Other urls found in this thread:
gets me every time
the true classic
Is that diarrhea on top of that hot dog?
Nigger that's a fucking pike…
Please explain this shit
Let's just cut right to the chase.
You might want to re-read that more closely
I need someone else to search "pokedex bulbasaur", i can't be the only one getting a bulbasuar dick.
"i can't be the only one getting a bulbasuar dick"
-Anonymous Holla Forums user, 2017
Well, youre not wrong
Yeah, I'm getting it as well.
Looks to be from newgrounds. So either a furfag or some edgy kid made it
That comic is almost 10 years old anons.
I think it's time we stop memeing, it's not healthy to have an autistic fixation on something for so long
It's on it's way to becoming a universal constant at this point. If someone makes a shitty comic, there will be a loss edit.
No, I refuse, we will meme and have an autistic fixation on this decades old comic for another 10 years more.
Then we should stop going to Holla Forums or to imageboards then.
Haha dude i've been playing CTR for over 10 years now, get the fuck outta this board.
l e l ?
And that basically sums up why reddit and the steam community are bad.
no shit
holy shit
It's still up. You could be in it right now.
Now that was an actual funny comic.
Low energy.
Fellah can you read?
"A pike is…."
shit, I need a folder for these
what is this fucking meme, TV is the velocity at which gravity and air resistance equal out to zero, meaning you're not being pulled down and the air isn't pushing you up any faster than the other by a great degree; in fact, you'll survive a fall from terminal velocity if you fall with something, like a chair under you.
I hope to fuck this is a poor attempt at humor.
Holy shit I just realized why he's bald.
The guy in the image, it's because he has cancer because anime is cancer.
Or maybe he got cancer from 3dpd?
Someone out there is so autistic they're drawing memes on a perfectly good foxface thingamagigger.
The right queers.
No, the other guy has 3dpd and he doesn't have cancer, the anime guy got it because he has a waifu and that's cancer too.
There's one way to heal this and that's only possible with /monster/
Shit tier dog tbh fam.
Fucking gooks
What is it with political cartoonists and having to label the things they are referencing? I thought Kelly was supposed to be a satire.
American political cartoonists, mind.
Is that a trap trying to nico nico nii?
Leftist political cartoons suck because they're always strawmen.
This has to be satire, right?
2hu loss
I remember troll science too.
Good times.
Deleted your other thread now.
Anyway, as I was trying to say they forgot the first nurses were just possessed monsters with tumors on their back that represented Alisa's hate towards the nurses as she was living in constant pain as she was burned into a coma.
fucking lel
they even got a concept artist to draw that shit up and everything
If dubs, this becomes a YES thread
Fuck it, bring forth the old memes.
Yeah. "Artist".
Fucking WHAT?
The plot to one of the games is about a guy mourning the death of his wife and another is about a guy looking for his little girl, how do these equal a hatred of women?
Why does this author seem to imply that what Pyramidhead does is relatable?
Why does this author act as if Heather doesn't exist?
The same way they believe Gaston from the Beauty and the Beast is toxic masculinity and a bad expample for kids evenif he is the villain.
This makes me nostalgic.
Wel… That second one could work more or less if water didn't evaporate.
Did they seriously aired this on TV? they didn't see any problem on, basically, calling a witch hunt on other students?
Oh wait there is more.
They seem to think it's a good idea to alienate and act suspicious towards loner type kids even further.
Yes and no.
Last one.
This is the actual problem of america.
Thanks mate.
But that's true.
I agree, maybe not in front of them, but behind back, sure
e g e
Nah, just further gun control and create safe spaces :^)
By actively bullying kids who likes guns?
You're meant to encourage them and give them free money and more rights, such as the ability to vote for women and niggers in the next election.
Well they've got to do more for society than just post on anonymous imageboards.
Gigas does all kinds of fucked up shit, but this is a new kind of low.
More like
Also, since when muslims are bullied? they get in their brown gangs to milk minority points.
this is why god doesn't talk to us anymore.
I don't get it.
