What are Holla Forumss approved list of favorite lets players? youtube or otherwise?

I'm very sad and I need to watch hours and hours of some people playing fun and or comfy games who actually give good commentary and are very funny. I have no videogames to play or played videogames to death and I just don't know what to do anymore. the rest of videogames are total shit with extra fart sauce. what are you favorite actually good people who do huge playlists of very fun games, being decent narrators and commentators?

obviously no
or things related to that cancerous theme of lets playing

I… need to feel good..

Other urls found in this thread:


This is a lie. The amount of video games you can play are virtually infinite. If you're bored of games just find a different hobby
Fuck off to reddit


low quality b8 m8

I could use some real replies from my Holla Forums bro's

Pewdiepie, LeafyisHere, egoraptor, Your Overwatch, and Narcissa Wright.

low quality b8

may I get some nontroll replies please?

I figure once a true bro comes along and teaches me a few good ones I can watch them and one day I can reccomend them to another lonely Holla Forums user when they make a thread like this…

oneyplays is basically the new sleepycabin, Jumping Flash series was pretty good.

I want Matthew to fuck me


I know. I hate google and I hate youtube too. the moment there's a popular alternative loaded with good content I'm ditching youtube forever. I hate even using it. I'm just so bored.

jumping flash is a person account, or an actual game?

thanks bro

Pure myth. Reject the idea of "commentary" and stick with pure gameplay videos.

Here faggot. Look at my subs, I'll dump the other ones in a bit

I agree that some games are better watched with just the game's own sound, but I'm very lonely. I know I sound like such 12 year old for saying this, but I'm so fucking lonely that I feel better hearing the voice of a friendly person talking to me about the game I'm watching. I'm very pathetic at the moment. pls no bully. it hurts enough

whooaaaahhhh user thanks!

I have no idea what these are but I will have to check em out!


Why not join a discord, or any other chats?

You're welcome, when you ask for youtube here, people will automically assume e-celebs, I recommend you don't do that. A lot of people here think you're asking for unfunny faggots like Markiplier or Egoraptor.

Dropped. I have never in my entire life seen such a large collection of pure shit taste in my entire life.
Fucking disgusting.

Hey asshole, I feel like shit. That's me giving you an explanation for my uselessness, I'm not seeking the approval of bully trolls such as yourself. I'm just trying to be nice to the people who are actually helping me. shove a cunt up your arse

And you, end your pitiful existence, you double fucking faggot.

Consider suicide.

It's like it was curated solely for faggots like OP. Fucking nice, bro.

I vomited a little bit. I'm lonely and desperate, not self hating.

shit shit NO.

thanks for your help bro

feck off

Suck my dick until you're dead, so your life won't have been a complete fucking waste.

hey I haven't read the list yet but that user has done much more than you ever did. you came to this thread for the sole purpose of being a cunt. what does that say about you? you have shit in your soul. go ask god to clean you up.

I'm not actually from India, they just upload episodes of old shows. Why not actually check them about before talking out your ass? I do admit that my taste is very…mixed.

I've had this account since 2010, never bothered to clear it. Nice cherrypicking by the way.

You're welcome, but seriously, be more subtle next time.

unsage bump ;^)

Holy shit this thread is fucking gold. And OP is falling for all of it. Fucking capped.

Hey man, don't listen to the trolls. Here's some Holla Forums approved lets players that I'm sure you'll enjoy:
SkyDoesMinecraft Really good honest reviews of hilarious mods on Minecraft. Would check out.
JackSepticEye Honestly by far the best person to watch in terms of getting a good laugh. I watch him regularly as his opinions always fall in line with the people here on Holla Forums.
PopularMMOs Really good videos of minecraft parodies both animated and in a lets play style. Every gag will have you reeling back in a hilarious fit of giggles like a baby.
Retsupurae I don't think I've ever once gotten sick of their wacky antics. By far they can always make me laugh, warning though they do touch on topics that might be sensitive, but don't worry there's trigger warnings prior to every video.
TotalBiscuit Truly the #1 on this list, he shares ALL the opinions that we do here on Holla Forums. Not a single person on Holla Forums disagreed with him and he's always right. Better watch him now since his content might really start dying out in the next two years.
GameGrumps Now if you've never heard of them you must be living under a rock. Arin continues from a life of animation to hilarious lets plays. You'll never not have a laugh watching the game grumps. The best part is that every single person there is a real redpilled mother fricker. Arin is even a frequent /x/ user.

I hope you really do enjoy them Anonymous friendo. Welcome to the site and I hope you enjoy your stay here.

how….? remember, most of us have serious autism.

I'm appreciative that someone is helping me out with good reccomendations. I haven't searched through the lists, I'm just saving them. you assume I'm going to like every single channel listed? how do I even know which one will be fun or not? go be a cunt somewhere else.

That's not actually true. We just joke about it. Legit autists belong in an oven with the rest of the mental defectives.

I actually don't remember that one, I should unsub from half of those. By the way, that Gilva channel is the suspended one.

Oh my god, I'm fucking dying. Stop.

Ask for gameplay channels, then it will slowly evolve into what you want. Happens in every single thread.

Game Grumps, Jon Tron, etc. etc. etc.

I'm going to give them another chance. that's how bored I am. thank you user.

I'm sad that the system tried so hard to teach autism people to hate themselves for being different. love yourself. embrase the power of the autism side. you know we are the next stage in human evolution. we are better than normalfags. autism speaks is an evil shit parade


This actually might turn out to be a great thread after all. Carry on.

