Hey goys, AGDQ starts tomorrow, get your shekels ready to "cure cancer".
Hey goys, AGDQ starts tomorrow, get your shekels ready to "cure cancer"
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But they are the cancer
Greetings from Germany!
"donate" shekels to the "prevent cancer foundation" that "prevents" cancer
So what's gonna happen this year? Do you think we'll have another Chibi tier retardation moment? Or do you think we'll get another Bonesaw? Or will nothing interesting happen at all this year?
is there any good runners even gonna be at this one? Everyone notable was banned or isn't going
All I remember was that crash runner that said he was going to kill everyone, that was hilarious
I don't think they uploaded that run on their channel, and DMCA'd anyone who did a video on it. The closest thing I could find to any footage of it was in vid related at 1:43.
How many (((Shes))) we seeing this year?
I don't even know who is left to get banned. I fucking recognize almost none of the runners anymore. I peeked at the schedule over 70% of the runners I don't think I have seen before.
What happened with Chibi? All I heard is that he cheated.
AGDQ only causes cancer.
Turns out he was using steroids
Stop advertising this eceleb shit here.
I watched Bonesaw's speedrun for the first time yesterday. The Owen Wilson and Ben Affleck impersonations fucking slayed me.
Probably nothing interesting. I've been looking through the list and the only run that looks decent is RiskyCB's Valids Story, he's a pretty alright guy. Schedule seems to have a higher number of "why the fuck would you run this game you retard" runs than normal, too. Who the fuck is going to watch FF1 for 4 hours? At most I'll put on a run now and then while I play something at my PC, for background noise. I was thinking of donating for my daughter this year but I'm not so sure.
A few games on the list I want to watch. Hyper Princess Pitch and Bleed are both on the list. Flywrench too. Too bad they're all at shit hours.
greetings from germany
long time watcher first time donor
love the work you're doing
put this towards saving the animals
Four Way Choke?
So, any degenerate trannies or whales speedrunning this year?
They banned all the fun, they're a mockery of their former selves. All AGDQ is good for now is cringe moments.
There will probably be some fat fucks, but as far as I know no trannies.
There are still good runs. NASA and ESA are way better, though.
Friendly reminder that Bonesaw was banned for a year for his amazing run and impressions.
Well, there's always a sperg or two who'll bring some special snowflake fucks who can't shut their mouths while wailing for attention, gotta stock up for food, gonna be a fun time this year, who's gonna be a gigantic faggot who'll make the first Trump joke and someone get triggered, I wonder.
There's one running alongside KevinDDR I think.
At least half the runners will introduce their trans """girlfriends"""".
well start telling who he is etc
You'd think they'd learn.
That makes it no less relevant.
RwhiteGoose, Goldeneye speedrunner, kind of crazy, loves to say inflammatory shit and despite that video he still speedruns.
user that just means that the people have three great choices for sports to watch that day.
This is a social justice globalists scam that exploits autism and normalfags from reddit into giving them money
How many trannies we expecting this year
I'd say at least 2.
Their goyfriends, you mean?
I looked at the schedule and there are probably 5 runs I'd actually watch.
So many games I've never heard of, and with the SJW cancer that has infested it I don't think I'll bother this year.
Why has every Super Metroid race had at least one person getting fucked?
The game has a lot of chokepoints.
35 minutes.
Mods, you might want to cyclical this thread. it's gonna get messy otherwise.
either this one or the other one
I'm just gonna make a new thread with decent info. I'll let the fags themselves post their little circlejerk chat rooms.
oh fug I was gonna masdurbade :DDD
You can still do it
Get in and let's watch it together.