I shouldn't be surprised, yet I always am.
This would be nice if the costumes weren't shit. Probably not feasible though.
Makes me wonder if the kemono scene is getting any real traction other than shitty real time Fox Rena porn
I should be upset, but all I can do is laugh at the fact that for a brief moment you can they didn't put nipples on the breasts which makes them look even more slapped on with some tape after the fact.
I wasn't expecting this. I'm confused.
Truly cropped porn pics are my worst enemy
Want me to spoonfeed you? Or will hints do?
Wait, what?
Is it sparrow? And is it really spoonfeeding if you cant reverse image search or see the artist name in the pic?
oh hell, you could probably some massive furry who's spent thousands and thousands of dollars on their fursuit to donate it for a scene or two
some of them are very well made
Both tbh
Nope but you can search for: horse cock, blood elf, and draenei
Because we all know that he really hated his wife and the other guy just wanted to molest her daughter, you shitlord.
Whats the problem Batman, are you afraid ?
A Manbat?
Top kek quality psas, America anons.
They are. Can't they even make their strawmen right?
It's definitely better than pretending they are just as able as everybody else
I wonder if western furfags had anything to do with it.
I'd like to believe there's another explanation but I have noticed a fair few artists interacting with/shilling to their western fanbases these days.
sauce please
Summoner's Code is actually some of the funniest shit I've ever read.
Is this fursuit porn?
Thanks, didnt find it but ive seen all other pics of draenei dicking elfs now.
Warning: it includes a tomboy
Now I feel bad and horny
literally who/what
Thanks. Not really my style of loli but I had to see where that line came from. Have some of my prized tomboys in return.
I really love the artstyle and tomboy, but for fucks sake can the artists draw anything else but anal?
Steam is my favorite video game platform
What's this, 2008 Brazil?
Yeah, I think that's one of the Holla Forums mods.
How do you fuck the rain, winter, the night, of flying?
Its kemono fursuit porn, based on characters from Fox Rena and done in Nipponland, 100% Nippon.
fuck, that game was just Gunstar heroes with no co-op but I'll be fucked if it wasn't fucking awesome.
Care to bet on Black?
You get someone to throw snowballs at you at night and catch them with your dick as they're flying at you.
Disregarding the shit knowledge of the franchise, this could be an actually really good plot for a game. I will steal this into my games idea bank.
It hurts how this person thinks they understand what Silent Hill is about or the depth of being tormented by sins or some fucked up psychological problem. Also, somebody didn't play Silent Hill 3.. or it's just problematic to them so it doesn't count.
They pick and choose what is real to better their narrative.
Only way it could be done right is if the woman brought it on herself from poor life choices. Perhaps she was a hooker and saw the worst in men and got it worked into her head that's the way all men were, not realizing she put herself in the position to be dealing with men who only wanted her for her body. Then maybe her child was the result of a rape from a job gone wrong. You could even take it a step further and have her child in the game actually be an aborted baby she didn't want not realizing how much trauma throwing away her own flesh and blood would be.
Wait a second, are they both called Jenkins?
There are other types? Would be pretty hilarious to find a natural ginger Asian with blue eyes.
Probably not blue eyes, but that's just mutation.
That is albino though, which is why I said ginger and blue eyes
I can't believe I missed that
Someone made a website where you get an image from Wikihow out of context, and have to guess what it comes from.
I can't agree with that statement but I won't deny the service hasn't given me entertainment every so often.
But user, it's ironic! It's funny!
You don't?
but you didn't even explain parallel universes first, how do you expect people to understand?
But before I do that, I need to build up speed for 12 hours, what the hell do you think the nap was for?
Kek, its interesting to say the least
Explain how you can survive a fall at terminal velocity if you have a chair underneath you.
He would be a good saitama if he got /fit/.
Except Saitama is a chink.
Anime characters aren't asian though.
Saitama clearly is, just look at him.
Literally who?
A loli with tits? the best kind
Apparently some speedrunner.
*the trash kind
But anons, what the heck is GIGAS?
his name is not important. what is important that someone is threatening legal action against AGDQ over this.
