Awesome Games Done Quick Current Year

gdq agdq

Hope you have fun wanting to kill yourself six runs inna row for every one good run.

Let the autism and memes begin. Greetings from Germany from my wife's son.

Other urls found in this thread: on,

Shoo shoo, Jewyama.

Let's kick this thread's ass! :P

greetings from germany and the other 3 threads

Piss off faggot, when the overjew mark gets a sticky up, THEN we'll go shit post in a thread

I do what I want. I live life on the edge, nerd.


Same here, I even walk on the wrong side of the sidewalk.
Sometimes I don't even flush. is gonna be streaming it as well.
Make it cyclical, board kike mike.
If anyone is interested in joining in and laughing at autism,

Starting momentarily

And here I thought it was canceled.

I'm sure they'll fuck up another super metroid run this year.

Why do people pay attention to this clusterfuck of autism and drama?

Reminder to tune into the official Holla Forums stream site to watch the autism:

oh yeah well sometimes when i see a pack of niggers i don't even cross the street.


I'm scared already

Because it's a clusterfuck of autism and drama? I just like watching ways people can break games and going fast.

Your reputation should scare you, you fucking faggot.


Holy shit Mark stop being a kike for one whole minute.

Hey frog pedo.

Holy shit just end this interview

it's been a tradition every year that we all watch the GDQ streams on If you don't want to that's fine, but believe me it's very entertaining.


Nothing wrong with liking tadpoles :^)


Well I've never posted without my name on Holla Forums…

user pls

Hi /revolt/

Sadly there's still around fifteen minutes of talking and jokes if the schedule is to be believed.


go namefag somewhere else please


And yet you're still posting with a name.

There is literally nothing wrong with liking Undertale. It's a great game and the people who like it are great.

Your traditions are shit, and your cancerous plastering of Holla Forums on everything from Twitter to Discord to Steam is part of the reason no one likes you.

Don't shit on Val, dude


oh fucking hell

who are you talking to? I don't use discord and I've never mentioned Holla Forums on twitter. I just like chatting with Holla Forums while we watch terrible things.

what's with the genetic dud on the left?

this is now the official thread

hello reddit

Let's plays done quick?

All this name fagging, all we need is mark to pop up and complete the jew force trifecta


I made some OC this year.

Where are the videogames?

ta femme est une merde


This is gonna be a fucking disaster.

it's right here god damn are you fucking blind stop shouting

┌─────────────────────────┐│               Death Penalty                 │└─────────────────────────┘  ∥∧∧  ∥∧∧ ∥∧,,∧ ∥∧,,∧ ∥∧∧  ∥,∧∧  ∩・ω・`)∩・ω・`)∩・ω・`)∩・ω・`)∩・ω・`)∩・ω・`)   (    ). (    ). (    ) (    ) (    ) (    )   `u-u´  `u-u´   `u-u´  `u-u´  `u-u´  `u-u´

This is gonna be shit.

I like it.

That's Blechy.

He's save several runs before. He's alright.

I hate it.

so is it too early to call how cringy the undertale speed run is gonna be

The only reason I watch is because it will fail gloriously every time

Oh shit that's pretty good user

I got u fam

It'll be very boring.
Undertale is not a good speedgame. It's 70% walking, 5% cutscenes and 25% combat.

the first mention of sweden :^)


so i gusse cringe would be the only thing saving it then






I just have this muted until a run starts.

Do not reply to the namefags.


even more concerning

fuck you, Val is my best friend
I'll give him some more (You)s

Oh yeah pinball done quick, I'd forgotten about that. It's not bad, kinda fun and much less cringe at the very least.

Please go kill yourself you shill

Is it just me or do cocks taste yummy yummy yummy?

Lets go!

she broke her hand fapping to sweaty autistics underaged nerds giving her money

Old mom shut up, cancer was cured 30 years ago.

with each (you) you generate you reduce the value of all of them for the rest of us due to inflation

remember to reply responsibly



Get in and let's watch it together.

Like cancer it spreads

kill me. days more of this nonsense

stop fucking shouting

I love sucking cocks! Big and black is my favorite flavor.

Is that guy wearing a MAGA hat?

NA ever get Ape Escape 2?

I'm watching at with a bunch of autists. Come join in and make the regularfags assmad.

we already have a stream site made for Holla Forums


It's a drumpf hat or a make speed running great again.

Fuck you're right it does look like one…

Knowing this event, it's probably one taking the piss on MAGA instead.

Anyone using VLC to get better quality?

Oh great, the Undertale references are already starting.

Not really. It works alright but it's kind of annoying if your internet connection isn't really that good.

idk someone on twitter is all ready tweeting about it

I used your mom but she was shit quality.

10 minutes and he's asked to take it off


Seriously the bantz, and the hats are spreading. They are not Trump hats.

"dunked on" is a fucking apehoop meme you sperg.


kill yourself dumbass


Go play some fucking Barkley then, you uncultured mongrel.

I'm surprised they haven't read donations yet.

it's an old as fuck saying that's used widely outside of sports you uneducated fuck.

Usually they do only if it means they don't cut the runner off when he talks, but right now he's constantly talking so that might be why.
Some of the most awkward and painful moments in GDC are the ones where the runner goes "quiet time" and needs to focus hardcore, then someone reads a comment/donation and ruins the runner's efforts because of it.

I don't think I've ever heard that phrase a single time, is it an American phrase?

Red hats….Undertale as the finale…GDQ's history of banning people over explicit language…
This GDQ just looks like a recipe for drama.


Fucking where?

Never heard of it before. Must be a monkey thing.

it's from basket ball. it's only used in basket ball and areas in the US where basketball is popular, like the midsouth

Come and watch with a chatroom:

This thread is the only "chatroom" I need.

oi gevalt

this plus my secret clubs on irc

... on

Notice that these definitions are from over six FUCKING years ago.

we have a chat room already faggot and it's our stream site and not involved with halfchan

I love you too, honey

Underage please


become regulars so we can balance out the ratio of normal people to furries.

Are you saying is full of furries, or is trying to convert more anons into furry? Either way that doesn't sound too promising.

Reminder that Undertale is glitchy as shit and the speedrun is actually pretty interesting.

Its that bad ?
This must be bullshit


I think it's more promising if we come to a Final Solution to the Furry Question

Is it?
I imagined it being boring.

I've saw a speedrun or two a couple months after release and I never saw any glitches in use.

Most of the speedrun is using a skip with the punch card. It skips over some significant cutscenes like the first Mettaton fight and sometimes lets you walk out of bounds.

welcome to speedrunning, user. Things change over time.

Oh God they keep using Holla Forums memes.

What did he mean be this?

Is there an rtmp restream or whatever?
Something I can just throw into mpv.

What did I mean by this?

it's pretty awful. there's like 4 or 5 of them who spam the chat

Does that mean they won't read donations unless they're a ton of dosh ?

Kill yourself, you shit skin pedo.

"Can you please take off those hats".


I dont see anyone spamming the chat user

nobody's spamming the chat

Oy vey should should tons of money to our charity. Don't you want your donation to be read out loud for only a moment, goy?

What will they ban next?

That fucking pillow is triggering me.

This, plus its not like they are pushing "lets yiff" and posting links/pics of smut.

I ain't going to read the entire thread so…
Any sperg happened already? Because that's the only fun left about recent AGDQ

I don't see any dakis there, though.

I'm pretty sure the furfags everyone shits their pants about do it ironically, or at least only for the porn.
Or they're regulars in denial about being furfags

it's literally a daily thing.

Dakis and fumos would make the event more tolerable if you ask me.

Are they gonna do races every three fucking runs again this year? That shit was annoying.
That didn't even do the best type of games to race; golf games

The dude with the light has to remove his shirt.

Dakis were banned.

I'm well aware that they banned those things.

What happened to the MAGA hats?

They were asked to take them off to avoid controversy, which isn't surprising.

Either the guy wearing it got tired of wearing it for some reason, or he was asked to take it off; haven't seen anyone asking him that though so I dunno.

Someone said something and they all went back in the bag.

Twitter got triggered.

At least he got his share of salt.


Honestly at this point I'm surprised they haven't banned speedrunning yet.

They have, almost every runner either chokes or just takes it as a lets play.

Again, why does Holla Forums still support this shit?

I like the Mega Man races. The MMX race with Caleb picking the wrong stage was pretty fun to watch.

What the hell is this "TigerB" emote?
It's a purple ass.

You don't get shit from stream views, you get money from donations.


The three in front and the blonde on the right in the back are actual females.

Sounds more like a cause of only letting the most incompetent runners perform.

HOLY SHIT. that one girl is literally nazi propaganda

Are they runners ? I think I remember the one on the right as having run a mickey game last time or something. She was okay at it.

I love "girls".


Nah, they are all fucked in the head.

Take a closer look at that snout

Or the fact that some tranny runner admitted the GDQ paid her/it or whatever to learn a game so she could come to the event.

what is this thing?



I didn't know Quentin Tarantino was a speedrunner too

Sign if a dying civilization

Jesus, I feel sorry for my generation, we are going to doom the entire earth.

it begins

I can't imagine the faggots that go to this event in attempts too "Pick up chicks", besides banging wives.

where's Cosmo?


remember when people used to clap for 10 dollars?
now your donation goes straight into the trash unless it's 100 shekels

Blaming them is like blaming cancer for killing your wife's son. If you want to blame anybody, blame the Jews who poisoned their minds.

Well if you simply accept to lower your standards, you probably could get easy pussy. Don't forget condoms though of course.

He is in his room, probably streaming himself watching it.

Yes, we are seeing the result of a hundred years of mindfuck and perversion

I thought people only gave a shit for 1000 or more

We don't even use most memes that are 6 years old, just because you didn't know a dumb saying shouldn't upset you this much that you need to act defensive.

also check my dubs

Indeed, but I was exposed to the same poison, but I manage to escape from it mostly thanks to philosophy and places like pol. Telling they aren't responsible is the same as saying they act like animals, purely on instincts, without any kind of rationality and I don't buy this.

reminder that checking digits is older than some people who browse halfchan

You just need to attach the right sob story to it.

The bans have started:

whoa, sexist much?!

everyone at gdq needs to be gassed


Im not the faggot who didnt know the saying


you'd think after beating the game in under 20 minutes they'd call it a day and not bother with other categories.

Oh God


all someone has to do is host a similar event that doesn't ban everyone/anyone and ADGQ would die instantly

This has GOT to be fake. No fucking way.

It's almost as though people want to see some of the actual game and not just one skip and go home.

you wouldn't get anyone who agrees with run because GDQ will ban anyone for life who they even think is trying to compete with their event


Jesus christ this nerd ass numale faggot is really irritating.

Why are they watching speedruns then?


It's a SPEEDRUN, not a let's play.

its still alive despite NASA, though

Look pal if you're going to post shit at least post entertaining shit and not generic furry porn cashing in on modern trends.

That one Doom runner at NASA triggered too many normalfags, especially when he started shitting on NuDoom.

The world record is less than five minutes I think. Maybe they'll show that one too ? Sometimes they do share a few different runs of the same game.

ESA and NASA, but the lack of motivation to run them seems to be a problem.


They're still playing it fast. There's still a lot of autism skill on display.

I'm not a big fan of OoT runs as it is, but Any% in that game is just fucking boring. Sweet spot for a speedrun (any game) is between 30 minutes and 2 hours if you ask me.

I wonder if Chibi on the right will say anything.


I know that there are several catagories to speedrunning but im just pointing out that "maybe people want to see the game" is a terrible argument to use in a speedrunning event.

Honestly, I'm amazed he's even welcome at the event. Didn't he get caught cheating in Paper Mario: TTYD?

west coast leaf land here, I have all day to clean my house and watch this shit.

Jesus Christ can you OOTfags please fuck off and die already? It's ridiculous that OOT gets 2 hours but they can't be bothered to have any Super Mario 64 or SOTN runs.

Yeah, who knows.

What happened to that Dax person he retweeted? It looks like he pre-registered and ordered a shirt during the process, but there's no record of the registration despite the shirt order being ready for him at the venue. Did they really just randomly lose registration information?

Take a 5 hour nap, problem solved

Didn't humans originally only sleep for five hours?

He was the best part of NASA tbh. He was on the couch for ape escape just now as well.
I think he's gotten banned too.



I blame Mark for everything.
Gas the namefags, user chat now.



They can't allow any fun games; it must be a safe run that caters to Jewyama or whoever's tastes, progressive shit, or the lowest common denominator.


He still bought the hat and we can't have that. :^)

got a link to this? I didn't watch NASA whenever the fuck that happened.
This is the guy who brought the MAGA and siren hat though. It seems like ADGQ staff just have a vendetta for PvtCb.

Just look up cyberdemon nasa doom runs, he shits on FUCKING EVERYONE. Its amazing.

Banned for thoughtcrime

Point taken, I worded my argument poorly. I consider OoT: Any% too short a category to be interesting. Some games - usually older ones that are short as it is - can pull off a short run and be interesting, but OoT isn't one of them.

I could be mistaken. I know someone was caught using a hover cheat to fake getting a frame perfect skip in that game and the WR holder called bullshit on it because the way he did it would've been impossible without cheats. I'm fairly sure it was him, but I could be wrong.

Make speedrunning great again.

but OOt is about a blue eyed blonde haired kid defeating a kike and saving his waifu

Bonesaw and the nigger getting banned pissed off a lot of people in the community. I think quite a few would jump at the opportunity.

He also pretends? to be trans, I can't tell if he's pretending to be mentally retarded or not.

Oy vey

Are you guys ready for Miles?

No, you're right, it's Chibi.
Faglord deleted his Twitch and Twitter soon after, it was hilarious.

Well, livestreamer is not working for me and I ain't going to install flash for gnoo/linoux. Not like I'm loosing much.

did you use the required auth token for twitch

don't forget to post that on your twatter and tumblr

What are the good games in the schedule anyway? Fuck trudging through trash this year.

You'd think they'd treat him like a leper after pulling that shit.

If you're that unable to figure stuff out, I think twitch has html5 support now, you should be able to watch regardless.

Maybe they are too afraid of being labeled as meanie-heads for kicking out an autist.

8 years ago were people being forced to take off their "HOPE" hats and t-shirts?

That or he's in bed with the fags in charge.

This might get interesting, better get that popcorn poppin'.

No? There's this now? I never used it before, so I have to make an account on twitch?

And archives

Well, he is shameless enough to take tranny dick for attention. Atleast he brought condoms.

Got mine ready.

This was the first fucking run, this event is going to get bombed.

I'd like to think that it's not on the list solely because of its initials.

psychonauts, quake, MGS2, hitman BM, Tetris, Ninja Gaiden, littlebigplanet 3, katamari damacy, dark messiah of might and magic, fallout NV, system shock 2, daikatana, half-life BS, nudoom, mario anything. You can figure it out from there, you lazy bum

yeah then you need to take the url auth and punch it in livestreamer or the config because who has the fucking time to do that every time you want to watch a strm

Lame Games Done Politicaly Correct {CURRENT YEAR}

Why are they running so many meme games this year? Sega Bass Fishing, Mario Paint, Cheetahmen, Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, Sonic R, and fucking Daikatana.


so le randumb xDDDD

I think you're forgetting one friend, and it's not unreal tournament

"we don't have to collect cuckos"

everything about this should be archived for future reference

I hope AGDQ keeps up like this.

Because all the good games already have runners one random schmo couldn't atch in skill. So they opt to run a game with literally no competition to be labeled a "speedrunner with WR in a game" Even if WR is in a game no sane person would play more than once.


I forgot to mention Donkey Kong 5 because apparently they run Chinese bootleg games now.

Daikatana is actually a fun run

How come people don't shoot up these events. Think how much real cancer you could purge.

maybe this year is the year

Maybe this year the fire alarm won't be false.

Can't say anything about Daikatana run, but who would Speedrun Rocky and Bulwinkle on NES unironically? Don't answer


That's completely unfeasible, the most important people to remove would either be out of the hall fucking each other in the ass in a broom closet or in the middle of it and there'd be at least five layers of fat chicks to shoot through.

It's useless, since mostly are white males there the media wouldn't give a shit about it and no one would know.

I wonder if Chibi is going to be on the couch for TTYD run

It's that time of the year again?

You could just go around poisoning peoples drinks, it isn't hard at all now a days.

Is it really bingo when all the spaces are free spaces?

I've been looking now for like 10 minutes and all I see on jewtube is nuDoom shit and some really bad tranny vlogging.

i'm pretty sure you can check the "HYYPE" panel, because i heard someone say that at the end of AE2


Thanks, tryhard.

smh tbh

DS Dad made an appearance, he was the announcer for the first run

My friend said someone got banned for saying "nigger" is this true?


I've seen 90% of these squares on a similar bingo that a "friend" showed me that they got from reddit.

>somebody having that much balls in AGDQ







I think they were being ironic.

I think these anons are too.

thank god

Its impossible to tell at this point.

Isn't this the first day?

twitter salt already

No shit, but I'm laughing at how he's probably gonna get banned for that joke

It's still going to trigger the snowflakes.

It has begun.

First two runs have been pretty based, wonder if these guys are going to receive a warning next.

I can't wait for him to be actually banned for mocking stupid gender shit

That's quite ironic.

I'm going to LOVE this week.

I think it's current year +2 and they're going to get culturally enriched off camera for it

salt continues

He says the shirt order was linked to his registration. If he can prove it is there anything he can do about them losing his information?

love it when the permanently offended barge into others' strongholds and then tell them to fuck off. happens here a lot too.

Oh him and the whole couch is banned after this. 100% guaranteed.



where the fuck do these people come from



I don't care, anyone who even thinks about going to this event needs to be gassed. Here for laughs.

a delicious salty nugget

tumblr, reddit, twitch, all the usual cancer breeding grounds.

Get Anita on the phone.


Anyone got a clip of that gender joke? I missed it on stream

I guess this year the runners are going to be semi-based with MAGA hats and gender jokes, and they're all going to get banned from GDQ, so that then by next year GDQ will be a dead event and something else can rise up to take its place.

But they might have put themselves in legal trouble in this situation. Surely that appeals to you.

expect an official apology soon

Apparently typing ``Cosmo`` on the Twitch chat gets you insta banned

Who is this semen demon?

GDQ has been running a bot with a ton of filtered words like this for years.


I would try it myself but I'm already banned :^)



These people lead such mundane lives that this is the only thing they have. Is to get upset over MUH GENDER

Among banned words also being TRIGGERED and Cringe. Any wonder they can't handle truth about this event?

triggeredbabbies getting triggered
wow. how shocking

How can I possibly donate now that I've been insulted

Every single time these faggots get pandered to, this happens.

Can't wait for NASA/ESA. AGDQ was good the first few times, everything else has been taken the piss out of.

Reminder that Bonesaw was banned because he made fun of Twitch's "Social Eating" garbage

Some of the pre-NASA runs were great. The F-Zero, Crash, and a couple of the other runs were better than anything GDQ could do.

Bonesaw was banned for having fun, no fun allowed is the number one rule at GDQ.

GDQ is a safe space, user. Fun and enjoyment might trigger people.

Damn it I need to be quicker on this

How much is usually donated?


what's nasa?

Thanks for reminding me about that I missed most of the pre-NASA runs.

North American Speedrunners Assembly, a speedrunning event for those who are sick of GDQ's shit.

North American Speedrunners Assciation. Believe some of the previously banned GDQ people formed it. No idea if it's any decent.

Did Pre-NASA even make enough to host NASA this year?

So, all of GDQ's future runners?

NASA had the best races

I'd like to lie to myself and say that people like this don't exist irl and that these are just internet AIs designed to make you lose faith in humanity.

Since this is all manufactured donations, the First Day Has the most Money, and the Last Day will have the most money, By day 5, they will have half a million, and then in the space of two days they will suddenly have a million. Its all fake.

Also, for those who don't know; the charity they are sponsoring is the Cancer PREVENTION. Not curing it; by preventing it by happening by advertising it on posters and just that. So enjoy donations where people genuinely think they are doing anything to end cancer.

The sad thing is that's basically what they are. Autonomous opinionators.

It wasn't people who were banned, just people fed up with how corporate and politically correct GDQ was becoming. The guys behind it are runners named Naegleria, Lurkchan, and Darkfox mostly. It doesn't aim to make zillions for a charity and it doesn't aim to make speedrunning more popular. It's just a marathon where runners can come, be themselves, and have fun for an audience.

Did they get kicked out mid-stream or something?

This is correct, note all the several hundred dollar donations from "anonymous". "Anonymous" is when they can't think of a good name but they want to make it look like they're getting donations and are a legitimate charity (instead of being the corrupt fucks they are and pocketing most of what they get).

Prevention can also be curing.

For example, curing AIDS by killing all faggots.

I'm really fine with that, honestly. Is it a donation drive?

But AIDS came from Bestiality, user

In this case user, the only way you can "prevent" cancer is to inform people of the symptoms. The way this company does it is just with posters. Specifically of how to check your gay boyfriends balls.

i think theyd just like for the donations to make back the costs of the event

pre-NASA had a donation thing but it was towards making people pay less to attend.

