At least the main character is a robowaifu and not a boy band, right fellow hormonal virgins?
Nier, Squenix's latest hot turd
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you know it
post the up skirts and the benis
here's your (You).
0/10, Pcondiment detected
I just got done playing the demo on my PS4.
As soon as I got into combat, held the attack button, and watched an inane flippy combo come out I checked out and then proceeded to faceroll through the entire thing watching in extreme disappointment as the game basically played itself, using healing items for me and giving me ludicrously long windows for dodge timing and not a single frametrap preventing me from just mindlessly attacking.
Its just for porn. How hard can it be to understand that?
It's 2017 and the best you can do for fap material is THIS?
Nice thread but there are a lot of shills here that will fellate this game because "muh Platinum" and "muh upskirts"
MGR is better?
People who're enthusiastic for things doesn't make them shills any more than it makes you a cuck for not being excited.
I've never really been into Platinum games, but that's just personal preference.
What I know OBJECTIVELY to be true, is that none of their previous games had single-button autocombos executed by HOLDING ONE BUTTON.
No matter what else this game does right, that shit right there is going to bring it down.
Is this what passes for bait these days? Sad!
lel op confirmed for butthurt neogaf feminazi
Sure thing
You basically described any shooter in existence.
I've heard tell of shooter games that occasionally make you reload or have some sort of ammo or energy cost involved.
roboy pantie thoug
He's over exaggerating. Its not hold for auto combo, there are 2 attack buttons and you hold for charge moves. Its just that holding the light attack with the normal swords does a long chain charge move because its the light attack.
Post yfw the game bombs and gets low scores fellow platinumfags
is it like pulling off launching attacks except instead of delaying you charge? or something more gay
Its basically, press it once for attack you can chain into combos, or charge for (uppercut, fast combo, ect) and the attacks can be charged at any point in the combo. It works pretty well.
How fucking lame, i'll keep playing God Hand.
oh, no more for half second delay, that sounds pretty good. I got worried for no reason at all.
i didn't realize you could hold to attack, doesn't seem as fun
Bu.. but it has asshole.
I'll replay the demo acouple more times tomorrow and test with more weapon combos. I know there are fist weapons, and there might be spears. But from what i played the combat flowed really well.
I am at peace.
So basically you can charge any stage of a combo, correct?.
A fellow fist weapon lover. Nice.
Well fucking gee I was almost ready to drop the game. Turns out OP was just being a faggot as always.
How about the drone-thing's ranged attack? Is it really strong or is it just for getting some chip damage in while dodging the bullet hell (?) boss phases?
The drone ranged attack is about the same as dmc's pistols. It can kill weak enemies but worthless on bigger ones. There is also enemies that cant be hurt by bullets.
Not JUST fist weapons: you can unequip your swords and just use bare fists.
the drone also has alternate fire modes like a grenade launcher and a laser that are activated during combos. OP is a total faggot and has no idea what he's talking about, probably a pc gamer type experiencing sour grapes.
Its coming on pc too.
i forgot about the laser
You guys really love a good fisting huh
sage for shit thread
Isn't for pc as well?
Also in general this video is neat.
at a later time and with no demo available. They'll find any reason to bitch about it, will probably have drm too and then they'll have to wait for a crack to satisfy their autism after not buying the game.
To be fair here, who in their right mind would pay for a Squeenix published game?
If it's a good game, I'll buy the best version for my needs/interests. As far as I can tell, it's just PC releases that have had problems, but this is universal for PC gaming.
Me, if it's a good game.
I'll get it on ps4
its hard to be a laptop pleb
I can't tell if you're for real or if it's some quality console war bait. 10/10 made me check my address bar to make sure I didn't somehow end up on halfchan.
OP if you wanted fresh C91s all you had to do was ask
Is the first one ever getting a port?
Maybe if enough people bug Squeenix about it.
Yoko Taro doesn't seem to see the use of it as he told most people to just watch a YouTube playthrough of NieR if they wanted to follow the plot for Automata
Drakengard? Doubt it.
That's on easy mode you fucking idiot.
Aren't they used to it?
I wonder how long faggots like OP will stick around after the game is launched. It's kinda annoying seeing Nier turned into something mainstream now. This is not how I imagined a sequel to Nier but it was inevitable I suppose. "I will see all that you love destroyed"
please use
It can always get worse. Resonance of fate 2 by Platinum next year?
And sorry about that forgot the link policy.
I can only pity you for having hipster mentality.
I bet you're one of those fags that couldn't shut up about how amazing dark souls is, but then turned upside down when it became popular.
End yourself.
you mean the gameplay is actually good this time around
Contrarians are cancer. Its fine to hate the Souls player base, as most are reddit tier fags but writing off entire games because of them is the kind of retardation you only get on Holla Forums.
Squeenix is just a publisher, you fucking nigger, Nier 2 is platinum game.
