O-Once in a life time Rin thread!
No alicefagisms edition!
O-Once in a life time Rin thread!
No alicefagisms edition!
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Even though it's dead.
Or maybe just because it's dread.
I guess.
what a lovely thread
Do me!
Why even live
I will probably never do it again, so...
How was your all-nighter?
I was so tempted to do the obligatory bit and be like I used to.
play etrian odyssey.
did you ever end up sleeping?
b e s t
waddo you mean
I only made one thread ever also, it's fine.
it was okay, my friend came over and we played. which was just fun.
we also drank a whiskey which I might add is not great with no sleep and no food.
emulators. there's 3 on the original.
Best means best girl
62 means top 5% in Overwatch
That reminds me.
I still need to beat EO4 and Millenial Girl's story mode.
And get Fafnir Knight.
Went to sleep at 20 to 4 in the morning.
That's why I'm only waking up now.
Booze is always not great with no food...
What would being like you used to have entailed?
I can't wait to go back to playing overwatch on my desktop to rank past you
You can try x)
howdy boys and girls it is i
eou2 has probably the best gameplay mechanics of any of them. the story mode is also about fifty times better than millenial girl. which I actually liked
Way back when Rin was my only avatar.
ONG times.
Where I was just super energetic and peppy and wanted to use that in ways that helps everyone except myself.
Hey, Scar.
My body is excite.
My computer is too weak.
*pets the token loli*
Oh nice
it was a social occasion, I cannot refuse that.
did you just howdy me
cowboy lives don't matter, they are the worst holy fuuuuck
what up rin
bury me in southern ground boy
What do you main?
Hello, fellow poster.
I barely remember those old days. We've grown old.
rein it in. it won't be out here until late next year at the earliest.
too weak? my phone can play ds emulation perfectly. your computer is not too weak.
Then why do you refuse Hentai-Aho-Chan all the time?
That's still technically a social occasion.
Not too much.
D-don't word it like that!
But it really has been a long time.
I kind of have fond memories of it, tbh.
i slept on my new bed really well and feel good and am very high
S76, Pharah, Reaper mostly
Careful getting high in that skirt.
Someone might see under it.
More than that though.
I never played any of those.
the new monster hunter game came out. I wonder if I should get it. my drive to play anything but overwatch is incredibly weak.
Do you do any other neat tricks?
Yeah. Everything was pretty easy going for a while from then.
I will word it like that. I remember when I was 15 still ;~;
Reaper and Reinhardt best. Gettin those sweet 20 killstreaks as reaper
but im wearing booty shorts
it is contained by a powerful force
just checked. my best reaper kill streak is 31.
Eh, games like that are not for me, but thankyuu
It's hard to say.
But I might just like God Eater more than Zero Escape.
I've been so excited for God Eater 2 since before it was released in JP years and years ago.
I feel like someone's going to end up getting that for me sometime.
Even better, then.
I was 18 when I first came to threads.
I remember that...
Because she's a bad influence?
ehhh noo another one
no lolis for you then.
what are the games like? compare to something else.
Oh, I see.
Did you have that nap like you said you would?
An easier to play, more story driven Monster Hunter.
I donno if you see
I laid down for 20 minutes but didn't nap so not really, I feel wicked rn
sounds horrible. I like how awkward and clunky monster hunter is. a game isn't fun unless it's extremely unfun.
I see all things.
Wicked in a good or bad way?
I am a 90's kid, after all.
I bet you play dwarf fortress for a good time.
Really, After picking MH4U up, I enjoyed it a bit more.
But I still like God Eater significantly more.
Do you play "ironically bad" Steam greenlight games constantly?
How do you check that?
I can see my comp reaper KDR is 4.17 top 9% with 4.45 kills/m top 3%
Eugh, young little babbies.
Mfw day so quiet at work that I can post on animus
Pretty good
please don't look under my blanket
prolly bad but iunno, it's like, half woozy and half sleepy with some tics here and there.
I actually didn't get into the monster hunter games until 3U, but I've put a combined total 300+ hours into that one and 4U. the mechanics improve each game.
I don't play games.
I only checked for quickplay, where I do most of my playing. click on the tab on top of the section that shows your time played on each hero and you can change what stat that displays. kill streaks is the one you want for this. reaper is my best with 31, which is impressive because I'm a pretty good torb.
I'm not a young little babby anymore.
I've seen the things you do under that.
Should maybe sleep soonishly, then.
I mained Insect Glaive.
me too. how about that.
You are a liar.
You used to even say you played DS stuff all day when alone in the office.
gunlance in 3U
you are mistaken. I don't play games. games make your teeth go grey.
blessed dixie
help, sword took my vidya and now i cant build forts to keep raptors out
I think I got pretty good with it.