Less than two hours into this year's event, GDQ banned a guy who was in the vicinity of SYMBOLS OF HATRED (MAGA hats) and only warned the people who wore and brought them. If he doesn't get a full apology he's gonna bring it to court. My guess in the cyclical was "cops called, drugs placed in room while he's in custody."
We get it, you want to be the little grill and hug/fug flat-chested waifus. But can you for once stop trying to bully the people who like tits on their waifus pls?
also this is the organizer who banned him
If you got shit taste, you're going to get bullied and that's it.
I will not abide bovine-based fetishes. Go fix your taste.
Not surprising. The whole even must be full of libs and the cancer of the vidya
Oppailoli must die
Holy shit
This is mainly what I'm talking about here, m8s. You can dislike it if you want, but just don't go searching breads and chasing out everyone who isn't into flat and lolis, alright? We can all enjoy whatever waifus we want, just so long as you don't bully another man's waifu, alright?
it's okay user, i baited the hook with zero effort and they fucking bit instantly. keikaku successful.
No, not alright. Cow udder lovers should be lined up against a wall and shot. DFC is the only way.
People should have the right to love any waifu they wish, no matter what they look like or how much others call said waifu a shit. But this is a discussion prob. best to not have here in a LOL thread.
Maybe, but it's still going to happen.
eggs dee
no you have no right to come here and claim to be made an exception for liking a disgusting kind of waifu that is known to be trash.
Flat is justice.
and tomboys are the only way
I agree user. Also if you like any flavor of icecream other than pure aryan vanilla you will be gassed in the DOTR. Same goes for any anime I watch, brand of car I drive, or clothing I wear.
I have this quote about a videogame that I think I've had for two years now but I can't find the original post so I'm just going to put that down now, it's not hard to guess which game.
I fucking dont like it and there is so much of it. Somehow there are more guys than it seems like there should be. Fat, nimble black men bodyslam through doors, unpack themselves from shelves, shimmy through air ducts, yearning to punch me in the face. My bugeyed fuckup hero cant harm them with a machete but can somehow pick out the only empty shotgun from a pile of gore-soaked shotguns. This is someone's fantasy, but not mine. A thug with severely limited powers of object permanence whips around and performs a sick 180 noscope headshot on me through many panes of glass. The background music has looped four times already.
Cow udders are objectively fine on cows and skeletons. As long as the disbalance is controlled (i.e. not on a loli) you don't have anything to fear.
Finally, someone with a good head on his shoulders. If you watch anything other than slice of life, drive anything that isn't a Volkswagen beetle or wear anything with the logo of a band on it, you are headed straight for the oven. Also, vanilla IS the only flavour that matters, why would you need anything else.
dubs of truth
well i have certainly gotten my LOLs for today
Isnt it supposed to be Reichswagen?
There is nothing purer than cream icecream. Vanilla ice cream is for people who are incapable of handling the true flavor without hiding it.
What? So just frozen milk and sugar?
laugh out loud
Patrician taste, vanilla is best flavour
Everyone laugh at this pleb
what the fuck is the source on the first two, I've wanted to read that shitshow for years but haven't been able to find it
That's exactly what I was talking about. Sad.
Then explain to me what the fuck cream icecream is.
Fuck off buckley
Your miscarriage will be a meme until the end of time
For charity organizations to be legit they can't be politically affiliated. So what I understand from the audio of this video, the banned guys friend said he had the MAGA cap with him and that ended up in the stream and because MAGA is a political slogan, they were banned.
when that sonic character eats icecream
what does truly happen with the one side mirror box?
The sunlight bounces out the same way it came in.
Also, it's mostly thermal energy, so the box would melt instead of exploding.
I got trips so you better answer me.
There's no such thing as "one side mirrors", look it up.
Huh, you're right, the more you know.
but I can't pirate cars.
people reccomend me Kia's because they're cheap but I don't trust things made by gooks
The Germans and Japanese are the best at making cars, a lot of American cars have a load of planned obsolescence. The Italians also make some nice sports and racing cars, but I don't know about their civilian stuff.
