kept saying these horses were hot but I don't see it. Even if you found a horse attractive what would you do with it?

Attached: Tigtone hot blondes.png (1632x894, 1.61M)


>>116868114They relate to her and feel bad for her abuse

>>116868233cool thanks

>>116868114>HAS SETH LET YOU TURN 18 YET?

Attached: 1546326883261.jpg (1284x980, 388.6K)

>>116861911can't tell if that's excessive makeup or excessive photoshop but the face look off

>>116869080Yeah... She says she's all-natural, but that face still makes me think otherwise

Attached: BishoujoMom Bathing Goddess.jpg (913x1200, 222.07K)

>>116863688oh dear

>>116859625You call that a penis? THIS is a penis!

Attached: The Last Airbender.jpg (1920x816, 178.98K)

Absolutely anyone in any of Matt Groening's shows.

>>116870240Shut the fuck up, Boco.

Attached: Super Bowl.webm (576x432, 2.6M)

>>116870337No. Its impossible to get over that overbite.

>>116870426It's possible once you get over yourself and remember it's a fucking stylized CARTOON. I bet you also complain whenever Holla Forums's new FotM has big eyes or green skin, don’tcha?

Attached: Bart's Harem.jpg (640x480, 107.39K)

>>116859625Cant unsee

>>116862054t. chris chan

>>116870469And I find the style unattractive. Get it?And frankly the number of attractive Holla Forums women for me can be counted on like, one hand.

>>116870526>the number of attractive Holla Forums women for me can be counted on like, one hand >>>/a/

Attached: Exit to your left.jpg (602x605, 45.47K)

>>116859611I can't do it. This show has TONS of attractive one-offs or background characters, but Beth does absolutely nothing for me.

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Attached: Midsommar (dir. Ari Aster).png (1280x720, 845.59K)

>>116870240>>116870426>>116870526You are mad gay Boco.

>>116870759oh jeez



Attached: seasons change.png (1080x1080, 832.21K)

>>116863768Oh god user...

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>>116871617Haha Eustace is so silly

>>116871708yeah ikr


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>>116859611I think Lois's earrings are adorable

Attached: MacFarlane autograph.jpg (685x1024, 51.75K)

>>116865789It's probably more scenario and personality.She's the archetypical cool older girl a lot of guys fantasize about in their youth and I'm guessing never got over it or were at the right age during Foster's for it to make an impact.

>>116872504Lame. McCracken's had better waifubait on his other shows. I'd trade all the Frankie art in the world for more Consuela lewds.

Attached: Consuela.jpg (1280x853, 176.35K)

>>116872544How many episodes was she on?

>>116872553IIRC, she had just one brief appearance in some telenovela a character must've been watching. Still, I'd rather have lewds of a character I can actually fap to rather than a so-so main character that I find "endearing."

Attached: S.L.B Consuela.png (1290x1355, 266.35K)

>>116872632Yeah well despite memes, a lot of guys get better boners when they feel a modicum of an emotional attachment.Any more refs?

>>116872669That's all I got. Here's another Foster's babe for your obscure waifu needs.

Attached: FHFIF Cop.png (821x595, 564.05K)

>>116865789>chin hair in the concept artlel

>>116872815I think you're misinterpreting "chin hair" for the hair that rests behind Frankie's neck. And if you were referring to that top left drawing specifically, then that's likely just a mistake. It's kind of hard to make a perfect drawing when freehanding with a Sharpie marker.

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>>116872915She looks much better with her hair down in my opinion.

>>116872915Would you care to reconsider?

Attached: Marge body.png (864x560, 850.09K)

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Attached: SIT ON MY FUCKING FAAACE.jpg (720x738, 33.43K)

>>116872915See? I told you!

>>116859735At least she looked hot in the movie

>>116861565t. Man of refined taste

>>116869080>>116869704big negro lips don't look good on white girls

>>116868114>finding cartoon characters attractive is a sign of autismFTFY


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>>116863688Still would ass is superior


Attached: Quagmire toilet.jpg (750x721, 32.16K)

>>116873698Now that's what I like to hear

Attached: Donna's badonkadonk.gif (355x540, 746.65K)



Attached: Cosgrove spank.jpg (828x810, 55.53K)

>>116859999She got one of the hugest tits there

>>116862054Same, I wanted to breed her

don't know why they were considered the hottest on the show for the first few seasons, Gwen and Coutney were much hotter

Attached: Lindsay_and_Heather_fall_in_love.png (1366x768, 450.71K)


Attached: blorp.jpg (388x371, 18.71K)

>>116859638>what are Hayley and Francine

>>116875822its not difficult, one is a blonde bimbo with the biggest bust and the other an hot asian with slim figure.

