I like this guy.
Nier automata
Other urls found in this thread:
previous tweet because i'm an idiot
Good for him, but did we really need another thread on this? No one even talks about the game anymore it's just
Another Yoko Taro thread, getting tired of this dicksucking.
4th time now
Check the fucking catalog
Theres nothing to talk about yet m8 aside from what is known, and what is known is that the ass was fat
But we've seen gameplay, and the demo is out for Christ sake, surely there's mileage there aside from looking at her butt.
If there were anything of value to speak of it would have happened, now they're desperately trying to push it on ass alone.
That's sad
Meanwhile, in Burgeristan…
I tried in the previous topic, brought up what I thought were the pros and cons of the game but it went unnoticed. To copy/paste:
I liked the game more than I thought I would, particularly the possibility to get different move sets by assigning the weapons to different slots and a viable bare fist move set. I also liked finding all sorts of shortcuts though I was left wondering what purpose they actually served.
On the other hand, not much of a fan of the pre-set 2D sections because everything's a bit too small to understand what's happening and ranged enemies give no sign before attacking which might become a issue in the eventual "2B MUST BE DP'ED" difficulty where a stray bullet will take about 1/4th of HP.
The lack of a move list is also retarded as fuck but I think they'll mend that in the final release.
Will also add that I found the boss to be kinda dull. You avoid bullets/missiles for a couple of minutes while doing negligible damage and then P* shit happens and you kill it in 4 hits.
It's not, the game is shit.
Sorry you didn't get to play the demo yet
What did you expect?
Gameplay is the least important part of a Yoko Taro game.
What's a lele?
Amazing digits, user.
I bet you liked undertale.
le leddit? That's probably where most of these shitposting fags are from.
Why would i play a demo for a sequel to a shit game?
I can almost bet money you were one of the factual hundred or so anons riding Kojima fantrain for ages and then defending MGSV shortly after release
I hate Meme Gear Cutscenes.
Why would you claim a game is shit without even playing it?
Flawless logic, what are you gonna blow our minds with next?
It's where most of these threads come from.
I played Nier on my 360, nigger. It was shit, why would this be any better?
a pokemon
I'm not gonna fondle a dog turd when I can already see and smell it enough to know it's a fucking dog turd.
It's not made by the same people?
Final Fantasy 15 wasn't made by the same people who did ff13. Your point?
Still made by nips, so it's still shit.
Undertale's combat was all about skill (a singular type of skill, but skill never the less), mate. It's very stupid to say Undertale is a videogame sans the game.
The issue of Undertale is not gameplay, but homophilic propaganda, furry degeneracy, bland story and mostly uninteresting or painfully archetypal characters.
It's the furry and faggotry that makes Undertale garbage (forced, hamfisted faggotry that - in a story otherwise about friendship - did not need to be there) not the gameplay.
I bet you think the music for Undertale is garbage too.
Stop following trends and actually check things for yourself to see why they are bad or not, otherwise you look like a stupid kid.
If that's so then I stand corrected and apologize for the allegation, mate.
Have an Owl Loli as apology
Can't relate to that analogy since I haven't played FF13 or XV because I'm not a girl
Woah, Reddit spacing every sentence. You sure showed me!
ya blew it
Show us on the paper doll where the vidya gave you the bad touch.
The demo was fun but I had a few issues with it:
I also hope we get more of those flying sections like towards the end of the demo boss. I liked the section where you're forced to fly through a stream of bullets at high speed.
You can't apply that to America yet since it's not overrun with rapefugees and jihadists.
Swedestan (or Pakiden)
Britistan (or Pakitain - pronounced Paki-tin)
Francistan (or Prance)
Germanistan or Germalia (or Somaliman or Pakiman, both being drawn like barbarian Megaman bosses)
These work well.
Also just using "Islamic State of [insert country]"
For America, stick to "Burgerland" or "Israel's Greatest Goy"
Every time.
Confirmed faggot.
list them
Which youtuber "betrayed" you by saying they liked the demo?
he's just a mad pc gamer who can't play til 2018
Quit taking obvious bait.
really entry level stuff, do you actually have your own taste or do you just like what Holla Forums tells you to
So where's the .zip?
I want to see how far these faggots go with this idiocy so I'm going to keep pressing the questions, thanks.
so have you ever played anything that isn't considered a Holla Forums staple or no
Also post more 2B
So you are a Kojimafag, then? >>11666647
I want more of this exact fucking attitude from the nips.
