What if the Switch is a success?
What if the Switch is a success?
It's success will entirely rest on two qualities:
1. Third-party support
2. Internet oriented stuff. Multiplayer, connecting with friends, etc.
If it doesn't have games to play, people won't be interested. If it does have great games, people will play it. It really is that simple.
well then its the next famicom and nintendo will again be #1 in the home console department
Nintendo saves gaming again and the industry moves on from it's current ten year fucking slump.
So, the two things Nintendo is shit-ass terrible at.
Not gonna lie: I have some interest in the Switch. If all the weebshit from the Vita now gets published on the Switch uncensored I'll get one.
I will never game on a small screen but HDMI out is a godsend.
Its more likely that the US gets nuked than Nintendo console getting uncensored releases.
Is it? People play what's marketed most, and doesn't have the kiddie stigma, it could do very well still given the recent marketing efforts from Nintendo and all that brand awareness they are boasting with the NES mini and the Mario Run thing.
To answer OP depends on what direction Nintendo is going with this one really, the Wii was a success and they tried to bank on that with the Wii U, think this is another transition period, like when they first released the DS and it struck and stuck the market with all the iterations, being the GB the one that did it before that, and if it succeeds the all in one console, home and portable will be the next big fad and the Switch 2 will be inevitable, still they say they are still gonna launch a portable in the future to replace the 3DS so all that marketing on that aspect o the console could be for naught and back to square one again.
So we talk about what is marketed, and that is true to an extent, but I haven't actually found an example of a console which was terrible but didn't do well. The "losers" of each generation just so happened to have a weaker library.
It'll have Monster Hunter due to the franchise being on Nintendo systems now, it's guaranteed a success.
Snowman's chance in hell of that happening my dude. Closest we've gotten is Senran Kagura being on 3DS.
If the switch is a success it'll be the end of the Gameboy line of portables. The goal with this is to get everything on one platform, mobile and home console are now the same thing.
I predict the following
Ouya would be a good start for that. Was an Android phone shoved into a case and given a shoddy controller and had little to nothing in terms of games, only actual project I can think of for it was Mega Man X Eclipse and that's been dead for quite some time. Fucking shame too, it was good for something made in Game Maker.
guaranteed success
The PS Vita was locked up tighter than a mongoose's snatch, and it sold like shit.
The folks at nintendo may lick their own sterums, but at least they can spot a trend.
You say that like all the general threads currently up don't technically qualify as template threads with the vague visual aid given in the rules-list
Yeah didn't considered they could halt the development o the next portable console i the switch catches and holds steam, then concentrate all their development efforts on the thing
Yeah, it's true than in the long and after the initial hype the thing actually needs sotware to move any more units, and in that regard Nintendo has to make clear the games will be there, so well see how well they play their cards on three more days.
everytime someone post more ara loli
It sold like shit because they'd ruined the PSPs reputation with normalfags by that point. Normalfags don't care if the thing can be softmodded or not they just want something that plays games.
Nintendo has seen the trend of the Wii, WiiU, and 3DS begin blown wide open. If you think they're going to continue to loose money to people that pirate content directly from their eshop you're a fool. The switch is going to be locked down tight.
very few people are actually pirating these games. People just want games, and if you make it and get the word that the games are out there - they'll buy them.
this is true, hell today we had someone ask for 3DS games but he couldn't pirate any.
The only people that pirate games are the ones that actually care about vidya, and letting them sample games is the same as handing out free review copies. People within a pirate's circle will trust their opinion and actually buy the game.
Furries shouldn't exist.
You're forgetting something though. Unified platforms have been tried before. The most recent was Windows which, not at all surprising, was a massive failure.
The Ouya failed for several reasons, in addition to trying to make "microconsoles" a thing, the main issue was it was a fucking androidbox with lower than most phone grade hardware. There was no reason to buy the damn thing if you already had your carrier subsidized/unlocked Android phone because it did the same shit and more and the Ouya exclusives (most people didn't know they existed) were essentially trash. A lot of people bought them for "low cost" emulation and XBMC but if the best thing your console can do is play older games you have a massive fucking problem with your current gen library.