Nah, it was as soon as the run was over. They got pulled to the side, everyone got a hole punched in their badges which I assume means you're on a watchlist, and PvtCb got banned from being on camera for wearing a MAGA hat when he didn't wear one.

They just need to kill this event for good already.

Is that real? It's like that shit with live audiences with APPLAUSE screen.

that image
I actually frowned in disgust. I've been on image boards for a long time and this is the first time it happened to an image posted on one.


Were refugees invited?


Fucking hell, why would you need to have some sort of signal to tell people when to applaud? That's dumb as fuck.


is there anywhere to chat with people on Holla Forums about this without fucking furries and pokefags?

This thread


Nice try

uh, here?
are you like dumb or something?

Does anyone have a webm of the gender joke that's causing everyone to lose their shit?
I missed it, and I want to hear how innocuous it was


Oh Christ it's so obvious.

Well when you run a corporate no fun allowed event you have to notify the attendees where the fun would normally be. It's like a museum, preserving the long dead fun for future generations so they can see what fun may have been like in yesteryear.

Did he just assume that dragon's gender?

Is the stream working? The stream just appears blank for me.

the designated safe space is linked to in the last post of a gdq thread on this very board, good luck finding it

I don't have a webm but:

that's it

it has vagia in the name, clearly its a she dragon

That was it.

Check your cookie settings, did the trick for me.

Holy shit that runner is fucking up a lot.

I half expect the organizers to call the police on him to try to stop him until the event is over or until they can plant drugs in his room.

Would you fuck a shota Link?


Is this for autists or something?

I wish the easily offended would just kill themselves

Honestly I was astonished when I saw the image myself, this event needs to die tbh, it's completely lost touch with what GDQ used to be.
Hopefully NASA becomes popular enough that people don't run at GDQ and it dies of its own accord.


choking like a hooker in downtown la

So, how long until they ban people from talking or even being on camera?

In a few years it will just be silent speedruns with donations being read (which will need to be approved and signed beforehand by at least 3 and up to 5 staff members with diverse genders, sexualities and ethinicities).

Someone help this man

Guys, this is getting too gay even for me, and i'm gay. Dial back the faggotry before we cant go back.

Boypussy is nothing special. It's not going to be the highlight of your life, if that's what you want.

It's better than vagina, though. Women are fucking disgusting.

You're also not going to kill yourself at 30. You just made up that fake death date as screw up insurance. Fuck something up? Doesn't matter, I'll be dead at 30 anyway! You don't have the courage to kill yourself. Get over it.


These numbers require tribute.


You can't make something like that and not hot glue on it,that's just wrong


someone got dumped and fell for the faggot meme

Do a flip, faggot.

vaginas are actually gross, though.


at this point, I'm more apt to believe life is a curse rather than a miracle

I think it's just a 3D model. If someone made a physical version then it better get drenched from head to toe.

Why do you guys always choose 30 as the jump off point? Everyone I talk to who wants to anhero always chooses 30.

they don't shove shit and refuse through them

except mare vaginas, which are amazing

I like everything about this post EXCEPT
You've never been with a real woman, don't kid yourself. You aren't good enough for a good faithful woman, because they're already taken. Loyal, beautiful women are a rarity at this day and age, but you say all of them are gross to make yourself feel better due to never falling in love with one and having one love you back.

Get over yourself.

Agreed,i will be first in line to volunteer as said sperm donater if it does.

I feel like if there were a way to filter out the announcer and just have the games and the runner commentary I would enjoy this shit a lot more. I'm finding myself paying more attention when I have this shit muted.

This is hiting new levels
inb4 3d printed model appears and gets hot glued

For a moment i forgot this was about AGDQ, due the amount of faggots talking about traps

it's the tipping point where if you don't have your life together by then, you can no longer blame it on late adolescence or being a young guy in your 20s. Once you're 30 you are an old man and if you don't already have your shit sorted it's over for you anyway.

I didn't say I hated vagina. They just look gross. Which is true. Whether you're straight or not, you know it's true.

Without it, you'd be dead.

I have. It was no different than being with a real man. You're the one that's never been with a real woman if you honestly believe this retarded meme about being loyal, beautiful, etc. You have to settle for some good qualities and some bad. Stop acting like sitting on your ass thinking there are still good women out there is somehow superior to finding out yourself.

Is this post completely ironic?



I just want an actual entertaining couch and a decent run instead of fucking borderlands and zelda.

Is your post an argument? No, of course not.
You don't have a proper rebuttal.

you compared them to man ass and said it was better
nothing you type has any value whatsoever

Inb4 banned for patriotism.


That guy is so fucking cool

buttholes on pure visual aesthetics alone look better than vaginas. this is fact.

Don't worry user, the warp overtaking you is a good pain.

are you aware of ass hair, friend?

I'd pay for one that had an onahole put in it.

Doesn't apply in this situation, it doesn't matter if you were the OP or not, you still didn't give a valid response.

It's GDQ, im honestly surprised there is even a thread at this point.

It's mostly just peeps shitposting because they can.

you probably think buttholes taste better than vaginas too, faggit

are you aware of vaginal hair, buddy?

Ass hair that can be easily cleaned and hardly ever grows back if you shave once and a while? That's like saying that vaginas are gross because they can have vaginal smegma. Yeah, they can. But they don't if you clean them.

does it grow around the vulva and sometimes inside?

Who watching the Россия stream in this bitch?

Captain titus would not approve of this
then again he wouldn't approve of anything because he didn't get a sequel lol

We've gone too far. Were hitting fall of rome levels of degeneracy.

Even if you got your shit at 29, are you still going to spend the rest of your life based on what others think of it? Life also says you need to marry a woman and be great by you're 40. Probably divorced by 45. Just do you and see what happens.

Dont forget queefing and vagina cheese. Which they try and claim is "cum"

ass hair does not grow inside the asshole


As a matter of fact yes. There won't be hair growing on the inner walls but if a woman lets it grow it'll be poking insidea nd even on the labia

poop does tho

Who tries to claim that? Do you get sex-ed from porn movies?

There's literally nothing wrong with queefing

it can

I'm still staring at this, why is this so fucking funny.

That's with waxing, if you have low test, then it won't grow, not all asses will be completely smooth after a few days shaving. Same with pussies, some are just more naturally hygienic, I do get where you come from though.

Holy shit, this thread is killing me.

did you just say poop grows inside a butthole, are you retarded?

If there was a cum ending of that,with the dog twitching with cum,i would love that person.

wannabe trannies, won't be able to look like pretty girlie if they're 30

Depends how far they're willing to take it, surgery, botox and hormones will still do wonders.
Naturally? lolno

Ask a woman about it sometime. See what they say.

It's disgusting.

Cause you know that switch can twerk it and its so fucked up you have to laugh.

Even women dont look like pretty girlies by 30. Unless you mean they want to look like a young teenage girl forever.



buttholes are perfection. a vagina will never look this good.

Theres only one place i'll accept air coming out of a womans body and it aint her mouth or her pussy.

It's not like you guys ever even fished before. I bet you can even hear the ocean if you put your ear to the vagina, can you hear it from the butthole? I think not.

These audio levels are fucking horrid, what the heck.
Then again this thread has long been derailed.

you wont accept air coming out of her mouth? how is she to breathe then user?

How sad.

She doesn't need to. She's a woman.

Does she not have a nose?

Not like a woman has every had anything important to say.

You sicken me.

I love you forever for posting these,keep going

For the woman thing or the butthole thing?

That's how I learn what it truly was (since porn had my young self believing it had something to do with their orgasms). More than one told me it was a natural thing that happen through out their menstrual cycle (the whole cycle and not just the "blood days"), sometimes the juices are also "thicker"


Strong independent womyn have valuable information that could be shared no matter the hole it exits. Stop oppressing them.

angry vagina-haver detected

i wish

Apparently some guy from the chat is streaming shitty movies.

Yeah i doubt there's any of that around here.

You're really upset that you have inferior taste.

I want to lovingly hug switch-dog.

are you that fart fetishist

I think he likes necrophilia fart porn

tfw you realize the runs are so shit that the thread degenerates to queef and switchdog porn discussion

can we bring it back to horse pussy porn

Would you rather have it any other way?

I wonder if he jerks off to Gyo

Yeah, the actual chat switched from furry and trap porn to a different really bad nigger movie being streamed.

It's good discussion

This is just the natural state of Holla Forums

That's the best possible outcome, honestly.

The sad thing is that I prefer it to the gayposters.

what about humanized horses?


I'm not even watching the stream or even bothered to open the links. I'm just here for the webms and screencaps.

It'll get better eventually.

People can talk about the show and the fanbase being fucktards all they want,i've gotten some good fap mileage out of the material.

The only thing the show is good for is the humanized horse porn. That's it.

because we were clearly within british broadcasting network standards of wholesome quality before.

Nah, it's Protowario.

It really stopped being fun after the first 6 months of constant traps before I realized that faggots seriously thought this shit wasn't gay. I can only hope this is all a big conspiracy to degrade post quality and not actually how annoying and hard headed the faggots who post here have gotten.

I find traps hot,and if that makes me bi,ok lol.

The ones i've met claimed cum.

IT IS DISGUSTING. How is a combination of air and fucking cheesepussy flecks coming out of one orifice not gross!?

I already know where the kitchen is located fam.


On that note,i wonder if there's any visual novels where you get to date a trap.



you disgust me

S-sorry. I'll go play vidya now. The run was getting boring anyway.

I'm not sure what this guy is wearing, but it looks like he's about to get a haircut.

don't do me like this

I know right!? Why not love both!? Liberate yourself!!!
Pic related, little Japanese penises.


But user, video game players are oppressive and literal Nazis! Kotaku told me so! You don't want to be a Nazi do you?


He's desperate for attention. As I said earlier, this turbo autist brought a large format camera to a place you really don't bring something like that.
He even has a digital camera, which is far better suited to the environment. He showed his expensive L lenses to the camera.

What the fuck is that underwear. Doesn't even cover half of his ass, whats the point of even wearing it.


To be fair though, i only posted the Chibi nudes for BULLY reasons, not my fault the faggots found him attractive.


Only the first gif is the good one, the rest are autist tumblr halfchan tier.

It's a terrible state of affairs. As long as proper hygiene is practiced, there shouldn't be a problem.

I like cute little penises.

Transfags must hang.

a.k.a. having no practical purpose

I must admit that gave me a good chuckle

you must think you're really clever

Me too, they're adorable.

It covers the balls.

I agree

The thought of someone jerking off to all of this, at THIS very moment, turns me on so much.


Let me guess, you want to be the bottom.

I must be lucky

I enjoy how traps and switchdog porn is much more interesting than AGDQ


Wooly with a wig

You mean post the migration? No shit. Doesn't make it any less annoying when faggots post gay shit constantly. Amazing when you have to say you're preaching to the choir when you say you're tired of seeing traps all over the fucking place.

Holy shit i'm crying

Well they removed every possible form of fun from the event, so we have to make do.

Or batshit delusional

the fact that you even know they're furry means they're degenerates
you didn't know that your father jerked it to Prince album covers, did you? if you know anything about someone's sexual preferences and you aren't about as close as two people can get, they're utter faggots

Kill Casshern?

I mean as long as they only show me the normal stuff they draw and not their ocs shitting in diapers i'm perfectly okay

This thread is like the good old days on imageboards, people going on autistic conversations about autistic shit a 14 year old came up with. If mark wasn't a rulecuck it would get 30x better by having the guys posting faggotshit have it unspoilered to shoo off the more thin skinned poofters

This shit is so gay. Someone post vaginas.

this pleases the dong

Can someone post a list of everyone who gotten banned from *GDQ and a list of reason why?

fucking chink

:) thanks

I'm pretty close friends with them i'd say,on a side not,furry artists are mentally fucked in the head,they hate themselves every other day.

Porn of this bitch, thread is already shit.

You've forced my hand

wew lad.

Why not make them cum with nothing more than the force you put on their prostate?

i can guarentee you every reason is - "having fun"

No fun allowed user, now get in the position.

Is a horse clopping in the background or something,that's a very odd noise.

I wanna know what a loving headpat feels like.

Not true! There's at least one confirmed case of "being too close to someone who was having fun"

Too late, I already did it.

you manage to beat the agdq in autism

That would be like asking you to stop acting like a faggot.

So would you be friends with Patrick Bateman?

The good ol' days of 2007

Cool guys and some fags
Not having enough tism'

You da man

>PvtCinnamonbun: Banned for wearing a Trump hat despite not even wearing it, then unbanned and banned again, this time for either unplugging one of the many cords in that clusterfuck of a safety hazard or for being mean to the poor, 'innocent' staff members
That's just from today. Dunno if there were any others, they might have slipped past me.
Now post porn of that bitch.

Considering i'm no stranger to mental despair and as long as he kept the killing quiet yeah sure.

Why not both?

I try.

I have an unorganized mess in my folders.

When the kikes are gassed, the boards will finally improve.


anyone here not gay but furiously unspoilering the faggot shit in the hopes of finding a vagina in one of the images

Why not deny them an orgasm just to mess with them?

Holy shit, do you have a volafile or mega!? I'm dyiiiiiiing. Jesus christ, this is hot.



It's best to stick to 2D for many reasons.

I was.

But fuck that. Ban the gays ALREADY.

I hope you goys are ready for another incredibly boring let's play

i was, but i have given up

I'm also jacking off while doing that so that I can start right away when a vagina does appear.

What happened to the good porn?
I don't want traps or men thanks. I'll take the humanized ponies thanks

what are you gay?

every time


I meant more like a Master list of everyone ever banned, like Chibi and Caveman(I think he was banned anyway).

Feels like there should be one.

cyber-DEMON is a white supremicist so I'm glad that he's banned. we don't need an atmosphere of hate in the speedrunning community

2D only, user. It's the best way to go.

Stop jerking off to traps in general.


heres a vagina for you

I got that one

He has as fucking written list of what to say, this is a bad idea.

It's a sign of quality.

Even the mods know that porn dumping is better than agdq

Because this thread is hell

you mean if they were no fun aloud

That's why you mute it.

here you go fam. A girl just for you.

King vipers have ice venom no thank you

Give name of eroge now please

gj guys

what's the point lol


Are you a pussy ? Pull the trigger.

Now all it takes for Holla Forums to enter and make it good again, is to gitt gud :^)

That is an understanding

Sometimes, no one does

Fuck opening stupid quantities of spoilers. I wouldn't do it even if it was the greatest hentai in story of humanity

Yer a funny guy user

You didn't fast enough

i'll go and start up a vola then, rather than upload it all to here

at least we have a coolkid quake run next, then MGS2

Sometimes it's better if nobody does.

But it's speedrunning!

That's because the entire event is shit. It's a bunch of liberals and turbo fags jacking each other off. They need to be shot and hanged immediately.

And dropped. Why does it always go to this with nip hentai.

I will look for that right now,thank you
right now i'm only finding a doujin set though

Nips actually hate niggers.

All fun is banned user, they are going to remove him mid stream.

Thank you so much!!

Here you faggot. The reason I have these saved in my hard drive is purely coincidental

Why dont you fags just report the porn dumping, lol


No it isn't dipshit.

what a fun let's play this is

It's not as bad as the gays in the thread.

one more drawing for you nignogs

I'll make more if I think of something funny or whatever

Uh oh! Someone forgot to spoiler!!!

Nemunemu? please do enlighten me


It's not like it matters.

And yet so very often so many hentai love to add in blacks. I can understand the more tan nips but sometimes its just straight up black skin.
I'm still dubious. As theyre both in the shade.

Wait you were making these?

Here more faggotry.

You'll make me cum faster

Fucking japs don't know when they name something part 1 we expect a damn part 2

killed my erection

The chat won't load for me, does it conflict with uMatrix and uBlock?

I made them a while ago but I made that one just now

Consider yourself saved from faggotry.
Here it is, still in the process of uploading shit. feel free to add to it

You say that but this entire thread is filled with loads of dicks

I want a cute chubby girl to dominate me

I'll see what I can add!

It's an animate that got released December 31st. As far as I know, it's not uploaded online yet.


I know Werster was talking about the time he got banned on his twitter recently. It was for exploring the hotel the event was held at.

so how are the speedruns going?

Too many gay people


How do you think?

Okay, enjoy your ban, tumblrfag

Put your dick away RIGHT NOW! Fapping while posting is incredibly degenerate! You realize hundreds of anons can eventually read about you fapping here and posting.

You're a good drawer user, im impressed!


What are you a shooby?

Dicks are totally homo.

You can actually kill yourself.

Semen actually burns down into estrogen in the body.

Except that's not even shortstacked, you dumb fucking bitch. Kill yourself for getting terms wrong.

Fuck! I've been EATING my cum!

Look at the ass again and say that you stupid diarrhea slurping cum bubble nigger loving assfucker.


I've been EATING my cum for the last 4 years after fapping.

Do you enjoy it?

how does it taste after eating pizza?

Well stop because while cum has protein in it, it also burns into estrogen in the body.

So have plenty of people here. Stop acting like it's something new and interesting. You're not on Facebook.

This faggot is going fuck Allison Rape.
God damn.

Thats kinda hot.

Also to whichever user cheered me up on my small dick and phimosis i'm stretching the phimosis right now.
I'll fucking do it bro.

*to be fucked by

How much he pay?

Now this is nice.

All of his dignity

Allow me to participate too.

please delete this thread

You fool, enjoy your mantits

Goodluck you unhygienic bastard.

Do you not understand what the "stack" part of shortstack means?

post the arrow one

So's yours actually.

Doubt there was much left to begin with.


I don;t have it, I'll just make it, give me a minute.

Gameboy dad is back

one day Holla Forums will be incredibly famous and people hundreds of years in future will look back on our posts and read them for laughs. they will look back on our posts historically and stuff to see what we were thinking to see how people reacted to certain events and stuff.

in a thousand years, imagine being able to just go back to some old web pages and looking what the people of that time genuinely had to say about things. Like imagine if we could go back in time and hear what the Vikings had to say, like if they all kept their own web pages and stuff and we could just look what they said? that's what the future will look back on us like. I'd also imagine people will eventually analyse how people reacted to these events in school and uni and stuff.

there's also that MAGA hat banning thing and just updating on that there's already a GDQ Internet Defense Squad going around on all the media sites that have posts on this, so far it's mostly "I believe the event organizer over you and that 'I can remove you at any time for any reason' rule that's said almost as much as 'diplomatic immunity.'" The one piece of solid evidence is them using the twitch recording at a timestamp 45:00 when the first person puts the MAGA hat on and saying this person is the banned runner. In the evidence document that the banned runner produced,, he says from 45:04 to when the hats were put away he did not have the MAGA hat on for a single second, but he did have the ape escape one. This is corroborated by tweets saying he double checked the recording looking to make sure he wasn't sticking his foot in his mouth on these statements, paraphrasing here. I have not watched the entirety of the MAGA hat's time on stage, but there should be at least one member on the couch, possibly more, that never had the MAGA hat on their head during that time. Without photo evidence of both the person accused and them wearing the MAGA hat that is clearly from that recording the banned runner has a solid case for a suit against the GDQ organization. That is all for the moment.

The character looks cute in the drawings because her head is almost as big as her whole body, her eyes are large enough for the asymmetry to not be prominent, her face and mouth have large and expressive features, and she notably lacks the huge, disgusting fat deposits in her legs.

Why am I arguing about the design of a furry porn version of a video game console in a thread about AGDQ?



who is this man?

also how is 4chan Holla Forums reddit not public?

Much better than muslim dude or the chick.

Thats if the internet survives the great meme war that will eventually claim many of us. Maybe some pieces will remain, and they'll learn a gayboy who liked to dress up in skirts from the clan of Holla Forums like to eat his own cum, masturbate to naked boys getting fucked, and wanted russians with big dicks to fuck him. I wonder what theyd think of us a couple centuries from now, i wonder how theyd judge us all or praise us?


There you go fam

Enjoy your ban fam

By "not public", think "not mainstream" or "not filled with normalfags". Holla Forums, 4chan, and reddit can all be categorized separately from, say, twitter or facebook.

Also going through social media hell there event organizer that banned the runner says they have pictures of him wearing the hat, also there's rumors that they uploaded ape escape porn to halfchan and they got the hotel ip banned, presumably from that chan. I expect tomorrow statements that they have also participated in an orgy without condoms, verbally raped other runners, and stared menacingly out the window.

Because they're owned privately. The man is the head of the ADL, aka the Jewish Though Police.

Mods are busy fapping.

Fuck I don't miss these cringy donation messages.

Hes just using kike tatics of sweet talk, fucker knows this but just want normalfags to come in and see the ebil notsees

Post YFW you want to gas all of these degenerates in this retarded event. I can't stand this anymore. How can you even live with this knowledge, anons? How can you live knowing society is crumbling due to their influence? How can you not want to behead them all? I truly can't take this. My rage is becoming unbearable.

So long as hes telling the truth he can sue the convention for defamation of character too now.

I hate that i set up for this event, its a fun week for my miserable life



Don't do that, Broteam infiltrated in there. We need his fat drunken canadian ass.

I expect at least one of these accounts to be weird twitter, i.e. goons.

Just laugh about it.

Unleash your virgin rage user. Make them pay for what they've done.