>>116870185that's a spoon

>>116875822Goth gf wasn't a meme yet

>>116875822Those are best girls

>>116862752>>116862774>>116863190Bruh these scenes were some of my first faps as a teenager.

>>116862752>>116862774someone has the full pic?

Attached: ezgif-7-88b7c4ca7fe6.jpg (256x197, 6.32K)

>>116875822Izzy was by far the hottest one, and probably fucks like an angry tiger.

>>116865789I always preferred Vicky tbqh. Frankie was just a villainy-gutted copy that blew up because she was babby's first waifu for zillennials.

>>116859611Zoomers like Synthcool think she's hot

>>116875516Only the one?

Attached: Korvo squint.png (1920x1080, 842.52K)

>>116875876She's cute retard, it pisses me off everything they abuse her.

>>116859999She's the best looking of the four boys mothers.

>>116876015You call that a spoon? THIS is a spoon!

Attached: It's Breakfast Time.jpg (235x262, 9.82K)

>>116876006Heather was Asian?

>>116859870>"Your wife's hot.">"ALRIGHT THAT'S-">Perfect cut-off

>>116877731yeah they had to cut one of the others out of her after she got breast cancer

>>116876511God, I WISH

Attached: wap.gif (498x325, 4.02M)

>>116872988Fair enough, if you remove the make-up she looks like a boy A cute one

>>116877952I wanna spoon her

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>>116868114>>116870503As an avid follower of CWC/Sonichu, that's a very fair assessment.


Attached: Boobies.gif (512x288, 2.19M)

>>116863190Family Guy really did have a lot of fan service, this scene and pic related turn my dick into diamonds

Attached: d5dc81x-9d6ff0bb-7f53-4bd4-8207-3008c8be9e13.gif (352x240, 836.95K)

>>116880070It doesn't just stop there

Attached: This is my fetish.jpg (480x360, 31.67K)


Attached: BigJB21.jpg (1150x315, 25.96K)

>>116880214>Lois Griffin will never molest you

Attached: pinky ring.png (1440x1080, 1021.98K)

>>116873536Haha I love Stephen's Universe

Attached: sandflakedraws.png (1080x1600, 1.63M)

>>116859999No one on South Park is hot, which is why fans are doing all the work.

>>116881430>No one on South Park is hot Oh, how wrong you are

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>>116861026But my waifu is considered ugly in show

>>116881975Who is she?

Attached: 1552412763245.png (256x256, 38.43K)

>>116881998There's something about (below) average homely girls that are just hotter.

Attached: w.png (500x521, 159.46K)

>>116882116Eh, that's not too bad. I expected worse. Sadie's still pretty cute, and the show doesn't really say otherwise.

Attached: Sadie booty.gif (800x448, 682.71K)

>>116881005Ooh, NAUGHTY


>>116872915I'm so fucking tired of all those sex plots with that disgusting character.

>>116883894What sex plots?

Attached: homer think.jpg (256x256, 17.75K)

Sex on TV

Attached: Griffin ass.jpg (1500x1085, 266.19K)


Attached: I want to fuck.jpg (600x602, 31.96K)

>>116881750VERY lewd

Attached: Family-Guy-Lois-Got-MILF-Lot-of-_57.jpg (1156x1600, 445.84K)

>>116886008unf oh baby yeah

>>116884061what is wrong with his eyes

>>116887841Lol, I dunno

>>116884901I wish I could have sex with Lois

Attached: Family-Guy-Season-4.jpg (1174x903, 120.08K)

>>116859611who dis

>>116888569On TV?

Attached: Quest for Fur.gif (500x282, 493.38K)

>>116882598I always thought Sadie was supposed to be a dwarf.

Oh no Peter...

Attached: THE POSE™.jpg (928x636, 50.25K)


>>116859611I'd be lying if in said I didn't want to fuck LoisIdk why there just something that makes her want to suffocate under her

>>116859668She's not supposed to be attractive in universeShe's that gross quirky high schooler boys develop crushes on because she's "not like the other girls"

>>116859757Are you bodyshaming her?

>>116859611lois is hot though, early season at least

Did you guys forget about Rogue. I think she is the opposite. Easily the hottest of the X-Men girls they used, but nobody in universe seems to care.

Attached: Rogue.jpg (630x477, 65.37K)

>>116889651I never cared for Jackie myself, but you're a goddamn liar if you claim the board artists and designers weren't trying to depict The Hottest Girl in School™ for Marco to understandably crush on during the first half of the series.

Attached: Quite possibly the last 'good' Star vs episode.gif (270x270, 961.07K)

>>116877977Are you serious? Didn't yo uever noticed?