I don't know if my friends would agree.
t-that's supposed to be secret
*loud whining*
gawd bless confederacy
hey so are you the same britposter as why or different
I was very good with it. considering I needed a big fat shield to defend myself with the entire game in 3U I was surprised at how good I got at dodging.
That's the one obsessed with Linux distros and muh botnet.
theyre all the fucking same, mate
cant distinguish them
You actually aren't that loud when you whine about not wanting to go to sleep.
You just kind of mutter noises to yourself.
I'm usually bad at quick blocking things.
The only time I managed to do it half-decently was on my Zerker in TERA way back when that was popular.
So mobile weapons have just always been better for me.
Especially if you can cancel an attack combo into an evasive measure.
not entirely sure if thats a compliment or an insult
either way, hey welms
mwrm you know it too well..
you just liked "riding" monsters.
Just use this as a guideline.
hows things?
Serious though.
Take a nap at least.
The don't give the same thrill as other things I could mention.
Huh. 20 killstreak with reaper in quickplay.
52 Kills in a game with reinhardt though, I'll take it.
You act like a young little babby in here though
Nice ascii art. That's prebby gud
but better than nothing in a pinch, you're saying.
(you) me up
that's some pretty impressive hammer swinging. must have been a hell of a match.
Terrible more or less.
how come?
tuck me in please
do you have an annoying friend who doesnt shut up about linux
i know i do
It doesn't matter.
I'm 24!
N-not a young little babby!
No, that's the pillows.
So someone tried to convince me.
I imagine a monster would just be uncomfortable.
oh that's what you meant. if you have nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about.
Ill nap a lil
I'm not as good as blood-chan... Sorry...
Always gotta carry the team in solo-queue, yah know?
It's okay, I won't tell anyone you act 5 years younger than you are.
welms is gonna kill herself and there is nothing we can do about it
I wouldn't know either way.
The only things I've ridden are bikes and bicycles.
I'll be around whenever you wake up.
Rest well, and sweet dreams.
You give me way more credit than I give myself.
maybe if I was any good, sure. I've only legitimately carried a team like 3 times.
right. like how you're not a brocon.
Am not.
Prove it.
prove you aren't a brocon? literally impossible.
It's not too late.
You can still save him.
Meet up and give him the D.
it does kind of seem like that would help.
Prove I am one, stupid.
Bet you can't.
I give credit where credit is due! You undermine yourself clearly. At least you've got the cute act down!
You seem pretty good with the comp and reaper scores tho.
Nothing better than smug anime girls
no, my comp scores are horrible. almost every comp game I either get terrible teammates, I play like shit, or a combination of the two. I do alright with a decent team at least. I've just never been good at shooters.
Literally anything is better.
Cute act?
he's on to you.
I'm waiting.
There's nothing to be on to.
i just started going on /g/ 3 months ago btw xdddDDDDD
i want to KILL HIM
just arrived at elmas house with some weed and condoms
im too late....
Why even?
find a group to play with then dummy. I've never had a good game with randoms in comp.
Rude. Don't ever spout lies again.
Yes? I don't know how else to explain this word.
I'm on to you
Dont take the sad man too seriously.
hey dude i think i finished my list
i like it a lot
i think ill make it the OP of a new thread when we're more active
maximum (you)s, you know
You still haven't proved I have a brother complex.
I'm gonna be honest.
I don't really act much.
My reactions are maybe a bit exaggerated, because subtle things won't translate well otherwise, but...
I've added so many people but it's hard to find them online with any consistency.
no you're not.
How else are you supposed to take things?
I hardly need to. you do a good enough job of that for me.
It's saying it specifically like that to elicit a response.
You either ignore it or give him the wrong kind of attention than whatever he's after.
what the hell tsuchi
Just fuck already.
But then he gets more aggressive if I ignore his posts.
I don't know what the wrong kind would be.
thread's so rude to me
But he knows you'll respond or be bothered by it no matter.
Just ignore it until he gets bored or just filter.
you really need to learn to control these tantrums.
Now I'm gonna be called out for being a filter fag.
You x him is as bad as you x Tokai now.
I wasn't meaning to say you were pretending, I was simply referring to your personality!
Ah, that tends to be my issue as well, being in a different time zone. Just force people to get online.
I am, faceless anime girl.
Like anything else someone who's e-hitting on you says, I'd guess.
Probably because you're so rude to thread
People will call you a filter fag if you don't even pay attention to a singular post directed at you.
This is nothing new.