Can someone reupload that webm that had the fat guy on the thumbnail? I missed it.

thanks user

things gotta get bad to become good again fam. Only way for social justice to fully die is to get smacked by reality or massive pushback. The fact its getting bad enough so fast is why society is starting to react to it. Let them kill this shit so less cancerous options replace them.

Why won't he make Part 2 already? I fapped too much to part 1 yet.


best poke, but shitty person using her as an avatar

yeah, he'll fucking do a good laugh towards it
bless his soul


quit getting mad at video games son

All he's doing is watching the damn thing. He paid money and is a normal attendee. Why shouldn't he go down with the rest?





How many faggots can you fit into one room?

My grandfather always warned me about jewry and degeneracy. He hated liberals, communists and kikes with a burning passion, rivaled by only a few. One day, I will murder them all with my bare hands. I want the surface of the earth to be permeated with the stench of their blood so that one day, people will think twice before trying to subvert us again. Our rage is unmatched. Our will unrelenting. They will be purged. And their deities won't be there to save them.

I tried.

ow the edge

Well if we shoot them and then pile their bodies, we can fit more than that.

What's wrong with the guy on the very right, one row back? His head is fucking weird.


well, first you gotta complete highschool, user.

very subtle.

i dont remmeber quake having good lighting
fuggen darkplaces

To kill the Jews to scratch you must first invent the universe.

that's blechy. he's the only one who gets the mic who ever acts like any kind of professonal. he's cool

He's there.

Was it good porn?

I guess his massive fucking alien head forced him to develop some sort of good personality.

He's a dwarf.


also using darkplaces too

Where's his beard and battleaxe?

Cause giving enemies more Hp is so difficult.

And last year Pepe turned into a symbol of hatred.

Just got here. Any of the previous runs worth watching?



Is any GDQ run worth watching?

Wait, is Big John just fat?


No. Literally none of them. They were so bad that the threads and chat devolved into fart, furry, and trap posting.


it's the only GDQ related thing that has been worth watching so far

What happened?

pls clap

This picture set is the only thing good to come out of Playstation Move.

any MGS game on european extreme is bound to be good. lots of AI fudging and sequence breaking

I think I just cringed so hard my spine came apart a bit.

Video games became an industry and a commodity.
Plus our culture is collapsing.

He rolled cleric.

Its only the recent generations that dont hate them all, and its because theyve been indoctrinated. Seems its coming around again though. Can only manipulate reality so much I spose.

Quake is the only worthwile one so far.

Ape Escape and Zoldo Triggered peeps however.

props to tech crew

That was Castlevania music you mong. I hope you're baiting, because I was mad enough about that before.

So over the years, can we name a run or runner that was the absolute worst run or runner to come out of GDQ? The bottom of the barrel, The example for how bad one run can get? because it's not webm related. that's just to get your attention.


He's a cheesemaker. There's still health regs and shit, even in a fortress.

What a shame.

He transitioned into Megalovania towards the end.


What an awful way to die.

wasnt ape escape banned? So fucking retarded.

Now there really is nothing of value left here. I'm sure as hell not going to watch these shit runs.

Fucking hotpockets

Shit was so deep its was slowly transitioning from trap/homo to kemono dump.
Thread went to the shitter fast and stayd for some hours.

Don't worry user, you can continue lewdposting in your heart.

He said he was going to bed.

Either I was too mad or he was too shit to notice. Either way that hotel is in dire need of a gas leak.

Refresh the thread. Most of the posts are gone.

I was laughing immediately once the music started


Holy fuck that webm

It's not the same.

inb4 I get banned by some cum guzzling hotpocket for this single image

I'll probably break down and end up watching it.

Damn shame they're to fucking incapable to fix the cancerous chat in the stream.

If it eases your nerves, it was bait. This being said, I fully expect this to happen eventually.

Together with various Big Bazonga Theory meme quotes.

Go back to the shithole you crawled out of.

I wish i could go back to 4chan, my friend from reddit.

Post lewd video game webms then.


Is this a video game?
is it gay too?

I see your masturbation and raise you one blowjob. There should be more of there.

Have they ever run a WWII game in AGDQ so we can get the comment “Greetings from Germany. Let’s kick Churchill’s butt."

Is there porn of her yet?

There's brazzer's parody it's fucking shit


I wonder if they ever worry if one of those cocks will bounce out on accident and get them in the ass. Being the frontman seems a very dangerous position for anal invasion.

Nah, meant actual animation. Well, just a matter of time I spose. Maybe some doujins soon too.

quake was pretty good. I'm looking forward to the ratchet and clank one

I think that happened to an user on Holla Forums once.
I got this pic from that thread

Balls arn't touching

I wish I saved more webms from that thread.

It's c91 m8, check sadpanda

AGDQ, yes!

aren't these the same guys with really shady financial records?

kek, good one.

Nice! I'll check in a bit, thanks user.




mgs2 is trash


shout outs to tech crew for being literally worthless

I can't hear characters or gunshots, thanks tech crew!

He's gonna complain about the audio for the whole run, isn't he?

Look at her





Second case of IT'S THE AUDIO

Why do negresses have such shitty taste in fashion? No wonder niggers only want white women.

Just another quality GDQ run!

fucking pleb tier taste


Have some Notch out of pure fucking boredom.

is this the one that has trump as the last boss


that's metal gear rising revengence revolution reconstitution



cmon the steak joke was gud, thats shit we come up with.


he really got nothing to lose anymore, eh
here's to hopefully another year of him driving some cunts up the wall on twitter and wherever else


I dunno user, I literally cringed at it.
Actually, maybe you're right, then.

Cringe at the announcer's horrible recitation of it, not the comment itself.


were back!

wait i fugged up, here's full steak

please clap


shout out to tech crew!

Could be worse user.


Blogger about to write an article on transmisogyny?

You're a big girl.
Webm related.


Its because making the personal the political is what these kids where trained to do from childhood. Its also a great way to undermine the regulations they impose on others. For example you can be banned from GDQ for being friends with someone who wore a Trump hat but for the Faggot in drag making a political statement they can't be banned because it would be discrimination. They are literally, not figuratively, wearing their politics on their sleeve. It's also why faggots talk with a lisp. Its to signal to other fags that they love pooh dick and that they hate healthy normal people.

Look at the good side, i'm a dude and my nipples are bigger than yours.

It looks like she's got fat arms so I would say yes

While it is played for laughs it should be said nips have incredible social apathy about things like this. Back in the day in the US doing shit like that could get you killed, not it's run in parades, in Japan however, there's just incredible social apathy about it which is just the way it should be. Don't pay attention, don't let it affect you, just let it be stupid and pass by.

That or this.

Fuck I forget the fucking spoiler

Working on it. Had some life shit kick me in ass, blah blah excuses. I got fat. Back to walking 5km a day and doing weights again. I'm about 36 D when fit but I'm a 40 G right now, so yeah. Fat.

They ain't so bad user, you should have more confidence on your tits. I'll give them a 7/10 Would suck on them


well at least you respect the customs but pls spoiler that shit you know the rules.

If you didn't bring up your gender in the first place you wouldn't have had to degrade yourself like that. You could have complained and bitched regardless of posting your tits. You know you could have, you know you don't have to succumb to internet peoples' demands. You just want attention. You're no better than the SJWs at this point.

hand simulator



Why have people on the couch if they gonna say NOTHING?!

Atrocious dress, fucking pink hair, disgusting.

the one on the right isn't a tranny, right?

just look at the tranny on lefts reaction to the real girl or "successful" tranny on the right.

No actual girl who cared about playing video games quickly would dress like a harlot.

I thought anons had forgotten the true purpose of "tits or GTFO" but at least someone still does.
Nobody cares if you are a girl. Stop your attention whoring. You are anonymous like us.

Look man I didn't know how to explain how tacky wearing the same outfit was two years in a row without bringing it up. Seriously, if a dude wore the same outfit twice would you care? It's different for someone trying to present themselves as a woman. You just don't do it

stop looking at the scale for a few weeks and remember this always: fat accumulation is a function of more energy in than out. do NOT cut fat out of your diet. do NOT increase your starchy carb and sugar input.

do more, eat less, and try not to stress about it. make sure you oil up those sweater pups daily.


implying user, look at that chin. Girl on the right is a dude.

I'd dick the totally-not-a-tranny on the right.
The user who posted her tits jsut got beaten

If so it at least looks female, unlike the confirmed tranny on the left.

Now that you mention it, the chokers or bandana around the neck is sometimes a giveaway to hide their adam's apple.

b-but the legs, the kneesocks, the short skirt, the actual woman-likeness

I need HD version!

Yes. 100%. And I like it to look like guys I'm into at the moment, so like I dig Apollo astronauts so I like to find gay porn that looks like 1960s NASA dudes.

No the one on the far right is a real girl. The one on the far left though holy shit, it's not even trying.

Trannies can pass too user not all of them are the Crimson Chins alterego.

Such is life in a progressive and tolerant society :^^)

did they have to separate the tranny from the super sleuth to lessen the difference in their looks?

Passable trannies are all into porn like Jane Marie.

nigger that kike will ban my ass for doing less that and I'm not supposed to be browsing Holla Forums at work

The thing is that you can never not tell unless it's a bad camera angle/shot.

i forgot that the word tranny originally means "someone who transitions between the sexes"

there are trannys that stay in tranny-purgatory, and then there are trannys like the one on the right which can pass as girls

They're both trannies the one that actually passes doesn't want to be near the other because she'll get outed. And don't argue the one on the right is definitely a tranny.

If so they have incredibly shitty lighting and that one on the right doesn't pass. On the other hand, normal women can be out rid hideous in the wrong lighting too, there was an entire Seinfeld episode about this.

That's because it's suddenly okay to not look like a women even though I totally am right guys :)

Someone saved the tiddies, right?

Sorry user, meant to spoiler. I just wanted to bitch about this fucking black dress whackjob and her tacky goddamn taste.

I'm still not convinced the one on the right is a tranny.

until age ~30 then it's suicide time for over 50% of them because even with chemical treatments and chopping off their lele they can't pass for female after that age

which is why I call them men in drag. If they cuck off their cock they are just Eunuchs in drag.




That massive amount of overlighting is a red flag, everything about that pic is a red flag though

I still don't understand this shit, wether there is porn or not if you get caught on Holla Forums while at work you're fucked either way. NSFW is just slang for "things hotpockets don't like"

I forgot, sorry user.

False they actually get better at passing with age because women get uglier too and their natural estrogen levels lower. This is why older women grow moustaches. It's the men who are 50 and try to become women who will never ever be anything but a monster.

Definitely a tranny.

Just say it. "Fucking tacky to wear the same outfit to the event two years in a row." Your gender doesn't have to come into it. If someone said "Lol, what a fag, why do you care" you could just ignore it. Gender doesn't matter. You're d3dec2, all we know about you is that ID in this thread and the content of your posts. We will never know you again. The only thing that bringing up your gender can possibly do is muddy the thread.


would rape

the jaw line is man-like.


Definitely a tranny.

The one where Jerry's current GF wouldn't stop doing mundane tasks in the nude? That was a good episode. While I will say that there's ugly women out there, there's only a few who are ugly by being mannish. More likely it's just a dude. It doesn't hurt that I did 6 months of anatomy in art either


If you were a rather extraordinary outfit, like he does, it will be remembered if you wear it twice.
Same for loud people, it will get noticed if they wear the same.

It's not too uncommon for women though.
Not sold on to the trannystatus yet


Too much tranny talk in this thread, quick Holla Forums post real grills.


Would rather traps

I love her smile
no lie

She isn't a trap, just your average attention whore. She dressed and looked the EXACT same last year.

So, she's some sort of camwhore who stay around speedrunners for easy clients?

thats a cute bird

This is one of those times where I find nothing wrong with facial surgery.

She most barely age, after sucking so much virginity power out of AGDQ nerd.

That's an XY

If I remember well we had the same argument about how she was dressing last year too.

meant to quote

that pretty much describes all women in gaming who are not really men in drag.

It was the Festivus episode. Also see

Doesn't mean much because you can still get trannies who had ridiculously low test as teens due to various problems and then just say fuck it later and pass just fine. It helps but user the entire point of passing is you can't tell.

You mean this?

No thanks.

false because the facial hair and adams apple are impossible to hide even with chemicals. no ~30yo gets a 5 o'clock shadow ya moron

Did the fucking stream just crash?


It looks like someone transplanted a caveman's head into a qt3.14

What a fag.

This man gets it. Respect the mouth.

Glad they're paying themselves that 24% of proceeds for this shit sound and crashed streams.

You will never be this beta and pathetic.


You do know that normal women grow mustaches too right? And can get it lasered away right? Or electrolysis?

oh shit, that nod

you know she's the man in the relationship

Holy shit, he's henpecked and they're not even married.

Well they did make rule that you have to shower to get in this year. At least you wouldn't need peppermint oil on a surgical mask anymore.

Imagine trying that hard to be attractive when the average actual girl at this event looks like this.

that's so hot
this one got attitude


3D, not even once. Get a vasectomy. fuck all you want, never get in a relationship.

There's also surgery to shave down the jaw but how many actually do it?

its a myth

Or just get a real woman and a be a real man.

no thanks

3D forever my dude. Why buy milk when you can buy the cow.


their rules are fucking full-blown RETARDED

You're right user really makes me think.

The entire point is you would never know so you can't just say you've never seen it because that's the point.

[motion sickness intensifies]

God fucking damnit, my connection crapped out for a while.

Or the illegal one Sarina Valentina got that fucked his body so hard he was in constant pain all the time.



Don't forget



yes and that ideal is unattainable.

Yuri Bezmenov was right, you'll need to sacrifice 15-20 years to unfuck shit for the next generations else things will continue to be shitter.

Not even that chin can hide that receding hairline. Poor cosmo. Used to be fun to watch now he's that fucking abomination.

This user gets it.

"No Fun Allowed"

Gee I wonder who bitched about that?

What was it?

tranny attempting to go into the women's bathroom


Highlights, Awkward moments.

You didn't know? They're an actual legitimate ENTERPRISE.

Counter by going into the woman's bathroom as a man.

Don't police me bitch. Where's the urinal?

therefore not a non-profit

No hate, appreciating female chests is the sole reason for my existence.

I'm wondering if they're going to do the same thing for anyone trying to upload the ape escape run

I missed ape escape. What happened that they'd freak out over?

Obligatory stalker

Okay, let me tell you about that. I am a manager in HR and deal with complaints and shit like that. Women in general a waaaaaaayyyyyy more intolerant of trannies. Seriously, it's becoming an headache. The shit I have to go through because of this, I've become able to walk on eggshells without breaking them.

don't give """them""" any ideas.

You know what is hilarious, my wife asked me if she should dress up as an anime character, my choice. All I told her was "That is not how it works". Women really are clueless sometimes.



It's gonna take a war, a boots on the ground, have to piss and shit in a hole, getting bombed, have to scrounge for any food or starve kinda war to get any semblance of reality back for the current 16-25 year olds. They have no perspective, they think a mean word on the internet gives them PTSD and some disagreeing means they literally shake and need a safe space. They have no coping skills, no perspective, no semblance of what makes humans the adaptable species that can survive being pushed to the edge. Their edge is where most humans who've lived and died throughout the years' would dream and wish to be.


I bet those two are nice. No strange hair, not covered in piercings or tatoos, a little frumpy and a little homely. Everyone else in the crowd the sitting alone, but these two drove a thousand miles to be here and are ready to camp in the front row with bag full of snacks, plushies of their characters, and, believe it or not, some actual video games.

I'm so sorry

Jesus christ. What horseshit. Makes the time Snowfats did it during hotline Miami even better.

The best part is that the guy that got banned didn't wear one, just some guys on his couch.

They are "demoralized" and this gen is beyond fucked, expect for a few that didnt drink or spited the koolaid. Like he said, its something done with various generations in mind.


Further, the asshole kicking them out was a buttmad Hillary supporter.


Nothing they won't already come to themselves, they already haven't uploaded the first runs of the marathon which includes the ape escape run even though they've uploaded everything else, in what I assume an attempt to avoid any evidence of the banned runner being there. I don't know if they deleted the VOD of twitch, though.

I was in IT before becoming director, it's not as bad as everyone think and way better than my previous posting. The pay is a nice bonus too.

who protected their tweets after people started pointing out that they did it for political reasons.




Plus securityfag straight up lies "I have a screen shot".
No you don't because he actually wasn't the one wearing it.

I don't have the webbum handy, youtube "snowfats hotline miami maga" and toward the end of the run one of his couch buddies pulls out a smuggled in MAGA hat and puts it on him as he finishes the run.

This is the kind of trap you see fucking natalielovescum and the other bitch she has Boku no pico adventures with on chaturbate and Xtube.

You know, SJW have a problem with honesty and this is why they are met with mistrust. They are dishonest in everything they do and never own up to their mistake. They prefer to double down and when stuck in a corner they shut down everything.

This guy will probably get away with what he did but let's hope it has shown some people that these type of person are not to be trusted or listened to.

posting straight dick

Speed runs of RPG's are dankest of memes that even men in drag can run.
why do they do RPG's during the most convent hours and save the relatively "good" runs from when no one has the time to watch

cant find it, what is the time stamp on the "official" jewtube video?

This guy is awesome, I feel sorry he is catering to total fucking morons.

Found it for you. Remove the space. you

I see nothing wrong.

that's because you are a retarded nigger

Question: does Descent have R34?
Probably not.

Why? Because most trannies just mimic what they think the ideal woman is.


Well he said he was going to sue them so maybe it'll stick somewhat this time

What size are you? Those are fucking massive.

I wish I had saved that sonichu parody where he eats acid and cannibalized his whole family.


The honeybadgers got wronged in the same way their suit never amounted to much since they are being bounced around the various "owners".

Without big press support and outrage, which this guy won't have because he follows the wrong politics, he'll be wasting his time and money.

was for you six satin (checked)


that's because the stinkyvadgers are controlled opposition who are milking beta males for paypal bucks.

You know, I could, but not after you posted that gay shit.

Get out of here nerd


I said above, D/DD when fit, G(which is like DDD) when overweight.

This is not a tranny, her handle is "Queenulthu" and she's around 30 years old. Notorious in the speedrunning community for being a huge whore and fucking everyone and their best friend. I thought about going to events where she went just to see if she'd tickle my pickle, but then you realize all the daddy issues and how she must look without makeup and it's not worth it.

Anyone else watching the restreams?
I'm watching the German stream, it was pretty cancer-free, at least compared to the main stream. They just locked down the chat in delay mode. Too much fun happened when the stream went down.

is this Descent run even any good? I've never played Descent.
strike two

This thread is the only chat I'm using. I popped out the player. I'm getting old, my eyes can't follow that bullshit twitch chat.

Jesus, does it ever hurt your back or what?
Also, I'm guessing you look like Venus of Willendorf? It's a 30,000 year old fetish item

Good commentary. At least he fucking explains the game and doesn't go on about 'frameperfect' shit



here faggot


I dunno, I didn't play it either. I remember when it came out I was a kid and we didn't have a good enough PC to run it.


thanks, I did see it earlier but I thought that was a phantom memory

Me an my brother built our first PC in 95 and played the game at a friends house but I wasn't impressed with its award controls. I actually hatted early 3D when I was a kid.


Yeah I gotta buy the expensive as fuck bras, none of those skimpy little $20 numbers. The funny part is my grandmother has the same size and she's barely 5 feet tall. I'm average height so with a good bra not so bad, but on her she's like a giant walking chest.

time for fun

look at least save the DFC until day 6 or else we're going to be completely out of conversation topics

So you get it from your grandma?

You know, whenever women post here, I get nervous about it. I understand dudes. I have contingencies in place for the shit they pull.

Chicks, though, can fuck up everything on a level I'm not equipped to contend with. Plus, it really weirds me out. Like, what are they here for? This place is a sausage fest, I know why it's a sausage fest, so what the fuck? If women are here, how far behind are normalfags?


I want a fat tity user gf…

post more tits

Will John Romero make us his bitch now?


John Romero will make you his bitch!


define "fun"

I was too late with mine

Also, this meme bothers me. It's from the nigger internet, fine… But why all of a sudden? Why is it being posted so intensely now? I don't need statistical analysis to see that something's up. I am worried and afraid.

not watching GDQ
but this is the next best thing

Wouldn't mind some ass tbh. Definitely more interesting than AGDQ, which doesn't mean much.

What about a tranny? :3c

Never change Holla Forums

kick cancer's butt


implying you are not a """"femanon"""""" in CY+2 who just knows sex is not important.

What i actually want is a tit job and casual sex with a fat user girl

I prefer fit in my life. I just post it because it ends up annoying anons like you. There's no other reason for me to post it other than it just works.

I get what you mean, it's just not right.

Well you'll never ever know now will you?

user you don't understand. They're already here. It's the cycle of all things.

You can combat the cycle by posting weird porn, gore and otherwise being a cunt to any new member, but you can only beat the cycle back. Eventually 8/v/ will be normalfags. When that time comes another seed of Holla Forums will have been planted and we'll go there. This cycle exists in car garages, tabletop gaming, video games, homebrewing, fucking even my wife's crocheting and knitting forums are being co-opted by faggots and "totally not gay" guys. It's ever present.