>>116889742Pretty much everyone ITT disagrees with OP's stance. Lois Griffin was an adorable MILF back in the earliest seasons and even retained her appeal well into Seasons 5/6. But as the show went on, the writers kept forcing the characters to grow more and more cynical and depraved, risking all likability for cheap throwaway jokes. I'll still bust one out to the occasional Lois fan service we get nowadays, but it'll just never be the same. The character we once knew back in the 2000s is no more.

Attached: FG deleted scene.png (720x540, 534.74K)

>>116889651>high schooler boysYeah.. high school boys

>>116889873I never really thought about it much? The eyes didn't automatically make me think, "Yeah, she's Asian." Did the show ever directly imply Heather's ethnicity? Do we even know her full name?

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Attached: Profile-_Jessica_Rabbit.png (360x360, 198.27K)

>>116889742>>116889900>Jew nose>Penis hair>Awful voice (PEETAH)>No ass>Fucked up vaginaI don't see the appeal, she's one of the lowest-tier females on the show.

>>116889984Same. The artists just made Jessica TOO cartoonishly "sexy" for my taste. I get that was the point, but her exaggerated proportions and her boring face do nothing for me. Tits can only do so much.

Attached: Jessica Rabbit.jpg (1421x1029, 171.11K)

>>116890083>Jew nose Big pointy noses are the cutest. >Penis hair Only if you actively choose to view it that way. That's on you. >Awful voice (PEETAH) Lois sounded great in the first season. Even now, her Jersey accent is still appealing, no matter how often they try playing it up for laughs. >No ass She may not be THICC, but the artists do still give her a figure. >Fucked up vagina But still functional. Roast beefs can actually be pretty nice, so you might as well quit following that meme. Plus it's not as if she doesn't have another hole still tight enough for your preferences

Attached: Family.Guy.S01E03.Chitty.Chitty.Death.Bang.jpg (512x349, 64.9K)

>>116889947Todd Kauffman said she’s Asian

>>116890630Ah, okay.

>>116889984>>116890213Red Hot Riding Hood is the thinking man's choice.

Attached: Robin Hood and His Merry Mouse.gif (329x331, 1.92M)


>>116881256beautiful feet

Attached: yummy.png (284x401, 153.3K)

>>116891201she needs more art


Attached: 1519637_1446056765299_full.jpg (714x513, 158.11K)

>>116859999But she's got them rockin tits tho.

>>116891506Girly boy!


>>116859999She has the sweetest bewbs ever!

Attached: bewbs.png (642x603, 422.07K)

>>116875516>>116891558>>116891818Jimmy’s mom are bigger

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Attached: fret.png (258x343, 74.43K)

>>116889758>The Hottest Girl in School™I'm glad to see beauty standards have fallen so far that white trash can now be a contender for hottest girls in school.

Attached: C5eveV3UYAAtJj0.jpg (1920x1080, 158.17K)

>>116892267ok, boomer

>>116864324Kiddo, a micro penis would split pearl in half. Shut the fuck up.


>>116892538You give THICC-lovers a bad rep. Pearl is pearrrlfect~

Attached: Pearl booty.jpg (3988x2988, 3.04M)

>>116873747Damn nigga

>>116892600Okay, bottom right looks great. Fanart just sucks I guess

>>116892600Pearl ass is the best ass

Attached: Ian JQ Pearls.png (2479x3379, 3.05M)

>>116859735She inherited her father’s square jaw and build.

>>116893176Ian is based

Attached: Danny Ducker.png (1395x498, 806.99K)

>>116859611Fat Lois is better

Attached: 1591198729632.png (211x361, 23.06K)

>>116894317Fuck no

Attached: Lois refs.jpg (872x779, 169.94K)

Is it just me or does NuFamily Guy avoid showing Stewie's side profile these days?

Attached: Stewie-reference-sheet-DecaTilde.png (900x400, 90.46K)

>>116894630They do it with all the characters

>>116862243That girl is ugly af

>>116870590>getting mogged that hard by your mom

>>116873051Shut up faggot

>>116889171Red rocket

>>116870469I have always thought Simpson hotties were the epitome of hot cartoon women.

>>116870240Truth. Women with no chins are disgusting

>>116872915>>116872971Seconded, the hair is just too goddamn much.

>>116862752>>116862774I forgot, why does she do this again?

>>116895885IIRC the boy had Meg in a legally binding contract that she had to be his gf unless he himself broke it by cheating on her, so they had Lois seduce him.

>>116895563>af Shut up, zoomer.

>>116897440see: >>116892472

Attached: Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life.gif (200x220, 1.09M)

>>116859625Perfect for Peter Griffin.