Metal Gear Solid 3
Snake Eater Subsistence HD collection
First played through this game during a console classics binge that I missed on PS2/NGC/Wii/PS3 in 2011 I think it was. I thought it was pretty good. Over the years came to think it was shit. Still do think some things are godawful, the movement/item mechanics become comfy though. A lot of my disdain for it is memers and the non-game side of it. I had just accepted it was a non-game at this point. You run around pretending you are a spy, autistically searching every corner for items you don't need and listening to retarded dialogue instead of playing the game.
Saw goobergate autist play some MGS a few weeks ago so that put it in my head again and decided to order a copy of the HD edition for 360 to see how things went. Bought it on impulse at some bizarre hour in search of finding something worth playing because lets face it every game is shit now. 360 version is best I believe for my wants. Better framerate than PS3 and I didn't have a PS3 controller to play it properly while 360 had rebinded controls for lack of digital PS buttons. Also meant I could choose between PS4, 360 and Xbone controller without issues. Watched a little bit of matthewmatosis opinion before I realised he's a fucking idiot, an autistic whinge. Which is a shame because he reviewed Mario properly, that's the way I see games in my mind, but for MGS3 he spent a small portion of the video actually talking about the game….
The game had to be good so I had to make it good. I had only ever played through MGS on standard difficulties. Since I'm not a faggot I went straight in for Extreme. It was frustrating as fuck. Getting seen ruins the game as you sit on your dick for several minutes everytime and the game ended up just being tranqing everyone from a distance and shit. I got to the camp with the russian scientist and just quit. Decided to give it another go the next day. European Extreme, and decided to stick to non-lethal. I was just tranqing everyone in the head but it felt like there was a bit of management. Silencers were finite and I had to choose to take it off for the last enemies of a group or if I was going to make a run for leaving the area. In the end I played all the way to the Fury. Ocelot was overrated as fuck.
Anyway the game was made more interesting in places. Like eliminating the 10 Ocelot clones when you meet Eva. Fuck me that took a few tries to get right with non-lethal. Also noticed the structure of the game seemed weird. You had lots of fodder then suddenly you get 2 boss fights in quick succession. I ignored the froggies cause it was hard to get by without searching for them without really knowing where I was going all the time. The Pain took a few tries, key was getting him with the nades in the face then shooting him after.
It also felt like I was riding on a thin edge in progression, game also is designed well enough to give you what you need if you look hard enough at the right time. Spent a bit of time in the lab area, didn't know if I should've been wearing the disguise at that point but I wasn't either way. Then the Fear and the End in quick succession. The Fear is a piece of shit since you just don't move then hope you can steal his food because he gets it.