Run started, why is everyone clapping, this shit is so awkward

John Romero is go

We want many things, user. Speaking of conversation topics, imagine this scenario: all the pillows on your bed turn into hot anime grils, but you can never sleep on a pillow again.

I can't say much about crochet but sewing is an essential skill for living by one's self.

This is going to be shit.

No caveman huh.

ing to make you his bitch!

cubeface sounds like he wants to kill himself
we're gonna find him swinging from a tree after this run


Because there's hardly anywhere else discussion based online to escape SJW bullshit. Especially for stuff like vidya and Holla Forums stuff. Its either manufactured 'hehe :3 gamer grrrrrrl' manufactured "nerd chic" bullshit, or it's gone the way of SA, NeoGaf, TvTropes, et al.
You can actually talk about shit like space autism simulators and Industry Retards going full retard here.

See, that I can understand. It's a known quantity. I understand it, can piece together a hist But you're asking me to believe that an actual woman is, for some reason, posting on a 4chan refugee site mainly known for misogyny and legally grey content, and I find it really hard, because I don't understand why they'd be here. I can't model this. What other boards do they visit? Are they like, a /furry/ chick? Are they a Holla Forums tradwife who's going to nice the board into becoming a priest-hole? Is it the /ara/ (lol, dedbord) mod, trying to build up a court of admirers? When I don't understand something, my mind starts bracing for all the worst possible scenarios.

So in other words, it's hostile enemy action. That's bad. Don't shitpost, it only invites more shitposting.

Wouldn't guys coopting a female thing be an example of the reverse?


Women can be fucked up in the head and like vidya too, user.

Recently I've been thinking about how all the anons posting about healsluts and traps might actually fujoshis roleplaying as faggots.

Don't be so thirsty, Makku-san.

You stupid faggot, he's not talking about you. Go away.

Posting a meme you don't like means hes pretending to be retarded?
user I think you're the one retarded here.


Wew we summoned Mark!

but the other anons spoiled it when they reposted

Oh my sweet summer child


learn to read retard

One would think the jew would approve of porn visible to everyone

s\doesn't say "1 pixel pepe" eh smart guy?

The secret is that puns are not and have never been funny.


This is a Christian board, not some half chan sjw nigger slum

It would be if women weren't predisposed toward the hobby. My father used to hire specifically women for needlework and detail work because in his words, "they focus on the nitpicky details. It's what women are good at and they'll do it whether they're getting paid or not, so may as well make 'em useful." Men getting into the sphere is just going to bring the quality of the hobby as a whole down, like if you were to force women to do all the manual labor on building a house. It'd take twice as long and fall down quickly.

sup fukkboi u watchin' gdq bb?

There's so much better lofi hiphop that could fit the weebum better.

Calm down m8, she just forgot and reported it herself, and they've already been reposted spoilered if you're thirsty.

Maybe if you quit being a cocksucking kike we'll do something about it.

Mark could you ban the faggot ITT who keeps dumping gay porn

It's okay Mark user reposted it spoilered just for you!

lol. he can't even move away from home

puns are funny, take that back you queer

I was only pretending to be retarded

Just stop


the setup they play on loaded up F:NV in seconds and Daikatana is loading like shit, holy fuck Romero, kill yourself

Never change, Holla Forums

He's saying the exact opposite actually mark is a bad kike.

lol you are applying normalfag think to this

God damn it you are forcing me to post this


I regret shitposting now

Why does shit like this always happen?

No one's acting like that though. Everyone went back to pissing on trannies and marveling at this AGDQ trainreck.


where is anybody saying this

I'm actually surprised he hasn't. He's done nothing of note since then.

back to reddit with you faggot

also while looking up tits it turns out they are in fact vicious and lethal

See, that doesn't jibe with any model I can put together. Women have no reason to care about SJW bullshit. It benefits them.

I see what angle you're going for, but the number of American women who are into bara, just from my Twitter/Tumblr investigations, is pretty damn high. (SJWs dislike bishie pretty boys for some reason, possibly because the Ugly Spirit rides them). Not to say there are no Reel Gays into it, but the ones that are are also usually into… gross stuff, let's say, along with it.

(Ugly Spirit rides the SJWs, that is)

because JUST
neo/v/ everyone


Mark is best kike

s' cool


Okay. I'll stop now.

Hey, you should add an orange-and-white "Umaru" stylesheet to Holla Forums.

You were upset so you replied, not like the other user did logically and politely, but with insults. Should I just say you got asshurt someone did something you didn't like and you are now insisting I'm at fault you got mad?

Also what's wrong with liking thick? Just because I don't and I post it, I'm pretending to be retarded? What about people that actually do enjoy it? Are they actually retarded because of their sexual preference? Think about this.

Again, never change Holla Forums

Then why don't people laugh? Why do they look at you with disappointment and regret?

I know everybody is too busy shitposting, but this run has turned into a disaster. Where is that user that said the technical crew was "professional"?

Do you enjoy when the entirety of the board bullies you or does it genuinely bother you? I can never tell.

The three sofa dudes are sitting really close to each other. They look so uncomfortable. There's room for them to not have knees touching.
Also super chill dude is commentating this on the DE stream.

I turned to the stream and cubeface was messing with the nvidia control panel. What happened:

the only anons who stated professionalism I can only imagine did it in ironic terms

suck it

He fucking paused mid run to change his settings.
He stopped giving a shit.

It's Daikatana, no amount of tech teams can save this mess

Nothing wrong with touching knees with your friends


normalfags don't understand true humour

wew lad, vsync fucking everything up

Post your porn folder, kike.

It's practically part of running the place at this point

Men don't co opt female things because any man who acts feminine says he's gay and not worth fucking.

Hey Faggot, how come I got banned when I posted animu titties under a spoiler then?

The machine that was loading Fallout:NV in seconds is taking 10 times as long to load each individual time.



pick one

Its sad but true, Jew rule unfortunately

the guy is litterally just playing the game
he's not even speedrunning
he's just playing it as if he was at home

they are using the ingame timer so it didnt matter

I've not watched a second of this year. I read the thread when the event started and saw the first bans over the MAGA hats. has it been even more of a shitshow after that? I see a lot of technical problems but they had a lot of those in the past as well.

He said the world record has a crash midway through it.
This is a mess.

Fixing the loading times actually saves him time in the end

It should have been taking care of before hand

a boat load the transsexuals. I mean a ridiculous percentage of runners where men in drag running easy short games no one cares to run.

Who here watching Pinball Joe?

It still matters for viewer enjoyment. That sort of shit is supposed to be ironed out for quality events such as this.

When good things turn into a trainwreck it's fun to watch the mangled heap fall off the tracks. And this trainwreck is biannual.

Yup, I dont think anyone gives a shit there though

unless he tested the unforeseen problem of the game loading very slowly because of vsync there's no way he would have accounted for that happening. he had to figure out the problem live.

I love you user, you have the best jokes

I feel like taking care of settings, options, and weird loading problems beforehand would also save him time.

Unless fiddling with settings must be included with the speedrun time, in which case, speedrunners are operating on a whole different level than us.

So far we have

is this the "professional tech crew" user?

to elaborate on what I said here think of it this way. Fags make up 2% of the population and Tranys make up less then 1% of all Faggots and there has been at least a dozen drag queens this year.

I figured the italics would give the sarcasm away.


Maybe the kind of autism that makes them also makes people willing to spend time figuring out how to speedrun.

But most people who play video games are faggots, user. Have you not read through the thread or played video games?



The only way to keep normalfags out of a thing is for that thing to be either so esoteric or so offensive to social convention as to be useless for mainstream social cred.
I.E. why lolicon has never been co-opted.

more trannies huh. can't say i'm too surprised. they're like furries after all. if you let one in more will soon follow until it's nothing but their kind.

Well, during my deviantart days aka the 2000's I mostly came across grills that were into bishounens, and I've had the impression of the bishie\boylove trend being as strong as ever, but maybe not that much in the US of A. Some of the fags posting right now could be fujoshis too.

You're a faggot who's thirst is as large as your appetite for cake.

Are the trannies at least passable?

zelda oot
quote:"did you just assume that hearts gender?"

The USA, post 2007, is pretty goddamn awful.

This, but that's not gonna happen on 8/v/ while the jew is in charge.

There was a speedrunner earlier who made a joke "Did you just assume that heart's gender?" multiple trannies including Cosmo were triggered on Twitter.


If only the Persians knew.

I would have thought Daikatana looked worse than this graphically. You can see how sluggishly it controls, though. And that's with "fan" patching

The context is that trannies are mentally ill and have poor emotional control and week self ideation.

No, that's not going to happen while Holla Forums is in charge. Do you think Holla Forums is gonna let you post loli or do anything even like that? No, you'll be called a degenerate and report-button-downvoted into hell.

now that's a slippery slope if I've ever seen one

No shit, I meant the context of the joke that triggered them.

you know nothing about Holla Forums and I wonder if you're some kind of d&c agent

I joined in late, what's this MAGA hat ban that everyone is talking about? also what cringey shit did I miss

BTW, how playable is Daikatana with the 1.3 patch? How's the multiiplayer? Does it run on Loonix?

The point of view is odd, though, to me it look like the player is crawling on his knees or a midget or something.

There's a small group on Holla Forums that's always triggered by anime. But there's a small group on every board that's triggered by anime, and it's been like that on 4cuck for ages now as well.

I once saw a schoolgirl with an "i love yaoi" pin.

Some dude on the couch wore a MAGA hat and the runner, who wasn't wearing one, was banned from the event.

People got banned for writing N, I, G, E, R, NI, GE, ER and so on in chat because a black guy was on screen.

You mean goon shills?


this is just and illusion created by propaganda. Fags run around talking about sex 24/7 and are overprinted in the MSN. Its nothing but a small click virtue signaling. They are almost worse then Furfags at this point.

I actually think is depression and self worth issue that leads them to mutilating themselves for attention. Pure mental illness derived for a society that openly hates white masculinity and a sign of the times.

just stop

Nice. Artist name?


over represented*

Goons did nothing wrong.

yeah, forsens chat has nowhere to go so the decided to spam the GDC

Sadly I do not know and it hurts.

holy fucking shit that's cancer, what streamer got banned?


tbh i meant faggot as in "little bitch", gotta stop mixing literal meanings with slang.


That's where you're wrong, buddy.

Wait when did that happen?


They're not small.

Are you sincerely telling me that a guy can say he likes loli on fucking Holla Forums without being called a ropeworthy degenerate?


really now

Sure, you can do that now. Think about how loose we were in '14, then try this again in '19. If Trump hasn't banned it, that is.

Yes when did that happen?

but together we are a mighty bundle of sticks

John Carmack was never wrong

More specifically how deep into the VOD do I have to watch :^)

Find it yourself faggot you have eyes.

Hey, Mark.
Fix your fucking layout, can't hide users



Oh, I get it. You're a part of those horrible goobergator nazi groups that got Trump elected and oppressed the heroes Sarkisan and Wu.

So they're big?


So what are you Anons eating/playing while watching/shit posting?
I just had Shanghai chow mein. Was pretty good. Had extra bean sprouts instead of any noodles, worked out well.

Probably gonna do EUIV mp later when buddy gets out of class.

Or we can talk about how the individualistic Nihilism sucks slam some standards in like not admitting you are a grill on a board that is assumed to be a sausage fest.

Go whine on /sudo/. The techguy is there.

true humor is a myth like bielefeld and the second macca's in alice springs

How many of them are there? Day by day I keep finding more of the little bastards.

The day of the rope can't come soon enough.

Fuck Holla Forums, post loli

That's a shame. Thanks anyways.

Great stuff.

loli's are disgusting you fucking pedophile

I got 170, but I skimmed the danbooru pool that was set up to bump it up.

I got a bunch from gelbooru.

There's quite a few



crashing this thread with no survivors

If I take their 5 dollars, will they post?

The fact that Holla Forums makes you faggots so butthurt is hilarious. Where did Holla Forums touch you?

They try to justify their degeneracy. That's how Holla Forums triggers them.

They probably think Holla Forums will put a bullet in their head
They're right



you do realize that nobody came to Holla Forums to look at your cartoon pedofelia. Which is why you are worse then furfaggots because you just post it to with the soul intentions of shitting up the board.


I don't think you understand what I'm saying.

Guy says "if we want 8ch to be impenetrable to normalfags, we gotta make it as low-status as some very low-status thing".

So I says to him, "There are elements on this very site which care about status, and they will not allow this to happen."

They annoy me because they're a hegemonizing swarm, just like the SJWs. You will argue that they are not. You are wrong, and your brain is a thin walnut-skin sliver of white matter in a vast sea of cordyceps.

But I don't actually have to leave the thread to prove it: , , . Your swarm is, well, swarming, because it senses a threat.

I was right about the SJWs, and I'm right about you, and it's going to take the rest of the internet five years to catch up to me, and by then things will have been enshittened even more.

It took me a couple minutes to remember that. But it must have happened this afternoon. But there was 914 new posts between then and this morning. I've been drinking, about a liter of 80 proof, spread between beer and hard liquor, but I'd at least start misspelling first before losing portions of time. Hm. I'd be angry or prideful or something but it's all a blank. Managed to get some things done, at least. It's a safe assumption that the Daikatana run is still going, though.

Youngfag here that didn't get into vidya till 2004 here.
Why is Daikatana so infamous?



Go back to your broken marriage and teenwife, Chris, I'm trying to argue with a nazi myco-drone.

Holla Forums here, cartoons aren't people


kekatana run just ended

you realize bainposting at this point is just an esoteric way of saying you where just pretending to be retarded right?

overhyped game turned out to be a rushed piece of shit



that's not a fetish, that fat idol statue was found to be a hoax. No one wants a fat woman.

what is it your first day on an image board?


In all honesty, I'm fine with fat chicks. What I am not fine with is some weird, transparently forced "thicc" meme.

Holla Forums isn't a homogeneous hivemind. There are different groups of Holla Forumsanons that have the wheel at different times and it's always shifting.
Back in 2015 the happeningfags had control, then it was the fascistfags/nazifags, then the Trumpfags.With the pizzagate stuff it's entierly possible that the /xpol/fags are ascendant, who knows.

Like every game these days? :^)

which is why I don't care that much, but its still a mentally ill fetish that needs to be keeped in the closet

90% of the speedrunners this year are men in drag. Of course its going to be a conversation about how fucked the modern world is.

wew lad

I thought Kampfy ruled the place with an iron hand.

It's a shame the board is mostly dead though.


Just saw that on stream, they're doing the other expansion for half life next.

I have a one image exception, but I'm going to be cautious and post it in the vola in a bit

Is that why liberals are buying guns now????

alright it's up

I think he's in it for the chaos rather than the ideology. So, yes he does but there's no telling where that hand will smite.

It's impossible to know where to start with that shit.


Yes. It's all cyclical, like that old saying "there is nothing new under the sun."

Because it's a kid friendly stream



blue shift or blue shit,


Joke's on him, cancer is life at its most basal form

thanks for spoilering that image you mentally ill pervert.

implying Styxhexenhammerskin1488 is not just a meme

Speaking of TRIGGERs, anyone watch the new Little Witch Academia episode?
I'm not keen on origin stories, but I'm delighted to see more of that world get fleshed out.

sorry im late

I wonder why no one's ever thought of combining thicc and loli for maximum butthurt generation.

Preemptively posting this.

They have, oppai loli

That's basically just a shortstack

I wish I could watch the stream. The last time I tried my browser put a shotgun in its mouth and looked me square in the eye when it pulled the trigger.

A little plumpness is nice, but holy shit that edit.

Haven't watched it yet since I've been busy, but I made this edit yesterday.

install streamlink and vlc

also here's the vola if you don't already have it

"Now that the aliens have invaded there are no more laws" *chuckles* I just have to hear the stream to feel the sheer awkwardness.


you do realize hotwheels supports eugenics so people like him aren't born and forced to suffer

livestreamer+vlc, you can also use mpv or something gay like mpc-hc

that's not thick, Thats FAT

Plump lolis can be cute.

Oppai loli is just loli with large breasts.

Shortstacks are short women with curves. Not loli.

He's a big guy?

i want to kill the faggots who call 2b thicc


Is Bowser going to fuck the loli? That sounds about like something he'd do.

I feel like I'm looking at the Vindictus character creator/avatar screen.

You're not too far off from truth.

I miss when Hotwheels ran Holla Forums

I was thinking the exact same thing.


I don't get why fat is unpopular, at least as far as 2D goes because 3D is PD, naturally. Everyone likes T&A and fat is just a fuckload more of that, and everywhere else too. Soft and jiggly and HEAVY. Obviously good art makes most fetishes slightly tolerable.

i want to kill the faggots

You want to kill yourself then?

I started taking Xanax for that.

Every boy needs a hobby.

he got peach pregnant already.

Thick means plump in the right spots idiot, it does not mean fat.

Cool decade-old maymay.

Jesus christ watching some of Cosmo's breakdown videos

"So 30K people unfollowed me, what the hell like 30K people don't believe in me?"

Choo choo all aboard the attention whore train woo woo, give monies so I can pose on beds instead of delivering actual content

Super gameboy is literally an entire gameboy made into a cartridge you stick into your super nes, why would that be faster than a regular gameboy?

those fish that if too much of the same sex exist they change their sex

that shit is happening in gaming.

Fucking kill me

600 viewers to watch a tranny sleep on a bed

it runs at a higher clock speed. so it's a little bit faster. but I don't see why that matters.

Probably because of the output signal not being a Game Boy screen but a TV through a SNES. In any case it's about 2% faster, so certain communities ban it (Pokémon being one of them).

No, SGB is banned. That's why they were so calm about it.

It runs a few percent faster than normal hardware. The cartridge doesn't simulate the right speed, as simple as that.

who's whithelde?

Got any pics from when it used to be run the basement?

The pictures don't actually match to events, at least not the first one.

Withhelde is a MtF tranny who transitioned a few years ago, and began trying to wear "cute" outfits to look cute at GDQ events thus always getting made fun of. I don't remember his ORIGINAL speedrunning name or his actual identity, but basically he used to be a high profile speedrunner as a guy who became a tranny and assumed a new identity and continues to show up at GDQ trying to dress provocatively and act sexy/cute .. until a real girl shows up, then he constantly throws them dirty and catty looks like "how dare you be in the same space as me, making me look less than."

And all the while I wonder "why hasn't any of the harassment worked yet? Why hasn't this man killed himself yet?" Sadly, it seems like it's not going to happen.

So is this runner a tranny too? He sounds way too effeminate to be a real male.

Fuck is that depressing

Haha oh fuck I saw something like that earlier, was that him?

I remember a tranny giving some real woman who was a 7/10 death stares the entire time

Yeah, that's him.

What run was it?

that was for saying that agdq 2012 had trannies too.have you tried with Barry?

Something you can adjust for effortlessly.

You know how much 2% of a minute is? 1.2 seconds. Take the minute count, multiply by 1.02, and bam. You've successfully adjusted the game run time.

Yeah I think that's his name, Barry.

Thinking about it, I can't remember ever heard someone call it Mad Max.

I don't know why but the name Barry always makes me giggle

Now go ahead and prove it is always exactly 2%. And realize that it's not a WR with that correction, so why even bother discussing it?

What run was Withhelde at?

What a good event!

Don't forget forced multiculturalism and the progressive stack.

There's a few potential issues with that.
- Most runs are based on in-game time which doesn't display the seconds. Whether this is actually relevant depends on how IGT works in the games (if G/S/C is based on the RTC for example it would be a problem)
- In real-time runs where resetting is used, you have to determine how much of that was actually spent in-game.

It's probably consistent but the amount isn't 2% it's a bit less. Also you have to draw the line somewhere because all consoles have slight variations. Most TASes only work on a certian unit.

I'd like to get the event withhelde was at, these cringe videos won't make themselves people

The turok run was okay due to the runner being very nervous.

They show up at every GDQ event, man.

The one with him pissed off at the real woman

He means which run/video.

Jesus, they are literally making them play operation.

Oh, whatever user made the webm of it will probably post it later, they're probably sleeping right now.

Also why the fuck are the competing for monopoly money?

we /tg/ done quick now

who's this fred armisen copycat?

Seemed like a hispanic, a south asian, and a nigger.

I wonder if Louis was really in last place, or if they eliminated him from the running because muh diversity.

Why are they speedrunning multiplayer excrement like Left for dead?

Because when the lowest common denominator can't compete, you lower the bar. Which is why female marines are allowed to do the qualification exams an unlimited number of times until they pass, female firefighters no longer have to do the deadlift to qualify, and tokenism means more women CEOs even though they haven't earned the position.

Because they already rejected all the fun games.

Did they get Shadman to draw that 2016 banner?


This run is awful.

Never forget that he's a scat fetishist.

Who said I liked him? I just keep reaction images for when people invoke certain keywords.

this has been the worst line up I've seen, its pretty much half indie shit.

Did Shadman actually support Hillary?

I don't give a shit what he likes. His art is shit. That's reason enough to not like him.

I'd hold hands with Felix.

He actually supported Trump and was making fun of Hillary's failing health.

