OSRS clan/friends chat

does 8/v/ have an osrs chat that we can congregate one?

pic unrelated

ofc, I don't know what else I was expecting..

That's supposed to be old school? Looks like neo-RS to me. I heard it even has the GE.

You're a pretty cool guy in my book, OP. Using the official client and all. Hope you get your account back quickly after it gets hacked because you didn't blank out your name, HP, Prayer points, and inventory.

It's Old School, plus EasyScape DLC. Think of anything to make the game easier, it's probably been added.

It's the epic Jagex cash-in to replace the main game they mercilessly killed, gotta have the GE for ADD kids who want everything the easy way and hate communicating in MMOs.

I don't think 8/v/ has one, but 4/vg/ does. Not sure how cancerous it is though.

It's kind of ridiculous how many "QoL" changes they've made. All the new art puts me off, too.

It's /vg/, what do you think?


RS2 is GOAT you fucking mongrel


If you're looking for a true OSRS experience you're going to be disappointed. 2007scape is for RS3 kids who didn't like the Evolution of Combat update.

Is it dead, man?

Not everyone wants to sit there all day spamming like a retard just to buy some sharks

Luckily for them, there is a runescape where they don't have to do that, and yet they don't play it (Because of EoC, RS3 kiddies are fine with the rest of the garbage changes as seen by the shit they vote yes on), which goes back to the point that OSRS isn't for people who actually played back in the day, it's for RS3 kiddies unhappy with EoC. Runescape was shit long before the EoC update ever came out.

Yeah OP. The clan chat is '8ch v' There's only one or two active members now though

its closer to 2008 probably. G.e was released in 2007 anyways so w/e people like it all.

cash in how. Do you know what the word means.

I played RS back in 2006 and loved the GE when it came out

Honestly, the quality of life updates are good. The ge speeds up gearing up for whatever you're about to do. The new continent is fantastic because it has interesting new monsters, new xp sources, and there's finally a woodcutting guild. The raids are difficult, tedious, and give crap for drops usually, but there are good new items like the bulwark shield to make up for the grind, it's sort of like a buffed up barrows. Yeah, some of the new content is too easy compared to what it should be, but honestly the original content was stale, and not updating anything ever would have just gotten boring. I think the new content is good, and even if it's a little easier it's keeping the game fresh while being pretty faithful to the original concept.



Yeah, you're right, my bad. Maybe one day they'll make old school old school runescape.

The woodcutting guild was a good addition and you know it.
