Press F

Press F

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Are the comics good?

By and large, yes they are

I thought TF2 was already dead.

who cares

Hey what happened to the donkey kong thread?


So is this going to be the final TF2 comic, and then they announce one final event before they stop updating the game?

So does medic actually die or is this just a "clickbait" cover.




I think either he or the sniper got shot in the last issue.

yeah, but they have medibeams and shit, I'm fairly certain they could just heal him.

what did they mean by this

go back to Holla Forums

go back to leftypol my dude

something something jews
t. Holla Forums

stop trying to start shit Holla Forums, i never said jews

All me, tbh

They are mourning the good ol' hitler days.

What a way to end a thread. God know no one will resist in taking this bait, hell I'm taking it now.

Take me, user

Show us you're benis

>>>Holla Forums




shut up, weeb

Holla Forums fags ruin everything they touch




What ARE you doing

i've got your ef right here

Cut the LARPing shit, schlomo.

The medigun works because the medic transplanted the team's hearts with larger ones that had devices stabbed into them. It would make sense if he didn't have one.

He'll just respawn the next issue.


Death of supergirl cover. Nice


sjw garbage


It's based on a comic book cover. I don't think the medic is going to die.

A friend of mine is a huge fan of the sniper she cried a lot when sniper got shot down and "died" and now she asked me to read any new issues to make sure the sniper Is fine


I'd be really surprised if that happened, but it won't be the first thing that tf2 changes something because of a movie/comic (before meet the spy, the sniper has no scars on his cheek). It is confirmed that the comics are not related to the game, aka just like how overwatch handles their comic and shorts so don't worry about medic being replaced

You know a game is trash when women like the lore. Also, did she cry when she watched any of the Meet The Team shorts?

She thought that the sniper will be replaced or just confirmed dead in the comics forever, which really made her bad day even more horrible

But where's the game update

Nope, she knows that meet the team shorts has the tom and jerry cartoon things when at the end of the day everyone is fine, but the comics are different since they have a continuous story, specially this one.

In the smissmas update they added a promo taunt that you can only get if you bought a GABE NEWELL indorsed pressure cooker things, which is interesting and weird at the same time

Looks like sous vide, brah

Press F

How does TF2 story/comics work? In the game there can be several of the same guy even on the opposite teams, they all die and resurrect a million of times. How can you make story work with a game like this? Geniunely curious btw

I cant believe that medic is fucking dead

Surprisingly enough, removing the medic from the game right now would fix most gameplay issues

Yeah that's what it's called, I'm not good with the names of fancy cooking stuff please no bully

In the comic there are lots of different people representing the classes. Pic related, these are two engineers not related to the main 9. Ingame is just video game-y bullshit that no one cares but someone made a good theory about cloning and hats to make the clones feel unique

Reminder that combat medics are the coolest shit ever.

Forgot to add that the game and the comic only revolve around the main mercs either red or blu it doesn't matter. The new tf2 comic is about the red team. while a comic like the last smissmas one was about the blu team fighting Saint Nick

Team fortress classic medics are the best. They're more used than scouts because of their super shotgun and super nail gun

I fully agree with you. What we need is to remove the only class that breaks stalemates reliably and has an entire gameplay mechanic around this.
After all, Heavy is too good and reliable right now, if we cut the Medic down he'll be more balanced for everyone else right?
We all know that if the game revolved around Medkits and players had to stand near them the whole time instead of being healed as they proceed to the next objective, the game would be more fast paced too.

It's all so simple! If we remove the last shread of teamwork the game has, it will finnaly become Team Fortress!


stalemates are made by medics and almost all classes can heal now, not to mention dispensers

Stalemates are made by engineers and demomans holding areas.
Medics never cause a stalemate, they break the existing ones. Unless they run into each other, at which point their pocket will break said stalemate and the best medic\pocket combo wins.

All classes being able to heal is often said to be fucking terrible and for good reason. Dispensers are also worse offenders than medics when talking about stalemates, they literally allow a team to hold on to an area and stay there as long as they keep near the dispenser.