That's because they keep locking down on well-known games for "being run too often." Super Metroid never fails to get run because muh save/kill da animals bullshit, but Dark Souls is pretty well banned at this point.

Your taste in porn also shit.

Since next year has to be even more cancerous somehow, I would like you to imagine the following:
VR speedruns


I'll give a better answer. He supported Trump. The actual comic in question was about how Hillary was basically a walking corpse, so they developed a procedure to fix her ailing health, but the side effect was that it made her a loli. But she was like a loli in heat, and when Trump showed up to one of her rallies, she basically clambered into his limo through the window and started sucking his cock without even asking, and then fucks him. Then he calls her a slut.

Knowing GDQ, even if the unlikely did happen and they made some cool VR games, they would pick the most vomit-inducing garbage ones they could, too.


I don't personally like watching people run/stream Dark Souls, but I'd watch if there was a run for Demons Souls or Dark Souls during one of these marathons.

Don't get me wrong, Dark Souls is a good game and I love playing it, but I don't like to watch it on a stream for some reason. It's also a great game to play with friends on a couch.

There was a Demon's Souls run last year, I think, I don't remember if it was SG or AGDQ.

While this shit run goes on, we have this.

The fact that you have to be gay to like him makes it even better.

There's Dark Souls 3 this year

you shouldn't

you don't know where those hands have been

eh i'll torrent that


Is it just me or is this their shortest Fuck you, it's January! video, despite the fact that they're saying this year is far worse than ever before? I thought the last one was like 40 minutes? Maybe that's just the yearly catch up video. I dunno.

i tried

no they're always this short

This run is boring as fuck.

Ah, alright. I guess I just wish they were longer.

time flies when you're laughing

doubly so when the reason you're laughing is to keep from crying.

yeah RLM is kino

Show by rock was even worse though.

This run is shit.


Eat diarrhea through a tube until your fucking stomach explodes you namefagging piece of shit.

The show sucked but the girls were cute.

Well, sure they were cute, meaning I'd fuck every single one of them, but it was pseudo-yuri that never went anywhere and felt soulless and cheap, the girls were all absolutely retarded and mentally challenged, the music was rare which is ironic for a music show and terrible but it's to be expected, the animation was bland and uninteresting, the writing was blatantly incompetent and insulting, to the point where they start with a "literally everybody will die if you don't defeat the evil' and then GO ON A FUCKING SWIMSUIT SHOPPING TOUR AND ENJOY SOME NICE TIME AT THE BEACH, and they didn't even make the loli imouto plot turn into SHIT even though it would've been the EASIEST and SIMPLEST way to get, for once, actually emotionally driven.
It was tremendous garbage and possibly the worst animé ever made, and I've seen both seasons of kiniro mosaic so that's definitely saying something

Spit that fire fam tbh

posting previous superior runs

Well, that was an entertaining 8 minutes of not watching this shit run.

I dropped the show after 4 episodes because it sucked. And I don't usually drop short anime like that.

To be fair, ESA asks money to attend as well but that is their only source of income and don't "donate" to PCF who then return that money. 500-750 Swede Crowns to attend which is about 50 to 75 yurobux. They said that they were operating at a loss till ESA '16 and they don't have paid staff either like GDQ.

Remember that out of every dollar donated to the Prevent Cancer Jew Organization, 76 cents go to their poor people read: nigger saving programs, the rest go to the Organization CEO's pocket.
And only god knows how much of the donations GDQ keeps to itself.

So, if you donate, you might as well kill yourself now.

racist scum


do you believe anyone in here would ever donate?

This shit always makes me cringe so much
t. German
Greetings from Germany


i think it's just a meme






Someone just donated and the shit had "Greetings from Germany" on it.



Left 4 dead run is finally over. Next up 007: Nightfire

That's how I feel about every rlm video, even the shit ones.

Perhaps the same could be said of ALL anime.

Yeah, Guts was pretty cute.

Gods, and this run could actually be hot, the TAS is hilarious.


Some are cuter than others.

For a 007 game, that was a pretty boring run.

Runner said Expansion Pak after a cutscene in 007 that had 007 kissing some lady.
Ding Dong Bannu.

Fucking schedule leaving me with only the shit runs.

Was without power for 3 days anything good happen?

Not really. Even the runs this year are frankly a bit boring.

Guy got banned for a MAGA hat he didn't wear because it triggered a Hillary supporter.

not only Hillary supporters are against MAGA retardation


Doesn't change the fact that the guy who banned him is one, and that the banned guy didn't wear the hat.

Well shit, was hoping for some pure unadulterated autism.

I was there for that one, the last run I saw was the DMC one.

The Mighty Number 9 run was surprisingly good. The Adams Family one was fun too.


Maybe it was "little cumy".

His twitter, before he made it followers only. If you weren't a retarded newfag who just came into the thread you'd have seen it the 5 gorillion times it's been posted here. Now consider going back to reddit.

It's a fucking donation scam, what did you expect?



It's 2017, why don't you have a qt trans GF yet?






two hours of the most boring shit


Does this faggot have no other outfits? He wore that same outfit to SGDQ last year, and to AGDQ this year.

Jesus Christ if you're gonna pretend to be a woman at least fucking put some effort into it and buy more then one fucking dress.

Pretending is hard, so it's easier to just wear the same outfit so everyone knows it's you.

It's funny how they failed the number one thing about being a women. Putting effort into your looks.

only 1 pair of female clothes, for the one week he gets to play girl.

Not gonna lie, this run is boring as fuck.

I haven't tuned in since the first fucking run. Anything of interest happen? anyone want to kill themselves on stream?

I just want to see someone run Under the Knife 1 or 2 at one of these events.

Should've put pieces of metal in there so faggots looking for "treasure" would find it.

Some games are not meant to be speed run. Visual novels with gameplay are one of those.

Wow, Atlus managed to draw niggers even uglier than they actually are.

They need to get a speed run of a legit VN without pressing the skip button.

Shitman is surprisingly less shit when drawing loli, but look at what he fucking does. If he wasn't so shit, he could make stuff reminiscent of UAB.

Trauma Center Speedrun: ~Two Hours of ABSOLUTELY BORING SHIT and annoying bing-noises

If you don't like it, don't watch it :^)

Man, I hate jews.

There should be a fantasy version of this where you have to draw occult symbols or runes to counter jew curses (can't embed timestamp)

I'm sure it's okay to play, but wants the point of speedrunning it?

Your dedication to memetics is a great service to us all.

The Wii games don't have much potential for fun stuff like the DS games do. They'd probably have to have some unique setup for it but I think it'd be worth running Under the Knife 2 at a marathon. Look up any UtK2 video with an XS rank and tell me that dual stylus stuff isn't cool.

I'd totally watch that guy run Monster Girl Quest with every rape scene 100% completion.

wow gj guys

For a second, I thought Sarah was parodying her trolls. But the "FBI" thing threw me off and made me realize it was an edit.

what? is this what happens when reddit attempts to be clever?

would have been much better if he'd said "stars are hard and so are my dicks"

You can't say dicks on stream, it will trigger the trannies.

That's just pure tumblr level autism.

I hope someone's making versions of the OP webm during these prize shillings. I'd love to see this blechy one

btw boys, the donations are being checked and filtered by 4 different people before the actual donation gets sent to the announcer, theres no chance but memes and made up cancer stories that get passed through, the dream of sending mixed signals and cryptic shit is done.


fuck off

the donations are made up by those 4 people probably
not even real notes

look at how little effort they put into this ad

when was shovel knight on nes?

did that guy ever sue them yet?

The soundtrack was made with tools so it can be played on NES. I don't know how much of the full game can be played on an NES but I think most of it can.

The one thing I gotta say is that the little guy is a decent announcer/commentator.


how is this a speed run
hes just mashing buttons

Well, you know. Stars are primarily composed of plasmas and gases which are well known for having firm and stable shapes.

I thought cosplay was banned.

hes a man cosplaying, so its different.


The OST was tracked in a fully NES-compatible format, with one of the extended sound chips. As in, not just your usual faked thing trying to emulate the sound, so to speak.
The musical merchant's got a lot of experience with trackers.

None. The rest is just trying to capture the feel.

it features a strong, independent womyn, that's the point, shitlord.

Outrageous! What kind of a scam is it if they don't get paid?

Why is Korra so shit?

Why is this runner so shit?



All AGDQ staff get paid


They're looking to make between $5 and up to $20K and beyond, they were looking to make $5K each just for over $500K in donations, if they make over $1.2 million they get $20K each based on the information leaks over AGDQ 2016

The more sheekles they bring in, the more they get paid

The one guy who has LITERALLY FUCKING NOTHING TO DO WITH AGDQ for like THREE FUCKING YEARS but because it's his baby and his name was attached to it made over $200K last year

And he did FUCKING NOTHING but sit at home and claim "Medical leave" for yet another year

Wait it says Korra started at 5 minutes to, why did I think it was 5 minutes past and set an alarm for then


I always wondered about this game and now I see why it's shit.

Don't talk shit about Korra.

Does this game even have bosses?

The cartoon or the character?

If the first

If the later

I thought Platinum studio made this game? Where their hands tied with "no fun allowed" rules?

Shit game, shit speedgame, shit run, shit waifu.

I didn't say White Korra, did I?

she's the color of shit makes sense

I have a theory that the only reason they made the 3 activision games was the sole reason to work and only give a shit about the Transformers game. Japs do not give a shit about Korra or TMNT.

There's a korra other than white korra?

He should be taken out to the back shed and shot.

a sound theory

It was most likely the secondary team, the one that gets all the quick shitty cash grabs while they make the fun game with the A team.

butch looking shitskin bisexual (at best, lesbian at worst), that behaves like a spoiled teenager.

They took everything about the first Airbender that made it surprisingly fun and fucking ruined it.

let's attack her one at a time

what is the best species of dog

your mom

wait is there an original avatar game or did they only make a shitty korra game
because the only avatar game ive heard of is this one

border collie


dog lolis

This bitch


there have been other avatar games made by THQ long before Korra

are they any good? this one looks like ass for a beat em up

what about pug mixes with the snerts intact but their eyeballs dont pop out

Lurchers are cool.

They're really shitty but they exist

You know, how do you make a game based on a cartoon where they is no notable villains?



Don't know never played them

German Shepherd X Husky, and not just saying that because I own one

Fucking Bizarrely high intelligence and stamina, extremely loyal and crazy protective, there is a reason they're being crossbred to be the top choice for guard dogs/work dogs/security dogs

Tibaten Mastiff

I want to live in Alaska and I want a dog for protection from bears

oh boy

also this guy isnt clipping or breaking through any walls how the fuck is ithis a run if he isnt breaking the game


He did it once earlier. I haven't been paying much attention though.

Transformers is a better game and has better glitches akin to the Bayonetta Kilgore glitch.

holy fuck ive always wanted one of these
theyre so huge and fluffy theyd make a great pillow

Have fun walking up to it one day and it turning on you, they have the highest incidence of unmitigated attacks on their owners, higher than Great Danes and even Bulldogs

And I own a Bulldog

Better than being eaten by bears in the wilderness

this run is really fucking boring honestly. one wall clip and then he did a broken load glitch or something but the rest is just mashing buttons and korra make UH AH UH noises
is this awful games done quick or what

I think they're required to have the achievement bullshit so they just padded it with the easiest shit to get out of actually having to try.

why even live?

wew, gotta love ramsay

I had to train my bulldog, if I was not a fucking wall of a man who regularly carries his 100LBS bulldog one armed on his shoulder to make sure it was docile because I saw signs of it acting up as a puppy it would be a totally different animal

Do not own large dogs unless you're a large person, they will ruin your life

Yea so I heard


S&W 500's exist for a reason

you can still be killed by your waifu, user

I just realized something
this game is awful, isn't it?

I wouldn't say that as much as if you don't know how to handle large animals, as someone whose grown up and broken horses I am used to manhandling things much larger than me into submission. I understand with dogs it is much more dangers due to them having so many more ways to harm a person, but the same rule as to apply, being bigger helps but if you've got enough grit and ain't a pussy you should be fine.

I would *kiss* Korra's tummy.

Absolutely terrible

As somebody who has been around horses you can never fully train a horse

A horse will only do what you tell it to if it at the time feels like it, they are like fussy teenagers, if you do not pamper the shit out of the fucking thing they will easily become spiteful

oh hey, the credits run during the final battle
that's cool. I guess. kinda

what kind of run was this
there wasnt anything cool done

they call this a let's play

AGDQ: Pay $150 to self promote yourself


Grinding to maximum power and playing on NG+ is the leet strat

Sanic block.
Maybe we'll get some autism.

swefags payed $700 to be there

I missed it. Did they at least play on, say, the hardest difficulty? Skill play would at least make it more tolerable.

now it super autism time

Probably didn't miss shit anyway.

it was terrible

Right on queue, sanic starts and the mush-mouth autists come out of the woodworks

sonic is a bad series with bad mechanics and terrible characters

That fucking lisp is so distracting.

I like the three genesis ones, that is it really.

You only have yourself to blame for such shit taste.

i think he's just playing a character but i don't know

NASA is better.

Fucking sonic

It's just a character. He has a more neutral voice in earlier videos but I prefer it slightly funnier.

Michael Woods. He's playing a character. It's the guy that wrote Yurope!

I assume so as well. Also why does everyone assume that Korra is a nigger? She's supposed to be an Eskimo. Eskimo's ain't niggers. They're ice indians.

Of course.

hot is hot
cold is cold

Yeah, okay kid, nothing personal.

Post porn.

this is another shit run andi tsd a game based around fucking speed
what the fuck



Sonic Advance 2 was great but fuck getting all the emeralds.



H-How lewd, user….

Which one this time?


It's been a while, but haHAA :^)

Seeing how slow the chat is, with so many viewers, I can only guess the mods gone crazy with the hammer.


Mods time you out for just about everything now though. Kind of fun to see just how little it takes. Guess they are just as inept as most twitch event mods.

fuck this run

Talk in chat, get banned. It doesn't take much

Is this a fucking lets play? Also this runner whines more than a gay boy.

Kinda' seems like this guy is just playing sonic. Not AMAZINGLY WELL either.

All part of keeping their product. Keep giving Kappas and PogChamps like all the sheeple are doing. That's like instructing a live audience. These people need to be beheaded.

It's a shame we will never see Werster run Sonic on GDQ again.


/vr/-tan calm down

stick to amazing mirror buddy


Werster isn't allowed at AGDQ so you're pretty limited on good sanic runners.

This was the best let's play this marathon :^)


game is hideously broken, if this isn't amusing then nothing will


You made them out of thin rustproof sheet metal and fill it with excrement before making a hermetical seal.

Then says it's "no OoB", which I assume stands for "Out of Bounds."

It'll be boring.

ahah niger

I've heard that these guys were trouble makers in the past and this was the last straw. Anyone know if their is any truth to it?


Here's the twitter account of the person who banned him

I could get behind the argument if it wasn't for the little fact that the only guy they banned wasn't the one doing the thing they banned him for.

well the game is broken enough that you can just run wherever.



Yeah I already know the staff is retarded but I'm generally curious if this is all how it seems or if both sides are actually retarded. The guy did claim he was going to "sue them" over it which will be interesting to see if it amounts to anything

The logic is probably behind it is probably "you were responsible for the couch and fucked upDINGDONGBANNU". Although you'd think the whole banned would have been banned, a lot easier that way. It usually takes a while for everything to settle though, bonesaw didn't get banned until well after the event was over.


I could only imagine his girlfriend weighs in about 300 pounds and just transitioned.

And that
has an unhealthy obsession with the color of Sonic's arms

I just noticed
the fuck


I don't have the archive nor the video with the organizer, if someone else could post that would be helpful. The basic premise is, he was banned and this was stated specifically because they had "screenshots of him wearing the MAGA hat" those screenshots do not exist. He was not banned because someone else wore it he was banned because he did. On top of this, there is no strict ban on political context only on "bringing up topics that are inflammatory or divisive". So the grounds that it was against the rules to do anything political is false though one can argue that politics are always divisive, that isn't what they said, specifically stated he was banned for bringing up political affiliation.

It sounds like a weak case and it probably won't go anywhere but honestly if I was banned for something I didn't do I'd be salty too.



Original version was on the Saturn IIRC. He's probably playing Virtual Console version or some such.

They're playing the Wii VC version but the game came out in 1997.

Virtual Console

That's not going to stop me from shitting on GDQ and shitposting.

would be much more helpful if they had the original release date for the saturn as well as the VC rerelease date, but I guess that would be too much to ask


what's even the fucking point

This event isn't about going fast.

Hey guys, I speedrun Sonic the hedgehog because the series is a narrative about the persecution of furries, homosexuals and transexuals. Sonic is pursued by both Amy and by Tails, whom both have not so secret crushes on Sonic, who has a rivalry going with the Shadow and Knuckles, both of whom want to share his bed with him. But Sonic isn't alright with either the transexual Amy, or the three homosexual men after him, so instead he opts to spurn them, being a total transmisogynist who instead opts to save everyone on Mobius from the Nazi-inspired forces of Eggman who are anti-homosexual, anti-furry and anti-transexual, leading to a conflict of interests between Sonic who wants to help them all, thus making them lesser enemies. Sonic wouldn't be in danger were he to let it happen, but he instead chooses to save his perceived damsels in distress, leading to another layer of misogynistic behavior by that shitlord Sonic.

I don't think I could have made that sound any more ridiculous.

they're troublemakers in the sense that they're slightly right of center and shitpost Holla Forums memes ironically

one of them made a post of "some of you are alright, don't go to agdq tomorrow" with a picture of a super scope that had like 40 batteries and got in a ton of shit for a 'death threat'


So the tech crew speedruns setting shit up. Figures why they fuck up so much.

Sanic spurns the advances of the other furries because is an asexual agender. Your microagressions onto xir lyfe has cost you two rungs on the progressive stack.

Ah, my bad, my bad. Thon will not make this mistake again, thon is sorry.

The guy who was banned made a twitter post last year basically saying: Some of you are okay, don't go to AGDQ in January.
Which the AGDQ staff took super seriously because the guy who got banned is an autist, I guess? I suppose they just wanted any reason they could find to get rid of him.
I wonder if the super scope guy who made the exact same joke will be banned next GDQ.

Also the other guy who got banned actually wore a MAGA hat but didn't get banned, and then he got banned later for wearing a MAGA hat/recording the video exposing Klaige as a bullshitter, it's not clear what reason was given for that ban.

That isn't even the only image of Exali wearing women's clothes.

Play stupid game win stupid prizes. ADGQ being a bully free zone isn't a new concept, people get banned every year even if they have the most watched run of the event. Don't get me wrong I'd be salty too but I can't help but find the whole situation hilarious.

with OoB is only like two minute shorter, might be an annoying set up/not as safe for marathon run or something else.

Oh that was him? Yeah they were definitely looking for a reason to kick em out if it made the rounds. The main reason I'd never go to a GDQ is because I know I'd get kicked out before the first block is over.

NASA/ESA seems like it would be amazing though


Glad you got the reference.

Singular they exists.

Depends on how they pursue it I guess. It seems like GDQ had it out for him. If he was truly as disruptive as they said he was then why didn't they just ban him last year or sometime before this convention rather than letting him and his money in and then banning him at the first flimsiest excuse they could drum up. You could argue that constitutes fraud. Maybe.

Holy fuck this runner sounds monotonous.
Yeah, sure, that sounded just about as fun as a doctor telling his patient that he has a cancer.
Just, dear lord, the autism of the Sonic crew is overwhelming.

i miss blueglass

No autism would be fun like the nep runner. These are just boring normalfags.

Are you being ironic?

Don't blame him. This is probably the first time he's left his house in months.

You cannot be listing to this runner and tell me this kid isn't 100% autism

fucking reddit

he was the chris chan of the events

Chris-chan is awful though… No one goes "man, I love Chris-chan" ever. We wouldn't be missing anything in our lives if Chris-chan ceased to exist.

I misread that post.


Why do they like Big the Cat?

thats where ur wrong kiddo

If CWC ceased to exist, we'd lose out on so much.

At least the crowd is keeping themselves entertained.

Because everyone fucking hates him, so they see him as the perfect mascot for themselves.

Chris-chan needs to continue to exist, and suffer, but Blueglass is someone I'd hang out with since he's a bro autist. I don't want Chris-chan within 600 feet of my location.

Agree, Chris is a total fucking loser, always has been. Ulillillia is far superior.


Pretty sure the super scope guy is a separate guy who did the mirror run with the super scope.

Also this run is feeling pretty full of normalfags.

I'm sure this is ironic, all the same, but how is it you shit on people who pay attention to ecelebs while having your own ecelebs and thinking nothing of the hypocrisy?

Blueglass, CWC, Uli…

Ulillillia is self aware, he doesn't have the 'tism.

By not being a newfag.

It's agdq, it has been built specifically for normalfags and redditors, mainly to take their money.

i thrive on eceleb misery and sperging

Being self-aware doesn't make you not autistic. He definitely shows traits of having Asperger syndrome.

CWC is an autist that's been documenting his life on the internet for fucking ages and has been getting worse the more he's been online and is wildly different from the other two. Uli is someone who knows he has issues actually doing shit with his life. Blueglass is just an autist that wants to play games.