Oh wait, didn't you fucking know that MGR was konami game and Transformers was a goddamn activision game? Yet most of your precious Holla Forums bought both of them.
Go kill yourself newfag.
Back to reddit
Hello again, buttblasted PS4 user
Bon voyage base goblin. You won't be missed faggot.
inb4 protocuck
Bayonetta 1 and 2 had an automatic mode.
It's hilarious how shills can be this fucking obvious without anyone calling them out. OP is the first one to make a fucking thread talking about actual gameplay and shills go over time even going so far as to pull console war garbage and few question it in anyway. I hate you faggots.
Yeah man, we should all hate video games. Why risk having a wrong opinion, right?
The only thing good I see about Nier 2 is the protagonist
Wasn't it about her donut? Pink or brown?
For (You) OP.
Brown all the way.
Glazed or wet?
So you played on easy mode, good job faggot.
That shit would be sweet.
Also, I haven't tried the NIER demo yet, is it alright?
Yes, talking about gameplay=/=hate. 0.02 has be deposited in your account.
DMC4 did too, if I remember right, so it's not like even Platinum's the sole offender for that.
Why are you shitposting, op?
People talked about the gameplay.
OP is just being disingenuous and played through the demo on easy mode.
How autistic do you have to be to break the game so hard before it even came out?
The image was a fake
That was an illusion user, it has NO GAEMZ
The gameplay really was nothing special, I went in expecting some serious cuhrayzee given the buzz and I wasn't that impressed with the combat itself. I'm not entirely sure why the whole fucking internet is praising the demo so highly using roughly the same vocabulary every time, it really does make me feel like it's just marketing. All I want are at least some RPG elements, multiple endings and a story anywhere near as good as NieR's was. Definitely not buying day one because there are so many ways I can still be let down.
Mods will fix it!
Has anyone figured out what the extent of the damage 8-4 caused is?
That's less autocombo and more 'I don't have to break my gun button to keep shooting', though it does do a basic combo for you if you mash it out.
Wouldn't even pirate it even if it managed to be decent.
I don't understand.
Graphics don't make a good game. Character design doesn't make a good game. Fanservice doesn't make a good game. I understand the appeal of good art direction but buying a game solely because you want to fuck a robot is fucking stupid. We rip on faggots for buying fucking Dragon Age and Mass Effect to simulate gay sex. How the fuck is this any different?
you are right …
Because this actually has good gameplay, unless you're playing on easymode like OP.
Do I fit in yet guyse
This can't be real
It's a standard halfchan bait thread.
I'm not saying this in how most of you use the term, i mean it as in, this how ACTUAL bait threads are built on halfchan Holla Forums.
These are the threads that get hundreds of replies there, and the entire reason why halfchan Holla Forums went from being just another video game board, to one of the worst boards on the internet.
The fact that half of you aren't saging this thread when replying to it, and the fact that the mods themselves (shitposting enabling goons under the ruling thumb of mr. shitpost enabler himself) didn't bumplock it, means that this board is officially on the same level with halfchan Holla Forums.
Heh. 99% of the attention the game is receiving here is from the fanservice.
Kill yourself my man.
Are you saying devil may cry's gameplay is bad? Or is it that you ran out of what to bash the game with?
Are we being raided?
Got any better games? I'll be waiting.
I haven't played the Nier Automata demo yet, but I've never thought of linearity in these types of games as a bad thing. They don't gain much by being open since the focus is on combat rather than exploration or movement. I didn't mind the increase in linearity in the level design of DMC4 compared to DMC3, for instance, since it just felt like trimming fat that didn't need to be there.
Bayonetta 1 & 2, with a few semi-hidden enemy encounters that you only find if you go slightly off of the main path (e.g. turning left when you're supposed to turn right), are about as open as they ought to be.
mighty blunder 9
Combat involves movement. The best areas of DMC games are those that are open enough to allow you to move around and fight. It's why the bloody palace is more appealing than actually playing through the story. Additionally, there's no reason a hack and slash game can't have some amount of exploration. Fixed cameras and narrow hallways a shit.
You've shown yourself, get out.
And the list goes on and on.
And the winner for most pointless post in the thread goes to
Don't think anyone could condone such degerative behavior, verily.
Auto-attack babymode has been in these action games since the first Devil May Cry, everyone overreacting to Automata having it is underage
Post more Bait-chan
I'm really glad the weebcucks are getting shit games (shittier than they can handle). They deserve shit for being majorly pedos.
you fell for the bait
Epic post.
Not all are pedos, but ALL are weebcucks. Worst than furries.
You've crossed the line. Hand over your 8chon/V/ Gold Pass™
Kill yourself retard.
While op is trolling it is true that platinum games are fucking boring due to enemy designs. These games are just dynasty warriors tier in the way they treat their standard enemies.
It's ok to throw the occasional trash mobs at the player but not when that's the only thing you fight and then suddenly BOSSU BATTERU.