The PS Vita didn't sell like shit because it was locked down. It sold like shit because Sony released and marketed it as a PS3.5 but it had neither the power nor the actual games. If they marketed it as it was (a weebmachine) it would have done better. This, in addition to Sony's shit support of the console because "waaaaaaah why aren't we selling Nintendo's numbers" caused a lot of devs to jump ship and now the Vita is relegated to 3rd party Nip releases and indie titles.
Sony clearly didn't want their console to be modded at all with how locked down they made the PS Vita. The Vita sold like shit because Sony dropped support after they actually got a decent size installbase.
Nintendo clearly learned their lesson with how easily the Wii was jailed broken. And then the DS. Also the Wii U… The Sony servers also allow you to download packages directly from their servers but your psn account has to actually have a license to play them, sensible but apparently not something Nintendo properly checks for. The only thing the Switch is going to change is they will now actually know they need better security on their eshop than keyfiles but they'll probably ignore it because they think their main audience is children who won't pirate the games anyway.
what did he mean by this?
replying what?
Fuck off to cuckchan
there is no what if. Nintendo is pretty god at repeating bad history for the past number of years
nintendo will botch with lack of supply for the first 3 to 5 months at which points interest in the console disappears.
and ps4 will continue to reign supreme this gen and xbox will stagger far behind it with nintendo dragging its feet before it even gets released.
Scalpers and retards will buy the switch at launch and will basically be playing wii u games on it for first few months till they release switch games on it.
they haven't even announced a single switch only title for the dam thing
Don't think the thing it's gonna be retrocompatible,
I know Sonyggers and Nitentoddlers are fucking retarded and love/hate for this goddamn thing with a passion, but how fucking stupid can you get?
its not at all, the wii u games coming to it will have switch version with brand new full price tag on them.
Talking about Wii U ports m80.
I do, help a fucking procrastinator out
Kill Me
Depends if it has good games and if the gimmick works good the most important thing is if it has a good online and that there are 3rd party supporters on the system.
For me to buy this thing is all about region-locked or open, I've bought several fucking 3ds's only because it was locked.
K, forgot about that.
Double sage for double post
That only applies to kids, they want games that look and appear what they believe to be mature. Basically Fuse. If others consider it a game for kids then that's because it looks like it's for kids instead of a stylized cartoon.
You mean like the N64, the Gamecube, the Wii, and Wii-U have been?
Nintendo hasn't put out a good console in nearly thirty years. I can't imagine this being any different.
Its 7am and I haven't slept yet
I go to work in 3 hours
Deal with it, at least make this shithole a better place, I've seen Rugga threads more subtle than this.
No, this is a Rugga thread
So you gave them more money because the systems was region locked?
i regret not saving all the OC from that thread
Man I'm biting the bait pretty hard here but one errant Switch thread worded similarly to threads before it isn't shitting up the board anywhere near as much as going on a fucking tirade about MUH TEMPLATE THREADS >>>/cuckchan/ and throwing around buzzwords like they're going out of fucking style. I dunno what you think all that will accomplish if the thread hasn't been deleted yet considering I've seen them try to stay on top of threads considered template in the board-log activity.
None or barely none of the Switch threads were like this you nigger.
The OP is vague as all hell
No subject
No elaboration
No nothing
This is a template thread you dumb nigger
ur dumb
It had loads of third party support, had direct competition with Sega, and had Sony hardware.
Then why didn't you at least correctly have a hissyfit? I do see a Switch thread in the catalog on page 9 that could be bumped, and you'd have a valid reason for getting this one deleted if that one were bumped considering Mark's autistic about having just the one thread available on any given subject.
you make me laugh
Mark is asleep and the other thread is as equally as shit.
Oh, you're just shitposting your soul out then. Carry on.
Region locking is the cherry on top, so importing won't even be an option until piracy 3 years from now.