How interesting. Because I hate them all too


The solution to your query is simple, yet may come as a surprise:
Holla Forums isn't one person faggot

Yeah, he sat in with so many lone runners in the past. Wonder if Jewyama gave him too much shit it spoiled it for him or there's just so much Ecco one can play in their lifetime.

i thought he got banned for being too loud or something

Is he ding dong bannu yet?

cwc's life on the internet should be studied. he might be the first man to have been studied so closely for so long by internet trolls.

He's probably there in the audience somewhere. There's 16,000 people at AGDQ.

Banned from the STREAMING ROOM, and only when he's not invited by the runner to be on the couch.


Not sure if he is officially, but he himself hinted that it's probably his last run.

There are several kidns of autists, autists with asperger's aren't self aware, for instance chris-chan who has heavy asperger's recognizes he has autism because the doctors told him so but he doesn't really understand what it is exactly, and he actually believes he cured his own autism with some bullshit magical treatment.

No, just no user.

so many people get banned how do they still have people to even appear anymore

Chris is the perfect example of how shitty parenting and unlimited internet access will make a bad child worse.

Holla Forums is actually many faggots.

He might mean either his last Mighty No 5.6 run since he wants to drop the piece of shit, or maybe even his last time going to AGDQ because he doesn't like being there. But I hope it's a ban for more drama.

they show weird obscure games that only one person run seriously, bonus point if they are trannies.

Alright, I'm not going to argue with you. Please show your work to prove what you're saying. The DSM 5 doesn't coincide with your world view.

Because kids grow up and become speedrunners from the people they idolize before they realize how soul crushing that being a speedrunner is. The only problem is, this is also the "you betta be gay" generation, so they're all growing up all fucked up with transexualism, homosexuality, bisexuality, genderfluid, etc. They're starting kids off real early these days,s tarting this shit in kindergarten implanting the idea in kids heads that you should embrace being different and being bizarre.

I see, wasn't sure if that was just rumored or not.

there's an oversupply of limp wristed faggots hungry for their 15-120 minutes of fame willing to fork over 500$ and surrender any kind of critical thought to play some game nobody but they care about in front of 20k-ish people

Bad parenting can make anyone bad. If michelangelo's parents were uncaring drunks he would never have become a good musician no matter how much talent he had or how much he wanted to.

is that really true? that seems like youd have to have parental permission for that shit just like sex ed / in some schools evolution

Why does this feel so fake? It's like watching TV-shop where they cheer when a vacuum-cleaner can suck up water.

Even if Chris had good parents, he'd still have mental issues.

I believe the Chris actually qualifies as the most documented human being of all time. The sheer word count on the CWC is miles longer than any standard celebrity. There's also the fact that every single day Chrischans movements and statements are recorded which no one else can claim. To my knowledge.

Are you kidding? They don't ask permission, in fact, they investigate you for your views if you take issue with the idea of it. "You're harming your children," they will say. The only safe place any more is homeschooling or private schooling. If you home school your kids, they're pretty well fucked. So if you can't afford private schools, your kid is going to be fucked either way.

AGDQ staff says it's fake and no one has confirmed or denied otherwise, but I'm really feeling it exists right now.

And this is how it all started.

Yeah but that's not the point, it's not special that bad parenting makes someone S.P.E.C.I.A.L even more S.P.E.C.I.A.L

Chris is a special person and should be treated as such.

pretty sure it's fake. they don't need this to manipulate a crowd of normalfags and redditors. they just have to say hype and they follow.


ive got a cousin whose about 6 that i see often and when asked about school (i live in a very liberal state) or whatever never brings shit like that up so that seems a bit blown out of proportion. she told me my dog had a girls name though is the closest i can think of though and that even seems like itd be pushing the opposite effect.
i hate this gender identity bullshit as much as any other sane person but to say its indoctrinated in every school severely seems to be a bit of an exaggeration.

just stop feeding your boys soy milk and switch them to almond already if they cant have regular, almonds much tastier anyways

Also in relation to the SECOND guy who got banned in the MAGA situation, he got banned BECAUSE HE RECORDED IT. That's audio evidence of a discriminatory action without any actual proof or screenshot despite claims that they had it. It's like when a cop sees you recording and tries to take your cell phone, because he doesn't want to be recorded doing something wrong. You mark my word, if it's not on there this year, recording with a cell phone will be on the agenda next year.

They probably set it up and then the tech crew failed to get it to work.


I don't even put soy sauce on my fucking chinese food or sushi, fuck soy.


It almost feels like most of the spammers left in the Twitch-chat is a list of "approved" spammers.

Like they subtly manipulate people to white knight?


soy is sometimes the only alternative you can get thats put in some non dairy alternatives (like non dairy ice cream and some chocolate but those are just sweets you dont need- dark chocolate is best anyways), but for milk or cheese dairy alternatives almond is a go-to/ almond cheddar cheese is fucking amazing.

shoutout to the tech crew

The event must be really watched over and curated. This is a big one for Twitch and they must keep a close eye on it.


Soy sauce is fine. As long as you aren't eating constant tofu this and soy replacement that you aren't going to get enough phytoestrogen to turn you trannyfied.


would boiling normal milk even make it drinkable for someone lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy? ive never heard of that

I've never heard of this before, but it does sound interesting. And expensive. Which is why I'll stick to real cheese. Besides, if your kid is lactose intolerance, I think the better solution would be to build up their resistance rather than just give them junk. Kind of like with the peanut butter allergy kids, they feed them tiny bits of peanut every day and after a period of time you can feed them a whole peanut and after a while they'll be completely fine with nuts.

Wash your hands after you masturbate, faggot.



I'm not worried about estrogen, I just don't want any fucking soy. It tastes like shit.

Boiling milk (or water, or any drinkable reallly) is done to kill off bacteria and make it safe to drink. Lactose is a big part of the natural sugars present in the milk, it must be removed by a different process.

I think almond is about the same price as normal but it's just in a small packet.
if you ever get a chance to try it though i reccomend it, its been like heaven since being able to find a cheese i can eat again that tastes good cold and warm, unlike soy cheese, which is sweet when warm and disgusting when cold

Something like that yea.
It's either "innocent" spam, or just the approved meme at the time. It doesn't feel very natural - especially due to the lack of stupid pastas that taint every other stream with that many people watching.

It gets as many viewers as a Dota 2 LAN final though, but it's North Korea in terms of moderation. Money well spent, I suppose.

so is anyone gonna talk about this run?


You don't need cheese replacement unless you're frigging allergic.
Hard cheeses barely have any lactose in it.

No, boiling is to get it rid of potential bacteria and such, though dairies usually do the heat treatment themselves.

I don't know, why do you like weebshit and post in a Chinese imageboard?

broteam confirmed no hype monitor


A lot of people are though. including me
also this is really fucking expensive, $5-6 a box but if its on sale its pretty damn good alternative

Well, no, he confirmed there was none.

why are those trannies on the couch? they do nothing.

yeah and ottawa is full of pakis

Me too.
I can't argue with that either, though. The world design and the bosses are DS2's biggest weaknesses. I would be fine with a Souls game that doesn't do bosses in favor of just having really well done sandboxes for you to adventure in and challenge you.

Diversity, what, are you against trannies being represented at a speedrunning event despite not speedrunning?

It's to show that they're an inclusive community. Wait, you're not one of those losers who wants speedrunning and fun right?

They're tokens.

Same. If Dark 1 didn't have all sorts of stupid rare-for-everyone-but-me input stack bugs that makes items not work or make you roll randomly, I'd definitely prefer 1 but boy howdy do I prefer Dark 2 for not glitching out and randomly killing me.

They're a very close second.
dude cbs is the only television channel i actually know exists i haven't watched tv in decades

Some of them are really fucking good and Dark 1 had its fair share of stupid bosses. 2 certainly has MORE stupid bosses but it also has a fuckton more bosses in general, and the supreme excellence of fights like Mirror Knight, Velstadt, Raime, and Alonne kinda balances it out imo. At least it didn't have bed of chaos or dragon god.

Not gonna argue on world design but I also can't blame the devs for it. They were rushed and had to cut out a bunch of areas and randomly toss in stuff in whatever order they could to meet deadlines. It was supposed to be in the style of Dark Souls 1, but it got cut. At least it's leagues better than the shitshow hallway that's dark 3

You're making me second guess myself, since I haven't actually watched television in ages.

I didn't know Tommy was in prison for 15 years

not sure whats worse, pakis are pretty bad.


That's an actual thing? I thought it was weird when that shit happened, but I just figured it was a fluke or maybe I accidentally did it.

Can you just stick to "this is how this trick works" and spare us your diatribe about "institutions?"

No that's an actual thing. It's supposed to be as super rare one-in-a-million as dying from fall damage when you land in the 4kings bossroom with the ring equipped, but it's an actual thing that happens to me 2-3 times per playthrough. It stores a roll input but doesn't initiate it until you raise a shield or some other trigger for it.


By the way having your bike pop it's tires isn't so bad as long as it's the front tire, gta vice city and san andreas bikes actually turn better during wheelies.

There's an action queue in at least the first one, so you could mash roll trying to get out of an attack and accidentally roll of a ledge and die because it decided that all of them should go through rather than letting through what could go through.

I don't think I've ever heard that happening, but I'd probably laugh at it most of the time.


It's happened to me several times.

No, there's a bug where it eats a roll input and then triggers a roll straight forwards the next time your raise your shield to block something. Totally different problem than the shitty input queue.

embed EXTREMELY related

I wonder how easy it would be to get some tranny on my dick at a GDQ. I might go to the next one.

muffled screams of artificial difficulty in the distance


I mean if you want to fuck one that doesn't look anything like a woman, GDQ would be the location.

I wouldn't be shocked if that actually happened.

It's something I'd like to do anyway. I'm just wondering how easy it is to find one at GDQ who will put out.

I have a fucked up heart anyway. I'll probably be dead inside of five years.

*Right wing commie hating spics & niggers


GDQ trannies are bad quality so far. You're better off with an escort.

Dr wilson aint comin' back next year.

My guess would be maybe 2 from now. I've had pretty frequent chest pain most of my life, but it's gotten a lot worse lately. The other day I got hit hard while making dinner. Felt like I was being shocked. Collapsed and threw up.

It's just not the same if you pay, though.



"black magic" just refers to evil magic
triggeredbabbies don't know that though

Par for the course.

I would give you a hug if you weren't probably ten thousand miles away.

shoulders wider than a football player and he decides he would look good as a woman. it boggles the mind how retarded these trans are.

Go see a doctor man

he's been calling tha trannies man and dude since the beginning, definitely banned.

I can't believe what a bunch of nerds we are, talking about money laundering while speedrunning Vice City.

Black magic is not necessarily "evil" magic, it's secretive or obscure magic. The black refers to shadows which hide it, and not to some evil force behind it.

Well, doctors tend to know about the human body :^)

It's okay, I don't need a hug.

I have a doctor. She's not a miracle worker though. Can't wave her wand over me to fix it, man.

I don't know what to say other than I understand that reference.

Instead of stopping to use the rifle he could've just used a bike drive by to the side

The runner mentioned counterfeiting and got it mixed up with money laundering.

Yeah, I know. I'm paying attention. Like I said, I get it.

Holy fuck the trannie's face when he said "my man"

Black doesn't necessarily refer to occulted magic. Calling esoteric magic used to bring harm "black magic" is totally valid.

why did he make that face anyways?

Any close up of the tranny, who the fuck is he anyway? Some random tranny they found in the audience?

I always assumed black magic is the group of magic done with the intention to harm someone while white magic was done with the intention to help someone.

nice run

I wish I'd seen that.

That's the common usage yeah.

probably the partner of the runner

I wonder who the other tranny is.

why? fucking them to try out maybe but a relationship? this will end badly.

Probably the partner of the tranny.

I gues that makes the black guy their bull.

That's close enough for me. I really should start browsing /fringe/ to pick more up on this shit.

I liked this run. Speedrun was entertaining then some glitch and easter eggs showoff.

He's making fun of that animation bug in vice city, but there's this in san andreas. There's also a much much rarer one that i've never seen anyone else experience and i saw very few times in the years worth of hours i played the game

Don't browse /fringe/ just download the library and start with the kybalion and franz bardon.

stop being ignorant user, its 100% natural and normal.

are his tits filled with jizz?

Good runner, neat glitch-heavy game, very entertaining glitches.

But how else will I understand what makes Smiley scream about his boards on /sudo/?

I haven't caught many this year but it was definitely one of the better ones.

I've never seen it in singleplayer but I've seen spider CJ in MTA & SAMP when you start rapidly swaping player models.

Very good runner, we can expect him to never return because banned. Nice numbers

just milk, its a women. Even after it fucked its body it still functions.

The rarer one i talked about, it's basically that spider cj one except he's stretched much more and he constantly flickers/moves around like some sort of rubberband and his face gets deformed while showing a spooky expression.

delet this

Oh, i thought it was a dude with all the body hair.

this is the progressive future of the west, embrace it.

My neighbor went FTM and she has more beard than me. This is so weird.


No thanks.

i'm 24 and i have no chest hair yet that girl has chewbacca tits


What's with these people and perlers? Every year there's like 100 of these for giveaways. Did they buy out a closing Etsy store, or is GDQ primarily supported by grandmas?


It requires no skill to make. Just grab a sprite page and copy it.

I like you.

Unless you're in with the in-crowd, you're just another outsider waiting to get banned. Stop going to shitty sites that provide zero actual service. They don't provide any actual functionality at infinity anyway, it's literally an embed page with a Chatango. Why would you want that?

Oh good lord. What a flattering picture.

dont use that name, its Narcissa now.

aw shit nigga

I still can't get over the fact that JOHN FUCKING NUMBERS rectally ravaged a guy so hard they became female.


post more narcissa

i need it for reasons

Anyone have a webm of that? or a jewtube link?


This is one cool thing to scratch off the bucket list. Anally ravage someone so hard he changes gender.

You have my attention, user.


but that is not really that great once you realize it's not what you think it is.
but Mark I thought Holla Forums where majority goons and a few but very autistic mixed up race-mixing unironic white nationalist who took the goon bait and goons are leftist so inherently allied with Holla Forums?
Hello Hitler, may I ask you a few questions? that's a man isn't it?
so what did I miss?
fags in general are worse then Jews tbh

I think it was partly his SJW gf fault as well, some said he did it to get her attention when she broke up with him. I think he still tries to talk to her.

From what I've been told, she's a real girl. That said, I don't care either way, she just provides a lot of good reaction faces.


I'm hoping Zelda gets delayed again

I'll pay attention to you, fag.


i need to bully someone who's scared as fuck of that face

Cosmo will kill himself this year right?

You could always pick up a trip and join the 4am threads :^)

It's out there somewhere.

They're completely different groups that have no relation at all.



I don't. My ability to ebay the Switch pretty much depends on that game. Not like there's anything else noteworthy in the launch title list.

What did he mean by this?



on the internet?
she is going in my cut girls folder




dammit user

nice quints tho

Singular they, besides, I used guy right before it.


No such thing.


Trust me, it's there.

is that a child?

tbh i knew i could have the get but didn't bother since i had other quints and better digits in the past
Checked anyway

Totally different groups. Why are you so quick to hate on two groups who haven't done anything wrong?



Don't worry about me. You should be worried about who runs the site!

I don't see any.

coincidences require a lot of planning


There's nothing to worry about.

you displease kek

I'll just play it on Cemu, hopefully its one of those games that has good compatibility and not one that runs like shit.

The digits will come when they help the most user.

You can't force dubs, you fucking nigger.

why would you sing that
I will live for 5 less years thanks to that

What a coincidence i got your doubles while you were trying to get doubles and i talked to another guy about coincidences

If you don't shut your mouth right this second, I will slit your fucking throat.

This is Virtue Signaling: The convention.

no ur not dud

That's pretty heretical.

That must have required a lot of planning.


Yes, indeed.

That's why you double nigger.


chill bro 👌 means OK famillilamilidingdong

I miss autisticly screaming at hot wheels to fix his shit too


You don't have kek's favour

Yes, they were some wide dubs just 4u.



In this game, if the white tanooki appears you can never get 5 shiny stars at the end of the game no matter what, unless you start a new file.

IRC is a legitimate tool for communication. I think you're just jealous you can't get into it.

Nice chain.

owned nerd

i don't know famalam, sequences still count

video games are good for your children, goyim

I grew up on porn, video games do less damage than that and i'm alright

Don't age shame.

new kids will grow up as streamers an youtubers

Thanks for your input, rabbis.

If you need anything else, don't be afraid to rub a couple sheckles together.

No problem, goy. Don't forget to download BLACKED's newest video.

Post that video if you're so great.

Dude dubs comes naturally

I used to like it when I heard something that I knew would trigger triggeredbabies, but now it's really hard to care. it's like sneaking up behind someone and scaring them, then laughing at them for it. you knew what was going to happen

you are practically name-fagging at this point my mixed-raced WN compadre

you know what you must do

You can't force digits to come, they must be part of your nature.

There's nothing wrong with having an identity online. In fact, I think everyone should have an identity.



is this some kind of next level bait?

Doesn't human dick in doggu cause damage anyway? They weren't really meant to be fucked by a person and human dicks are too big.


It's 2017, you need to change your ways.

check them xd

not at all goy, fucking dogs is healthy and should be taught in schools

dat id

Kek is my lord an i am the one who carries his message.



Thas rite.


Praise Kek. Shadilay.


this has to be the lowest point in gdq history

the better to blackmail you with my dear

Truly another blessed by him.

A kek rule would be fair and just.

Having identities means everyone will care about their post quality, and will only help the board.

What happened to this thread.

The one named Kek, he speaks to me and through me for I am his messager.



AGDQ happened.


It happens to every unmoderated cyclical that nobody gives a shit about.

Fear not, for Kek will provide the messenger when the time is right.


The Vice City run ended.


kys faggot


Wew lad, at least you got dubs on the other post.
Maybe we bored Kek.

Try again.


modern video games

You'll get it eventually.


You know, I think you are right. I can see almost now XD!

I'll do it on his behalf.

git gud

hey you guys want some cp? hehe you didnt get it from me tho hehe

You need more maymays.

You failed too.

I'd much rather have a burger and some hotdogs with fried potatoes that have been diced.




w e w
e w e
w e w

Wow why even have a thread or a chat if you're going to ban people constantly. They are literally tumblr triggered cucks.


i blame shitposters

This is a sign from kek user. It's telling you to kill yourself. is cancerous, you're retarded if you use it.





kek would just tell me if it was the case

There's nothing wrong with funposting.

someone try saying "hillary" or "obama"

Nothing wrong with those digits either.

Ah as a fellow mentally ill homosexual degenerate this is okay to post and I do not see how it would have any negative impact on society anyone who thinks otherwise should be banned. t. chat


You seem to have lost the end of your post number there.

What's the healthy female breeding age?

I must be tired because I laughed at that

fetal, obviously

This runner is so energized and full of energy

You must be very tired.

thread still less cancerous than gdq


Wait a second that's an ausfailian i thought it was a jew at first.

get fucked

Australians are important members of imageboard communities.


why'd you say jew twice


you can delete your post, but you cant hide


I was just helping out 8cb999

Nice exposure.

Sure you were.

Why do bucket haircuts turn me on?


shut the fuck up

because of those trips

8cb999 finally got duds didn't they?

Fuck you cunt, those are my dub trips.

Shit run, hotpockets asleep and funposting for our god.

Why is this a problem? I mean, Trump IS pretty awful, amirite?

Deep inside, they are self aware.



So a straight guy who likes to dress up like a girl, but calls himself "a girl" because he wants special treatment.


Because they're a miracle of the universe.

How do they keep coming up with these bullshit equations?

i like to introduce myself as male to manly bulldyke lesbian who prefers the manly body i'm in and don't want to transition into the gender i really am

so he probably post loli on neo/v/ amirite?


if you click the tweet the poster also claims they're jewish

this kid is severely depressed and I bet his father neglected him




all these generic happy-sounding donations about how much these people love speedrunning and have had family members with cancer and nothing actually interesting to say are aids

Well now I've seen a nu-Nintendo casual mode item used in a speed run. O brave new world,That has such people in it.

Waste of goddamn money.

I'm going to go now

Why would anyone think it's okay to do this to someone?


We all know he's a douche and that you had to kiss his ass or be part of his clique to get your run in GDQ.

At least their family's are dying and they will inherit the cancer genetics

The guy in that pic is cool as fuck. How does he get his parents let him carry that assault rifle?


what I want to know is how he got his parents to let him carry that tactical thermonuclear warhead arming device

How long does being banned last?

from what?

The chat.


twitch or moe?

Until you kill yourself, faggot.



Not being a faggot was literally the reason I was banned.

Recently beat Links Awakening, then started played Oriels of Ages. So much "story" interrupting game-play. Same is true of Minish Cap.

What the fuck happened to Nintendo? And when did Nintendo objectively become full bown crap? Was it sometime between 2004-5?

Oracle of Ages

What I lack in talent, I make up for in chromosomes

FFS the marathon is supposed to be something for everyone to enjoy he doesn't need to be so possessive of it.
On top of this, watching people speedrun large complex games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is always more fun to watch than than watching people run repetitive platformers.