I already tell him 'no' enough as it is and look how far that's gotten me :/
you got it all wrong neo kanra
im just a boy trying to have fun
thread just bullies me
You still haven't done anything to prove your case.
I have no idea what you're seeing.
But it's obviously nothing close to what's actually happening.
Well, then, I feel you must be woefully mistaken.
me x anyone is just a bad idea.
most of the people I add play at night, and I work for a living so that leaves me with like two days a week unless I want to absolutely trash my sleep cycle.
just don't say anything.
right back at you.
I typed up a shitty joke here and then felt incredibly awful for even considering it.
well at least you tried.
It's not like you particularly have any obligations to anyone here, especially him?
Just calling it how I see it, I could be!
If that were true I'd have people to play with more often! Seems like most of them play around noon to 8pm
What's the point of threading if I don't say anything?
You're the one who even brought it up.
Burden of Proof's in your court.
He seems to think so.
we need to switch our people around.
I mean don't say anything to people who are obviously trying to provoke you.
It was about you pairing well with a truck, then I felt like an asshole because there's no way that would be seen as joking as it was intended to be.
Yeah, but there's like 20 other people in these threads you can talk to besides him.
They're all the same people though, that doesn't make sense!
I will try.
I will try. :(
don't fill my head with such lovely thoughts. besides, the last one didn't kill me, why would I get lucky the second time?
I find it unlikely that you have the same people I have.
Okay then.
that'a girl.
Dollarstore ezmac seems to be a good diet plan.
all that sodium though.
Just scream like "ONE PAUNCH" and try to punch it this time.
Defiantly take on that truck in a rematch.
Great job ethan. proud of you
Perhaps. Wait, are you cup? I get all you anons mixed up...
Where is everyone else? Why so dead midday...
One cup/day doesn't seem that bad. Plus I have ungodly salt cravings anyway, so kinda win-win.
Who is Ethan?
did we add each other? why do I not remember that.
well in that case, go get em. at least add some pepper to balance it out. that's how it works, right?
how about I lie down in the street instead
I could try that. I was referring to my current loss though, I got them 4 days ago and just finished my last one.
Back down to a manageable weight after the pizza escapade of last week :/
well now all you have to do is maintain it. which of course is the easiest part.
ugh... nevermind. It was just a stupid joke.
Apparently so? I believe it was a few days ago when we were also talking about overwatch.
Just do that thing that the guy from "My Name is Earl" did and throw a grey rug over you first.
Have you even been over 130 in like the past three years?
must have been. which one are you again?
now that's just a good idea.
I see. Presumably a meme? Anything pop culture just assume I do not know tbh
I do not think so. I hope not anyway.
I'm going for 115-118 again because fuck everything.
does anyone know anything about mike pence
ive never heard of him
Like if I just cut out soda I'll get it I bet.
Have the day off and smoked some weed. Feelsgoodman
you still drink soda? soda is horrible for you.
my weedmans coming later today
im almost sober
The only problem about doing it at night is that you might be waiting all night for a single car on the highway.
I don't think you really have to worry about weight.
not really where I live.
I need something to keep me awake. I'm exhausted all of the time and I close the kitchen at work.
Also compared to the cigarettes, I think soda's probably not too bad.
I don't have to, but I do. It's easier to worry about that than to be stressed about all the other shit on my plate atm
sugar free red bulls are quite good.
soda is definitely not as bad as smoking but it's still one of the worst things you can do and one of the easiest things to cut out of your life.
But it has to be a dimly lit highway.
Otherwise it's just gonna be super obvious and they'd swerve to miss.
It's weird how much actual thought I'm giving this "plan" of yours.
I don't think it's even good enough to be a meme. Just a youtube named h3h3 that makes good videos.
Replace soda with protein powder and preworkout
Energy drinks taste like turpentine but the saccharin taste of artificial sweeteners somehow manage to make them worse.
thought that might be it. was the only one I couldn't account for. well, we'll have to play sometime.
I can't stress enough how bad I am though.
not that weird.
normally I agree but sugar free redbulls are something special.
why is diet pepsi so good bro
I'm sugar.
Oh, I see. I pretty much only watch that shia lebeouf video for inspirational purposes when I'm feeling especially down.
Nope. No workouts. Muscles are gross.
you're spice
you're everything nice
hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay, ikt
Somebody give me a Skyrim settings thing where I can make a Megumin
tip can.
just look it up on nexus mod or the steam workshop.
im having a cup of diet pepsi and a cup of coffee right now
the blend of cool refreshing pepsi and hot awakening coffee burns like gasoline in my veins
There be none.
Also oh I forgot the staff.
I would if I could.