If removing stalemates from the game was an actual priority, you'd suggest removing Engineer before removing Medic, the class that allows you to keep going instead of constantly backtracking for medkits.

Dispensers can't overheal, gives you crits, uber, walks on two legs and follow you around. Most of the time engineers put their despensers in a shitty nest and not in places where it's needed

It's a western comic so clickbait, they are incapable of having a consistent storyline no one in western comics ever stays dead.

Except for Ethan baby.

Medic dies, but then the TFC Medic appears out of fucking nowhere and revives him, before promptly exiting the story. No one ever mentions this incident again.
Calling it now

truly a miscarriage of justice

No, the TFC Medic infects everyone with his aidskit and everyone dies. The end.

I will get a boner if the classic medic came back from the dead(?) and helped the main mercs to get his revenge because they left him for dead and replaced


Now the whiteboard

Early issues were pretty great, the art is consistently good but the author is a tumblr-tier dyke who inserts non sequiturs as jokes, just like mainline Valve has been doing for the past few years dropping their dry humor in favor of Adventure Time Fortress 2. Her interpretation of the Medic is fantastic though.


And yet these gigantic kikes can't fix the filesize of the game and force you to have all these assets that you most likely will never see ingame.


Hopefully it will be used to tell jokes. Because it's TF2. They won't take it seriously


Too bad TF2 is so dead, this would ensure some OC.

Fucking kill yourself

What the fuck are you even talking about?


…..what the fuck?
Is this shit for real?

there's a taunt with the blender or whatever the fuck it is, and one without.

You still have to pay for taunts anyway, so it's not like this is some big shock.

Some fags care sooooo much about being "better" than halfchan that they actually still browse it so they can compare posts from both sites.
And when they see something that's similar, they claim it has no place here because cuckchan has it too.

Literally so worried about their particular form of elitism, they willingly visit that place just to compare themselves and everyone else to it.
Because it really doesn't matter what you post, only that it didn't came from there.

My penis feels funny

OP didn't crosspost

The fact that you know this was a crosspost just makes you look like the retarded halfchanner.

How hard is it to call someone from Airstrip One a perfidious limey bastard? Or someone from California a cum-guzzling faggot?

Taunts haven't been about taunting people for a long time, now it's just "hey look I'm doing the conga"

I don't think you understand


that's the ubercharge tough, heavy has a medigun on him in meet the medic before the heart transplant.

Is this supposed to be some fnaf shit?


it's just a bear user. I'm sure he showed up at some point but I can't remember.

That's Smoulders the Safety Bear

why is birdo white and why he is all fucked?




I have never thought of a depressive tf2 image would be so fitting nowadays.

10/10 made me literally cry, overwatch tries way to fucking hard to be taken serious.

They're fucking monsters with their poisonous medkits.

And the civilian is just a rotten corpose.


That comic is pretty fun read. Lots of naked soldier girlfriend shots that people will photoshop nips in



>The Spy is Scout's real father
Holy crap.

Damn, my feels.

Do you know the YT's channel of the narrator?

still the saddest "totally happened" greentext story related to this game was the arab spring guy, that always gets me

ah there it is

Medic doesn't die. He comes back after talking his way out of not going to hell.

I cant tell if the guy is a recovering imageboard fag or if he is a 100% total normalfaggot cancer from reddit/facebook/twitter etc who is just doing these readings things cause he feels like exploiting imageboard culture for his own benifit, has a pretty good tier voice, and wants money. But I have my suspicions. But I am not entirely sure.

He actually just uploaded a video 15 minutes ago too; consider your self spoonfed:
You're welcome.

I like his stuff but I'm fucking annoyed that he's overblowing his microphone

IE - Overblowing a microphone is when you stand less than 1 inch from the microphone and put it directly in front of you

Hes okay, he has read quite a bit of good stuff,. He is definitely phoning in the voice a bit and he seems like he is too close to his microphone. Make a comment on one of his videos telling him to fucking quit it and/or get a better mic, he is still a relatively small channel so he will likely reply and maybe even heed your criticisms.