Oracle of ages was more capcom then nintendo

Same thing that happened to other developers. They lost faith in their customers being able to complete their games and they wanted to make sure that everyone who played their games saw the plot of their games so they so slapped it into mandatory cutscenes instead of in voluntary NPC and environment interactions.

Oracle of ages was more capcom? I thought Minish Cap was the only capcom Zelda?
which is why the sprite art is dope

The irony of this is when dev's cater to casuals its a self fulfilling prophecy that leads to less sophisticated players. However in reality it's not about faith. Its they wanted people who don't play games (Girls) to buy their products.

This is only in v 1.0 of this game I believe.

You did it, champ

that fucker is not autistic, he's mentally ill and not in the good autistical kind. I fucking hate these people bringing shame to autism.

t. autist.

Why fight the inevitable?


Did everyone die?

I was jerking off.


Fuck you Moonmoon18.

GDQ probably did. There's only so many times you can bitch and moan about it being crap.

i was massaging my prostrate

I actually think for entire board was in limbo because their where a dozen template threads the mods deleted but where still in the catalogue.

Oh hey minish cap is over, time for another lets play.

I was jerking off, making some dank OC, managing torrents and eating/shitting/drinking.

I was too busy being B& from the chat.

This next guy is pretty good at running fire emblem games, if running RPGs even count.

This "speedrunning RPG's" meme is fucking cancer.
how do you speed run Fire Emblem?
Fucking hell how is 4 hours for Wind Waker a speedrun.


there are no limits to autism

Kirbymastah is a good runner and an entertaining guy.

But this run is at ass o'clock and I've got shit to do tomorrow. I'm out.

Isn't that when you're meant to suicide? That's my plan at least, whenever my NEET lifestyle can't be sustained anymore i'll just jump off the nearby bridge

I'd prefer a way where there was no chance of pain. You could possibly survive that jump and slowly die suffering.

Oooh boy, ANOTHER fire emblem game ! I think two years ago they went half an hour overtime because of terrible RNG and had to stop still quite far from the end. Can't wait !


Oh don't get me wrong I have the entire thing on my computer, I just mean way after that, the main dude did some stand up and then shortly after that I think he found a girl but don't remember much more than that

I doubt he stopped his career just cause of a girl.


I'm actually kinda enjoying this run

He's gotta lot of DG ones.

That's his screen touching hand so he doesn't get fingerprints on it I suppose.

Trevor Moore has a cd or two out, and had a special on Comedy Central called "High in Church"



Maybe he's a smooth criminal.


I'm realising most of these undertale comfort donations are goatfuckers aren't they?


please let the runner have to take a shit so this can go on for a bit

why is this a LOL thread now?

Because GDQ is trash.

Why is it not?


Because some shill keeps spaming his twitter account all over here.

Because it's a boring as shit 4-hour Zelda run with no fun exploits and packed with memes and an unfunny fat Seth Rogen clone who won't fucking shut up.

Because 4 hour Windwaker is shit.

So many new (((anonymous))) donators.

if they beat 2mil can you even imagine how shit next year will be

hey does patty still do the couch at all?
one of the guys on the couch during the 100% LTTP run from 2014, before anyone asks


Last year they went from $600k to $1m on the last day, this year they went from $800k to $1.52m on the last day so far. The laundering, user, the laundering. I bet all the staffers are rubbing their fucking hands together, they might just get that next tier, the $50,000 bonus.

patty got banned until 2018

poast moar wonder showzen
or post sum look around you

For what? This is the first I'm hearing of it.

his commentary on the jak and daxter run with bonesaw

I don't have any of either, I'm just posting whatever ditties I come across as I slowly try to name all the serial filename webms.

Fug, I thought only Bonesaw got banned for that.

whole couch iirc

That's the shame, the run was pretty funny especially after the jacket came off.

It was genuinely the best run of that GDQ. Everyone was joking while it was going on that he was going to get permabanned for it for making fun of Owen Wilson.

Hopefully by that time some other speed running event will take it's place and all the banned runners won't have to worry about it.

I wonder if that's why they're so anal about everything. They don't want there to be even a tiny irregularity that might eventually result in a full on RICO investigation.

I don't want to deal with advertising and getting the stream going for Rondo Duo, unless there are at least 5 people here that want to tune in.

It sucks having to make threads on halfchan and fake-bumping and making new threads constantly.


Can this thread be fixed?

Are you saying my opinion belongs in the trash? Nice.

I'm pretty sure not all of those donations are real. They inflate it artificially to push real donators into horse races for those 'incentives'.

This was never part of the deal!




Isn't that a porn game? I'd be down to watch. Got nothing else to do.


staying awake during any of the WW dungeons is tough.

fug, meant for


I don't know why they thought a 4 hour run was a good idea. The best off-hours runs are the ones that are of more obscure games that can be done in half an hour to an hour. Not fucking four hours of zelda or final fantasy or pokemon.

Just play vidya and keep the run in the background. At least it's not the poyo bitch,

yeah okay
you have to fap on camera though

aparrently linkus7 said something that triggered more furry sjws on twitter and they're trying to get him banned now

What was it?

No I don't even use a mic.
I just stream games and movies/TV.

Same reason they thought any of these other runs were a good idea. Why a 1 hour Dark Souls 3 run where the runner doesn't even play Dark Souls 3 would be good. They're not really speedrunning anymore, they're just doing an exhibition now, the event name should be changed. It was bad enough when they used to do Trials games at every GDQ, now it's every fuckface and faggot who wants to do a retsu prei.

I have no clue actually, none of the trannys will quote exactly what he said and they're all angry at him in some roundabout way. They're just screaming MUH MISGENDERING

That's got to be breaking some kind of law.

Not if you don't get caught.

It's another witch hunt started by some goon to get rid of someone they think is prettier or more skilled than them.

I wouldn't mind so much if the runners were interesting. Most of these guys are boring. The only runs to really stick with me as especially good this year, at least out of the ones I saw, are Blood Money and GTA:VC. Blood Money was pretty funny, and VC was pretty interesting. I like when you get a good runner who can explai nthe mechanics being abused.

Trannies are unstable at best, wouldn't surprise me if it was something one imagined and the others started parroting in a big twitter circlejerk.

I'm gonna post on a burner twitter at twitch and at AGDQ, see if it can spread.

He mentioned a previous zelda runner named cosmo and kept referring to him as him.

stop hating homosexuals and trannies


Thats it?

So they just don't understand the concept of time or state transitions.

Totally not money laundering :^)


Don't worry about it.

okay well fap in your heart and stream it


One second of searching and I found that one that went a good week screaming about how Samus is a tranny.

Marginalized people...oh except this guy

He's a white male, he isn't marginalized at all.


He identifies as not retarded so it's oaky

Looking through Twitter, apparently he named the bucktoothed Jew and called it a he. I didn't hear it, but I'm also not paying attention.

Only if they stop hating me.

I think some anons in the thread made the joke that he was banned when it happened?


You just assumed that they were male as well.



Gender how you use it is a made up concept by a pedophiliac doctor who had children hump each other

Please hold your autism until 11:48


Nah, I'm going to stay here, Twitter is not for normal human beings.

I'm really looking forward to the Undertale run because I've never played the game or even watched a let's play and so if I watch it now I'll never have too.


It's incredibly overrated.

Here, version with transparent layer for meme needs

thanks user

your choice, more goat for everyone else

are they really 1h behind schedule?

your clock is wrong, user

you stop that

There's an alt ending if you kill everything they're not showing as far as I am aware, but I'm sure there's uncommentated playthroughs out there if you need context for the edgy part of the fandom.

The only goat I'm interested in plays Baaattletoads.

Sorry, cleaned up the outlines and put transparency between the letter spaces


He has a white aura shit meme kill yourself



How popular is this?

Why do I think this artist is going to shit on people's hearts when this comic is done?

I'm not sure why this was the first thing I thought to do with that.


If by popular you mean "laden with negative attention", very. Same with the other ones.

how much time until it then

Why the fuck do dudes have sexier bodies than most women?


probably 10 minutes after the end of this run
perhaps 50-60 minutes

Probably because you're gay.

Just you wait user, tons of people now don't demand you respect their privacy, but demand you endorse whatever they're into, no matter what the fuck it is

Kinks should be in the closet, nobody wants to see that shit

Because he put an obscene amount of effort into looking like an attractive woman from the neck down, while most women focus their effort in making their faces look better. Seriously, most women don't even know how to get a nice ass, and think their sad floppy pancake butt is "great".

I hope so.



"HD porn was a mistake" - Miyazaki

And then the women don't even know what makes a pretty face or cover themselves with makeup and end up looking like ronald mcdonald. Now that i think about it, there are many more decent looking /fit/ dudes than women who care about appearence.

So anyone can be sexy if they try hard enough?


Most people can be what they want if they put in enough work. Most people don't want to put in enough work.

I'm not even talking about pornstars. I'm talking about the average woman. Something like this. There's no effort here.

That too. a lot of women use too much and come out looking like clown hookers.

I think most people could get a good figure if they put the effort in, and go for a figure that works for them. Knowing what kind of figure to go for would be a bit of an issue.

Some of the trannies in porn have nice bodies.

As someone who has been to the depths of fetish hell I can tell you even in the blackest of abysses people will still complain about the proportions if they're not right.

how do i know what figure to go for

Dude, I'm a fat fuck, but I have enough self awareness not to walk around in a a fucking speedo

Amy's just an attention whore who believes she is "beautiful" when she's sub average, but SJW movement and about 50 billion dicks has clouded her mind

Shit proportions are shit proportions and should be rightly called out.

Now that's a potatoface

Fuck off, faggot. This is a no tranny zone.

Because they worked and paid for them.

No traps zone too?

Realistically, how many penises have existed throughout history?

She's also closer to the "average woman" physically than a pornstar is. The point is that traps can be hotter than a woman because the trap probably put a lot of effort into himself to be more than just another obvious tranny, while the average woman puts very little effort into her actual body.

How broad your shoulders are, how tall you are, etc. I'm short with narrow shoulders, so I would look stupid if I tried to get huge and look like a lumberjack.

He didn't say they were all human dicks.

It's the same thing faggot. Get the fuck out of here.

I'm a dude that looks like a dude and wants to look like a hotter dude. Even dudes have a figure to worry about.

So it's mostly about finding what is the most attractive thing you do with your traits (or modifying them in the case of some surgeries, make-up and exercise). Even if what your best looks like is being a cute tranny like J?

Do these criteria include being the little girl if you're a manlet?

Just like Sarina Valentina who got that illegal surgery in brazil which fucked up his body forever.

Neither did I, nerd.

Depends on whether or not we count non-human benises.

I can't tell if I'm angry or after a week of AGDQ has just made me extremely angry getting so much "Diversity" shoved in my face

Like look at the current speed run, look how fucking close the camera is to the runner, everything except the last two days has been these pan shots showing the audience

And now the last two days the camera is hyper close, I think they're becoming aware of all the hate this is getting

I think the problem here was trusting Brazilians to do the surgery though.

I'm sure a short guy can look decent with the right build, without going full girl.

Traps are guys wanting to look like girls while staying guys. Trannies are guys wanting to be girls while looking like guys.

you're in the wrong place

Or they just got bitched at because people were screwing around in the background.

They sold their souls, maybe they're just paying up.

You know your case is so fucking flimsy when even the SJW's refuse to believe you're the opposite sex

You're splitting hairs trying to justify why you're "better" then the other autists. If you want to dress up like a girl and get fucked in the ass, you're a tranny, and need to get out of society as fast as possible. Preferably with a noose.

is he that much of a whore for donations?

Stop making the couch do shit, they aren't your fucking monkeys and they're too polite to be the one who wouldn't dance for the fucking cancer charity.

Stop being assholes.

So I've been unable to keep up with autistic games done quick current year, has any awesome drama happened since day one?


It's kind of sad… They always do it no matter how cringy. One time they got the entire audience to say "it's a me! Mario!" 3 times in a row and even the runner said how cringy it is. No one wants to do it but it's probably in their contract or something that they have to.

"Come on, it's for charity! It's fun!"

Go fuck yourselves.

faggots can still get married and they get cucked all the time

I'm a degenerate fuck also user, but keep your kinks in the closet


Wind Waker's still going, huh?



Holy shit that was cringy

What happen?

The guy is wearing gamer gloves, what did you expect?

He said that's for his carpel tunnel pain.

The glove is for carpal tunnel, it would be better if he didn't run but he'll just blame someone else later once his hand becomes fucked up.


Who's john lennon on the couch?

please note how little effort was put into PCFs advertisements

it's not slippery slope, its false equivalency

This looks awful

It's published by tinybuild, of course it's shit

who the fuck cares, he isn't even running yet

That guy showed up again with his husband.

What's the big box PS4 jap gem in front of the guy speakin?

Well that's it for me lads. I've seen SUper Metroid a million fucking times and I'm not about to watch tumblrtale. See you in about 6 months.

Let's hope for a Nier Automata run.

Always remember.

We complain about hive minds and echo chambers when we are equally fallible. Don't let anyone here tell you what is good or bad.

TGH is a nice guy and once he settles in his run is probably going to be fun.

you only come on Holla Forums for agdq?

The game isn't that bad, but the whole following it gathered is cancerous as fuck and it is this cancerous part that will be shown here. Make no mistake, tumblrtale is ran simply to harvest the easy shekels of tumblr kids.

nah, it's Holla Forums shilling. Just read this thread

"Undertale is a speed game."

I want to yell at him.
I want to yell at him for a good hour.

it's just a saying you git, i won't know if i see any of you in another thread

I think most people were just tired of the constant generals that devolved into waifuposting, furry porn, and genesis. It's a damn shame that nothing ever came out of the whole Gaster shit.

they've gotten too big

It is though, there is no hard more, and being a pacifist was easy mode. You can't even kill everything in genocide mode. Pacifist should have been where in the late game getting hit would lead to getting killed or having one health left. The attacking is boring and should have been where you try to hit a quick moving target, and the defending is easy. At most it's a mediocre game that got hyped up due to a demo that promised more.

I can't really comment on whether it's a bad game in general or not since I haven't played it but from what I've heard and researched I'm comfortable in saying it is a bad JRPG(esque) game. If you treat it ans more of a highly interactive VN then you could probably consider it a pretty good one.

Are they bringing bonus stream back?

Cause Wind Waker is a boring game to watch, and the faggot who skipped over 99% of Dark Souls 3 was unfun as well


bubbles is based, souls games are just dogshit speedgames


there were a few comments about other things too. guess what you're shilling?

holy fucking shit he can't possibly be that stupid

jesus, this prize shill is unbearable. please let this be the last time we see him


Just take away their seats, they'll have to go lay down after 3 minutes

I love that they make the interviewees just sit there, being awkward


Hasn't she suffered enough.

surprised they let someone with a name like that in


I didn't watch a single thing this year. How autistic was it? Did they do the fact donations thing again like last time when they were falling behind?

That doesn't change the fact that there is a base problem the post I was responding to here >>11719145 implied being a tranny is equal to believing yourself a mormon or muslim. My case was never to pander to transsexuals and give them access to sex change bullshit that it is in fact a real illness that physically aflicts the brain no matter how much Holla Forums doesn't want it to.

hard to tell who he was shilling

Right lads, time for the best part of the week. They can't fuck up this part.

There were more trannies per capita than most US states.

no, they were smart this time and started with the fake donations on day one


jesus shut this fat fuck up

you stop that

Kill me now.

here's the highlight

This is literally the only good run in this crap, is it?

You're right, they can't all fail in the final moments and rely on the guy using VC to win two years in a row.

HAH in a game where you always have to manually save? yes you can

Got any pics of the baby-faced guy?

Mega Man X race was good, so was Lost Levels 2 players 1 controller.


no. this race is usually fairly boring. it gets interesting near the end and on the harder bosses

why is it so quiet and awkward. this was usually the run where they put the most effort into the commentary, but this is fucking garbage

No fun allowed.

no user, sorry


But that's what was so exciting about the ending last year

I'm not saying it's bad. I'm just saying that the run can go south

why are they using Ivan's audio, he's in last…?

Pretty sure they just change it at random.






well that's dumb, every other race its leader's audio

They try to change it to the one that is in first place, most of the time.

Hypocritical fuckwits in positions of power are hypocritical fuckwits, what else is new? Klaige should ban himself


it was some research on those freaky flash games for girls (extract tumors from pregnant disney princesses and such) way back when


Odd I don't remember it always being the leader in the other runs of course I haven't being much attention either as almost all runs have been pretty boring, with the OoT run at least triggering trannies being funny.

well shit, that defeats the purpose of a split screen race

This thing is too reddit for me.

they aren't really gonna make it to $2 million, r-right?

Fuck off cunt.

With more "anonymous" donations, they can.

Yes they are. Yes they'll donate the money themselves anonymously.


video games


I'm going to bang your sister


I'll try sempai I swear

This is video games you double nigger. Tell Mark he needs to kill himself.



You betta berive that's a bannu!

Standby for Goatfall

What the fuck?

Jokes on you that's OC I posted a few days ago

who is phantoon gonna kill this year


Drumf is a bad man and nobody should have voted for him.

Pipe down, nerd. Where the fuck were you the rest of the week, when these threads were decidedly less video games than now, during the goddamn Super Metroid race?


Ivan is pathetic

I want an Axiom Verge-tier choke.

I dunno, personally haven't read this thread all week until now because I've been working a lot.

Okay let's talk about my favorite videogame: Yoshi's Island.


is it just me or do behemoth's forearms look freakishly long

I understand being busy but seriously?


Why do you want to hurt me user? Yoshi's Island is a good game.


I only have time to sleep in between my shifts.

I don't even know where to start with these faggots.




the porn dumps were deleted though

Yeah but no one personally posted in the thread to get back on topic. Mark encouraged us to post femanons tits again for god's sake.

you mean these?


Yes those


Were the femanon tits good, at least?

Oh, well, nevermind then.

what the fuck is going on with the audience?

they were led astray from god's light

They want blood, man.
I can only imagine how uncharacteristically loud they'll be for next run.

I'm just hearing the audio and I can't tell what wave of autism has enveloped them. I assume we just reached critical mass of anonymous donation posting.


They know their suicide pact is coming up soon.


It's a large crowd of similarly minded autists making their own fun, since what a lot of them paid to be there for isn't. Expect the cameras to cut out and 3/4 of them to be "missing" between this run and tumblrtale.

To borrow a term, let's hope for riot.

Is it weird that I have every home console that Nintendo made and have been playing since the 80s but I've never played a Metroid game?

Why do these autists like Waluigi so much?


yes. play super metroid.

I've never played a Pokemon game either.

gen 1 remakes are worth playing. if you like that, gen 2 remake and original gen 3 are good too. the rest is shit


i never doubted him

pokemons are mainly portable games. if you have only home consoles, you didn't get the full thing
there are good metroid games in other consoles, thought. precisely super metroid and the metroid prime games (assuming you like FPSs

Skip Echoes. It's shit.




holy fuck

Has this happened before?




The schadenfreude fuels me

Who was that guy?

I like him

uh oh

What did this guy actually say, I didnt catch it


Banned forever for doing god's work.


something like "you guys aren't funny. if you want to help remove cancer please stand in front of the shuttle out in front of the hotel"

The autism cannot be contained anymore.

What happened? I missed it!

Or something like that.

kek, and then the announcer said "please don't do that". definitely banned

What did I just miss?

how do i always miss the only interesting parts

"prevent cancer" but yeah basically that.


Was this in response to something? I wasn't paying attention.


Shame he's going to get banned.

He's 100% right.

These normalfags need to be killed off.

Audience getting rowdy again.

holy fuck, that's great.

that guy goes to image boards

Without normalfags there is no agdq and no free shekels.

that guy just single handedly cockblocked this marathon from getting $2 million

based god


People singing the "item collected" jingle imitating waluigi


People had been waa-ing for a while. Someone waa-d a lot louder than usual.

pretty sure it's CFB from /srg/


who actually aid that, thought?

That was the WAA that broke the yoshi's back.

The guy in the beanie on the far left.

I'm surprised they took it so well. He's probably banned as fuck after Super Metroid is over.



honestly, with the first runner getting banned within the first 30 minutes of the marathon, to topnep, to this, I seriously wonder if this is the best worst gdq so far

The WAH rises

they're taunting him.

The first runner as in iongravirei? What happened?

What happened?


It wasn't the runner but two guys on his couch.

This guy, he borrowed the headset from the long haired fag

He's jewish

can someone share the highlights? i wanna know all of the relevant stuff


Beanie guy just left. He is about to have a fatal weightlifting accident.



oh shit i looked away and now he's gone. was he escorted out?


rip cfb


why do you think everybody's F'ing?

I didn't see it.

this is good

don't worry, you won't see him…ever again

only he could contain their autism


They replaced him with some asian guy in a tan shirt.

Jesus Christ the room is so quiet right now. It's so tense and awkward on stream lmao. If only kysbro did this right in the middle of undertail, it would've painted the mood of the entire event.

