What happened?
What happened?
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Checked today, no one plays anymore.
Its just not that fun. I had a lot of fun in normal TF2 trying to slap people with the Mackarel. No weapon variety and no dev support makes it pretty lackluster.
Alas, I had a lot of fun by crouchwalking with a crowbar out in 2fort.DM.
fortress forever has better movement imomomomomomo
Devs usurped the former lead and it stopped being about fixing vanilla TF2 or restoring beta elements. They stopped fixing it and focused on 4-team modes that weren't fun, DM shit no one cared for, porting new weapons from TF2, and making their dumb TTT mode. Eventually the devs also just lost steam under the new lead so it just died internally. Now it's only somewhat better than playing TF2, which isn't different enough for more casual players and not good enough for the players that actually care about the game.
Also, anyone that complains about "muh alphablaster" is seriously overestimating the influence of a couple of servers run by a attentionwhoring faggot.
The devs ended up adding things that nobody really wanted like the flare gun, and one of them ended up turning into a massive faggot (became "trans", and cheated in unowned servers). On top of that, AlphaBlaster ruined the main server by banning anyone who was even remotely related to something autistic. I think it even went as far as him banning people who had friends with furry/pony profile pics.
It was fun and i'd be behind a TF2C resurgence , but goddamn did it ever get autistic.
I've heard there's an EU server coming up that isn't managed or cucked by AlphaBlaster (probably from the same guy that hosted another EU server a while back), could this be enough to bring the game back to life?
Also, there's an espionage update coming up really soon, and it sounds okay (not the same as TTT, they're taking notes from the original TF2 gameplay and art design).
It absolutely doesn't. It shows they're still ignoring the base game in favor of superfluous shit, ironically just like Valve has. A cursory glance at their Facepunch thread shows that as well, with the last few pages having only to do with DM and Espionage. There's also the interesting tidbit of the mod now going close source, which is fucking retarded. Good thing I saved its source code before that happened.
Although I also found that the tranny furfag that took charge of the mod apparently left back in October, so maybe there's hope for the mod yet.
Just wait for tf3 fam