Don't, holy fuck, what are you doing. He was being ironic. Don't actually look them up. Here's the last of the bunch. The shitty liberals ones are ones I usually go into to redpill/shitpost in the comments. It's fun watching people scramble with each other.

You're not from here, are you? Even I, with my questionable subscriptions, know better than to know people are simply joking.

I thought of saying this, but I didn't know that people would respond so differently. Isn't it just a basic rewording of the same thing I'm asking for?

I didn't actually think of saying that, I just thought "lets players"…uh.. ok…

thanks though.

Yeah, your thread is fucked. I suggest you delete and start over. Try again later, now people KNOW you want unfunny e-celebs.
It's nothing but shitposting from here on out.

why are people so mean user. I wanted to be polite and thank them for their help, even though I know those are all shit…

I've been here so long… so so long…

but I don't. what the fuck user.



Because if we allow these things to infiltrate this board/site constantly, the newfags will flood in and absolutely RUIN the overall quality of the board.
We don't go on halfchan for a reason, nor try to enable unironic shitposting. At least, I don't.

I KNOW, but the average Holla Forumsirgin is going to think "Oh hey! He wants people talking, he MUST want tryhard parasites"
I don't blame people here for thinking that, some people are intolerant for what I said before, they don't want the quality of this board to go lower.

Strongly consider suicide

See? This is an example! People are immediately going to think you want shitty let's players and e-celebs, as I said before OP, delete this thread.

This is what Holla Forums has been reduced to. Thanks, Mark.

There we go, another example. People hate how people DON'T play videogames and instead watch let's players, this is what the majority of this entire board is against, shitty culture where stupid idiots play games and try too hard to be funny. It's a cancer.

You listening f84dde? Good, you should go out and make some friends, instead of burning your life away watching people who don't care about, nor appreciate you, nor will ever meet you.
You can find bigger fulfillment playing with someone in person than you ever will on the internet.


you just came to the thread to be an asshole troll.

I don't have any fucking money, I can't buy my own hardware to even run shit games on.

If you don't like them, its okay, you just might not get some of the injokes here on Holla Forums then.
Here's some more.
TheSw1tcher Is well known for their humorous 2 man commentary that can always get a kick from me personally, some of their opinions aren't necessarily in line with Holla Forums but that's okay because I'm a very tolerant person. Also woolie is a nigger, don't listen to him.
Northernlion A really good channel with nothing but hours of fresh binding of isaac content!
TobyGames His regular content and his gaming content are nothing but fresh 100+ hours of fun. Its so good you might just even want to sleep with him.
Noah Antwiler Not necessarily lets play content but fun content none the less. Noah hasn't ever gone stale, not once in his 10 years of being on youtube! Isn't that just amazing? He's always fresh with his videos and you can have a good few hours watching him talk about video games!

Oh my god no. I'm trying to help you idiot.
I'm basically giving you a tour, I'm being nicer to you than anyone in this thread, but now I'm seeing why everyone is laughing at you.

Because you don't know how this board works.

That's half/v/, right?

I thought that Holla Forums would respect the fact that I trust their opinions about what's good and what's not, and actually tell me what's good so I could go do that.

The absolute madman

I'm going to assume you're underage, why isn't an insult, but the way you've shown yourself here has led me to believe you want some sort of temporary relief to distract you from something that's bothering in real life.

I suggest you take up working out, or emulate something, or just go online on a PS3/Xbox if you have one. Don't fall for the e-celeb meme, It will make you just another unfunny tryhard trying to emulate their already garbage style.

They're telling you to start over because they think you want e-celebs, and I was nice enough to give you my list.
Where the hell do you want this thread to go? Don't you want honesty?

Nope. Fullchan. Taken from the last winter sale

>I'm just helping you with a tour of my diseased soul and cancerous logic

Hey I'm an asshole and I'm being an asshole towards you because that's how this board works see how I did that hue hue I'm being sarcastic and funny and mean at the same time! now stop wanting to have fun! no fun allowed.

I hate this fucking board, jesus christ. I thought I was cringe. Thank god I don't have steam.

Alright, have fun being pushed around by the other users. You're taking out your pent up anger on me, and it makes me not give a shit about you. Let me just get this through your thick skull
People. Here. Don't. Like. Let's. Players.
Go to reddit and ask.

confirmed for underage

go back to your minecraft videos, kiddo. tobascus might be more your speed

This, I'm out of here.


"oh look! an user wants to watch some fun videogame videos with people giving nice commentary and being funny!, they specifically made it clear they don't like cancer like pewdipie, OH HUE THEY MUST WANT E CELEBS!"

I don't believe for one second that these trolls actually think I want pewdipie markiplier shit.



treating you how you are treating me
because you cared enough to behave the way you did in the first place, right.
see, you really do have autism. I do too, but this is rediculous. you couldn't possibly see that beyond it's most surface literal value. no way I could have ever meant that I was interested in good people doing good gameplay. just because I used the words lets and players, you automatically make a painfully retarded knee jerk assumption and then judge me based on your own stupidity.


Holla Forums are contrarians by nature. They dont want to help, only to scorn and be divisive with each other. Ever see that comic of vanilla wow barrens chat? Holla Forums is that guy who'd only help when someone gave the wrong advice, and he only gives the right advice to show that other fucker wrong.