Anyone got a clip of the guy being shoah'd

ok dad



Queue people being absolute faggots and staff doing nothing.

i think the storytelling has merit but you won't see it of course in a speedrun. It's just pointless

Sorry, I don-t have any pictures of that fish.
Yes, FISH!

It's more the random for the sake of random bullshit. I've never played through Final Fantasy IV or Earthbound either, but I can enjoy both of those speedruns.


Ah yes I understand this perfectly

It's a great game. It really, really is. But it's not great when you skip all the text. It's not great when you talk over the great soundtrack. It's not great when you smash buttons to fuck up the pacing, which is a tremendously underrated feature in vidya. It's not great when you flood it with cringeworthy memes. Undertale is great. This is not great.


Making this stuff, though I need to make them much better. (Not the story or the drawings just putting it into a nice way to view).


Dude, what the fuck!?

sick manipulation of spears

Seriously what the fuck? It's not even for the shock value i'm curious.
You're masturbating to girl brushing anothers teeth?

2 pt vodka
3 pt cranberry juice
lime to taste
(it's a poor man's cosmopolitan)

seeing the cursor is like seeing a boom mic in a film

Why wouldn't I nigga?

Bondage and mouth hygiene. What's not to love?

I don't actually have any dummy pics.

you what

that site produces some nice BDSM vids
can get silly at times, but imagine the feeling of getting your teeth brushed…


Then post more fish.


Yeah, only the damage from the first part matters.

Greatest ally


here it comes

we're talking about the lizard, right?

Shes just brushing the other's teeth, its not even porn save for that one flash of the her nipples.

Yeah but why?


here we go

He didn't water Undyne?
Pretty sure he needed to do that to befriend Undyne for true pacifist.


I went into this thinking to myself "hey, maybe I can pick up some tricks to speed up my own runs" but my brain is fucking broken with these skips

Is there even much to speedrun in this game?

You really gotta think outside the box man.


They left before that trigger came up.

skips the game



I wish.

hold on a sec let me just fidget into the fucking sky

This actually got a little bit bearable with the glitches.



yep, hope there's more of this



oh good the menu's back


hearing that announcer… GDQ on its way towards a cult…

Makes sense, this is a memerun



stop posting porn of waifu thanks

Her pussy must be extra fishy

I'd say salty

*carlos intensifies*



Is it even possible to have this shit of taste? I don't know if it is. Am I being fiddled?

it hurts

I would be madder about that awful trombone pun, but it's pretty much the same caliber as the actual puns in the game so whatever



can someone repost the webm of the dude telling runners to selfkill via tram? Thanks

There is only one thing that's keeping me going now. Well, that and memes.




I hear some people die in this fight. I never even knew that was possible.

You underestimate the incompetence of the average video game player, user.


Fucking hell, was this game written by a 12 year old or just for them?

Durr hurr, evil flower.

I have completely forgot just how much of a ripoff of Giygas this was

time to die

that shilling for the "donation incentive"…

Why'd he say that? People in the audience being really obnoxious?

ebin menes

They kept shouting WAAluigi shit during the Super Metroid run

Yeah, they kept "WAHH"ing really loud.


I think the writing and pacing is really good, but it isn't a speedrunning candidate


Jesus fuck why

I'm also saying ow
for a completely different reason

That's pretty good.

I expected nothing less from this crowd.

oh yeah most of the fight is scripted. ayy lmao



people began "singing" every single upgrade melody in the waluigi voice, because someone told them they were sounding almost like waluigi

was a very virulent meme and very annoying, glad the guy stepped in

I liked it better when the whole calling for help was original. And with a boss enemy that wasn't fucking retarded conceptually.


That's not Toby, stupid

oh yeah, touch me in that special way


he sounded gay, what was I supposed to think?


"Why is my voice playback on?"

MAGA Fish.



this image alone would inspire thoughts of suicide within the managers of this event

GDQ going religion…

its maga but its porn of waifu, I don't know if I can save this


Wow! I'm curing cancer! Wow! This is crazy!


Welcome to the world of SJW.

Reminder that this is what Undertale does to people.


WHo the fuck is the general?


ha ha


Any more news on the shuttle bus guy? Banned confirmation or anything?

Just save it.

Uh oh. Stick to 2D.


Banned, vanned, and probably black bagged by now.

committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head twice



Does anyone have the gif of the fat guy throwing the touhou plushy from on of the previous GDQs?

hopefully just has no twitter, which would fit in character of speaking up to bullshit…


He committed suicide by chainsawing himself in half >^>

He has a twitter, some user here will have it.

time for GOAT



here we go

I thought it was by bonesawing.


Consequences will never be the same.



Reminder that the whole goat family has "murr" in their names.




wait what the fuck 2 million

People in this thread and on are unironically defending Undertale.
This site is dead.

Fanbase is cancer, game is fun :)

I'm sorry you're easily triggered.

Defending Undertale? What? I'm just posting fish. That's all.


haha why do you hate fun user :^(


Nah it's a sign that some people aren't completely brainwashed by the mob mentality.

Game is shitty indie garbage pretending to be deep. It's literally Mother with garbage indie sparkles on top.


… So… Can you not even die in this steaming pile?



Nice digits, lad.



It gets a little tryhard in certain areas (mostly in certain endings) but overall it's a fun lighthearted RPG. The characters do have a certain charm not found in most games.
I like the Mother series, so not sure where you're going there.

It's not a bad or good game, it's okay

same to you fam

More Fish.





Were you even here when the game launched

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door

They're both garbage, except Hotline Miami is garbage with an incomprehensible story and was made by a bigger fag than Undertale was. Furry no, huge fag, yeah.

Anyone want to post Austin's twitter where he disavowed Trump supporters from playing his game?



>not knowing austin sperged out about muh ebul trump winning and being an overall cuck back in november while tony banks voted for brexit

Yeah, but he's a fag that can make a good video game.




No one cares. I liked the game, hate the fanbase.


Oh yeah? What good video game has he made?

TGH is a nice guy and I'm glad his run was fun.

pure coincidence

fuck you

Worst. GDQ. Ever.

Reminder that Austin now suffers from white guilt thanks to the Tumblr fanbase of the game. I still love Lisa, even if it was just a Hokuto no Ken JRPG.

Hotline Miami 1 and 2.



infinity moe is fucking terrible

i would fug that goat

Ahh fuck you genesis.

Don't come back.

no, user.

worst GDQ YET

It was worse then the original but still solid. While his new game Mother Russia Bleeds isn't as didn't have the hype of Hotline Miami, it is still great.

GG no re


most people said the game is so-so, hardly defending

Best. GDQ. Ever

Pretty much.


he literally said he didnt actually have cancer
he literally just said "the doctors found something that could have been cancer but it wasnt lol"

see ya faggot

Oh fuck, you're right…

maybe you and i should settle it right here on the ring if you think you're so tough

He would've gotten cancer if he went. Best to stay away.

So does this AGDQ have any cringe videos yet?

Austin is the Peter Gaybriel of vidya

this is pretty high up there.

The entire finale run has to qualify.

it couldn't possibly get any more reddit, safe, and inclusive than this


i'll see you hang before i give you my kike-backed fiat currency, you fucking race traitor

i dont know dude

Yeah, no problem buddy!


good thing I pirated it

does edobean realize how embarrassing she is

oh no I missed the goat
oh well

No you weren't; go virtue signal on Holla Forums you fucking cuck.

Nice credits dodge

That's hilarious.

Everyone she talks to says she's so brave and cute and they would defend her honour. So no, of course she fucking doesn't you goddamn retard, she's surrounded by retards.

Have some fish instead.

virtue signal on my dick you absolute faggot


Let's see if he no-hits this time.


That's really disappointing.
Wow, what a retard. I'm surprised people younger than 50 are still spouting dumb, normalfag drivel like this.

time for fat skele bullying

I literally cannot get an erection from any form of undertale artwork, porn or no.


take off that, uhh, flower outfit

this looks like skill

So what's the total banned/blacklisted count from this year?

is this nigger actually gonna no hit

Yeah, smart ass.



So close ;_;


He usually gets that last bit perfect every time even when he gets hit beforehand. What a shame, but still pretty fun.

have they found cfb's lifeless corpse yet?


The donation incentive was to leave him sleeping.

gay theory sans is phil collins

it's over

T-that would be m-mean save the animals cancer is bad..



Suggested by TGH, I guess he just didn't want to do it.

I love the Phil Collins shitposting.

People are retarded that way. They even cut off the timer before the final decision. Fucking pushovers.

What he should've done was show what you're supposed to do and just finish it.

it's finally ogre

gay theory asgore is also phil collins but he's mid 90's phil because both of them got their shit deservedly JUST fucked up

Welp, I'm out. This was the worst one yet and it's only gonna get worse. Shitposting with you fuckers was more interesting, but I'm gonna go back to watching cartoons now.

Literally ending the event by letting the final boss fall asleep and not killing him

It's like poetry, it rhymes

It was ogre when Super Metroid ended you idiots

what cartoons, user

What a garbage event. Maybe we could sabotage the next years one.

i'll show you who's boss of this gym

That sure as hell was a thing…

edobean looks like a little goblin

Stop with the cartoons, get /fit/


99% guys
1% girls

Bitch got a sideways mouth, too.

Shoutouts to the tech crew.


shout outs to the tech crew


They couldn't even finish their recap video. Shout outs to the tech crew



2 times




They cut off there own shit they cant even take it anymore

2 million dollars went to this.

This entire event was shit except for Bigjon and I it was pretty disappointing to learn that Holla Forums enjoys that piece of shit mother rip off called undertale.


Shoutouts to the tech crew!

Alright, you have a vector of it don't you?


I'm crying
there are tears running down my face
this is amazing

The tech crew could slip in some fish porn.

Nice one, you genesis posters aren't all that bad.


2017 has been an alright current year so far, during the switch presentation i laughed so much i cried for the first time in my life.


I've been lifting weights the entirety of this event, I don't think I can lift anymore.



It's been an honor shitposting with you all, see you in July

Was the announcement just the date for SGDQ or something?


Toppest of Kek.

mother ripped off undermeme since undermeme is based on the 1976 album a trick of the tail you fucking pleb

The announcement was someone saying "Oh my god, oh my g-" to the boss theme of Mega Man 6.

See you all when NASA or SGDQ comes around.

That couldn't have ended better.

D-deepest lore?

But if game is fun and fanbase is cancer, what does that mean that the fanbase is in Holla Forums saying the game is fun?



Star Wars: The Clone Wars

It's too fucking hot to get /fit/ here.

Sam Hyde confirmed!


You know. I bet they didn't even give away the big PS4 bundle. They just kept it for themselves.

I wish I had saved the threads of Undertale the first whole month or two

Actually, you're right. They didn't even announce the winners of shit publically last times did they?

Oh good, it's finally over.

Fucking incredible, I couldn't have asked for a better ending to that shitshow. Thanks for shitposting with me lads, see you faggots in seven months.

They mustve hired the crew chris roberts used for their christmas celebration.

same, anons
this was one of the better gdq threads, and gdq can only get worse from here
honestly, I'm not sure I'll be here for sgdq. it's starting to get really, really bad now.

The real catch though is now that GDQ is done what the fuck am i meant to do? All videogames are shit nowadays, and the good ones i played to death. My NEET days might soon be over and i'll have to make a noose out of bedsheets.

Those were pretty nice. It was a little odd knowing exactly what would happen once it got more popularity.
Mostly because it was the perfect projection material. Tumblr-magnet themes were laid on too heavy to be explained away by some kind of Mother-esque childlike whimsy and weirdness. If it went a little more down that route, it'd have been a lot more pleasant.


bully the nerds at tbh

They should've done a raid like last time just to set everyone free.

Go watch a fun run of a game for once.

They usually do. But the QUALITY tech crew, who work hard and deserve the wage they are paid, fucked up hard.

actually a reason why I like undertale is because although the fish and pos lizard are dykes, it doesnt make that their sole characteristic. now, the knights… that is their whole thing but its a one-off joke to be honest

Video? This is just the cherry on the shit cake.

May as well have been watching previous GDQs instead of the current one.



fish is mediocre, convert to the superior goatmom or else

Well, maybe we'll see someone packing a flamethrower to the next event, then.

Nah, Phil.

get out of here

forget the noose and go stand in front of the hourly shuttle outside the hotel

You're going to get mercury poisoning with all that fish you faggot. You know what happens then? Do you? Insanity, greying hair, hair loss, weight gain, and early age wrinkles! Never go full fish!

So it's over?
I completely skipped this AGDQ. Other than the MAGA hat drama and the seat sniffer, did I miss anything? Any fun runs, or cringe moments?

So, your highlights? I only actually tried to watch most of the races and Undertale but also enjoyed some of the others I happened to catch like Descent 2 and the Contra block.

you missed the thread. the threads for these events are practically the only reason I watch them


asriel should have been a girl tbh

The Sega Bass Fishing run was moderately amusing. Other than that it was shit.

Nice catch

Turok run was fun too.

The madman!

Well, alright.

You know you love it, birdboy. Search your feeling, you know it to be true.


Why does she look fat and /fit/ at the same time?

Because she's actually working her core and not trying to be a "bodybuilder"?

I'll buy one of those Gatebox things if I can mod it to be Undyne instead of an anime.

That's called thick, user.

The only thing one should build up is speed.

If you have sufficient muscle in the abdominal area it causes your abs to start to "pop" out kind of look, and it can make you look fat. It's why the biggest body builders can look like they're fatasses until they take their shirts off and you realize they've got visible abs.

How big?

will waifus be real by 2040

Muscle mass and fat mass are not mutually exclusive user.

Just mode Honeyselect for now. Need to figure out how to add fish fins to her ears. Also, lacking lungs.

Maybe. . .


Yeah, I know. My fuck up. Have more fish to compensate.

undyne living with me or nothing else

It's gross. If you want to fuck something with big muscles, just fuck a man.

There will never be runs like this again


you're all a bunch of plebs


Says the furry.




Do you think she has a cloaca? I'd love to fuck her if she did.

Are you faggots really going to shitpost Undyne until this thread crashes with no survivors?

Okay then, what's your suggestion homo?

Baneposting is pretty neutral and always a treat. Including those funny Bane porn parodies that no one posts anymore. Then there's highlights of the best moments all compiled into one.

Fish have scales, user

looking forward to NASA

Yes, the fire rises.

nothing matters anymore

she could technically have nothing because "magic", but hey, magic makes anything possible


reminder that phil had a cameo in the plane scene

Reminder to every undyne fag poster, you're using a muscular woman whos barely feminine anymore to get as close to being fucked by a man while being "straight". You'll accept the cock eventually though

You will eventually. You'll want to know what it feels like what it tastes like

Monsters, serpants and fish are within the furry genre.


Wew. Literally in a cuteboy pose too no less.

thats why all of the plebs have to listen to the word of phil "god" collins instead
and if you disagree you're getting gassed along with fishfags when the day of the phil comes

Fish don't have tits, the only reason she has tits at all is because furry fetishes.

I evened out a while ago, sorry narnia


This is actually a pretty classic European mythological archetype and they usually calm down and become subservient and preggo after the hero beats them in a fight and then fucks them.

They're usually a spear-user, too, like Scathach or a Valkyrie.


Did somebody say chocolate?


Welcome to names in celtic myths. Cu's spear's name is pronounced "gay bulge."

Oh, that was a spear? I only know it from The Last Remnant, that stupid gun.

what the fuck theres another one?



That shouldnt be greentexted. And im just doing a public service informing you you're in the closet and there is in fact a knob on the inside for you to use to get out.

Those same myths that also had thor dress up in a dress and get fucked in his ass? And loki getting turned into a horse and fucked in his ass too?

Only a matter of time tbh fam.

Chocolate you say? Show me

if undynes voice is anything but I'll be disappointed

I was going to to type something completely different but I erased it and forgot the angle bracket there.

That's nordic, not celtic.
also you're forgetting the time loki stapled his ballsack to a goat at a party to cheer up a woman whose father he killed

a suitable end

What kind of banging are we talking about here?

Well shit. There goes the week.

dont make me do it faggot

Far too much effort done on your part fam, I dont warrant that much effort.

I was trying to keep a fucked in the ass motif, especially with shadman mentioned.

did I like, trigger you or something
anyways, I'm outta here. smell you nerds later, at next gdq

>he doesn't know about the 2000 dollars worth of chocolate ice cream

you watched this event for a week and yet you have nothing to say?

i literally didn't open the stream once lmao

gas kikes


nice führerdubs

hot off the presses

Okay, Holla Forums, I need someone to explain what the fuck happened
I left like ten hours before the end of the event and couldn't watch it anyway because it was ending at like 4am, and it had just reached 1 million. How the FUCK did they pass the 2 million dollars in ten goddamn hours ?! Did Notch donate it entirely himself or something ?
Also I don't get what's going on in

Shittons of anonymous $1000 donations with no comment.

user donators came out of the woodworks to magically bump it from $1500k to $2000k.

in the webm, a runner doing commentary, cfb, shits on some people in the audience who were making that "WEH" Waluigi noise during a part of the run where the runners had asked for silence. Second clip is him getting removed by the staff.

I can't tell which of the two, the audience or the runner heck, add to that the team, is more retarded

You can't fucking get an entire million in ten fucking hours out of 1k donations. No way is that possible. Did Toby Fox himself donate or something ?
This is nuts

You can when you're a money laundering scheme.

you're going into the gas chambers you french nigger

He did donate, but only around $10k or $12k

1:"anonymous" donations at the last possible second allowing them to reach their goal.
2: Look at the dude in the second row from the camera to your far left, he's talking to the audience cause they did something cringey just before. He's just telling them to kill themselves for being reddit.

does someone have a webm/explanation of the seat sniffin?
i missed it

… well, did that undertale run end up being fun after all, at the very least ?..


ffs, that's even more pathetic that what i imagined

Just in case you believe that user, it's not true. t's a cropped vid. The guy just picked up something that feel under his chair.


It was a glitch riddled mess with an absolute shit ton of wrong warps.
I think the only boss that was fought properly was Asgore, also the game is absurdly easier than what I had thought it was.

Why even call this shit speed runs if you're just going to glitch past 99% of every game?

12 hours ago people were complaining that the runs had no glitches and were basically let's plays.

The game is piss easy except for the last boss of the genocide route. You hear that it's hard because it's mostly played by utter casuals.

What said
Everyone knows not to trust a muslim "french" guy.

I still have no idea where that "he's a muslim" joke comes from


that's because nobody has even tried the correct™ route™

I'm not even circumcised though… aren't muslims and jews always circumcised ?

No one has discovered the fish-ending yet.


Also glitchless speedruns can be enjoyable depending on the game, but most of the time it has to be a middle ground. Runs that just skip past all the gameplay typically aren't fun to watch, that's why some games have restricted any% categories like Pokémon or Zelda ALttP.

The main problem with this event though, is too many of the games were not good speedgames and/or had sucky people running them. The nofun didn't help.

No it's not you gigantic faggot retard. It is pronounced "papy-rus".


I hope everyone had fun with the gdq crew

Even my cynical interest in GDQ has been waning steadily over the years, but this time it took a huge plunge. I guess they've reached the critical mass of fun removal and prevention to make me not interested to see even the autism and cringe the event provides.

The man, the myth, the legend.

Better? is literally reddit
- user

It was full of furshit and chatango was choking.
NASA here he fucking go.

Holy shit

Tax? What's a tax?

Looks like this is the reason that guy got kicked off the couch.

Maybe next time I can get in on the fishposting

Much better



That's a new one I haven't seen from khhoppang. Where did she go? she abandoned tumblr because she got too popular, then abandoned twitter in a month for the same reason

I wouldn't know. I don't get my fish waifu images directly from tumblr.

here are the runs I've seen that I thought were good. this doesn't mean any run not listed here wasn't good. I didn't see about 2/5ths of the runs in a day because they occurred during my sleeping hours, and I also usually don't watch runs for games I don't give a shit about.

Thanks Zoe, now I know which runs I want to watch.

Very meta

Jesus christ, the fucking chili posts were better than this shit

Post-cyclical reminder that the Mighty No. 9 run featured the most endearing autist that will never be welcome at a GDQ again.

Zelda WW runner "deadnamed" Cosmo. he will never come back either

there is nothing wrong with undertale except the fanbase which is irrelevant since its a singleplayer game

were there any highlights besides these?

Guitarfag being a fag, for one. I'd be surprised if the TAS block wasn't a highlight of autism and unfunny shit, but I missed those.

Just watched it a few hours ago, it honestly was very impressive. The shit these guys manage to program is sometimes insane.
They made a "the cake is a lie" joke user
it's 2017 and they made a "the cake is a lie" joke

does that mean she snorts semen? :^)

the fire emblem blazing sword run is very good

Why can I not find the Shadows of the Empire run anywhere on the internet? Did the runner say something triggering?

I wouldn't count on that sucky SotE run showing up soon, it wasn't good. GDQ eventually upload all the runs (with rare exceptions like that Crash Suicide Bandicoot one). The only ones that show up quickly are uploaded by other people because they want to share them.

how about the trials fusion run from last sgdq? they don't seem to have that one. not like I'm missing a quality run, but what happened there?

oh no, the new vegas run. did he bring up his "girlfriend" again?