Then they'll go on forever, because (you)'s is what they live for.
no he likes it because it's OK to like it, I don't think he's developed his own tastes yet
Every time. Thanks, mark.
I'm mostly curious if you've ever actually experienced anything that involves actually exploring a genre or developer's history
Go to bed Razorfist.
But it's basically from the same people and ZoE1 wasn't good, so why would it be any different? >>11666660
shoo shoo pesky jew
Then their shit will just get deleted for being obvious shitposting/thread derailment.
Kinda like all the shitters coming out of the woodwork to shit on a game demo they've not even played are doing, right?
Biblical scripture. Your tears flooding your keyboard are a wonder.
Reminder real Holla Forums hates this game and only reddit likes it
at least scroll thru more than 1 of your rom complete sets (no intro) releases before trying to prove your tastes son
Daily reminder that a strong rumor has Trump putting the wall in the middle or in front of commieforina and possibly turning the south of it into a DMZ.
Really this says everything that needs to be said about this poster.
Maybe the parallels are just over your head
Why? Can't you?
damn the famicom thats pretty obscure, anonymous obscura thats your new name, do you only have 1 rom folder to scroll through or are you going to try and impress me with x68000 games next
are you a true mustard race too
I know he won't see it but I need to be honest I do feel a little bad about bullying this guy so hard
I never feel bad being mean. I fucking savor it.
I too like Nine Inch Nails.
cry all you want. it won't make your jewish game any better
Real effort had to be put into this if it's indeed meant to all be bait. Bravo.
Yes that is what was implied well done.
try harder next time
Using an el facebook Ghoul maymay after he ratted out his brothers. For shame.
I just realized I was laughing so hard that it made me feel a little hurt for how I was to him, oh well, it's not like he dropped any bad games or anything it was just kinda…boring. Like what I'd expect from every Holla Forumsirgin just about
And you're full of shit.
I feel bad for Holla Forums.
Wew lad, here we go~!
The world won't look so bleak when you get older. Cheer up.
are you implying having standards is bad?
There's a reason you always get purged
He's a jew. Of course he thinks standards are bad
What other redpilled cartoons do you have?
Contain you're autism, all of you.
Just refer to the previous topic.
Seems this game is impossible to discuss until it comes out. 2B's exquisitely sculptured ass is too much of a demanding mistress.
I'm looking forward to the game but yeah, gotta agree there's little interest in actually discussing it.
shut up, retard
I think the lewds drove them mad.
its as if you don't respect Holla Forums custom or values. Maybe you where better off on your native forums.
You had one job. One.
The retard accused me of being a Jew.
I never said you were underage. Who said you were underage? You're not underage are you?
Get your shit straight and stop quoting the wrong people, dipshit.
Apologies monsieur
we already have a blond-Shantae thread
use the catalogue next time.
Are you underage as well?
So then you're a pretentious faggot for bringing up "muh choority"?
Do you think this is a good thread, mods?
>>>Holla Forums
If you want to post porn, post porn.
Hahaha xdddd
Does it feel good ? How are you dopamine levels ? Quick I want some (you)-s too.
Are you lost?
Its 2D retard, fuck off.
Nintendo is shit
Never get tired of legitimate autists saying this. Please continue masturbating to pictures of children in denial.
You lost?
(you)-s are truly the best drug
Are you from reddit, newfriend?
No, fuck off back there.
now this is some stale bait
Sounds about right.
Here's one as well.
Ah yes, video games.
Jesus fucking christ, do you guys need faggots to post with all caps "THIS IS BAIT" to get you to stop replying to them?
This board has gone to shit. even Holla Forums discuses porn better than this.
Every post is bait. Welcome to baitchan, enjoy you're stay.
It's just a handful of retards shitposting and getting it in response.
>>>Holla Forums
do they not realize how insane they sound? is this a joke?
Is this the new 2B thread
Can't say they do it particularly well either >>>Holla Forums8728629
they don't know what the fuck they want
I think it's a little too late that, he's gotten plenty of (You)'s from other anons already.
They don't want it to hurt "muh brand image".
Ha damage control
Projecting this hard is unhealthy.
They want to pander to people that aren't playing their games. Leftists are truly mentally ill.
thank you for presenting my case for me.
Faggot successfully derailed a thread he didn't like. Remember everyone, if you don't like a thread feel free to shitpost until it's a complete mess!