Yeah, I can play now actually, but I'm on a laptop. My settings aren't right and it's a tad laggy. Tbh I don't care, it's still more enjoyable than playing with randoms.
Well you're doing better off than the rest of us that way. And what?
Gains are life!
sure. I could go for a few rounds I guess.
You may have a point...
You probably use a sex mod though.
So never mind.
I actually don't!
i really doubt vr will be a big thing in 2020
That's icky :(
it's almost like you don't even want to have a fast computer
Colour me impressed.
you are the controller though
yeah. just a fucking gimmick. not one half decent game has been developed for it, all of them are pretty much just tech demos.
I even explicitly tried to find non-skimpy armor replacements
Aight just give me a minute
Why don't you like muscles? They don't have to be on you! Lifting is very beneficial to saving lives...
You are apparently not the type of person I had the impression you were.
you're okay with quickplay right? competitive angries up my blood.
They're just not aesthetically pleasing to me.
Simple as that. I'm not gonna go protest a gym or anything.
I can't wait for the rest of mine to go away. Although on the other hand it really sucks not being able to set up my A/C lol
He's an Asian loli with a huge dong.
Aren't we all?
That is, in fact, the impression I had of you.
Of course, I got no problem with either.
I haven't played in a while anyway.
Can't argue with that, you do you little anime dude. I'm always down to advocate a healthy cardio/lifting filled lifestyle though.
You're the lewd one.
I walk 7 miles a day. That's enough for me.
Do you know how hard it is to try and get paler walking that much in the summer sun?
How so?
im a girl irl btw way
Wear those things Asian women wear to stay pale at the beach.
Is he actually missing that tooth in the original or is that shooped?
or so his cellmate keeps telling him.
They have what now??
im lewd
He had one of his teeth ripped out so I just shooped it.
Hey, BC.
Why isn't this a Shout mod?!?
cuz ure fucken gay fam
ur gay fgt
Ooh, I found a similar article from ny times lol
I'd much rather stick with my parasol and spf 60+ :p
it is though
IBM is good if youve got the budget for it and the nuclear reactor to power it, otherwise youre not getting better than intel atm
Eugh, walking in the sun? I'm sorry for your loss.
I like indoor tracks/swimming pools and stuff.
hi lewd, i'm ori
Luka being in a "home" for adult 'tards where he's monitored and has some nurse wipe his ass for him kind of makes sense.
Become the bane of conservatives in your area: dress up in full sandnigger garb that covers everything and listen to them scream about Sharia law.
very very funny meme, my dude.
Toasting in a Rin thread
you know intel CPUs actually log and upload every file on your computer to the intel private servers? they also log every keystroke for targeted advertising. you are the product. linux.
Literally tin foil hat tier paranoia
That is the joke.
O I thought jokes were meant to be funny
no it's not retard there's been control tests where someone would run a computer with nothing but an intel cpu in it (no ram, no gpu, no bios) and it would strangely upload files to intel servers
Yup, to and from work. Doesn't matter what the weather is^^
At least on the walk back it's dark out~
There is this one guy that walks around in like the full tunic with funny hat. Kinda scary to walk past him but he seems nice.
Is he trying to find the Master Sword?
read the details, its the TPM and the vpro shit thats responsible for that iirc, both of which i think you can completely disable in most BIOS UIs
Never mind.
nah man the ILP bypasses the mobo hardwiring and goes straight to your networking card/pcie slot. all that BIOS shit means nothing
literally all that's between ur cpu and ur pcie is a capacitor in case ya spill juice on your soundcard
Off to work.
Have a nice day, threaders.
with no drivers?
no drivers, no bios, no gpu, no mobo. just a tinfoil strip soldered to the cpu pins and the pcie slot with a networking card in it.
u wot m8?
Intel is just a front company to support Zionism.
sadly i think the jewish shills on /g/ got to qt, seems a bit too late for him.
why do we even need a psu? why don't we juist plug the power right into the computer
i uses itunes to listen to music
why is this always what people say when they fall for bait? i feel like im in middle school
I am in middle school so.. that's probably why
too cute
sit in my lap
We are the middle school.
What are you, a gay pedo?
I'm a middle schooler also...
Hasn't it long been established that this is the case?
he tried to get nudes from me when i was 14
confirmed pedo
You didn't know?
What the fuck I never did any of that you just blogged to me about everyone you erpd with stop making shit up
And you weren't 14 3 years ago
Well, you're a gay pedo too, you SICK FUCK.
i dont remember if he did that
he did smash a tv once for me
what a guy
ive known you since i was 14 at least 6 years ago from /sft/
I posted there in 2013 idiot