What about the british?
wouldn't that just be Rin from 2hu?
I heard Hondas are cheap should I go with those?
I just want something simple that gets me to places and decent mileage.
Don't really know about them either, only British company I see stateside is Land Rover. They seem ok.
I've had a Honda Odyssey last for about 8-10 years. Mileage will spend on the model, the odyssey was a van so it obviously didn't get much.
Japs aren't gooks, Japs are chinks
Get an early 2000s Civic if you're a poorfag and need a reliable beater. Newer Hondas are still reliable but their reliability leans more towards mediocrity than older Hondas. Get a 2000 Civic with VTEC D engine and that shit will last forever. Also gets great mileage, you can find a good one used for 1k or even less if you know where to look
Kia's are pretty shit
This user has his head screwed on right, though it does look like some American car companies are starting to catch on and improve their cars, Chrysler is still shit though, Fiat can't save them
thanks, user
Imagine if you will, you are trekking across the steppes with your caravan, and you hear this haunting chant and in that moment, you know the horde will be upon you shortly. I can imagine few things more chilling.
They should make it into an anime
Name of the artist?
goddammit now i have to reinstall heroes 3 again
You idiots, it's clearly the C-class hero Lavender Photographer showing Saitama the news of Blizzard becoming a pole dancer in order to afford money for her group.
It's obvious this person played (read: watched on youtube) the games, saw SH2 and got triggered hard. The reaction I'm getting can be summed up as:
In short
I wanna fuck both that plush doll and that fairy.
Not sure what I was expecting to be honest.
just because mareholic started getting english updates again doesn't mean that particulate segment isn't shit
This is degeneracy to the next level.
I think it's time to spam Make AGDQ Great Again in the chat.
Fuck me, I know that song and love deep purple, but when I clicked on it and heard the guitar and imagined it echoing through the land as a finnish hoard approached I fucking lost it.
How many can you chose?
as many as your autism allows
Jeez watch it man, my grandfather was just diagnosed with terminal velocity. I came here to get my mind off things but now I remembered that he will smash the pavement in a few seconds.
Just throw him a chair before he hits the ground
As someone whose fetishes include sounding/dicks fucking other dicks, I gotta say this is pretty good in the dialogue department but the art could stand to be less complex. You can tell what's going on but only if you really focus, hentai needs to have a simpler appearance so your lust-addled mind can easily comprehend it.
That's wrong. I like it complex, it makes it more visually interesting.
I'll fucking fight you
I'll cum all over your face if you try to hit me, faggot.
I'm not stupid, I know that causes mustard gas.
Not while I'm giving you a rimjob your not.
Cease this senseless carnage!
Just try to stop me with your dick rubbing against my prostate, bitch.
Whatever it takes
get a room homoboys.
What the fuck are implying? I'll suck your dick and play with your asshole if you call me gay, you fucking degenerate faggot.
Guess there isn't much of a difference between Holla Forums and Holla Forums
Am I the only one who thinks that some of the girls drawn in the wikihow articles are kind of cute
Why I'm even surprised anymore?
This is why you keep shit 2D
wendys might do a solid fast food burger but their fries are fucking ass
I haven't eaten at wendys in forever, so I don't know shit.
How do their burgers stack up against mcdonalds and red robin?
better than mcdonalds, never had red robin. hell i've never even seen a red robin in real life
Loss, before Loss.
wendys burgers (and mcdonalds) are ass, wendys chicken nuggers are pretty great though.
anything is better than Mcdicks
I've heard that there are natural Asian gingers. The rate is less than a percent though.
you jump of the chair, wich decreases your speed or completely stops you, making it so you have to regain all the speed to rereach terminal velocity. If you do it near the floor, you will not have time to reach a deadly velocity and thus, you will not die.
hotline miami
I'm 24…but it always end on 17……what
Genos is best waifu
Anyone has the Hercule comic where she assults some chick punches him and she ask what would Zeus think about it?