No idea there was a controversy over 2B's ass. I blacklisted a bunch of journalists.
The usual "problem" that tends to infuriate leftists, white, heterosexual men actually enjoying something for once.
Blacklist all of them. They have nothing worthwhile to say.
Video games are going back to being a niche, aryan hobby and the jews can't stand it
Look at all the helpless asshurt towards lewd and anime tiddies.
I assume it's just the new trend of "lol, anime vidya is for neet losers! Am I cool yet" posts we are seeing.
Nice false flag, kike.
Made by nips for the enjoyment of whites. They're a slave race
Niggers, spics and mudshits are free to do whatever. It's why you never hear leftists complain about coons rapping, general spic culture or mudshits putting their women in potato sacks.
Leftism is inherently hostile toward whites and East Asians.
Wizardry, Ultima and all those PC games from european and american PCs do not count?
Nice D&C, Holla Forums
At least this thread only had one autist derailing it
Well done GG
It was plenty Aryan back in the really old days, the nips only pulled ahead when the west took its collective foot off the gas after the '83 crash
Its one mega autist who leaves the thread halfway in butthurt.
Help us to understand your obsession.
When a car wreck occurs the person tends to take their foot of the gas.
We should both work together to exterminate the Jews.
[rubs hands cheerfully]
What counts as white?
I can't take it anymore, Holla Forums! You guys are holding up the thread by arguing about juden and spooks when I just want 2B to sit on my face NOW!
Tell that to the left, they haven't stopped going pedal to the metal since the 1960s despite crashing and burning.
Because the left is made up of insane, self-loathing cucks that can't tolerate the thought not everyone is insane like them and just wants to enjoy their lives in peace.
everyone's too stuck in a perpetual state of smugness trying to show baiters how not-baited they are, when in reality being completely ignored will hurt infinitely more then (what you could perceive as) a pathetic attempt at people trying to counter your bait
Imagine putting a great amount of effort in your post/bait, only for it to not receive a single reply, that not even a shitposter thinks it's worth baiting you. It might sound pathetic, but it's not like you'd ever make a post on a board knowing that nobody will ever respond to it. Eventually you'll get disappointed or bored, and will have to move on.
Not being able to help respond to someone rather shows how much self-control you lack. You desperately want to tell someone how much of a faggot they are, when in reality not saying anything will get that message across even stronger.
Just keep spreading how retarded feminazis are and they'll defeat themselves.
Can't we cage some of them up to continue making porn and tasty snacks?
That's a cute picture.
Is your poor dick throbbing, user?
(((Porn))) and (((snacks))) only serves to deviate the path or Aryans.
Assyrian, Indian, Persian, Kurdish, Egyptian, Greek.
Gimme your smarts
Their porn is shit and we can build robots to make snacks.
And Jews. Never forget the Jews.
For fucks sakes, I just wanted Taro's zip.
I'm not Aryan, I just hate mudslimes and feminazis.
By that logic I still get both, faggots.
Fuck off leftist.
Don't be worried. f7bd18 has been baiting a fucking storm the entire time.
Fuck off outta here fag enabler
t. Child fucker
you are talking bout yourself? Xdddd
You'll get rope, sub-human. Now fuck off or get lynched.
You, silly.
I'll be the one throwing you in the damn oven if you don't shut it.
B-but it's a drawing! Xdddd felling for it
Xddddddddddd < my dick size
Holla Forums is fucking Holla Forums with the level of newfaggotry it exposes us too.
The CNN reports of Right wing death frogs are equivalent to project chanology with the amount of exposure and edgy kids it attracts.
(((f7bd18))) xddddd
Not a dubs get.
(((6c139e))) xdddddddddd
reddit pls
I've been here at least since 2014!!!!1
don't worry my man i just wanted to see how you would respond to being called reddit :)
If we continue user we are going to end up making ascendant shitposts.
do it do it do it
I was talking about Japan's own greedy fucks when it comes to porn games.
ur both reddit, reddit.
Am I reddit :3
Ha jokes on you, I'm actually a goon from Something Awful, pretending to be a redditor, but not really because im Holla Forums trying to make both competitors of shilling look bad, but not quite as I'm actually Holla Forums trying to falseflag Holla Forums but not really because I'm from Ebaum's making my vengeance on the world of the internet for forgetting me, but not in actuality because I'm a flash animator from Newgrounds who shills his Steam games here, but that isn't the whole truth because I'm actually moot